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True or False: ‘Texts’ work in culture by implicitly enforcing or articulating beliefs,

practices and codes.

Select one:
a. Can neither be true nor false
b. False
c. True
d. Can either be true or false

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the Shinto festivals 

Select one:
a. Haiden
b. Matsuri
c. Nihongi
d. Yamabushi

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The Shinto feature focusing on the importance of sacred space and time 
Select one:
a. Purity
b. The sociological role
c. Polytheism
d. Traditionalism

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True or False: All knowledge claims (including religious ones) are socially constructed.
Select one:
a. Can neither be true nor false
b. False
c. True
d. Can either be true or false

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A biased study of religion fosters religious literacy

Select one:
a. True
b. False

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To be completely unbiased in understanding world religions may not be achieved in

reality, what then can be the best attribute of a religious literate person?

Select one:
a. Can be biased towards his/her own religion but should be open and sincere in
understanding other religions
b. Being completely unbiased should be first in attaining religious literacy
c. Firm in his/her conclusion that their religion is the only true religion but then respects
other religions
d. Can be biased towards his/her religion but critically sees the similarities and contrasts
among the different religions

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What are the ‘two dangers’ posed by contrasting religion and spirituality?

Select one:
a. Danger of psychological impact (on people)
b. Danger of losing the sacred
c. Danger of polarization
d. Danger of religious clash and conflict

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Culture is defined by Greenblatt as

Select one:
a. a set of limits within which social behavior must be contained
b. the practices and processes of making meanings with and from texts we encounter in
our everyday lives
c. an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of
d. shared meanings we make and encounter in our everyday lives

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The phrases, “Buddhists encourages internal peace.” or “Islam encourages violence.” are
problematic and even wrong. Why?

Select one:
a. Buddhists are really violent and majority of Muslims is peaceful.
b. No generalizations can be made because of the vast diversity of beliefs and
interpretations of sect/branches within a religion
c. People’s behaviors in the 21st century are more influenced by media and not by
religion anymore.
d. All religions encourage both peace and violence.

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A recent survey by Win-gallup International 2015 showed that majority of the people is
still religious.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

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Geography has a great impact on religion and religious beliefs.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
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True or False: Religious influences are embedded in all aspects of human experience.
Select one:
a. Can either be true or false
b. True
c. Can neither be true nor false
d. False

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The term referring to a belief in one God

Select one:
a. atheistic
b. polytheistic
c. monotheistic
d. monistic

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What is the Shinto principle of polytheism?

Select one:
a. Polytheism differs from monotheism in terms of quantity not quality
b. Polytheism is having plural deities but are manifestations of the One
c. Polytheism means the sacred world is varied, nuanced, pluralistic and not reducible to
a single entity.
d. Polytheism means the love of gods of each aspect of life: love, health, career, etc.

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In which of these situations was religious literacy applied?

Select one:
a. After the recent Paris terrorist attacks, there was a 300% increase of hate crimes
against Muslims in Britain.
b. A store clerk who let a Muslim customer purchase despite the manager’s order to
block Muslims from their store after bombing happened in their community.
c. A Muslim employer refused to accept a qualified applicant because he is a Catholic
and it would affect their working relationship.
d. A public teacher humiliated a student who did not know a verse in the Bible.
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True or False: In cultural studies approach, the method recognizes that all forms of
inquiry except religious ones are all interpretations.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
c. Can either be true or false
d. Can neither be true nor false

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One of the assumptions of the cultural studies approach in understanding religion is

Select one:
a. Culture is exclusive of political and economic influences
b. All knowledge claims are relative thus all interpretations are equally valid.
c. All knowledge claims are situated in that they arise from particular social/historical
d. Culture norms represent uncontested absolute, universal truths
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Which of the following statements about religion in the 21st century is true?
Select one:
a. The influences of religions in human society remain potent in the 21st century.
b. The influences of religion have been steadily declining due to modernization.
c. Most people have diverted their belief towards science than in religion.
d. Most people choose to be a nonmember due to internal conflicts between religions.

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The Shinto feature emphasizing the importance of doing things as they have “always”
been done is termed as  

Select one:
a. Purity
b. Polytheism
c. The sociological role
d. Traditionalism

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The Shinto feature focusing on its relation to communities 

Select one:
a. Traditionalism
b. Purity
c. The sociological role
d. Polytheism

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You had seen your friend’s post in facebook about how he hates all Muslims because
they are all terrorists. What will you do as a religious literate person?
Select one:
a. Tell him to stop generalizing. Though Muslim fundamentalists were behind in recent
terrorist attacks, not all Muslims are Muslim fundamentalists.
b. Ignore his post because we all have our freedom to express.
c. Understand where he is coming from and that his post maybe justifiable because
many people are killed during terrorist attacks.
d. Accept the fact that in reality, we have our own biases towards our religion.

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Beliefs are a collection of knowledge, values, material objects, and attitudes acquired by
a group of people.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

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What action/s shall be provided to attain religious literacy in a national scale?

Select one:
a. There are more important national issues than hate crimes
b. Include a curriculum on World Religions from a nonsectarian perspective in public
c. Religions should be discussed personally inside families and not in public schools.
d. Enforce the law protecting victims of hate crimes and violence against religious

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Religious studies concerns the

Select one:
a. interpreting and applying the words in the Bible and its verses
b. understanding the truth about God and what one needs to be saved
c. understanding other religious beliefs, traditions and institutions in a scientific
d. strengthening one’s religious faith and devotional beliefs

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The feature of Shinto emphasizing the importance of doing things as they have “always”
been done is termed as
Select one:
a. Purity
b. The importance of practices
c. Traditionalism
d. Polytheism

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What is the main difference between a theologian and religious scholar?

Select one:
a. A theologian is biased toward a particular faith; a religious scholar is expected to be
objective in understanding world religions
b. A theologian is naturally a believer of the religion he studies; a religious scholar is a
nonbeliever of any religion
c. A theologian do not require historical and cultural knowledge of the religion he/she
studies; a religious scholar shall understand the historical and cultural contexts of world
d. A theologian uses a Biblical approach; a religious scholar uses a scientific and/or
academic approach in understanding world religions

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According to Greenblatt, ‘texts’ work in culture by

Select one:
a. By forming actions to eradicate culture because it creates boundaries between groups
of people
b. By deforming the structure of cultural practices and beliefs.
c. Culture is rather intrinsic than socially constructed therefore unchangeable.
d. By articulating cultural codes of behavior in an active and passive process of
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What is/are the manifestation/s of the Meiji Shrine?

Select one or more:
a. the intimate connection of Shinto with the needs of people
b. the relationships and influences of culture to religion and religion to culture
c. the importance of shrines dedicated to the different gods and goddesses

d. that Shinto is intimately connected with Japan’s history

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Religions are internally diverse.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

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Religious traditions and practices of sect/branches within a religion are uniform

Select one:
a. False
b. True

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What is the theology of Shintoism?

Select one:
a. Spirits and spiritual powers exist in the natural world
b. There is no complete death; spirits dwell on earth
c. There is repercussion to every action.
d. Nature has the biggest control on human existence

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A religious literate person has the ability to do the following except

Select one:
a. decide which religion is true and which interpretation is credible
b. understand the history, beliefs, and religious practices of the different world religions
c. discern religious dimensions across time and places
d. present a kind attitude toward a person of different faith from his/her own personal
belief system

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Which of the following is included as the category of spirituality according to

contemporary understanding?
Select one:
a. a nature-oriented spirituality
b. a God-oriented spirituality
c. a self-oriented spirituality
d. a relationship-oriented spirituality

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Which of the following is not considered an element of religion?
Select one:
a. a follower
b. sacred space
c. rituals
d. belief in God

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the mountain priests

Select one:
a. Matsuri
b. Nihongi
c. Yamabushi
d. haiden

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Cultural studies is defined by Culler as

Select one:
a. an ensemble of beliefs and practices that function as a pervasive technology of
b. shared meanings we make and encounter in our everyday lives
c. understanding the functioning of a culture, cultural productions and how cultural
identities are organized
d. understanding the belies systems and practices of an individual or group

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Which of the following is/are considered an element of religion?

Select one:
a. rituals
b. concept of Creation
c. sacred space
d. belief in God

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According to Greenblatt, ‘texts’ work in culture by all of the following except

Select one:
a. By implicitly enforcing beliefs and practices
b. By helping to shape, articulate and reproduce codes, beliefs and practices
c. By deforming the structure of cultural practices and beliefs.
d. By articulating cultural codes of behavior in an active and passive process of

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The term referring to a belief in many gods

Select one:
a. monotheistic
b. atheistic
c. monistic
d. polytheistic

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What is the ultimate concern of spirituality according to LaPierre?

Select one:
a. an understanding of the Creation of universe and of mankind
b. acquiring a sense of religiousness
c. an encounter with transcendence
d. an understanding of oneself

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True or False. Religion and spirituality are positively related to drug and alcohol abuse.
Select one:
a. True
b. Neither true nor false
c. Either true or false
d. False

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The following are assumptions of the cultural studies approach in understanding

religion except
Select one:
a. All knowledge claims are relative thus all interpretations are equally valid.
b. Culture is inclusive of political and economic influences
c. Religion is fundamentally entwined with political, economic and culture contexts
d. All knowledge claims are situated in that they arise out of a particular social/historical

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Devotional expression presumes religious legitimacy of diverse normative claims.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

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What does one need not to develop to attain spirituality?

Select one:
a. A self-reflective existence
b. A quest for meaning
c. A quest for the sacred
d. A quest for faith

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Theology is the academic study of religious beliefs, behaviors and institutions.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

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Which of the statements is true about religion?

Select one:
a. It does not influence and is not influenced by human society.
b. It is isolated from political and social contexts.
c. It is uniform throughout its branches to maintain its structure.
d. It is shaped by historical movements and cultural contexts.

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Religious traditions and practices of sect/branches within a religion are uniform

Select one:
a. True
b. False

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True or False. Religion and spirituality are independent to affect and emotion.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
c. Either true or false
d. Neither true nor false

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Religion and culture are inseparable.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

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the place of prayer 

Select one:
a. Matsuri
b. Haiden
c. Yamabushi

d. Nihongi

What action/s shall be provided to attain religious literacy in a national scale?

Select one:
a. Religions should be discussed personally inside families and not in public schools.
b. Enforce the law protecting victims of hate crimes and violence against religious
c. Include a curriculum on World Religions from a nonsectarian perspective in public

d. There are more important national issues than hate crimes

Religions evolve through time and across places

Select one:
a. False

b. True

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