Ćwiczenia Leksykalne Parafraza, Zwroty

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1. Wyróżnione grupy wyrazów zastąp tylko jednym słowem, tak aby nie zmienić treści całego zdania.

a) Every year millions of people travelling for religious reasons visit Mecca.
Every year millions of …………………………………………….. visit Mecca.
b) All the vehicles that were able to be used at that time were sent to the scene of the crash.
All the vehicles …………………………………… at that time were sent to the scene of the crash.
c) At noon it cleared up and the sun began to turn the snow into water.
At noon it cleared up and the sun began to ………………………………. the snow.
d) He doesn’t treat this job as something which he will keep for ever.
He doesn’t treat this job as something ………………………………………………….. .
e) Being taller than most men she never wears shoes which are raised in the back part.
Being taller than most men, she never wears shoes with high ……………………………………… .
f) The rights of small fractions of the population which differ from the rest in race are protected by law.
The rights of ethnic …………………………………………….. are protected by law.
g) If you have too low an opinion of your opponents, you may lose the match.
If you ………………………………………… your opponents, you may lose the match.
h) A rowing boat is moved by poles with blades at the end.
A rowing boat is moved by …………………………………………….. .

2. Wyróżnione grupy wyrazów zastąp tylko jednym słowem, tak aby nie zmienić treści całego zdania.

a) The setting up of the safety barriers began in the evening and they were ready in the morning.
The safety barriers were set up …………………………………………….. .
b) The work that he does for the department in the Army collecting information about enemies is secret.
The work that he does for military ……………………………………… is secret.
c) I quit the job I had before the one I have at present because I couldn’t agree with the boss.
I quit my ……………………………………… job because I couldn’t agree with the boss.
d) We feared that the match would have to be played later than planned because of the rain.
We feared that the match would be ………………………………. Because of the rain.
e) Before filling out the papers you have to find how heavy every bag is.
First, every bag has to be ………………………………… and then we fill out the papers.
f) We returned in mid-August, just for the highest point of the peach season.
We returned in mid-August, just for the …………………………………….. of the peach season.
g) Those early varieties of tomatoes can only be grown in special buildings with a glass roof and sides
protecting them from low temperatures.
Those early varieties of tomatoes can only be grown in …………………………………….. .
h) Pickpockets are very careful in choosing people whose wallets or purses they are going to steal.
Pickpockets choose their ………………………………………….. very carefully.

3. Wyróżnione grupy wyrazów zastąp tylko jednym słowem, tak aby nie zmienić treści całego zdania.

a) Robert Scott was one of the explorers of the land surrounding the South Pole.
Robert Scott was one of the explorers of the ……………………………………. .
b) The oil slick posed a serious threat to creatures living in the sea.
The oil slick posed a serious threat to ………………………………………….. life.
c) The doctor assured us that Lea will soon return to good health.
The doctor assured us that Lea will make a quick ………………………………………. .
d) It seems that the tank must be letting water out through a hole.
It seems that the tank must be ………………………………………………………. .
e) The school moved to the new building in 1899 or 1900, maybe 1901.
The school moved to the new building at the …………………………………… of the century.
f) The crisis made the unions agree to a proposal that wages would not rise during the next six months.
The crisis made the unions agree to a wage ………………………………………. Of six months.
g) He works for a Newport company which sells in large quantities to shopkeepers or other businesses.
He works for a ……………………………………….. company in Newport.
h) After being sued by her former employer, the poor woman asked to be given the free services of a
After being sued by her former employer, the poor woman asked to be provided with ………………………….

4. Wyróżnione grupy wyrazów zastąp tylko jednym słowem, tak aby nie zmienić treści całego zdania.

a) How much money can you take from your account above what you really have on it?
How much ………………………………………………….. are you allowed?
b) You start with drawing a line which runs parallel to ground level.
You start with drawing a …………………………………………….. line.
c) Archaeologists have just unearthed parts that were preserved of an 11th century church.
Archaeologists have just unearthed the ………………………………………. of an 11 th century church.
d) Newton was not only a scientist studying matter and energy.
Newton was not only a ……………………………………………. .
e) The objective is to study the Sun and the planets surrounding it.
The objective is to study the ……………………………………………………….. system.
f) The lawyer’s wife was freed but no money was paid to the kidnappers.
The lawyer’s wife was freed but no …………………………………………………….. was paid.
g) The Council monitors the well-being of people that are held in prisons or psychiatric institutions.
The Council monitors the well-being of ………………………………………………………. .
h) She bought a beautiful ring made of the substance of which an elephant’s tusks are made.
She bought a beautiful ring made of ………………………………………………………… .

5. Wyróżnione grupy wyrazów zastąp tylko jednym słowem, tak aby nie zmienić treści całego zdania.

a) The ceremony is held on the day preceding the wedding.

The ceremony is held on the ………………………………………………… of the wedding.
b) With the rainfall covering the period of one year of 750 mm, this is a very humid place.
With the ………………………………………… rainfall of 750 mm, this is a very humid place.
c) In those days the radio was relatively common, while TV was still something that could be seen in very
few households.
In those days, the radio was relatively common, while TV was still a ……………………………………………. .
d) By law, a woman who divorced must wait six months before entering another marriage.
By law, a woman who divorced must wait six months before …………………………………………………… .
e) Although she knew he was there, she chose to fail to notice him as a punishment.
Although she knew he was there, she chose to ……………………………………… him as a punishment.
f) Being a person who travels regularly from home in a suburb to work in a city is harder than you think.
Being a ……………………………………………….. is harder than you think.
g) The clash between her dreams and the actual world around her was rather brutal.
The clash between her dreams and ……………………………………………………. was rather brutal.
h) After the war most people lived in the state of having no money and no material possessions.
After the war most people lived in extreme …………………………………………………. .
6. Wyróżnione grupy wyrazów zastąp tylko jednym słowem, tak aby nie zmienić treści całego zdania.

a) She accompanied her speech with movements of the hands and head expressing anger.
She accompanied her speech with angry ………………………………………………. .
b) The information that Kate gave in court was enough to clear Davis of the accusations.
Kate’s ……………………………………………… in court was enough to clear Davis of the accusations.
c) We were greeted by the joyful sound made by Ann’s two collies.
We were greeted by the joyful ……………………………………………….. of Ann’s two collies.
d) After two years of drought, the river lacked sufficient depth for navigation.
After two years of drought, the river was too ………………………………………………. for navigation.
e) Throughout the meeting, the manager sat at his desk without speaking a word.
Throughout the meeting, the manager sat at his desk …………………………………………………… .
f) Every Friday Ibrahim went to the Muslim house of worship to pray.
Every Friday Ibrahim went to the ……………………………………………….. to pray.
g) In the 1960s, the appearance of a new film format occurred at the same time as the advent of battery
operated electric movie cameras.
In the 1960s, the appearance of a new film format …………………………………………………….. with the advent
of battery operated electric movie cameras.
h) As a young boy, I got very interested in the sport of fighting with swords.
As a young boy, I got very interested in …………………………………………………. .

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