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朴必帅 201081400

Chapter 4. Polymer synthetic materials

1. List the name of five commonly used plastics (说出五种常用塑料的名字).






2. List the name of five polymer monomers (说出五种高分子聚合物单体).


Vinyl chloride




朴必帅 201081400

Chapter 5. Natural gas chemical engineering and coal

chemical engineering

1. What are the main chemical elements in coal? (煤的化学成分中煤含有哪些主要化学元


C, H, O, N,and S.

Coal is generally composed of organic matter and minerals, and organic matter is the main component in
coal. The organic matter in coal is mainly composed of five elements, mainly C, H and O, accounting for
more than 95% of the organic matter in coal, followed by N and S.

2. List two of the most common greenhouse gases at least and what are their greatest

hazards? (至少指出最常见的两种温室气体,并说明它们最大的危害是什么?)

Carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide
Hydro chlorofluorocarbons

Greatest hazards of Carbon dioxide

While a great deal of media and public attention has focused on the effects that such higher concentrations
of CO2 are likely to have on global climate, rising CO2 concentrations are also likely to have profound
direct effects on the growth, physiology, and chemistry of plants, independent of any effects on climate.
These effects result from the central importance of CO2 to plant metabolism. As photosynthetic organisms,
plants take up atmospheric CO2, chemically reducing the carbon. This represents not only an acquisition of
stored chemical energy for the plant, but also provides the carbon skeletons for the organic molecules that
make up a plants’ structure. Overall, the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen assimilated into organic molecules
by photosynthesis make up ~96% of the total dry mass of a typical plant. Photosynthesis is therefore at the
heart of the nutritional metabolism of plants, and increasing the availability of CO2 for photosynthesis can
have profound effects on plant growth and many aspects of plant physiology.
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The crucial point for marine organisms is that rising levels of CO 2 will lower the pH of their environment,
which will challenge their biochemistry—particularly organisms such as corals, coccolithophores (single-
celled algae), crustaceans and molluscs, all of which use calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to produce external
skeletons or shell coverings. Seawater is slightly alkaline, with a pH now in the range of 7.9 to 8.2 in the
open ocean. This value has decreased by an average of approximately 0.1 since the beginning of the
industrial era as a result of the anthropomorphic release of CO 2 into the atmosphere, which, in turn, has
increased the concentration of CO2 in the oceans. CO2 lowers the oceanic pH by increasing the
concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the water. It also reacts with water to form several ionic and non-
ionic species including bicarbonate ions (HCO3−), which are less alkaline than carbonate ions (CO32−). The
net effect is a decrease in alkalinity and a lower concentration of carbonates in the water.

Greatest hazard of Methane.

Contamination of Methane in Drinking Water

The natural gas extraction increases due to rising of energy demands, mandates of cleaner burning fuels,
and the economics of energy use. Recently the natural gas extraction is performed by directional drilling
and hydraulic fracturing technologies. When shale-gas is extracted from organic-rich shales, in such
processes, methane is contaminated in drinking water. No doubt we find benefits for such extraction but
contaminated drinking water with CH4, which is harmful for health. If there are one or more gas wells
within 1 km then average and maximum concentrations of methane in drinking water wells increased and
it reaches about 19.2 and 64 mgL -1 respectively.

Greatest hazards of Hydro chlorofluorocarbons

Hydro chlorofluorocarbons contribute to global warming, with thousands of times the warming potential
of carbon dioxide. Their atmospheric concentrations and contribution to anthropogenic greenhouse gas
emissions are rapidly increasing, causing international concern about their radiative forcing.

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