Made By: Andrei Alexandru Popa, Daniel Morillo Ponce & Álvaro Martín Sánchez

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Have you ever felt fear of being robed by burglars? Well, you're not the
only one who worries about your safety, so that's
why we share here some tips to keep your home safe from danger,
preventing robberies or reducing considerably any damage that these
can cause at home.

The first tip is quite simple. Just don't go out. Burglars will ninety-
nine percent of the time prefer breaking into empty houses and
prevent conflict (just pray you don't see the other one percent). Now,
sometimes we actually need to go out, for overrated things such as
shopping or working. In that case, we suggest keeping some nails and
wooden boards at home. You only need around one hour of hammering boards
to your doors and windows everyday to keep those pesky burglars away!

And if that doesn’t work, you always can get yourself a guardian pet!
Dog's are the best choice here since they will get rid of any unwise
burglar that made the worst choice they could: breach into your house!

Made by: Andrei Alexandru Popa, Daniel Morillo Ponce & Álvaro Martín Sánchez

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