Intervention Is Classroom Instruction

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Today’s children face a multitude of challenges and pressures that did not exist thirty years ago.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, emotional and behavioral disorders
affect 10-15% of children worldwide. This harsh reality means today’s teachers must learn how
to proactively identify behavioral and academic areas of need and address them before
students fall behind. Effective classroom intervention strategies equip teachers with structured
methods for identifying areas of weakness and helping students increase academic proficiency. 

What Is Intervention in Education? 

In general terms, classroom intervention is a set of steps a teacher takes to help a child improve
in their area of need by removing educational barriers. There are four key components of
classroom intervention:

1. Proactive: Deals with areas of need before they become a larger obstacle to education.
2. Intentional: Specifically addresses an observed weakness.
3. Formal: Uses targeted methods for addressing specific needs and tracks progress.
4. Flexible: Adjusts methods based upon the needs of the student.

In the classroom, teachers may observe and identify problems with a student’s behavior or
academic performance. Sometimes, the same child needs improvement in both areas.
Although often connected, these issues are addressed using different types of interventions. 

Behavior interventions address a child’s problem behavior at school, like disrupting class,
refusing to do homework, unresponsiveness, inappropriate language and aggression. When
using this method, teachers work to determine the driving force behind a student’s wrong
action. They may use a functional behavior assessment to aid in this discovery process. Once
the motivating factor behind the behavior is identified, teachers can construct an effective
behavior intervention plan for teaching more appropriate behaviors while meeting the child’s

Instructional interventions, also called academic interventions, deal with a student’s academic
problem areas, like reading, math or another subject. For example, when a child struggles with
reading skills, educators will employ reading intervention strategies. This type of intervention
involves more detailed tracking of progress and frequent adjustments to reach a student’s
optimal academic proficiency. The instructional intervention definition also includes Response
to Intervention, which involves three tiers of intervention that become increasingly intense
while attempting to address the child’s core academic need. 
At a Glance
 An instructional intervention is a program or set of steps to help kids
improve at things they struggle with.
 Instructional interventions focus on subjects like reading or math.
 They’re designed so that you and the school can track your child’s

Special Education and Classroom Intervention

Although classroom interventions are frequently used in special education, they’re not a form
of special education. Interventions help classroom teachers identify the early signs of learning
disabilities, but that is not their only or primary use. Today, instructional and behavioral
interventions are used to identify and remove obstacles that hinder a student’s academic

Response to Intervention: 3 Tiers of Instruction

A popular form of instructional intervention is Response to Intervention (RTI), which uses a
series of increasingly intense interventions until the student’s area of academic need is met or
special education is recommended. Here is a breakdown of this three-tier system of support:

Tier 1
This level involves whole-class screening or universal screening that uses the school’s research-
based curriculum. The curriculum includes periodic student assessments and behavioral
screenings to chart progress. Once a student is identified as “at risk,” they are given a specific
amount of time to make satisfactory progress. If the student doesn’t adequately improve, then
they move to Tier 2 of RTI. 

Tier 2
This level involves targeted instruction related to a specific skill. These students have lessons in
smaller, group settings and receive more attention and guidance as they learn and practice
using a different method. The instruction is more frequent and lengthier than Tier 1. Students
still receive their Tier 1 classroom instruction but break off into small group sessions several
times a week for Tier 2, usually during electives. Progress is monitored, and if there’s enough
improvement, the student may return to Tier 1 instruction. If the student doesn’t improve and
their performance devolves, they will move to Tier 3. 
Tier 3
At this level, the student typically receives daily one-on-one customized instruction, but they
may also work in very small groups. Some schools will involve an intervention specialist to
conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the student and get help with more personalized
curriculum, including how to more effectively tailor instruction to this student’s needs. The
student will continue to spend most of their day in a general instruction classroom. If they don’t
make satisfactory progress, they may be recommended for further evaluation and special
education services. Otherwise, they may move back to Tier 2 or Tier 1 instruction. 

Importance of Implementing Classroom Interventions

Inevitably, challenges arise when implementing intervention in education. The program must
be developed and supported by the school administration and requires continuous oversight.
The importance of intervention in education is widely established but must be implemented
effectively to impact student learning.

To be effective, schools can follow these simple tips for a successful RTI Program:

 Assess current core curriculums to ensure no systemic problems on this level.

 Provide proper support and training for teachers.
 Give clear expectations for core instruction and intended results.
 Track program progress to ensure students’ academic proficiency is growing.

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Benefits of Classroom Intervention

The goal of RTI is to restore students to the general education classroom. When schools and
teachers implement and follow effective Response to Intervention strategies, a larger number
of students meet grade-level expectations at the Tier 1 level. 

RTI also conserves special education resources. Because many students who perform below
grade level do not have learning disabilities, classroom intervention strategies frequently
reduce the number of students who are referred for special education evaluations. When
classroom interventions address both behavioral and academic issues and restore students to
proficiency in the general classroom, schools can focus their special education resources on
those children who genuinely need them. 

Key Takeaways
 An instructional intervention is more than just a strategy.
 They have specific, formalized steps to address an academic need.
 Many schools use a framework called response to intervention (RTI) to help struggling

101 Classroom Interventions

1. Provide structure and predictable routine.
2. Give rewards for positive behavior.
3. Problem solve behavior choices using 10 steps.
4. Modify for situations which may cause increased anxiety.
5. Establish clear, consistent rules, which are direct and simple.
6. Provide logical consequences.
7. Provide positive behavior choices.
8. Work on positive self-concept.
9. Utilize teaching moments to teach natural consequences.
10. Discuss rules and boundaries over and over.
11. Teach social skills – don’t assume that they have them but just are not using them.
12. Help them develop and understanding of self contro.l vs. others controlling them.
13. Provide unconditional positive regard in the form of snacks, attention, and rewards.
14. Acknowledging feelings (“that seems frustrating”).
15. Prepare for changes in schedule appropriate to the child.
16. Base teaching on individual needs.
17. Preplan for activities and challenges.
18. Foreshadow struggles.
19. Get to know the child.
20. Modify schedules.
21. Provide smaller work settings.
22. Teach self regulation.
23. Help student with setting priorities.
24. Create a safe place for time out.
25. Encourage self expression.
26. Play.
27. Provide consequences with empathy.
28. Develop rituals or routines for organization.
29. Teach with the brain in mind.
30. Encourage a child to talk out loud to monitor progress.
31. Provide a calming down place in the classroom (not a time out).
32. Provide for sensory needs.
33. Provide rubrics to assist the child in pacing and monitoring progress both academic and
34. Avoid power struggles.
35. Have brainstorm sessions for writing ideas.
36. Provide short writing periods.
37. Provide rewards for going slowly and carefully, avoiding timed activities whenever
38. Provide priming for upcoming curriculum.
39. Use visual clocks, timers, schedules and calendars.
40. Smile.
41. Support a differentiated classroom.
42. Take care of yourself.
43. Recognize that some students may need something to fidget with to help them focus.
44. Say “what can I do to help you?” to a student.
45. Designate a safe spot in the school for a child to access help, nurturing, comfort.
46. Agree to disagree.
47. Consider allowing gum or chew sticks for children who have oral sensory needs.
48. Accept that the student’s view of the situation may be different from yours, and also still
accurate and true.
49. Accept that when I child says, “you can’t make me”, he is right.
50. Don’t assume you know what caused an incident, ask what happened.
51. Accept that some triggers to behavior may have been set in motion before the child
stepped into your classroom.
52. Make “everyone gets what they need” a classroom rule that allows for diversity,
accommodation, and individuated instruction where no one is the “special needs” child.
53. Develop an inside joke with a student to make him/her feel connected to you.
54. Provide choices to give students a sense of power “do you want to do your math in
regular pencil or colored pencil?”
55. Consider the environment. Is this more stimuli than this student can tolerate?
56. State directives in terms of the behavior you want, not what you don’t want.
57. Create an environment of safety in your classroom (no put downs, bullying, everyone
is included).
58. When it’s over, it’s over. Avoid rehashing old events when problem solving with a child.
59. Speak to a child at eye level.
60. Avoid yelling or intimidation.
61. Incorporate drama and art into teaching.
62. Role play social situations with students to help them to learn and practice social skills.
63. Diversify your teaching style.
64. Use as few words as possible, many children check out after the first minute.
65. Encourage children to self advocate for their needs (break, water, etc.).
66. Help a child clean up his space; demonstrate organizational skills.
67. Create a diversion- if a child seems like he is revving up, send him on an important
68. Provide tactile sensation such as Velcro or felt strips under the desks for students who
have trouble sitting still.
69. Have a child who may have sensory needs with “heavy work”; moving paper boxes,
books etc.
70. Help a child to “save face” in front of his/her peers – give him/her an out creating a
71. Encourage children to set goals and self-reflect on their progress.
72. Consider classroom pacing; is it too fast/slow?
73. Break down projects into steps; assigning one step at a time to assist children.
74. Give instructions both orally and visually whenever possible.
75. Understand that a child may do well in novel, unique or one-on-one situations but have
may not yet have the skill to generalize this success to the classroom on a consistent basis.
76. Look at building skills such as patience and delayed gratification but understand that you
may need to scaffold these skills and build them over time.
77. Divide an assignment into sections on the page and cover up the sections not currently
being worked on.
78. Model an organized classroom and allow 5 minutes for teacher and student organization
at the end of a class period.
79. Allow student movement time.
80. Use proximity to help a child regulate his/her behavior.
81. Consider time of day. Most children do best with more difficult tasks in the morning.
82. Encourage your students to “stop and think”; when asking for a response during whole
group instruction, pause for 10-15 seconds before accepting any answers to encourage
reflection and discourage impulsivity.
83. Make consequence and reward as immediate as possible.
84. Be a voice of optimism in your school.
85. Evaluate your behavioral interventions frequently and change when necessary; some
things may lose their novelty after a time– it doesn’t mean it didn’t work.
86. Encourage teamwork and inclusion in your classroom.
87. Notice something positive about your most challenging student each day.
88. Tell him/her about what you notice (see above).
89. Give yourself permission to take a time out.
90. Collect baseline data on student behaviors and academics; sometimes in the middle of
the year, it is difficult to remember how far they have come.
91. Teach empathy by challenging students to take the perspective of others.
92. Assign projects that help students feel a sense of belonging to the larger community.
93. Help students to transition to the next school year; introduce them to new teachers and
inspire confidence in the child.
94. Wipe the slate clean each day.
95. Don’t take it personally; expect that children with mental health issues may let us down
occasionally, despite our best efforts.
96. Use humor, not sarcasm.
97. Celebrate the small victories.
98. Provide an area for students to work with minimal stimulus (cubicle).
99. Consider that some students may be more productive with music and headphones.
100. Experiment with different classroom configurations.
101. Recognize the ripple effect of your interactions with children.
Intervention Strategies and
Before we go on and on with examples, we'll go ahead and intervene and start you out
with the tips.

1. Give plenty of feedback.

Feedback is a great way for students to know quickly whether they are on the right track
or need to take a different tack. That doesn't mean that all feedback has to be formal,
but can be quick verbal cues to help your students know how they're doing.

2. Continually monitor progress.

This one's best buds with giving feedback, and it's a great way to keep a peg on your
kids as individuals. It helps you to keep their progress front and center—whether that's
academic progress or progress in growing out of some annoying habit that distracts the
whole class. (If you haven't had a tapper, we envy you). By continually monitoring, you
will know when kids are starting to slip, and that early warning will signal you to throw a
life raft before things get critical. (The tapper's back? Man the boats!).

3. Clarify your objectives.

Dats right, you set dem goals. If you have objectives—and better yet, if you tell your
kids the objectives you've set for them—that helps focus your mind and your students'.
Everyone will know what accomplishments are expected and everyone has the
opportunity to jump on board. (Or off, but we already used the life boat in point #2).

4. Direct instruction.
Direct instruction can be seen as a dirty word in creative pedagogy land, but hey,
sometimes you don't need to get all fancy. Sometimes you just need to tell a student the
definition of a term, or demonstrate a process while they watch. You can use all your
creativity once they actually get it—in some cases, it's just plain the most effective tool.

5. Have students rephrase your lesson.

If they can tell you (added bonus! Either verbally or in writing) what you've taught them,
then you can reasonably assume they understand what you've done. Extra kudos if they
still remember it the next class period.

And guess what? This step links back to our old friend monitoring progress. Lucky

6. Make sure those kids reflect.

This step may be a bit more difficult if you teach younger youngsters, but middle and
high school students certainly can reflect on their learning. You can have them evaluate
their own learning and consider how they can improve their own performance. They're
usually harder on themselves than you would be. Extra motivation in the bank.

Plus, this strategy can help students gain the critical evaluation skills needed to become
better learners.

These strategies aren't guarantees that all will be well for 100% of your students, but
they will help you maximize your effectiveness. There are tons more in the links we've
provided, and, undoubtedly, you will stumble across your own techniques. What matters
is figuring out what makes sense for you and your students—and sticking with it.

Or adapting.

Really, whatever makes sense in your own, unique snowflake of a classroom.

A learning intervention is a fantastic way to master knowledge whenever you quickly

need to dive into a topic and have a specific learning question. When more time is
available, we like to develop a learning campaign, so we can provide more guidance to
the target audience and encourage them to learn.

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