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ROBERT MCFADDEN_____________________________________________tel (438)-288-6569

121 avenue Laurier ouest, Montréal H2T 2N6, Canada

Life Skills Mentoring Terms of Agreement

Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________

Telephone: _______________________________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________________

The following outlines the intent and conditions of the mentoring services which I, the above, contract

Robert McFadden to provide, beginning __________________________________________.

1) Services
a) I understand the purpose of life skills mentoring is to provide assistance in:

i) developing my understanding of my current circumstances, resources and goals;

ii) identifying and acting upon opportunities for moving forward with my skills objectives;

iii) monitoring and assessment of my progress throughout the mentoring period;

iv) establishing strategies for building upon changes realized through the mentoring process.

b) Mentoring provides techniques, tools and reflective support for identifying, pursuing and
accomplishing my goals according to my means and values. While mentoring is primarily a
conversational process, other forms of interaction may be requested or recommended by my
mentor, including individual research, writing, exercises and other activities occurring outside
of the weekly mentoring sessions. Throughout the mentoring process, I will determine the
appropriate direction, actions and assessment, with specific responsibilities including:

i) setting the agenda for the mentoring conversations;

ii) identifying goals and action steps;

iii) being proactive in achieving goals;

iv) evaluating personal commitment and progress through each stage of the process;

v) deciding when the objectives for the mentoring project have been met, and how to
proceed after completion of the mentoring period.

c) I understand that my mentor will be focused on me and my best interests, not just my goals.
To this end, I may be asked to consider ideas, approaches and courses of action lying outside
of my customary practices and areas of competence. I am prepared to explore, challenge,
and change habitual thoughts, feelings and actions, and to give my mentor reasonable benefit
ROBERT MCFADDEN_____________________________________________tel (438)-288-6569
121 avenue Laurier ouest, Montréal H2T 2N6, Canada

of the doubt when presenting new concepts and methods for my consideration. Final decisions
and choices of action are for me to determine.

2) Sessions
a) All work-related aspects of the mentoring process, including recommendations, action plans,
statements of accountability and progress assessments will be presented verbally. I may
request and arrange for written materials and records, along with other forms of
documentation used in the mentoring sessions separate to the present Terms of Agreement.

b) Additional participants may be included at any time within the mentoring relationship upon the
mutual consent of both me and my mentor, and with the additional participant’s agreement to
these Terms of Agreement

c) Work undertaken in Life Skills Mentoring is not be confused with the therapeutic practices of
counselling or psychotherapy, nor the ready-made solutions provided in training or consulting.
Life Skills Mentoring services are designed for the benefit of well-functioning individuals
choosing to take action and make behaviour changes towards the realization of their goals for
life and work. If, over the course of the mentoring relationship, an issue arises that might be
better served through another form of intervention, recommendations will be made to seek
appropriate alternate assistance.

d) Mentoring is conducted in 1-hour weekly sessions, with additional mentoring services made
available by advance agreement. All such additional services, including telephone, email and
other forms of discussion, will be considered as individual mentoring sessions in addition to
the regular session regime.

e) A 12-week programme of sessions accompanied by targeted research, practice and monitoring

is the minimum period recommended for the successful completion of the mentoring
relationship. I understand that this is an estimate only; the actual course of mentoring being
dependent upon project factors including goals, contingencies, context and performance.

f) Cancellations or requests for a change of appointment time require a minimum advance notice
of 24 hours in order for regular fees not to apply. Should my mentor need to cancel a session
for illness, travel, or emergency, every effort will be made to provide me adequate advance
notice and to reschedule with me.

g) The mentoring relationship may be ended at any time with one week verbal or written notice.
My decision to end mentoring may be best supported by giving notice several sessions prior to
actually leaving. This will ensure all aspects of the mentoring project may be brought to
completion and plans put in place to maintain and build upon the objectives achieved during
the mentoring relationship.

3) Confidentiality
The confidentiality of all communications happening within the mentoring relationship will be
strictly maintained to the full extent of legal obligations. Outside of such obligations, personal
information will only be released with my written permission. Identifying information about me or
personal specifics about the mentoring relationship will not be released without my express
permission. All personal and professional details, including future plans, business strategies,
finances, and information relating to third parties (partners, colleagues, customers, and the like)
shall be kept in the strictest confidence.
ROBERT MCFADDEN_____________________________________________tel (438)-288-6569
121 avenue Laurier ouest, Montréal H2T 2N6, Canada

In the event of a legal obligation to disclose information, every effort will be made to discuss it
with me before taking any action.

4) Indemnity
In undertaking this agreement, I acknowledge and accept all responsibility for any consequence
arising from the provision of the mentoring services. In no event shall I hold my mentor or any
aspect of the mentoring process liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential
damages or losses relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction taken based on the
services offered, information provided, or other material obtained through the mentoring process.

5) Payment
The standard rate for a 1-hour weekly session is $75.00, payable within 7 days upon completion of
the session by cash, cheque, or on-line payment (on-line banking or PayPal).

These Terms of Agreement will apply unless modified in a subsequent letter and signed by myself and
Robert McFadden. In signing these Terms of Agreement, I affirm that Robert McFadden has been
contracted to perform the agreed upon services as presented in this document.

_______________________________________ ____________________________________

(client) (date)

_______________________________________ ____________________________________

(mentor) (date)

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