Labor and Birth Process and NURSING MANAGEMENT (Chapter 13 and 14) False Labor Factors That Affect Labor

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and 14)  
False Labor Factors That Affect Labor
 Irregular contractions The Five P’s:
 No regular pattern  Passageway (birth canal)
 Discomfort in lower abdomen and  Passenger (fetus and placenta)
groin  Powers (contractions)
 Show is not present  Position of the mother
 Does not cause cervical change  Psychologic response
 Activity does not increases Labor Definition
contractions  Coordinated sequence of
 Sedation will stop or decrease involuntary uterine contractions
contractions  Contractions 3 minutes apart or less
  lasting 60 seconds or longer
True Labor  Resulting in effacement and
 Regular contractions dilatation of the cervix and delivery of
 Contractions Progresses to a pattern the fetus and placenta.
 Discomfort begins in back and  
radiates to the abdomen Possible Causes of Labor Maternal
 Activity increases contraction  Uterine muscle stretching
frequency  Pressure on the cervix
 Sedation does not diminish  Oxytocin
contraction pattern  Placental aging
 Causes cervical changes  Estrogen/Progesterone ratio change
 Show usually present  Fetal cortisol concentration
   Prostaglandins
Contractions Produce Do not  OXYTOCIN STIMULATION: term
progressive produce uterus sensitive to oxytocin leading to
dilation and progressive pressure exerted on cervix by fetus.
effacement of and  PROGESTERONE WITHDRAWAL:
the cervix. effacement. decreases progesterone by fetus &
Occur Irregular and and increases prostaglandins in
regularly and do not chorioamnion resulting to increase
increase in increase in uterine contractions.
frequency, frequency,  ESTROGENSTIMULATIONL:
duration, and duration, and decreases progesterone allows
intensity. intensity. estrogen to increase contractile
response of uterus.
Show Is present Not present,  FETAL CORTISOL: changes
may have biochemistry of fetal membrane and
brownish decreases progesterone & increases
discharge prostaglandin in placenta.
that may be  DISTENTION: uterine muscles
from vaginal stretch causing increase of
exam if prostaglandin.
within the  AMNIOTIC MEMBRANES (sac) makes
last 48 hrs. arachidonic acid to prostaglandin -^
uterine contractility.
Cervix Becomes Usually
effaced and uneffaced
Signs Preceding Labor
dilates and closed.
 Lightening
 Increase vaginal discharge
Fetal No significant May intensify  Cervix softening
movement change, even for a short  Rupture of membranes
though fetus period or may  Energy burst
continues to remain the  Braxton-Hicks contractions
 Weight loss  
 Bloody show Passageway
 Presenting Part  Pelvic structure and shape
 Cephalic  Soft tissues
 Shoulder  Cervix
 Breech  Pelvic floor
o Frank- hips are flexed and  Vagina
legs extended Passenger
o Full or complete- hips and  Size of the fetal head
knees are flexed and the feet are  Presenting part
not below the level of the feral  Fetal lie
buttocks.  Fetal attitude
o Footling or incomplete- one  Fetal position
or both feet are presenting as  
the lowest part of the fetus.  Fetal Skull
 Fetal Lie  Largest and least compressible
 Fetal lie is the relationship of the structure
spine of the fetus to the spine of the  Sutures: allow for overlapping and
mother changes in shape (molding); help
 Longitudinal identify position of fetal head
 Transverse  Fontanels: intersections of sutures;
 Fetal Attitude help in identifying position of fetal
 Fetal attitude is flexion or extension head and in molding
of the joints and the relationship of  
fetal parts to one another
 Fetal Position
 relationship of the presenting part
of the fetus to a designated point of
the maternal pelvic structure


o Baby's back favors mothers
right and the back of baby's head
is towards mothers posterior. In
ROP, baby is head down and the
back is to the right side. This
position can be deceptively
reassuring. ROP is the most Four Stages of Labor
common of the four posterior  First Stage starts with Onset of labor
positions. to complete dilation
Powers o Latent phase Dilatation 0 to 3
 Contractions primary force cm
 Frequency  Effacement 0 to 40%
 Duration o Active phase Dilatation 4 to 7
 Intensity cm
 Pushing secondary force  Effacement 40 to 80%
o Transition Dilatation 8–10 cm o Sense of mastery, self-
 Effacement 100% confidence
 Second stage complete dilation to o Trust in staff caring for her
birth o Positive reaction to the
 Third stage birth to placental pregnancy
separation and expulsion o Personal control over
 Fourth stage four hours following breathing
delivery of the place o Preparation for the childbirth
Factors That Affect Labor
 5 Additional P’s
o Philosophy
o Partner
o Patience
o Pain management
Cardinal movements of Labor
 Engagement
 Descent
 Flexion
 Internal rotation
Initial Maternal Assessment  Extension
 Presenting complaint  External rotation (restitution)
 EDC  Expulsion (birth)
 Gravida/Para  
o GRAVIDA- number of Nurses Role
pregnancies  During labor and delivery fetal
o PARA- number of births after assessment includes determining fetal
20 weeks well-being and interpreting signs and
 Contraction Pattern symptoms of possible compromise
 Membrane status  Nurse needs to be knowledgeable of
 Presence of fetal movement the different FHR categories and the
 Complications appropriate interventions that may be
 Five digit system required
o G- total number of Monitoring Techniques
pregnancies  Electronic fetal monitoring
o T- full term pregnancies (37-  External monitoring
40 weeks) o FHR—ultrasound transducer
o P- preterm deliveries (20-36) o UCs—Toco transducer
o A- abortions and  Internal monitoring (invasive)
miscarriages (before 20 weeks) o Spiral electrode (FSE)
o L-- living children o Intrauterine pressure
Maternal Position catheter (IUPC)
 Affects woman’s anatomic and FHR Categories
physiologic adaptations to labor  Category I normal
 Frequent changes in position  Category II indeterminate
o Relieve fatigue  Category III predictive of abnormal
o Increase comfort fetus acid base status
o Improve circulation  
o Facilitates decent and Determining FHR Patterns
rotation  Fetal assessment
  o Baseline FHR
Psychological Response o Variability
 Factors Influencing a Positive Birth o Accelerations
Experience o Periodic changes
o Clear information on (decelerations)
procedures o Early (head compression)
o Support, not being alone
o Late (placental insufficiency)  Fetal heart rate changes due to
o Variable (cord compression) contractions
Baseline Fetal Heart Rate  Fetal circulation & respiratory
 Baseline Rate is the average FHR changes preparing for birth
that occurs during a 10-minute  Fetal heart rate baseline and
segment excluding periodic or variability
episodic rate changes  Fetal heart rate response to
 Normal 110-160 contractions
 Bradycardia <110 o Prolonged Deceleration
 Tachycardia >160  Abrupt decrease in FHR of at
Fetal Heart Rate Variability least 15 bpm lasting longer
 Irregular Fluctuations in FHR than 2 minutes, but less
baseline measured as amplitude of than 10 minutes.
the peak to trough in bpm  FHR usually drops to less
 Absent fluctuation undetectable than 90 bpm
 Minimal <5 bpm Fetal Heart Rate
 Moderate (normal) 6-25 bpm V Variable
 Marked >25bpm E Early
  A Acceleration
Fetal Assessment L Late
 FHR provides information about the C Cord
fetal oxygen status. H Head Compression
 Locations for auscultating O Oxygenated fetus
 Doppler Nursing Procedure 12.1 pg. P Placental problems
 Continuous FHR via ultrasound Fetal Assessment Methods
transducer  Umbilical Cord Blood Analysis
 Fetal movement  Fetal Scalp Stimulation
  Pain Management
Contraction Assessment  Nonpharmacologic
 Frequency o Simple, safe, and inexpensive
 Duration o Provide sense of control over
 Strength/Intensity childbirth
 Resting tone o Natural child birth requires
  practice for best results
Pelvic Exam o Try variety of methods and
 Effacement seek alternatives, including
 Dilation pharmacologic methods if
 Presenting part needed
 Station o Imagery and visualization
 Status of membranes o Position Changes Table 14.2
General Systems Assessment o Music
 Vital signs o Touch and massage
 General physical assessment o Breathing techniques
 Leopold’s maneuvers Procedure o Effleurage and counter
14.1 pg. 424 pressure
 Review prenatal record for lab o Water therapy
results and history (hydrotherapy)
Physiologic Adaptation to Labor  Pharmacologic
 Maternal Adaptation o Systemic Analgesia
 Cardiovascular changes  Use of one or more
 Respiratory changes drugs administered orally,
 Musculoskeletal changes IM, or IV. These meds are
 Gastrointestinal changes distributed via the
Fetal adaptation to labor circulatory system.
 Pain relief can occur until the contraction has
within a few min. and last ended
up to several hrs.  Caused by
 Side effect can be uteroplacental insufficiency
respiratory depression in  Fetus is in distress
the mother as well as the o Variable Decelerations
newborn after birth  Abrupt decrease in
 Opioids FHR below the baseline.
 Ataractics/Antiemetic The decrease is at least 15
s bpm, lasting between 15
 Benzodiazepines sec and under 2 minutes.
  They can vary with
Fetal Heart Rate Patterns  Shaped like a “V” or a
Changes in fetal heart rate “W”
 Periodic occur with Contractions  Associated with cord
 Episodic (non-periodic) not compression
associated with contractions  Gown, gloves, and protective
 Accelerations equipment for personnel
 Decelerations  Cleansing of the perineum
Accelerations  Deliver the newborn
 Positive sign of fetal wellbeing  
 Abrupt increase in FHR above the Second Stage of Labor
base line lasting <30 sec from onset to  Assessment of contractions and FHR
peak  Fetal descent
 Term 15 bpm above baseline &  Psychological considerations
duration >15 sec. but <2min  Maternal positioning
 Prior to 32 weeks 10 by 10  Coaching maternal breathing and
 Prolonged 2 min. to <10min pushing efforts
Decelerations  Perineal
 Early decelerations o Lacerations (Depth)
 Late decelerations  * 1st degree
 Variable decelerations  * 2nd degree
 Prolonged decelerations  * 3rd degree
o Early Decelerations  * 4th degree
 Gradual decrease in  Episiotomy
FHR, The nadir of the early o Midline
deceleration occurs with o mediolateral
the peak of a contraction.  
 A late deceleration is Third Stage of Labor
defined as a waveform Delivery of the placenta
with a gradual decrease  Assess for perineal trauma
and return to baseline with  Repair of episiotomy/Perineal
time from onset of the lacerations
deceleration to the lowest  Newborn care
point of the deceleration  Emotional support /Foster bonding
(nadir) >30 seconds  
 Head Placental separation and expulsion
compression/vagal  Firmly contracting fundus
response  Change in uterus
 No treatment  Sudden gush of dark blood from
required/benign pattern introitus
o Late Decelerations  Apparent lengthening of umbilical
 Gradual decrease in cord
FHR of the deceleration  Vaginal fullness
occurring after the peak of  
the contraction. The FHR Newborn care
does not return to baseline  Time of birth noted
 Drying, stimulation, suctioning of Preparation for Delivery
the newborn  Prepare instrument table
 Respiratory effort, heart rate, color,  Adequate lighting
tone noted  Oxygen and suction equipment
 One- and five-minute Apgar scores  Radiant warmer, blankets,
 Cord blood obtained  identification for newborn
 Identification  Pitocin
   Positioning of mother for birth
Regional Analgesia/Anesthesia  
 Pudendal never block  
 Epidural (Vaginal Del or C/S)  Fourth Stage of Labor
 Spinal (C/S)  
 General (C/S) Maternal Assessment
   Uterus
 Lochia
 Perineum
 Bladder
Epidural Analgesia  Vital signs
 Combination of local anesthetic  Pain
(lidocaine) & an opioid (morphine or  Newborn-family attachment
fentanyl)  Breastfeeding initiated
 Injected into the epidural space
 Medication can be balanced to  
provide pain relive and the ability to  
General Anesthesia
 Reserved for emergency cesarean
births when there is not enough time
to do a spinal or epidural for
 Combination of IV injection and
inhalation agents
Epidurals/Spinals/General Anesthesia
 Anesthesia interview
 Consent form
 Labs (platelets less than 100,000 can
place an epidural/spinal)
Nursing Responsibilities During 1st Stage of
 Vital signs
 Hydration and nutrition
 Elimination
 Assessment of contractions and FHR
 Labor Support
 Comfort measures/Pain
 Education
Heart Rate Absent < 100 bpm > 100 bpm
Respiratory Apneic Slow, irregular, shallow Regular 30-60
effort breaths/min 
Strong, good cry
Muscle Tone Limp, Flaccid Some flexion, limited Tight flexion, good
resistance to extension resistance to extension
with quick response to
flexed position
Reflex No Response   Sneeze, cough, or
irritability Grimace or frown when vigorous cry
Skin color Cyanotic or Appropriate body color; blue Completely pink
Pale extremities


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