Pde 504

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Postgraduate Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences

Education Diploma Program

PDE504 – Educational Measurement and Evaluation

1. Select a time/unit on the subject that you teach and construct multiple choice questions
including all types of MCQ question varieties. Mention the time/unit that you selected.
2. State the level and subject level and sublevel of Bloom’s classification of each question.
3. Construct three structured essay questions from the theme that you selected above.

By Dr. Pushpa Vitharana

Student; Ven. Pemarathana H.

Re.No; DIP/EDU/19/20/076
Department of Education
University of Peradeniya

1. Select a time/unit on the subject that you teach and construct multiple
choice questions including all types of MCQ question varieties.
Mention the time/unit that you selected.

Answer the all questions.

1 Part

01. Underline the most suitable answers which questions have one to five.

01. When we meditate there are two way for sitting due to the gender and what should
method be followed for sitting in meditation by men?
1. Joint seat 2. Partial seat 3. Single seat 4. Comfortable seat

02. Who was it wish daily that may receive advices which similar to jumped this sand
1. Ven. Mugalam 2. Ven. Rahula 3. Ven. Kasyapa 4. Ven. Anuruddha

03. What has the Jataka story mentioned about doors of development?
1. Lomahamsa Jataka 2. Sama Jataka 3. Attassadvara Jataka 4. Sila Jataka

04. Morality, concentration and wisdom are…

1. Three folds moralities 2. Three folds types 3. Three folds knowledges
4. Three folds facts.
05. Three ways which are disciplined five precepts are called as ….
1. Virtues of most purified trichotomy
2. Four noble truths
3. Three types of purifications
4. Five precepts
02. Choice proper word within bracket and put them into dotted lines under the questions
number 06 to 10. (Kisagothami, principles of an empathetic discipline, Yield concerning
Buddha, Mahaprajapathi, Parent)

06. Deities give the message regarding birth of the Buddha for all human, brahma and other
virtual beings before thousand years and it is named as …………….
07. After death of queen Mahamaya, prince Sidhartha was fed by ………..
08. …………. Was the woman who told words of nibbutha.
09. ………….. Are completed by four subline states.
10. Prince Magha applied ………………..

3. Put correct (√) or wrong (ˣ) marks into an empty bracket after reading bellow statements 11
to 15.

11. The national flag should be changed according to our own needs. (….)
12. An impermanent is the nature of everything. (….)
13. All being are not fear for the punishment. (….)
14. When we protect an environment, by itself protects us. (….)
15. The first Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka was the Kalaprasada Pirivena. (….)

4. Match the A group with B group.


16. Sri Maha Boo tree – Doctor

17. Jeewaka – none rational faith
18. Golden feathers – Ven. Rahula Podi Hamuduruwo
19. Rational faith – Ven. Sanghamitta.
20. Reflection – Swarnahamsa

Time and unit (Grade 06 Buddhism)

No Competency Competency time Total time MCQ

1. 01 01 02 Periods 6 periods 1
2. 02 02 Periods (4 hours) 1
3. 03 02 Periods 1
4. 02 04 02 Periods 8 periods 1
5. 05 02 Periods (4 hours and 40
6. 06 02 Periods min) 1
7. 07 02 Periods 1
8. 03 08 02 Periods 06 periods 1
9. 09 02 Periods (4 hours) 1
10. 10 02 Periods 1
11. 04 11 02 Periods 1 hours and 20 1
12. 05 12 02 Periods 1 hours and 20 1
13. 06 13 02 Periods 4 periods 1
14. 14 02 Periods (2 hours and 40 1
15. 07 15 02 Periods 4 periods 1
16. 16 02 Periods (2 hours and 40 1
17. 08 17 02 Periods 4 periods 1
18. 18 02 Periods (2 hours and 40 1
19. 09 19 02 Periods 4 periods 1
20. 20 02 Periods (2 hours and 40 1
21. 10 21 02 Periods 1 hours and 20 1
Total 10 21 42 periods 27 hours and 20

2. State the level and subject level and sublevel of Bloom’s classification of
each question.

Questions Unit Level according to Bloom

order order
01 05 Knowledge
02 06 Knowledge
03 07 Knowledge All questions help to
04 08 Comprehension cultivate cognitive skill
05 09 Comprehension and behavioural skill.
06 01 Comprehension These kinds of level may

07 02 Knowledge take another sublevel as

08 03 Knowledge well.

09 10 Knowledge
10 11 Application
11 12 Application
12 14 Analysis
13 15 Analysis
14 16 Application
15 17 Synthesis
16 18 Comprehension
17 19 Comprehension
18 20 Knowledge
19 21 Analysis
20 13 Evaluation

3. Construct three structured essay questions from the theme that you
selected above.

01. There is the way in grade 06 Buddhism text book which the actions were measured whether
fruitful or not before doing. Answer the billow questions using such knowledge.

1. what is the Sutta mentioned for measuring? (2 Marks)

2. What is the meaning of good and bad? (2 Marks)

3. Mention three facts which have stated to understand good for Ven. Little Rahula.

(2 Marks)

4. Mention three facts which have stated to understand bad for Ven. Little Rahula.
(2 Marks)

5. Why did Jinadasa deteriorate? (2 Marks)

6. What did Upali do in school? (2 Marks)

7. What does Dhammapada verse include in this lesion? (4 Marks)

8. Write the meaning of that verse. (4 Marks)

02. 1. Fill the verse “valle pipena bimmala vasanavan”

2. write the four facts in order to Singalovada sutta which was included for feeding parents.

3. explain the way that you followed to feed your parents. (2+3+5=10 Marks)

03. Make short description for two titles through bellow mentioned;

1. Let’s win challenges.

2. Virtue

3. Prince Siddhartha

4. Let’s love for all beings. (5+5=10 Marks)

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