Persiapan SKB

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📌 sillabus dialog agreement/dis

📌 RPP 📌 comparative
📌 prota 📌 Present and past perfect
📌 promes 📌 Relative pronoun
📌 prinsip2 penilaian 📌 Article
📌 penilaian autentik 📌 Text types
📌 remedial 📌 conditional
📌 pengaypengayaan 📌narrative text (ant & chrysalis 💋, clever wolf hanya teks💋 , darwin 💋, fox and cat,
📌 Kriteria penilaian etc)
📌kesulitan belajar 📌inversion
📌Langkah2 menyusun prota 📌Direct and indirect speech
📌 Intrumen penilaian 📌noun phrase
📌 Penilaian Acuan 📌 Gerund
📌 Penentuan Alokasi waktu 📌 Tenses (simple present , present continues, simple past & past perfect)
📌 Kalender pendidikan 📌 procedure text (mimisan💋, clean refrigerator 💋)
📌 Penerapan budaya anti korupsi 📌 Biography (darwin💋) eh..biography bukan sih yg darwin itu
📌 bagan penilaian sikap 📌 Mushroom and potato soup💋
📌 Kenapa alokasi waktu terlalu lama? (pada pelajaran IPA) 📌 descriptive text
📌 strategi dan metode pembelajaran 📌 analytical (formalin💋)
📌 RPP 1 lembar kpn, komponen, dll(buat jaga") 📌 advertisement (apartment💋)
📌penggunaan media
📌Fungsi analisis soal
📌Fungsi apersepsi
📌Penilaian tematik

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