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ESSR Published Ahead-of-Print

Heading: Perspectives for Progress

Accepted: 06/13/2019

Editor: Sandra K. Hunter, PhD, FACSM

Perspectives for Progress - Female Athlete Triad and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport:

A Focus on Scientific Rigor

Nancy I. Williams, Sc.D., FACSM, FNAK1; Kristen J. Koltun, MA1; Nicole C.A. Strock, MS1;

Mary Jane De Souza, Ph.D., FACSM, FNAK1


Women's Health and Exercise Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State


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Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine

Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, Publish Ahead of Print
DOI: 10.1249/JES.0000000000000200

Perspectives for Progress - Female Athlete Triad and Relative Energy

Deficiency in Sport: A Focus on Scientific Rigor

Nancy I. Williams, Sc.D., FACSM, FNAK1; Kristen J. Koltun, MA1; Nicole C.A. Strock, MS1;

Mary Jane De Souza, Ph.D., FACSM, FNAK1

Women's Health and Exercise Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State

Address for Correspondence:

Nancy I. Williams, Sc.D., FACSM, FNAK


Professor and Head

Department of Kinesiology

Co-Director, Women's Health and Exercise Laboratory

The Pennsylvania State University


276 Recreation Building

University Park, PA 16802

Email:; Phone: 814-863-1163

Conflicts of interest; disclosure of funding: none

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

We examine the scientific evidence supporting The Female Athlete Triad and Relative Energy in

Sport (RED-S) syndromes. More research is necessary to advance the understanding of both

syndromes; however, it is premature to consider RED-S as an evidence-based syndrome. Future

research should specifically define RED-S components, determine its clinical relevance, and

establish the causality of relative energy deficiency on RED-S outcomes.

Summary for table of contents

More Triad and RED-S research is needed. The scientific and clinical basis of RED-S needs to

be established.
Key Words: Eating disorders; male athlete triad; menstrual cycle; low energy availability;

osteoporosis; immune; performance

Key Points

 Confusion exists regarding the Female Athlete Triad (Triad) and Relative Energy Deficiency

in Sport (RED-S). Although the syndromes overlap, they differ in the scope of outcomes and

populations targeted.

 Position stands and consensus statements for both syndromes should reflect the highest level

of scientific rigor and quality of evidence possible

 Female Athlete Triad research has defined its components, their inter-relatedness, its clinical

relevance, and the causal role of low energy availability

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
 Future Triad research should develop the male athlete triad model, determine the long-term

health effects of the Triad, and demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of other strategies

to measure energy availability.

 To date, research on RED-S does not support the current conceptual model.

 Future research on RED-S should establish its clinical relevance, clearly define the

components RED-S, and test whether relative energy deficiency is causally related to both

the health and performance RED-S outcomes proposed.


Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

It is well established that regular exercise and physical activity promote numerous health

benefits for girls and women (1, 2). However, under some conditions and in some girls and

women, participation in sports and exercise can be associated with negative health outcomes.

There are currently two schools of thought and corresponding conceptual models regarding the

potential for negative health outcomes of participating in sports and exercise: The Female

Athlete Triad (Triad; (2-4)) and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S; (5-7)). The Triad

is referred to in position stands from 1997 (8) and 2007 (2), and a recent consensus statement in

2014 (3, 4), and RED-S is the topic of a consensus statement from 2014 (5) and a recent update

Both the Triad and RED-S statements call attention to the importance of adequate energy

intake in order to prevent negative health outcomes associated with the participation in sport and

exercise. They both include point system algorithms for risk stratification and decision making

on clearance and return to play. However, the Triad and RED-S models differ in several ways,

including the target audience and scope of outcomes. The Triad refers to girls and women and is

focused on low energy availability and associated clinically relevant outcomes, for example,

disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction, and bone loss (2-4). RED-S covers a broader array of

both physiological and performance outcomes in both women and men and calls for more

research on the impact of race, ethnicity, and disability (5, 6). The two statements also differ in

the way supporting evidence and scientific rigor is interpreted and incorporated into the models

representing each syndrome. The authors of the more recent RED-S consensus statement

consider the RED-S model to be more comprehensive than the Triad model and have, therefore,

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called for the “replacement” of the Female Athlete Triad with RED-S (5). An alternative view is

that replacing the Triad with RED-S will: a) dilute the emphasis on girls and women when it is

they who experience the most severe medical consequences and, thus, need the most attention, b)

downplay the clinical relevance of eating disorders, menstrual disturbances, and low bone mass

as the primary medical outcomes associated with low energy availability, and c) distort the

understanding of the physiological underpinnings of the Triad (9).

At this time, controversy (9) and a lack of clarity exist regarding the existence of the two

models. There has been no attempt to directly contrast or compare the two perspectives, nor to

explore where they may be complementary. This lack of clarity may lead to inconsistencies in

knowledge translation and policy development without rigorous supporting data. The existence
of two different point system algorithms to assist with decision making regarding clearance and

return to play (3, 4, 7) is confusing. Sports medicine personnel benefit from clarity from

researchers and clinicians, particularly when evidenced-based position stands and consensus

statements are published. Shedding light on similarities and differences and reviewing supporting

evidence for each model should help consumers of this literature make evidence-based decisions.

To this end, we highlight key differences in the Triad and RED-S models with a focus on

scientific rigor and quality of evidence.


Position stands and consensus statements are critical for knowledge translation.

Developed using a systematic review of peer-reviewed scientific literature, they are utilized for

developing: a) educational tools and metrics, b) clinical decision-making tools, c) reports of

clinical practice guidelines, d) an understanding of gaps in the literature, and e) short and long-

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term research agendas (10). A discussion of evidence-based publications raises the issue of

scientific rigor, which has been the topic of a large number of recently published editorials and

articles (11-13). The use of evidence-based grading systems in the writing of position stands has

become increasingly common and assures that scientific rigor is upheld. The quality of scientific

evidence is graded depending on the nature of the experimental design, the size of the sample

studied, the validity and reliability of the measures, and the importance and robustness of the

hypothesis addressed (14, 15). As the scientific community considers the advancement of our

understanding of the Triad and RED-S, careful attention should be given to scientific rigor,

quality of the evidence, and clinical relevance. Specifically, the key role of low energy

availability (Triad model) and relative energy deficiency (RED-S model) in each model is


The Female Athlete Triad Model


The Female Athlete Triad was first described in 1993 (16) and again by the American

College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) in 1997 (8) as a clinical syndrome involving disordered

eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis which was frequently observed in physically active girls

and women and female athletes. ACSM updated the new knowledge about the Triad in 2007 and

revised its model components to consist of low energy availability with or without disordered

eating, menstrual cycle disturbances, and low bone mineral density (BMD) (2). More recently,

the Female Athlete Triad Coalition, an organization of researchers, clinicians, and practitioners

dedicated to research and education on the Triad, published guidelines on the treatment and risk

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management strategies for clearance and return to play in 2014 (3, 4). The current Triad model

illustrates the three clinical issues on continua from healthy to disease (FIGURE 1). The

subclinical manifestations of each condition are illustrated along each continuum (2). The

directions of the arrows that link each of the three conditions illustrate how they are related to

one another. The bi-directional arrows along each continuum illustrate the reversibility of the

conditions such that each condition can improve or become worse. The unidirectional arrows

from energy availability to menstrual function and bone health, and from menstrual function to

bone health, represent the causal roles of low energy availability and hypoestrogenism in bone

loss (2). The Triad model specifically identifies low energy availability and disordered eating by

indicating that low energy availability can occur with, or in the absence of, disordered eating.
The RED-S Model

RED-S was proposed to be an update of a previously published International Olympic

Committee (IOC) Position Stand and an expansion of the Female Athlete Triad model (5, 6).

Since 2014 (5), there has been one update (6). The RED-S model uses the new terminology,

relative energy deficiency, defined as “an energy deficiency relative to the balance between

dietary energy intake and the energy expenditure required to support homoeostasis, health and

the activities of daily living, growth and sporting activities” (5). Broader in scope than the Triad,

the RED-S model illustrates direct relationships between relative energy deficiency as a center

hub, and the physiological outcomes stemming from this hub (FIGURE 2; (5, 6)). In all but one

case (psychological), the direction of arrows is from relative energy deficiency outward to each

of these physiological systems, indicative of proposed direct relationships of relative energy

deficiency on all of the health and performance outcomes listed. It is purported that "the

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syndrome of RED-S refers to impaired physiological function including, but not limited to,

metabolic rate, menstrual function, bone health, immunity, protein synthesis, and cardiovascular

health directly caused by relative energy deficiency” (5, 6). A second spoke and wheel figure

(FIGURE 3) illustrates the potential effects of relative energy deficiency on performance and

conditions that can impact performance (5, 6). Uni-directional and direct relations between

relative energy deficiency and aspects of performance are represented such as decreased

glycogen stores, decreased endurance performance, increased injury risk, decreased training

response, impaired judgement, decreased coordination, decreased concentration, irritability, and

depression. Notably, the RED-S consensus statements include males and female athletes as target

audiences (5). The RED-S model holds that the clinical phenomenon is not a “triad” of the three

entities of energy availability, menstrual function, and bone health, but rather a syndrome that
affects many aspects of physiological function, health, and athletic performance (5).


Each physiological "impairment" in RED-S is considered to threaten one's health and


warrant treatment. An example where physiological versus clinical relevance can be questioned

is the inclusion of “cardiovascular” as a health consequence of RED-S. It is stated that “low


[energy availability] causes unfavorable lipid profiles and endothelial dysfunction, thereby

increasing cardiovascular risk” (5). While unfavorable lipid profiles and decreased endothelial

function have been documented in exercising women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea

(17), the long-term cardiovascular consequences of these changes in this population are unknown

(18) and it would seem prudent to weigh any such risks against the protective effects of exercise


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In contrast to RED-S, the focus in the Triad model is on three clinically relevant

conditions associated with low energy availability: eating disorders or disordered eating,

menstrual dysfunction, and bone loss (2-4). Studies documenting the underlying metabolic and

endocrine changes associated with low energy availability are cited in the Triad literature. For

example, the modest elevation in hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis activity and the decrease in

circulating triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations are described, but in the context that these

changes illustrate physiological plasticity, not threats to health or medically concerning changes

in and of themselves (2, 8). That is, when the availability of oxidizable metabolic fuel is low, the

body repartitions energy away from reproduction and growth in order to maintain basic

physiological processes such as cellular maintenance, thermoregulation, locomotion, and

immune function (20). In exercising women who chronically experience low energy availability,
this repartitioning of metabolic fuel is characterized by decreases in resting metabolic rate and

shifts in key metabolic hormones, such as suppression of T3, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-

1), and leptin, and upregulation of growth hormone and cortisol (21-23) in an effort to conserve

fuel. The repartitioning of metabolic fuel results in the suppression of reproductive function and

growth, with the concomitant emergence of the clinical outcomes of menstrual cycle dysfunction

and low bone mass. Accompanying endocrine and metabolic changes, such as a modest increase

in cortisol, are not outside normal physiological ranges (23-27), and, thus, they do not represent

unhealthy outcomes in and of themselves, but rather, physiological plasticity. In contrast, by

asserting that all physiological effects of relative energy deficiency are equally associated with

poor health across a long list of systems, the RED-S model dilutes the clinical relevance of the

effects on bone and menstrual function.

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A focus on scientific rigor is essential when interpreting consensus statements and

position stands. Scientific rigor and reproducibility are the cornerstones of scientific

advancement (13) and scientific rigor is a strong focus of National Institutes of Health (NIH;

(28)). Scientific rigor is the stringent adherence to the scientific method in all aspects of

experimental design, methodologies, analyses interpretation, and reporting of results. It is a

means to uncover scientific truth and minimize the premature adoption of unfounded hypotheses

(11-13, 29). The “plausibility” of a concept is rarely used as the basis for a consensus statement

or position stand (12, 29). Rather, the results and interpretation of numerous scientific

experiments are used to build evidence-based knowledge and are essential components of the

rigorous testing of a hypothesis (11-13). Accordingly, consensus statements should reflect the
quality and preponderance of evidence from published studies at the time of their writing. The

quality of evidence is enhanced by the extent to which the model illustrates key features such as

specificity, causality, differentiation between normal physiologic variation and pathological

outcomes, and reversibility of the condition. Hence, a comparison of the Triad and RED-S

models from this perspective is warranted.


Scientific rigor is also enhanced by peer review and debate. The evolution of the Triad

literature has included varied perspectives and debate (30-35). One of the earliest debates

centered on whether normal menstrual cyclicity was dependent on a critical level of body fat (34-

38). Later criticisms focused on the sociological implications of drawing attention to health

concerns associated with exercise (30) and the lack of data on the prevalence and interrelatedness

of the Triad (32). These challenges spurred useful discussion and research to address identified

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gaps. Advances include studies that demonstrate the causal role of energy availability/energy

deficiency on menstrual function and bone health (21, 23, 39-43), document the prevalence of

Triad conditions (44-46), and examine recovery from the Triad (47). Current debates include the

utility of particular definitions of energy availability in non-laboratory settings (48), and the role

of psychogenic factors in the modulation of reproductive function (49). Thus, controversy and

debate in research can be viewed as a positive force for advancing scientific rigor and

reproducibility (50).

Specificity and Scope of Components in the Triad and RED-S Models

The Triad Model

The degree to which elements of a biomedical condition are clearly defined and
quantified improves our understanding and enhances the potential for verifying reproducibility

with confirmatory research. The three main components of the Triad have been defined and the

units of measurement quantified (2). For example, the variable of low energy availability has a

particular conceptual definition and standard units of measure which arose from a set of

experiments by Loucks and colleagues on the effects of various levels of energy availability on

luteinizing hormone (LH) pulsatility and other endocrine endpoints (23, 25, 51, 52). As defined

by Loucks, energy availability represents the energy left over for vital bodily processes after

accounting for the energy expenditure associated with purposeful exercise (23, 25). This

definition and the utility of this metric are being tested and debated (48, 53-55) and given our

advancement in understanding energy availability in exercising women since 2007, future

position stands and consensus statements likely will reflect revisions to this concept, particularly

around the use of an absolute energy availability threshold. Other work has subsequently

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identified the magnitude of energy deficiency associated with the initial induction of menstrual

disturbances with exercise combined with caloric restriction in untrained women (43).

Regarding the eating behaviors described as the “with or without disordered eating" component

of the Triad, particular definitions and criteria for diagnosis are referred to in the 2007 ACSM

position stand (2) and expanded in the 2014 Female Athlete Triad Coalition Consensus

Statement (3, 4). The bone health component of the Triad has also evolved as the science of the

Triad has progressed to its current definition of low bone mineral content (BMC), BMD, or areal

BMD Z-score that is less than or equal to -2.0, adjusted for age, gender and body size, as

appropriate (3, 4). These specific definitions of the components of the Triad allow the

measurements to be assessed consistently and accurately, maximizing application, and permitting

its outcomes to be diagnosable.

The RED-S Model

Relative energy deficiency is the cornerstone of the RED-S model, but no definition and

no units of measure are provided (5, 6). The definition of relative energy deficiency as published

reads "an energy deficiency relative to the balance of dietary energy intake and the energy

expenditure required to support homeostasis, health and the activities of daily living, growth and

sporting activities” (5, 6). There are no specific guidelines on how to measure relative energy

deficiency presented in the RED-S IOC Consensus Statement and the concept is not

experimentally derived. Thus, it is unclear how the concept can be applied to assess energy status

in the exercising female or male. Notably, in the RED-S consensus statement, and subsequent

RED-S publications (5-7), the term relative energy deficiency is used interchangeably with low

energy availability, and the evidence provided in support of relative energy deficiency derives

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from that originally presented by Dr. Loucks in defining energy availability and that used in the

Triad model. As such, it is difficult to define which variable represents the cornerstone of RED-

S: the measurement representative of the definition described in RED-S publications or that of

low energy availability as proposed in the Triad literature.

The physiological and performance-related outcomes that are depicted in RED-S as

outcomes of relative energy deficiency are not specifically defined (5, 6). For example, "immune

function," "hematological," and “cardiovascular” are direct outcomes of RED-S, but these

outcomes refer to physiological systems rather than quantifiable and reproducible outcomes,

making it is difficult to confirm or refute these components of RED-S through scientific studies.

The magnitude of relative energy deficiency that might be related to various physiological,
performance, or psychological outcomes is not described. Defining what degree of energy

deficiency can cause mental impairment, cardiovascular impairment, or declines in muscle

strength needs to be demonstrated. Future studies that are designed to test the effects of varying

levels of relative energy deficiency on these particular outcomes are necessary to address these

questions. Overall, the lack of specificity of the RED-S model invites confusion regarding clarity

and prompts important questions with respect to the quality of the evidence supporting the


The inclusion of male athletes, athletes across racial and ethnic groups, and disabled

athletes in the RED-S model has led to a heightened awareness of the effects of low energy

availability in these populations (56). However, effects of gender, race, and ethnicity is a focus

of NIH as many physiological systems function uniquely in men and women, and across racial

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groups, and this literature has evolved in recent decades (57, 58). Targeted research is necessary

to specifically define the role of low energy availability/energy deficiency on health effects in

these groups before the supposition that RED-S affects men, women, and all racial and ethnic

groups similarly can be supported. To this end, a roundtable discussion of evidence supporting a

"Male Athlete Triad Model" occurred at the American College of Sports Medicine meeting in

2017, and a Female and Male Athlete Triad Coalition sponsored consensus statement is


Identifying Causality in the Triad and RED-S Models

Although scientific progress relies on all types of studies – such as observational,

association, prospective, randomized controlled trials, and those in animal models – actual
experiments that successfully isolate causal factors are required for significant advances in our

understanding (11-13, 28). The use of arrows in the Triad model depicts not only the direction,

but also the causal nature of the association (2). Experiments demonstrating the causal role of

low energy availability/energy deficiency on the induction of menstrual disorders (21, 43, 59)

and on poor bone health (39, 41, 52) support the concepts depicted in the Triad model. Ongoing

work is identifying the causal role of energy availability in the reversal of menstrual disturbances

and bone loss (60) and there is still much to learn regarding the long-term health effects of the

Triad. In the RED-S model, relative energy deficiency is associated, via uni-directional arrows,

to 10 different physiological systems and 10 performance outcomes (5, 6). The assumption

implied by these uni-directional arrows is that these associations are causal and direct, but the

evidence to support these direct associations for many of the outcomes is not included in the

RED-S 2014 IOC Consensus Statement and update (5, 6). Relative energy deficiency does not

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exert direct and equal effects on all physiological systems as the RED-S model suggests, but

rather exerts some of its outcomes indirectly via intermediate physiological changes.

Low energy availability and energy restriction have direct and causal effects on

menstrual function (21, 43, 59, 61, 62), and bone health (39, 41, 52). However, energy deficiency

also has indirect effects on bone health through hypoestrogenism secondary to chronic energy

deficiency (63, 64), which is not illustrated by the RED-S model. In the RED-S model, relative

energy deficiency is described to increase cardiovascular risk due to the development of

unfavorable lipid profiles and endothelial dysfunction (5). However, it is the hypoestrogenic state

that develops secondarily to low energy availability that has been proposed as the mechanism

underlying changes in lipoproteins and endothelial function (17). The RED-S model would be
improved if it included an arrow connecting “menstrual function” to “cardiovascular” to

highlight the indirect relationship between these two health outcomes, similarly to how

menstrual function is connected to bone health in the Triad model (3, 4).

The RED-S Consensus Statement describes an effect of relative energy deficiency on


immunity, but no prospective studies are cited to support this. One report is cited in the RED-S

2018 update (6) linking relative energy deficiency to immunity but it is possible that the physical

effects of exercise training or hypoestrogenism are the causes of impaired immune function (65).

Shimizu et al. (65) state that intensive exercise training, as opposed to an energy related factor,

reduces salivary immunoglobulin A secretion and increases susceptibility to upper respiratory

tract infections in athletes, and they fail to link their findings directly to relative energy

deficiency. Similarly, a single observational study relating a greater prevalence of viral illnesses

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to relative energy deficiency in Olympic athletes is based on the response to a question asking

whether the individual had been “ill for one week or more during the past [three] months” (66).

Although the prevalence of self-reported illness in the prior three months was greater in athletes

in leanness sports, there is no evidence that the athletes had signs of energy deficiency (66). In a

more recent report (67), no definition of “immunological function” was provided, but it was

reported that there was no difference in immunological function between athletes divided into

low energy availability and adequate energy availability groups based on a conglomerate of self-

reported and indirect measures of energy availability.

Gastrointestinal problems are a defined endpoint of relative energy deficiency in the

RED-S Consensus Statement (6, 7), but the citation regarding gastrointestinal complications
traces back to the eating disorder literature, specifically. It is possible that gastrointestinal

symptoms may be secondary to eating disorder behaviors (68-72), including bingeing and

purging, rather than being secondary to relative energy deficiency. More recently, Ackerman et

al. (67) reported a higher self-reported incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms in athletes who

were classified as having low energy availability based on questionnaire data. However, no

definition of “gastrointestinal symptoms” was provided. Moreover, interpreting this finding is


challenging since there is an established literature documenting gastrointestinal issues in athletes


with contributing factors inclusive of mechanical forces and neuroendocrine changes (73),

altered gastrointestinal blood flow (74), ischemia (75), and inflammatory bowel disease (76).

A second spoke and wheel diagram in the RED-S model illustrates direct effects of

relative energy deficiency on ten different aspects of athletic performance, ranging from

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decreased endurance and muscular performance to irritability, decreased concentration and

coordination, and impaired judgement (5, 6). However, there are few studies cited that support

these claims. Many references to performance in the RED-S literature do not include assessments

of human performance, but rather, functional limitations such as dehydration, electrolyte

imbalances, and gastrointestinal problems such as esophagitis or mucosal atrophy (5, 77, 78).

One study often cited in junior elite female swimmers (79) is one of the few supporting studies

that includes biological measures of energy availability and actual performance measures

(defined as swim velocity). Another consideration when discussing performance is whether the

effects of exercise itself are controlled for. There is much potential for overlap between the

overtraining literature and the purported effects of RED-S on performance as decreases in sport-

specific performance, emotional/mood changes, lack of motivation, sleep disturbances, overuse

injuries, and immune dysfunction are all signs of overtraining syndrome (80-82), and are cited as

“health detriments” for RED-S (5, 6).

Based on the research cited in the RED-S publications, it can be argued that there is

insufficient evidence to date relating relative energy deficiency to the additional physiological

and performance outcomes depicted in the model, particularly the purported effects on immune,

cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, growth and development, hematological, and performance


outcomes. More research must include experiments that establish the direct and causal influence

of relative energy deficiency on these endpoints, and such experiments will need to establish that

the effects of relative energy deficiency are independent of the physical effects of exercise. With

regard to the Triad, much work needs to be done to address the impact of modifying factors such

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as gynecological age, genetics, and psychogenic stress on the susceptibility to menstrual

disturbances during conditions of low energy availability (83).

Healthy to Pathological Continuum and Reversibility

The 2007 Triad model is in the form of an expanded, 3-D triangle where each of the three

aspects of the Triad exists on a continuum from healthy to pathological (2). The endpoints at the

healthy and pathological ends of each continuum are specifically defined and quantifiable. Both

the induction and the reversibility of Triad conditions have been explored and it has been

clarified that individuals can move along the three continua in either direction. Scientific

evidence supports this bi-directionality and the fact that subclinical conditions exist “along the

way” (2). Subclinical menstrual disturbances have been defined both cross-sectionally (44) and
prospectively (42, 43, 59). Short-term changes in bone turnover markers in response to low

energy availability (52, 84) and animal models of the Triad (39, 41) illustrate prospective

changes in bone metabolism and bone mineral density. It has also been clarified that the rates of

change along the three continua of the Triad are vastly different. In other words, changes in

energy availability can happen across the day, or from day to day, whereas changes in menstrual

function may take weeks to months, and changes in bone density, structure, and geometry take

months to years (3, 4).


Experiments illustrating the reversibility of low energy availability/energy deficiency and

its impact on reproductive function have been performed (21, 85, 86). However, a key gap in the

Triad literature is the question of whether bone loss can be recovered with the reversal of low

energy availability. Case studies (87, 88) and observational studies (89) have been published on

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this issue, but until recently, no randomized controlled trials have addressed this question. This

question is being addressed by a randomized controlled trial (47), but more studies are necessary

to address the recovery of bone health. The RED-S model does not depict continua from a

healthy state to a pathological state, and it is not known whether the effects of relative energy

deficiency on gastrointestinal function, cardiovascular function, immune function, growth and

development, and hematological function are reversible. If RED-S is to be understood as a

biomedical syndrome, future research should address the reversibility of RED-S outcomes when

a correction of relative energy deficiency is achieved.


The benefits of exercise and physical activity to human health and wellbeing are clear
and provide a strong rationale for the current recommendations for the quantity and types of

exercise. Thus, there are important public health concerns when recommendations are

formulated to warn about negative clinical consequences associated with exercise training. As

such, intense scrutiny is warranted when considering the scientific evidence supporting such

claims. Removing an athlete from competition, or advising an adolescent girl that her exercise is

contributing to low energy availability and that she needs to reduce her training, can have a

significant impact on the individual's quality of life given the positive impact of exercise on

health and wellness. Moreover, the potential for over-diagnosing or "false positives" underscores

the importance of caution when position stands and consensus statements are developed as these

often form the basis for sports medicine policy formation.

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
We have described the differences in specificity and scope between the Triad and RED-S

models, the causal role of low energy availability/energy deficiency, and differences in the

approaches used to interpret available evidence. Based on our analysis, there are major concerns

regarding the lack of specificity and clarity in the RED-S model which hinder the potential

reproducibility of findings and a clear understanding of the etiology and scope of the RED-S

syndrome. Features such as clinical relevance, directionality, reversibility, and causality that are

illustrated and demonstrated in the Triad model based on supporting literature are absent in the

expanded representation of energy-related outcomes of RED-S. The lack of evidence supporting

many of the purported physiological, health and performance outcomes described in RED-S and

the potential for the confounding effects of exercise itself and/or overtraining are problematic. As

such, the potential is high for confusion and misdiagnoses in the application of RED-S when
managing the syndrome in individual athletes. Caution is warranted regarding the

overgeneralized approach applied in RED-S when considering the effects of sex, race, and level

of ability. Despite these aforementioned issues, there is evidence using citation analyses and

social media metrics that the concept of RED-S has garnered significant attention from the public

and sports medicine practitioners. Although consumers of scientific literature benefit from the

ability of social media to facilitate the rapid dissemination of original research reports, they are

done a disservice if the research is over-interpreted or lacking scientific rigor. Opportunities for

peer review, the replication of findings, and the execution of experiments identifying causality

take years to accumulate. There are tangible consequences of avoiding these steps in the

development and maturation of a scientific theory that will impact the clinical care of athletes

across the sporting world.

Copyright © 2019 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
In summary, based on an analysis of the conceptual representation of RED-S and its

supporting literature, significant concerns are warranted regarding the scientific basis of RED-S

as a working model of a biomedical syndrome. More research is needed to advance our

understanding of the effects of relative energy deficiency on health and human performance, but

at this point in time, RED-S should not be regarded as a diagnosable condition or considered an

evidence-based syndrome. Rather, it is more appropriate to regard RED-S as a concept, like the

Triad was in the 1980s, which will require extensive discussion, debate, and experimentation to

determine whether it is a diagnosable and a clinically relevant condition. If the idea of RED-S is

to be advanced as an evidence-based syndrome, researchers and clinicians would benefit by

proceeding with greater caution and attention to scientific rigor, and clarifying key issues such as

causality, clinical relevance, directionality, and reversibility.


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Figure Legends

Figure 1. Illustration of the Spectra of the Female Athlete Triad. The three inter-related

components of the Female Athlete Triad are energy availability, menstrual status and bone

health. Energy availability directly affects menstrual status, and in turn, energy availability and

menstrual status directly influence bone health. Optimal health is indicated by optimal energy

availability, eumenorrhea and optimal bone health, whereas, at the other end of the spectrum, the

most severe presentation of the Female Athlete Triad is characterized by low energy availability

with or without an eating disorder, functional hypothalamic amenorrhea and osteoporosis. An

athlete’s condition moves along each spectrum at different rates depending on her diet and

exercise behaviors. BMD, bone mineral density. [Adapted from (3). Copyright © 2014 Wolters
Kluwer Health and BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Used with Permission.]

Figure 2. Purported health consequences of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)

depicting an expanded view of the Female Athlete Triad to illustrate a wider range of outcomes

and the application to male athletes (*Psychological consequences can either precede RED-S or

be the result of RED-S). [Adapted from (5). Copyright © 2014 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Used

with permission.]

Figure 3. Illustration of potential performance effects of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport

(*Aerobic and anaerobic performance). [Adapted from (5). Copyright © 2014 BMJ Publishing

Group Ltd. Used with permission.]

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Figure 1


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Figure 2


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Figure 3


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