Present Perfect Simple, Past Simple

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Present perfect simple

We use present perfect simple for something that started in the past and continues in the
present/ has recently stopped.

Folosim present perfect simple pentru actiuni care au inceput in trecut si care se continua in present/
tocmai s-au incheiat.

I haven’t finished my homework yet

They've been friends  for nearly three years.

-puts emphasis on the result. (accentul se pune pe rezultat)

an action that is still going on or that stopped recently

 She has cooked dinner.

Since- to say when the action started – She has been a teacher since 1999

For – expresses the duration of the action- She has been a teacher for 21 years.

SB + Have/has + VB ed/ 3 (past participle)

I, you (pl, sg) He, Helped, seen,
I, you he, she, she, it, done, washed
We, you, John,
it, we, you,
they, John
they, John, Irina,
and Tim, the the
Maria and Tim,
the boy etc, boy

Past simple
We use past simple for completed past actions= folosim past simple pt actiuni incheiate in

- actions that happened at a specific time in the past= actiuni care s-au intamplat la un anumit
moment din trecut.

SB + VB ed/2

I helped Mia yesterday.

I saw Simina a year ago.


Adverbs: yesterday, two days ago, last week etc.

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