Huawei Cloud IDT User Guide

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Huawei Cloud IDT User Guide

1 Buy ECS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Choose the right ECS type ................................................................................................................. 3
2. Chose Image: ................................................................................................................................... 3
3. The other configuration are not regulated ........................................................................................... 3
2 IDT Test Environment Installation ............................................................................................................................. 3
1. Login the system ................................................................................................................................. 3
2. IDT License Authorization ................................................................................................................... 4
3. IDT Test Environment Setup ............................................................................................................... 4
1 Buy ECS
1. Choose the right ECS type

2. Chose Image:

3. The other configuration are not regulated

2 IDT Test Environment Installation

1. Login the system
2. IDT License Authorization
# /usr/local/dx7753/bin/license_fingerprint xxx.WibuCmRaC
Where xxx can be your VM host name or something to identify your VM.

Send the xxx.WibuCmRaC to IDT colleagues and they will generate license file named
‘xxx.WibuCmRaU’ based on it.

Step3:Then you need to run ‘/usr/local/dx7753/bin/license_install xxx.WibuCmRaU’ to install

the license on the VM.

3. IDT Test Environment Setup

Step1:Clear FPGA image
# FpgaCmdEntry CF -S 0

Step2:Check the FPGA image had been cleared

# FpgaCmdEntry IF -S 0
Wait for "FPGA PR status" displays "NOT_PROGRAMMED" and "Load/ClearOpsStatus" displays

Step3:Open two terminal windows. And make sure you have root privilege.

Step4:Terminal 1 runs the OpenCL app, which drives the FPGA. This must be started before running
ffmpeg. Wait for "FPGA encoder initialized" before proceeding to the next step:
# sh /root/IDT_R11F_DEMO/

Step5:Terminal 2 runs the ffmpeg demo

# sh /root/IDT_R11F_DEMO/ <input-stream.ts>

PS: You can see more detile at /root/IDT_R11F_DEMO/R11F FFmpeg CLI Guide-v1.2.pdf and

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