(ANALITIK) Separation of Arsenic Anions by Capillary Zone

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Fresenius' Journal of

Fresenius J Anal Chem (1992) 342: 357 - 362

@ Springer-Verlag 1992

Separation of arsenic anions

by capillary zone electrophoresis with UV detection
P. Morin, M. B. Amran, S. Favier, R. Heimburger, and M. Leroy
Laboratoire de Chimie Min6rale et Analytique, EHICS, 1 rue Blaise Pascal, F-67008 Strasbourg C6dex, France
Received May 24, 1991; revised July 11, 1991

Summary. Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) in capillary resis (FSCE) is based on differences in the electrophoretic
silica columns has been used for the separation of arsenite mobilities of species. These parameters depend on the
(AsOj), arsenate (AsO~-), monomethylarsonic acid structural differences of the solutes (size, shape and charge)
(MMA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). The separation and are also affected by the physico-chemical properties of
of these ionic species has been achieved using a capillary the carrier electrolyte, such as pH, ionic strength, viscosity
silica column (72 cm x 50 gm i.d.) with an acidic phosphate and dielectric constant. Many ions, such as iodate and
buffer and with an on-column UV detection (190 nm). periodate [23], metal ions [24] and hexacyanoferrate(II) and
Optimization of experimental parameters (pH, temperature, -(III) ions [25] can be separated by FSCE.
voltage) were studied. The selectivity of the separation can In this paper, the separation of arsenic species by
be improved by working in the pH-range of 4 . 5 - 6.5. For capillary electrophoresis with an on-column UV detection is
analytical inorganic separations of UV-absorbing anions, presented.
capillary zone electrophoresis has advantages because of the
relatively simple equipment, the short analysis time (15 min),
the high efficiency and the low mass detection limit (40 pg Experimental
for arsenate). Capillary electrophoresis. An Applied Biosystems (Foster
City, CA, USA) Model 270A capillary electrophoresis
system with a fused silica column was used for this work. A
72 cm × 50 ~m i.d. silica capillary filled with phosphate buf-
fer served as the separation tube operated at high voltage
Introduction (10-40 kV). A small section of the polyimide coating of the
capillary column was removed prior to filling to get an
Arsenic is present in both marine and freshwater organisms optical window for UV detection. Between analyses, the
in the form of water-soluble and lipid-soluble compounds capillary was flushed with the buffer solution for 15 min.
[1]. The level of total As in sea water is approximately 2 ~g/ The on-column detection was operated at 190 nm at an
kg [2, 3]. Four different arsenic species, arsenite [As(III)], absorbance range of 0.01 AUFS and a rise time of 1 s. The
arsenate [As(V)], monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and di- column temperature was set at 40 ° C. Samples were injected
methylarsinic acid (DMA), have been detected in sea water by the vacuum technique. All electropherograms were re-
[4]. Analysis of marine algae has shown that arsenic is present corded using a Spectra Physics (San Jos6, CA, USA)
in other forms than inorganic or methylarsenic compounds Chromjet Model integrator.
[5]. Several papers describe the speciation analysis of arsenic
by ion chromatography [6-11] or reversed-phase liquid Chemicals. Commercially (Prolabo, France) available
chromatography [12-17]. An alternative analytical method sodium arsenite NaAsO2 (purity 99%), sodium arsenate
is capillary electrophoresis in which the analyte is introduced Na2HAsO¢- 7 H20 (purity 98.5%), sodium dimethylarsinate
into a capillary tube and subjected to eleetrokinetic separa- (DMA) or sodium cacodylate (purity 98%) were used
tion. Extensive reviews of capillary electrophoresis have been without further purification. The synthesis, purification and
recently published in different journals [18-22]. Capillary characterization of sodium methylarsonate (MMA) has been
electrophoresis (CE) is a very powerful separation technique achieved in the "Service Central de Microanalyse" (Dr. A.
for the separation of ionic as well as neutral substances. Lamotte), CNRS, Vernaison (France).
Narrow diameter capillary (50-75 ~Lm i.d.) leads to an Water used for dilutions or as buffer solution was HPLC
efficient dissipation of heat and suppresses convection, grade (Rathburn). The phosphate buffer solution was pre-
whereas the high voltage causes fast separations with high pared by mixing in various proportions stock solutions of
efficiency (10 s -106 theoretical plates within 30 min). The 0.067 tool/1NaH2PO4 and 0.067 mol/l NazHPO4 (Prolabo).
separation mechanism in free solution capillary electropho- Stock solutions of arsenical species (100 ppm) were prepared
in HPLC grade water and kept at - 2 0 ° C as a precaution
Offprint requests to: M. Leroy against any degradation.

Table 1. Formulas and physical parameters of several arsenic species

Name Chemical formula Dissociation constant UV maxima wavelengths

values (pKa) (rim)

Arsenite As=O- 9.3 197

Arsenate O- 2.3 192
I 6.9
-O-As--O- 11.4
Monomethylarsonic CH3 2.6 192
acid (MMA) [ 8.2
HO - A s - OH
Dimethylarsinic CH3 6.2 194
acid (DMA) I
H O - As-CH3
Arsenobetaine CH3 unknown < 190
H3C-As + -CH2COO-
Arsenocholine CH3 - t 99
H3C-As + - CH2CH2OH, Br-

APPARENT CHARGE their p K a and on the pH of the carrier electrolyte solution

0 (Table I). For the arsenate anion, the apparent charge Qapp
1 ~ was calculated by the following equation:
3 (AsO~-) + 2 ( H A s O ] - ) + (H2AsO~-)
-I QaPP = (AsO~-) + (HAsO~-) + (H2AsO2) + (H3AsO4) '
- 1,5 where ( ) refer to the concentrations of the different forms
~ ~ . 3 of the trihydroxylic acid H3AsO4.
-2 We have calculated the charge on each arsenic species
(arsenite, arsenate, D M A and MMA) at different p H values
-2,5 (Fig. 1). The variation of the charge, and thus the electro-
~ 4 phoretic mobility, versus pH, are key parameters to study
-3 the electrophoresis for these ionic species.

[ I I ~ I I I I
-3.5 Effect of p H on electroosmosis
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
pH In order to determine the electrophoretic mobility of a solute
by CZE, we must first consider the influence of electro-
Fig. 1. Variation of the calculated charge of several arsenic ionic endosmosis of the measurements. The apparent mobility ]-~app
species versus pH. Solutes: 1 arsenite; 2 dimethylarsenate; 3 mono- is defined as:
methylarsonate; 4 arsenate
[~app = Ld" LT/t' V; (2)
where Ld is the length of the capillary from the inlet to the
Resultsanddiscussion detector, LT the total length of the capillary, t the migration
time and V the applied voltage•
Variation of the charge of arsenic species versus p H In CZE, the migration time (to) for a neutral marker is
defined as:
The arsenic compounds contain acidic groups in their
chemical structure, so their apparent charge depends on to = La" LT/Ueo " V ; (3)

3 ~epX 104(cm2/V.s)

6 4

0,01 AU
0,01 AU

0 I I ~ J J
I 4 5 6 7 8 9
I Fig. 3. Effect of pH on the electrophoretic mobilities of arsenic
species. Silica capillary: 72 cm x 50 gm i.d.; carrier: phosphate buf-

5 Time (rain)15 20 0" 2

Time ( m i l l ) - - ~ 2
fer 25 mmol/1; applied voltage: 30 kV; temperature: 40° C. Solutes:
i arsenite; 2 dimethylarsenate; 3 monomethylarsonate; 4 arsenate

(a) (b) Increasing voltage from 20 kV to 30 kV decreases the sample

migration times without loss of resolution.
Fig. 2a, b. Effect of voltage on the separation of arsenic species.
Silica capillary: 72cmx50gm i.d.; carrier: phosphate buffer
25 mmol/l, pH 5.6; temperature: 30°C; detection by UV absorption
at 190 nm; mixture concentration was 100 gg. ml- 1 of each species; Effect of pH on electrophoretic mobility
injected volume: 9 nl (900 pg of each species). Solutes: 1 arsenite;
2 dimethylarsenate; 3 monomethylarsonate; 4 arsenate. Voltage: When high voltage was applied, electro-osmotic flow is
a 20 kV; b 30 kV generated, which drives anions toward the cathode at the
same velocity. Nevertheless, each anionic species is pulled
back at the same time by electrophoresis depending on
charge and size. The electrophoretic mobility (Uep) can be
where Ueo is the electroendosmotic component of the appar- expressed as:
ent mobility (cmZ/V • s).
The charge of the capillary surface is greatly influenced Uev = U,pp - Ueo = La" LT (l/t-- l/t0)/V. (4)
by the buffer-pH, so differences in the electro-osmotic flow So, the overall migration rate of these inorganic anions
depend on pH-changes. Lambert [26] reported that the will strongly depend on the buffer-pH and their dissociation
electro-osmotic mobility was dependent on the pre- constants.
conditioning of the fused silica column, particularly in the Some experiments were performed to further investigate
pH-range 4 - 6. The equilibration of the surface charge on the effect of pH on the selectivity and efficiency of the
the fused silica surface has been described by this author as separation of the arsenic species. In a first experiment, the
a relatively slow phenomenon. Therefore, our capillary has migration times were determined on consecutive injections.
been flushing between successive injections - firstly with an Table 2 summarizes electrophoretic mobilities of arsenic
alkaline solution (0.1 tool/1 NaOH) during 5 min - and species calculated from the equation (1) in the pH-range
secondly with the phosphate buffer solution during 15 rain. 4 . 5 - 8 . 2 . Figure 3 shows the pH-dependence of the
Electro-osmotic mobility has been determined over the pH- electrophoretic mobility of As(III), DMA, M M A and
range 4.5 - 8.2 in a phosphate buffer (25 x 10- 3 mol/1) using As(V); neutral or alkaline pH was found to increase
methanol as neutral marker. Buffers of acidic pH reduce the electrophoretic mobility depending on the dissociation
electro-osmotic flow through the fused capillary, particu- constants of the species.
larly in the pH range 4 . 5 - 6 . For example, the electro- In a second experiment, the effect of changes of the buffer
osmotic mobility rapidly increases from 5.6 x 10 .4 cm2/V pH on the separation efficiency was investigated (Fig. 4).
• s up to 7.9 x 10 .4 cm2/V, s in the pH-range 4 . 5 - 6 . 2 ; the As(IIi) is completely protonated at pH 5.0 compared to the
degree of protonation of the silanols on the capillary wall three other arsenic species whose apparent charges are
increases with decreasing buffer pH. McCormick [27] ob- - 0 . 0 6 for DMA, - 1 . 0 for M M A and - 1 . 0 for As(V),
served an interaction of phosphate with the capillary surface respectively. When high voltage was applied, the
and mentioned that this anion strongly bound to the silica electro-osmotic flow fastly drives toward the cathode the
surface. The presence of these moieties on the surface of the undissociated form of analyte [As(III)], and quite neutral
capillary wall reduces the electro-osmotic flow by converting species (DMA); anionic species, such as As(V) and MMA,
the residual highly acidic silanols to more easily protonated moved toward the cathode with the velocity of
silica-phosphate complexes [27, 28]. electrophoretic migration subtracted by that of the electro-
The effect of increasing voltage in CE analysis of a osmotic flow. For these two last anions, their weaker appar-
mixture of these four arsenic species is shown in Fig. 2. ent mobilities induce longer migration times.
4 3




. I 0.01 AU 0.01 An
m 00" ~n !


Time ( r a i n ) - ,

10 0
-Time (min),,,

I'0 0

C Time (rain)-~
~ T i m e (min I'-'7
10 0



Fig. 4 a - L Effect of buffer pH on the selectivity of arsenic species by FSCE. Silica capillary: 72 cm x 50 lam i.d.; carrier: phosphate buffer
25 mmol/1; applied voltage: 30 kV; temperature: 40°C; detection by UV absorption at 190 nm; mixture concentration was 100 gg • m l - ~
of each species; injected volume: 9 nl (900 pg of each species). Solutes: 1 arsenite; 2 dimethylarsenate; 3 monomethylarsonate; 4 arsenate.
a pH 5.00; b pH 5.29; c pH 6.24; d pH 6.64; e pH 6.81; f pH 7.17

Table 2. Electrophoretic mobilities of arsenite, DMA, MMA, and

arsenate versus pH. Silica capillary: 72 crux 50 I.tm i.d.; carrier:
phosphate buffer 25 mmol/1, pH 5.6; applied voltage: 30 kV; tem-
perature: 40 ° C

pH I&p × 104 (cm2/V" s)

Arsenite DMA MMA Arsenate

4.53 0.392 0.63

4.75 0.423 0.63 3.62 4.72
5.00 0.496 0.86 4.07 4.83
5.29 0.522 0.95 4.38 4.93
5.59 0.45 1.42 4.48 5.05 0.01 An
5.91 0.484 1.86 4.58 5.19
6.24 0.506 2.48 4.49 5.33
6.47 2.90 5.45
6.64 0.538 3.59 4.79 6.34
6.81 0.528 3.63 4.61 6.41
7.17 0..534 3.93 4.88
7.38 0.55 4.05 5.15
8.20 1.15 4.40

The selectivity ~ between two analytes in CZE is given

by ~ = 6u/u, where 6u is equal to the difference in the
electrophoretic mobilities of the two analytes and u their 6 Time (~n)
mean electrophoretic mobility. As can be seen, the selectivity
between As(III) and D M A goes from 0.47 at pH 4.75 to 1.52 Fig. 5. Separation of arsenic species by FSCE. Silica capillary:
72 cm x 50 gm i.d.; carrier: phosphate buffer 25 mmol/l, pH 5.6;
at pH 7.17, an increase in selectivity of over 3 times. On the
applied voltage: 30kV; temperature: 30°C; detection by UV
other hand, the selectivity between D M A and M M A falls absorption at 190 nm; mixture concentration was 100 gg • m l - ~ of
from 1.30 at pH 5.0 down to 0.21 at pH 7.17, a decrease in each species; injected volume: 9 nl (900 pg of each species). Solutes:
selectivity of over 6 times. The selectivity between MMA 1 arsenite (S/N = 80); 2 dimethylarsenate (S/N = 30); 3 mono-
and As(V) is equal to 0.29 in the pH-range 6 . 6 - 6 . 8 ; methylarsonate (S/N = 50); 4 arsenate (S/N = 52)

Fig. 6a, b. Effect of temperature on

the separation of arsenic species.
0.01 i~o 0.01 AU Silica capillary: 72 cm x 50 gm i.d.;
carrier: phosphate buffer 25 retool/l,
pH 5.6; applied voltage: 30 kV;
detection by UV absorption at
190 nm; mixture concentration was
100 Bg " ml-~ of each species;
injected volume: 9 nl (900 pg of
each species). Solutes: 1 arsenite;
2 dimethylarsenate;
3 monomethylarsonate;
4 arsenate.Temperature: a 25° C;
Time (min) Time (min) b 40°C
6 ,

(a) (h)





electrophoretic mobility 250

Pep x 104 (cm2/V.s)




[] _=, ,,- w II m []- [] 1

50 I I t l I I --I " t
24 26 28 30 32 34 86 38 40
T ¢c)

Fig. 7. Dependence of the electrophoretic mobilities of arsenic species on the temperature. Silica capillary: 72 cm x 50 gm i.d. ; carrier:
phosphate buffer 25 mmol/l, pH 5.6; applied voltage: 30 kV; detection by UV absorption at 190 nm; mixture concentration was 100 gg •
ml -~ of each species; injected volume: 9 nl (900 pg of each species). Solutes: I arsenite; 2 dimethylarsenate; 3 monomethylarsonate;
4 arsenate

consequently, an interesting selectivity happens for a buffer pherogram (Fig. 4f). The same phenomenon happened for
pH close to 6.5 value, but the resolution always remains M M A above p H 8.2.
important in the p H range 4 . 5 - 6.8. Under these conditions (phosphate buffer 25 mmol/1, p H
Arsenate and then M M A disappear from the electro- 5.6), arsenite (tr = 2.5 min), D M A (t~ = 2.85 rain), M M A
pherogram at higher pH-values. At p H 7.17, the velocity of (tr = 4.96 rain), arsenate (tr = 5.54 rain) gave sharp and
electrophoretic migration for arsenate was so high that this symmetrical peaks well resolved from each others, as shown
anion (Qapp = --1-65), introduced to the anodic end of in Fig. 5. The number of theoretical plates was rather high
the silica capillary, was forced back into the anodic buffer; [132000 for As(IID], one order or more higher than the
consequently, only three peaks appear on the electro- usually encountered values in HPLC. The selectivity allows

calculated charge differences of as little as 0.03 (pH 4.75) References

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du CNRS, Vernaison (France), for providing samples of sodium 26. Lambert WJ, Middleton DL (1990) Anal Chem 62:1585
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Reference (BCR) under contract n ° 5146/1/9/336/89/6-BCR-F(lO).

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