Continuing Professional Development

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Continuing Professional Development

Bellow are different methods of Professional developments:

Professional Description
Induction training Induction training is the training you get when you just start at your new job, it's
basically showing you around to introduce you to everything they got, for example how
other systems work and the break times and rules of the company.
I had this training when I started my work experience. It was for a week in which they
showed me how their company works and how to operate the systems and my break
times and the rules.
Performance Performance appraisal is down when your boss or manager sits you down and ways to
appraisal check how you are performing for example if you started at a new business you have
some targets that you have been given to achieve so the boss or manager will be
checking where you have achieved it yet or you are past it.
if you have done better than expected they might change your job role to something
which is more challenging for you or if you haven't achieved it they will look at ways to
help you maybe a bit of training or motivation.
On the job/ off the this basically the training that you receive while working on the training you will receive
job training if need of work. On job training are for people that are new most times and off job
training is similar but mostimes is for people that are going to get promoted in the
Coaching and coaching and mentoring is a great way of development because there is someone in the
mentoring business which is more experienced than you monitoring and coaching you basically
looking after you to make sure you are doing the right things if you have any questions
you can go to them and it's just good for motivating you.
When I was at placement I had a metre which was a lady that worked at the business
for 12 years and when I had any questions or finished my tasks I would go to her and I
found it very helpful.
Graduate training this is a great way of professional development and i'm looking to get into it when I
programme finish university because when you finish university there are big companies offering
graduate training programs and If you get accepted you will be put in your role to learn
what your responsibilities are and you will make money and still study and you will have
the person that does the job as your mentor and they will teach you everything they
know because most times you will be taking their role in future after your training is
Management Management training is where you can go on a course to learn how to manage a group
training of people and it's important to be educated because then you will more likely be a good
manager because you have learned how to manage different people with different
Secondments This gives the employee a chance to explore the business and get to know different
roles so for example if some leaves they could step up and want to do their role
because they have a bit of knowledge about the role and it's a good way to get
Shadowing It's basically when a new employee is like a shadow behind an experienced employee to
learn how to do things in the business, and it's an effective way of development
because it's easier to learn new things when seeing it done rather than being told.
E-Learning E learning is when a person is learning through electronic media, it's good because it
can be done faster and it can also be cheaper so the employer will save money and it's
more time efficient.
Vocational & This is for people that want to learn and train in a specific subject or job role for
professional example a hairdresser will be going to do a hairdressing course which then he can get
courses qualified as a hairdresser and to go to that specific job role.
it's similar to my situation. I'm doing a business level 3 and the plan is then to go to
university and then after a job in business.
Job rotation This is an effective method of development for some employees for example if one
employee finds the job they are doing too easy and the other finds his role too hard for
him an employer can rotate other job roles to develop them and to see if they will do
Lifelong learning There are many different ways of lifelong learning for example it could be learning skills
which are not everly nede for your job role but you have learned the skill and you will
have it life long.

Retraining it's a good way of development because it could mean they are doing well at their role
and they should be promoted to a higher role but need a bit of retraining and then they
can go to their new job role.
This development is mostly used within a business and the employees it already has.

The methods I will need to achieve my career plan:

My career aim is to become a Marketing manager to achieve this are some methods of professional
development that will help me.

Introduction training:
I will most likely have an introduction training the first few weeks of my job role, in my opinion introduction
training is very useful and good because then I will get to know everton and the place, and also how
everything works like their systems and their rules.

Graduate training program:

Im very interested in this because i thin is a great way of professional development for me because when i
leave university i can joining a graduate training program and there i will be working and learning about my
job at the same time so i will get experience so after 1 or 2 years that the training is finished I will be more
than ready to take on the role.

Management training:
I need this development because I will be managing people when I become a marketing manager so I will be
looking into doing a management course while being at university or maybe it will be included in my degree.
I think it's a great way of learning what I need to do in my role so when becoming a marketing manager I
will probably be shadowing an experienced manager.
I have got a bit of experience at shadowing which was when I was at placement the first week all I did was
look at one of the experienced employees how she answers emails and calls and the way she solves
customers problems and I learned a lot because I could see it first hand.

E learning:
E learning will help me in my professional development because in the last year of my 4 year plan I'm going
to be studying a new language like sign and E learning is the way I will probably learn how to sign.

unknown. (). Introducing British Sign Language. Available: Last accessed 15/11/20.

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