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This chapter is to provide help and guidance on making notes.

For the
language focus, you will have practice on making questions and
Part 1
Reading Preparation
Task 1
Pre-Reading Activities
Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Do you make notes when you attend lectures, seminars, or when you read books
and journals?
2. Why is making notes important for your study?
3. Do you know the difference between making notes and taking notes?
The differences between making notes and taking notes.

Making Notes Taking Notes

Part 2
Reading Practice
Task 2

Read the following . Then,

make a good note of this reading passage.
Task 3
Comprehension Questions
A. Based on the reading passage in Task 2, state whether the statement is true
(T) or false (F).

1. Making notes is the same as taking notes. T / F

2. Making note skill is very important in studying. T / F

3. Making note is done in nearly all learning activities. T / F

4. Making notes is not necessary when you attend lectures. T / F

5. Making notes is done by copying all the words you hear or read. T / F
Your notes can show your understanding of what you listen or
6. T / F
7. You can use diagrams in making notes. T / F

8. Your notes can result in a summary of lectures. T / F

9. It is advised to use both sides of your paper when you make notes. T / F
In certain situation, students should take notes instead of make
10. T / F
11. In making notes, you can add your own ideas. T / F

12. In making notes, you can add questions. T / F

13. There are many different ways of making notes. T / F

14. How you make notes depends on the purposes of your activities. T / F

15. Taking notes is making your own record of key information. T / F

16. Making notes is copying information word for word. T / F

B. Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answers.

1. You make notes when you do the following, EXCEPT
a. attending lectures
b. reading books
c. surfing the Internet
d. copying specific information

a. read articles
b. listen to lectures
c. copy a time table
d. join a seminar
3. .
a. a copy of information
b. a summary of information
c. key points of information
d. an overview of a subject

Part 3
Language Focus

Task 4
Verbal Questions
In the passage, there are many questions to ask in order to make good notes. Here
are some examples: Is there anything you can add? Should you do some
additional reading on the topic?
This kind of questions is called verbal questions. The answers to these questions are
simply a yes, or no. To make verbal questions, simply put the verb or an auxiliary
verb in front of the subject, and there are no question words such as what, which,
and the like. The Indonesian translation of this question is
yang sejenisnya.

Is there anything you can add? = Adakah sesuatu yang dapat Kamu tambahkan?

Should you do some additional reading on the topic? = Haruskah Anda

melakukan membaca tambahan pada topic itu?

Translate the following Indonesian sentences into good and correct verbal
1. Dapatkah Kamu membuat catatan yang baik?

2. Apakah Kamu dapat memahami catatan kuliah saya?

3. Adakah yang salah pada catatan yang saya buat?

4. Apakah Anda setuju dengan pendapat saya?

5. Praktiskah membuat catatan kuliah dengan bagan dan table?

Task 5
Imperative sentences are frequently used in manuals or procedure texts in which the
writers tell the readers what to do. You can find many examples of this kind of
sentences in the passage of this chapter, such as the part on Advice on how to make

Read again that part, and then write a short manual of how to write good notes.

How to write good notes:







Part 4
Summary & Reflection

Task 6
Post Reading
Summarize this chapter in your own words. Write your own summary in not
more than one page.

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