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Basement Waterproofing

Canadian weather is extreme, to say the least. And unpredictable. Your home will likely be the biggest
financial investment you will make. The definition of “home” also goes far beyond any financial
connotation. It’s where you rest and re-energize. It’s where you raise your family. For many of us it’s
where we work. “Home” needs protection against those weather elements.

Canada Waterproofers has your back. After all, when it comes to your home, it’s all about peace of
mind, isn’t it?

Waterproofing your home is like putting on a warm, dry coat, protecting you against those elements.
Canada Waterproofers is the “Canada Goose” of home waterproofing professionalism, particularly when
it comes to the methods we utilize. Ideally, we waterproof the home from the outside. However
sometimes there is no other option than to waterproof from the inside.

Either way, your home will be protected. We guarantee your satisfaction with our lifetime warranty on
our 6-stage exterior waterproofing option. Don’t settle for cheap, low quality material. Call us today to
receive only the best!

Why does my Basement Leak?

Foundations that leak cause all kinds of damage to your basement walls – whether you live in an older
home, or one that’s newer. If your basement is leaking then there is no time like the present to have it
repaired. And if it’s not leaking, there still is no better time than now to add that extra layer of

When a basement is excavated, the soils that will be back-filled around the new foundation will be much
looser soil than the surrounding, undisturbed ground. The problem with this is that loose earth will
collect water much faster than undisturbed virgin soils. After the foundation walls are poured and the
ground is backfilled then that soil that surrounds the new foundation will collect water and hold that
moisture up against the new foundation walls. This water accumulates and eventually will enter into the
foundation walls as they age and deteriorate.
How can I stop my basement from leaking?

The only way to relieve this pressure is to install protective layers on the walls, through a system of
weeping tiles and sump pumps, so that this accumulation of water can be redirected away from the
foundation and allow the surrounding soils to eventually dry and settle.

A leaking foundation may seem daunting to fix, but we can assure you that with the right waterproofing
methods your basement will stay dry, in large part via a series of foundation protective coatings, and
sealers, which will keep the water from penetrating your foundation walls. Weeping tiles will carry
water away from your foundation and protect your basement from flooding in the event of extreme
weather. A membrane will protect the wall from damage and keep your Basement waterproofing
system intact for a lifetime.

Why is it important to stop leaks?

Moisture can cause all kinds of damage to concrete, timber, bricks, and block structures, which in the
end can cost you thousands of dollars in structural repairs.

Maintaining a dry basement is more important than you think, as mould spores can travel throughout
your home and cause all kinds of health issues. Although a little leak may seem harmless, without the
protection that proper waterproofing provides that leak could be detrimental to the health of you and
your family.

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