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Complete with the missing

verb form. Use the Past Simple.

4. Daisy ___________
1.Daisy _________(walk) to 2. Lucy__________(wash) 3. Lucy____________(use) (deliver) the mail.
school. her hands. the computer.

5. Lucy _________ 6.Daisy __________(water) 7. Lucy __________(recycle) 8. Daisy ________

(phone) her mother. the plant. some bottles. (open) the door.

9.Anne___________(paint) 10. Lucy____________

11. Mary______(finish) 12.Lucy ___________(play)
her drawing. (taste) an ice cream.
her drawing. soccer.

13. Mary _______(answer) 14. Daisy_________(work) 15. She ______________ 16. Mary______________
correctly. hard at school. (help) the teacher. (arrive) home at five.
Read the
the conversation
conversation of
of Angela
Angela talking
talking her
her visit
visit to
to the
the zoo.
Then answer
answer the
the questions
questions below.
below. Write
Write complete
complete sentences.

Man So, Angela, you went to the zoo last week. Did you have a good time?
Angela Yes, we had a great day. I took my little sister Maria – it was her birthday. First we
went to the aquarium because Maria loves dolphins.
Man Really? And how many dolphins did you see?
Angela Oh, there were about six or seven, quite a lot. I wanted to see a blue whale, but
there weren’t any whales at all. I suppose they’re too big. But there were some
sharks – just small ones, with big teeth!
Man So what did you see after the aquarium?
Angela Well, then we had lunch. And after lunch we went to see the ‘big cats’ – the lions
and the tigers. They were great!
Man Lions and tigers! Hmm. And how many other animals did you see?
Angela Um, we saw some bears – three or four bears, I think. Maria loved them. But she
wanted to see some elephants too, and we couldn’t see them at all – I think they
were sleeping. There weren’t any camels either, or giraffes, but we really did a
great day...

Tick () the animals 1) When did Angela go to the zoo?

she saw.
2) Who did Angela take to the zoo? Why?
Angela saw …
3) What animals did they see at the aquarium? And how many
did they see?
sharks 4) What did they see after lunch?
lions 5) What animals couldn’t they see because they were sleeping?

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