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He knows!


Camera moves from his apartment to the balcony where Anurag is having tea with a light in his
other hand. he receives a call from an unknown number and he picks it up.

Anurag: hello!

John: yeah hi! Am I speaking with Anurag?

Anurag: yes...

John: Hey... I am John, a private detective for Benson & Larry and I need some of your precious

Anurag: look, it was all over the news and everyone knows that the case is closed, and I have nothing
else to talk about.

John: I understand Anurag... but I’ve been hired by your in-laws and they still have some questions
that need answers.

Anurag: questions come with speculations and then lead to accusations. you seriously think I am
willing to go through all this again?

John: You & I both know its an open & shut case. the FBI couldn’t do shite and neither will I. Just
need 30 min with you and I get paid from them and then my landlord gets please!!

Anurag: (sighs) i'll text you the address be here at exact 15:00.

(He tosses the cigarette over the balcony and walks back into the apartment)
Scene 2: Time is Money (time- 15:08)

(Doorbell rings and Anurag goes to the door to answer it)

Anurag: 8 minutes late eh?? (with a smile)

John: better late than never sir!! (shakes hands with Anurag)

(John seems to notice a pungent smell in the apartment and starts to twitch his nose)

John: pooof!! what is that stench!!

Anurag: (hysterical laugh) have not stepped out of the flat since ages... so didn’t have to take a bath
at all.

Camera fades away to darkness

Scene 3: You are being watched

John: I want you to take your own time before answering the questions and you will be recorded. let
me start in 3..2..1 (turns on the recorder)

John: This is Detective John and the time is 15:15 pm and the location is Ashoknagar. Pease state
your name and your involvement to this case.

Anurag: Myself Anurag, aged 34, unemployed. Husband to late Cindy who had committed suicide in
the summer of 2020.

John: your wife always used to say that you would be late to your own funeral. why is that?

Anurag: (laughs) Ahhh she hated me being unpunctual. late to bed. Late to rise.. how would it make
anyone wise?? always played catch-up and never had any sense of time.
John: Anurag if it was a straight forward case of suicide.. why are the in-laws still raging to probe into

Anurag: they think I killed her...(pauses for 3 sec) and thanks!!

John: for what??

Anurag: for not asking if I did!!

(John bites his lip and tries to subdue the situation)

John: (nods) your occupation... you never had a stable job or a settled life... (his eyes pan the
entire flat) but you seem to be doing good..

Anurag: I’ve done odd jobs here and there... but all the glam sham you see is inherited
property. Nothing from my pocket.

(the interrogation goes on for a while seemingly sane and placid and John is about to wrap it up)

Scene 4: Are we done with the formalities?

(John sees an interesting portrait of the couple)

John: That’s a nice picture (tries to pull out his phone) ... can I take a snap of it?

Anurag: Hey!! can you not do that please!! (and walks away into the direction of the kitchen to make
some tea)

(suddenly a landline rings and it gets moved to voicemail)

Answering machine: After the tone...please state your name and the message..(beep)

Lady: Hi babe!! its me... thanks for the wonderful gift you gave me last night in the shack.. I
freaking love it!! lets meet again tonight, same time, same place. Love you loads <3 (clicks)

John: wtf!! who has a landline in 2020!! always a mysterious lady in the midst of chaos.. men !!
strange fellas (muttering to himself)

(John's focus now turns towards a seemingly odd room which is pitch dark compared to the other
well lit rooms. he starts ambling towards it simultaneously glancing the entire house.)

Anurag: (startles John) here is your tea!!

John: oh thank you..( keeps twitching his nose as the room gets closer and closer)

(its unbearable he thinks to

himself... how can someone live
like this in this stench!! as he
walks closer and closer to the
room Anurag stops him)

Anurag: uh!! uh!! I must caution you there... rat traps..(with an untoward expression on his face)

(John grows even more suspicious and his conscience is ringing constant fire bells. he is hell-bent on
knowing what is in that room)

(he faces the kitchen/Anurag with folded arms concealing the phone in his left hand he manages to
click photographs with flash of the room and immediately hides the phone in the waistcoat)
Scene 5: Farewell o John!!

John: that was some nice tea man. thanks for that and I’ll make a move (picks up his recorder and
switches it off indicating it to Anurag)

John: very well then.. take care and here's my calling card incase you ever need a priv investigator in
life (winking and walks out of the door)

The elevator was out of order and John starts walking down the stairs unwillingly giving him some
time to ponder on the interrogation.

His thoughts send him back to 2 strange contrasting incidents:

Anurag: (sighs) I’ll text you the address be here at exact 15:00
Anurag: 8 minutes late eh?? (with a smile)(scene 2)

Anurag: (laughs) ahhh she hated me being unpunctual... never had any sense of time(from scene 3)

Anurag: (hysterical laugh) haven’t stepped out of the flat since ages...

Lady: hi babe!! its me.. thanks for the wonderful gift you gave me last night in the shack.. I freaking
love it!!


John's stomach starts churning and he has that uneasy feeling in his gut. hes panting down the stairs
and rushes to his car and sits in it. turns on the ac and tries to calm himself.

(camera is on the steering panned onto his phone and his face with the screen reflection on to his

As he scrolls through his photos that he clicked his facial expressions change and he immediately
calls up Anurag on his mobile
John: hey Anurag!! John here... we might never have to see each other again so you might as well
tear up my calling card..(hangs up)

(slow motion captures)

Anurag with a smirk tosses the card into the trash and starts walking towards the room.

(camera is far from him in a wide angle and slowly moves with him towards the room)

Anurag leans on to the dark room door and switches on the light and folds his arms.... and stares
deeply into the room...

camera moves constantly trying to capture what is in the room.... (screen blanks)

-------------------------------------------------------THE END-------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes: we let the public endure the endless possibilities of what happened that day and not reveal

a) We understand that Anurag was quite punctual when he was concerned about John being
8min late but why did he portray himself to be an unpunctual man to his wife/in-laws?

b) Who was that mysterious lady? why did she call on his landline? was he having an affair? or
was it a pre-recorded message of Cindy when they met on their first date? was he loyal and
kept it as a memory of her?

c) What was that dark room all about? was the stench from it? was it really rat traps or body
bags that he hid there?

d) What did John see in the pictures that made him call Anurag again? why did he never want
to meet again? was he assured Anurag was innocent or was he dreaded that Anurag would
surely kill him after knowing what he saw.

e) Did Cindy really commit suicide? or was she murdered by Anurag? or did she really kill
herself knowing the actual nature of Anurag as a serial killer?

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