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298 Diabetes Care Volume 43, February 2020


Sabine Kahl,1,2 Sofiya Gancheva,1,2,3

Empagliflozin Effectively Lowers Klaus Straßburger,2,4 Christian Herder,1,2
Jürgen Machann,2,5 Hisayuki Katsuyama,1,2
Liver Fat Content in Well- Stefan Kabisch,2,6 Elena Henkel,7
Stefan Kopf,2,8 Merit Lagerpusch,2,6
Controlled Type 2 Diabetes: A Konstantinos Kantartzis,2,5
Yuliya Kupriyanova,1,2 Daniel Markgraf,1,2
Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase Theresa van Gemert,1,2,3 Birgit Knebel,2,9
Martin F. Wolkersdorfer,10 Oliver Kuss,2,4
4, Placebo-Controlled Trial Jong-Hee Hwang,1,2 Stefan R. Bornstein,11
Diabetes Care 2020;43:298–305 | Christian Kasperk,2,8 Norbert Stefan,2,5
Andreas Pfeiffer,2,6,12
Andreas L. Birkenfeld,2,9 and
Michael Roden1,2,3

To evaluate whether the sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor empagliflozin
(EMPA) reduces liver fat content (LFC) in recent-onset and metabolically well-
controlled type 2 diabetes (T2D).


Patients with T2D (n 5 84) (HbA1c 6.6 6 0.5% [49 6 10 mmol/mol], known disease
duration 39 6 27 months) were randomly assigned to 24 weeks of treatment with
25 mg daily EMPA or placebo. The primary end point was the difference of the
change in LFC as measured with magnetic resonance methods from 0 (baseline) to
24 weeks between groups. Tissue-specific insulin sensitivity (secondary outcome)
was assessed by two-step clamps using an isotope dilution technique. Exploratory
analysis comprised circulating surrogate markers of insulin sensitivity and liver 1
Institute for Clinical Diabetology, German Di-
function. Statistical comparison was done by ANCOVA adjusted for respective abetes Center, Leibniz Institute for Diabetes Re-
baseline values, age, sex, and BMI. search at Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf,
RESULTS German Center for Diabetes Research, München-
Neuherberg, Germany
EMPA treatment resulted in a placebo-corrected absolute change of 21.8% (95% 3
Division of Endocrinology and Diabetology,
CI 23.4, 20.2; P 5 0.02) and relative change in LFC of 222% (236, 27; P 5 0.009) Medical Faculty, Heinrich-Heine University
from baseline to end of treatment, corresponding to a 2.3-fold greater reduction. Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
Institute for Biometrics and Epidemiology, Ger-
Weight loss occurred only with EMPA (placebo-corrected change 22.5 kg man Diabetes Center, Leibniz Institute for Dia-
[23.7, 21.4]; P < 0.001), while no placebo-corrected change in tissue-specific insulin betes Research at Heinrich-Heine University,
sensitivity was observed. EMPA treatment also led to placebo-corrected changes in Düsseldorf, Germany
uric acid (274 mol/L [2108, 242]; P < 0.001) and high-molecular-weight adipo- Institute for Diabetes Research and Metabolic
Diseases, Helmholtz Center Munich at the Uni-
nectin (36% [16, 60]; P < 0.001) levels from 0 to 24 weeks. versity of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Department of Clinical Nutrition, German In-
CONCLUSIONS stitute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke,
EMPA effectively reduces hepatic fat in patients with T2D with excellent glycemic Nuthetal, Germany
control and short known disease duration. Interestingly, EMPA also decreases Clinical Study Center of Metabolic Vascular
Medicine, GWT-TUD GmbH, Dresden, Germany
circulating uric acid and raises adiponectin levels despite unchanged insulin 8
Department of Internal Medicine 1 and Clinical
sensitivity. EMPA could therefore contribute to the early treatment of nonalcoholic Chemistry, University Hospital of Heidelberg,
fatty liver disease in T2D. Heidelberg, Germany Kahl and Associates 299

Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) are RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS master randomization list was only acces-
prone to develop nonalcoholic fatty liver Study Design sible to the assigned randomization list
disease (NAFLD) (1), and NAFLD itself is This randomized, parallel-group, double- managers, and study sites received sealed
associated with a doubled risk of incident blind, phase 4 trial was performed at five opaque envelopes for unblinding in cases
T2D (2). NAFLD associates not only with centers in Germany (Düsseldorf, Potsdam- of emergency. Enrollment was performed at
cardiovascular disease but also with di- Rehbrücke, Dresden, T übingen, and the respective site. Randomization and
abetes-related chronic kidney disease Heidelberg) with a 1:1 allocation to assignment to the double-blind study
and retinopathy (1). Moreover, patients treatment arms. The lead ethics committee drug was done by central pharmacy per-
with T2D are at a higher risk of progress- of Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf sonnel, who had access to the computer-
ing from steatosis to nonalcoholic steato- approved all trial procedures. generated randomization scheme. No
hepatitis (NASH), fibrosis, and cirrhosis (1). open access to the code was available
Pronounced weight loss is effective for Patients at study centers to monitors, statisticians,
the treatment of NAFLD but difficult to The study population consisted of well- or sponsors’ teams. Blinding of investiga-
achieve in many cases. Although well- controlled patients with T2D with short tors and patients was achieved by pro-
known (glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor known disease duration to exclude that viding EMPA and placebo tablets with
agonists, thiazolidinediones) and novel the observed effects of EMPA were identical appearance and packaging. Un-
(e.g.,pegbelfermin,elafibranor)compounds mainly driven by improvement of glyce- blinding was performed after the final
have demonstrated beneficial effects in mic control. The rationale for this se- database lock.
patients with T2D and NAFLD, there is no lection was the research question of
accepted pharmacological treatment for whether SGLT2is would also be effective Procedures
these patients (3). in early T2D, where effects on glycemia All procedures are summarized in the
Sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibi- and changes in additional antihypergly- Supplementary Data. Eligibility of pa-
tors (SGLT2is) not only improve glycemia cemic treatment during the intervention tients was assessed at screening and
by increasing urinary glucose excretion would be minimized. Participants were at the end of the 1-month washout
but also reduce body weight and blood recruited by newspaper and Internet period (for patients with previous anti-
pressure (4) and improve cardiovascular advertisements. Before inclusion, all pa- hyperglycemic treatment only). Partici-
and renal outcomes (5). Some open-label tients gave written informed consent. pants received one individual dietary
and placebo-controlled studies have re- Principal inclusion criteria were age counseling before the baseline visit ac-
ported that SGLT2is may also alleviate 18–75 years, BMI ,45 kg/m2, known cording to recommendations of the Amer-
NAFLD (6,7), while canagliflozin and da- diabetes duration #7 years, HbA1c of ican Diabetes Association (12).
pagliflozin trended toward decreased 6–8%, and no previous antihyperglycemic All baseline measures were performed
liver fat content (LFC) compared with treatment or a 1-month washout period. before the first intake of study medica-
placebo (8,9). Body weight loss and gly- Principal exclusion criteria included uncon- tion. From screening on, FBG levels were
cated hemoglobin (HbA1c) reduction may trolled hyperglycemia at screening (fasting self-monitored daily with a glucose meter.
be mainly responsible for LFC reduction blood glucose [FBG] $240 mg/dL), liver Enrolled patients were allocated to one
with canagliflozin (8,10), but empagliflo- disease other than NAFLD, previous thia- treatment arm (EMPA 25 mg once daily
zin (EMPA) could improve NAFLD inde- zolidinedione treatment, and use of im- or matching placebo orally; both from
pendently of body weight and glycemia munomodulatory, antiobesity, anti-NASH Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim/Rhein,
(7,11). Of note, SGLT2is ameliorated in- drugs. Full inclusion and exclusion criteria Germany) and returned to the study center
flammation, oxidative stress, and dysreg- are listed in the Supplementary Data. at baseline; at weeks 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20,
ulated hormone secretion in preclinical and 24 for efficacy and safety (including
studies (4). The current randomized, Randomization and Masking adverse events) assessments; and at 2 weeks
placebo-controlled clinical trial exam- All participants were randomized by a after discontinuation of study medication.
ined the effectiveness of EMPA on LFC stratified computed randomization pro- Assessments of visceral adipose tissue
reduction in patients with recent-onset, cedure to account for age, sex, and BMI (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue
well-controlled T2D and explored its ef- to EMPA or placebo and were masked to (SCAT) volume and LFC, respectively, were
fects on tissue-specific insulin sensitivity. the treatment assignment. The electronic performed at baseline and 12 and 24 weeks.

Institute for Clinical Biochemistry and Patho- Received 29 March 2019 and accepted 21 August This article is featured in a podcast available at
biochemistry, German Diabetes Center, Leibniz 2019
Institute for Diabetes Research at Heinrich-Heine Clinical trial reg. no. NCT02637973, clinicaltrials diabetes-core-update-podcasts.
University, Düsseldorf, Germany .gov © 2019 by the American Diabetes Association.
Landesapotheke Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria Readers may use this article as long as the work
Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden, Helmholtz This article contains Supplementary Data online
at is properly cited, the use is educational and not
Center Munich at University Hospital MKIII, and for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
Faculty of Medicine, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany doi:10.2337/dc19-0641/-/DC1.
mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and S.Kah. and S.G. contributed equally. .org/content/license.
Nutrition, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charité This article is part of a special article collection
University Medicine, Berlin, Germany available at
See accompanying articles, pp. 275,
Corresponding author: Michael Roden, michael collection/nafld-in-diabetes. 283, and 290.
300 Effects of Empagliflozin on Liver Fat Content Diabetes Care Volume 43, February 2020

LFC was assessed at each center using tissue insulin resistance was calculated control, an ;5% reduction in body weight
volume-selective proton MRS (1H-MRS) as fasting FFA * fasting plasma insulin. corresponded to an ;7% reduction in LFC
using a stimulated echo acquisition mode Daily energy intake was analyzed from (19). Thus, the current study required a
(coefficient of variation [CV] 0.3–1.7%) as 3-day food diaries, which were filled in by sample size of 30 patients/arm to detect
reported previously (13) or chemical patients before each visit at the site using a 4% absolute decrease in LFC from
shift–selective in-phase/opposed-phase the Prodi system (Prodi [Nbase baseline with a pairwise comparison
imaging technique in one center (14). All 3.60]; Nutri-Science GmbH, Freiburg, within a 95% CI, assuming an SD of
measurements were performed in liver Germany). Physical activity was assessed 5.4% and a power of at least 80%. An
segment 7, and LFC was calculated as fat / by Baecke index (18). estimated dropout rate of 15% resulted
(water 1 fat) * 100% by central reading. Glucose, insulin (hemolytic blood sam- in 36 participants/arm.
SCAT (CV 1.5% [J.M., personal com- ples were excluded from analysis), C-
munication]) and VAT (CV 1.1% [15]) peptide, and FFA concentrations were Statistical Analyses
were measured using T1-weighted axial measured as previously described (19). All analyses for efficacy parameters were
fast spin-echo (16) and quantified using Serum levels of cytokeratin 18 (CK18)- performed in the intention-to-treat pop-
an automated algorithm on the basis of M30 and -M65, adiponectin, fibroblast ulation, including all patients, of which at
fuzzy clustering and orthonormal snakes growth factor 21 (FGF-21), tumor necro- least the baseline and 12-week and/or
(15). Central reading was done at the sis factor-a (TNF-a, interleukin-1 recep- 24-week LFC data were available. For
Institute for Diabetes Research and Met- tor antagonist (IL-1Ra), IL-6, and resistin patient characteristics, data are shown
abolic Diseases of the Helmholtz Center were measured at baseline and after as mean with SD for normally distributed
Munich at University of Tübingen by a 12 and 24 weeks. IL-6 and TNF-a were data and median with first and third
spectroscopist blinded to patients’ treat- measured with Quantikine High Sensitiv- quartiles for log-normally distributed
ment allocation. ity ELISA Kits (R&D Systems, Abington, parameters. Values of parameters at
Two-step euglycemic insulin clamps U.K.), and IL-1Ra, FGF-21, and resistin week 0 in both treatment arms are
with [6,6-2H2]glucose (17) were done to were measured with Quantikine ELISA presented as means for normally distrib-
assess whole-body, mainly skeletal mus- Kits (R&D Systems). High-molecular-weight uted data and geometric means for log-
cle, insulin sensitivity (M value, Rd) and (HMW) adiponectin was measured with normally distributed data with 95% CIs.
adipose tissue (% suppression of free the HMW and Total Adiponectin ELISA Placebo-corrected changes from base-
fatty acids [FFAs]) insulin sensitivity as Kit (ALPCO, Salem, NH), and CK18-M30 line to 24 weeks for normally distributed
well as parameters related to endoge- (apoptosis-associated capase-cleaved parameters are presented as absolute
nous glucose production (EGP) (absolute keratin 18, K18Asp396, or M30 neoepi- changes and for log-normally distributed
EGP rates, % EGP suppression) during low tope) and CK18-M65 (soluble keratin K18) data, as relative changes with corre-
and high insulinemia at baseline and were measured using the M30 Apopto- sponding 95% CIs adjusted for age,
week 24. Briefly, participants fasted over- sense ELISA and M65 ELISA Kits (VLVbio, sex, BMI, and respective baseline param-
night for at least 10 h and refrained from Nacka, Sweden). eter (least square means). Comparison of
any exercise and alcohol for at least 24 h changes between treatments was done
before the test. [6,6-2H2]glucose was Outcomes by an ANCOVA adjusted for age, sex, BMI,
given as primed-continuous intravenous The primary efficacy end point was defined and the baseline value of the respective
infusion throughout the clamp. After as the difference in change of LFC (in %) parameter. Calculations were performed
120 min, a primed (40 mU/m2/min for between EMPA and placebo from baseline with SAS 9.4 TS1M2 (SAS Institute, Cary,
8 min) insulin intravenous infusion (Insu- to 24 weeks of treatment. Secondary end NC). No data monitoring committee
man Rapid; Sanofi, Paris, France) was points comprised the differences in was foreseen for this small-scale phase
given for the next 120 min at 20 mU/ changes of measures of whole-body/ 4 trial.
m2/min (low insulin) and for the final skeletal muscle (M value, Rd) and hepatic
120 min at 40 mU/m2/min (high insulin). insulin sensitivity (HIR, insulin-stimulated
A variable 20% glucose infusion enriched EGP suppression, fasting EGP) measures RESULTS
with [6,6-2H2]glucose was used to main- between EMPA and placebo from baseline Between 4 March 2016 and 1 February
tain blood glucose at ;90 mg/dL. The M to 24 weeks. All assessments except LFC 2018, 84 patients were randomized to
value was calculated from glucose in- were exploratory. Safety was monitored EMPA (n 5 42) or placebo (n 5 42) and
fusion rates during the last 20–30 min of by assessment of vital signs, physical received at least one dose of the study
both low- and high-insulin periods. Pa- examination, electrocardiogram, adverse medication. Of all randomized patients,
tients in whom steady-state conditions events, and laboratory results (blood 65 (77%) completed the trial (Fig. 1).
were not achieved were excluded from chemistry, hematological and coagulation
analysis. Because the study drug was parameters) at each visit. Patient Characteristics
discontinued at least 3 days before the Baseline anthropometric and metabolic
clamps to account for the half-life of EMPA Power Calculation measures were all comparable between
25 mg (;10.7 h [8]), urinary glucose An ;3% reduction from baseline in body EMPA and placebo (Table 1). Physical
excretion was not measured. weight was observed for EMPA 25 mg in activity and daily calorie intake neither
Fasting hepatic insulin resistance a phase 3 study with patients with T2D differed at baseline nor changed from
(HIR) was calculated as fasting plasma (20). In patients with T2D with a short baseline to 24 weeks between the groups
insulin * basal EGP (8). Fasting adipose disease duration and excellent glycemic (data not shown). Kahl and Associates 301

Figure 1—Trial profile.

Effect of EMPA on LFC [21]) occurred in 5 (20%) of 25 patients muscle Rd increased by 30% (95% CI 9,
In the intention-to-treat population, in the EMPA group and 2 (8%) of 24 pa- 55; P 5 0.005) (Supplementary Table 1).
29 (81%) of 36 patients in the EMPA tients in the placebo group at 24 weeks. However, there were no significant pla-
arm and 29 (78%) of 37 in the placebo To examine the impact of the presence cebo-corrected changes in M value both
arm had NAFLD at week 0. LFC was of NAFLD on EMPA-mediated reduction of at low (50% [0, 126]; P 5 0.05) and high
comparable between groups (EMPA LFC, an interaction term of treatment and (12% [212, 42]; P 5 0.36) insulin with
9.6% [95% CI 7.3, 12.7]; placebo 11.3% NAFLD status (yes/no) was added to the EMPA (Fig. 2B and Supplementary Table
[8.6, 14.7]) and decreased in both groups model. Interaction of NAFLD status and 1). Changes in HIR and insulin-mediated
already at week 12 (relative reduc- treatment was not significant (P 5 0.94). suppression of EGP at low- and high-
tion: EMPA 221%, placebo 215%). At The impact of sex on the EMPA-related insulin conditions were also compara-
24 weeks, a placebo-corrected absolute reduction in LFC was examined by in- ble between groups (Fig. 2C and
(21.8% [23.4, 20.2]; P 5 0.02) and cluding an interaction term of treat- Supplementary Table 1). Likewise,
relative decrease in LFC (222% [236, ment and sex in our model. There was a changes in adipose tissue insulin resis-
27]; P 5 0.009) was observed, corre- placebo-corrected decrease in LFC in males tance and insulin-stimulated FFA suppres-
sponding to a 2.3-fold higher relative (231% [95% CI 244, 214]; P 5 0.002) sion at low- and high-insulin conditions
reduction in EMPA (Fig. 2A and but not in females (21% [228, 37]; P 5 did not differ between groups (Fig. 2D and
Supplementary Table 2). Further adjust- 0.96). The test of interaction between sex Supplementary Table 1).
ment for change in body weight atten- and treatment did not achieve signifi-
uated the difference in LFC reduction of cance (P 5 0.075). Effect of EMPA on Body Composition,
EMPA and placebo (placebo-corrected Glycemia, and Lipidemia
decrease 26% [223, 14]; P 5 0.50). Effect of EMPA on Skeletal Muscle and EMPA resulted in a placebo-corrected
Applying maximum likelihood methods Hepatic and Adipose Tissue Insulin weight loss of 22.5 kg (95% CI 23.7, 21.4;
to account for missing values for LFC at Sensitivity P , 0.001) at 24 weeks (Fig. 3A
week 24 did not affect the results (data During low-insulin clamp conditions, and Supplementary Table 2). The body
not shown). NAFLD resolution (LFC ,5.56% placebo-corrected whole-body/skeletal weight reduction occurred in 31 (86%)
302 Effects of Empagliflozin on Liver Fat Content Diabetes Care Volume 43, February 2020

Table 1—Patient characteristics at week 0 tissue-specific insulin sensitivity. Explor-

EMPA (n 5 42) Placebo (n 5 42)
atory analyses revealed a marked de-
crease in serum uric acid and a rise in
serum HMW adiponectin levels. Of in-
Male 29 (69) 29 (69)
Female 13 (31) 13 (31)
terest, these effects occurred in the pres-
Age (years) 62.7 6 7.0 61.5 6 10.0
ence of moderate weight loss and despite
only minor changes in glycemia in a cohort
Caucasian 42 (100) 41 (98) of metabolically well-controlled patients
Hispanic/Latino 0 (0) 1 (2) with T2D with a short disease duration.
BMI (kg/m2) 32.1 6 4.6 32.4 6 4.2
Known diabetes duration (months) 36 6 27 40 6 27 Effects of SGLT2is on LFC and Body
Hepatic steatosis* 33 (79) 33 (79) Weight
Concomitant medication Recent randomized controlled trials
Antihyperglycemic drugs# 28 (67) 26 (62) demonstrated that SGLT2is can induce
Antihypertensive drugs 21 (50) 29 (69) a reduction of LFC compared with base-
Lipid-lowering drugs 19 (45) 15 (36) line (6–9), but only one trial also
Glycemia reported a statistically significant effect
HbA1c on LFC compared with placebo (6). The
% 6.8 6 0.5 6.7 6 0.7 magnitude of the reduction in LFC may
mmol/mol 51 6 6 50 6 8
depend on trial medication and design;
FBG (mmol/L) 7.5 6 1.4 7.2 6 1.3
duration of the intervention; cohort char-
Serum lipid concentrations
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 159 (122; 202) 181 (103; 251)
acteristics, such as NAFLD status, T2D
HDL cholesterol (mg/dL) 50 6 15 48 6 10 duration, glycemic control, and sex
LDL cholesterol (mg/dL) 133 6 40 120 6 30 distribution; and, finally, statistical
Liver transaminases power (22,23). The current study reports
ALT (mmol/s/L) 0.54 (0.42; 0.80) 0.62 (0.42; 0.88) that EMPA leads to a nominally greater
AST (mmol/s/L) 0.42 (0.36; 0.49) 0.43 (0.37; 0.55) placebo-corrected decrease in LFC than
Data are mean 6 SD for normally distributed parameters, median (25%; 75%) for log-normally dapagliflozin (6) but a slightly smaller
distributed parameters, or n (%). ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate decrease in change from baseline than
aminotransferase. *LFC $5.56% measured by magnetic resonance–based methods. canagliflozin (8). However, the absence
#Antihyperglycemic medication was stopped from at least 4 weeks before randomization until
the end of the intervention period. of studies on dose dependency and head-
to-head comparisons does not allow any
conclusions about drug-specific effects
at present. As indicated in other NAFLD
of 36 patients in the EMPA group and Effect of EMPA on Adiponectin and trials (22,23), the guideline-based dietary
18 (49%) of 37 patients in the placebo Inflammation- and Liver-Related counseling for all groups could have been
group. Weight loss of $5% occurred Parameters responsible for the higher rates of LFC
in 27% of patients on EMPA and in 16% Serum uric acid markedly decreased improvement observed in the placebo
on placebo. There were no placebo- (placebo-corrected change 274 mol/L groups of this study and one previous (8)
corrected changes in VAT (2290 cm3 [95% CI 2108, 242]; P , 0.001), and but not in other SGLT2i trials (6,9).
[2694, 114]; P 5 0.16) and SCAT HMW adiponectin concentrations in- On the other hand, study duration may
(22% [210, 6]; P 5 0.55) with EMPA. creased (placebo-corrected change play a role as illustrated by the obser-
Of note, patients who underwent both 36% [16, 60]; P , 0.001) from 0 to vation that alanine aminotransferase,
VAT and SCAT measurements (n 5 24 weeks (Fig. 3C and D). Placebo- as a crude surrogate marker of NAFLD,
21 of 29) also exhibited a placebo- corrected changes in IL-1Ra, TNF-a, IL-6, decreased only during the first 28 weeks
corrected decrease in body weight and FGF-21 did not differ between groups of EMPA treatment (11). At the least, the
with EMPA (22.6 kg [24.0, 21.1]; (all P . 0.2) (Supplementary Table 3). nominally greater baseline-corrected de-
P , 0.001). Serum alanine aminotransferase and crease in LFC in the 24-week placebo-
EMPA led to a placebo-corrected g-glutamyl transferase were reduced with controlled trials (i.e., in one previous [8]
change in FBG (20.7 mmol/L [95% CI similar effect sizes in EMPA and placebo and the current trial) than in the 8- and
21.3, 20.2]; P 5 0.01) (Fig. 3B) but not in after 24 weeks (Supplementary Table 3). 12-week trials could support this con-
HbA1c (Supplementary Table 2). Placebo- CK18-M30 and -M65 numerically de- tention (6,9).
corrected changes in fasting insulin, creased in the EMPA group, but no As to cohort characteristics, the better
C-peptide, and FFA levels did not reach placebo-corrected changes were detect- metabolic control and shorter known di-
significance (all P . 0.2) (Supplementary able (Supplementary Table 3). abetes duration compared with previous
Table 2). Also, serum HDL and LDL trials (6–9) and the possible inclusion of
cholesterol, serum total cholesterol, CONCLUSIONS patients without NAFLD could have led to
and plasma triglycerides were unaf- This trial provides evidence that empagli- an underestimation of the efficacy of
fected by EMPA treatment (data not flozin effectively reduces LFC compared EMPA on LFC in our cohort (11). Indeed,
shown). with placebo but has no major effects on incidence of NAFLD positively associates Kahl and Associates 303

the (very) good glucometabolic control

and rather short known diabetes dura-
tion, the minor decrease in fasting gly-
cemia with EMPA could have contributed
to the small increase in Rd during low-
grade insulinemia. In contrast, the cur-
rent study found no placebo-corrected
effects of EMPA on Rd and M value
during high-insulin clamps, which is in
line with the trials on dapagliflozin (6)
and canagliflozin (8). Under these con-
ditions, Rd almost exclusively reflects
insulin-stimulated skeletal muscle glu-
cose uptake (28).
Interestingly, the decrease in LFC was
not paralleled by improved hepatic in-
sulin sensitivity, which is comparable to
one dapagliflozin study (6) but in contrast
to the canagliflozin trial (8). The latter
study also reported lower HbA1c and
discussed reduction of glucotoxicity by
Figure 2—Effects of EMPA on LFC (A), whole-body insulin sensitivity (M value in high-insulin canagliflozin as the cause (8). The ab-
condition [40 IU/m2 body surface area/min] [HC]) (B), hepatic insulin sensitivity as insulin- sence of changes in HbA1c in the current
stimulated suppression of EGP under low-insulin conditions (20 IU/m2 body surface area) (EGP study supports this contention.
suppr LC) (C), and adipose tissue insulin sensitivity as insulin-stimulated suppression of FFA under Previous studies demonstrated that
low-insulin conditions (FFA suppr LC) (D). Numbers of patients in EMPA and placebo (PLAC),
the antihyperglycemic efficacy of SGLT2i
respectively, of which week 0 and 24 data were obtained are as follows: 31 and 31 (A), 28 and 26 (B),
24 and 25 (C), and 27 and 27 (D). Unadjusted values of parameters are mean 6 SEM. P values is partly counteracted by a rise in EGP
indicate significance level for PLAC-corrected EMPA effect and are based on ANCOVA with (31,32). This could result from a chronic
adjustment for age, sex, BMI, and the respective baseline parameter. SGLT2i-induced rise in plasma glucagon
and decreased insulin concentrations.
with higher HbA1c and most likely also body weight reduction of $5% was ob- However, a recent clinical trial showed
longer diabetes duration (24), and NAFLD served in only 27% of the EMPA group, that canagliflozin still increases EGP
frequency may affect the magnitude of the 34% decline in LFC underlines the when liraglutide prevents the changes
LFC reduction in T2D (8,11). role of minor weight loss for the effect in plasma insulin and glucagon levels
Finally, this study found a placebo- of SGLT2is on LFC. (33). Similarly, hyperglucagonemia per
corrected reduction of LFC in males but se does not mediate the SGLT2i-induced
not in females, although the interaction EMPA and Insulin Sensitivity increase in EGP (34). Of note, glycemia
of sex and treatment was not significant During low-insulin conditions, EMPA re- per se may regulate EGP in that a de-
and the number of females small. Given sulted in a borderline, but nonsignificant crease in plasma glucose concentration
that the percentage of males ranged (M value) or significant (Rd) increase can stimulate EGP independent of changes
from 60 to 81% in the previous random- in whole-body glucose disposal. Under in plasma insulin and glucagon (35).
ized SGLT2i studies (6–9), sex-dependent these conditions, Rd and M value repre- Finally, fasting FFA and insulin levels as
differences in metabolic effects on LFC sent the amount of glucose taken up not well as adipose tissue insulin resistance
cannot be excluded. In this context, a only by skeletal muscle but also by other were unchanged during this study.
recent study suggested sex differences in organs like adipose tissue and the The previous placebo-controlled SGLT2i
the effects of EMPA on arterial stiffness splanchnic bed (28). However, measures trials on LFC yielded contradictory re-
(25), whereas a post hoc analysis of the of adipose tissue (insulin-stimulated FFA sults, showing elevated (8) or unchanged
BI 10773 (Empagliflozin) Cardiovascular suppression) or hepatic (insulin-stimulated FFA levels (6,9) in the presence of de-
Outcome Event Trial in Type 2 Diabetes EGP suppression) insulin sensitivity were creased (8) or unchanged (6,9) fasting
Mellitus Patients (EMPA-REG OUTCOME) not different between EMPA and pla- insulinemia. The previously reported
did not detect any changes in outcomes cebo. Thus, the higher Rd could have SGLT2i-associated FFA elevation has
between females and males (26). resulted from EMPA-induced glucosuria, been explained by glucosuria-induced
This study shows that the changes in but study medication was stopped at relative hypoinsulinemia, which would
LFC occur in parallel to the decline in body least 3 days before the clamps (to ac- reduce inhibition of lipolysis and tissue
weight during SGLT2i treatment. While count for the half-life of EMPA [;10.7 h glucose uptake with a compensatory
significant reduction in LFC was consid- for EMPA 25 mg (29)]), rendering urinary increase in lipid oxidation and hyper-
ered to require weight loss of $5% (8), glucose loss unlikely. Moderate increases ketonemia (4). In our cohort of patients
studies have indicated that even minor in Rd with SGLT2is have also been attrib- with well-controlled, recent-onset T2D,
weight loss up to 5% can initiate a de- uted to improvements in hyperglycemia EMPA did not decrease circulating insulin
crease in LFC by 33% (3,27). Because a and glucose toxicity (8,30). Thus, despite levels so that the ambient insulinemia
304 Effects of Empagliflozin on Liver Fat Content Diabetes Care Volume 43, February 2020

to account for missing values but per-

formed maximum likelihood methods
for the primary end point (40).
In conclusion, this proof-of-concept
trial shows that the SGLT2i EMPA de-
creases LFC in near-normoglycemic pa-
tients with recent-onset T2D with and
without NAFLD. EMPA induced minor
weight loss and no effect on tissue-specific
insulin sensitivity. The marked decrease
in serum uric acid and the rise in HMW
adiponectin levels with EMPA treatment
calls for further studies on the clinical
relevance of these observations. Because
future NAFLD treatment in T2D will require
strategies that simultaneously address the
different mechanisms underlying meta-
bolic liver disease, EMPA could serve as a
partner for such combination treatments
because of its favorable effects on liver
fat and body weight.
Figure 3—Effects of EMPA on body weight (BW) (A), FBG (B), serum uric acid levels (C), and serum
HMW adiponectin levels (D). Comparison of changes in the respective parameters between
treatment arms. Numbers of patients in EMPA and placebo (PLAC) groups, respectively, of which
week 0 and 24 data were obtained are as follows: 32 and 32 (A), 31 and 31 (B), 31 and 31 (C), and Acknowledgments. The authors thank all the
31 and 30 (D). Unadjusted values of parameters are mean 6 SEM. P values indicate significance patients, investigators, and trial-site staff mem-
level for PLAC-corrected EMPA effect and are based on ANCOVA with adjustment for age, sex, BMI, bers involved in the conduct of the trial.
and the respective baseline parameter. Funding. The study was supported by the
German Diabetes Center (DDZ), which is funded
by the German Federal Ministry of Health and
might have sufficed to inhibit lipolysis as associate with body weight; metabolic the Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Re-
shown in humans without diabetes (4). syndrome features, including T2D; and search of the State North Rhine-Westphalia
NAFLD (37–39). (Germany); the German Federal Ministry of
Exploratory Analyses of Circulating Education and Research to the German Cen-
Parameters Limitations ter for Diabetes Research (DZD e.V.); and
Schmutzler Stiftung, Germany.
A recent uncontrolled pilot study pro- The patient cohort comprised exclusively All funding bodies had no role in study design,
vided some evidence that EMPA treat- metabolically well-controlled patients data collection, data analysis, data interpreta-
ment for 24 weeks could improve with T2D with short known disease du- tion, or writing of the report.
histological components of NASH and ration with and without NAFLD. Thus, Duality of Interest. The study was supported by
its resolution despite a mean reduction results cannot be necessarily extrapo- Boehringer Ingelheim through an Independent
Research Grant. C.H. receives personal fees from
in BMI of only 20.7 kg/m2 (36). The lated to the general population of pa- Eli Lilly and Sanofi outside the submitted work.
current trial did not observe placebo- tients with T2D, particularly to those with S.Kab. reports nonfinancial support and other
corrected changes in circulating surro- uncontrolled glycemia, longer disease from Sanofi, personal fees from Berlin-Chemie,
gate markers of liver injury, such as duration, and more severe liver dis- and grants from the German Center of Diabetes
Research and German Diabetes Association out-
transaminases or CK18-M30 fragment. ease. On the other hand, this limitation
side the submitted work. A.P. reports grants from
This is partly in line with some studies represents a specific strength by showing the German Center for Diabetes Research during
(6,7) but not in another that reported that EMPA is effective in reducing LFC in the conduct of this study and receives personal
improvements in transaminases as well the absence of major changes in glyce- fees from Boehringer Ingelheim and Eli Lilly
as CK18 fragments with dapagliflozin mia. This trial provides no information outside the submitted work. A.L.B. serves or
has served on advisory boards for Novo Nordisk,
(9). The lack of an effect of EMPA could about the efficacy and safety of EMPA in
Sanofi, AstraZeneca, and Boehringer Ingelheim
be due to the absence of NASH and glucose-tolerant individuals with NAFLD, and serves or has served on speakers bureaus for
fibrosis or masked by the greater de- a collective at increased risk of T2D (2). Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, Boehringer Ingelheim, and
crease in LFC in the placebo group, which Moreover, this study used detailed met- AstraZeneca. M.R. received investigator-initiated
is a major trigger for reduction of these abolic phenotyping with two-step eugly- support from Boehringer Ingelheim during the
conduct of the study; receives personal fees
surrogate markers (27). cemic clamps but not mixed-meal tests, from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Boehringer Ingel-
EMPA treatment markedly reduced which would have allowed the assess- heim, Eli Lilly, Fishawack Group, Gilead Sciences,
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acid and decreased adiponectin levels this study did not use multiple imputation Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Gilead Sciences, Kahl and Associates 305

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