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Sexuality, sexual well being, and intimacy during COVID-19 pandemic: An

advocacy perspective
Debanjan Banerjee, T. S. Sathyanarayana Rao1
Department of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bengaluru, 1Department of Psychiatry, JSS
Medical College, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysore, Karnataka, India


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)‑CoV‑2, has emerged
as a global public health threat. The implications are much beyond just health crisis, and it has long‑lasting psychosocial
and economic implications. Although the psychological offshoots such as depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, and
sleep disturbances are being studied in‑depth, there is a dearth of literature on the sexual well‑being and sexual practices
during this pandemic. Considering the physical distancing; travel restrictions; the high human–human transmission
rate; misinformation and uncertainty about the sexual routes of transmission for SARS‑CoV‑2; and fear about intimacy,
sexuality, and safe sexual practices have increased significantly. This is more prominent in newly settled or distanced
couples and the frontline health workers, with increased risk exposure to the virus. For them, guilt and distress associated
with sexual relationships might increase primary psychiatric and sexual disorders. This, in turn, impacts relationships
and emotional bonding in couples and affects healthy coping during the pandemic crisis. Although sexual abstinence is
the safest practice to prevent transmission, it is not practically feasible in all cases. Risk reduction counseling, sex with
quarantined partners, and digital sex are other options that are worth exploring. There are additional concerns of digital
safety, unhealthy use of technology, cyber‑crimes, and online extortion. Keeping this in the background, this advocacy
article glances through the effects of past outbreaks on sexuality, reviews the current recommendations, and proposes
methods and approaches for sexual well‑being during the COVID‑19 pandemic, which is vital for overall public health.

Key words: Coronavirus, COVID‑19, intimacy, pandemic, sex, sexuality

INTRODUCTION 2019 (COVID‑19) caused by the novel coronavirus severe acute

respiratory syndrome (SARS)‑CoV‑2 has brought the world
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis down to its knees. The medical and psychosocial implications
Over the last few months, the world has seen the emergence of this large‑scale outbreak can potentially long outlast the
of a new public health threat. The coronavirus disease pandemic itself. Till date, more than three million people have
been affected globally and nearly three lakh people have been
Address for correspondence: Dr. T. S. Sathyanarayana Rao,
Department of Psychiatry, JSS Medical College, JSS Academy
succumbing to the infection, and the numbers are rising by
of Higher Education and Research, Mysore, Karnataka, India. the day.[1] The widespread chaos regarding the uncertainty
E‑mail: and source of infection has led to fear, panic, apprehension,

Submitted: 12-May-2020, Revised: 25-May-2020, This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of
Accepted: 17-Jun-2020, Published: 27-Jul-2020 the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License,
which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially,
Access this article online as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
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How to cite this article: Banerjee D, Rao TS. Sexuality,

sexual well being, and intimacy during COVID-19
pandemic: An advocacy perspective. Indian J Psychiatry

418 © 2020 Indian Journal of Psychiatry | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

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Banerjee and Rao: Sexual well‑being and intimacy during the COVID‑19 pandemic

and mass‑hysteria. Grief for loved ones, bereavement, and structures. Surprisingly, much literature has focused on
isolation as a measure of “social distancing” is keeping billions the psychosocial constructs of sexuality during this deadly
segregated from their loved ones.[2] Due to the international disease. Tsiamis et al.[9] in “Poetic description of the plague”
lockdown imposed on many cities, either the families have mentions “fear of infection disrupting love and lives.”
got separated for long times or people are having a new They mention couples being separated in rooms, not even
experience of staying with their spouses or families, like allowed to talk. The segregation was more for the higher
never before. Physical intimacy and proximity can significantly social classes, with separate living arrangements and dining
influence the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and altogether. Cantor[10] mentions the social perceptions that
mend them for the better or worse.[3] The unprecedented immorality and illicit sexual relationships were causative
changes imposed by COVID‑19 and the containment measures of the plague, and physicians advised “physical distancing”
have changed the living structure of millions, impacting and abstinence from all forms of sexual intimacy as it was
their relationships and mental health. Research done in related to “bad air,” then believed to be responsible for the
China during the first phase of infection shows an increase infection. However, there are also mentions of increase in
in acute stress, depressive disorders, obsessive‑compulsive incest, prostitution, and coercive sexual practices in Europe
disorders, anxiety, panic symptoms, and insomnia. The during those days of the plague.[11] It seems surprising
long‑term sequelae are posttraumatic stress, pathological that when a deadly infection was sweeping off one‑thirds
grief, and adjustment disorders, which tend to be chronic.[4] of the European population, what is the importance of
Social interaction, intimacy, and relationships have shown discussing human relationships. However, contrary to the
to boost well‑being and serve as critical coping factors popular ideas, sexuality and physical intimacy has long been
during such disasters. The quarantine and travel restriction involved in social theories surrounding the classical “black
measures during the COVID‑19 pandemic can trigger death” in medieval Europe. German physicians advised
loneliness and negativity, which prevent healthy coping with against jealousy and promiscuity as they open the mind to
the crisis.[5] Although literature related to this pandemic and “bad emotions.”[12] Religious connotations were attached by
mental health is increasing, there is a dearth of discussion the Church as homosexuals were accused of spreading the
on a vital aspect, the sexual and reproductive health. Sexual infection against the “Divine will,” and “sanitary legislation”
relations and sexuality have been important determinants was proposed based on “moral” laws to have them either
of relationships and general well‑being.[6] COVID‑19 being a publicly flogged or put out of the country.[13] Salisbury
contagious infection has generated a plethora of fears related et al.[11] wrote about incest increasing significantly during the
to couple intimacy, the guilt of transferring the infection to bubonic plague. The authors hypothesized that due to the
the partners (especially for the frontline workers), altered widespread mortality, exogamy (marrying outside the clan
sexual dynamics and performance in newly married couples or community) turned improbable. Hence, consanguineal
or in those who are not used to cohabiting for long periods, marriages increased to preserve the patrimony, especially in
and also the serious concerns of domestic abuse and intimate the royal families, as many were on the verge of extinction. In
partner violence (IPV).[7] Pandemics like this can have critical Land, Kinship and Life‑Cycle,[14] Smith pointed out the increase
implications on sexual and reproductive health at all levels: in the severity of fines for fornication during the middle
individual, systems, or society. of the plague period (1349–1350). It is interpreted as a
punishment for acts that were seen as morally improper. The
In the absence of enough literature during COVID‑19, the Courts blamed the fornicators, as “sexuality” was considered
authors write this article as an advocacy document based to be a potent medium for infection spread. The idea of sex
on their clinical experience and relevant research related and intimacy being responsible for all forms of pathogenic
to past outbreaks. It will discuss the effects that infectious spread has been increasing even before the outbreak of
disease outbreaks can have on sexual health and intimacy, plague and peaked in the Victorian era.[15] This was related
with perspectives from the past and present pandemics, and to the social taboo, prejudice toward sexuality, and religious
reviews recommendations for ensuring sexual well‑being antagonism of sexual practices through moral standards.
during these times of crisis. Ironically, there was a spur in the industry of prostitution
as the plague waned off. People considered intimacy and
PANDEMICS AND SEXUAL HEALTH: sex to be critical coping factors for the pandemic aftermath.
REVISITING THE “PESTILENCES” Sex‑parlors and “royal safeguards” were built to promote
safe and consensual sex.[13] Some consider this as a revolt
“A loveless world is a dead world. The plague makes us crave against the orthodox blame put by the Medieval Church on
more for love and the arms of our loved ones.” the society. It has an existential angle too. Hatcher, while
describing plague in England, mentioned increase in sexual

Albert Camus, The Plague (La Peste), 1948.[8] practices between newly married and elderly couples to
deal with the stress.[16] This was postulated to arise from
Since the classical bubonic plague of the 13th century, the the uncertainty of life and togetherness during and post the
world has faced pandemics time and gain, disrupting social crisis times.

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Banerjee and Rao: Sexual well‑being and intimacy during the COVID‑19 pandemic

Unfortunately, though social research in pandemics peaked partners, social connectedness, and focusing on alternative
during the “black death,” literature related to sexual health forms of expressing love and intimacy, while observing
and pandemics declined. The changing public health physical distancing.[25,26] This becomes vital as sexual
priorities and more “biological” focus to disease control well‑being has been linked with positivity, hope, personal
might be the probable reasons. Furthermore, in the words growth, and overall health, especially at times of disasters.
of Cohn and Cohn,[17] people were self‑stigmatized to
consider an immoral topic of sexuality in the face of much CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019, SEX, AND
more serious issues such as death and disability, though SEXUALITY
frustration and distress over physical distancing from the
partners have played an active role in the social reaction Literature related to sexual health and current COVID‑19
to these pandemics. During the Spanish flu of 1918, pandemic is still in their infancy. The global lockdown has
social‑distancing measures were considered to be oppressive led to marked “physical and social” distancing, and the
by many.[18] As the administrative line, “You are your safest implications are chronic. Unfortunately, sexual well‑being
sexual partner” gained popularity, so was the common is often neglected at the face of more significant immediate
quote, “We want to be quarantined together” by couples concerns. Given the importance of sexuality in people’s
that established itself as a landmark romantic comment lives and its relationship with quality of life, and psychiatric
in many books and movies later in time. Sex steroids for disorders, physicians need to stay sensitive to this issue,
enhancing sexual potency and pregnancy were considered routinely ask or screen for sex‑related complaints, and
to be risk factors for the influenza outbreak while birth incorporate primary sex education tailored to the present
control methods gained importance.[19] There were reports outbreak in their patient counseling. Considering the
of discrimination against sexual minorities and increase in social stigma attached behind sexuality and the varied
violence and abuse in families.[20] With an increase in the sociocultural expression, the dictum that holds true
understanding of molecular biology and pathogenesis, fear clinically is that “You don’t ask, and they don’t tell.” The
has grown more about sexual transmission of infections and summary of the present evidence on COVID‑19 suggests
the degree of permissible intimacy during the outbreaks. that any form of close human–human contact can spread
There have been debates about the same during the the virus.[27] The SARS‑CoV‑2 is much more contagious
SARS and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) than its earlier congeners, which is the proposed reason
outbreaks. Chua et  al.[21] while studying the psychological for such speedy global spread. The virus gets easily carried
effects of the SARS outbreak reported an increase in sexual by aerosol and fomites, can remain viable in air for up
dysfunction, decreased arousal, and increased marital to 3 days, and survive on various inanimate objects for
discord over issues of intimacy. Long‑term psychosocial and 2–3 weeks. This further generates fear and frustration
occupational outcomes of health‑care workers dealing with related to intimacy. It is all the more for frontline workers
SARS patients showed a rise in erectile dysfunction (ED), against COVID‑19 who self‑quarantine themselves to
premature ejaculation (PME), lack of sexual satisfaction prevent interaction with their families. Those who return
in partners, and heightened performance anxiety. This to their spouses have expressed marked guilt, fear, and
contributed to the burnout, work stress, absenteeism, apprehension.[28] This eventually affects the interpersonal
substance abuse, and depressive disorders. Substance use relationship, closeness, sexual practices, and an overall
also had a positive relationship with sexual dysfunction, lead to discord and emotional distancing in couples.[29]
anxiety, and partner violence and an inverse relationship Looking from the other side, recreational sex when billions
with perceived sexual satisfaction in the couples.[22] SARS are stranded at home, without family planning measures,
and MERS had led to adverse pregnancy outcomes such as can lead to increased abortions and population boom
miscarriages, abortions, intrauterine growth retardation, with time. Such consequences are unprecedented. Like
and maternal deaths, which is proposed in COVID‑19 as human rights, sexual and reproductive rights also need
well, which generates fear among sexually active couples.[23] to be safeguarded during such biological disasters. Singh
New infections with unknown pathways of transmission and Adhikari while studying the age‑structured impact of
always tend to create considerable apprehension about social distancing on the COVID‑19 epidemic in India, have
pregnancy and vertical routes of transmission. Hence, the mentioned the emotional distress of the adolescents and
implications of safe sexual practices and sex education younger adults due to separation.[30] Sentiment analysis
become paramount during these times. Ebola outbreak from Twitter has shown the lockdown in India to instigate
in Africa had a possible sexual mode of spread, which fear, disgust, and stigma. People have reported concerns
led to significant discrimination based on race, ethnicity, about physical distancing and traveling to their partners,
and sociocultural status.[24] The lesbian, gay, bisexual, more so in those who have recently started relationships
transgender (LGBT) community were stigmatized as or got engaged.[31] Keeping in mind the social situations
“carriers” for the same. The psychological models adopted that might arise due to this pandemic and lockdown, the
for the Zika outbreak in Brazil and Nipah infection in India possible ways in which sexual lives and relationships can
involved sex education about the viral transmission among get affected are summarized in Table 1.

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Banerjee and Rao: Sexual well‑being and intimacy during the COVID‑19 pandemic

Table 1: Probable sexuality and intimacy‑related issues during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
Effect on sexuality/sexual practices Contributing factors
Sexual abstinence Fear related to intimacy
Travel history of partners
Uncertainty about transmission
Physical distancing
Coercive sexual practices/IPV/incest History of IPV
Marital discord/disharmony
Couples stranded together away from family (more contact time)
Substance abuse
Increased pornography use
Crowding in joint families (less supervision)
Noncompliance to precautions/lockdown Frustration and distress associated with prolonged sexual abstinence
KAP gap about healthy sex
Increase in paraphilias History of sexual deviations
Fear/restriction of conventional sexual acts
Disinterest in sex Chronic stress
Anxiety, uncertainty related to pandemic
Depression, PTSD, and adjustment disorders
Loneliness and isolation
Unhealthy use of technology (pornography Isolation/quarantine
addiction, use of dark web) History of substance abuse, externalizing personality traits, ADHD
Compulsive use of technology
Lack of partners/social support
Interpersonal issues Lack of intimacy
Extramarital relationships Prolonged sexual abstinence
Marital discord/disharmony Physical distancing
Increased sexual appetite/sex addiction
The rise in sexual disorders (erectile Preexisting sexual problems
dysfunction, premature ejaculation, Chronic stress
arousal disorders, etc.) Depression, anxiety, psychoses (new onset or exacerbation)
Chronic abstinence
Interpersonal issues
Heightened performance anxiety (fear of infection)
Decreased self‑esteem
High‑risk sexual behaviors Personality traits
The psychological impact of lockdown
Poor knowledge about sexual risks and contraception matters
Increased viral spread Indiscriminate sexual practices without understanding the transmission risk
IPV – Intimate partner violence; KAP – Knowledge‑attitude‑practice; PTSD – Posttraumatic stress disorder; ADHD – Attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder

SEXUAL ABSTINENCE: A FEASIBLE SOLUTION? reliever and an indicator of well‑being in couples. It also
forms an essential parameter of relationship dynamics.[34]
Sexual abstinence is the practice of voluntarily refraining It is vital to understand the difference between asexuality
from some or all aspects of sexual activity. It can and celibacy. Any obligation to stay abstinent involuntary
arise from deliberate ideological or philosophical sexual lives can cause distress. For sexually active couples,
reasons (chastity and celibacy) or situational not being able to be intimate due to physical distancing or
reasons (prevention of infection and conception), lack of fear of infection can be traumatic. Many might be stranded
suitable partners, or to conform to legal provisions.[32] In alone, feeling lonely in the absence of their partners. This
infectious disease outbreaks, abstinence is considered becomes more concerning in couples who have just moved
to be the safest practice to prevent spread. For decades, in together. Here, by abstinence, we also mean a lack of any
the psychological effects of sexual abstinence have been form of intimacy, including foreplay, which can impact the
debated in all age groups. The traditional association of self‑esteem and well‑being of couples. Preexisting marital
abstinence and better “vitality of nerves and brain” has not issues can be amplified as there might be discordance
been scientifically proven.[33] There are other views related of opinion related to sexual practices between the
to chastity and puritanism about sexual abstinence, which partners. Sexual frustration and loss of affection are other
are beyond the scope of this article. In this discussion, offshoots. Chronic sexual repression has shown to affect
we will stick to the situational need for abstinence during performance anxiety and sexual confidence, which can
the pandemic, and not refer to the moral or religious eventually lead to arousal disorders, anorgasmia, PME, and
connotations of it. Sex is often considered to be a stress ED. It can also increase the risk of chronic diseases such

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Banerjee and Rao: Sexual well‑being and intimacy during the COVID‑19 pandemic

as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular illness.[35] routes of sexual transmission are sparse. The virus was
Studies related to the prevalence of these disorders as not detected in semen or vaginal samples in two small
the aftermath of pandemics are, however, scarce. Fear studies.[41,42] However, another study detected SARS‑CoV‑2
of intimacy can lead to emotional distancing from the by reverse transcriptase‑polymerase chain reaction in
partner, which leads to loneliness, poor coping, and sleep semen samples of six patients.[43] Even the detection of the
disturbances, all of which are independent risk factors virus in urine samples is equivocal.[44] Saliva has also been
for depression and anxiety. Although masturbation is considered to be potential media for cross‑contamination
often considered to be a replacement for partnered sex, in dental practice, and recommendations of testing saliva
there are significant differences between the emotional for viral particles have been suggested.[45] To summarize,
processing and perceived satisfaction from both.[36] Sex has the pathophysiology and epidemiology of COVID‑19 are
been termed as “emotionally binding,” and it increases the yet extensively studied. Considering the large‑scale spread
sense of emotional closeness among couples.[34] Although of the infection, it is clinically prudent to consider all of
some studies have shown beneficial effects of abstinence these modes as a source of potential contamination, unless
on self‑control, spirituality, and well‑being, they were proven otherwise with clear evidence. Many individuals
on individuals who practiced abstinence as a voluntary might feel too stressed for sex and prefer to delay it till
lifestyle.[37] During infectious disease outbreaks, it is situation normalizes. It is a normal stress reaction, and
more of an “imposed abstinence” to prevent the spread. their partners need to accept it. Stress responses during
Bogart et  al.[38] studied 1917 adolescents, recruited from pandemics can vary widely.
mid‑school, and assessed them periodically. They found
a relationship between sexual abstinence among females SAFETY ABOUT SEX/INTIMACY DURING THE
and better mental health, which no longer existed once CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019
educational variables, family bonding, and conventionality
factors were accounted for. In another study, sexually The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
abstinent men were compared with those with high‑risk recommends a minimum distance of 6 feet to avoid
sexual behavior having HIV, and the authors reported transmission, which is impossible for intimate
that the two groups had similar prevalence of depression, relationships.[46] As mentioned before, any in‑person
burnout, anxiety, and insomnia.[39] HIV, however, having contact carries the potential risk for infection. However,
entirely different social dynamics and established routes total isolation is not necessary in all cases. Case‑by‑case
of sexual transmission will be different from other safety assessment and decision‑making is better. If both
infectious diseases. Psychological distress and sexual the couples are asymptomatic, have been practicing
abstinence have been shown to share a bi‑directional precautions, and have no history of travel or exposure,
relationship, as increased stress can also induce people touching, hugging, kissing, and intercourse are likely to
to avoid sexual activities altogether. This factor becomes be safe. Sharing the bed with partner and dining together
vital during disasters such as COVID‑19 as the financial can also be done. After community transmission in many
crisis, unemployment, fear of infection, health anxiety, countries, asymptomatic carriers are rising. That always
travel restrictions, and uncertainty all can contribute carries a potential risk, which cannot be negated.
to the collective stress and hence the varied sexual
behavior.[29] Prolonged sexual abstinence might also lead SEX/INTIMACY WHEN A PARTNER IS
to the emergence of high‑risk sexual behavior, substance SYMPTOMATIC
abuse, gambling, and compulsive self‑gratification as
harmful coping strategies.[40] Sexual oppression at the Of late, any flu‑like symptom generates panic, as it can mimic
time of emergencies has led to adverse physical and COVID‑19. Although the clear‑cut distinction is difficult,
psychological consequences. Considering these factors, high fever, sore throat, respiratory distress, and history of
total sexual abstinence alone might not be an effective exposure (might not always be present) are useful cues.[47]
measure to promote sexual well‑being during pandemics. The WHO and Indian Council of Medical Research have
standard protocols for testing and quarantine, which need
SAFETY OF SEXUAL PRACTICES DURING to be followed. Ideally, based on CDC recommendations,
CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019: REVIEWING THE if any partner is a suspect, self‑quarantine is necessary
RECOMMENDATIONS without bed‑sharing or any form of intimacy till at least
7–14 days after the symptoms started, or till full resolution
SARS‑CoV‑2 is present in respiratory secretions and has of all symptoms, or at least up to 72 h of being fever free
aerosolized droplet spread. Data so far suggest that the without any medications.[48] For hospitalized patients,
virus can be transmitted through respiratory droplets to negative testing for severe infections is recommended
the skin and personal objects, from which it can infect before discharge. A study from Shenzhen, China, had
the sexual partner.[27] Hence, any form of in‑person sexual reported 15% transmission in household contacts, which can
activity carries the potential risk. Data related to other be minimized using strict hand and respiratory hygiene.[49]

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Banerjee and Rao: Sexual well‑being and intimacy during the COVID‑19 pandemic

SEX/INTIMACY FOR FRONTLINE HEALTH Table 2: Proposed sexual approaches during the
WORKERS coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic
Sexual practice/ Details
Health‑care staff, police personnel, delivery executives, or methods
other people involved in essential services have an added Abstinence Ideal and safest, not always practically feasible
vulnerability. Many tend to self‑isolate themselves from Masturbation/ Low risk for transmission
their spouses, adding to the psychological distress. The self‑gratification Safe masturbation tips as followed in STD[52] (washing
hands before touching genitals, clean sex toys, not
most important thing is keeping the partner informed
sharing sex toys, using new condoms each time,
about the risk, using adequate hygiene measures, using nonirritant, and safe lubricant)
a separate set of clothes, having different room for Digital sex Appropriate and mutual consent
occupational requirements, etc. Based on the degree of Sociocultural acceptance
risk, isolation can be discussed and decided upon by both Risks of data leakage and theft
Sexual extortion
the partners. Unilateral decision‑making can harm intimacy
Sexual details/images of minors can have legal
and relationships. If the partner at risk is asymptomatic, consequences
the decision about sexual activities is personal and can be Risk of cyber harassment and online sexual predation
tailored based on mutual preferences and convenience, Special counseling for children and adolescents
as there are no evidence‑based guidelines for the same. Sex with a Least risk to others
self‑quarantined Asymptomatic carriers pose a potential risk
Partner consent is vital in these cases.
partner Increased risk of multiple sexual partners
Continuation Risk reduction counseling[53]
There are many who have newly entered relationships or of usual sexual Risk of infection and transmission routes, sex education
just got married. Many of their partners might be away. For activities Awareness about performance anxiety, sexual
these couples, the challenges might be much more, and frustration, and symptoms of sexual disorders
Reducing the number of sexual partners
the need for continuation of intimacy and digital sexual
Identifying COVID‑19 symptoms and avoid sexual
practices becomes essential. Masturbation, phone or video contact if present
sex, pornography, and sex toys might be helpful measures. Wearing mask, hand and respiratory hygiene before and
However, the unhealthy use of technology, pornography after intercourse
addiction, personal and digital safety, and cyber‑crimes Cleaning of the place of sexual intimacy
Avoiding sexual behaviors that can lead to orofecal
are often the concerns. Research points out that although
pornography can be a self‑gratifying replacement for Minimum contact intimacy and regulated frequency of
in‑person sex, it also tends to be compulsive, can distort sex, if a suspected risk
ideas about sex, and contribute to partner violence.[51] The Miscellaneous Informed decision‑making
inner anxiety of the pandemic, sexual abstinence, and the Emotional support and bonding
Spending quality time
resultant psychological distress might contribute to sexual Communication; sharing hope and joy
disorders in the postpandemic period. Physicians of all “COVID‑” free time
specialties need sensitization and awareness for detecting STD – Sexually transmitted disease; COVID‑19 – Coronavirus disease 2019
these problems, offering appropriate sex counseling, and
initiating referrals if necessary. Special attention needs to as for many, it might be a sensitive and stigma‑inducing
be offered to the sexual minorities, adolescents, and the topic. Many might be hesitant to express it at all. Minors
elderly to prevent them from stigma and prejudice during can tend to withhold valuable information (suicidality,
this pandemic – people who are sexually active need to
high‑risk sexual behaviors, abuse, sexual bullying, etc.), if
be advised about contraception and risks to pregnancy
not interviewed in confidence. People can be encouraged
if infected. The various sexual approaches during the
to engage in digital sex (such as sexting or video sex), with
pandemic (most least to most risky) are summarized in
an eye for the safety concerns. The mutual consent of the
Table 2.
partners is, however, an essential consideration. Digital
ENSURING HEALTH SEXUALITY AND SEXUAL theft has increased during the pandemic, especially with
WELL‑BEING: THE WAY FORWARD specific platforms such as Zoom, which can lead to leakage
of personal data and sexual extortion.[55] Encrypted and
Total abstinence and self‑gratification can be the safest password‑protected digital platforms are safer. The risks
measures, but not always practically feasible. Abstinence‑only and legal implications need to be informed and discussed.
approaches have been shown to induce guilt, decrease The administration also needs to be aware of the increased
self‑esteem, and increase noncompliance to recommended use of digital forums for intimacy and change in cyber
legal provisions.[54] Human needs for intimacy need to strike security monitoring and policies as necessary. For some
an appropriate balance with personal safety and infection minors and others with limited technology access and
control. The health‑care workers need to be empathic practice, digital intimacy might not be possible, and other
and nonjudgmental in these discussions with the couples, avenues might need to be explored. Telephonic expression

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Banerjee and Rao: Sexual well‑being and intimacy during the COVID‑19 pandemic

of affection can help closeness and relationships. Being happiness, staying away from “information overload,”
dismissive of the sexual needs during such a crisis might be and cherishing “COVID‑” free time every day, can help
counter‑productive for both the clinicians and the clients. regenerate the intimacy.[2] Any form of abuse needs
It is especially important to identify any signs of abuse or immediate reporting, as otherwise, it tends to become a
IPV at the earliest and steps to be taken immediately. The vicious and recurrent pattern. Another vital issue is the
national mental health helplines related to COVID-19 can sociocultural acceptance of sexual practices in our country.
liaise with related services by the Ministry of Health and Traditionally, from the descriptions of Kamasutra to the
Family Welfare, Government of India.[56] The women, child modern‑day literature, intimacy has always been viewed
and elder helplines can also be integrated to help and in terms of “personal touch,” and cyber closeness thus
counsel abuse victims, catering to their safety. becomes a culturally dissonant concept.[61] Digital sexuality
has often been equated with “obscene” or “inappropriate”
Another safe approach is to self‑quarantine with partners if based on traditional ideas, for which it might be difficult to
exposure has already occurred with an acceptable degree of adapt it even at such times of crisis.[62] In that context, even
risk. In that case, sexual practices can be feasible.[57] Those with the use of technology for psychosexual well‑being,
who cannot engage in this might continue their sexual the partners need to discuss and tailor it according to their
relationships in a controlled frequency, with risk reduction beliefs, values, and ideals. A discordance in this area can be
counseling. This has helped in reducing the transmission of further damaging.
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Indiscriminate sexual
practices without understanding the risk of transmission CONCLUSION
can enable a much faster spread of COVID‑19. Unwanted
pregnancies need to be prevented and education on the use Sexual health and well‑being have been extensively spoken
of contraceptive measures and protection from STDs need to about in the early days of “pestilences” and since then,
be incorporated in the counseling modules. People affected fallen neglected during pandemics, subsumed by other
with HIV form a susceptible section of the population, health priorities. New advances might emerge with the
and the CDC gives particular guidelines about SARS‑CoV‑2 innovative use of technology for both social and sexual
infection in HIV.[58] Preexposure prophylaxis needs to be connectedness. Digital intimacy can be an effective way
diligently followed. Widespread misinformation has turned of closeness in relationships; however, the authors do not
COVID‑19 into an “infodemic,” which is an added burden intend to advocate that it is mandatory. It is an option that
to public health. Myths related to sexual transmission can the couples can mutually choose for sexual well‑being.
further impair safe sexual practices. Community health Given the many facets of “digital sexuality” discussed
workers need to be active for sexual health counseling above, it is more of a tailored choice and not a generic
and exploring the emotional needs during the pandemic; recommendation.
socioculturally appropriate and multilingual infographics
providing information‑education‑communication about Antibody testing used to have a prime role in the detection
sexuality during COVID‑19 can help at the primary level. of sexual risk for HIV,[63] and similar hopes can be expected
Active liaison of health care with media is necessary for in COVID‑19 too. Antibodies to the causative novel
increased penetration at all levels; mainly social media can coronavirus might render someone safe as a sexual partner.
be a uniquely equipped tool in this field for sexual health As research progresses in this field, sexual medicine needs
communication and promotion.[59] Authentic sources such as to be integrated into public health as an integral indicator
the WHO and CDC are best used for reference. Few websites of psychosocial well‑being. Mental health counseling at all
have useful counseling guidelines for discussion with levels needs adequate sex education tailored to the needs
children about online sexual risk during the pandemic.[60] of pandemics. Awareness and knowledge‑attitude‑practice
among the health‑care professionals can improve beyond
Beyond all the other aspects of intimacy, emotional bond the stigma, prejudice, and taboo related to the discussion
between partners is vital during a global crisis. Sexuality about the sexual matter.
is much beyond just foreplay or intercourse. It involves
holistic closeness and emotional bonding between partners. Cross‑sectional and longitudinal studies need to estimate
This becomes all the more critical during such pandemics, the prevalence and risk factors of sexual disorders and their
with various restrictive measures in place. Communication sociocultural differences and predictors of the same during
is the key, and informed mutual decision‑making can help a pandemic. Qualitative studies are much‑needed assets to
relationships progress. The lockdown has led many couples understand the in‑depth and lived experiences of sexuality
to be stranded together for a long time, a chance that was in couples and their practices of intimacy and unmet
long due. This time can be used for generating love and needs. Sexual counseling can be specialized for children,
intimacy, to mend strained relations, and fostering new adolescents, the elderly, and LGBT community, who are
avenues of trust and hope, that can last long beyond the more vulnerable to social and sexual stigmatization.
pandemic threat. Spending quality time together, sharing Sexuality has moved beyond just an emotional requirement

424 Indian Journal of Psychiatry Volume 62, Issue 4, July-August 2020

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