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1. Describe chemical test to differentiate compound Q from methanol.

Methanol can distinguished by using iodoform test.

When Iodine and sodium hydroxide are added to a compound that contains either a methyl
ketone or a secondary alcohol with a methyl group in the alpha position, a pale yellow
precipitate of iodoform or triiodomethane is formed. It can be used to identify aldehydes or
ketones. If an aldehyde gives a positive iodoform test, then it must be acetaldehyde since it
is the only aldehyde with a CH3C=O group. Given below are a few example reactions for
positive iodoform tests.

Iodoform Test Description

Test to distinguish between phenol and methanol-

Libermann's test- On warming with conc. H2SO4 and sodium nitrite, phenol give red or
brown coloration. The colour changes to blue or green on addition of aqueous NaOH.
Phenols react with nitrous acid to give p-nitrosophenol which rearranges to quinone. In
the presence of conc.H2SO4, quinone condenses with phenol to give indophenol which
is red. With excess of NaOH, sodium salt of indophenol is obtained which is blue.
2. Show compound Q can be prepared from chlorobenzene

Fusion of chlorobenzene with NaOH (at 623 K and 320 atm pressure)

produces sodium phenoxide. On acidification, it gives phenol.

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