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Words and Phrases for the Minitest.

Chapter 1

a means of building knowledge that is accurate and dependable

adherent/proponent of a perspective
adopt the appropriate level of sophistication
allocate time/funds
approach which wins acceptance within...
be in the grip of an addiction
behavior governed primarily by...
branch of medicine concerned with...
broaden one‘s horizon
catalyze a change
classic study
combat/tackle a problem
committed to investigating/exploring questions
competing points of view/competing schools of thought
complete one‘s doctorate
conclusion which emerges from a study
conditioned reflex
conduct a study
constellation of variables
cornerstone notion of a theory
critical difference
crucial premise
delete consciousness from one‘s scope of concern
deliver a lecture/a speech/a presentation
design careful studies to probe...
design/develop a test
devise a concept/a schedule/a plan
discard options
disseminate ideas
downplay the importance
embrace a model/a theory
empirical studies clearly and consistently indicate that...
enhance skills/performance
epiphany/aha moment/ pivotal insight
estimates suggest that...
ethnic makeup of the Western world
exert considerable concern over smb.
exert great influence on behavior
expectations color perceptions
factors which contaminate the study
far-reaching construct
forces that govern/ affect behavior
foster development
fundamental human drive toward personal growth
generality of findings
genetic inheritance
giant in the field
graphic lists/indicates
groundbreaking research
habitual response
have a feel for smth.
heritable characteristic
host of studies
ideas which gain credence
implausible options
implications of findings
in the end vs. at the end
in the ensuing decades
inadvertently foster stereotypes
influences which interact in complex ways
involuntary commitment proceedings
knit observations together
landmark review/event/study/book
lash out at smb.
launch a new initiative
light or heavy work schedule
make smth. abundantly clear
malleability and fallibility of human memory
marked by theoretical diversity
master crucial points
multifaceted science/field
neglect of cultural variables
obtain consent
overlap between professions
pent-up urges
perform tasks
performance decrement/increment
persuasive rebuttals to criticisms
pick up momentum
plausible excuse
ponder difficult-to-answer questions excessively
popular undergraduate major
pressing questions
principle charge hurled at schools
principles uncovered in research
probe the why‘s and how‘s of human behavior
procrastinate about studying
prolific writer who campaigns vigorously for his movement
prominent followers such as...
psychological disturbances largely caused by...
psychological underpinnings of...
publish widely cited studies on a broad range of topics
question framed in an all-or-none proposition
refute/debunk a myth/a popular theory
reliable route to accurate knowledge
remedy a situation
render something feasible
research/a research study shows, suggests, indicates, has found
researchers work under the assumption that...
review research which provides insights into...
rigorous science/guidelines/requirements
score exceptionally high on tests
seminal work
set up a schedule
several lines of evidence seem to provide support for the notion that…
sharp disagreements among...
speculative accounts for obvious phenomena
steep rise in the number of...testifies to...
stimulus-response bond
stir up debate
string of unrelated observations
support an assertion
surge in research on cultural factors
surge in the demand for
surge of interest
susceptibility to psychological disorders
sweeping generalizations
tangible rewards
the year brings a major breakthrough in the field
think critically about generalizations concerning behavior
threads of continuity across...
topic headings in a chapter
transmit/pass on culture/values/genes
umbrella term
unconscious determinants of behavior
underrepresented groups of subjects
universally acclaimed view
verify or disprove scientific claims
watershed in the history of psychology/watershed conference
yield insight/results

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