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Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 and Other Interventional Techniques

DOI 10.1007/s00464-013-2876-9

20th International Congress of the European Association

for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)
Brussels, Belgium, 20–23 June 2012
Poster Presentations

 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

P001 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P002 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


A LUNG CARCINOMA METASTASIS Y.G. Starkov, K.V. Shishin, I.Y. Nedoluzhko, M.M. Konstantinova,
H. Ali, Z.J.M. Rokan, B. Dodd, A. Nisar S.V. Dzhantukhanova, N.A. Kurushkina, M.I. Vyborniy
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS trust, MAIDSTONE, Institute of Surgery n.a. A.V.Vishnevsky, MOSCOW, Russia
United Kingdom
Introduction: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most
Cutaneous abdominal metastasis from a primary lung tumour conveys common mesenchymal neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract, which
a poor prognosis. Abdominal wall reconstruction following tumour compose 1% of all masses of this localization. Approximately
resection usually involves construction of a myocutaneous flap, cre- 50–70% of GISTs originate in the stomach. The small intestine is the
ating significant risk of hernia formation and increasing morbidity in second most common location, with 20–30% of GISTs arising from
the palliative patient. the jejunoileum. Malignant potential of this kind of tumors have
In the presented patient, loss of cutaneous continuity due to metastatic determined active surgical tactics directed for its removal. Diagnostic
tumour and subsequent radiotherapy resulted in a contaminated of early neoplasms and exclusion dissemination from gastrointestinal
operating field. As an alternative to a myocutaneous flap, a biological stromal tumor granted different minimally invasive methods, partic-
mesh was laparoscopically placed deep to the abdominal wall ularly laparoscopic approach.
resection defect, providing reinforcement and reducing the risk of Materials and methods: Since 2008 till 2011 11 patients suspicious
prosthesis infection. Split skin grafting from a right thigh donor site GIST were treated. All patients underwent EUS, which confirmed
was then performed. To our knowledge, this is the first reported presumptive diagnosis. Abdomen CT showed non metastatic GIST in
laparoscopic mesh placement for the prevention of ventral hernia all cases. 10 patients had tumor in stomach, 1 – in duodenum. In 3
formation following abdominal wall lung cancer metastasis resection. cases lesions located in anterior gastric wall in stomach body, next 3
It provides a quick, low morbidity alternative to more extensive cases – posterior gastric wall subcardia area, also 2 cases – gastric
abdominal wall reconstruction enabling faster discharge from fundus and on one occasion greater curvature and angle of the
hospital. stomach. Tumors sizes ranged from 1.5 to 6.5 cm. All patients
underwent laparoscopic wedge resection of affected organ (in 1 case –
transgastral tumor removal under double endoscopic control).
Labeling of tumor margins was carried out with the help of laparo-
scopic ultrasound. Wedge resection was performed using ultrasound
scissors, intending 1 sm of the tumor margin. Tumors were extracted
in container from abdomen cavity. Gastotomy was closed up by
double-rowed interrupted sutures.
Results: Operation time was ranged from 75 to 320 min. Histology
and immunohistochemistry (IHC) confirmed GIST in 9 patients,
1 patient had aberrant pancreas. Tumor in duodenum was Brunner‘s
gland adenoma. According to IHC results none of the patients
required adjuvant therapy. Postoperative follow-up was during 1–3
year. Abdomen CT and upper GI endoscopy showed no pathological
changes. Recovery was uneventful.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic surgery is feasible, safe and effective
technique for GIST removal in selected patients.

S54 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P003 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P005 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


P. Dorn, J. Knaus, P. Nussbaumer Y.G. Starkov, K.V. Shishin, I.Y. Nedoluzhko, S.V. Dzhantukhanova,
Spital Lachen, LACHEN, Switzerland M.I. Vyborniy, L. Vetygova
Introduction: Obturator hernias are very rare and most commonly seen in elderly ([50 y)
Institute of Surgery n.a. A.V.Vishnevsky, MOSCOW, Russia
and thin women. They present a diagnostic challenge as signs and symptoms are often Background: Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) has been recently proposed to
nonspecific, and the diagnosis is often only made intraoperatively after presenting with reduce skin incisions and related post-operative pain and morbidity. The main concept of
bowel obstruction. Other symptoms include groin or hip pain; obturator neuralgia (How- the SILS technique is the using of a single incision, thus decreasing the number of ports and
ship-Romberg sign) can also be present. Usually their content is small intestine, rarely surgical trauma. The current data has shown this approach to be feasible for a wide variety
caecum or pelvic colon. The mortality rate for this type of hernia is higher than for other of diverse procedures, performed earlier using traditional laparoscopic technique with the
abdominal wall hernias (13–40%). Various methods for open or laparoscopic repair were number of ports.
described in the literature using autogenous tissue or synthetic material. We present an Methods: In a period from October 2009 till December 2011, 65 surgical interventions were
unusual case of a young girl with an obturator hernia containing the right ovary. performed using SILS technique. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed in 54
Case report: A 13-years-old female patient presented with clinical signs and symptoms patients with chronic calculous cholecystitis. Five patients underwent simple liver cysts
suspicious of acute appendicitis for the duration of one day. General examinations revealed fenestration. One case is of interest due to its rarity – a stomach trichobezoar removal was
tenderness localized around McBurney’s point. Routine hematological and biochemical performed in a 21-years old female. Two surgical interventions were performed in patients
investigations including WBC and CRP were normal. with GERD, one with achalasia and one with pyloric stenosis. Appendectomy was per-
Ultrasonography of the abdomen showed an inconspicuously shaped appendix surrounded formed using SILS technique in one patient.
by little free fluid. Because of a cumulative family history of complicated appendicitis, the Results: All surgical interventions were performed through a single incision in the umbi-
patient’s mother insisted on urgent laparoscopy and appendectomy. Surprisingly the licus using different Single-Port devices. There were no intra- and postoperative
diagnostic laparoscopy revealed bilateral indirect inguinal hernias and a right-sided obtu- complications, however it should be noted that there were significant intraoperative chal-
rator hernia containing the ovary. Appendectomy was performed as intended, although the lenges. That is, the introducing of multiple instruments through a single port causes the
appendix was macroscopically normal. We abstained from simultaneous mesh repair of the crowding of instruments due to their parallel position. The major drawback of the single
hernias due to infectiological reasons. After an interval of four days bilateral endoscopic port approach technique is the failure of ‘‘triangulation’’ concept. The multiple instruments
mesh repair (TEP) was performed. The patient had an uneventful recovery with a hospital required for a surgical procedure in this technique are competing for the same space inside
stay of 1 day. She returned rapidly to normal physical activity and was without complaints and outside of abdominal cavity, causing hand collisions externally and difficulty with
at follow-up after 3 months. instrument manipulation internally. Using curved and articulated instruments can amelio-
Conclusion: We present the rare case of a symptomatic obturator hernia containing the rate some of these disadvantages. In the other hand the training of surgeons is of the great
ovary in a young girl. To our knowledge this is the first such report. Endoscopic mesh repair importance.
has been shown to be a feasible and suitable approach to treat our patient, taking into Conclusion: We consider the using of additional minilaparoscopic instruments, inside-
account the presence of multiple hernias. outside suspending sutures, facilitating tissue tractions is reasonable in the cases of high risk
of intraoperative complications without significant decline of cosmetic result.

P004 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P006 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


FOR SYNCHRONOUS DOUBLE TUMORS National Medical University, KIEV, Ukraine
H. Kato, Y. Yamashita, M. Oishi, M. Kodera, K. Seshimo, Introduction: During 2010 and 2011 years 26 patients with incarcerated indirect inguinal
M. Yamamura, H. Ikeda, K. Mizuno, T. Toshima hernia had laparoscopic TAPP allogerniaplastics.
Tottori Municipal Hospital, TOTTORI, Japan Methods: All patients were males. Average age is 52 ± 8 years. Preoperative examination,
in addition to standard studies, included ultrasound with Dopplerography.
In Japan, laparoscopic surgery has become standard treatment for gastrointestinal diseases, Time from the moment of infringement to the start of surgery is 140 ± 45 minutes.
and, currently, the application of reduced port techniques is being reviewed for cosmetic Spontaneous reduction of hernia with the introduction of anesthesia is recorded in 19 cases.
reasons. In surgery for synchronous multiple tumors located in the upper and lower At revision of the abdominal cavity hernial protrusion on the opposite side was found in 5
abdomen, ports can be gathered at the umbilicus to reduce the number of incisions; how- patients. The content of the hernia was a strand of omentum in 19 (73%) cases, a loop of
ever, this technique fixes the port location, requiring high-level surgical techniques. Thus, small intestine in 6 (23%) cases, a strand of omentum with a loop of small intestine in 1
we used small-diameter forceps for surgery which involves different surgical fields, while (3.9%) cases. Viability of entrapment was assessed visually by transillumination of cold
gathering or reducing the number of ports to increase surgical safety and reduce surgeons’ light source. Resection of the strands of the greater omentum was performed for 4 (15.4%)
stress. patients. Enterectomy was performed for 1 (3.9%) patients. Hernia correction with con-
This technique is also applied when one of the two surgical fields involves open surgery. tralateral side was performed for 4 (15.4%) patients.
We combined laparoscopic and open surgeries to reduce incision sizes as much as possible, Results: Postoperative complications of studied patients were not found. Hernia recurrence
by placing a port on an incision line of open surgery and using small- diameter forceps. The in up to 2 years wasn’t observed.
combined use of laparoscopic surgery can improve cosmetic outcomes in patients requiring Conclusions: Laparoscopic TAPP allogerniaplastics is applicable and safe for patients with
open surgery, and the application of small-diameter forceps is considered to show above incarcerated inguinal hernia. Doppler examination of hernial content is necessary in the
mentioned merits. preoperative examination of the patient.
In this study, we present a sigmoid colon cancer patient with synchronous liver metastasis
who required open surgery, in whom we successfully performed single-stage surgical
excision with the combined use of minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques using small-
diameter forceps. Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy was conducted first, followed by liver
subsegmentectomy (S6). A total of 4 ports were used for laparoscopic sigmoidectomy, after
reducing one port using small-diameter forceps (miniLap) inserting into the left upper
abdomen, and two ports at the umbilicus and right upper abdomen were created on an
incision line for open surgery. Subsequently, a reverse L-shaped incision was made at the
upper abdomen to pass the trocar, and liver subsegmentectomy was performed. The
duration of surgery was 454 minutes and blood loss was 240 ml.
For synchronous multiple tumors, combined use of laparoscopic surgery is beneficial for
reducing blood loss, as well as for safety, minimal invasiveness, and cosmetic reasons, but
it also facilitates surgery at the standard port sites with the use of small- diameter forceps,
suggesting that it can contribute to improve surgical safety by securing a sufficient surgical
view and reduce surgeons’ stress.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S55

P007 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P009 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall

A. Tsechpenakis1, E.D. Karafoka1, K.I. Tsigritis1, K.I. Bramis1, HEPATECTOMY
N.I. Basios2, A.T. Kotzadimitriou2, K.I. Bramis1 Y. Okuda, G. Honda, M. Kurata, S. Kobayashi, K. Tsuruta
Athens Euroclinic, ATHENS, Greece; 2University of Athens, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious diseases Center
Laiko General Hospital, ATHENS, Greece Komagome Hospital, TOKYO, Japan
Aims: The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate an interesting case of Aims: While the amount of blood loss during laparoscopic hepatectomy tends to be
chronic abdominal pain due to perforation of the anterior wall of the stomach by a smaller than that during open hepatectomy, nevertheless, intermittent vascular
metal needle-like object which was laparoscopically removed. occlusion controlling the hepatic inflow is useful to diminish the amount of blood
Methods: A 27-year-old female caucasian patient (BMI 27) was admitted to the loss during laparoscopic hepatectomy. We describe our useful and convenient
outpatient department suffering from mild abdominal pain and pelvic discomfort for method for intermittent vascular occlusion, which we standardized for laparoscopic
more than two months. These symptoms were worsening on standing position. No hepatectomy.
fever nor GI symptoms were reported. She had epigastric tenderness on physical Methods: We encircle the hepatoduodenal ligament by passing 7 cm of a catheter’s
examination but negative digital rectal examination. All blood tests were within tip threaded with a cloth vessel tape through Winslow’s foramen. Then, we set the
normal values (Hct, WBC, CRP, Bil, ALT, AST, Amylase). The ultrasonography next 20 cm of the catheter, through which the vessel tapes are threaded, through a
showed fluid in the pelvis (ca. 300 cc) but no other intraabdominal pathology. The hole in the abdominal wall directly without a trocar, and use this as a tourniquet.
CT scan revealed a small metal needle-like object nailed in the anterior wall of the Results: In 20 patients subjected to this method, the mean time for its completion
stomach. The patient underwent thorough upper GI endoscopy during which no was 354 seconds, and there were no complications.
perforating object could be found and surgical approach under general anesthesia Conclusion: This method can be carried out safely, easily and quickly.
was decided. If necessary, one more set can be added by the same method. And, the
Results: The diagnostic laparoscopy revealed the perforating object literally
area of vascular occlusion can be selected conveniently just like in an
scratching the posterior surface of the right lobe of the liver on the level supine
position on the operating table. The object was free to irritate the anterior abdominal open method.
wall peritoneum on the reverse Trendelenburg position. The object was easily
removed and the penetration site was reinforced with sutures on the standard lapa-
roscopic fashion. The patient was discharged on the 1st postoperative day.
Conclusion: Abdominal pain with no typical presentation or negative standard lab-
oratory testing often require further investigation as abdominal cavity is considered
to be ‘the Pandora’s box’ and the rarest case scenario is a possibility too.

P008 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P010 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


Sultan Qaboos Hospital, SALALAH, Oman M.R.S. Siddiqui, M. Kovzel, S.J. Brennan, O.H. Priest, S.R. Preston,
Aims: There are several reports of internal herniation through a defect in the fal- Y. Soon
ciform ligaments but the hernia of falciform ligament has not been reported in this Guildford Hospital, GUILDFORD, United Kingdom
laparoscopic era. Anatomically the round ligament inserts about 2 to 4 inch above Objective: A literature review on the role of totally extra-peritoneal (TEP) hernia
the umbilicus after that it passes into a canal in the extraperitoneal space and ends at repairs for groin pain in athletes.
the umbilical cicatrix. The round ligament prolapsed into this extraperitoneal space
with a sac of peritoneum giving rise to true hernia. We present our experience and
Methods: Electronic databases were searched from January 1993 to
treatment of this condition. November 2011.
Methods: Of 547 laparoscopic ventral hernia repairs, the true hernia of falciform Results: There were 10 papers included in this 30% of cases were reported to have a
ligament was observed in 15 patients. All patients were female, multipara and in age direct inguinal hernias, 22% had indirect inguinal hernias; 41% had dilated internal
group of 24–55 yrs of age. Presentation was of paraumbilical hernia. Majority of rings. Of note 30% of cases had no macroscopic abnormality. Four studies reported
patients had some degree of divarication of recti. The diagnosis of hernia of falci- on an early follow up ranging between 3–6 weeks. Only minimal or mild symptoms
form ligament was not known before laparoscopy. The operative approach was same were reported. Up to 33% of patients had impaired ability to perform at peak levels.
as for the laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia from right side. On laparoscopy the Up to 53% of patients had persistence of symptoms at the early follow up. Total
herniation of falciform ligament was seen in the hernia sac with or without other follow up time ranged from 3–80 months and most patients were active (90–100%).
contents in hernia. The contents were reduced and the hernia of falciform ligament At long term follow up 3–10% were unable to play and 5% were reported as being
was confirmed by pulling on prolapsed part. The falciform ligament was taken down unable to train. Two studies from the same center reported on TEP surgery for
completely to expose the hernial defect and to facilitate the placement of mesh. A osteitis pubis and most patients returned to sporting activity after 4–8 weeks.
large size mesh was used to cover the hernia defect, divarication and the umbilicus Conclusions: TEP repair is a good operative intervention in athletes with chronic
Results: The mean defect size was 28 cm2 but the mean size of mesh used was groin pain not relieved by conservative measures. Athletes recover quickly and
706 cm2, much larger to the proportionate defect size to cover the divarication return to sport early.
recti and the umbilicus. There were no major postoperative complications and
no recurrence in last 10 years.
Conclusions: The treatment described for the hernia of falciform ligament in the pre-
laparoscopic era was laparotomy from xiphoid to below umbilicus. Laparoscopic
repair is a good example of benefit of minimal access surgery. The limitation of this
study is in its small size and recognition.

S56 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P011 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P013 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


I. Ivanovs1, M. Mihelsons2, V. Boka2, M. Saba1 AZ Sint Jan Brugge-Oostende, BRUGES, Belgium
Riga Hospital No. 1, RIGA, Latvia; 2University of Latvia, RIGA, Abdominal workspace is measured as the inflated CO2 volume. If the inflated vol-
Latvia ume is less than 2 liters at 20 mmHg during a deep neuromuscular block and the
Aims: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is one of the most common surgical opera- surgeon has problems of insufficient workspace the intra abdominal pressure (IAP) is
tions. The excessive stress response can increase postoperative morbidity. shortly increased with 1 liter using an abdominal recruitment method (ARM). The
Postoperative stress is induced by afferent impulses from operation field. Local ARM consists of a 1 L balloon connected to the CO2 inflation line with a one way
anaesthetics can block these impulses. A controversy exists over usage of local valve included and a manometer. On a moment of extra space need one liter
anaesthetics during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The aim of the study is to workspace can be inflated manual. The pressure stay elevated as indicated by the
investigate the method of the preemptive gallbladder bed infiltration with local manometer and will slowly drop according to the leakage at the trocars.
anaesthetics before gallbladder dissection. A very low workspace is more frequent in patients never operated before, woman
Methods: 40 patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy were ran- without children and morbid obese patients with a central obesity distribution who
domised into 2 groups of 20 patients each. Group A (study group) received 20 ml 1% did not lose weight before surgery. Patients are informed that the lowest IAP possible
Lidocaine injection – infiltration in gallbladder bed before gallbladder dissection. will be used but that sometimes higher pressures are needed to avoid a laparotomy.
Infiltration was done with special non-traumatic needle for gallbladder bed infil- 7 patients scheduled for a laparoscopic gastric bypass procedure in 2011 under deep
tration to avoid liver puncture. Group B (control group) received no treatment. Stress NMB did not reach a workspace of 2 liters at 20 mmHg. An average volume of 1.6 ±
markers were measured at the end of operation, in 4 hours and 1 day after operation. 0.3 L was reached. The resting pressure (PV0) was high: 10 ± 3 mmHg and the
Pain intensity was measured with Visual Analog Scale (VAS) in 1 hour, 4 hours and compliance small: 0.18 ± 0.04 L/mmHg. Peep was elevated with 5 cmH2O above
1 day after operation. Postoperative monitoring was done by personal blinded to the the initial peep between 7 and 10 cmH2O, cardiac output was increased and blood
procedure. Diclofenac and opioids were given as rescue analgesic when demanded pressure elevated above 120 mmHg before the abdominal volume was increased
by patient in postoperative period. with 1 liter. Pressure rose according to the compliance to maximum 40 mmHg for a
Results: Cortisol level in the study group at the end of operation was lower compared short moment. Due to trocar leak, the pressure declined again fast minimizing the
with the control group: 24.9 mkg/dl vs. 36.1 mkg/dl (p\0.05). The study group had negative impact of high IAP. Recruiting the abdomen was not permanent and extra
less VAS score in the 1st hour after operation compared with control group: 20.4 vs. inflation was needed at crucial steps when hemodynamic possible. After laparoscopy
30.5 (p \ 0.05). The rescue analgesic requirement was significantly lower in the the abdominal compliance did not change more than what was expected by the effect
study group 2, 15 vs. 3.9 (p \ 0.05). The length of hospital stay after operation was of a pneumoperitoneum only. Compliance was 0.21 ± 0.04 L/mmHg after lapa-
lower in the study group 1.2 vs. 1.7 days (p \ 0.05). Average operation time in the roscopy.
study group was slightly lower 47,3 min vs. 54.8 min (p \ 0.1) and significantly By increasing the workspace with this method the pouch construction remained
lower was the risk of gallbladder wall perforation with bile effusion during gall- difficult but was possible without laparotomy.
bladder dissection: 0.1 vs. 0.2.
Conclusion: Gallbladder bed infiltration with 1% Lidocaine before gallbladder dis-
section is a safe method and can decrease postoperative stress and pain. This method
can decrease consumption of postoperative analgesics and facilitate early discharge
from hospital. The gallbladder bed infiltration also decreases risk of gallbladder wall
perforation during gallbladder dissection.

P012 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P014 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall

D. Symeonidis, I. Baloyiannis, G. Koukoulis, I. Chatzinikolaou,
To gain better cosmetic results, we have been trying to reduce both the number
and the size of ports in conventional TAPP (Transabdominal preperitoneal I. Mamaloudis, G. Tzovaras
hernia repair). Considering the safety and facilitation of the operation on the University Hospital of Larissa, LARISSA, Greece
other hand, we prefer using ‘BJ needle’ which is a 2 mm needle grasper with a Aims: Ventral hernias in obese patients represent a challenging clinical scenario. We have
high rigidity. We performed three different types of reduced port surgery, previously reported on the efficacy of laparoscopic repair of ventral hernias under spinal
SILS-POP (Single incision laparoscopic surgery plus one puncture) with anesthesia in patients with a BMI of less than 30. The aim of the present study was the
multichannel port plus BJ needle, DILS (Double incision laparoscopic surgery) expansion of the use of this technique in obese patients.
with multichannel port plus 5 mm, and three-port-surgery with BJ needle Methods: From January 2006 until May 2010, twenty-three obese and morbidly obese patients
(BJ-TAPP). having elective laparoscopic ventral hernia repair under spinal anesthesia were included in this
study. We looked primarily for intra-operative incidences as well as immediate postoperative
The indication of reduced port surgery depends on the patient’s request. As for
complications. Long term results and especially recurrences were also evaluated.
operation method, preperitoneal space was dissected from the abdominal Results: No conversion of either the anesthetic or the surgical technique was observed.
cavity, a mesh sheet was placed and fixed with tacks, and the defect of the Median operative time was 55 minutes (range 20–100 minutes). During surgery, six patients
peritoneum was closed by hand sew. complained of shoulder pain (28.5%) while three patients (14.3%) developed bradycardia.
During March 2011 through December 2011, we have experienced 40 cases of Postoperatively, nausea and/or vomiting were recorded in four patients (19%), four patients
conventional TAPP (12 mm, 5 mm, 5 mm) and 23 cases of Reduced Port TAPP (19%) experienced urinary retention and one patient developed wound infection. The
including SILS-POP (11 cases), DILS (7 cases), BJ-TAPP (5 cases). BJ needle median length of hospital stay was one day (range 1–2). A recurrence was diagnosed in one
was useful in grasping peritoneum, dissection with gauze, suturing and making patient twelve months after the operation.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair under spinal anesthesia in obese and mor-
knots. The average operation time was 60 minutes in conventional TAPP,
bidly obese patients proved feasible and safe in our experience. However, further,
whereas it was 68 minutes in SILS, 63 minutes in DILS and 66 minutes in BJ- prospective comparative studies are needed in order to establish our proposed method of
TAPP. There was no intraoperative and postoperative complication. The cos- anesthesia for laparoscopic ventral hernia repair in obese patients as a valid approach with
metic result was satisfactory in all patients. Reduced port surgery with BJ wide acceptance.
needle was safely performed. We consider BJ needle as a useful device to gain
both good cosmetic result and better quality of the reduced port surgery.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S57

P015 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P017 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


V. Golash M. Hosono, Y. Asakura, A. Arimoto, T. Yoshikawa, N. Ueno,
Sultan Qaboos Hospital, SALALAH, Oman T. Ienaga
Aims: To validate the use of laparoscopy in the diagnosis, management and treat-
Takatsuki General Hospital, TAKATSUKI, OSAKA, Japan
ment of ruptured diaphragmatic hernia in acute settings in a hemodynamically stable To repair a posterior abdominal wall hernia is difficult because the surrounding
patient. Laparoscopy avoided the major thoraco-abdominal surgery. tissues are generally so weak that it is difficult to sew the bony portions of the hernia
Methods: A 31 year old patient was admitted with the history of acute onset severe boundaries. As there are few descriptions on lumbar hernia, no one surgeon accu-
abdominal pain, vomiting and difficulty in breathing. She had undergone laparo- mulates enough clinical experience to standardize the surgical technique.
scopic repair of a large ventral hernia one month prior to her admission. X-ray chest We applied laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal patch plasty (TAPP), which
and CT scan revealed herniation of small intestine, colon, spleen and pancreas in the were developed and refined with inguinal hernias, for the repair of Grynfeltt’s hernia.
chest through a large defect in left diaphragm. Port position for laparoscopy was A 97 years old woman was found to have a superior triangle lumbar hernia with 3 cm
same as for hiatus hernia repair. The rupture in left diaphragm was 10.5 cm. The in diameter sized defect. We approached her laparoscopically.
hernial contents were reduced. An intercostal tube drain was inserted under lapa- A part of descending colon was incarcerated into the hernia sac. The descending
roscopic view. The defect was large and not suitable for primary suture and the colon was first mobilized form the retroperitoneum and the incarceration was
hernia was repaired using a 15 9 15 prolene mesh. She presented again six months released. A large pocket was made in the extraperitoneal space around the defect, so
after her left ruptured diaphragmatic hernia repair with severe respiratory distress. A as to accept a large mesh graft. An appropriate size piece of polypropylene mesh was
thoracoabdominal CT revealed ruptured right diaphragmatic hernia this time with placed and fixed over the fascia around the hernia defect. Running suturing closure
herniation of small intestine and colon. On Laparoscopy a ruptured right diaphrag- of the peritoneum was performed.
matic hernia of 12 cm was seen in posterior superior aspect. The small and large Our experience in TAPP for inguinal hernias revealed that it is technically feasible,
intestine were reduced . The diaphragmatic defect was repaired with nylon sutures has minimal morbidity and discomfort, and allows a prompt discharge and the quick
and further reinforced with dual mesh. return to the normal activities. The same laparoscopic methods were applied to
Results: There were no conversion to open and no intraoperative or postoperative lumbar hernia.
complications. There has been no recurrence in one year. Laparoscopic visualization of the hernia affords an excellent view of the edge of the
Conclusions: Laparoscopic repair of acute rupture diaphragmatic hernia is feasible in fascial defect. The size of the hernia can be measured so accurately that mesh can be
a hemodynamically stable patient. It provides good visibility, easy reduction of tailored as needed.
herniated organs and if necessary thorax exploration. We successfully repaired This paper is a description of our personal surgical technique for the laparoscopic
bilateral ruptured diaphragmatic hernia with mesh and recurrent ventral hernia in a approach for the superior triangle lumbar hernia.
single patient by laparoscopy

P016 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P018 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


G.R. Askerkhanov, F.P. Aytekova, I.S. Ibragimov, ONE YEAR OF EXPERIENCE
M.A. Kazakmurzaev, M.G. Garunov A.C. Miron, V.D. Calu, C.M. Giulea, R.D.G. Parvuletu
Medical centre named after Askerkhanov R.P., MAKHACHKALA, Elias Emergency Hospital, BUCHAREST, Romania
Aims: Laparoscopic treatment of incisional hernias is gaining acceptance among
Purpose: Study of the late results of surgical treatment of the inguinal hernia (IH) by surgeons. The technique is feasible, reproducible and is following classic principles
the method of evaluating the quality of life (QL) and reproductive function of of hernia surgery. Dimiishing parietal trauma is a major advantage of this technique,
patients with the use of psycho-diagnostic test ‘SF-36 HEALTH STATUS SUR- especially at overweight and obese patients.
VEY’ and with assessment of spermogramm before and after the operation for 4–6 Methods: We studied a group of 30 patients, 21 with incisional hernias, 5 with
month and on expiration of 1 year. umbilical hernias and 4 with epigastric hernias, operated laparoscopically in Elias
Material and Methods: In our studies are examined the methods of tensioning the Surgical Clinic in the past 12 months. The study deals particularly with the first
rear wall of inguinal channel by the tension method (TM) (on Bassini-116 of group of patients, with incisional hernias.
patients), by the nontensioning method (NTM) (on Lichtenstein -288 patients) and Results: Regarding Body Mass Index (BMI) the group stratified into 3 categories:
the method of transabdominal preperitoneal hernia repair (TAPP) – 44 of patients). BMI \ 25 – 7 pts, BMI \ 30 – 9 pts, BMI [ 30 – 5 pts. The postoperative outcome
We conducted a prospective analysis of the results of surgical treatment of 448 was similar in the overweight and obese patients compared with normal weight
patients with IH, separated by the method of Bunak in three age groups: up to 30 patients. The overweight and obese patients operated laparoscopically had a much
years, 30–50 years, 50 years old. better outcome than similar type of patients that underwent open surgery.
Results: Analysis of treatment results showed that the frequency of postoperative Conclusions: The good postoperative results seemed to show that this procedure is
complications of TM is 17,2%, NTM – 6.4% and TAPP – 2%. QL of patients with safe and effective.
the IH to the larger degree deteriorates with the age. Thus, in Group I before surgery
(QL) better than patients in groups II and III. A postoperative comparative study of
the dynamics of QL using the test in patients shows that the restoration of the
physical and psychological components of the health after operation TAPP passes
better and is more rapid (psychological component in year – 24.2%; physical –
25.8%) than NTM (psychological – 11.4%, physical – 17,3%) and TM (psycho-
logical – 11.5%, physical – 16.7%). The results of spermogramm show the stability
of the indices of the ejaculate 6 months after TAPP. In 3 months after the traditional
methods of herniotomy reduction in the fertility of ejaculate remains.
Conclusions: Thus, taking into account the recovery time of the physical and psy-
chological components of health after operation in patients with the application of
TAPP, and also the unquestionable advantage of this procedure in the men of
reproductive age, including the disturbance of the fertility of ejaculate it gives
grounds to speak about superiority TAPP over the NTM and TM of hernioplasty.

S58 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P019 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P021 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


HERNIA REPAIR. ONE YEAR RESULTS C. Markakis1, N. Paschalidis2, M. Voultsos2, A. Marinis2, S. Rizos2
I. Alarcón1, S. Morales-Conde1, J. Bellido-Luque2, M. Socas1, 1
University of Athens, ATHENS, Greece; 2Tzaneio General Hospital,
A. Navas1, A. Barranco1, J. Cañete1, S. Garcia1, H. Cadet1, J. Padillo1 PIRAEUS, Greece
Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocio, SEVILLE, Spain; 2Hospital Aims: Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal (TEP) inguinal hernia repair is currently
General Básico de Riotinto, SEVILLE, Spain an established surgical technique which boasts equivalent recurrence rates to those of
Background: New advances in the development of laparoscopic inguinal hernia must open reconstruction and is associated with better quality of life and chronic pain
focus on patients outcome aspects such as chronic pain, comfort or foreign body scores. However, partly due to the differences in surgical anatomy compared to the
reaction. The aim of this study was to find out whether the lightweight PTFE mesh open Lichtenstein technique, TEP is technically challenging with a steep learning
improves patients outcomes at these aspects. curve; it is thought to require formal extensive training prior to its execution. This
Methods: Double blind prospective randomized clinical trial with 50 male patients has discouraged surgeons not practicing in major centres from adopting this tech-
with bilateral inguinal hernia, where TEP repair would be performed with a ran- nique. Our aim is to present the results of TEP repairs performed on 70 consecutive
domized use of a polypropylene Heavyweight mesh or a PTFE Lightweight mesh on patients with inguinal hernias and to assess whether the learning curve had an effect
each side. Postoperative data is collected in successive consults seven days, one on postoperative outcomes.
month, three months, six months and one year after the surgery using a visual analog Methods: An experienced laparoscopic surgeon was trained in TEP hernia repair
scale (VAS). during a 7-day course. Between 2009 and 2011, 87 TEP procedures were performed
Results: We present the final results of our study, continuing with our early results of for primary inguinal hernias in 70 patients (17 bilateral cases) using a standardized
this study presented last year in this congress, confirming the lack of significative technique (three subumbilical ports, blunt telescopic dissection, polypropylene mesh
differences in both meshes in long term outcome. without fixation). A prospective database containing in-hospital and follow-up data
Conclusion; Lightweight mesh appear to have advantages in terms of lesser pain and was created. We compared the results of 26 patients operated on during the first year
discomfort in early postoperative period, with no significant difference at one year. (considered to fall within the learning curve) with those of the remaining 44 patients.
Results: The operative time was significantly longer in the learning curve group.
There was no significant difference in recurrence rates between the two groups,
despite the longer follow-up period in the learning curve group and no difference in
postoperative pain or quality of life scores at matched time intervals.
Conclusions: Every surgeon interested in performing laparoscopic TEP inguinal
hernia repair without formal training should be aware of the significant learning
curve inherent to this technique, which is mainly evident from the prolonged
operative time. It is, however, possible for experienced laparoscopic surgeons to
learn and perform the operation safely and efficiently, without adverse outcomes.

P020 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P022 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


O.L. Nesterenko1, O.A. Belchuk2, Y.S. Danylkiv1 Keio University School of Medicine, TOKYO, Japan
ROCL, RIVNE, Ukraine; 2ROCLDC, RIVNE, Ukraine Aims: In laparoscopic hernia repair, secure mesh fixation is an important factor for
Topicality: Surgical treatment of ventral hernias in patients with various stages of obesity successful surgery. Tacking devices are frequently used for this purpose. In some
remains a rather acute problem, and methods of surgical treatment are still under discussion. cases, however, tacks may cause tissue damage resulting in bleeding and chronic
Purpose: Outlining the expediency of combining the alloplasty of ventral hernia with pain. We developed a novel technique for single-incision laparoscopic totally
abdominoplasty in patients with various stages of obesity. extraperitoneal (TEP) inguinal hernioplasty feasible even under local anesthesia. The
Materials and methods: The analysis of surgical treatment of 52 patients with ventral mesh used in this procedure has self-fixating property and need no tacking. Here we
hernias in combination with abdominoplasty was conducted. The sample included 1 male show the short-term outcome of this successful procedure.
and 51 female. The average age of patients was 59 years (from 42 to 75 years). 31 patients Methods: From January to December 2011, a consecutive group of 30 adult patients
were diagnosed with the 1st stage obesity, 15 patients – with the 2nd stage, and 6 patients with bilateral inguinal hernia was included in this study. Patients with obesity,
with the 3rd stage obesity. Hernial orifices up to 10 cm in diameter were noted in 27 inguinoscrotal hernia, irreducible hernia or coagulopathy were excluded from this
patients, 10 to 20 cm – in 18, and over 20 cm – in 7 patients. The Pitanguy alloplasty was study. Short-term outcomes were determined via a retrospective review of available
performed for 35 patients, and 9 more patients underwent a ‘mercedes’ alloplasty. The
medical records. No preoperative bowel preparation or urinary catheterization was
interventions for 8 patients were combined with navel ectopy.
needed. Under conscious sedation and local anesthesia, single incision of 30 mm in
Results: The efficiency of treatment was evaluated by comparing the study sample men-
tioned above to the control group (N = 53) who underwent the ventral hernia alloplasty
the lower abdomen was made and a wound protector with sealing silicon cap was
without abdominoplasty. Those were the patients who refused abdominoplasty or who had placed. Two 5 mm and a 12 mm trocars were used. The preperitoneal space was
surgery before 2006. The patients from the study sample proceeded to upright position and inflated with carbon dioxide gas at 8 mmHg constant pressure. A flat self-fixating
active walking in 6–8 hours after surgery. This can be explained by a significant reduction mesh with resorbable microgrip (Parietex ProGrip; Covidien, Inc., Norwalk, CT,
of subcutaneous tissue on the anterior abdominal wall and less pronounced pain syndrome. USA) was installed through the 12 mm trocar. No tacking devices were required.
All the patients in the study group demonstrated a good cosmetic effect. Complications Results: The mean age was 64.3 (SD = 9.5) and male sex was 93%. Median oper-
associated with abdominoplasty were observed in 2 patients who developed partial necrosis ating time was 134 min [range: 81–255]. Intraoperative and immediate postoperative
of skin of the ectopic navel. 5 patients developed seromas of subcutaneous tissue and complications were not observed. Pneumoperitoneum due to peritoneal injury was
haematomas. Suppuration of the wound was noted in 1 patient. occurred in 4 cases (13.3 %) and managed by inserting a flat silicon disk to keep the
Conclusion: 1. The ventral hernia alloplasty is expedient to combine with abdominoplasty. preperitoneal space inflated. We observed 11 seromas (36.7 %) at 2 weeks after
2. Abdominoplasty in combination with ventral hernia alloplasty allows patients to surgery. During median follow-up of 196 days, we had one hernia recurrence (3.3
promptly proceed to active movement during the post-surgical period. 3. The combination %), in which unilateral indirect hernia was developed after direct hernia repair due to
of these interventions allows to simplify the technical performance of the alloplasty and inadequate mesh placement on internal ring.
reach a good cosmetic effect. Conclusions: Short term outcomes of single-incision laparoscopic TEP inguinal
hernioplasty using self-fixating mesh were similar to those of conventional TEP or
open hernia repair. This novel procedure is a promising strategy to reduce the
invasiveness and cost of hernia repair.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S59

P023 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P025 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


EXPERIENCE Y. Kondo, M. Nishizaki, T. Fujiwara
I. Stipancic, M. Knezevic, J. Bakovic, M. Miocinovic, T. Kolak, Okayama University, OKAYAMA, Japan
R. Klicek, I. Runjic Aims: Adhesions are a common complication to surgery in patients with presence of
Clinical Hospital Dubrava, ZAGREB, Croatia previous open surgery, peritonitis, or an intra-abdominal mesh. Trocar-related
Aims: Open or laparoscopic colorectal surgery burden risks of various complica- injuries during laparoscopic access occur most often secondary to adhesions from
tions. This prospective study was designed to examine the complications and prior abdominal surgery. By detecting areas of restricted viscera slide, which is the
outcome after open and laparoscopic colorectal resections done by a single surgeon. longitudinal movement of the intraabdominal viscera, the transabdominal ultrasound
Methods: Laparoscopic colectomy patients from a prospective database were mat- examination can identify intra-abdominal adhesions and predict the location of
ched for age, gender, and disease-related grouping to patients who underwent the adhesions to the abdominal wall. A lot of literatures have been reported its usefulness
same operation by the open approach over the same period (2005 to 2010) in Clinical in predicting adhesions. The aim of the current study was to assess the sensitivity and
Hospital ‘Dubrava’ Zagreb Croatia. Analysis and the 2 groups were compared for the specificity of transabdominal ultrasound examination in identifying intra-
intraoperative and postoperative complications. abdominal adhesions.
Results: A total of 137 patients (119 for malignant and 18 for benign conditions) Methods: Transcutaneous ultrasound examination was performed on 54 patients with
underwent elective laparoscopic (68) and open (69) resections. Conversion rate was previous open or laparoscopic surgical procedures presenting a laparoscopic surgery.
13.24% in laparoscopic resections (9 of 68). Majority of conversion (7 of 9) were A searching area of abdomen was divided into four quadrants and umbilicus. Each
preemptive and 2 of 9 due to intraoperative complications (1 uncontrolled bleeding quadrant was categorized as no adhesions (free movement), omental adhesions
and 1 lesion of the ureter). Reasons for conversion were T4 tumor in 5 pts and bulky (chaotic movement), or severe adhesions (no movement). After the mapping, we
tumors in 2 pts. Intraoperative complications developed only in 2 patients submitted decided the first trocar site at a quadrant demonstrated free movement.
to laparoscopic resection (2/68, 2.94 %). In open surgery no intraoperative com- Results: The first trocar was successfully inserted without complications in all
plications were detected. Postoperative complications occurred in 15 of 137 (10.95 patients after ultrasound mapping. Sensitivity and specificity in predicting adhesions
%). Overall postoperative complication rate for laparoscopic resection was 6 of 68 were over 90%.
(8.82%) versus 9 of 69 (13.04%) for open resection. Wound infection developed in 8 Conclusions: Transcutaneous ultrasound can significantly detect intra-abdominal
pts: 5 of 69 (7,25%) in open and 3 of 68 (4.41%) in laparoscopic surgery. Anasto- adhesions prior to laparoscopy. This technique is very useful as a noninvasive
motic leak occurred only after low rectal resections in 4 of 76 (5.26%); 3 of 50 (6%) method to avoid the trocar-related injuries.
after laparoscopic and 1 of 26 (3.85%) after open approach. Other complications
included postoperative paralytic ileus and small bowel obstruction in 3 pts all after
open resections. The rate of complications requiring reoperation was similar in both
groups; 5 of 68 (8.62%) in laparoscopic and 5 of 69 (7,24%) in open group. Hospital
stay for patients with complications was significantly longer (range 8–71 days).
Conclusion: In our series laparoscopic colorectal surgery showed more intraopera-
tive complications but overall postoperative complications occurred more frequent in
open surgery. Although the number of patients is too small for serious conclusions
but it seems that shows some trends.

P024 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P026 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


THE OPEN ABDOMEN OPERATIONS M. Beuran1, I. Negoi1, S. Paun1, A. Runcanu1, M. Vartic1, F. Filipoiu2
D. Simecková, M. Vraný, M. Man, M. Dudek Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, BUCHAREST, Romania,
Hospital Jablonec nad Nisou, JABLONEC NAD NISOU, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, BUCHAREST,
Czech Republic Romania
Aims: Reconstruction of GIT after open abdomen operations resulting with enter- Background: Although inguinal hernia is a common disease, with more than 2 mil.
ostomy demands extensive laparotomia, which involves significantly higher risk of surgical procedures every year worldwide, the laparoscopy faces the surgeon with
morbidity. The aim of our study is to evaluate our experience with renewing con- properitoneal inguinal space, whose anatomy is quite challenging starting from the
tinuity of the bowel in laparoscopic way. anterior aproach of the abdominal wall.
Methods: We review the results obtained on patients, who underwent reconstruction Aim: To observe the laparoscopic anatomy of groin.
of the GIT in retrospective study. We considered the early postoperative outcome, Method: During 20 transabdominal properitoneal (TAPP) laparoscopic and robotic
duration of the operation, type of th hernia repair, the dissection was performed, trying to identify all anatomic landmarks
Results: 61 patients underwent laparoscopic reconstruction of the GIT. Out of them of properitoneal space. We have dissected 14 retroinguinal regions, on 7 formalin
43 patients underwent the reconstruction for leftsided stomy (70.5%) and 18 patients bodies. We have closely followed the main steps of surgical TAPP procedure.
(29.5%) for rightsided stomy. 17 patients (27,8%) had ventral hernia. Conversion Results: First we have seen the anatomical landmarks of inguinal fossae. After the
was needed on the leftsided stomy in one case (1.6–total 2.3%), conversion to hand anterior parietal peritoneum incision we saw the posterior and then anterior lamina of
assisted technic was needed 3 times (4.9%–total 6.9%). Conversion in rightsided transversalis fascia. After the preperitoneal fat tissue removal we observed the most
stomy was needed 5 times (8.2%–total 27.8%). In general 6 conversions to open problematic areas for the laparoscopist: ‘Corona mortis’(CM), ‘Triangle of
abdomen was needed – 9.8%. The reasons were: very tough adhesions, unclear Doom’(TD) and ‘Triangle of Pain’(TP). Within the ‘TD’ we observed the externe
anatomy and perforation of the small intestine. The average operation time in case of iliac vessels and the genital branch of genito femoral nerve (GF). Within the TP we
the leftsided stomy was 133 minutes and of rightsided 162 minutes. The average observed the femoral nerve, femoral branch of GF, femoral cutanat anterior nerve
blood lose was 150 ml. Peristalsis was renewed the 2 day after operation for the and the ilio-inguinal nerve. We have found CM as an arterial anastomosis in 7 cases,
leftsided stomy, 3–5 day after the operation for rightsided stomy. Wound infection in as a venous anastomosis in 9 cases. The mean distance to pubic symphysis was 42
the place of stomy appeared in 5 cases (8.2%). Intraabdominal abscess once – it was mm. We found 11 cases with iliopubic vessels.
solved by percutaneous drainage. Hernia in cicatrice appeared 6 times (9.8%). Conclusions: Understanding the anatomical landmarks and variability of properito-
Mortality was 0. neal space of Bogros is of primary importance in performing a laparoscopic
Conclusion: Laparoscopic reconstruction of the GIT is demanding performance due approach for groin hernias.
to the numerous adhesions because of the previous diseases and revisions. Our
results show, that this operation can be done safely with relatively low morbidity.
That is why the laparoscopic way is a very good option to open access.

S60 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P027 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P029 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


Background: Laparoscopic surgery for colon and rectal cancer can offer equal oncological M. Voultsos, N. Paschalidis, C. Markakis, A. Marinis, S. Rizos
outcomes to open surgery when performed by an experienced team. The short-term benefits Tzaneio General Hospital, ATHENS, Greece
of laparoscopic surgery are a faster recovery of gastrointestinal functions, reduced pain,
shorter hospital stay and a faster return to normal activity. This study aimed to compare the Aims: The percentage of inguinal hernia repair via the laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal
results of patients who underwent laparoscopic (LCR) and open resections (OCR) for (TEP) technique has been steadily – albeit slowly – increasing. Although this technique has
colorectal cancer. been shown, on the whole, to be safe, it has nevertheless been associated with certain
Methods: Between May 2008 and September 2011, 52 patients with colorectal carcinoma complications, which do not occur with the open Lichtenstein technique. Our aim is to
underwent LCR. These patients were compared with 90 cases underwent conventional OCR present a patient with postoperative pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumopericar-
by same surgical team. Clinical data about the patients were collected prospectively. dium, subcutaneous emphysema and retroperitoneal air and provide insight concerning the
Comparison of the operative details and postoperative outcomes between laparoscopic and etiology of such rare complications.
open surgery was performed. Methods: We describe the case of a 60 year old Caucasian male admitted for repair of a
Results: There was no difference in the age, gender and tumor status between the two right inguinal hernia using the TEP approach. The operation was completed uneventfully
groups. Also there was no difference in number of lymph nodes evaluates on specimens. using a standardized technique (three subumbilical ports, blunt telescopic dissection,
The operating time was a little longer in the laparoscopic group (P [0.05), but the blood polypropylene mesh without fixation). Operative time was 88 min and blood loss was
loss was less (P = 0.0371). Patients with laparoscopic resection had earlier return of bowel minimal. The patient was then transported to the anesthesiology postoperative recovery
function and earlier resumption of diet (p = 0.0001) as well as shorter median hospital ward, where he complained of mild chest pain. Upon transfer to the surgical ward symp-
stay(P = 0.0147). toms worsened and further testing with a computed tomography scan revealed bilateral
Conclusion: Laparoscopic surgery is feasible and safe for patients with colon and rectal pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pneumopericardium, subcutaneous emphysema and
cancer and provides benefits during the postoperative period without increased morbidity or retroperitoneal air.
mortality. Results: The patient was conservatively treated and was discharged the next day after repeat
X-rays revealed satisfactory resolution of the pneumothoraces.
Conclusions: There have been 8 more published cases in the literature of TEP repair
complicated by pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum and/or subcutaneous emphysema. This
is the first report of a concurrent pneumopericardium and retroperitoneal air to date. These
complications are very rare with many hypothesized causes. We suggest that air escape
along major vessel pathways through the retroperitoneal space and into the thorax was
responsible for the clinical findings in our patient. It is advisable to keep low insufflation
pressure, reduce operative time and avoid unnecessary tissue dissection when performing
TEP inguinal hernia repair.

P028 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P030 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


State Medical University, LUGANSK, Ukraine LAPAROSCOPIC PROCEDURE
Aims: To define the diagnostic laparoscopy tactics for the following possible complications S. Pohle, A. Descloux, T. Kocher, A. Keerl
prevention: a) postoperative peritonitis formation as the result of interintestinal anasto- Kantonsspital Baden, BADEN, Switzerland
moses (IIA) seams inconsistency; b) vain (unnecessary) relaparotomy performance in case
of IIA solvency. Aims: Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is a less-invasive alter-
Methods: The diagnostic laparoscopy during the postoperative period was made in 9 native for traditional laparoscopic surgery. NOTES becoming a standard technique is safe
patients who were operated concerning the restrained hernia (n = 3), stomach traumas (n = and feasible. Laparoscopic intraperitoneal onlay mesh (IPOM) is a standard procedure for
2), acute small intestine ulcers (n = 1), a small intestine excess (n = 2) and acute adhesive abdominal wall hernias. As far as trocar hernias a known complication and the presence of
intestinal impassability (n = 1). The goal of this intervention was to estimate the IIA abdominal wall hernias might be a risk factor for developing a new hernia after laparo-
integrity. The laparoscopy was executed for an hided form of IIA inconsistency exception 4 scopic repair, we were looking for a possibility decreasing this risk. We wanted to show that
days (n = 9) after the operation, repeatedly – 6 days (n = 2) after the operation. The NOTES technique in hernia repair is an alternative to the common procedures.
following conditions were considered as the indications for a diagnostic laparoscopy: a) the Methods: In our clinic NOTES cholecystectomy is a standard procedure, so the special
consistent intestinal paresis, b) the excrements and gases excretion delay, c) evening equipment was available. So far 3 patients with abdominal wall hernia underwent the
hyperthermia, d) patients weakness, e) periodic fever episodes, f) exact peritoneal symp- NOTES procedure after gynaecological examination and patient consent. The documen-
toms absence and g) the intestinal drainages emptiness. 4–7 days after the operation we tation of the procedure was made by digital videodisc. The patients were controlled in a
considered also the terms of a possible seams inconsistency from the moment of operation. clinical and gynaecological examination 3 weeks after the procedure.
We didn’t used the diagnostic X-rays contrast methods because of their delayed diagnostic Technique/Results: The abdomen was punctured with a Veress-needle and the capno-
value or – sometimes – due to their hypoinformative validity in patients with intestinal peritoneum was applied. The access was dilated with an expandable sleeve trocar to 5 mm
paresis. and a camera was inserted. The patient was switched to Trendelenburg position and under
Results: We excluded IIA inconsistency in 7 patients (77,8 % of all cases). IIA was visual control 2 trocars (12 mm and flexible 5 mm) were inserted transvaginally into the
diagnosed 4 days after the operation (in 1 patient) and 6 days after the operation (in 1 pouch of Douglas. A 10 mm-camera was inserted through the 12 mm vaginal trocar and
patient). There were no clinical signs of peritonitis in these patients. with electrosurgical cutting devices the falciform ligament and the intraabdominal adipose
Conclusions: Thus, the diagnostic laparoscopy after urgent surgical interventions with IIA tissue was removed around the hernia for a correct placement of the mesh. After preparation
formation is an obvious complex treatment component that allows to avoid the vain rela- a composite mesh was introduced into the abdominal cavity via the 12 mm trocar and fixed
parotomies. It helps also to diagnose the IIA inconsistency and postoperative peritonitis with resorbable fixations in a way that the margin of the hernia was at least 5 cm overlapped
formation. by the mesh. The patients were able to leave the hospital 3 days after the procedure. 3
weeks after the procedure no complications could be recognized and all patients were happy
with the result.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic assisted transvaginal intraperitoneal onlay mesh in abdominal
wall hernia is a safe and feasible alternative for traditional laparoscopic surgery. About the
presumed decrease of trocar hernias no conclusion can be made so far. Further investigation
and randomised clinical trials are necessary.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S61

P031 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P033 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


C. Mittermair, J. Schirnhofer, M. Biebl, K. Pimpl, C. Obrist, CANCER PATIENTS
A. Guenther, R. Frass, N. Waldstein, H. Weiss P.N. Romashchenko, A.I. Babich, N.A. Maystrenko, G.N. Kchrykov,
SJOG Hospital, SALZBURG, Austria O.A. Medgidov, D.M. Yaroshenko, O.A. Grechkina
Introduction: Single incision laparoscopy (SIL) and other novel techniques are
Military Medical Academy, ST. PETERSBURG, Russia
sweeping minimally invasive surgery standards. In laparoscopic hernia repair, the Aim: To specify an indications to using endovideosurgical technologies in treatment
conventional (3-port) TAPP is an established procedure, whereas SIL TAPP lacks of elderly colorectal cancer patients.
clinical experience. Our aim was to compare these two methods concerning feasi- The results of surgical treatment 90 colorectal cancer elderly patients for 5 years are
bility and outcome. analysed. The TNM stages were: I – in 7, II – 40, III – 21, IV – 22 people. An
Material and Methods: This study comprises 225 procedures conducted between operative-anesthetic risk by ASA scale constitutes I-III mark – 76 cases, IV – 14.
2007 and 2011. 75 conventional TAPP (Group 1) were matched with 150 SIL TAPP Consideration to oncologic illness prevalence and extent of operative-anesthetic risk,
(Group 2) concerning age, BMI, type of hernia, morbidity and professional status of laparoscopic operations were realized to 6 patients only: anterior resection of rectum
the surgeon (senior, fellow, resident). Parameters, such as intraoperative complica- (n = 2), sigmoidectomy (n = 2), right hemicolectomy (n = 1) and colon continuity
tions, operative time, postoperative pain within 24 hours and 3 days, the appearance reconstruction after sigmostoma (n = 1). TNM stage I are in 2 cases, II – in 4. An
of chronic pain and recurrence of hernia were compared. operative-anesthetic risk by ASA are I – in 3 people, II – in 2 and III in 1 case.
Results: No major complication occurred in both groups. Operative time was shorter The reasons of open operations fulfillment (n = 84) were: an oncologic process
in Group 1 (45.9 vs. 56.2 min, p \ 0.05), postoperative pain was lower in Group 2 prevalence (TNM – III–IV stage) in 43 patients, stenosis and bowel obstruction signs
(24 hours and 3 days). Chronic pain yielded at 5.3% and 4.6% (n.s.) in Group 1 and – in 15, an operative-anesthetic risk by ASA scale IV – in 14, open abdominal
Group 2, respectively. Recurrent Hernia were observed in 2 (Group 1) and 3 patients operations made earlier – in 7, refusal from laparoscopic operations – in 5 people.
(Group 2) (2.6% and 2%, n.s.). Established that indications to endovideosurgical operations in elderly colorectal
Conclusion: SIL TAPP offers a feasible alternative to standard laparoscopic TAPP cancer patients are I-II TNM stages, tumor without stenosis and bowel obstruction
with an advance in postoperative pain and cosmetics. Downside is a slightly longer signs, an operative-anesthetic risk by ASA scale I-III, cicatrical and abdominal
operative time. adhesions absence. Study of operations outputs revealed that elderly patients oper-
ated by colorectal cancer make more active and begin an oral nutrition on 2 day of
postoperative period, need in less anaesthetics and note better quality of life in early
terms after operation.

P032 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P034 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


P.N. Romashchenko, N.A. Maystrenko, P.A. Sidorchuk, A.I. Babich, V. Ninger1, J. Majernik1, D. Bis1, P. Hanousek1, J. Simsa2
A.A. Dzhalavyan Hospital Chrudim, CHRUDIM, Czech Republic; 2Thomaeyr0 s
Military Medical Academy, ST.PETERSBURG, Russia University Hospital, PRAGUE, Czech Republic
The aim of the study – to determine the indications for laparoscopic interventions in Introduction: Appendicitis is one of the most common causes for surgery during
patients with perforated duodenal ulcer (PDU). pregnancy. Appendicitis in pregnancy represents a challenge for surgeon, both in
The results of examination and surgical treatment of 157 patients with PDU, were in terms of diagnosis as well as treatment and choice of operation access.
clinic for the past 18 years. Generalized peritonitis (GP) was diagnosed in 142 Aims: Acute appendicitis is one of the most common causes requiring urgent sur-
(90.4%) patients, localized in 15 (9.6%). GP in the reactive phase was diagnosed in gical intervention in pregnancy. Diagnosis of appendicitis is complicated by
123 (78.3%) patients, toxic in 19 (12.1%). GP in the reactive phase characterized by physiological and anatomical changes, which appears during pregnancy. The fre-
the presence of abdominal serous or serous-fibrinous, and toxic – purulent or serous- quency of interruption by perforated appendix ranges from 20% to 35% (1, 6). Early
fibrinous exudate. In the GP in the reactive phase performed (1) truncal vagotomy diagnosis, indication for surgical intervention and selected surgical approach are
with drainage operation stomach (TV+D) and excision of the ulcer in 103 (65.6%) therefore important.
patients; (2) excision and closure of perforated ulcer (CPU) – in 54 (34.4%). CPU in Methods and Results: Case report: The 25 years old patient at 11th week of preg-
34 (21.7%) of 54 patients performed by laparoscopy. In all cases carried out sani- nancy with acute appendicitis. The patient was indicated in consultation with
tation and drainage of the abdominal cavity. Diagnosis of GP in the toxic phase in 19 gynecologist to laparoscopic appendectomy with ulcerative phlegmonous appendi-
(12.1%) patients required excision and not only CPU, sanitation and drainage of the citis findings. According to operating findings, patient treated with antibiotics
abdominal cavity, but also of nasal gastric-intestinal intubation. It was established (cephalosporins). after consulting gynecologist. In the postoperative period, a
that in patients operated by laparoscopic method, the postoperative period was decrease of leukocytosis occurs. Furthermore, the patient has no subjective com-
characterized by a more auspicious flow than after open surgery. Analysis of plaints, wounds are healing by per primam, soft abdomen palpactive painless.
treatment results of patients operated allowed to formulate the indications for lap- Gynecological examination was performed 2 nd postoperative day with vital fetus
aroscopic closure of the PDU: (1) lack of cicatricial-ulcer deformation of finding with normal fetal development (Figs. 1a, b). Patient released to ambulant
pyloroduodenal zone, (2) diameter perforated ulcers less than 1.0 cm (3) width of the care the 5th postoperative day. After 3 weeks planned inspection performed in
ulcer perifocal infiltration less than 0.5 cm, and (4) the absence of peritonitis in the ambulance – patient subjectively without any complications, the wound healed by
toxic phase. per primam, vital fetus.
Thus, the application of laparoscopic interventions in perforated duodenal ulcer at Conclusion: Laparoscopic appendectomy in pregnant patients is comparatively safe
the established indications, will perform at the first stage ulcer closure with biopsy of method as open appendectomy. Laparoscopy offers advantages such as reducing the
the edges, to adequately sanitize and drain the peritoneal cavity. Mandatory second amount of opioids representing a risk to the fetus, better surgical visualization and
stage is a morphological study of the biopsy, the assessment of gastric secretion, exploration of the entire abdominal cavity, less postoperative pain, faster postop-
determination of antibody titer to ulcerogenic strains of H. pylori, the study of erative recovery and lower risk of hernia in the scar.
psycho-physiological status of the patient and his compliance. Integral assessment of
these indicators would justify a comprehensive program of drug therapy, or select an
option pathogenetic surgery.

S62 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P035 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P037 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall

IN COLOMBIA G. Vasic1, V. Zivanovic1, D. Vasic2, R. Perunovic1, R. Scepanovic1
F. Arias, N. Prada, N. Cortes, A. Duran, V. Cuevas, A. Torres, UCHC ‘Dr Dragisa Misovic-Dedinje’, BELGRADE, Serbia; 2PHC
J. Dussan, A. Montenegro, F. Cabrera, A. Rojas, E. Londoño, ‘Rakovica’, BELGRADE, Serbia
R. Garcia-Duperly Aim: Problem of an incisional hernia is where and how to place first trocar for a certain
Fundacion Santafe de Bogota, BOGOTA, Colombia intake into abdominal cavity. The aim of this study is to determine the most convenient
place and way of insertion of a trocar in regard of a previous abdominal operations and
Aim: Major advances in technology have led to the development of less invasive techniques
adhesion formation.
such as Transluminal Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery and Laparo- Endoscopic Single-
Methods: With patients to whom laparoscopic incisional hernia repair was performed, the
site Surgery (LESS), being the latter the most popular. The aim of this paper is to show our
most crucial phase is the access to the peritoneal cavity and to decide where the first trocar
experience in single access laparoscopic surgery at Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa
will take a place. Previous abdominal surgical history and size of one or more fascial defect,
Fé de Bogota.
ultrasound examination of abdominal wall and adhesion formation, dimension of a mesh
Methods: This is a retrospective case series study from ‘Hospital Universitario Fundación
and positioning of it with transfascial sutures determines adequate choice for the first trocar.
Santa Fé de Bogotá’ of patients who underwent laparo endoscopic single-site surgery. Four
It is necessary to determine right distance from the fascial defect and of a mesh which must
devices were used: Triport, Gelport, SILSPORT and a hybrid device (Alexis retractor
overlap edge of defect for atleast 3–4 cm for safe work and for fixing of a mesh. Upper left
and a latex glove).
quadrant of abdomen of our patients was exact and safe place of scarves and adhesion
Results: Over a period of 42 months (between July 2008 and December 2011) 308 patients
formation. Place of a first trocar is laterally moved away enough from the edge of a mesh
were operated. The most frequently performed procedures were appendectomies (55.5%)
and from the left costal arc as well because of undisturbed manoeuver and of the fixation of
and cholecystectomies (31%), with an average length of hospital stay of 17.9 hours and 14.9
a mesh. Open-access technique is mandatory for pneumoperitoneum creation.
hours respectively. One cholecystectomy was converted to a conventional laparoscopy with
Results: From 2003 till 2011 on 81 patients with recurrent incisional hernia was performed
no surgical site infections or perioperative complications associated with the technique. The
intraperitoneal on lay mesh technique-IPOM. Preoperatively we have performed palpation
average postoperative pain for all interventions evaluated with visual analog scale was 2.4/
of fascial defect and ultrasound examination of abdominal wall and with surgical finding of
existence of a fascial defect and adhesion formation, it was noticeable that upper left
Conclusion: Laparo-Endoscopic Surgery by Single incision is a feasible technique even in
quadrant of abdominal wall is the place where has no adhesion and open-access technique is
complex procedures. The rate of hospital stay is less than 24 hours for appendectomies and
safe to create pneumoperitoneum. On this way 72 patients have been approached (86.4 %).
cholecystectomies, and postoperative pain and wound infection rates are low. In addition,
There was none visceral injuries, no major vascular or epigastrical vessel injuries nor
this technique offers the advantage of an excellent cosmetic result.
significant bleeding and other complications on the place of the first trocar.
Conclusion: Upper left quadrant of abdominal wall stands for optimal place as an open-
access technique first trocar placing and is recommended to access the abdominal cavity.

P036 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P038 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


V. Zivanovic, G. Vasic, R. Scepanovic, R. Perunovic, M. Milanovic APPROACH, COMPARING ABSORBABLE VERSUS NON
KBC Dr D.Misovic University hospital, BELGRADE, Serbia ABSORBABLE MESH BARRIERS
Laparoscopic incisional and recurrent hernia repair using a double layer mesh in an G. Pozzi
intraabdominal position after complete adhesiolysis with three different method of Quisisana Clinic, ROME, Italy
mesh fixation. Aims: Restore physiologic functionality of abdominal wall by re-approximating the rectus
From January 2011 till January 2012 we perform 22 operations for ventral, ventral abdominis muscles when compromised by diastasis and ventral hernias. 20 cases from
incisional and recurrent ventral incisional hernia. We use double layer mesh (Pro- January 2010 to December 2011, minimum follow up 6 months.
ceedTM surgical mesh, Ethicon Inc., J&J, USA). Pneumoperitoneum was created with Methods: Elected patients under 65 years old ASA1 – ASA2 without cardio-respiratory
open technique. After creating adequate pneumoperitoneum (12–14 mmHg), we disease, maximum inter-rectal distance of 8 cm. Surgical mini-laparoscopic technique: first
introduce 5 mm working port. After complete adhesiolysis we introduce mesh with or 5 cases performed with 3 lateral accesses, further 15 cases with 3 sopra-pubic aesthetic
without preformed tranfascial sutures through camera port. Mesh was fixed in 1st group approaches. In cases requiring umbilicus re-implant a 5 mm accessory incision was per-
with transfascial nonresorbable sutures only, 2nd group with transfascial nonresorb- formed. Two continuous PDS sutures executed to re-approximate the rectus muscles from
able sutures and with AbsorbaTackTM, Covidien USA and 3rd group with Securestrep, xiphoid to pubis, as in Rives technique, to restore physiologic function of abdominal wall.
Ethicon Inc., J&J, USA only. Minimum over-lap around the defect was 5 cm. Repair was consolidated placing an intra-peritoneal prosthetic mesh to buttress and reduce
There were 22 patient with hernia repair of which 59% recurrent (1 till 4th previous tension on the suture line. First 10 cases performed with a dual sided polypropylene/ePTFE
surgical attempts) on procedure after complete adhesiolysis there was 3.2 (range Bard Composix LP mesh (permanent barrier), second 10 cases with Ventralight ST light
1–5) defects per patients. Patients mean age was 56 year with BMI 35.9 kg/m2. With polypropylene with hyaluronic acid (absorbable barrier). In both series each mesh was
secured with 50% Absorbable fixation System Sorbafix, and 50% Permanent Fixation
previous surgical history 82%. Mean time for procedure was 87 min and mean
postoperative stay 1.7 days.
Results: In all cases abdominal functioning was successfully restored, with no higher pain
Those 22 patients were divided in to the three groups. First 8 pt. where MESH was
related to the suture compared to tension free IPOM repair reported in literature, but
fixated with transfascial nonresorbable sutures only (between two sutures was 4–5 allowing for a more physiologic and aesthetic outcome. Cases with the sopra-pubic
cm space). Second group 9 pt. with transfascial sutures only at the corners of mesh approach allowed for an easier reconstruction, less short and long term pain, more satis-
and with absorbatacks in between. Third group 5 pt. with mesh fixation with factory aesthetic results. Reconstruction of linea alba and defect closure didn’t determine
securestraps only. All groups received on operative day same analgesics protocol, higher pain, nor symptomatic or chronic seroma formation. The kind of mesh and fixation
but second and third day there was difference between groups. Mean pain according didn’t cause intra operative bleeding, nor relevant post-operative or chronic pain were
to the Visual analog scale VAS was 7,25; 7,33 and 6.2 respectively in those groups. observed. No relevant differences observed in terms of seroma and pain among the two
There was significantly less need for analgesics in third group comparing to first and mesh kind. No recurrences up to date, 100% follow up.
second group on second and third postoperative day according to date collected on Conclusions: Mini-laparoscopic re-approximations of rectus muscles is a feasible technique
postoperative interview managed on 7th postoperative day. that resulting in improved abdominal wall functionality, better aesthetic results with no
Laparoscopic hernia repair is effective and safe using adequate mesh (5 cm over increase of pain and less seroma formation compared to classic tension free IPOM lapa-
lapping) but There is still question of what is the best fixation method calculating the roscopic repair. Though the Composix LP (permanent barrier) and the Ventralight ST
risk of inappropriate fixation and postoperative pain. (absorbable barrier) group showed comparable results, the absorbable barrier may offer an
advantage over time, leaving less foreign material implanted.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S63

P039 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P041 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall


I. Triantafyllidis, A. Astreinidou, M. Dimitriadou, V. Papadopoulos, I. Triantafyllidis, A. Astreinidou, M. Dimitriadou, C. Demertzidis
N. Mpenetatos, C. Demertzidis Veria General Hospital, VERIA, Greece
Veria General Hospital, VERIA, Greece
Background: Diagnostic laparoscopy is a powerful tool, allowing direct vision
Introduction: Laparoscopy has become a popular approach for ventral hernia of the abdominal organs with a minimally invasive procedure that may be
repair. The purpose of this study is to present our early experience and evaluate extended into a definitive operation. Although multiple uses of diagnostic
the efficacy and safety of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair by the use of laparoscopy have been described, the purpose of this study is to identify the
Composix LP Mesh. most frequent uses within a district general hospital.
Material and methods: During the period from January 2009 to January 2012, Material and Methods: We reviewed retrospectively the operative records
59 patients (21 with incisional hernias, 30 with umbilical and 8 with epigastric during the period January 2009–January 2012. All patients who underwent a
hernias) underwent laparoscopic ventral hernia repair at our department. diagnostic laparoscopy were identified. The endpoints of our study were the
Results: The procedure was completed at 55 patients. Four conversions indications, findings and definitive procedures carried out at the time of
occurred in cases of incisional hernias. The mean VAS score of postoperative laparoscopy.
pain at first 24 h was 4. The mean postoperative time was 49 min and mean Results: A total of 65 procedures were performed in 57 females and 8 males.
postoperative hospitalization was 2 days. Superficial surgical site infection The ages ranged from 15 to 81 yrs, with a median of 31 yrs. The vast majority
occurred in 2 patients, while seromas in 7 patients and were managed con- were performed as emergency procedures to investigate acute abdominal pain.
servatively. During a mean follow-up period of 11 months, one recurrence was In 11 cases laparoscopy found no abnormality, whereas in 54 cases a definitive
observed. procedure was conducted. Of these, 30 were appendectomies, 14 had gynae-
Conclusion: Our early experience of using the Composix LP Mesh demon- cological pathology, 3 suturing of perforated peptic ulcer and the remaining
strates an effective and safe prosthetic material for laparoscopic ventral hernia required other procedures (drainage of intra-abdominal collection, lavage for
repair. biliary leak, adhesiolysis and omental biopsies for presumed metastatic dis-
ease). No conversions occurred. In 6 cases there were minor complications.
Conclusion: The main indication of diagnostic laparoscopy is the investigation of
acute abdominal pain. The low morbidity and mortality indicate that the procedure is
safe. Our results reveal high sensitivity, diagnostic and therapeutic benefit of the

P040 – Abdominal Cavity and Abdominal Wall P042 – Anaesthesiology


I. Triantafyllidis, A. Astreinidou, M. Dimitriadou, C. Demertzidis S.V. Satsuta, R.V. Bondarev
Veria General Hospital, VERIA, Greece State Medical University, LUGANSK, Ukraine
Background: Laparoscopic hernia repair is an effective method for treating Aims: Granting of own results of research of efficiency of application pro-
inguinal hernias. It has several significant advantages over the tension-free longed epidural blockade (EB) at anesthesiology maintenance of laparoscopic
open repair. The purpose of this study is to present our experience on trans- appendectomy (LA).
abdominal preperitoneal approach for inguinal hernia repair and to evaluate the Methods: It is spent prospective; randomized research at 90 patients with
efficacy and safety of the technique. acute destructive appendicitis, including the complicated peritonitis among
Patients and Methods: We reviewed retrospectively the TAPP procedures for the patients who had have LA. The age of patients has made from 19 till 62
inguinal hernias performed between January 2009 and January 2012 in our years. Mesentery and stump of vermiform process are ligated. Artery ap-
department. There were 111 males and 12 females with mean age 54.3 years pendicularis is clipped during mesentery crossing. In case of a peritonitis an
and inguinal hernia treated by TAPP procedure. abdominal cavity is sanitized by means of an antiseptic solution, drained of
Results: A total of 129 TAPP procedures were performed. The mean operating tubular drainages. Risk of anesthesia for all patients corresponded to the II
time was 53 min and the mean hospitalization time was 3 days. No conversion class to the ASA scale, and was due to the basic pathology. 35 patients (I
was observed. Seven patients had complications (in two cases intraopera- group) were operated in the conditions of the general balanced combined
tively). Two recurrences occurred during a mean follow-up period of 7.3 intravenous anesthesia with artificial ventilation of lungs and at 55 patients
months. (II group) in conditions of prolonged EB at level Thvll- Thlx with artificial
Conclusions: TAPP is an efficient technique for inguinal hernia repair. The low ventilation of lungs. Used a ‘step-by-step’ induction EB of the 0.5% solution
recurrence rate and low morbidity makes it an attractive method for routine of bupivacain entered in small volumes of 2–3 ml with an interval 10–15
treatment of inguinal hernias. min under the constant control the arterial blood pressure and heart rate.
Essential fluctuations of haemodynamics and the oxygen status at patients
during anesthesia it was not marked. Average anaesthesia duration was equal
to 45 min.
Results: The analysis of results has shown, that at patients of II group, resto-
ration of function of intestines occurred on the average on 4–6 hours earlier,
provided optimum intra- and postoperative analgesia, did not demand
appointment of opioids and also allowed to carry out painful manipulations
(bandagings, removal of drainages etc.).
Conclusions: Prolonged EB is an optimum component of anesthesiology
maintenance and postoperative intensive therapy after LA.

S64 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P043 – Basic and Technical Research P045 – Basic and Technical Research


F. Michitaka1, N. Sakakibara2, S. Kondo2, C. Tanaka1, N. Ohashi1, L.C. Kao, P.F. Yang, W.C. Fan
G. Nakayama1, M. Koike1, Y. Kodera1 Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, KAOHSIUNG CITY,
Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya university, NAGOYA, Japan, Taiwan
K&S Company, KARIYA, Japan Background: Laparoscopic appendectomy is becoming popular and is performed by
Background: During laparoscopic operation, we often feel irritated because of various three-port approach generally. For cosmetic reasons, single-port laparoscopic
restriction of surgical view and instruments probably more than during open surgery. Such appendectomy is managed.
irritation might have a harmful influence on surgical outcome. Therefore, there is possibility Methods: From January 2011, we collected totally 67 patients of acute appendicitis.
that monitoring and analysis of mental status including irritation contributes to improve- Randomly, they were separated to two arms: 33 in conventional three-port and 34 in
ment of quality or safety of the operation. We measured heart rate and perspiration volume single-port laparoscopic appendectomies, respectively. None of them was converted
of the surgeon momentarily during the operation as pilot study to search an indicator of to open appendectomy. The three ports of the conventional way are located on
phycological status. We found momentary perspiration related to some surgical events. In umbilical, suprapubic, and left lateral margin of the rectus abdominis muscle. For the
this paper, we show the result of continuous perspiration measurement of the first and added single-port approach, we applied the commercial device (LAGIS TRL4-20,
two cases. approved by Taiwan Department of Health). After setting the device, we made some
Cases and Methods: The temperature and perspiration of the sole of surgeon’s foot were
necessary dissection and retrieved the appendix extracorporeally to ligate it.
continuously measured with continuously transpiration and perspiration measuring instru-
Result: Between these two arms, there is no difference in basic character. We can get
ment SS-100 (K&S Corporation, Kariya, Japan) during laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric
better outcome on operative time (75 versus 50 minutes) and surgical site infection
cancer at Nagoya University Hospital. The bioinstrumentaion data was collated with video
record of the operation to investigate the influence of operative event. rates (5.4% versus 2.3%). About hospital stay length and post-operative pain, we do
Results: As measured data were unstable without understandable reason in 1 case, so not see statistics difference.
the data of two cases with reliable data were analyzed. The volume of perspiration of Conclusion: According to the trail, we conclude that single-port laparoscopic
surgeon’s sole fluctuated although the temperature of the soul was relatively stable. appendectomy is a safe procedure. And we can also get some benefit on less oper-
Generally fluctuation of perspiration was within 3% up and down, however some- ative time and less wound pain. Single-port laparoscopic appendectomy could be
times larger increases more than 10% were observed. 14 times large rises were considered a standard procedure to treat acute appendicitis.
shown in 2 cases. Collating with operation video, 11 rises of 14 were coincided with
events which potentially irritate the surgeon.
Conclusion: It suggested that continuous monitoring of perspiration is available to estimate
the stress of surgeon, although further analysis of more cases is necessary.

P044 – Basic and Technical Research P046 – Basic and Technical Research

H.B. Lee, S.N. Yoon, C.S. Chung, D.K. Lee A. Cabrera, F. Sabench, M. Hernández, M. Vives, M. Parı́s,
Hansol hospital, SEOUL, Korea A. Sánchez, S. Blanco, D. Del Castillo
Rovira i Virgili University. U. Hospital of sant Joan. IISPV,
Purpose: To evaluate clinical outcome of the anastomosis without dog-ear using the
compression anastomosis ring (CARTM 27) in laparoscopic anterior resection. REUS, Spain
Method: Between March 2010 and February, 2011 a non-randomized prospective Aim: Advances in bariatric and metabolic surgery involve further studies in exper-
study of patients undergoing an elective laparoscopic anterior resection, followed by imental animals and the development of new surgical techniques. Gastric plication
an anastomosis using the CARTM 27. Before creating anastomosis, we added con- (GP) is an emerging technique of bariatric surgery that does not involve resection of
verging suture at both ends of distal colonic stump to remove out linear staple line in the fundus. Long-term effects weight and metabolic effects are still unknown. The
dog-earless group. Clinicopathological features and perioperative surgical outcomes aim of this paper is the description of the surgical technique in experimental animals
were reviewed between dog-ear (Group A = 24 patients; 17 female) and dog-earless and the protocol used for the comparison of anthropometric and metabolic data after
(Group B = 20 patients; 15 female) group. the sleeve gastrectomy (SG).
Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats M 7 weeks old (12PG+12SG+6 sham group). High
terms of gender p = 0.66), age (A = 58.8 yr, B = 59.2 yr, p = 0.54), BMI (A = 26.9 fat (Cafeteria) diet for 4 weeks. Prior to surgery: puncture and cannulation of the
kg/m2, B = 25.2 kg/m2; p = 0.39) and location of lesion from the anal verge (A = 16.9 external jugular vein under microscopic control for the extraction of blood (3 cc).
cm, B = 17.5 cm, p = 0.46). The pathologic stage (I: II: III, A = 4: 14: 6, B = 4: 12: 4, Daily monitoring of weight and intake. Weekly control of blood glucose by coc-
p = 0.38), operation time (A = 140.5 min, B = 143 min, p = 0.55) was similar to both cygeal vein puncture. Surgery: Midline laparotomy (4 cm). Greater curvature
groups. There was no open conversion, perioperative mortality at two groups. There dissection and ligation of vasa recta (silk 5/0). GP: caudocranial longitudinal
was also no stenosis at endoscopic follow-up after a median follow up of 6 months in invaginating suture of the gastric greater curvature of the rumen by using tutor
all patients. One patient of group A was developed anastomosis leak at post-oper- (semirigid pipette 1 cm-diameter) SG: linear longitudinal gastrectomy with partial
ative day #4. She was received diverting ileostomy and improved. resection of the rumen and double continuous suture (polypropylene 4/0). Liver
Conclusion: Dog-earless CARTM 27 anastomosis in laparoscopic anterior resection biopsy is performed on all animals intraoperatively for the quantification of hepatic
revealed acceptable outcomes in surgical procedure such as operation time, con- steatosis. (Brunt Scale).
version rate. It was also safe and easy to eliminate staple cross line known as risk Results: Intervention time: 27 min (GP) and 45 min (SG). Mortality 0%. Postop-
factor of anastomotic leaks. eratively, the weight and daily intake is weekly calculated, as well as the blood
glucose. Sacrifice takes place 4 weeks after surgery with blood collection by intra-
cardiac puncture together with liver and gastric wall biopsies.
Conclusions: GP is a relatively faster and less laborious technique than SG. This fact,
at the clinician, may be a factor working in its favor, but by weight and metabolic
implications, in particular, hormonal implications (ghrelin) are still to be determined.
Failure to perform the resection of the fundus (the main producer of ghrelin) may not
regulate the sensation of satiety in morbidly obese patients undergoing GP surgery.
On the other hand, invagination of the fundus may avoid the stimulus of food on
ghrelin-producing cells and produce the same metabolic effect on intake level.
Biochemical and hormonal analysis will complete the study.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S65

P047 – Basic and Technical Research P049 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


R.D. Segan, S.L. Carter, A. Miesse, D. Bronson, M. Godek T. Sezer, H. Yildirim, O. Unalp, T. Yoldas, O. Firat, S. Ersin,
Covidien, NORTH HAVEN, CT, United States of America A. Guler, C. Hoscoskun
Aim: Iompression affects oxygen levels in tissue; this study aims to develop a
Ege University School of Medicine, IZMIR, Turkey
method evaluating the change in tissue oxygenation as tissue is compressed and Background: To review our experience with intraoperative endoscopy in evaluating
released. During surgery, tissue is compressed for various reasons, including occult bleeding.
grasping, manipulation, and stapling. Excessive compression during surgery may Materials and Methods: Materials in this technique are an endoscopic camera cover
irreparably damage tissue causing ischemia and necrosis. However, appropriate which is used in laparoscopic surgery and an endoscopic camera. After camera is
tissue compression is necessary for tissue apposition during surgical repair. The clothed by endoscopic cover at back table, an enterotomy or gastrotomy with 2
effect of perfusion and %StO2 levels on healing and successful anastomosis has been centimeters length is applied. The proximal part of cover is opened and entered to the
reported. The balance between the compressive forces needed to prevent bleeding or gastrotomy or enterotomy. Then, endoscopy is pushed into the organ without any
leakage and allowing adequate blood flow necessary to enable healing is unknown. contamination and scrolled into the endoscopic cover by using a forceps. At the end
Methods: Uncompressed tissue thickness measurements were taken along the greater of exploration camera can easily be taken out of area just pulling together with
curvature of porcine stomach. Each location was compressed and released, using a endoscopic cover. The technique also gives this opportunity to surgeon.
modified circular stapler, in a stepped fashion holding at each step for a minimum of Conclusion: Clothed intraoperative enteroscopy is safe and effective in localizing
15 seconds for data collection. A modified anvil allowed a T-Stat Tissue Oximeter origin of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, providing complete visualization of the
Endoscopic 2-mm probe (CTH-060-END,Spectros, CA) to be placed on the tissue small-bowel mucosa without threating sterility. It is a feasible diagnostic way in
and the percent oxygen saturation (%StO2) was measured. %StO2 was measured as selected patients with occult gastrointestinal bleeding.
a function of time and gap (distance between anvil and cartridge face) and tissue
strain (change in thickness).
Results: The gap, perfusion (%StO2), and strain were correlated and graphed as a
function of time. The exaggerated dwell time at each step enabled visualization of
%StO2 changes in the tissue. During release, reperfusion to levels equivalent to
baseline occurred in all of the samples evaluated (n = 33). The %StO2 decreased
with the gap, indicating that as tissue strain increased (amount of compression), the
blood flow to the area was compromised. The reperfusion of all tissue samples to
%StO2 equivalent to baseline indicates that the applied compression did not illicit an
acute negative effect.
Conclusions: This method measured tissue oxygen levels under compression.
Measuring the %StO2 during clamping may be valuable for evaluation of tissue
health at acute time points and may correlate to healing and tissue viability in
chronic studies. Future studies will characterize the tissue response to the rate and
force per anatomical location and the impact of stapling.

P048 – Basic and Technical Research P050 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


National Medical University, ODESSA, Ukraine DISTAL GASTRECTOMY
Aims: After operation period characterizes by the possible numerous complication
K. Motoyama, M. Inokuchi, K. Kato, K. Kojima, K. Sugihara
development especially in the case of the intraabdominal surgical interventions. The Tokyo Medical and Dental University, TOKYO, Japan
importance of our clinical observation lies in the range that we manage to provide Aims: Laparoscopic distal gastrectomy (LDG) is an established procedure for the
the prophylaxis of the after operational adhesions formation in patients during the treatment of early gastric cancer. Roux-en-Y (R-Y) or Billroth-I (B-I) reconstruction
abdominal operation. is generally performed after LDG in Japan. The aim of this retrospective cohort study
Methods: 37 patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) and acute cholecystitis (ACh) were was to compare the effectiveness of R-Y and B-I reconstruction and thereby
operated laparoscopically during the last 3 years. According to their decision, 14 determine which has better clinical outcomes.
patients received intraabdominal Sandostatin (Novartis Pharma Stein AG, Switzer- Methods: We analyzed data from 172 patients with gastric cancer who underwent
land) and thioctacid (thioctic or alpha-lipoic acid, Pliva, Croatia) infusions assuming LDG. Reconstruction was done by R-Y in 83 patients and B-I in 89. All patients
their antiinflammative activities. The rest of the patients (group N2) were operated were followed up for 5 years. Evaluated variables included symptoms, nutri-
traditionally without the prophylactic antiadhesive procedures. Theses patients were tional status, endoscopic findings, gallstone formation, and later gastrointestinal
followed 5–9 days in the hospital, 3, 6 and 12 months during the after operational complications.
period. Pain intensity and localization as well as abdominal cavity organs ultrasound Results: Scores for the amount of residue in the gastric stump, remnant gastritis, and
investigation were performed. bile reflux, calculated according to the ‘residue, gastritis bile’ (RGB) scoring system,
Results: The average pain syndrome intensity 6 hrs after the operation in both were significantly lower in the R-Y group (score 0 vs 1 and more; p = 0.027,\0.001,
groups’ patients was equal to 30.0 ± 4.6 and 35.1 ± 5.6 points, correspondently, that and \0.001, respectively). The proportion of patients with reflux esophagitis was
have no statistical difference. 24 hrs after the operation these data were differed significantly lower in the R-Y group (p \ 0.001). Relative values (postoperative 5
insignificantly (20.6 ± 4.7 and 29.6 ± 4.7 points, correspondently; P [ 0.05). The years/preoperative) of body weight, serum albumin levels, and total cholesterol
visceral pain subjective expression 48 hrs and 5 days after the operation in the 1st levels were similar in the groups (p = 0.59. 0.56, and 0.34, respectively). Gallstone
group patients was 2.4 times less comparing the same index in the 2nd group patient. formation did not differ between the groups (p = 0.57). As for later complications,
Analogous observation in these patients 3, 6 and 12 month’s after the operations the incidence of gastrointestinal ulcer was 4.5% in the B-I group, and that of ileus
revealed the expressed (in 3 till 7 times) less pain expression in the patients of these was 3.6% in the R-Y group, but differences between the groups were not significant
two groups. Performed ultrasound investigation 6 and 12 month’s after the opera- (p = 0.12, 0.11, respectively).
tions showed less cases of the after operational adhesions formation in patients with Conclusions: As compared with B-I, R-Y was associated with lower long-term
intraoperational antiadhesive treatment. incidences of bile reflux into the gastric remnant and reflux esophagitis.
Conclusions: Thus, we report that it is reasonable to provide the prophylactic efforts
aimed to prevent the adhesions formation during the laparoscopic operations on the
abdominal cavity organs.

S66 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P052 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P054 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


IN EARLY GASTRIC CANCER M. Inokuchi, K. Kato, K. Motoyama, N. Ogawa, Y. Yanaka,
J.H. Lee K. Kojima
Ewha Womans University, SEOUL, Korea Tokyo Medical and Dental University, TOKYO, Japan
Aim: To compare the short-term outcomes of laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrec- The purpose of this retrospective study is to reveal the feasibility of laparoscopy-
tomy (LADG) with totally laparoscopic distal gastrectomy (TLDG) to provide the assisted distal gastrectomy (LADG) for gastric cancer through long-term outcomes.
basis for standardization of the laparoscopic gastrectomy in early gastric cancer. 239 patients with gastric adenocarcinoma underwent radical LADG between 1999
Methods: In this prospective study, 45 patients with early gastric cancer were ran- and 2006, were analyzed. Indication for LAG was early gastric cancer diagnosed
domized to have either TLDG or LADG with Billroth II anastomosis. preoperatively, however, LAG was performed with enough informed consent when
Clinicopathologic characteristics, operative details, postoperative course and quality the patient with advanced gastric cancer hoped. There were 167 men and 72 women,
of life were compared. with a median age of 64 years (range: 27–92). One hundred seventy-six patients
Results: TLDG was performed in 22 patients and LADG was performed in 23 (74%) underwent D1+ lymphadectomy, and 63 (27%) were D2. Median tumor size
patinets. Estimated blood loss was less in TLDG group and in TLDA group, oper- was 30 mm (range: 4–120 mm). One hundred two (43%), 99(41%), 20(8%), 12(5%),
ative time was longer than in LADG group. The longest length of wound after skin and 6(3%) patients were T1a, T1b, T2, T3, and T4 in terms of pathological depth of
closure was significantly longer in TLDG group. Postoperative pain score was not invasion classified by UICC. Two hundred five (86%), 23 (10%), 5 (2%), and 6 (3%)
significantly different from day 0 to day 7 between two groups. Also, lesser opioid patients were N0, N1, N2, and N3 in pathological N stage. One hundred eighty-six
consumption added to intravenous PCA in TLDG group was not statistically sig- (78%), 27 (11%), 5 (2%), 13 (5%), 4 (2%), 3 (1%), and 1 (0.4%) were stage IA, IB,
nificant. The first flatus was observed at 3.1 ± 1.0 days in TLDG group and at 2.8 ± IIA, IIB, IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC. Tumor recurrence occurred in eleven patients,
0.9 days in LADG group. The length of postoperative hospital stay was slightly including four patients with peritoneal dissemination, 3 with lymphnode metastasis,
longer in TLDG group than in LADG group. Test of pulmonary function were 2 with liver metastasis, and 1 with local disease. One (0.5%) patients were stage IA,
performed on preoperative day and postoperative day 4. Forced vital capacity and 1 (4%) were IB, 5 (28%) were II, and 4 (50%) were III. Sixteen (7%) patients died
forced expiratory volume in 1 second decreased slightly less after TLDG than from other disease. Postoperative late abdominal complications were observed in 12
LADG. Scores for physical function presented more healthy level of functioning in patients (5%), including 4 patients with gastrointestinal ulcer, 2 with ileus, 1 with
TLDG groups (P = 0.034). Whereas there were no significant differences in scores cholangitis, 1 with pancreatitis, 1 with stomal stenosis, 1 with stomal bleeding, and 1
for global health scales and other functional scales between two groups. Scores for with incisional hernia. LADG was feasible treatment for gastric cancer through long-
pain and discomfort, emotional problem, restriction of eating and body image pre- term outcomes, although it remains controversial for advanced cancer.
sented lower level of problems in TLDG groups than in LADG groups.
Conclusion: This study suggests that TLDG was safe and feasible as LADG in early
gastric cancer. The statistically significant beneficial effect of TLDG were smaller
wound below umbilicus compared with epigastric wound after LADG and more
healthy physical function of quality of life. Our study is ongoing to overcome the
limitation of small sample size.

P053 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P055 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


MINILAP T. Soma, M. Sugano, T. Ito, G. Kiguchi, T. Tanaka, T. Nishikawa,
Y. Sumi, K. Kanemitsu, K. Yamashita, N. Urakawa, D. Kuroda Y. Hattori
Kobe University, KOBE, Japan Obama Municipal Hospital, OBAMA CITY – FUKUI
Background: Reduced-port surgery is currently being introduced following the
development of small-diameter forceps. After a survey concerning attitudes to such Aims: The number and proportion of old and very old people in the general popu-
surgery found that staff at our institution were all enthusiastically interested in it, lation have been increasing. Thus, the incidence of colorectal carcinoma inevitably
since January 2011 our Department has been gradually introducing reduced-port increases. However, laparoscopic colorectal resection in the nonagenarians are not
surgery consisting of 3 ports + 1 puncture employing MiniLap (Stryker Co., San well documented.
Jose, California, USA) for right-side colon cancer. We compared operation time, Methods: Consecutive patients aged 90 and above who had elective colorectal
blood loss, and complications at different stages during this introductory period. resection (laparoscopic surgery or laparotomy) from September 2009 to October
Methods: We reduced the number of ports from the conventional 5 step-by-step. Port 2011 were included. Data concerning anamnesis, American Society of Anesthesi-
reduction was started by omission of the right upper abdomen port. Because we ology score, details of operations, and postoperative events were collected.
experienced no problems with 4-port surgery, the remaining port of the right lower Comparisons between results of laparoscopic surgery and open surgery were made.
abdomen was then replaced with a MiniLap (clutch) achieving 3-port + 1 puncture Results: Eleven patients underwent attempted colorectal resection. Eight patients had
surgery. To date, we have performed 5-port, 4-port, and 3-port + 1 puncture surgeries laparoscopic colectomy and three had open surgery during the study period. No
in 10, 4, and 3 cases, respectively. patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery required conversion to an open procedure
Results: The BMI was 19.7, 21.4 and 22.5 for the 3-, 4- and 5-port groups, and no complications related to laparoscopy occurred. Median operative time was
respectively. The mean operation time was 225 minutes (range 182–229 minutes) for longer (247 minutes versus 183 minutes), but blood loss was less (88 mL versus 315
the 3-port group (3 cases) and 228 minutes (range 165–289 minutes) for the 4-port mL) in the laparoscopic group. No patient died in the laparoscopic group and two
group (4 cases). The mean blood loss was 30 g for the 3-port group and 15 g for the died in the open group. Laparoscopic resection was associated with earlier return of
4-port group. The 5-port group had a mean operation time of 260 minutes (range bowel function, then earlier resumption of solid diet (2.75 days versus 6 days).
184–319 minutes) and a mean blood loss of 47.4 g. There were no significant Conclusions: Laparoscopic treatment for the very old patients may have great
differences in any parameter or postoperative complication between the groups. advantage, in so far as postoperative management copes intensively with previous
Conclusions: It was found that right-side colon cancer could be excised by 3-port + 1 illness. We conclude that laparoscopic colectomy may be particularly indicated in
puncture surgery as safely as with 4-port or 5-port approach. Additionally, it would nonagenarians.
seem to be important that reduced-port surgery should be phased into laparoscopic
surgery when it is introduced.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S67

P056 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P058 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


M. Patrzyk N. Hiki, S. Nunobe, X. Jiang
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, GREIFSWALD, Germany Cancer Institute Hospital, TOKYO, Japan
Background: Rendezvous surgery involves the simultaneous use of two techniques: lapa- Objective: Laparoscopy-assisted pylorus-preserving gastrectomy (LAPPG) was
roscopy and endoscopy. Both techniques allowed precise location and excision of introduced as a function-preserving and minimally invasive operation for early
submucosal tumor. Precise tumor location avoided incision of the tumor or excessive gastric cancer (EGC) in Japan. This study investigated the postoperative outcomes,
excision of healthy gastric tissue. Single port is the next step to minimize operations trauma. complications, and associated risk factors of the procedure.
The surgery becoming essentially scarless if the incision is hidden within the umbilicus. In Methods: From January 2005 to December 2009, 307 patients with EGC diagnosed
this prospective single centre study we evaluated the single port approach of excision of the before surgery underwent LAPPG. The postoperative outcomes and complications
submucosal tumors using tissue sparing laser-supported diaphanoscopy for localisation.
were assessed in this study. Postoperative complications were classified according to
Materials and Methods: In this study we have evaluated 9 patients suffering from the Clavien-Dindo classification of surgical complications, and risk factors related to
submucosal gastric tumors and treated by laser-guided laparoscopic resection during complications were analyzed.
a laparoscopic-endoscopic rendezvous procedure using single port technique
Results: The mean operation time for LAPPG was 229.4 ± 47.5 minutes and esti-
between 2011 and 2012. Patients included 3 males and 6 females (mean 69 years, mated blood loss was 49.1 ± 62.0 mL. The mean total number of dissected lymph
range 55–89 years). Patients’ histories, surgical and demographic data were pro-
nodes was 31.6 ± 10.4, with nodal involvement observed in 25 patients (8.5%). The
spectively collected and analysed.
preoperative diagnostic accuracy of EGC was 93.2%. Complications developed in 53
Results: Excision of the submucosal tumors was carried out in 9 cases in a single port
patients (17.3%), and major complications, classified as grades greater than Clavien-
technique. Mean surgical time of all procedures was 110 minutes (41–217 minutes).
Dindo classification IIIa, were observed in 4 patients (1.3%). The most frequent
Estimated blood loss (\50 ml per operation) was negligible. All procedures were suc-
cessfully completed. There was no conversion to laparotomy or standard laparoscopy. complication was gastric stasis, occurring in 19 patients (6.2%). Body mass index
Histopathological examination confirmed 6 cases of GIST and 2 cases of lipoma and 1 case (BMI) and surgical experience of LAPPG were identified as significant risk factors
of leiomyoma. Specimen size ranged from 15 mm to 60 mm in the greatest diameter. of postoperative complications. Body mass index was related to severity of the
Tumor size ranged from 10 mm to 45 mm in the greatest diameter. The mean length of complications. The patients’ serum total protein and albumin did not change sig-
hospital stay was 5 days. nificantly after surgery.
Conclusions: Single port technique is an option for the resection of the submucosal tumors. Conclusions: Laparoscopy-assisted pylorus-preserving gastrectomy is a safe opera-
Compared to the standard laparoscopic approach it requires only one incision decreasing tion with excellent postoperative outcomes in terms of minimized major
the risks compared with those of several trocars. At the same time the patient benefits from complications based on the Clavien-Dindo classification in patients with EGC in the
the better cosmetic result. This novel laparoscopic approach combining with the laser- middle third of the stomach. To prevent postoperative complications, surgeons need
supported diaphanoscopy make minimal invasive surgery more minimal invasive and offers to ensure an extra leaning period for LAPPG, and LAPPG should be performed
new perspectives in the rendezvous surgery. However, this method can be more time cautiously in patients with high BMI.
consuming and requires an experienced laparoscopic surgeon.

P057 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P059 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


R. Galleano, A. Franceschi, M. Ciciliot, S. Di Giorgi, F. Falchero STOMACH
S. Maria di Misericordia, ALBENGA, Italy S. Nunobe, X. Jiang, N. Hiki
Wilkie’s syndrome (SMAS) is a rare condition, characterized by compression of the Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital, TOKYO, Japan
transverse portion of the duodenum between the aorta and the superior mesenteric Total gastrectomy or proximal gastrectomy is usually performed either as an open
artery. This can result in chronic and intermittent, or acute complete/partial duodenal procedure or laparoscopically for the treatment of early gastric cancer (EGC) in the
obstruction. A case of SMAS with complete occlusion of the duodenum is described. upper stomach. However, quality of life after either total or proximal gastrectomy is
An 82-year-old man who had a history of longstanding epigastric pain, postprandial not so satisfactory. The authors report a novel surgical procedure, laparoscopy-
discomfort and early satiety was admitted from the emergency department. Main
assisted subtotal gastrectomy (LAsTG), by which a very small remnant stomach is
symptoms were acute abdominal pain and vomit (bilious/partially digested food)
preserved, for the surgery of selected EGCs in the upper stomach. Twenty-three
associated to elevated serum amylase. Patient was malnourished and dehydrated. Plain
patients with EGC in the upper stomach underwent LAsTG. After lymph node
abdomen X-ray showed a dilated stomach with no sign of small or large bowel
dissection and mobilization of the stomach, the stomach was transected about 2 cm
obstruction. Medical treatment was started and NGT inserted. CT scan showed enlarged
proximal to the tumor and a very small remnant stomach was preserved. An anvil
oesophagus, very distended stomach and duodenum up to his passage through the
was inserted transorally into the remnant stomach by using the OrVil system. The
aortomesenteric angle, NGT in oesophagus. Upper GI endoscopy allowed aspiration of
reconstruction method was Roux-en-Y, and hemidouble-stapling gastrojejunostomy
3.8 l of fluid, positioning of NGT in the stomach and showed oedematous mucosa
without obstructing lesion. SMAS diagnosis was made. Conservative management was
with a circular stapler was performed intracorporeally. There were no intraoperative
not helpful so laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy was planned. Patient was placed in complications or conversions to open surgery. Mean operation time and blood loss
lithotomy position with surgeon between his legs, cameramen on his left and scrub were 266.7 min and 54.6 ml, respectively. The overall incidence of early postop-
nurse on his right. Monitor was at the head of the patient and a 30 scope was inserted erative complications was 17.4%, and two patients underwent reoperation because of
with an open technique just below the umbilicus. Two other ports were inserted on the duodenal stump leakage and stenosis of the Y-anastomosis, respectively. During the
transverse umbilical line lateral to the rectus sheath, a 12-mm for the right hand and a follow-up period, two patients experienced gastrojejunostomy stenosis and both were
5-mm for the left hand. A fourth port was placed in the left subcostal space and treated successfully by endoscopic balloon dilation. LAsTG may be performed in
cameramen used it to elevate transverse mesocolon. Dissection of peritoneum over the selected patients with EGC in the upper stomach. With the described method, a very
second/third part of duodenum expose the site were a side to side mechanical anas- small remnant stomach can be preserved.
tomosis (45-mm white cartridge stapler) was carried out with the second loop of
jejunum. A double row suture was used to close the remaining enterotomy. Postoper-
ative period was complicated by systemic mycosis. Patient was able to tolerate food six
days after the operation and was discharged a week later. Laparoscopic duodenojeju-
nostomy can be considered a safe and appropriate treatment for SMAS also in fragile
patients that fail conservative therapy.

S68 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P060 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P063 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


M. Kano, A. Nakamitsu, Y. Imamura, M. Sasaki, M. Koyama, GASTRECTOMY
A. Oshita, H. Nakamura, K. Toge, H. Taogoshi, T. Yamaguchi, K. Kawai, T. Yumiba, Y. Akamaru, M. Fujii, Y. Morimoto,
Y. Fukuda K. Yasumasa, E. Kono, T. Konishi, Y. Tanaka, A. Kasashima,
Hiroshima General Hospital, HATSUKAICHI, HIROSHIMA, Japan Y. Taniguchi, Y. Okubo, R. Matsuura, Y. Yamasaki
Aim: Accessory left hepatic artery (ALHA) is observed in about 10% of the whole.
Osaka Kosei-Nenkin Hospital, OSAKA, Japan
A contrast-enhanced CT scan is obtained to perform gastrectomy safely and cor- Aims: Laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy(LATG) has become popular gradually
rectly. In this study, we evaluated assessment of anatomy of ALHA before because of its low surgical invasiveness. However, the technical difficulty especially
laparoscopic-assisted gastrectomy (LAG), and method of approach in LAG. of esophagojejunostomy makes this operative procedure restricted to some facilities
Methods: The study involved 30 patients scheduled for LAG from 2009. and it is still controversial which technique for esophagojejunostomy is better.
Results: ALHA was found in five patients of 30. Only 1 in them was showed in Methods: We had introduced LATG since March 2008 mainly for the patients with
operation. Two patients were kept ALHA, three were resected. Temporarily, ele- early gastric cancer. At the beginning of the introduction of LATG, we performed
vation of GOT/GPT score was recognized, but it was relieved naturally. The careful esophagojejunostomy with direct insertion of anvil head using purse-string suture
point about approach was, before suprapancreatic lymphnode dissection, to confirm instrument (PSI) through the surgical incision of 7 cm at upper midline abdomen in
of ALHA on lesser omentum from left edge of proper hepatic artery to esophagus. 12 patients (the PSI group). At September 2009, we changed the technique for
And to leave a nerve sheath open continually from left gastric artery to ALHA. esophagojejunostomy to double stapling technique (DST) using trans-oral insertion
Conclusion: By resection of ALHA, it may be caused fatal liver damage. It is of anvil head, and we performed esophagojejunostomy of this method in 8 patients
difficult to decide range of lymphnode dissection because there is not a Merkmal. It until December 2011(the trans-oral group).
is useful to assessment of anatomy by 3D-CT before LAG to perform resection of Results: The operation time of the PSI group was 313 ± 67 min (mean±SD) and that
gastric cancer safely and correctly. of the trans-oral group was 342 ± 60 min. The intraoperative bleeding volume of the
PSI group was 100 ± 115 ml and that of the trans-oral group was 66 ± 69 ml. As to
postoperative complications, the anastastomotic leakage occurred in 1 patient of the
PSI group (8.3%), and 2 patients of the trans-oral group (25%). The anastomotic
stricture requiring endoscopic balloon dilatation occurred in 1 patient of the PSI
group (8.3%), and 3 patients of the trans-oral group (37.5%). Compared with the PSI
group, the trans-oral group had no significant difference in the operation time, the
intraoperative bleeding volume, the occurrence of the anastastomotic leakage and the
anastomotic stricture requiring endoscopic balloon dilatation.
Conclusion: There is no significant difference in both intraoperative and postoper-
ative complications between the PSI group and the trans-oral group in LATG.

P061 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P064 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, Worthing Hospital, ANALYSIS FROM CHINA
WORTHING, United Kingdom T. Mou, G. Li, Y.F. Hu
Objectives: According to the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) guidelines,
Nanfang Hospital, GUANGZHOU, China
colonoscopy in elderly patients is less likely to be successful and is not without risks. Aims: Laparoscopy-assisted radical gastrectomy (LAG) has been increasing rapidly for the
We aimed to analyse the yield of colonoscopy, the completion rate and the com- treatment of gastric cancer. However in China, most gastric cancer cases are diagnosed at
plications in patients eighty years or above. an advanced stage, the application of LAG for advanced gastric cancer (AGC) remains
Methods: All patients who underwent colonoscopy from November 2008 to controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety, technical feasibility and
November 2011 in a District General Hospital were included. Data was extracted oncologic efficacy of LAG with D2 lymphadenectomy for AGC in a large-scale multicenter
from a prospectively collected endoscopy database Data related to endoscopy find- level in China.
ings, histology, completion rate and complications encountered was collected and Methods: A total of 1985 patients with gastric cancers underwent LAG with D2 lym-
analysed. phadenectomy between January, 2002 and January, 2010 in 26 hospitals from China.
Results: Nine hundred and sixty-eight patients underwent 1030 colonoscopies in the Among these patients, 1926 were confirmed with AGC and analyzed retrospectively.
RESULTS: There were 948 men and 378 women, with a mean age of 57.90 ± 11.61 years.
3 year period. Average age of the cohort was 84 (81–97) years and female to male
Total gastrectomy was performed in 495 patients, distal gastrectomy in 719, proximal
ratio was 1.23 (570:460). Three hundred and nine (30 %) were reported normal.
gastrectomy in 12. The mean tumor size was 44.41 ± 22.28 mm and there were 258 grade
Significant pathology was identified in 34.3 % including malignancy 7.2 % (75/ T2 (19.5%), 271 grade T3 (20.4%), 764 grade T4a (57.6%) and 33 grade T4b (2.5%)
1030), polyps 25.2 % (260/1030), and inflammatory bowel disease 1.9 % (20/1030). lesions. The mean number of retrieved and metastatic lymph nodes were 21.12 ± 11.24 and
Diverticular disease was the most prevalent benign pathology encountered (45.6 %). 4.88 ± 6.58, respectively. 86 (6.5%) patients required conversion to open procedure during
The completion rate was 85 %. There were 39 complications overall. Twenty nine operation. The mean operating time was 255.26 ± 101.31 min and estimated blood loss was
patients poorly tolerated colonoscopy, 7 patients had hypotension requiring intra- 188.68 ± 103.85 ml. Postoperatively, time to first flatus and liquid diet were 4.18 ± 1.70
venous fluid resuscitation, 1 patient had sedation related complication, 1 patient had days and 5.76 ± 2.10 days, respectively and hospital stay was 13.70 ± 7.48 days. There
bleeding following polypectomy (treated using clips) and 1 patient had mild chest were 9 intra-operative morbidities (0.7%) and 146 postoperative morbidities (11.0%) within
pain. 30 days from operation. Three patients died after operation (0.02%), two died from lung
Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that colonoscopy amongst Octogenarian has a infection and respiratory failure and one died from postoperative anastomotic leakage and
high diagnostic yield and a relatively low complication rate. This procedure could be intra-abdominal bleeding. The estimated 3-year cumulative survival rate was 69.4%. Tumor
offered to octogenarian safely, depending on relative cancer risk and co-morbidity. recurred in 144 patients (10.9%) during the follow-up period (median 12 months; range
Conclusion: laparoscopy-assisted radical gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy is safe
and feasible for treatment of advanced gastric cancer, but further prospective randomized
controlled trial comparing it with open radical gastrectomy will be needed.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S69

P065 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P067 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


E. Dabizzi1, G. Miranda2, M. Casmiro2, E. Miranda3, R. Naspetti1, SURGERY
G. Cavassi2 S.K. Sarker, S. Yao, N. Muhibullah
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi, FIRENZE, Italy, Safety Innovations Unit Worcestershire, DROITWICH,
Faentia Consulting s.r.l., FAENZA, Italy, 3Casentino Hospital, United Kingdom
AREZZO, Italy Aims: Patient safety in surgery is of paramount importance, it has been shown that
Background: Several studies have provided reliable evidence of an increased good communication improves this. The present study aims to improve information
frequency of musculoskeletal disorders among operators performing endo- transfer and communication for immediate post-op patients in general surgery.
scopic procedures. Little is known, however, about the cognitive hazards which Methods: After panel discussion and interview questionnaires, 16 specific post-op
can result from the physical separation between visual and physical aspects of instruction criteria were identified. We then retrospectively assessed 40 post-op
general surgical day and inpatient cases using the post-op instructions in the oper-
endoscopic manoeuvres; this factor compels the operators to blend the view on
ation sheet as a standard for immediate post-op surgical communication to compare
the display and the indirect mechanical feedback, to obtain a correct manip-
if any of the 16 criteria were instructed. After this we devised a sticky label with the
ulation of the tissues. Other variables within the operating field (e.g. the use of 16 criteria to be stuck on at the end of the operation sheet. We then prospectively
multiple monitors, instruments/devices exchanging, visual discomfort caused assessed 60 post-op general surgical day and inpatient cases using the post-op
by the use of 2-dimensional video images coming from endoscope) may communication label to determine if there was an improvement in communication
contribute to the occurrence of cognitive hazards. Therefore, a comprehensive transfer in the immediate post-op period.
evaluation of endoscopic procedures hazards should include a special attention Results: In total 100 post-op general surgical patients were assessed for immediate
for cognitive risk. post-op information from the operation note. There were 45 female and 55 male
Aim of the Study: We have planned a case-control study; the overall endo- patients with a mean age of 61. There were 70 day cases and 30 inpatients. Prior to
scopic workload will be estimated by means of the NASA Task Load Index the introduction of the sticky label post-op instruction, 62% of the 16 criteria were
(NASA-TLX), which is a validated multi-dimensional rating test providing an completed. After its introduction this increased to 97%.
overall workload score. The NASA-TLX is based on a weighted average of Conclusions: Introducing a simple post-op sticky label to the operation note
ratings on six subscales (mental, physical and temporal demands, own per- improved written communication for post-op surgical patients. In the era of shift
formance, effort and frustration). system for all health care professionals it is essential for good communication
Patients and Methods: The study is currently on-going. The case-control analysis regarding management of patients. Our study demonstrates that a simple measure
will compare the overall workload between expert endoscopists and trainees; for can improve this and therefore patient safety.
each of these two groups a comparison will be performed between therapeutic and
diagnostic procedures (these latter representing the control group), so that four
groups of operators will be enrolled (ten subjects in each group). NASA-TLX will be
administered at the end of each procedure by a trained physician.
Analysis: A matched analysis of the overall workload score will be performed
between (1) all cases and controls, and (2) between each of the two subgroups
of cases and controls. Enrollment of cases and controls was started on January
9, 2012 and will be completed as March 1, 2012.

P066 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P068 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


P. Angelini, F. Andreoli, L. Miranda, A. Settembre, F. Corcione K.S. Burmich, A.I. Dronov, I.A. Kovalskaya, I.L. Nastashenko,
Monaldi hospital, NAPLES, Italy S.V. Zemskov
Aims: Laparoscopic total gastrectomy (TG) is seldom used for gastric cancer Bogomolets National Medical Unirvesity, KYIV, Ukraine
because the complex vascularization and lymphatic drainage makes the lym- Role of staging laparoscopy in patients with intraabdominal malignancies is widely
phadenectomy difficult and the complicated esophagojejunal anastomosis accepted. However, in Ukraine its usage has been limited. Staging laparoscopy may
requiring special skills, and because many alternative technologies are avail- allow avoidance of unnecessary laparotomy in patients with metastatic or locally
able to perform these operations. Our aim was to demonstrate the feasibility advanced unresectable disease. Laparoscopy is associated with decreased postop-
and accuracy of laparoscopic TG in gastric oncologic surgery with D2 erative pain, a shorter hospital stay.
lymphadenectomy. The aim of this study was to evaluate diagnostic laparoscopy as first step procedure
Method: We report the techniques used in 88 TG and 4 degastroresections over in surgical treatment of gastrointestinal, gynecological cancers and mesothelioma.
[12 years (January 1999–June 2011). The median patient age was 64 years, Materials and Methods: The clinical study was based on the analysis 32 cases, where
and the male/female ratio was 1.49/1. A D2 lymphadenectomy was performed the diagnostic laparoscopy as a TNM staging method was applied. Staging was
in 87 cases and only 5 patients had a D1 limited lymphadenectomy. performed with frozen section biopsy of suspicious lesions.
Results: The study shows the retrospective analysis of intra- and peri-operative Results: sttaging laparoscopy in our study was performed in: 7 gastric cancer cases, 6
mortality and morbidity. In only 4 of 96 cases approached by laparoscopy, a con- pancreatic cancer cases, 1 colorectal cancer liver metastasis, 1 melanoma liver
version to laparotomy was needed. There were 2 (2.17%) perioperative deaths during metastasis, 2 hepatocellular cancer, 3 gallbladder cancer, 10 ovarian cancer, 2
92 procedures and few complications. Histological data show 79 advanced gastric mesothelioma. Laparoscopy detected 23 unresectable cases (71.9%), among them 19
cancers (AGC), 11 early gastric cancers (EGC), and 2 gastric diffused lymphomas. peritoneal carcinosis undetectable at previous CT scan and 4 locally advanced. In all
The five-year Kaplan-Meier overall survival in patients with EGC and AGC was these patients, we avoided an unnecessary laparotomy.
100% and 58%, respectively. Conclusion: laparoscopy has been shown to be sensitive in detecting intraabdominal
metastases in cancer of different locations, thus helping to avoid unwanted lapa-
Conclusion: The results demonstrate the feasibility of an oncologically-correct,
rotomy and providing a higher quality of life to cancer patients who undergo further
minimally-invasive TG. We would like to promote comparisons between dif-
non-surgical palliation.
ferent institutions to achieve better standardization of surgical indications and
techniques for a laparoscopic approach to gastric cancer.

S70 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P069 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P071 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation

T. Youssef, E.F. Ebied, M.A. Nada, A. Al Anwar, S. Raslan, RECOVERY AFTER COMPLEX LAPAROSCOPIC
Ain Shams University, CAIRO, Egypt E.R. Carlisle1, O.J. Harrison1, N.J. Smart1, P. White2, A. Brigic1,
Background: Laparoscopic colectomy for colorectal disease technically is feasible
J. Reid1, A.S. Allison1, J.B. Okrim1, N.K. Francis1
but needs a very long learning curve. Despite the obvious benefits, acceptance of the Yeovil District Hospital, YEOVIL, United Kingdom; 2University
laparoscopic approach for malignant disease has been gradual. It is a technically of the West of England, BRISTOL, United Kingdom
more challenging surgical procedure; could this, with other environmental factors,
Aims: The combination of laparoscopy and enhanced recovery has demonstrated a consid-
represent a compromise in oncological safety?
erable reduction in the length of hospital stay after colorectal surgery. However, laparoscopic
Patients and Methods: This study is a prospective study to see the early outcome and surgery for complex cases may increase operative time and blood loss. Hence, the aim of the
how to build a learning curve aiming to standardization of the technique of lapa- present study was to investigate the impact of prolonged surgery and operative blood loss on
roscopic colorectal surgery in a developing country like Egypt with the least budget. the outcome of enhanced recovery after complex laparoscopic colorectal surgery.
This Study was conducted from January 2008 to July 2011. In Ain Shams University Method: Data was collated from patients who underwent elective laparoscopic colorectal
Hospitals (Demerdash) Surgical Department, after putting a protocol for standardi- resection on the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathway in Yeovil District
zation of the technique and fixing a team for the cases with rotatory training program Hospital between 2002 and 2009. All patients were cared for within an Enhanced Recovery
including dry labs and animal labs. Regular meetings were done to evaluate our work Programme. Operative and postoperative outcomes were collected and delayed discharge
after every case, tips and tricks from our own experience were recorded to modify was defined as patients who stayed beyond the mean in this series (= 8 days). Univariate
our standardized technique. analysis was carried out with a p value set at 0.05.
Results: 65 patients had differant laparoscopic colorectal procedures, either bengin Results: 385 patient records were reviewed including 152 patients (39%) who
or malignant. Average operative time was 120 minutes. The average post-operative underwent laparoscopic pelvic surgery after chemoradiotherapy, ileal pouch for-
stay in the hospital was 5 to 7 days for the resection cases and 1 day for the rectal mation and re-do pelvic surgery. Median operative time was 180 minutes and median
prolapse and sigmoid volvulas cases. Convergence was in the form of 8 cases had blood loss was 100 ml. Conversion rate was 14%, but this was not associated with
planned convergence, 6 cases had unplanned convergence, one case had postoper- delayed discharge.
ative leakage treated by covering iliostomy 4 case of perineal wound infection one Median length of stay was 6 days (mean of 8 days) but 122 patients (31%) stayed longer
case of burst of the suprapubic incision all treated conservatively, no local recurrence than one week despite only 7.5% requiring return to theatre (including 1.6% due to anas-
of the malignant cases. tomotic leak). Operative time and blood loss correlated with length of stay in a stepwise
Conclusion: Laparoscopic colectomy has been shown to be associated with many fashion. Delayed discharge was associated with an operative time of five hours or longer
(OR = 2.02, 95% CI 1.05 to 3.90, p = 0.027), and blood loss of more than 500 ml (OR =
advantages. However, these benefits come at the cost of slightly prolonged operative
3.114, 95% CI 1.501 to 6.462, p = 0.002).
time and associated expense whiche we can overcome some of the cost without
Conclusion: Prolonged operative time of more than 5 hours and increased intra-operative
affecting the adequacy of surgery. In addition, surgeons who perform these opera-
blood loss of more than 500 ml increase the likelihood of delayed discharge for patients
tions need more advanced laparoscopic skills and training programs to do it undergoing complex laparoscopic colorectal resections within an enhanced recovery
efficiently and safly. programme.

P070 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P072 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation

Hinchingbrooke Hospital, LONDON, United Kingdom S.E. Lee, Y.M. Ra, J.W. Lim, J.I. Moon, I.S. Choi, W.J. Choi,
D.S. Yoon, H.S. Min
Aim: Follow-up after surgical procedures is essential to allow assessment of patient
recovery. Telephone follow-up has been shown to be safe and effective for elective day case Konyang University Hospital, DAEJEON, Korea
surgery, though its use for emergency surgery is uncertain. This study aims to evaluate the
Aim: Laparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal (TEP) herniorrhaphy has been recog-
use of telephone follow-up in elective versus emergency surgery.
nized as one of the treatment for inguinal hernia. The objective of this study was to
Methods: A prospective study of telephone follow-up interviews conducted by a
clarify the learning curve for TEP herniorrhpahy using moving average method.
fully trained Surgical Care Practitioner (SCP) using a standardised proforma. 635
Methods: 90 patients underwent TEP herniorrhaphy by single surgeon between
appointments were made including 521 elective and 114 emergency procedures
March 2009 and March 2011. We analyzed medical records include the demographic
between 1/9/07–12/11/08. Cases deemed safe for telephone follow-up were selected
data, operating time, hospital stay, post-operative complications.
at time of discharge by the operating surgeon. The data collected were: Patient
Results: The mean operating time of the first 30 cases that we called learning period
demographics, BMI, operation, type (elective or emergency), surgeon (consultant or
was 66.3 minutes. After the results decreased to 52.8 minutes in the 60 cases in
trainee), peri and post-operative events, patient perception of discharge advice, need
experienced period (p = 0.015). This represents operating time becomes stabilize and
to contact another service (GP/NHS direct), antibiotics required post-discharge, time
then decreases as the numbers of case increase. The hospital stay, pain control,
to follow-up, follow-up acceptable to patient, patient discharged at first telephone
complication rate were shorter in experienced period, however, there was not sig-
follow-up, further telephone or clinic follow-up arranged.
nificant statistically.
Results: Of elective patients 87% were happy with their discharge from hospital compared
Conclusion: We suggest that the learning curve for TEP herniorrhaphy would be 30
with 59% of emergency cases (p \ 0.0001), the main complaint being adequacy of dis-
charge information. A total of 86 patients did not answer on their first appointment (9.0% cases. The operating time for TEP herniorrhaphy stabilizes after 40 cases in moving
elective and 37.7% emergency, p \ 0.0001). Of these 15 did not answer on their second average.
appointment and were therefore discharged (0.9% elective, 9.4% emergency, \0.0001). 43
patients (6.9%) required a second call and 48 patients (7.8%) required a hospital
appointment, with no difference between emergency and elective cases. The most common
reasons requiring further follow-up, was ongoing pain.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that telephone clinics are a safe and acceptable tool
for follow-up of elective day surgical cases. It has however identified reduced patient
satisfaction and contact rates in the emergency group. This may relate to communication
pathway differences between the two groups because of different nursing staff/ward
locations for each group. Overall this study identified a high patient satisfaction with the
telephone follow-up process allowing a 92% reduction in follow-up outpatient clinic
appointments. However, further work needs to be done before it is effective for emergency
surgery patients.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S71

P073 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P075 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY (SILS) Nicolaus Copernicus University, Collegium Medicum in Bygdoszcz,
T. Aoki TORUN, Poland
Kinki Central Hospital, ITAMI, Japan Aim: The aim of the study was the evaluation of complications after laparoscopic
Introduction: Nowadays single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) is being per- treatment for hiatal hernia in Surgical Clinic in Torun
formed for a variety of diseases. We report here a case of gastrointestinal stromal Methods: Between January 2005 and June 2011 178 patients (103 males and 75
tumor (GIST) which is operated by SILS. females) with hiatal hernia and symptoms of GERD were treated in our Clinic. In
Case Report: Woman in her sixties was presented to department of gastroenterology. every case we did endoscopy and radiological examination of upper gastrointestinal
Ultrasonogram (USG) and computed tomography (CT) were performed and gastric tract. Some patients because of nonspecific symptoms have done CT scans of chest
submucosal tumor was pointed out. During follow-up, she desired to be operated and and upper abdomen.
was referred to our department. CT was performed again, and 3-cm projected Results: In every case we performed laparoscopic hernioplasty (crural repair) and
(extramural) tumor located on the anterior wall of gastric antrum was revealed, and fundoplication. In most cases (172) we performed Nissen-Rossetti procedure, in 4
also about 2-cm submucosal tumor was diagnosed by gastrointestinal endoscopy cases Toupet and in 2 cases Dor procedure. In 4 cases we have to convert to open
(GIS). procedure (becouse of massive adhesions after previous surgery). The average
Progress: A laparoscopic port was made by open method (3-cm) via an umbilicus, operating time was 72 minutes (55–140). Mean postoperative hospital stay was 3
and pneumoperitoneum was established by using laparoscopic protector and gloves. days (2–5). In every patients we have obtained good postoperative result.
We observed into the peritoneum, and identified about 3-cm pedunculated (stalked) There was no serious intraoperative complications. We have 4 cases of pneumo-
polyp like tumor in diameter on the anterior wall of gastric antrum. There is no thorax – treated conservatively and 1 oesophagus perforation – closed by sutures.
peritoneal dissemination and liver metastasis. Because of pedunculated polyp like, Dysphagia occured in 20 patients (11.2%). In 16 cases yielded after 2 months but in
we inserted a mini-loop retractor via left subcostal plane, holding pedunculated part 4 cases lasted till 6 months. Trocar site hernias occured in 3 cases (1.68%) – at obese
to retract the tumor, and performed gastric partial gastrectomy (including tumor) by patients. Gastric cardia stenosis we noticed in 4 cases. Recurrent hiatal herniation we
using Endo-GIA duet 60. We retrieved resected portion by sac to prevent tumor cell observed in 6 patients (3.2%). We performed 10 reoperations in 9 patients: 3 becouse
dissemination (spread). The immunochemistry of the resected specimen was c-kit of trocar site hernias, 4 becouse of recurrent hiatal herniation and 2 becouse of
(±), CD34 (+), s-100(–), aSMA (–), Desmin (–). Therefore, we confirmed the gastric cardia stenosis. In all cases we noticed good result of operation.
diagnosis as GIST. Conclusions: Laparoscopic treatment is simple and effective method of operation for
Conclusion: We consider that SILS is extremely beneficial operative method for patients with GERD symptoms caused by hiatal hernia. The number of complica-
extramural type GIST such as our case. tions is lower compared with open surgery.

P074 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P076 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


AND KOREA T. Kaetsu, K. Matsuda, Y. Kimura, A. Ohta
Y.F. Hu1, W.J. Hyung2, G.X. Li1, H.I. Kim2, T.I. Son2, Kikuna memorial hospital, YOKOHAMA, Japan
N.K. Okumura3, S.H. Noh2
1 Background: In an aging society, a patient has not only gastric cancer but also
Nanfang Hospital Southern Medical University, GUANGZHOU, several disease. In this particular case, coexistence with cardiovascular diseases has a
China; 2Yonsei University College of Medicine, SEOUL, Korea; major impact on surgical indication and outcome. An assessment of the outcome for
Gifu University, GIFU, Japan gastric cancer patients who underwent laparoscopic gastrectomy coexistent with
cardiovascular diseases was made.
Aims: The application of laparoscopic gastrectomy (LG) with regional lymphade-
Patients and Methods: Between July 2006 and June 2011, 15 patients who underwent
nectomy for advanced gastric cancer (AGC) is still controversial. The purpose of this
gastrectomy for gastric cancer coexistent with cardiovascular disease were studied
study is to clarify whether there are differences in surgical and oncologic outcomes
retrospectively. Gastrectomy was performed by laparoscopic surgery in seven
after LG for the treatment of locally AGC between two high-volume specialized
patients (group A) and ordinary open surgery was made in eight patients (group B).
institutions in China and Korea, attempting to learn how to improve management
In this study, cardiac function (ejection fraction: EF), the stage of gastric cancer,
protocol from each other.
operating methods, postoperative complications, hospital stay and mobility were
Methods: From June 2003 to August 2011, both 248 patients in China (Group C) and
compared between two groups.
189 in Korea (Group K) underwent LG for AGC. The demographic, clinicopatho-
Results: The mean age of patients were similar between two groups. All the patients
logic characteristics, surgical and oncologic outcomes of these patients in the two
were male regardless of operating methods. According to the TNM classification, all
groups were compared.
patients were classified on stage I 5, II 2 in group A, stage I 3, II 2, III 2 and IV 1 in
Results: The mean operation time in the group C was longer than that in the group K
group B respectively. Cardiac function, postoperative complications and postoper-
(221.1 ± 64.0 min vs. 177.8 ± 59.4 min, P \ 0.001), but no significant difference
ative hospital stay were not different between two groups. In regard to operating
was observed in estimated blood loss (125.3 ± 118.9 ml vs. 140.1 ± 186.5 ml, P =
methods, distal and total gastrectomy was performed in 4 patients of the group B
0.407). The mean number of retrieved lymph nodes were 22.4 ± 10.7 in the group C
respectively. In contrast to group A, we underwent distal gastrectomy in all patients.
and 39.9 ± 14.3 in the group K (P \ 0.001). The indicators associated with early
Conclusion: Even though our data were given form retrospective and restricted
recovery such as the time to first flatus, liquid diet, semi-liquid diet, and length of
study, it is unlikely that laparoscopic gastrectomy affects the postoperative state in
hospital stay were significantly shorter in the group K than in the group C, respec-
the patient with cardiovascular disease.
tively (P \0.001 for each). Postoperative complication occurred in 24 Chinese
patients (9.7%) and 24 Korean patients (12.7%) (P = 0.317), without mortality in
both groups. Stratified analyses showed a similar short-term oncologic outcome
according to TNM stage between the two groups.
Conclusions: For experienced surgeons, laparoscopic gastrectomy with regional
lymphadenectomy is a technically feasible procedure with satisfactory short-term
oncologic outcomes for advanced gastric cancer. Postoperative recovery course
could be improved by using enhanced recovery protocol in laparoscopic surgery.
However, longer follow-up results are still needed to draw a solid conclusion in
terms of long-term oncologic security.

S72 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P077 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P079 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


FOR MALIGNANCY: ASSESSMENT OF PERIOPERATIVE I.O. Avram1, M.F. Avram1, D. Koukoulas2, F. Horhat1, F. Cadariu1,
M.J. Kim University of Medicine and Pharmacy, TIMISOARA, Romania;
Samsung Medical Center, Seuol, Korea Emergency Hospital Lugoj, LUGOJ, Romania
Aims: Laparoscopic colectomy for malignancy is currently the standard operative Aims: To evaluate the correlation between the surgeons perception of laparoscopic
technique over open colectomy. Single-incision laparoscopic surgery is an advance in appendectomy, their personal experience and their opinion regarding laparoscopic
minimally invasive operative techniques and is going to be an alternative of the treat- appendectomy.
ment options for colorectal disease, including malignancy. The study aimed to compare Material and methods: We asked 40 surgeons form 4 hospitals to complete a survey
single-incision laparoscopic (SIL) left colectomy with conventional laparoscopy (CL) containing 50 questions related to their surgical experience, their knowledge of literature
in patients with colon cancer especially focused on perioperative outcomes. and their opinion on laparoscopic appendectomy. We analyzed the data in order to identify
patterns or significant correlations between their answers and the type of appendectomy
Methods: Between April 2010 and November 2011, 39 patients who underwent pri-
they usually perform.
mary laparoscopic left colectomy for malignancy at Samsung Medical Center were
Results: Although out of 40 surgeons only 19 (47.5%) were in favor of laparoscopic
recruited to participate in this study. Of these, 18 patients had received SIL colectomy.
appendectomy, only 9 (22.5%) perform it on a regular basis, while 4 (10%) perform it only
Results: There were no significant differences in general characteristics for SIL and in selected cases while the other 6 were unable to perform it due to technical difficulties.
CL left colectomy groups (age, sex, BMI, ASA score, previous abdominal operation We found that significant factors in favor of laparoscopic appendectomy were: surgeons age
and diagnosis). Perioperative complications showed no significant difference (\45 years), surgeons percentage of laparoscopic procedures performed, more than 5
between SIL and CL groups (22.2% and 23.8%, respectively; p = 1.000). Length of articles/studies on laparoscopic appendectomy read in the last 2 years.
hospital stay and time to drink water didn’t reveal any significant differences for both In favor of open appendectomy were the surgeons with a low percentage of surgical
groups. But, flatus came out more faster in CL left colectomy group (3 ± 1 and 2 ± 1 procedures performed laparoscopically, high volume of surgical procedures/month, no
days, respectively: p = 0.027). Mean harvested lymph nodes were 14 ± 6 and 19 ± 8 knowledge of recent medical literature, limited laparoscopical experience.
for SIL and CL left colectomy (p = 0.024). There were no differences in tumor size, Conclusions: Laparoscopic appendectomy is performed mainly by young surgeons with
cell type, stage, proximal and distal resection margins for both groups. extensive experience in laparoscopic surgery. Experienced consultants still prefer to per-
Conclusions: Single-incision laparoscopic left colectomy for cancer is safe and can form classical appendectomy while most surgical residents are clearly in favor of the
provide equivalent perioperative outcome and recovery compared with conventional laparoscopic technique.
laparoscopic left colectomy. More efforts to achieve appropriate oncologic resection
are needed.

P078 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P080 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


Y. Hirasaki, M. Fukunaga, Y. Lee, K. Nagakari, M. Sugano, HOSPITAL
Y. Iida, G. Katsuno, M. Ouchi, Y. Ito I.O. Avram1, D. Koukoulas2, F. Horhat1, F. Cadariu1, M.F. Avram1,
JAPAN/Juntendo Urayasu Hospital, Juntendo University, S. Olariu1
URAYASU, Japan University of Medicine and Pharmacy, TIMISOARA, Romania,
Background: Laparoscopy assisted colectomy (LAC) is a minimally invasive sur- Emergency Hospital Lugoj, LUGOJ, Romania
gical technique that is gaining wider acceptance for the treatment of colon cancer. Introduction: The evolution of laparoscopic surgery in a low-budget hospital is often
However, LAC for transverse colon cancer is technically difficult, so the indication hindered by financial burdens and lack of disposable instruments like pre-formed
for LAC is still controversial. The aim of this study is to assess the feasibility and Roeder loops and staplers. Surgeons often need to use improvised techniques, in
safety of LAC for transverse colon cancer. order to overcome these obstacles. Another problem is that the general anesthesia
Method: Between May 1996 and December 2010, we performed 1290 LAC for which is needed for laparoscopic surgery is 15 times more expensive than the spinal
colorectal cancer. We compared operative and oncologic findings between the two anesthesia used for classical appendectomy.
groups of patients undergoing either LAC for transverse colon cancer (T-LAC group, Aim of the study: We tried to evaluate the duration, conversion rate, outcome and
n = 108) or the other colon cancer (Other LAC group, n = 533). Excluded cases were complication rate and total costs of laparoscopic appendectomy, during and after the
as follows; descending colon cancer cases, stoma created cases, synchronous learning period and to compare the results with a control group of patients where
resection cases of two cancer site or other organ. classical appendectomy was performed.
Result: The patients in both groups were comparable in age, sex, cancer invasion Material and methods: We studied 2 groups of patients having laparoscopic
depth, and cancer stage. In the T-LAC group, there were 57 cases of transverse appendectomy performed by the same operating team: group A (the first 25 cases
colectomy, 24 of extended rt. hemi-colectomy, 19 of rt. hemi-colectomy, 4 of performed laparoscopically) and group B (25 consecutive cases, performed after
extended lt. hemi-colectomy and 4 of lt. hemi-colectomy. Of them, 4 patients were in overcoming the learning curve) were studied. All patients were operated in the same
stage 0, 35 in Stage I, 40 in Stage II and 29 in Stage III. The mean operative time was low-budget hospital which Results were compared between group A and B, but also
longer (215 vs. 184 min) in the T-LAC group than the Other LAC group. The mean with a control group C (25 patients where classical appendectomy was performed).
estimated blood loss was same (109 vs. 90 ml) in both groups. Time to liquid diet We also tried to evaluate the impact of different modifications of the original 3-port
(2.6 vs. 2.2 days), and hospital stay (15 vs. 13 days) were similar in both groups. Hasson technique on the outcomes (use of different ‘home-made’ knot pushers,
Overall Complications were observed in 17 patients (15.8%) in the T-LAC group. intracorporeal knotting).
The 5-year overall and disease-free survival rates for patients with stage II were Results: As expected there was a significant difference in the duration of surgery
93.3% and 91.3% in the T-LAC group and 96.1% and 91.8% in the Other-LAC between the study groups; the time difference however was not significant if we
group, respectively. The 5-year overall and disease-free survival rates for patients compare only the last 5 cases from group A where we used intracorporeal knotting.
with stage III disease were 80.2% and 82.1% in the T-LAC group and 84.3% and Rate of complicated appendicitis was significantly higher in group B and the control
84.2% in the Other-LAC group, respectively. No significant differences were found group compared to group B, with similar complication and conversion rates. Post-
in terms of overall survival, disease-free survival between the two groups. operative complications were more frequent in group C.
Conclusion: LAC is a safe, oncologically feasible and acceptable procedure for the Conclusions: ‘Home-made’ knot pushers increase significantly the duration of lap-
treatment of transverse colon cancer. aroscopic appendectomy. Intracorporeal knotting seems to be the best option in order
to obtain good results without increasing the costs of appendectomy, allowing us to
reduce the duration of the surgical procedure and the complications rate, while the
increased cost of general anesthesia is compensated by the shorter hospital stay and
the recede need for medication as compared to classic surgery.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S73

P081 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P083 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


V.I. Bondarev, A.L. Chybisov, S.S. Selivanov National Medical University, ODESSA, Ukraine
State Medical University, LUGANSK, Ukraine Aims: To determine the clinical efficacy of the pain syndrome expression liquidation or
Aims: To outline the indications for early laparoscopic interventions use in patients minimization in patients after the laparoscopic adhesiolysis (LAL). The background of the
with conservatively resolved adhesive intestinal impassability. work is that secondary adhesion-dependent abdominal pain is a common complaint of the
patients but in the majority of the cases surgeons do not perform any surgical interventions
Methods: 14 patients were included into main group at whom the intestinal
until the patient won’t suffer from an intestinal obstruction.
impassability clinical signs were resolved conservatively. These patients after the
Methods: 17 patients underwent LAL interventions last year. All patients were examined
complete diagnostics were operated laparoscopically. The following events were
clinically. We used the following indications for the LAL: open surgical interventions on
evaluated as the reasons of intestinal impassability: a) postoperative intestinal the abdominal and pelvic organs in the anamnesis, episodes of intestinal obstructions, acute
junctions with an uterus as the result of gynecologic interventions (n = 4), b) local pain during physical work and emotional stress as well as failure in conservative treatment.
junction in right abdominal area with an involvement of small intestine’ loops, We evaluated the expression of the pain syndrome using the visual analog scale of pain that
caecum, parietal peritoneum, single gut adhesions in the form of ‘double-barreled represents a 100 mm-long horizontal line, which may contain word descriptors at each end.
gun’ [in patients with appendectomy in anamnesis] (n = 7), c) small intestine’ loops, The back side of the line shows the point expressions of the pain on which patients
large intestine and epiploon deformations by plural adhesions [in patients with a indicated according to its subjective feeling. The time of pain syndrome determination was
median laparotomy in anamnesis] (n = 3). The first incision (trocar) place has been 1, 7 days postoperative period in-department, 3 and 6 month’s during out-department time.
defined according to ultrasonic investigations data. Laparoscopic adhesiolysis was Results: There were no episodes of intestinal obstruction, pain reoccurrence and no
performed using monocoagulative method with the help of bipolar clip. repeated surgical interventions in patients who were operated using LAL. The
Results: There were no complications during the operations and during the post- average expression of the pain syndrome in the patients with adhesions was equal to
operative period. Conversions were performed in 3 patients because of the intensive 6.7 (range from 5 to 8 points). 1 day after the LAL this index was insignificantly less
adhesions – these patients had median laparotomy in anamnesis. Early laparoscopic 5.6 (range from 4 to 6 points, P \ 0.05). on the 7th days of the postoperative period
interventions in patients with conservatively resolved adhesive intestinal impass- the investigated data was equal to 2.1 (range from 1 to 4 points) that was signifi-
ability should be performed in the presence of local adhesive process with a cantly less compared to the initial data of the pain syndrome subjective expression (P
postoperative hem of a parietal peritoneum, individual junctions of a gut as ‘double- \ 0.05). The forthcoming evaluation of the pain syndrome showed averagely 0.6
barreled gun’ as well as anamnesis data about acute adhesive intestinal impass- (range 0 to 2 points) 6 month’ s after the LAL.
ability. The intensive adhesions and intestinal loops conglomerates are considered to Conclusions: The lysis of adhesions during LAL results in adhesion-related pain subjective
be a contraindication to laparoscopic adhesiolysis. expression. Additionally to clinical manifestation of the primary disease laparascopic ad-
Conclusions: One could assume that it’s impossible to eliminate conservatively the hesiolysis significantly improves patients’ clinical condition and their quality of life.
adhesive intestinal impassability morphological background. Thus, the patients that
were conservatively treated because of the adhesive intestinal impassability should
be admitted to laparoscopic adhesiolysis with the aim of its relapse prevention.

P082 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P084 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation


V.Ye. Vansovich, D.N. Osadchiy J.Y. Jeon, I.G. Kim
National Medical University, ODESSA, Ukraine Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, ANYANG, Korea
Aims: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of the ventral hernias laparoscopic treatment The purpose of this study is to analyze the treatment strategies of patients with
using the polypropylene/ePTFE composite mesh with a novel internal nitinol ring. endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)-related perforations. This
Methods: 11 patients who underwent ventral hernia repair with a PTFE composite is a retrospective study.We experienced 13 perforations associated with ERCP. We
self-expanding mesh with nitinol between June 2011 and December 2011 were reviewed the medical records and classified ERCP-related perforations according to
compared with 17 consecutive patients who underwent the same procedure with a mechanism of injury in terms of perforating device. Injury by endoscopic tip or
‘Proseed’ mesh during the same time interval. Using a 3- or 2-trocar technique, the insertion tube was classified as type I, injury by cannulation catheter or sphincter-
polypropylene meshes were underlayed by 3 to 5 cm beyond the edges of the hernia otomy knife as type II, and injury by guidewire as type III. Of four type I injuries,
defect and fixed to the abdominal wall with 2 rows of titanium staples. The standard Type I injuries require immediate surgical management after EPCP or immediate
technique was the sublay mesh-plasty with the retromuscular positioning of the endoscopic closure during ERCP whenever possible. Type II injuries require surgical
mesh. The two groups were equal in BMI, age, gender and hernia size. Patients were or conservative treatment according to intra- and retro-peritoneal dirty fluid col-
routinely seen back in the surgical department. lection findings following radiologic evaluation. Type III injuries almost always
Results: There were no cases of complications among the majority of patients with improve after conservative treatment with endoscopic nasobiliary case
ventral hernias who were laparoscopically treated using both types of polypropylene was managed by conservative management after primary closure with a hemoclip
meshes. Only patients with ‘Proseed’ meshes had wound infection (n = 1), transient during ERCP. The other three patients underwent surgical treatments such as pri-
partial small bowel obstruction which resolved without operative management (n = mary closure or pancreatico-duodenectomy. Of five type II injuries, two patients
1) and seroma (n = 1). There were no conversions to an open procedure. It was underwent conservative management and the other three cases were managed by
observed the significantly shorter duration of the surgical intervention in case of self- surgical treatment such as duodenojejunostomy, duodenal diverticulization and
expanded PTFE composite mesh using with an internal nitinol ring (operative time pancreatico-duodenectomy. Of four type III injuries, three patients were managed
was 48 min, range from 34 to 68 min) compared with the same time of operation conservatively and the remaining patient was managed by T-tube choledochostomy.
with ‘Proseed’ mesh using (operative time was 69 min, range from 43 to 101 min).
We used 2-trocar technique in all 11 patients with ventral hernias in case of self-
expanded PTFE mesh with nitinol using with the subsequent minimization of the
operative time, insufflated carboxyperitoneum amount and its possible negative
influence on the organism. We used 3-trocar technique in 15 out of 17 patients with
ventral hernias while using ‘Proseed’ mesh. 1 patient who was operated using
‘Proseed’ mesh had hernia recurrence.
Conclusions: The data obtained show comparatively safe, long effective and more
clinically efficacious the laparoscopic surgical intervention with self-expanded PTFE
mesh with nitinol.

S74 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P085 – Clinical Practice and Evaluation P087 – Day Surgery

GASTRECTOMY Public Health Services Municipal Authority City Clinical Hospital
J.Y. An, Y.M. Kim, J.H. Cheong, W.J. Hyung, S.H. Noh 20 of a name, KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 2Krasnoyarsk State Medical
Yonsei University College of Medicine, SEOUL, Korea University of a name of professor V.F.Vojno-Jasenetsky,
Backgrounds: Roux-en-Y reconstruction in laparoscopic distal gastrectomy is a more
KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 31st MSMU After I.M. Sechenov,
complicated procedure than B-I or B-II reconstruction regardless of its benefits. MOSCOW, Russia
Methods: We performed totally intracorporeal laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with Inputting of new technologies into the pediatric practice leads to the considerable
Roux-en-Y reconstruction in 12 patients. All anastomotic procedures were per- improvements of children’s anomaly development of cholecyst and bile-excreting ducts
formed using linear staplers. The clinicopathological and surgical outcomes were diagnosis. However the problems of early diagnosis and treatment on time are actual things
evaluated. nowadays because it is depend on the surgical treatment of these diseases results.
Results: In all patients, totally laparoscopic intracorporeal Roux-en-Y gastrectomy Aim: formation of the condition for unimpeded flux of bile into the bowels, decrease biliary
using linear staplers were performed without any complications. The mean operation and pancreatic hypertension, liquidation of inflammation process and prevention of
time was 212.1 min and the mean anastomotic time was 23.0 min. The mean time to malignant transformation of modified ducts.
the first flatus was 3 days, and diet was started on postoperative day 3 or 4. All Materials and methods: indication for operation of external drainage was defined among
patients tolerated soft diet without any discomfort and the mean hospital stay was 8.1 17th children with the mechanical jaundice and hepatic deficiency also with the sponta-
days. There was no postoperative complication. neous perforation of choledoch cyst with gall peritonitis among 8th patients. This
Conclusion: Totally intracorporeal Roux-en-Y reconstruction using linear staplers is complication we observed among 3th newborns, 4th 3–4 months old babies and 1th child
a simple, fast, and safe procedure. three years old. Long lasting mechanical jaundice which is non-capable to conservative
therapy and significant disorder of coagulant system was observed among 4th 3–4 months
old babies and 4th 1.5–5 years old children. Radical cure for these patients was counter-
indicative because of their grave condition. External drainage of the bile-excreting ducts
was made on the first stage of the treatment. For the adequate support of bile outflow a
cholecystectomy was formed or if there was coarse deformation of isthmus-ductal area of
the gall bladder and with abnormality of the patency the dilated duct was drained. The drain
tube with the diameter not smaller 4–5 mm was outputted on the skin through the additional
puncture and fixed.
Conclusion: We have found out that the operation of external drainage it the compulsory
measure for the handle of critical situation. It is important that after external drainage on the
background of giant bile loss especially among newborns and infants the symptoms of
major abnormality of acidic-basic and electrolytic balances were appeared. For the cor-
rection of these problems the substitute systemic therapy besides the bile is given through
the stoma is inputting through gastric tube.

P086 – Day Surgery P088 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


G. Simutis, V. Beiša, K. Strupas CHOLECYSTECTOMY
Vilnius university Medical faculty, VILNIUS, Lithuania O.B. Ospanov, R.E. Khassenov
Aim: Accurate preoperative prediction of choledocholithiasis before laparoscopic National Researsh Medical Center, ASTANA, Kazakhstan
cholecystectomy (LC) is important in order to choose optimal treatment strategy and Aim: To compare length of the wound and used the resulting postoperative scar for
reduce patient management risk and cost. The aim of our study was to revaluate our the standard and single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
original predictive score of choledocholithiasis (PSC) based on two preoperative risk Methods: In our study from January 2010 to November 2011 included 60 patients
factors and modify assessment degree of probability for choledocholithiasis. who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The criterion for inclusion was
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed every LC and the related endoscopic retro- cholelithiasis. The criterion for exclusion was conversion of laparoscopic surgery in
grade cholangiography (ERC) or intraoperative biliary investigations performed in the open surgery.
our center between January 2007 and December 2009. A strategy to assign risk of All patients were randomly assigned into two groups. The first group were included
choledocholithiasis was based on value of PSC (PSC = A/30 + B 9 0.4; A – total 30 patients who had laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed transumbilical
bilirubin (lmol/l) and B – common bile duct (CBD) diameter (mm) on ultrasound). from a single access device using X-CONE. The second group included 30 patients
Patients at high probability of choledocholithiasis (PSC = 4.7) typically preoperative who had a standard multi port laparoscopic cholecystectomy with four trocars. Mean
ERC was undertaken, in patients who have a low probability of choledocholithiasis age groups were the following: in the first group 42.6 ± 12.0 years in the second –
(PSC \ 4.7) – intraoperative cholangiography. 45.0 ± 13.1 year. Both group did not differ in mean values of sex and body mass
Results: A total of 309 patients undergoing LC were investigated for choledocho- index. Measuring the length of the wounds was performed using a flexible metric
lithiasis during study period. CBD stones were detected in 156 patients with PSC = device at the end of the operation after the skin sutures. The length of the scar was
4.7 and in 27 patients with PSC \ 4.7. The sensitivity and specificity of PSC were measured at 1 month after surgery. Results for all patients were compared using the
0.85 and 0.53 respectively and accuracy 72.12%. PPV was 0.73, while the NPV was Student’s t-test.
0.71. Results: The average length of the cut in the first group was 23.7 ± 3.5 mm vs.
Patient distribution in rank order according to predicted probability of choledo- 47.4.1 ± 5.0 mm in the second group. These differences were statistically significant
cholithiasis and value of PSC in diagram form delineated graph and graph equation (P \ 0.001). If add up all diameters two 10 mm and two 5 mm trocars for second
was estimated. Likelihood of intermediate probability of choledocholithiasis group, should have been enough for the total cut of 30 mm. But in practice it turned
expected in patients with PSC value 3.2 – 5.2 was calculated using graph equation. out that the trocars cuts for longer involuntarily obtained in 1–2 mm, and for par-
Investigation of these patients with more reliable and noninvasive procedures for umbilical access because of its use for removal of the gall bladder out section
detecting or excluding CBD stones can enhance prognostic efficiency of PSC: reaches values of 12 to 21 mm.
sensitivity 97.8, specificity 59.5 and accuracy 82.2%. One month after surgery the shortest length of postoperative scar was in the first group:
Conclusions: The application of modified PSC likely allow the development of more 21.07 ± 4.2 mm vs. 45.07 ± 4.9 mm – the total length of the second group (P\0.001).
effective preoperative strategies for patients undergoing LC. PSC will demonstrate Conclusion: After using single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy total length of the
an ability to predict choledocholithaisis with a sensitivity of 97.8%. wound and postoperative scar significantly less than after using a standard multi port
laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S75

P089 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P091 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


COLECTOMY E. Tarcoveanu, A. Vasilescu, R. Moldovanu, C. Lupascu, G. Dimofte,
T. Takagi, Y Nakase, K Fukumoto, T. Miyagaki C. Bradea, D. Ferariu
Nishijin Hospital, KYOTO, Japan University of Medicine, St. Spiridon Hospital, IASI, Romania
We previously developed and reported an effective access port (EZ Access: Hakko, Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) represent the most common non-epithelial
Japan) for single-incision laparoscopic surgery for the removal of smaller organs tumour of the digestive tract. Laparoscopic approach may be considered ideal for the
such as the gallbladder or appendix. In this paper, we report the development of an resection of these tumours. Their particular biological behaviour allows for a cura-
access device which is optimal both technically and oncologically for conducting tive resection even without large resection margins and extensive
reduced port surgery including single-incision laparoscopic surgery for gastrointes- lymphadenectomies.
tinal tract malignancies, as well as evaluate our short-term experience of single- Method: Over a period of five years, nine patients benefited from laparoscopic
incision laparoscopic colectomy (SILC) and Plus one port SILC involving 14 resections (seven patients with primary gastric GIST and two patients with small
patients using this device. bowel GIST). Pathological features were analyzed including tumour size, surgical
Device and methods: The multi-channel port consists of the following components: a margin status, immunohistochemical staining profile, and tumour mitotic index. All
silicone rubber protector which protects the edges of the incision, a 107-mm cases were confirmed GISTs by immunohistochemical staining.
diameter disk-shaped device to cover the protector, and trocars to insert through the Results: The mean age of the patients was 62.4 years (range 48–71 years). Of these
disk-shaped device which can be used for conventional laparoscopic surgery. The patients, five initially presented to hospital with acute gastrointestinal haemorrhage
disk-shaped device is made of silicone rubber, which allows easy insertion using any (four cases) or occult bleeding (one case). Gastric or small bowel tumours were
number of trocars at any desired location, facilitating a multi-channel approach for identified during subsequent investigation. A presumptive diagnosis of gastric GIST
not only single-incision laparoscopic surgery but also reduced port surgery. was made in gastric lesions based on endoscopic, ultrasonic, and CT scan charac-
We conducted SILC and Plus one port SILC involving 14 patients with colon cancer teristics. Small bowel tumours were identified and presumed to be GIST based on
using this device to compare with standard laparoscopic colectomy, which requires a information gathered from video capsule endoscopy, enteroscopy and CT scan.
subumbilical incision and another 4–5 small incisions to allow the insertion of Complete resection was obtained with laparoscopic approach in seven cases, while in
operating ports, in respect of the duration of surgery, blood loss, intra- and post- two cases resection was laparoscopically assisted, with added oncology safety
operative complications, and cost-effectiveness. margins as preoperative definitive diagnosis was not available. Tumours varied in
Results: Comparing with conventional laparoscopic colectomy, the duration of dimension from 2.5 cm to 9 cm and their malignant risk score using Fletcher criteria
surgery was slightly longer for SILC, whereas it showed almost no difference for was low in three cases, intermediate in three cases and high in two cases. Mean
Plus one port SILC. The blood loss was similar among all three procedures. No intra- postoperative stay was 3.8 days and there were no morbidity and not postoperative
and post-operative complications, additional trocars, or shift to open surgery were mortality. After a mean follow-up of 38.5 months (range 5 to 77 months) all patients
observed. This device is made of silicone rubber and requires less trocars than are symptom free and free of recurrent disease.
conventional laparoscopic surgery, resulting in cost-effectiveness. Conclusions: A selective approach to laparoscopic resection of gastro-intestinal
Conclusion: This device is considered effective for conducting SILC and Plus one GISTs allows safe resections and very good results, on the condition that a clear
port SILC. diagnosis of GIST has been established on preoperative assessment. The laparo-
scopic feasible and safe considering the biological particularities of GIST, and it
carries no additional risks.

P090 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P092 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


H. Ohara H. Katoh, S. Kouichirou, H. Chikashi, U. Tsuneyuki, W. Toru,
Fujieda Memorial Hospital, FUJIEDA, Japan H. Osamu
Introduction: In our institution, a gastrointestinal surgeon perform endoscopic sub-
Yokohama Sakae Kyousai Hospital, YOKOHAMA-CITY, Japan
mucosal dissection (ESD). Since 2004, with the application of the laparoscopic Transanal excisions of rectal tumors can be performed by open direct excision,
surgery technique, we have performed 120 cases of ESD with good results. This transanal endoscopic surgery, or transanal minimally invasive surgery.
method, including the selection of devices, will be discussed. Many devices for laparoscopic abdominal surgery have recently been developed;
Methods and Procedures: These 120 cases are as follows: 4 esophageal carcinoma, 1 single incision laparoscopic surgery port (SILSTMport, Covidien, Mansfield, MA) is
esophageal SMT, 30 gastric adenocarcinoma, 24 gastric adenoma (called ATP), 3 one such device. We report a case of a 69-year-old man with a lower rectal tumor
gastric SMT, 1 gastric carcinoid, 15 colon adenocarcinoma, 28 colon adenoma excised by transanal endoscopic surgery with the SILSTMport.
(called LST), 6 rectal carcinoid, and 8 other diseases. In the early period, we used The tumor was a polyp of the Is type and measured 3 cm in diameter. The tumor was
only an endoscopic Hook knife, which is smaller than a laparoscopic hook knife in located above the second Houston’s valve (sited on Ra/b) and 10 cm from the anal
LC but similar shape. By using this Hook knife, we could perform ESD under the verge.
direct vision. As gaining our experience, we were able to recognize the submucosal The patient was preoperatively diagnosed with a semicircular adenoma on the left
vessel anatomy, we used IT knife2, too. Recently, we used SB knife (similar shape to side of the rectum. The patient is positioned in the operating room depending on the
laparoscopic LCS), as a result we were able to safely perform ESD on the patient anatomic location of the tumor. Therefore, we placed the patient in the prone jack-
with large intestine diseases. knife position and administered general anesthesia. SILSTMport was gently intro-
Results: There were 7 perforation cases, four of which had to undergo open surgery duced into the anal canal, and the breached skin was sewn up. CO2 gas was
(Postoperative course were uneventful). However, there were no bleeding cases. The insufflated into the bowel canal at 5–10 mmH2O.
average treatment time of the first third (40 cases), the middle third (40 cases), the We lifted the tumor using a submucosal saline solution injection, and initiated
latter third (40 cases) were 102.1 min, 78.0 min, 73.5 min, respectively. The curative transanal excision from the same side by LCS. After the tumor excision procedure
resection rate of those were 77.5%, 84.2%, 97.5%, respectively. Furthermore, in the proceeded to 5–10 mm, the tumor was excised using Endo GIA stapler (30 mm,
latter third, we have no perforation cases. The technical progression was validated. white).
Conclusion: Not only the laparoscopic surgery skill but also new devices such as SB The patient was discharged from our hospital at postoperative day 5 without any
knife (same to the device of LCS in laparoscopic surgery) have attributed to our ESD complications. Pathological findings indicated the presence of a carcinoma within
good results. the adenoma with margins free from the carcinoma. Thus, transanal tumor resection
with SILSTMport is an effective procedure that can be easily performed. We suggest
that it can be useful for transanal endoscopic resection.

S76 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P093 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P095 – Different Endoscopic Approaches

A.B.S. de Gheldere, P.W.M. Vanclooster, J. Fierens A. Rebecca, S. Gnagi, J. Lackey, W. Casey
Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis, LIER, Belgium Mayo Clinic, PHOENIX, United States of America
Single-port laparoscopic surgery is on the rise. So far however, the only proven Aim: To evaluate the use of minimally invasive tensor fascia lata (TFL) harvest for
advantage of single-port surgery is superior esthetic results. The major drawbacks use in suspension procedures. Many uses are noted including but not limited to
are reduced ergonomy and extra costs, the latter probably limiting it’s implemen- urethroplasty, static suspension in facial paralysis, parastomal hernia repair pub-
tation in a lot of centers. ovaginal slings, dural patch repair and tendon repairs. Our patient suffered from oral
We propose an approach for lap. CCE offering an esthetic result comparable to incompetence secondary to scleroderma and had failed other modes of treatment. We
single-port Lap CCE using regular instruments. proposed a minimally invasive fascial harvest for static facial sling.
Key points in the technique are highlighted: Method: Tensor fascia lata harvest from the leg was achieved under direct visuali-
zation utilizing the vasoview hemopro endoscopic harvesting system (Maquet). The
– the optimal use of the natural umbilical scar offering access to two trocars. entire length of the tendon was easily visualized, mobilized and accessed through
– strategic placement of the ancillary trocars in either existing skin creases, two incisions 1 cm and 3 cm in length. A tendon graft 2 cm wide by 32 cm long was
existing scars or in a suprapubic position. obtained without difficulty and used for a static facial sling. Result: The patient
– the use of traction stitches on the gallbladder fundus to retract the gallbladder if achieved excellent oral competence with the TFL sling. There were no notable
needed without extra scar. complications or complaints of pain at the donor site.
– The eventual use of a Verres needle as liver retractor if needed. Conclusion: Endoscopic harvest of tensor fascia lata results in a better overall result
due to limited incisions, decreased pain and complication at the donor site and direct
– The use of long instruments to cope with the suboptimal ergonomics of this
visualization of the tissue to be harvested. The length and width of the TFL graft is
easily altered to fit the need of the patient and surgeon. This technique is easily
Since july 2009, all lap CCE deemed feasible by this approach were performed by adapted to multiple surgical specialties.
the first author this way. In the initial experience, less than 50 % of the lap CCE were
performed this way (31/79 in 2010), while nearly all lap CCE are started this way
nowadays. Conversion threshold however is low, namely in case of obesity, unclear
anatomy, dense adhesions or less than optimal exposure. Approach and technique are
highlighted by numerous pictures and video fragments. We believe that this
approach can emulate the esthetic results achieved by single-port lap CCE with
comparable or better ergonomics and a cost not exceeding ‘classic’ lap CCE.

P094 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P096 – Different Endoscopic Approaches

M. Ishizaki, H. Sato, H. Torigoe, H. Kawai, S. Kinoshita, N. Waki, N. Ladwa, M. Sajid, M.K. Baig, P. Sains
H. Nishi, M. Mano Worthing Hospital, WORTHING, United Kingdom
Okayama Rosai Hospital, OKAYAMA CITY, Japan
Objective: The objective of this article is to systematically review the published
Aims: We developed a new thoracoscopic approach to the thoracic cavity when literature on the role of diagnostic laparoscopy through the deep inguinal ring during
abdominal open operation is done simultaneously. This approach enables to make inguinal hernia repair.
the postoperative thoracic pain minimum, so it is very attractive for the patients who Methods: Standard electronic databases were searched reporting articles on the role
have thoracic and abdominal disease simultaneously. of diagnostic laparoscopy through the deep inguinal ring during inguinal hernia
Methods: 54-year-old gentleman came to our division for double gastric cancers. repair. We included all types of published studies in any language and on patients of
Then he was found to have a giant bulla in the right upper lobe. He was scheduled for any age and gender.
open total gastrectomy, and we decided to resect the bulla in the right upper lobe Results: Twenty-eight articles on 5834 patients undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy
simultaneously through right diaphragm. Only one port for the thoracoscopy was through the deep inguinal ring during inguinal hernia repair were retrieved from the
added through the intercostal space on the lateral thoracic wall, and other manipu- electronic databases. There was one randomized, controlled trial, 5 case reports and
lation was made through right diaphragm. This is so called ‘transdiaphragmatic 24 case series. Seven articles were reported to assess the bowel viability following
approach’. First we resected bulla in the right upper lobe, and then we resected his spontaneous reduction of strangulated hernia in adults. Overall, the laparoscopy
stomach totally with lymphnodes dissection. Post-operative course was very smooth group had a reduced operative time, reduced length of hospital stay, lower com-
with little pain in the thoracic wall, and discharged on the 12th day after surgery. plication rates and earlier return to normal activities.
Conclusion: Transdiaphragmatic approach is a new and attractive method for the Twenty-one articles were reported to assess the contralateral deep ring in paediatric
patients who have abdominal and thoracic disease simultaneously. patients. Laparoscopy success rate was reported in more than 95 % patients. Con-
tralateral patent processus vaginalis indicative of inguinal hernia was found in more
than 48 % children undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy through deep inguinal ring.
There was no major morbidity reported in any group.
Conclusion: Diagnostic laparoscopy through the deep inguinal ring during inguinal
hernia repair may be performed safely when indicated. Routine use of deep ring
laparoscopy is an established practice in children. There is still insufficient evidence
to recommend the routine use in adults. A major randomized, controlled trial is
required to validate these findings.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S77

P097 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P099 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


W.L. Petz1, M. Montorsi2, E. Opocher3, L. Casali1, S. Bona2, Institute of General and Emergency Surgery, KHARKOV, Ukraine
A. Pisani Ceretti3, P.P. Bianchi1 Introduction: When surgical treatment of liver and extrahepatic biliary tract most
European Institute of Oncology, MILANO, Italy; 2Istituto Clinico difficult may be recognized by those who are accompanied by persistent obstruction
Humanitas. School of Medicine. University of Milan, MILANO, of main bile duct, followed by the development of mechanical jaundice (MJ).
Italy; 3Ospedale San Paolo. School of Medicine. University of Milan, Problems of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of bile duct obturation reasons not
MILANO, Italy lost their relevance at this time.
Materials and methods: Analyzed 215 patients with treatment blastomatic MJ aged 43
Background: The technique of minimally-invasive right colectomy is not still defined as the to 91 years in the last 7 years. Of these, 119 men and 96 women (1:1.2).
role of intra corporeal (IA) or extra corporeal (EA) anastomosis. Aim of this retrospective Neoplastic nature of the disease was caused by cancer head of pancreas (pancreas), a
study is to evaluate oncological safety and short term clinical outcomes of two groups of large duodenal papilla, gall bladder, common bile duct, porta hepatis and metastases in
patients who underwent minimally invasive (laparoscopic or robotic) right colectomy for liver cancer.
cancer with IA and EA.
Results and discussion: Acute jaundice was observed in 93 (43.3%), jaundice, which
Methods: From March 2001 to December 2011, 228 patients underwent minimally-invasive
was delayed in 59 (27.4%), chronic – in 63 (29.3%) patients. The average level of total
right colectomy for adenocarcinoma in three different Hospitals, 111 with IA (11 robotic)
bilirubin was 237.7 ± 136.2 mmol/l (from 88 to 523).
and 117 with EA (2 robotic). The data were retrospectively analyzed from a prospective
data base. The accumulated experience in treating patients with MJ allowed us to develop and
Results: Patients in the two groups were comparable in terms of mean age (66 ± 13 years in implement a new algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of this pathology, which
IA group, 69 ± 11 EA group) and mean body mass index (26 ± 4 and 25 ± 3 kg/m2 includes, in addition to standard clinical and laboratory study of the above methods of
respectively). Mean surgical time was 243 ± 57 minutes in IA and 202 ± 62 minutes in EA instrumental studies, most of which if necessary can be converted from diagnostic
group (p: 0.0001), blood losses were negligible in both groups. Length of laparotomy was medical procedures.
4.5 cm in IA and 6.3 cm in EA group (p: 0.001), first bowel movements were observed after Conclusions: Minimally invasive endoscopic through the skin through the liver and
2 ± 1 days in IA and after 3 ± 1 days in EA (p:0.0014), mean hospital stay was 7 ± 6 days laparotomic (mini access) relief interventions are an effective way to restore the
in IA and 9 ± 6 days in EA group (p: 0.06). Mean number of harvested lymph nodes per outflow of bile with obstruction of biliary system against cancer. These techniques
patient was 25 ± 9 in IA and 22 ± 10 in EA group (p: 0.01). In all the patients, resection allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate the MJ and cholangitis, make it
margins were negative. Overall major complications rate was 7% in both groups, incisional possible to perform surgery in the most favorable conditions, especially in chronic
hernias occurred in 2% of the patients in both groups and infection of minilaparotomy in jaundice in a planned manner and in elderly patients and with severe co-morbidities
3% of the patients in IA and 6% of the patients in EA. Small bowel obstruction verified in can be an alternative to surgical treatment.
2% of the patients in IA and in 3% of the patients in EA. In acute jaundice and compensated the patient can perform radical surgery without
Conclusions: Intracorporeal anastomosis in robotic or laparoscopic right colectomy seems
prior decompression of biliary tract.
to produce better results than the extracorporeal technique. The robotic assistance, facili-
tating fine surgical gesture as intracorporeal suturing, may contribute to expand the use
of IA.

P098 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P100 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


R. Torres Peña, J. Barreras González, J. Ruiz Torres, O. Campillo V. Syrovatka, J. Rohac, P. Vozeh
Dono, J.B. Olivé González Hospital Melnik, Melnicka zdravotni a.s., MELNIK, Czech Republic
Centro Nacional de Cirugı́a de Mı́nimo Acceso, HAVANA, Cuba
Background: In the past decade there seems to be nothing more exciting in surgery
Aims: Several techniques of Laparo-endoscopic Single Site (LESS) surgery have been than NOTES. An innovating philosophy offering a promise of less pain, no visible
described. This paper shows the preliminary results of a clinical trial (phase I) based on a scars, reduction of hernia risk and wound infection. But is it worth the effort when
new modality of LESS surgery using new designed instruments. The study was aimed at we have laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC)? We tried to find out.
determining the technical feasibility and safety of the proposed procedures. Methods: Hybrid transumbilical 5 mm laparoscopic access and posterior colpotomy
Methods: For this study, conducted from January 2010 to December 2011, several proto- is used. Laparoscopic port inserted through umbilical scar is used for a 5 mm camera,
types of improved laparoscopic instruments were devised. The procedures were based on dissector, coagulation hook, clip applier and to monitor intraabdominal pressure.
the use of one working channel laparoscope in order to avoid the conflict between the Transvaginal access is used for an endoscope and grasper. Cholecystectomy is
surgeon and the assistant; and the use of a retraction system (TORCAM device) based on carried out in a conventional laparoscopic manner and gallbladder is extracted
1.2-mm wires specially designed in order to achieve enough triangulation for a safe dis-
through posterior colpotomy. Entire procedure is carefully monitored from its
section. The proposed LESS-techniques, including cholecystectomies, hysterectomies and
beginning to the end in turns by a five millimeter laparoscopic camera and an
hepatic cyst fenestrations were performed by two surgeons. Surgical outcomes were pro-
spectively recorded.
endoscope. Colpotomy is closed from vagina using absorbable suture.
Results: Forty-five LESS procedures including cholecystectomies (27), hysterectomies (16) Results: Forty patients with symptomatic gallstone disease or polyps were op-erated on
and hepatic cyst fenestration (2) were performed in 42 selected patients. LESS-cholecys- by hybrid transvaginal NOTES cholecystectomy. Mean age was 44.8 years. Mean BMI
tectomy was evaluated in 27 cases of non-complicated symptomatic gallbladder diseases. was 27.6. Mean operation time was 58 minutes. All patients were discharged on second
The mean age was 36 years (range, 17–57) and the sample included 23 women. The mean post op day the latest. Pain control was achieved usually by a single dose of a non-
BMI was 24.4 (range, 21.9 to 27.5); the mean operative time was 62 minutes (range, opioid analgesic. There was one conversion to a laparoscopy due to cholecystitis. We
41–80). LESS-hysterectomy was proposed in 16 benign uterus diseases. The mean age was had no complications due to the vagina access, neither to the cholecystectomy itself.
47 years (range, 35–76); mean weight of uterus was 230 g (range, 138–300); intraoperative Conclusion: Hybrid transvaginal NOTES cholecystectomy can be successfully per-
bleeding was 75 ml (range, 20–400). The mean operative time was 115 minutes (range, formed with common instruments and in a traditional laparoscopic way. It is a
75–160). All LESS procedures were successfully performed. No conversion to open surgery feasible, safe and repeatable procedure, so far without any intra or postoperative
or additional trocars were necessary. Two minor complications were reported: a disruption complications in our group.
of the gallbladder during the umbilical extraction with no consequences on the follow-up; It brings great benefits as short hospitalization, minimal pain, fast recovery and early
and a vaginal vault abscess. The cosmetic result was considered optimal in all patients at return to a normal way of life. We also cannot forget the excellent cosmetic result, an
one month. aspect that may be of great importance to a certain part of our patients. We are
Conclusions: In light of the advantages related to the quality of triangulation and ergonomic
confident that hybrid transvaginal NOTES cholecystectomy is as safe as standard LC
conflict, among others, the proposed LESS procedures are recommended as innovative
but it adds benefits, which LC cannot provide. Hybrid transvaginal NOTES chole-
techniques that have proven feasible and safe in selected patients. Nevertheless further
randomized clinical trial (phase II) is needed.
cystectomy may certainly be a matter of choice for a certain part of patients
otherwise requiring laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

S78 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P101 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P103 – Different Endoscopic Approaches

L. Haverkamp, J.P. Ruurda, P.C. van der Sluis, R. van Hillegersberg A.R. Stoian1, M. Popescu2, V. Strambu3, E.V. Radu1, G.A. Manea1,
UMC Utrecht, UTRECHT, The Netherlands M.A. Sandu1, V.T. Grigorean1
Aims: To compare laparoscopic total gastrectomy (LTG) with open total gastrectomy
‘‘Bagdasar-Arseni’’Emergency Hospital, BUCHAREST, Romania;
(OTG) with respect to morbidity, mortality, oncologic outcome, and functional recovery. District Emergency Hospital, PITESTI, Romania; 3Clinical
Methods: From 2000 until 2012 a total of 49 consecutive patients with gastric cancer Nephrolody Hospital ‘‘Carol Davila’’, BUCHAREST, Romania
underwent LTG or OTG at the University Medical Center Utrecht. A retrospective
database was constructed and analyzed with the use of SPSS in an intention to treat Introduction: Sometimes gallbladder stones may induce in a patient different
model. Data are presented in medians with range between brackets. symptoms which may vary from classical clinical symptoms to atypical presenta-
Results: A total of 27 (55%) patients underwent OTG, compared with 22 (45%) patients tions – such as those in biliary ileus (gallstone ileus).
who received LTG. Conversion from LTG to OTG occurred in 8 (36%) patients. Reasons Aims: A 50 years old male, known with appendectomy, presented in our clinic with
for conversion were tumor ingrowths in surrounding structures (6 patients), arterial bleeding right upper abdominal and right lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, anorexia
(1 patient), and venous bleeding (1 patient). The median duration of OTG was 240 (225) and the absence of intestinal transit for gas symptoms that appeared for about 72
minutes, whereas the duration of LTG was 303 (273) minutes (p = 0.01). Blood loss for hours before admission. The abdominal US revealed a very large gallbladder, with
OTG was 613 (2900), compared with 250 (2670) for LTG (p = 0.01). In the OTG group 2 thick walls, containing multiple stones of app 0.8–1.2 cm and distended small bowel
(7%) patients died during hospital stay, compared with 0 (0%) patients in the LTG group (p loops in the upper and lower right abdomen. The plain abdominal X-ray showed
= 0.18). Complications were comparable between both groups, except for sepsis and ate- multiple hidro-aeric levels and important intestinal distension. Blood works revealed
lectasis. In the OTG group 9 (33%) patients developed sepsis, whereas only 1 (5%) patient leukocytosis, neutrophilia, monocytosis, lymphopenia, trombocytosis and increased
in the LTG group suffered from sepsis. Atelactasis was seen in 18 (67%) OTG patients and inflammatory markers.
8 (36%) LTG patients (p = 0.04). Reoperation was required in 11 (41%) OTG patients, Methods: Our patient underwent a laparoscopic surgery; intraoperatory was dis-
compared with 2 (9%) LTG patients (p \ 0.01). Functional recovery was faster in LTG covered an incisional hernia in the lower right quadrant, acute colecystitis with an
patients. Hospital stay was 25 (181) days in the OTG group, compared with 13 (16) days in
intense adherent process surrounding the gallbladder and a small bowel invagination
the LTG group (p \ 0.01). Intensive care stay was 6 (57) days for OTG patients, whereas
that contained a tumour – on the terminal portion of the ileon. The cholecystectomy
LTG patients spend 0 (8) days at the intensive care (p \ 0.01). Radicality of resection was
and the enterectomy were made in this laparoscopic approach, and the mechanical
similar in both groups. R0 resection was achieved in 22 (81%) OTG patients and 18 (82%)
LTG patients (p = 0.98). Interestingly, the lymph node yield was 15 (31) in the OTG group anastomosis of the small bowel was made by opening the defect of the incisional
and 26 (48) in the LTG group (p = 0.01). hernia from the lower right quadrant, with it’s surgical correction.
Conclusion: Bloodloss, functional recovery, morbidity, and lymph node yield were Results: The postoperative evolution of the patient was favourable; he presented
improved for LTG compared with OTG, at the cost of a longer surgical duration. intestinal transit in the 5th postoperative day, had good food tolerance. He was
dismissed in the 7th postoperative day. The pathological result shown a GIST tumour
of the small bowel.
Conclusions: Even in the cases that presented with atypical symptoms the laparos-
copy it’s useful both for the diagnosis and for the surgical treatment. The
laparoscopic approach it’s preferred to the classic surgery in terms of short hospi-
talisation, lower costs and overall recovery of the patient.

P102 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P104 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


S.R. Magill, S. Brown, H. Koh, M. Vella, P. Finn, L. Chisholm, PERITONEAL VENTRICULO-PERITONEAL SHUNT
Royal Alexandra Hospital, PAISLEY, United Kingdom A. Mahajna, O. Cohen-Inbar, E. Cochran, U. Hadelsberg, M. Zaaroor
Introduction: When the country is facing greater austerity measures, greater emphasis is
Rambam Health Care Campus, The Technion- Israel I, HAIFA, Israel
made of getting value for money. A recent service change at one of our sites meant we were Background: Ventriculo-peritoneal shunts (VPS) are a common treatment for
able to objectively quantify the quality of service provision given such an austere shift. One hydrocephalus. Placement of the distal abdominal catheter can be difficult in the
site (Site 2) began solely utilising the equipment from a cheaper manufacturer for endos- setting of advanced age, previous shunt or abdominal surgeries, obesity, chronic
copy and colonoscopy. We prospectively evaluated the completion rates, use of sedation
illnesses etc. at our institute, part of the procedures are performed using a multi-
and comfort scoring for all colonoscopies performed by three colorectal surgeons between
disciplinary team of a neurosurgeon and a laparoscopic surgeon. We evaluated the
two sites. Endoscopists all favoured the more expensive equipment and thought that service
quality may be affected. Site 1 used the equipment which was valued by them as being
influence on prognosis of a laparoscopically assisted VPS placement using a single-
100% more expensive than that used in Site 2. port technique as compared to the conventional mini-laparotomy approach.
Methods/ Results: Data for 836 endoscopies, performed by three different surgeons, was Methods: A retrospective review of all patients admitted and operated at our institute
prospectively collected. Overall completion rates was 89.9% at site 1 (n = 490) and 92.2% for hydrocephalus or shunt dysfunction during 2006–2010 was performed, forming a
at site 2 (n = 346). There was no a significant difference (p = 0.182). Completion rates for cohort of 302 patients, 48 with single trocar laparoscopy. Neurosurgeons and lapa-
each consultant between the sites also showed no significant differences. roscopic surgeons logged the presenting symptoms, past medical history, chronic
The mean dose of Midazolam between the sites showed no significant difference in the illnesses and past surgical procedures. Surgical procedure and findings were logged
overall comparison (3.576 mg vs. 3.512 mg, p = 0.413), however statistically significant as well. Outcome data was collected at several time points after the surgical
lower doses were observed in 2 of the consultants’ Midazolam use at site 2 (3.23 mg vs 2.79 intervention.
mg, p = 0.00 (n = 346/129) and 3.19 mg vs 2.95 mg, p = 0.022(n = 22/90)). The use of Results: The laparoscopic patients group was significantly much older, had more
analgesics showed no statistical differences between the sites (49.57 mg vs 49.07 mg, p = chronic illnesses and had significantly more prior abdominal and shunt operations.
0.22). And still, this group had the same outcome as the open minilaparotomy group,
Comfort score comparison showed no statistical differences overall (p = 0.969). However expressed in several independent outcome parameters.
for two of the consultants evaluated the comfort scoring at site 2 was significantly better (p Conclusions: Elderly patients or those suffering less optimally controlled chronic
= 0.029 and p = 0.002).
illnesses and obesity, as well as those patients who underwent previous abdominal or
Conclusion; Since the introduction of cheaper endoscopic equipment at one of the
shunt operations may benefit from the laparoscopic single port technique for distal
sites, completion rates, use of sedation and comfort scores have been comparable
catheter placement during VPS procedure. This is shown to reduce the surgical
between the sites. Therefore we conclude that the quality of service provision is not
complications and equals the outcome parameters to those of the young, otherwise
diminished by the type of equipment utilised for endoscopic tasks.
healthy patients.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S79

P105 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P107 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


A. Smirnoff1, G. Goudard1, L. De Poncheville2, E. Drapier2, K. Yamashita, S. Haga, K. Shimizu
N. Kagan1 Nippon Medical School, TOKYO, Japan
Hospital, LA ROCHELLE, France; 2Clinique du Mail, Background: The breast conserving surgery and the sentinel node (SN) biopsy became to be
LA ROCHELLE, France recognized as the standard treatment for early breast cancers. We have reported about
cosmetic effectiveness and lower infestation of the video-assisted breast surgery (VABS)
We describe here a case of common bile duct stone in an elderly woman operated
for the breast diseases. We devised the trans-axillary retro-mammary (TRAM) approach of
using the single-port method. This procedure involved cholecystectomy, choledo- VABS. It needs only one skin incision in the axilla and can treat any tumor even in the
chotomy, the choledoscopic removal of ductal calculi and T-tube choledochostomy medial or lower side of the breast without making any injuries on the breast skin. And it can
using conventional methods with standard laparoscopic instruments. There were no preserve skin touch sensation. We evaluated the aesthetic results and the curability of this
complications and no residual stones. The operating time was 101 min and the surgical method.
overall hospital stay lasted 6 days. Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration using Methods: We have performed VABS on 300 patients since December, 2001. The newly
the single-port method is technically demanding but this concept could be applied in devised trans-axillary retromammary approach (TARM) was performed on 120 patients of
the future for other frail patients with poor parietal healing potential. early breast cancer, stage I and II. After endoscopic sentinel node biopsy, we elongated the
axillary skin incision to 2.5 cm. We dissected major pectoral muscle fascia to detach
retromammary tissue under the tumor. We cut the proximal side of the gland vertically, and
dissect skin flap over the tumor. Then we cut each sides vertically and removed it through
the axillary port. The breast reconstruction was done by filling absorbable fiber cotton
(oxidized cellulose). The postoperative aesthetic results were evaluated by ABNSW.
Results: The skin incision was made only in the axilla. We do not use the special disposable
apparatus. The operative cost is very low. It could be applied for any tumors even in the
medial or caudal side of the breast. All surgical margins were negative. There was no
significant difference in operational infestation. The reconstruction by filling absorbable
fiber needs no excessive detachment of the skin beyond the surgical margin of mammary
gland. The breast shape could be maintained easily. The postoperative esthetic results were
excellent and good. The sensory disturbance was minimal, observed only in the detached
area within the surgical margin. All patients were satisfied with this operation.
Conclusions: TARM approach of VABS needs no injury on whole breast with single
incision in the axilla.

P106 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P108 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


S.W. Chung, S.Y. Lee, S.H. Yun, Y.A. Park, Y.B. Cho, H.C. Kim, MECHANICAL JAUDICE
W.Y. Lee, H.K. Chun D.V. Fokin1, V.A. Dudarev2, I.V. Kirgizov3
Samsung Medical Center, SEOUL, Korea Public health services municipal authority city clinical hospital #20
Aims: The aims of this study was to describe a novel technique of single port laparoscopic
of a name, KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 2Krasnoyarsk state medical
loop ileostomy for fecal diversion and to report our experience with six patients who university of a name of professor V.F.Vojno-Jasenetsky,
underwent this procedure for anastomotic dehiscence after colorectal surgery. KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 31st MSMU after I.M. Sechenov,
Methods: We conducted a retrospective study performed by experienced laparoscopic MOSCOW, Russia
surgeons at a single institution. From October 2011 to November 2011, 6 patients under-
went single port laparoscopic loop ileostomy for anastomotic dehiscence after anterior Aim: Estimate possibilities of endovideosurgical technologies in the treatment of
resection for colorectal cancers. Fecal diversion was performed in lithotomy position. The 2 acute cholecystics which is complicated by mechanical jaundice.
to 3 cm round incision was performed in the right lower quadrant at the predetermined Materials and Methods: In the period from 2006 to 2008 years there were 425
ileostomy site. All cases, we used custom made single glove port. A wound retractor was patients with the acute cholecystics,59 patients (11,7%) have had symptoms of bile
placed on the edge of the abdominal incision and covered with a surgical glove. After hypertension. Diagnosis was fitted by using clinical data and minimum lab obser-
setting the pneumoperitoneum to 12 mmHg we approached anastomosis site and peritoneal vation and ultrasonic scanning (US) of hepatopancreatoduodenal area (HPDA)
lavage was performed. The bowel is grasped with a laparoscopic grasper and delivered
organs. After that we tried to make the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancrea-
through the ileostomy incision, taking care to maintain proper orientation. At this point, the
tography (ERCP) for all patients. We have managed to make ERCP to 50th (84.75%)
port is removed and ileostomy is matured in usual fashion.
patients. Among 9th (2.1%) patients the trials of ERCP were unsuccessful.
Results: All patients were male. Median patients age was 53.0 years (range 45–69). The
Results of the investigation: The reasons of bile hypertension were managed to disposed by
initial surgeries were as follows; open low AR with liver resection (1), hand assisted
endoscopic papillotomy (EPT) among 39th (66.1) patients. After successful EPT the positive
laparoscopic AR(1), SPL AR(1), SPL low AR (2), multiport laparoscopic low dynamic of the acute cholecystics was reached among 30th (50.8%) patients. For all patients in the
AR(1).Median level of anastomosis was 7.0 cm (range 4–17). Median duration between planning regimen were made laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCT). The operation was made in a
initial surgery and reoperation was 5.0 days (range 2–6). There was no conversion to open harry for 12th (20.3%) patients because of positive dynamic for acute cholecystics absence. For the
procedures. The median operative time was 118.0 minutes (range 81–142).. Median day of fifth patients of them was managed to make LCT. The reasons of conversion among the rest 3 d
first soft diet was 4 days (range 3–10). Length of postoperative hospital stay was 9.5 days patients were difficulties during the LCT connected to evident infiltrate in a gallbladder neck. The
(range 8–13), and only one patient developed a mild paralytic ileus. There was neither reasons of bile hypertension were not disposed by using EPT among 7th (14%) patients. It can be
wound complication, complications associated with ileostomy, reoperation nor postopera- explained by high strictures of choledoch and incapability of major duodenal papilla (MDP) full
tive death. dissection because of anatomy peculiarities. LCT was made for all of them. The bile hypertension
Conclusions: Single port laparoscopic loop ileostomy for anastomotic dehiscence after symptoms were not found in all cases. It can be explained by decreasing of inflammation infiltrate
colorectal surgery is a feasible alternative to standard laparoscopy for fecal diversion. With in the choledoch area. During LCT the conversion was made for all of them because of incapability
this procedure, It may offer better cosmetic outcomes, reduce incisional pain, reduce wound to continua operation endoscopy because of evident inflame infiltrate into the gallbladder neck and
complication. choledoch areas.
Conclusion: ERCP and EPT for acute cholecystics which is complicated by mechanical jaundice
allow to get full regression of disease in the major cases and to make LCT in the planning order. If
the positive dynamic is absent this tactic allows making minimal invasive surgical intervention.

S80 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P109 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P111 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


D.V. Fokin1, I.V. Kirgizov2, M.M. Lochmatov3, A.A. Gusev3, J.I. Tanaka, T. Omoto, Y. Takehara, K. Nakahara, D. Takayanagi,
T.A. Prudnikova3, D.V. Fokin1 M. Chiyo, Y. Wada, S. Mukai, E. Hidaka, S. Endo, F. Ishida, S. Kudo
Public health services municipal authority city clinical hospital #20 Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital, YOKOHAMA,
of a name, KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 21st MSMU after I.M. Japan
Sechenov, MOSCOW, Russia; 3Federal state budgetary establishment Objective: Technical difficulties of reduced port surgery (RPS) including single port sur-
- Centre of science of health of children-, MOSCOW, Russia gery (SPS) include inadequate retraction of tissues as well as inadequate triangular
formation. To overcome these difficulties we applied intra-abdominal anchor system for
Aim: to estimate efficacy of carrying out transoral intraluminal fundoplication in pediatrics.
RPS for colorectal cancer.
Fundoplication is carried out by means of attachment-complex EsofiX suitable to any
Methods: The EndoGrabTM (Virtual Ports, Israel) contains grasping forceps and posi-
modification of gastroscope, from 7.6 mm to 10.6 mm. in diameter. Optimum conditions for
tioning forceps, and it can be introduced into the abdomen through a 5-mm port. The
the procedure are conditions of operating room, with videoendoscope equipment and
grasping forceps is attached the colon or mesocolon and the positioning forceps is anchored
additional delivering of CO2 through biopsy channel of endoscope.
to the any peritoneal surface reducing two ports of assistant surgeon. Therefore, retraction is
Materials and methods: TIF was carried out for the first time in Russia in the patient A, 16
versatile, and retracting direction can be changed repeatedly during the surgery. Also during
years old. From the age of 4 he was observed in clinic with the diagnosis: gastroesophageal
the surgical procedure in the pelvic space, uterus or the bottom peritoneum can be retracted
reflux disease, a reflux-esophagitis, insufficiency of cardia, hyperacidity, continuously
by EndoGrab in order to obtain sufficient operative field.
progressing flow, resistance to conservative therapy. On EGDS erosive esophagitis,
Results: RPS colorectal resections in 25 patients were successfully performed with this
insufficiency of cardia, gastro-esophageal prolapse, duodeno-gastral reflux came to light.
anchoring device. This intra-abdominal retractor device could be able to achieve superior
On 24 hour pH-metry before operation was revealed that pH \4 it = 23 at norm 4.5;
retraction and successfully to fix the colon or rectum toward to the peritoneal wall. There
quantity of acid refluxes with pH \4.0 = 168 at norm 46.9; number of refluxes [ 5 mines –
were no significant injuries to the peritoneal wall and no pain noted after removal of the
7 at norm 3.5. Index De Meester 47.91 at norm \14.72.
device. Operative time for the procedure was reduced along the learning curve as we gained
Results: TIF was carried out by means of attachment-complex EsofiX. In 3 months after
familiarity with the technique and the device. Postoperative hospital stay is not longer than
operation, at control inspection on EGDS cardia closes completely, at inverse inspection
that of conventional laparoscopic surgery.
dense fit of mucosa of the generated LES to endoscope is marked. Results of the 24 hour
Conclusion: The performance of RPS procedures for colorectal cancer with a novel intra-
pH-metry after operation: the general pH\4 = 3 – normal; quantity of acid refluxes with pH
abdominal anchor system not only yield the better cosmetic results and better cost per-
\4.0:: 7 (N), number of refluxes[ 5 mines = 1 (N). Index De Meester 9.85 (N) At carrying
formance but also is most versatile method of tissue retraction during the procedures.
out of water-syphon test no refluxes were observed. At control examination in 3 months
after operation no signs of the gastroesophageal reflux disease were revealed.
Conclusion: The newest procedure – transoral intraluminal fundoplication (TIF) by means
of attachment-complex EsofiX has proved to be as a highly effective method of treatment of

P110 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P112 – Different Endoscopic Approaches


J. Cintas-Catena, J. Valdés-Hernández, L.C. Capitan-Morales, TECHNIQUE
J.C. Gómez-Rosado, J. Galan-Alvarez, J. Guerrero-Garcia, S. Morales-Conde, J. Cañete, M. Socas, A. Barranco, I. Alarcón,
F. Oliva-Mompeán V. Gómez, J.M.H. Cadet, F.J. Padillo
HUV Macarena, SEVILLA, Spain University Hospital Virgen del Rocio, SEVILLA, Spain
Introduction: Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy has become a widely safe and Background: Following reports of Laparo-Endoscopic Single-Site (LESS) cholecystectomy
feasible technic, with al least similar oncologic outcomes than open approach, in the concerns have been raised over the level difficulty and a potential increase in complications
treatment of right colon neoplasias with the advantages of the minimal invasive when moving away from conventional gold standard multi port laparoscopy due to
surgery. incomplete exposure and larger umbilical incisions. With continued development of tech-
Technic: We used the S2 Octoport device in the right hypochondrium in addition to nique and technology it has now become possible to replicate this standardized gold
an usual laparoscopic aproach. This device allows to start the surgery with the standard through a LESS approach. First experiences with a newly developed technique and
assistance incision and without Veres needle and open pneumoperitoneum. In instrument are reported.
addition to replacing one of the commonly used trocars and obviates the need for Aim: The aim of this study is evaluate a standardized surgical technique for single port
cholecystectomy (SPC), to evaluate if this technique can be reproduced by an expert
extraction bags in oncological surgery.
surgeon in laparoscopy with no previuos experience in single port surgery compared with
Conclusion: The use of S2 Octoport device allows us to perform a safe colon cancer
surgeons who does not know the standardized technique and use the literature and videos
surgery. There have been no major complications in our surgical series. The average published by different companies to perform a SPC and to evaluate if this technique can be
age of patients was 67 years. The average stay was 5 days. In all specimen there were reproduced by a resident with no previuos experience in single port surgery compared with
at least 12 lymphatic nodes. The cost analysis is similar by using the device, com- a resident who does not know the standardized.
pared with the cost of conventional laparoscopic surgery, minimizing the risk of Methods: Twenty-five patients presenting with cholelytiasis without signs of inflammation
closed access to the abdominal cavity. No surgical infection or other wound com- were operated on using all surgical steps considered appropriate for the conventional 4 port
plication were seen. laparoscopic approach, but applied through a single access device. Operation centered
outcomes are presented. Five surgeons, two of them last year resident, are selected in to be
included in the study. Each surgons performed 5 SPC.
Results: There were no per- or postoperative complications. Mean operating time was 41
minutes. No conversion to regular laparoscopy was required, and the critical view of safety
was achieved in all cases. Mean skin incision length was 2.2 cm. The mean operating time
of the expert who doesn’t know the standardized technique and the resident was higher than
expert and resident that who know it.
Conclusions: How we can see in our results, this technique can be reproduced by surgeons
with no previuos experience in single port surgery and by Resident, but the operating time
and the stress of the surgery is less when we know a standardized technique and when there
is a master who show it us.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S81

P113 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P115 – Education

S. Udomsawaengsup, K. Thanavachirasin, W. Utanwutipong, Cleanical Investigation & Application, BERLIN, Germany
S. Pungpapong, C. Tharavej, P. Navicharern Reprocessing of medical devices follows the law, considers recommendations, knows
Chulalongkorn University, BANGKOK, Thailand normation and has a common practice. Therefore, it is indispensable to control the daily
work. We present our experiences with cases of inspection by county. Before the visit,
Background: Nutrition supplement is a key to optimize advanced cancer cases to achieve
during the visit and after presentation of the catalogue of deficiencies it is recommended to
loco-regional and systemic treatment. Normal route of ingestion is limited in oropharyngeal
communicate precisely and free of emotions. Not everything can be solved in a moment,
and esophageal cancers. Conventional Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) might
therefore it is crucial to clarify the priorities for improvement and change. Short but precise
not be able to introduce and intra-luminal cancer might be migrated along the tract. We
documentation as a part of the quality management are the main preconditions for a
have introduced a simple technique in placing a PEG tube directly under the endoscopic
successful management of inspection by third parties. Examples of our CSSD coaching are
given in our lecture.
Methods: After a complete diagnostic endoscopy, a 5-mm trocar is introduced directly into
the gastric lumen using a safe track technique. A gastrostomy catheter is then inserted under
endoscopic monitoring through a trocar into the gastric lumen.
Results: From January 2009 to December 2011, there were 12 patients aged 29–68
year old underwent the introducer PEG. Five of them were advanced nasopharyngeal
cancers, three were esophageal cancers. There were cancers of tonsil, buccal mucosa
+ mid esophageal cancer, lung with hilar nodal metastasis. The youngest was
29-year-old man with osteosarcoma of right maxilla. Introducer PEGs were suc-
cessfully done in all cases without any procedural related complications. The feeding
started on the first day after the placement.
Conclusion: The introducer PEG (iPeg) is a safe and effective technique for enteral access.
It should be applied for patients with advanced oropharyngeal and esophageal cancers. The
iPeg could also be an alternative option to a regular PEG placement.

P114 – Different Endoscopic Approaches P116 – Education


J. Stefka, V. Janik, R. Gürlich, Z. Otava, Z. Klezl, M. Kubecová S.A. Yeo, K.H. Ng, K.W. Eu, C.L. Tang
Faculty hospital of Královské Vinohrady, PRAGUE, Czech Republic SingHealth, SINGAPORE, Singapore
Background: Irreversible electroporation (IRE) using the NanoKnife System is minimally Aims: To compare the ability of learning endoscopic skills in young participants versus an
invasive, non-thermal tumor ablation therapy used as an alternative to surgery. Using high older group on a validated endoscopic simulator.
voltage (3000 V) pulsating direct current of 20–50 A in a microsecond electrical pulses to Methods: A group of 12 first year medical students is compared against a group of 12
cause cells death by permanent opening nano-sized pores in the membranes of the paramedical workers. Both groups are naı̈ve to endoscopy. A standardized briefing and
malignant cells. The electrical pulses are delivered through 2–5 needle electrodes places demonstration are performed for both groups prior to commencement of the study. Both
into and around the tumor’s ablation area. groups perform 10 oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopies (OGD) each for case 1 consecutively,
Method: Our initially experience with irreversible electroporation therapy includes treat- and 10 colonoscopies each for case 1 consecutively on the GI Mentor endoscopic sim-
ment of primary and secondary malignant tumors of different target organs – lung, liver, ulator. The results in both groups are compared.
pancreas and kidney. Fifteen patients (11 female, 4 male) were treated by NanoKnife Results: There were 12 participants in each arm. In the young group all the participants
between July to December 2011. Eleven patients were treated percutaneously, using CT were 20 years of age, with 9 participants having history of video game playing (75%) and
guidance, 4 patients were treated using (Ultrasound guidance?) laparoscopy. All procedures musical instrument use (75%) respectively. The older group has a mean age of 45.8 years
were performed under general anesthesia. Inclusion criteria included one or two tumors of (range 40–54 years) with 3(25%) participants from this group having history of video game
the target organs lung, liver, pancreas and kidney in which conventional therapy was not use and 1(8.3%) with previous musical instrument use.
possible or had been unsuccessful. All patients underwent clinical examination,biochem- In both the OGD and colonoscopy group, the average time to complete the scopes were
istry and a contrast enhanced Computed Tomography (CT) or Nuclear Magnetic Resonation similar in both groups (p = 0.61 for OGD and p = 0.89 for colonoscopy). However, mean
(NMR) examination before procedure. A post-procedure CT was obtained immediately mucosa examined (p = 0.04 for OGD and p = 0.001 for colonoscopy) and efficiency of
after percutaneously performed or 1 day after surgically performed IRE procedure to procedure (p = 0.014 for OGD and p = 0.002 for colonoscopy) were much better in the
confirmed if the entire region of the tumor had been ablated. The following CT examination young group compared to the older group. History of video game use and musical
was performed 1 and 6 month after IRE procedure. Group of primary malignancy included instrument use do not seem to have any significance.
2 patients with renal cell carcinoma 2 patients with pancreatic carcinoma and 2 patient with
lung’s carcinoma. The metastatic group included 7 patients with liver metastasis of the
colorectal carcinoma, 1 patient with liver metastasis of prostatic cancer and 1 patient with
liver metastasis of mammary carcinoma. After procedure were patients observed 48 hours
on Intensive Care Unit and after that discharged home.
Results: The IRE procedures of all patients were successfully performed and well tolerated.
A total 17 tumors were treated in the 15 patients. The number of IRE procedures per tumor
ranged from 2–8. The tumors treated ranged in size from 1.1 9 1.6 mm to 72 9 51 mm
(average 9.6 cm Meanwhile 10 patients had at least 1 month CT or NMR follow up. Tumor
necrosis with no residual enhancement was evidenced in 6 patients, tumor necrosis with
residual enhancement of occurred in 2 patients. A new lesions represents progression of the
primary malignancy were revealed in 2 patients. There was no evidence of adjacent organ
damage related to the IRE. One patients died 14 days after IRE for pulmonary embolization
which event was not directly related to IRE. Post-procedural CT examination revealed
pleural effusion in 9 patients treated percutaneously under CT guidance. Another patient
with two pulmonary lesions developed pneumothorax which was solved by three days
pleural drainage. We did not find out post-ablation symptoms related to the ablation pro-
cedure. No patients required prolonged pain relief after discharge.
Conclusions: IRE therapy offers safety, minimally invasive, non-thermal treatment of
malignant tumors, useful for patients who are not candidates for surgery.

S82 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P117 – Education P119 – Education

B. Tang1, M. McMillian1, S. Kazmi2, I. Tait2 F.M. Sanchez Margallo, S. Enciso Sanz, M.A. Sánchez Hurtado,
University of Dundee, DUNDEE, United Kingdom; 2Ninewells I. Dı́az-Güemes
Hospital and Medical School, DUNDEE, United Kingdom Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre Jesus Uson, CACERES, Spain
Aim: To develop and evaluate a novel reusable and cost effective synthetic training Aims: Our objectives are to assess the surgical skills development through a intensive
model for surgeons to learn totally extra-peritoneal (TEP) laparoscopic hernia repair. hands-on course in laparoscopic surgery and to compare the skills enhancement among
Materials and methods: a model representing lower abdomen was designed with a different specialties: gynaecology, urology and general surgery.
life-like abdominal wall, pelvis, and the related anatomy seen from extra-peritoneal Methods: Fifteen novice surgeons enrolled the study: five gynaecologists, five
space. Different synthetic materials were selected, shaped, and coloured to simulate urologists and five general surgeons. They attended an intensive basic course con-
the core anatomical structures such as inguinal ligament, internal inguinal ring, direct sisting of simulator (1 day) and animal training (2 days). Different in vivo surgical
hernia space, inferior epigastric vessel, iliac vessels, vas deferens, peritoneum of the techniques were practiced depending on each specialty. Before and after the course,
lower abdomen. Standard lapasoscopic equipment, instruments, and mesh were used all attendants carried out the following tasks on LAPMentorTM virtual simulator:
for the simulated TEP hernia repair practice on the model. A specific 1 (poor) to 5 hand-eye coordination (1), hand-hand coordination (2) and object transference (3).
(very useful) Likert-like scale questionnaire was used to collect feedback from the Different metrics were registered in order to analyse their skills dexterity: time,
surgeons for the evaluation of the quality of the model. number of movements, path length and speed of movements. Before and after
Results: 10 models were made in house and each one was used repeatedly. The cost measurements were statistically analysed using the Wilcoxon test and data among
to make one model was about £150, which was very cost effective compared with specialties was compared with Kruskal-Wallis test, applying U-Mann Whitney test
one bought at a price of £900 from the market. 98 surgical trainees have practiced for further comparisons.
laparoscopic TEP hernia repair using this model over last two years. The overall Results: After the course, surgeons performed all tasks faster (1: p = 0.003; 2: p = 0.003; 3: p =
score for the model was 3.8 on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (very useful). For the feedback 0.008). Number of movements was reduced in task 1 (right instrument, p = 0.044), task 2 (right
on specific components of the model, port position, representation of the anatomical instrument, p = 0.012; left instrument, p = 0.006) and task 3 (right instrument, p = 0.041). Path
length of the left instrument only decreased in task 2 (p = 0.006). Speed of movements was
structure, usefulness for identification of the important structure related the proce-
increased in task 1 (right instrument, p = 0.049), task 2 (right instrument, p = 0.003; left
dure, instrument handling, and handling the mesh and orientation was scored at 3.95,
instrument, p = 0.004) and task 3 (right instrument, p = 0.013). Basal measurements among
4.10, 4.15, 3.9, and 4.25 respectively.
specialties only showed a higher speed of movements by gynaecologists for task 2 (left
Conclusion: a novel model allows an easier understanding and appreciation of a instrument, p = 0.039). After the course, general surgeons significantly reduced the path length
complex anatomical region. It provides an opportunity to rehearse the essential steps of the right instrument in task 2 compared to gynaecologists (p = 0.016). Moreover, in task 3 a
and techniques of totally extra-peritoneal (TEP) laparoscopic hernia repair. It is more higher speed of the right instrument was observed for gynaecologists and general surgeons
cost effective compared with one bought commercially. compared to urologists (p = 0.032) and a higher speed of the left instrument was also observed
for general surgeons compared to urologists (p = 0.032).
Conclusion(s): Intensive basic training courses in laparoscopic surgery improve basic
surgical skills in novice surgeons. Gynaecologists and general surgeons seem to have a
higher development of skills, although further research is required to confirm it.

P118 – Education P120 – Education

ACCESS SURGERY AND ENDOSCOPIC TECHNIQUES S.M.P. Lansen-Koch1, B. Tang2, M. McMillan2, G. Ross2, D. Ziyaie1,
A.H. Engledow, A. Murray, A. Razik, G. Conn, J. Mccullough K. Campbell1
University College Hospital, LONDON, United Kingdom Ninewells Hospital, DUNDEE, United Kingdom; 2School
Aims: The United Kingdom (UK) considers itself to be at the forefront of modern of Medicine, University of Dundee, DUNDEE, United Kingdom
healthcare. However the clinical uptake of minimal access surgery and advanced Aims: Rectopexy through an abdominal approach is the preferred surgical method in
endoscopic techniques has lagged behind that of comparable countries in Europe, the otherwise fit patients with rectal prolapse. Whilst posterior rectal mobilisation and fixation
United States of America (USA) and the Far East. The academic output of the UK is has been the traditional method of choice, in more recent time ventral mesh rectopexy
assessed to see if the UK is on a par academically with these comparable countries. (VMR) has been gaining increasing popularity. This is largely due to avoidance of inad-
Methods: Surgical Endoscopy (SE) is the highest ranked minimal access journal with vertent neurological damage in the posterior rectopexy and the resulting post-operative
a ranking of 15 out of 187 general surgical journals currently published. It is the constipation in as many as 50% of the cases. Moreover laparoscopic rectopexy is proven to
journal associated with both the European (EAES) and American (SAGES) minimal be superior to the open technique with lower morbidity and shorter hospital stay.
access societies. The impact factor in 2010 was 3.46. All publications in SE from It is acknowledged that formal laparoscopic training is essential in minimising complica-
01/01 2006 to 01/01/2011 were reviewed and the nationality of the publishing tions following uptake of independent practice. Training on animal models and use of
institution was recorded. This was used as a surrogate marker of academic activity in virtual reality stimulators are the first steps taken in any form of laparoscopic training.
the field of minimal access surgery. Anatomical variations, difference in tissue depth and thickness in the animal model and
lack of sufficiently developed virtual reality stimulators for advanced laparoscopic colo-
Results: There were 2848 articles in total. In terms of numbers of articles published
rectal training could pose limitations in providing a realistic challenge. We have assessed
the USA was ranked first followed by Japan, Italy and Germany with 883 (31%), 202
use of pig model in overcoming some of these challenges mainly demonstrating comparable
(7.1%), 194 (6.8%) and 189 (6.6%) published articles respectively. The UK was in pelvic anatomy, practice in fine tissue dissection and intracorporial suturing technique.
fact 5th with 183 (6.4%) published articles. Methods: The model was used and assessed in 4 courses ran in 2010 and 2011 in an
Conclusions: Using SE publications as a surrogate for high quality minimal access intensive four day laparoscopic colorectal training programme designed for senior colo-
surgery publications the UK is performing well when compared to comparable rectal trainees and consultants. Candidates were given an initial power-point presentation
countries. This is now mirrored by the increased clinical uptake of advanced minimal on VMR that included literature review and operative video presentations followed by the
access and endoscopic techniques in the UK. instruction video on the animal model. The participants in pairs performed the procedure in
the wet lab on two separate female pig models alternating as the main operator and the
cameraman. Participants were asked to rate the model in a questionnaire.
Results: Using the Likert scale (1 = not answered 2 = strongly disagree, 3 disagree, 4 =
agree, 5 = strongly agree), total of 76 participants responded to the questionnaire. Thirty
(39%) strongly agreed, 27 (36%) agreed, 19 (25%) did not answer the question. There were
no participants who disagreed.
Conclusions: The pig model can provide a highly realistic training model for laparoscopic
ventral mesh rectopexy.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S83

P121 – Education P123 – Education


D.V. Fokin1, A.A. Gusev2, I.V. Kirgizov3, S.V. Minaev4 Worthing Hospital, WORTHING, United Kingdom
Public health services municipal authority city clinical hospital ?20 Aims: Dissection of the Calot’s Triangle (CT) is regarded as the key component to a safe lapa-
of a name, KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 2Federal state budgetary roscopic cholecystectomy. Yet, Jean Francois Calot in his doctoral thesis of 1891, named the
establishment -Centre of science of health of children-, MOSCOW, boundaries of his triangle as: the cystic duct, the common hepatic duct and the cystic artery. This
study aimed to review the medical literature on the description of CT.
Russia; 31st MSMU after I.M. Sechenov, MOSCOW, Russia; Methods: A focussed search was undertaken to evaluate the following: basic anatomy textbooks,
Ivanovo state medical academy, IVANOVO, Russia surgical textbooks and pubmed (articles about CT published in 2011).
Results: Two commonly used textbooks (Last’s and Gray’s anatomy) inaccurately described the
Aim: for the purpose of development endo- and laparoscopic treatment methods in pediatric inferior border of the liver as one boundary of CT instead of the cystic artery. Similarly, the ‘oxford
surgery in the Russian, in our clinic was established the newest integrated videoendoscopic surgical handbook of clinical surgery’ and ‘essential general surgical operations by Churchill Livingstone’
complex named \OR-1[ by ‘Karl Shtortz’ & laparoscopic surgical simulators by Simbionix-LAP made the same error. From sourced pubmed data, 17 peer reviewed articles were published in 2011
Mentor allowing to carry out complete training of experts. describing CT. Only one correctly described the boundaries. 4 were inaccurate and 6 did not
Actuality: Considering the sizes and territorial remoteness of some regions of our country, exit provide an anatomical description of the triangle but simply referred to it. Of the remaining 6: 4
training cycles are possible not always, therefore introduction of the given operational complex and were not accessible, 1 was in Serbian and 1 was a multimedia article.
the use of the laparoscopic simulator during the training cycles allows to rise training of all experts Conclusion: The cystohepatic triangle is a common misnomer for the Calot’s Triangle, which is a
on qualitatively new high update level. content of the aforementioned triangle. Recognition of this misconception will aid teaching and
Materials and methods: Thanks to HD technologies,\OR-1[ allows to receive high definition and training towards performing a safe laparoscopic cholecystectomy
detailed images. The equipment allows to move by desktop pressing of several buttons, adjusting
and changing modes of devices, optimizing visualization of images on monitors, carrying out
digital record, simultaneous transmission of sound (an explanation of the operating surgeon) allow
conduct high quality training, operation and directly respond to questions.
Also we have few laparoscopic surgical simulators – LAP Mentor system – because dif-
ficult to provide the necessary at once training in the operating room. The LAP Mentor
provides a safe and motivating learning environment, as well as providing a complete
educational solution integrated into training programs.
Results: Carrying out on line translations from the operational limits to a local network or through
the Internet allowed to spend us for the past 2.5 years–23 training cycles for more than 270 regional
experts in pediatric surgery. Most of the students were also trained on simulators (43). However, on
our observations, training courses is more effective in groups no more than 5–6 persons as at
intrernet training and during training on simulators.
Conclusions: Perfectioning of methods of integration in operating systems, able to broadcast
qualitative HD signal in the worldwide web, as well using the LAP Mentor with tactile experience
when using the surgical tools allows you to experience of tissue resistance during surgery simu-
lation, allows to develop new systems of qualitative vocational training that, undoubtedly, gives the
positively affects on the general professional level of profile experts.

P122 – Education P124 – Emergency Surgery


K.M. Khatri1, K.J. Perryman1, S. Enefer1, A. Todd2, M. Sayegh1 F. Rosa, S. Alfieri, C. Cina, A.P. Tortorelli, A. Tringali,
1 G. Costamagna, G.B. Doglietto
Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, Worthing Hospital,
WORTHING, United Kingdom; 2Western Sussex Hospitals Catholic University, ROME, Italy
NHS Trust, WORTHING, United Kingdom Introduction: Evidence-based strategies are lacking regarding the appropriate management of
duodenal perforations complicating endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Objectives: In our previous audit it was shown that the majority of patients with iron-deficiency
combined with endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES).
anaemia (IDA) suspected of having coeliac disease (CD) underwent oesophago-gastroduodeno-
The aim of this study was to investigate clinicoradiologic findings and treatment outcomes in
scopy (OGD) and duodenal biopsy as a routine procedure, but only 0.2% patients had serum coeliac
patients with ERCP-related perforation and to suggest useful treatment modalities for the
screening prior to OGD. It was suggested that routine duodenal biopsy could be avoided by routine
serum coeliac screening, as recommended by the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG). The
Methods and procedures: A retrospective review of ERCP-related perforations to the duodenum
purpose of this current study was to complete the audit cycle.
observed at the Digestive Surgery Department of the Catholic University of Rome was conducted
Methods: Data related to histology and serum coeliac screen of all patients with IDA undergoing
to identify their optimal management and clinical outcome. Charts were reviewed for the following
OGD in a District General Hospital from January 1st to October 31st 2011 were evaluated. Data
data: ERCP indication, clinical presentation, diagnostic methods, time to diagnosis and treatment,
were extracted from Gastrointestinal reporting tool and analysed in Microsoft Excel
type of injury, management, length of hospital stay, and clinical outcome.
Results: From January 1999 to December 2010, 30 duodenal perforations after ERCP were
Results: A total of 732 patients with IDA were referred for OGD. There were 282 male and 450
observed. Seven patients underwent ERCP/ES at another institution and eleven patients underwent
female patients with a mean age of 69.1 years. Duodenal biopsy was performed in 610 patients
an endoscopic procedure at the Digestive Endoscopy Unit of Gemelli Hospital, Catholic University
(83.3 %) at the time of OGD; CD was confirmed histopathologically in 17 patients (2.8%).
of Rome.
Duodenal biopsy was normal in 593 patients (97.2 %). A total of 122 patients (16.7 %) had serum
Eleven patients were treated conservatively just with aspirative naso-duodenal and naso-biliary
coeliac screening prior to OGD; 7 cases (5.7%) were positive.
tubes, three other patients received percutaneous drainages of retroperitoneal abscesses. Sixteen
Conclusion: Completing the audit cycle it was found that the majority (83.3 %) of patients with
patients underwent surgery: ten received a posterior approach, four both an anterior and posterior
suspected CD presenting with IDA continue to undergo OGD and duodenal biopsy as a routine
approach and two an anterior approach. The overall mortality rate was 16.6% (5 of 30 patients).
procedure. CD was confirmed histopathologically in 2.8% of cases (compared with 2.52% previ-
Conclusion: Clinical and radiographic features can be used to determine which type of surgical or
ously). Of note, 16.7% of patients had serum coeliac screening prior to OGD, compared with 0.2%
conservative treatment of ERCP-related duodenal perforations, whereas intraoperative findings can
previously. Whilst this represents an improvement in practice the need for wider use of coeliac
determine the final outcome and morbidity or mortality. The interval between the perforation and
screening appears to remain.
the operation is of great significance. The mortality rate increases dramatically with late surgical
management. Moreover, our data confirm that the technique of posterior laparostomy offers the
advantage of creating a wide and open cavity, permitting continuous gravitational drainage and
avoiding septic contamination of the peritoneal cavity.

S84 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P125 – Emergency Surgery P128 – Emergency Surgery


J. Sampson, M. Valentini, C. Ginestà, R. Soliva, X. Morales, V. Golash
J.C. Garcı́a-Valdecasas, G. Benarroch Sultan Qaboos Hospital, SALALAH, Oman
Hospital Clı́nic of Barcelona, BARCELONA, Spain Aims: to validate the use of laparoscopy in the diagnosis, management and treatment
Introduction: Acute appendicitis continues to be the most frequent cause of acute surgical of ruptured diaphragmatic hernia in acute settings in a hemodynamically stable
abdomen. Since 2004, the emergency room service has provided the assistance of four patient. Laparoscopy avoided the major thoraco-abdominal surgery.
surgeons on week days from eight in the morning until ten at night. These surgeons have Methods: a 31 year old patient was admitted with the history of acute onset severe
been exclusively dedicated to this pathology. On holidays and at night time schedule, the abdominal pain, vomiting and difficulty in breathing. She had undergone laparo-
assistance is provided by hospital surgeons including four emergency room doctors. Since scopic repair of a large ventral hernia one month prior to her admission. X-ray chest
our hospital has been able to acquire a profound specialization in emergency services, we and CT scan revealed herniation of small intestine, colon, spleen and pancreas in the
thought it would be interesting to analyze the results obtained in the treatment of acute chest through a large defect in left diaphragm. Port position for laparoscopy was
appendicitis and to compare it with the results previously published. same as for hiatus hernia repair. The rupture in left diaphragm was 10.5 cm. The
Objective: A descriptive and prospective study of the treatment, evolution and complication hernial contents were reduced. An intercostal tube drain was inserted under lapa-
of the cases of acute appendicitis treated in the emergency room service of our center.
roscopic view. The defect was large and not suitable for primary suture and the
Material and methods: We made a prospective study in the period between January 1st,
hernia was repaired using a 15x15 prolene mesh. She presented again six months
2010 and June 30th, 2011, including all the patients with a diagnosis oriented to acute
after her left ruptured diaphragmatic hernia repair with severe respiratory distress. A
appendicitis who were admitted into the emergency room service. The variables evaluated
were demographic data of the patients, history and physical exploration, image testing, thoracoabdominal CT revealed ruptured right diaphragmatic hernia this time with
treatment applied, evolution and pathological anatomy. The statistical analysis was done herniation of small intestine and colon. On Laparoscopy a ruptured right diaphrag-
with the SPSS program 14 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). matic hernia of 12 cm was seen in posterior superior aspect. The small and large
Results: 376 patients were admitted for suspected appendicitis. 375 (99.7%) underwent intestine were reduced. The diaphragmatic defect was repaired with nylon sutures
urgent appendectomy. Overall 369 (98.4%) of all appendectomies were performed lapa- and further reinforced with dual mesh.
roscopically, 88% of the patients underwent surgery within the first 12 hours of admittance. Results: There were no conversion to open and no intraoperative or postoperative
76.8% (288) of the surgeries were performed by surgeons with exclusive dedication to the complications. There has been no recurrence in one year.
emergency pathology. The overall conversion rate was 4 (1%). The mean operating time Conclusions laparoscopic repair of acute rupture diaphragmatic hernia is feasible in a
was 53 ± 18.2 (15–135) min. The intraoperative complications were 2 (0.5%) The post- hemodynamically stable patient. It provides good visibility, easy reduction of her-
operative complications appeared in 27 cases (7.2%) out of which 8 (2.1%) were niated organs and if necessary thorax exploration. We successfully repaired bilateral
intraabdominal abscesses ruptured diaphragmatic hernia with mesh and recurrent ventral hernia in a single
Histological finding revealed complicated appendicitis in 183 (49.1%) of the patients. The patient by laparoscopy
mean postoperative length of hospital stay was 2.9 days.
Conclusions: In our center the laparoscopic approach is the first choice for the
treatment of acute appendicitis, proving to be a safe and effective procedure, com-
parable with results previously published.

P126 – Emergency Surgery P129 – Emergency Surgery


G. Diaz Del Gobbo, C. Ginesta, R. Soliva, A. Martinez, M. Valentini, APPENDICITIS AND ITS COMPLICATIONS
X. Morales, O. Vidal, G. Benarroch, J.C. Garcı́a-Valdecasas A.P. Ukhanov, D.V. Zakharov, A. Ignatjev, S.V. Kovalev,
Hospital Clinic i Provincial, BARCELONA, Spain E.V. Novozhilov, S.R. Chakhmakhchev
Aim: Analyze the outcome of the treatment of acute cholecystitis (AC) in a surgical Central municipal clinical hospital, VELIKIY NOVGOROD, Russia
department dedicated to emergency pathology, from January 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. Aim: Improvemment of results of surgical treatment of patients with acute appen-
Methods: All cases of AC were identified in the database of the emergency department, and dicitis by using endovideosurgical technology.
organized prospectively. Patients with cholangitis, pancreatitis or choledocholithiasis were
Materials and methods: 385 patients with acute appendicitis were operated on
excluded. To evaluate the differences between the therapeutic decision, the series was
divided into two groups: early surgical treatment (EST) and medical treatment (MT). To
analyze the treatment outcome, the patients were separated into three groups: (EST), sur-
On morphological form the patients were distributed as follows: catarral appendicitis
gical after medical failure (SAMF) and only medical (OMT). was found out in 45 (11,7 %), phlegmonous appendicitis in 255 (66.2 %), gangre-
Results: 181 diagnoses of CA. Of these EST was performed in 128 cases (70.7%) vs MT 53 nous appendicitis in 65 (16.9 %), gangrenous perforated appendicitis in 20 (5.2 %)
(29.2%). 10 needed surgery (SAMF). Differences of distribution were found in the vari- patients. In 131 patients acute appendicitis was complicated by peritonitis including
ables: age (62.1 vs. 76.7), medical records (1.61 vs 3.06), polypharmacy (21.1% vs. 27%), local peritonitis in 80 (20.8 %) cases, diffuse peritonitis in 31 (8.6 %), periappen-
antiaggregation (7.8% vs. 18.9%), ASA = 3 (28.9% vs. 67.9%), complicated cholecystitis dicular abscess in 20 (5.2 %) patients.
(63.5% vs. 81.1%). 17% of patients with MT had TB[ 3 mg/dl Vs 7.1% of cases of EST. Results: In 25 (6.5 %) cases there was conversion to laparotomy. Postoperative
98.55% of laparoscopic approach in the 138 surgical patients. The conversion rate was complications were observed in 21 (5.5 %) patients, including intraabdominal
1.4%. Mean operating time was 91.27 min. 16.7% (23 cases) of intraoperative complica- abscess in 5 (1.3 %), a postoperative peritonitis in 2 (0.5 %), suppurations of wounds
tions, hemorrhage was the most frequent (82.6%). Postoperative complications related to in 8 (2.1 %) cases, paralytic ileus in 3 (0.8 %), thrombophlebitis of lower extremities
the procedure were 7.2% (10 patients). The bile leaks were treated conservatively. The in 2 (0.5 %), pneumonia in 1 (0.3 %) patient. Mean length of stay was 6.5 ± 0.3
overall mortality was 3.3% (6 cases). The result of PA 73 (52%) acute, worsened chronic 34 days. There were no cases of postoperative mortality.
(24.6%) gangrenous (41 cases) 29.7%. We found 4 cases of xanthogranulomatous and 1 Comparison of results of laparoscopic appendectomy with traditional interventions
case of adenocarcinoma. The median postoperative stay was 3.17 days. The hospital stay in has showed that in group of 543 patients with typical appendectomy postoperative
surgical patients was 5.6 days (0.5 to 42.97) and the OMT was 8.3 days (2–50).
complications were in 42 cases (7.7 %) and, average length of stay was 9.4 ± 0.4
Conclusions: We present a series of patients with high comorbidity, and high local com-
days (p \ 0.05).
plexity, in which cholecystectomy was completed in all surgical cases; increasing the rate
of patients who were offered a definitive treatment, without decreasing the laparoscopic
Conclusion: Thus, introduction of videoendosurgical technology in the treatment of
approach, having a conversion rate equal to the elective surgery. We believe that one acute appendicitis and its complications is very feasible intervention, allows to
important factor in achieving these results is derived from the high degree of specialization reduce postoperative morbidity, diminish duration of hospital stay.
of the surgical team.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S85

P130 – Emergency Surgery P132 – Emergency Surgery


R. Galleano, M. Ciciliot, A. Franceschi, L. Reggiani, F. Falchero OPEN APPENDECTOMY IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY
S. Maria di Misericordia, ALBENGA, Italy B. Mantoglu, M. Okuducu, A.B. Karip, H. Altun, E. Onur,
Laparoscopy is an accepted technique for elective treatment of colorectal diseases
A. Baskent, U. Akyuz, O. Bat, O. Aras, K. Memisoglu
but few data exist on management of colorectal emergency. A review of a single Fatih Sultan Mehmet EA Hospital, ISTANBUL, Turkey
centre practice has been carried out. Acute appendicitis is the most frequent surgical procedure that requires emergency
In the last ten years laparoscopy has been used as first diagnostic/therapeutic tool in a surgery in general surgical practice. Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) is an alter-
variety of colorectal surgical emergency: A) a 96 years old patient that had a ret- native to open technique and performed by many surgeons. The advantages and
roperitoneal perforation of the rectum secondary to an enema was submitted to disadvantages of laparoscopic access is not yet clear, so there is no consensus about
diagnostic laparoscopy that showed minimal pelvic peritonitis with a retroperitoneal the ideal technique in Turkey. In this study, our aim was to compare LA and open
pelvic haematoma and, consequently, a laparoscopic sigmoid loop colostomy was appendectomy (OA) in terms of hospital costs and clinical outcomes.
completed; B) three patients underwent laparoscopic exploration and suture of iat- The present study was designed as prospective randomized study. Sixty-three
rogenic endoscopic perforation of the left colon; C) two patients with acute abdomen patients with a presumed diagnosis of acute appendicitis were investigated. Inclusion
due to foreign body perforation of the gut were diagnosed and treated by laparoscopy criteria were patients who were between 13 and 65 years of age, who have ASA I-III
with the extraction of a toothpick from a Meckel diverticulum that was resected and scores and who had no prior abdominal surgery. Acute appendicitis was diagnosed
the extraction of a chicken bone perforating the sigma wall that was sutured; D) by physical examination and laboratory findings. The patients were randomized into
thirteen patients presented with acute abdomen due to diverticulitis has been two groups of LA group and OA group according to admitting day. Patients who
explored laparoscopically and ten of them received laparoscopic peritoneal lavage were admitted on odd days were treated with LA and the others with OA. Collected
with complete remission of symptoms and delayed elective laparoscopic sigmoid clinical data included demographic data, hospital stay, operation time, complication,
resection, the remaining three were converted to laparotomy because of fecal peri- return to work and pain scores. Hospital costs were calculated for both groups.
tonitis or necrotic sigmoid colon; E) a patient with suspected acute appendicitis was In this study, the level of pain scores, hospital stay and return to work found sig-
found to be affected by right colon cancer and laparoscopic urgent right colectomy nificantly less in LA group compared to OA group. Operation time was not
was carried out. In all described cases there were no major complication, no wound significant between two groups. Higher BMI values prolonged the operation time for
infection, and no re-operation. Two patients after peritoneal lavage for acute div- LA and OA. The mean hospital costs were not statistically significant between two
erticulitis had pulmonary infection. Laparoscopy in the emergency setting identifies groups. With the advantages of this minimally invasive method, LA should be the
the source of intra-abdominal pathology and estimates its severity. Whether the procedure of choice in the treatment of acute appendicitis. Discouraging side of this
therapeutic procedure is laparoscopic or open is decided by the surgeon depending operation is the hospital cost in developing countries, but with the usage of reusable
on findings, patient’s condition, complexity of the procedure to be completed. laparoscopic sets and self made loops, the hospital costs can be reduced to the level
Possible advantages of laparoscopy are reduced pain, shorter hospital stay, quicker of OA.
recovery, decreased wound complications. In selected cases laparoscopic treatment
of colonic emergency seems to be a viable alternative to open approach. Inability to
locate source of abdominal pathology, doubt regarding safety of the procedure,
faecal peritonitis or hemodynamic instability should prompt conversion to open

P131 – Emergency Surgery P133 – Emergency Surgery


M. Salama, A. Zaidi, T. Taha, A.R.H. Nasr, I. Ahmed RESECTION
Our lady of lourdes hospital, DROUGHEDA, Ireland G. Pernazza, I. Monsellato, G. Alfano, A. D’Annibale
Introduction: Despite the recent advances in imaging techniques, the diagnosis of acute San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital, ROME, Italy
appendicitis still poses a challenge to even the most experienced surgeon. Ultrasound, C.T Anastomotic leakage is one of the most important complications after rectal cancer
scan and blood tests may help, but are not absolutely diagnostic for acute appendicitis. The resection. Leakage rate after open surgery is 2.8–12% and postoperative mortality
risk of morbidity and mortality increases with perforated and gangrenous appendicitis. To
after anastomotic leakage is 7–14%. Massive anastomotic leakage and peritonitis
minimise these risks, surgeons tend to err on the side of over diagnosis of acute appendicitis
requires generally prompt reintervention by laparotomy. Laparoscopic reintervention
and many accept this as a safer surgical practice. There is no consensus on what to do when
surgeons come across an apparently normal looking appendix during laparoscopy. This is after primary laparoscopic surgery might be beneficial, while an open approach
reflected in the high incidence of negative appendicectomies even in the laparoscopic era. might lose the advantages of minimally-invasive approach. We reported our personal
Aim: To study the impact of laparoscopy in our institute in reducing the rate of negative experience of treating three anastomotic leakages occurred in 98 left colectomies/
appendicectomies. LAR (low anterior resection) for colorectal malignancy. There were 47 colorectal
Methods: The hospital records of all patients who had emergency appendicectomy anastomosis with the upper rectum; 18 colorectal anastomosis with the medium
during the period of two years from January 2009 to December 2010 were analysed. rectum and 33 colorectal anastomosis with the lower rectum. Diverting stoma were
Cases of elective interval appendicectomy were excluded from our study. The always performed in the latter cases, while in the first case only in presence of risk
presence of Neutrophils involving the layers of the wall of the appendix was con- factors. We experienced three anastomotic leakages with partial dehiscence after
sidered to be diagnostic for acute appendicitis. ULAR (ultra-low anterior resection). A massive peritonitis was observed but there
Results: A total of 650 patients (335 females and 315 males) had emergency appendicec- were neither adhesions nor distension of the colon or small bowel, so the abdominal
tomy during the two years study period. Most surgeons had removed the appendix at cavity was easily explored. An accurate lavage of the abdominal cavity was carried
laparoscopy even if it looked normal. Histology showed no evidence of acute appendicitis out easily, in all the anatomical recesses, according to the international guidelines.
in 105 out of 650 patients (14.4%) which is not different from what we had during the pre- Four drainage tubes were placed in the pelvic cavity. The anastomosis was saved,
laparoscopic era. Of these 105 who did not have acute appendicitis, 26 showed lymphoid thanks also to the presence of a functioning diverting stoma. Mean operative time
hyperplasia, 2 torsion of appendices epiploica, 2 endometriosis of the appendix, 8 ente- was 110 min. Postoperative course was uneventful and mean length of stay was 4 ±
robius vermicularis and 7 faecalith in the lumen of the appendix. 8 had tumours (Carcinoid 3. Although further study would be necessary, laparoscopic redo could be a choice
4, Mucinous cyst adenoma 1, Adenocarcinoma 2, and Ovarian tumour 1). for anastomotic leakages after laparoscopic LAR.
Conclusions: The most important determinant of the diagnostic accuracy is the experience
of the clinical examiner. Imaging techniques and blood tests may be helpful in doubtful
cases. In combination with the above, a definite consensus on the fate of normal looking
appendix at laparoscopy is necessary to reduce the rate of unnecessary appendicectomy and
its associated morbidity.

S86 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P134 – Emergency Surgery P136 – Emergency Surgery


PELVIS I Taronna
Y. Shimizu, Y. Yoshikawa, N. Hatanaka, H. Tominaga, Centro Medico Loira, CARACAS, Venezuela
M. Tanemura, A. Nishitani, T. Irei, K. Hiraoka, M. Inoue, J. Moon, Aims: We report an unusual case of acute appendicitis caused by a mucinous cystadenoma of the
T. Kinoshita, M. Park, M. Wakahara, N. Honmyou, W. Kamiike appendiceal base in the cecum that obstructing the lumen of the appendix, treated by laparoscopic
NHO Kure medical center, HIROSHIMA, Japan right hemicolectomy.
Methods: An otherwise healthy, 42-year-old woman with a 4 day history of right lower quadrant
Introduction: Laparoscopic surgery is increasing in number but is not so commonly used for the abdominal pain with peritoneal rebound. An abdominal ultrasound was normal, CT reported altered
treatment of intestinal obstruction. Specifically, limited space due to dilated intestine, emergent peri-caecal fat. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed by palpation instrument evidencing a tumor
situation, in most cases; and various mechanisms of obstruction make laparoscopic resolution in the cecum and saccular dilatation of the appendix. The patient underwent a laparoscopic right
difficult. We report on four cases of strangulating obstruction that originated in the female pelvis hemicolectomy, there was no pathologist for frozen biopsy.
and were successfully treated by laparoscopy. Results: The patient was discharged on the fifth postoperative day without complications. The
Patients: Average age was 51.8 years old and all patients presented with abdominal pain and one pathology specimen reported an appendix tumor, Mucinous cystadenoma of the appendiceal base,
also reported nausea. Three reported no previous abdominal operations; however, one patient without atypia and acute appendicitis. No lymph node involvement. The tumor was 3 cm and
underwent two caesarean sections. Although physical examinations revealed only mild tenderness bulges into the cecum without alteration of the cecum mucosa, with obstruction of the appendiceal
in the abdomen and laboratory findings were not contributory, abdominal CT revealed signs of lumen. The follow-up at one year, the patient was asymptomatic.
closed-loop obstruction of the small bowel in the pelvis that resulted in our decision for an Conclusions: The appendiceal mucinous cystadenoma is unusual, 0.3% of acute appendicitis. If the
emergent operation. Laparoscopy revealed the cause of strangulating obstruction in all four cases; base of the appendix is not compromised, laparoscopic appendectomy can be made with biopsy by
broad ligament hernia in one patient, and fibrous adhesion to the uterus, the fatty appendices of frozen sections of the appendix, to rule out a mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, which would extend to
rectum, and fimbria of the fallopian tube in the other three cases. Average operation time was 59.8 a right hemicolectomy surgery. If the appendiceal base is compromised and we to palpate a tumor
minutes and blood loss was minimal. The case of broad ligament hernia was converted to open in the cecum, is safe to perform a laparoscopic right hemicolectomy without frozen sections.
surgery with 5 cm mini-laparotomy because of bleeding from the mesentery, although bowel
resection was not necessary. The postoperative course was uneventful in all cases.
Discussion: The causes of bowel obstruction without a history of laparotomy were considered as
follows, 1. Inflammatory adhesion: Inflammatory reaction often takes place, especially around the
female genitals. 2. Internal hernia: Intrapiploic hernia, broad ligament hernia, obturator hernia, etc.
In general, early diagnosis of strangulating obstruction is difficult. Based on our experience, closed-
loop obstruction of the small bowel on CT findings are very informative to identified the focus of
obstruction. We presumed that early diagnosis made the operation easier because of less intestinal
distension and preserved working space, and prevented unnecessary bowel resection.
Conclusion: We had four cases of strangulating obstruction that were diagnosed early by precise
evaluation of CT findings and successfully treated by laparoscopy. In female, it was also suggested
that inflammatory adhesion around the female genitals may induce strangulating obstruction.

P135 – Emergency Surgery P137 – Emergency Surgery


O.B. Kutovyy1, V.A. Pelekh2, N.K. Ruban2, N.V. Yenotova2, OF COMPLICATED APPENDICITIS
M.O Kutovyy2, V.V. Pimakhov1, O.V. Meleshko3 A.V. Sazhin, S.V. Mosin, A.A. Kodjoglyan, B.K. Laypanov,
Dnepropetrovs’k medical academy, DNEPROPETROVS’K, H.T. Mirzoyan, A.R. Yuldoshev
Ukraine ; 2Dnepropetrovs’k regional clinical hospital of I.I. Russian National Research Medical University named after NI
Mechnikov, DNEPROPETROVS’K, Ukraine ; 3SMSD - 6, Pirogov, MOSCOW, Russia
DNEPROPETROVS’K, Ukraine Materials and methods: From 2005 to 2011 the results of 1530 laparoscopic appendectomy (LA)
Aims: The purpose of article is to evaluate the results of the laparoscopic operations on pregnant were analyzed. Complicated appendicitis was in 391 patients (25.5%). During the laparoscopic
women. operation in 34(8.7%) cases an appendicular mass was found, in 40(10.2%) – appendicular abscess,
Materials and methods: The indications for the procedure were acute catarrhal appendicitis (4 76(5.16%) patients had widespread peritonitis and 238(60.8%) patients – perforated appendix.
cases), phlegmonous appendicitis (11 cases), gangrenous appendicitis (2 cases), acute phlegmonous Patients with appendicular mass were treated conservatively. However, in 9(2.3%) cases it was
cholecystitis (7 cases), acute strangulate bowel (1 case). Women aged between 18 to 39 years old, transformed into abscess and resolved by ultrasound guidance.
with the pregnancy terms between 10 to 31 weeks. In 26(6.6%) cases of appendicular abscess was diagnosed during laparoscopic mobilization, in
Results and their explanation: Appendectomy with extracorporeal ligation of appendix has been 25(1.6%) of this laparoscopic appendectomy was successfully carried out. In 1 patient (0.2%) LA
conducted on 7 pregnant women, intracorporeal ligation has been conducted on 6 pregnant women. was dangerous, then followed draining of abscess by laparoscopy. Interval LA was performed 6
One patient has suffered from bowel obstruction caused by thread-like adhesion, which had con- month later.
nected intestinal mesenteries root and uterine fundus compressing small intestine in the border Widespread peritonitis with bowel paresis revealed in 14(3.6%) patients, which required general
between jejunum and ileum. Intestinal wall was cleared after dissection of adhesion by mono-polar laparotomy and nasointestinal decompression. In 65(16.6%) patients with widespread peritonitis
electrode. There was no need for any additional manipulation. without bowel paresis was performed completely laparoscopic appendectomy with washing and
There has been no difference whatsoever in the laparoscopy cholecystectomy techniques used. draining of abdominal cavity.Perforated appendix occurred in 78(19.9%) cases. We use intracor-
Postoperative period has run smoothly for all patients. There has been no danger of miscarriage or poral purse-string suture to immersion of the stump.
any other complications observed after the procedure. Pregnancy for 19 patients has resulted in Results: In 37(9.7%) cases a postoperative inflammatory mass in the right iliac region was found,
physiological birth through the natu-ral birth canal at the terms between 37 and 41 weeks. All the which had regressed with anti-inflammatory therapy over the next 5–6 days. In 3(0.7%) cases it was
new-borns has been assessed according to Apgar scale receiving between 6 and 9 points. There has transformed into abscess and resolved by ultrasound draining. Another 3(0.7%) cases occurred
been no indication of any intrauterine growth retardation or hypoxic disorders. The caesarean failure appendicular stump, which required reoperation. All patients recovered. In 12(0.8%)
section has been given to only one patient at the term of 40 weeks after she endured appendectomy. patients with purulent peritonitis after LA an ileus was observed during next 3 days, which was
Prolonged infertility in the past following in-vitro fertilization were indications for the operation. resolved by conservative treatment, and 2(0.5%) patients required second look procedures. In
At present, five of the patients are still pregnant. There has been no pathology observed according 5(0.3%) we observed wound infection. The overall complication rate was 54(13.8%). Conversion
to ultrasound tests. to open surgery was in 63(16.1%) cases. The postoperative period was 6.9 ± 0.3 days. There was
Conclusions: Based on our experience, we have not observed any significant negative impact of no mortality with complicated appendicitis.
laparoscopic surgery using carboxyperitoneum on further course of pregnancy, birth and the Conclusions: We propose that laparoscopic appendectomy is a safe method of choice in compli-
development of the new-borns. However, considering the benefits of videoendoscopic surgery these cated appendicitis.
methods could be more widely used at the various stages of pregnancy, providing the rules and the
techniques of performing the procedure are carefully observed.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S87

P138 – Emergency Surgery P140 – Emergency Surgery


A.E. Nicolau, M. Craciun, A. Kitkani, R. Zota OF ABDOMINAL CAVITY IN A SINGLE CENTER
Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti, BUCHAREST, Romania M.E. Timofeev, S.G. Shapovalyanz, E.D. Fedorov, R.V. Plahov,
The intestinal perforations due to blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) are often difficult to diag-
A.N. Bachurin
nose clinically and imagistically within the first hours from the accident, especially in the case Russian State Medical University, MOSCOW, Russia
of multiple trauma patients. The initially missed intestinal lesions in the case of nonoperative
Objectives: to report clinical results of using Laparoscopic Intervention (LI) in urgent
therapy result in a high morbidity and mortality. The clinical examination is irrelevant in more
abdominal surgery
than 50% cases, but there are indirect CT signs that are hallmark for CT scans: ‘peritoneal fluid
Methods: 11075 urgent LI’s (6970 (62.9 %) – diagnostic, 4105 (37.1 %) – therapeutic) were
in the absence of solid organs injuries’. Diagnostic laparoscopy (DL) performed in the case of
performed. Main indications were: acute appendicitis, acute adhesive small bowel obstruction
a stable patient is a seldom used option. We present five cases of BAT with suspicion of
(AASBO), perforative ulcer, general peritonitis (GP) of different etiologies, torsion and necrosis
intestinal lesions. Three patients presented the ‘belt sign’. The clinical examination was
of epiploic appendices (EA).
equivocal due to the associated traumatic lesions (cerebral, thoracic and pelvic) and the CT
Results: In 1396 pts. with acute appendicitis laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) was
scan done only in three cases (technical causes) presented only indirect signs. The diagnostic
laparoscopy showed the intestinal perforations in all cases. Also, the laparoscopy allowed us to performed: zero intraoperative complications (IC), 15 postoperative complications
perform a complete abdominal lavage. Through a minilaparotomy (5–7 cm) we performed an (PC) and 2(0.14%) lethal cases. LI was performed in 363 pts. with AASBO,
exteriorisation of the perforated intestinal loop, followed by a laparoscopic assisted segmental 65(17.9%) pts had had early postoperative AASBO and 36(9.9%) pts had no oper-
bowel resection in three cases, and an enterorrhaphy in two cases. There were no missed ative history. Laparoscopic adhesiolysis, using standard and ultrasonic scissors,
injuries. We had one abdominal wound infection. ligation and clipping was performed in 183(50.4%) patients. There were 2 IC, 17 PC
We consider that in selected cases of BAT when we have suspicion of intestinal injuries, (surgical – 12, general – 5) and 3 (0.8%) lethal cases. LI were performed in 220 pts.
DL is a useful diagnostic tool with therapeutic potential which can reduce the incidence of for perforative duodenal ulcer with 2 IC and 3 PC, without lethal outcomes.
missed lesions and unnecessary laparotomies. From I. 2000 to XII. 2011 overall 175 pts. with GP underwent LI to eliminate the cause of
peritonitis and/or to clean abdominal cavity. In 95 pts. both, elimination of the cause of
peritonitis and sanitation of abdominal cavity were performed laparoscopically (34 repairs
of perforating ulcer, 24 appendectomies and 3 cholecystectomies). In 50 pts. elimination
was performed via local surgical access followed by laparoscopic sanitation LS. In 30 pts.
all steps of the operation were performed via median laparotomy with programmed LS
afterwards. With no IC, PC were revealed in 16 (9.1%) pts. and there were 8(4.5%) lethal
cases. 76 pts. with torsion and infarction of (EA) of the colon were operated with LI. There
were no IC and no PC.
Conclusion: Urgent LI had proved to be highly effective, with decreased lethality and compli-
cations rate, minimal pain syndrome, fast restoration of small bowel peristalsis, prompt return to
work and good cosmetic effect. Effective LI practice subject to surgical tactics: careful indications
and counter indications count, technical excellence and respect to the classical surgery rules.

P139 – Emergency Surgery P141 – Emergency Surgery


MAL-POSITIONING OF A CYSTOGASTROSTOMIC B. Mantoglu1, B. Kaya2, H. Altun2, A.B. Karip2, M.T. Aydin2,
‘PIGTAIL’ DRAIN K. Memisoglu2
R. Costi1, A.B.F. Kassi2, F. Marchesi1, S. Cecchini1, B. Randone3, 1
Afsin State Hospital K. Maras, KAHRAMANMARAS, Turkey;
L. Sarli1, V. Violi1, L. Roncoroni1 2
FSM Egt.Ars Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Klinigi, ISTANBUL, Turkey
Università degli Studi di Parma, PARMA, Italy; 2Hôpital Cochin, Introduction: Acute appendicitis is a common surgical condition. Appendectomy is one of
PARIS, France; 3Hopital d’Eaubonne, EAUBONNE, France the most frequently performed operation worldwide. Several prospective randomized trials
comparing open appendectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy have been published up to
Aims: Traditionally, pancreatic pseudocysts are treated by surgical derivation into the GI
date. There is still no consensus about which procedure must be chosen. The choice of the
tract. Cystogastrostomy and cystojejunostomy are alternatively used based on pseudocyst
procedure is still surgeon dependent. Laparoscopic appendectomy is more device needed
location in the pancreas. The recent spread of mini-invasive techniques has allowed per-
procedure than conventional appendectomy. The Karman cannula is a soft, flexible cannula
forming cystogastrostomy by endoscopic positioning of a drain through the gastric wall into
(or curette) popularized by Harvey Karman in the early 1970s and specially used in
the pseudocyst without general anesthesia and low morbidity. The appropriate management
gynecological operations. We used this device as a knot pushing instrument in laparoscopic
of the complications of these procedure remains undefined also owing to their low fre-
quency. Here we present the first reported case of laparoscopic management of acute
Material and Methods: Between March 2011 and September 2011, we performed 42 lap-
peritonitis due to drain mal-positioning outside the pancreatic pseudocyst.
aroscopic appendectomies. Under general anesthesia, after 1 cm infra-umbilical incision,
Methods: A 56-year-old man, with a history of compensated alcoholic cirrhosis (Child A)
pneumoperitoneum was performed with Veres needle and 10 mm trochar introduced into
and pancreatic pseudocyst following a self-limited Balthazar D (one peri-pancreatic body
the abdomen. A 10 mm, 30 degrees laparoscope was inserted and other trocars (5 mm trocar
collection), Ranson 1 (age [55) alcoholic acute pancreatitis, underwent a second endo-
at suprapubic area and 12 mm trocar at 7 cm right to the umbilicus) were inserted. Meso-
scopic cystogastrostomy by placement of two ‘pigtail’ drains, eight weeks after the first
appendix was ligated and divided with harmonic scalpel (Ethicon). A Karman cannula was
unsuccessful endoscopic attempt. Six hours after the second procedure the patient devel-
taken and a hole was made with a needle at the top of the cannula. Two extracorporeal loops
oped tachycardia and epigastric tenderness. CT scan showed massive pneumoperitoneum
were prepared with Vicryl 0/suture and pushed the knot with the help of Karman cannula
and free fluid (Fig. 1). The 3D reconstruction (Fig. 2) clearly identified two pigtail drains
No: 8 to the base of the appendix. After appendectomy, appendix was taken out from
passing through the gastric wall but not reaching the pancreatic pseudocyst, thus allowing
abdominal cavity with endo-bag.
deducing that acute peritonitis was likely due to gastric juice extravasation. Emergency
Results: There were 24 men and 18 women in this study. The mean age was 31.8 years. The
laparoscopy confirmed the presence of acute peritonitis and free, whitish fluid. After
average operation time was 38.9 minutes. The histopathological diagnosis was phleg-
dividing the gastro-colic ligament division, the two ‘pigtail’ drains were found to be passing
monous appendicitis in 26 patients, catarrhal in 5 patients and gangrenous in 11 patients.
through the gastric wall but not in the pancreatic pseudocyst (Fig. 3). Both drains were then
All patients were discharged at first operative day. There were no postoperative surgical
removed and the posterior gastric wall was sutured laparoscopically (Fig. 4). A drain was
left in place. The procedure lasted 65 minutes, mostly needed for peritoneal lavage.
Conclusion: Several methods have been described to ligate the base of the appendix such as
Results: The outcome was uneventful and the patient was discharged on postoperative day
extracorporeal knots, intracorporeal knots, and ligation with clips. In this study, we used
5. At 7 months follow-up visit, the patient’s examination remained unremarkable.
Karman cannula as a knot pusher in 42 patients successfully. Karman cannula can be used
Conclusions: Onset of unexplained abdominal pain after endoscopic cystogastrostomy should
safely in laparoscopic appendectomies.
prompt CT-scan. In the case of diffuse acute peritonitis by mal-positioning of a cystogastros-
tomy drain, the laparoscopic management (drain removal, gastric wall suture and lavage)
showed to be rapid, effective and safe, and should be considered as the first-line treatment option.

S88 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P142 – Emergency Surgery P144 – Emergency Surgery


T. Sezer, H. Yildirim, O. Unalp, L. Yeniay, O. Firat, S. Ersin, COMBINED WITH SPLENIC ARTERY BLOOD REDACTION
Ege University School of Medicine, IZMIR, Turkey M. Tutchenko1, D. Rudyk1, O. Shavlovskyi1, R. Romanov2
Aims: Laparoscopic appendectomy is becoming the preferred technique for treating acute
Bogomolets National Medical University, KYIV, Ukraine; 2City
appendicitis. Despite of its shown advantages, laparoscopic operation costs are reported to be clinikal emergency hospital, KYIV, Ukraine
higher. This study was undertaken to assess another feasible and economical way of laparoscopic
appendectomy. Mortality rate in case of variceal hemorrhage is still high and depends on liver failure. In Child-
Methods: In this technique, we have used pre-tied loops to ligate the appendix base instead of Pugh grade C die 75% patients, grade B – 50–60%, grade A – 30%. Summary: experience of
endoscopic stapler and a glove finger instead of endocatch to extract appendix. A retrospective laparoscopic-assistent treatment of 26 patients with portal hypertension complications was
review was performed of 29 patients who were treated laparoscopically with this technique for summarized.
appendicitis. Aim: To investigate the effect of laparoscopic – assistant splenic artery blood redaction combined
Results: The average operative time was 75 minutes (range 55–110 minutes). Pathological evidence with upper part gastric and low part esophagus devascularization (a.,v. gastric sinistra, aa., vv.
of appendicitis was present in all the patients. Mean age of patients was 31.4 years. gastricae brevis, a. gastroepiploica sinistra ligation), esophagus transection, and fundoplication
procedures in liver cirrhosis patients.
The average length of hospital stay was 2.5 days (range 2–4 days). No complication
Methods and materials: 26 laparoscopic-assisted operations were performed in 26 patients for
occured during surgery and wound infection is the unique complication for one esophageal variceal hemorrhage (26), hypersplenism (24), and ascites (22). Liver function indi-
patient as far as postoperative complications are concerned. cators were measured on 26 liver cirrhosis patients (10 in Child-Pugh grade B and 16 in grade C).
Conclusion: The findings suggest that laparoscopic appendectomy with this technique is feasible in The ages ranged from 16–70 years (mean 48 ± 12.8 years) in 15 male and 11 female patients.
patients with appendicitis and diminishes laparoscopic operation costs significantly. Results: We have one recurrent variceal hemorrhage after operation throughout follow-up period.
In 19 of 24 patients with hypersplenism the platelet values were increased by 2–3 times compared
to baseline levels since next day after operation and remained normal or subnormal. In 15 of 24
patients with hypersplenism, hematologic indexes returned to and remained normal throughout
follow-up. Mortality rate consisted 2 (7.6%).
Laparoscopic splenic artery ligation resulted in decrease of ascites in 11 patients and complete
resolution in 7 patients. In addition 8 of 10 (80%) Child-Pugh grade B patients progressed to grade
A and 9 of 16 (56.2%) Child-Pugh grade C patients progressed to grade B 1–2 month after
Conclusion: Laparoscopic-assisted splenic artery reduction combined with upper part gastric
devascularization, esophageal transection and fundoplication procedures are an effective methods
to reduce recurrent bleeding from esophageal varices due to portal hypertension and may be
considered as an alternative option for the patients who are unable to undergo safe liver trans-
plantation, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt or surgical shunt placement.

P143 – Emergency Surgery P145 – Emergency Surgery


SURGERY VS ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY AND DELAYED A. Maghiar, D.H. Ciurtin, M. Sfirlea, P.R. Sookha, G. Dejeu,
G. Lezoche1, R. Campagnacci2, M. Baldarelli2, R. Ghiselli2, Spitalul Pelican Oradea, ORADEA, Romania
A.M. Paganini3, M. Rimini2, A. Piccioli2, C. Romiti2, M. Haxiu2, Aim: Performing the most common of all the surgical operation using the 3 port laparoscopic
M. Guerrieri2 technique or single port (SILS) technique.
1 Method: Between October 2008 and December 2011 the surgical teams in our clinic proposed the
University ‘‘Politecnica delle Marche’’, ANCONA, Italy; laparoscopic approach to all patients admitted with acute appendicitis. We had 194 patients with acute
Department of General Surgery, University ‘‘Politecnica delle appendicitis and 190 agreed to the laparoscopic approach.
Marche’’, ANCONA, Italy; 3Department of Surgery, II Clinica Our technique involves us making the first incision just supra-umbilical and using a 5 mm trocar for the 5
mm optics. After performing an exploratory laparoscopy we introduce 2 further trocars, one 5 mm in the
Chirurgica, Sapienza University of Rome, ROME, Italy left iliac fossa and one 10 mm trocar supra-pubic. We dissect the appendicular artery using the mono-
Aim: The definition of the best time-point for laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is controversial. polar cautery, the bipolar cautery or the LigaSure Advance, and use endoloops to close the appendicular
Aim of this study was to compare early and delayed LC in patients with acute cholecystitis. stump. We extract the appendix using endobags, using the supra-pubic trocar incision for the extraction.
Methods: From January 2005 to July 2011, patients with acute cholecystitis who underwent lap- Results: We attempted laparoscopic appendectomy in all 190 patients that agreed to this, and we
aroscopic cholecystectomy were retrospectively analysed on the basis of a prospectively collected performed the operation in 188 of the cases (40 performed by residents), we had 2 conversions to
database. Patients were divided according to the time of LC since appearance of the first symptoms: classic surgery due to retro-cecal, sub-serous appendix, which made the dissection using lapa-
‘early group’ underwent surgery within 72 hours and ‘delayed group’ more than 72 hours since roscopy impossible. During 2011 we started using the Dapri curved grasper from Karl Storz and we
onset of symptoms. The choice between the two policies was left up to the attending surgeon who proposed the SILS approach to 8 patients, 5 agreed and we performed the SILS appendectomy to
was on call at the time of the patient’s admission. The two groups were compared in terms of intra all of them. We had no major complications. The mean hospital stay was 48 hours ± 10 hours, and
and postoperative complications, conversion and length of postoperative stay. mean surgery duration was 25 min ± 10 min.
Results: During this 6-years period, a total of 53 patients underwent LC for acute cholecystitis. Conclusions: In our experience laparoscopic appendectomy is a very feasible operation, safe and
Twenty four patients underwent surgery within 72 hours since occurrence of symptoms (‘early fast in experienced hands, with fast postoperative recovery for the patient, minimal postoperative
surgery’) and twenty nine patients were treated with intravenous antibiotics first, with surgery pain and need for antalgic drugs, excellent cosmetic results. SILS appendectomy is also feasible in
delayed (on average, 16 weeks) (‘delayed surgery’). Mortality was nil in both groups. There was no very experienced surgeons, but it needs more study before it can be recommended as standard
biliary injury during LC. In the ‘early surgery’ group one patient developed a subhepatic fluid technique.
collection and in the ‘delayed surgery’ group one patient developed umbilical wound infection (p =
n.s.). Conversion to open surgery occurred in two cases, one in each group (p = n.s.). Mean
operative time was 96 min (range, 62.5–117.5) for the ‘early group’ and 99 min (range 68.7–125.5)
for the ‘delayed group’ (p = n.s.). The mean postoperative hospital stay was two days in both
groups (p = n.s.).
Conclusions: Although the number of patients is limited, the present cohort shows no advantage in
delaying LC for acute cholecystitis and it requires a double hospitalisation, with increasing costs.
Based on this study, early LC for the management of acute cholecystitis is suggested.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S89

P146 – Emergency Surgery P148 – Emergency Surgery


G. Vasic1, V. Zivanovic1, D. Vasic2, B. Djuric1, B. Dakovic1, L.M. Arthur, K. Shalli
D. Radovanovic1 Wishaw General Hospital, WISHAW, United Kingdom
UCHC ‘Dr Dragisa Misovic-Dedinje’, BELGRADE, Serbia; 2PHC Aims: Pyogenic liver abscess is a recognised complication of acute appendicitis
‘Rakovica’, BELGRADE, Serbia often associated with significant mortality rates. The mainstay of management of
Aim: Describing our original method of dissecting mesoappendix with the ultra- liver abscesses today is longterm intravenous antibiotic therapy with or without
sound-activated scalpel (UAS) during laparoscopic appendectomy. percutaneous radiologically guided abscess drainage. Here we present a case of a
Methods: Our changed appendix dissection approach was applied on 67 patients, patient who underwent successful laparoscopic management of pyogenic liver
ages from 16 up to 79, with various degree of appendicitis. It is required UAS abscess combined with appendicectomy in the same procedure. We also aim to
activation level 1. Dissection direction goes appendix top to the bottom, heading highlight the advantage of laparoscopic over open appendicectomy in allowing
along its wall, between the mesoa and the wall, separating the appendix from the careful diagnostic exploration and washout of the peritoneal cavity.
mesoappendix. When peritoneum is released, lower caliber a.appendicularis bran- Methods: We present the case of a 22 year old gentleman visiting the UK from his
ches are next UAS treated. Approaching is safer and is easier to identify appendix home in India. He presented with a one week history of right sided abdominal pain
wall and basis, no matter the inflammation degree. It makes easier putting two endo- and fever associated with significantly elevated inflammatory markers. At theatre
loops around appendix bases without mesoa disturbance. Endo-loops are going laparoscopy identified dual pathology of acute appendicitis and secondary pyogenic
safely securing the stump of the appendix. Appendix extracting maneuver is much liver abscess.
easier going trough 12 mm umbilical port, without mesoa that surrounds appendix. Results: Successful drainage of the liver abscess was achieved laparoscopically. This
This is methodological significant improvement, comparing to standard approach was combined with laparoscopic appendicectomy in the same procedure with thor-
where mesoa is treated directly on appendix basis. ough peritoneal lavage. Microbiology of the pus from the liver abscess revealed no
Results: The average dissecting time is 2 to 11 minutes. Appendicle branches growth on culture. Histology of the appendix confirmed acute appendicitis. Length
bleeding were not recorded during, or after the operation. Cekum or appendix wall of hospital stay was 6 days. Intraoperative images are available displaying the liver
injuries were avoided. Endo-loops positioning is much easier and shorter. Appendix abscess cavity during and post drainage.
extraction time trough umbilical port is shorter and easier. Intra abdominal abscess Conclusions: Laparoscopy allowed thorough inspection of the peritoneal cavity and
formation or umbilical wound infection were not recorded. identification of the liver abscess which may not have been identified with the
Conclusions: Our original, precise UAS incision technique for laparoscopic appen- traditional open appendicectomy approach. Laparoscopy also obviated the need for
dectomy appears to be safe in respect of stability, sterility and tissue changes. full laparotomy and its associated morbidity to achieve abscess drainage. Surgical
Vascular elements treatment, precise appendix basis approach, quicker and easier drainage of pyogenic liver abscess is traditionally reserved for cases who have failed
extraction maneuver and endo-loops positioning are major advantages of appendix to respond to conservative measures. We have demonstrated laparoscopic drainage
extraction through umbilical trocar. of liver abscess with combined appendicectomy is a feasible management option for
this condition; allowing shortened length of hospital stay.

P147 – Emergency Surgery P149 – Emergency Surgery


A. Bond, D. Wilson, N. Ladwa, M.K. Baig, P. Sains POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD
Worthing Hospital, WORTHING, United Kingdom D. Yaroshuk, M.I. Tutchenko
National Medical University, KIEV, Ukraine
Aims: A recent Cochrane review suggests an almost two fold increased risk of intra-
abdominal collection with laparoscopic appendicectomy when compared with the Aim: Explore the possibility of relaparoscopy in patients with intraabdominal
open technique. The aim of this study is to show that in a District General Hospital complications in the early postoperative period.
where laparoscopic appendicectomy is routine, there is no increased risk of intra- Introduction: In the period from 2009 to 2012 for acute surgical pathology laparo-
abdominal collection. scopically operated 535 patients. In 5 (0.9 %) of them due to complications in early
Methods: A retrospective study of all patients having laparoscopic and open postoperative period relaparoscopy was performed. All patients had stable haemo-
appendicectomy between April 2009 and September 2011 was performed. Patients dynamics and had no contraindications to carboperitoneum.
were identified using coding records. Postoperative radiology was reviewed in all Materials and Methods: In 2 (0.37 %) of patients with acute gangrenous cholecystitis
patients to identify those with collections. Histology of the appendix was also occurred intraabdominal bleeding. At the first source was the artery in the bed of the
reviewed. gallbladder is not identified in its dissection. Remove blood clots and bipolar
Results: 516 patients had an appendicectomy. 242 (47%) were open and 274 (53%) coagulation was sufficient for the successful completion of relaparoscopy. The
were laparoscopic. 26/516 patients (5%) were found to have collections postopera- second – tension subcapsular hematoma of extensive diaphragmatic surface of the
tively. The groups were matched for age but laparoscopic appendicectomy was more right lobe of the liver, the volume of 270 ml, not to treat by punctures under
likely to be performed on females. There were equal numbers of perforated/necrotic ultrasound guidance. When relaparoscopy made the dissection, partial evacuation of
appendixes in each group. There was no significant difference between number of hematoma and drainage. Tense hematoma and its extension to the subdiaphragmatic
patients with intra-abdominal collection in laparoscopic or open procedure. surface of the superior vena cava implied bleeding from large venous trunks.
Conclusion: The laparoscopic approach to appendicectomy is a safe and effective In 1 (0.18%) patients after suturing perforated duodenal ulcer with a diameter of 1.2
method where the skills and resources are available and does not increase the chance cm by the end of the first day after surgery diagnosis of leakage. Relaparoscopy with
of developing a postoperative intra-abdominal collection. The presence of a perfo- excision and duodenoplasty led to recovery and discharge on the 7th day.
rated or necrotic appendix on histological examination remains a significant risk In 1 (0.18%) patients after dissection of adhesions due to strangulated small bowel
factor for the development of intra-abdominal collections. obstruction relapsed on the 5th day. Relaparoscopy with dissection of adhesions gave
a positive result.
In 1 (0.18%) patients operated on for gangrenous appendicitis, on the 2nd day after
surgery revealed failure of the stump. When relaparoscopy performed suturing the
caecum with interrupted sutures, sanitation and drainage of the abdominal cavity.
Discharged from hospital on the 12th day.
Results: Trocar wound suppuration was observed in the case of gangrenous
appendicitis. Urgent application of relaparoscopy led to recovery in all patients.
Conclusions: Relaparoscopy can be operation of choice in patients with complica-
tions in early postoperative period.

S90 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P150 – Endocrine Surgery P152 – Endocrine Surgery


R. Torres Peña1, S. Turcios Tristá2, L. León Chiong3, J. Nodal A. Sasaki, S. Baba, T. Obuchi, A. Umemura, S. Nishizuka,
Ortega1 Y. Kimura, H. Nitta, K. Otsuka, K. Koeda, M. Mizuno,
Centro Nacional de Cirugı́a de Mı́nimo Acceso, HAVANA, Cuba; G. Wakabayashi
Instituto Nacional de Endocrinologı́a, HAVANA, Cuba; 3Hospital Iwate Medical University, MORIOKA, Japan
Universitario Manuel Fajardo, HAVANA, Cuba Background: Single-port laparoscopic surgery is now a procedure of great interest
Aims: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA) has emerged as the standard treatment for worldwide. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the safety and feasibility of
most patients with benign functioning and non-functioning adrenal diseases. This single-port laparoscopic adrenalectomy (SPLA) for benign adrenal tumors.
study aimed at evaluating the results of LA at the National Center for Minimal Methods: Between January 2010 and December 2012, 12 consecutive patients (six
Access Surgery in Havana. men and six women) underwent SPLAs for benign adrenal tumors. The median age
Methods: Between February 2001 and September 2011, 41 LAs were carried out in of the patients was 53 years (range, 39–74). Indications for SPLA were 10 aldo-
37 patients (28 women). The left adrenal was removed from 18 patients, the right sterone-producing adenomas and two non-functioning tumors. A 2.5 cm incision was
adrenal from 13 patients, and both adrenals from 5 patients. The preoperative made on the umbilicus, and a multi-channel port (SILSTM port) was inserted. A
diagnosis was documented at the National Institute of Endocrinology and the pre- 5-mm flexible laparoscope, articulating instrument, and tissue sealing system were
scription for LA was assumed at the National Center for Minimal Access Surgery, the primary tools used in the operation. The right liver lobe was evaluated by means
based on a multicenter and multidisciplinary approach and follow-up. Parameters of a percutaneous instrument (MiniLapTM).
related to the diagnosis, tumor size and side, operative details, complications and Results: All surgeries were successfully completed without any intraoperative
others are statistically analyzed. complications. An additional 5-mm port was required in two patients with body mass
Results: Seventy-six percent of LAs was performed in patients with functioning index greater than 30 kg/m2. This port was for the liver retraction in the right-sided
disease: endogenous hypercortisolism (25), primary hyperaldosteronism (3), and tumors. The median operating time was 120 min (range, 90–180) and the median
pheochromocytoma (3). Less common indications were incidentalomas (10), blood loss was 5 ml (range, 1–35). There were no significant differences in operating
resulting in non-functioning adenomas, myelolipoma, ganglioneuroma, and others. time between the left-sided and right-sided tumors. No tumor rupture or spillage
According to our protocol of treatment, in 5 patients with endogenous hypercorti- occurred during any of the procedures. The median tumor size was 2.2 cm (range,
solism, LA was bilateral but in two steps according to their clinical condition (3/7 1–3.5). The median hospital stay was 3 days (range, 3–5). The postoperative course
patients with ACTH-dependent disease, 1/1 patient with ectopic ACTH syndrome was uneventful with no morbidity within one month of follow-up.
and 1/6 patients with ACTH-independent macronodular adrenal hyperplasia). The Conclusions: SPLA is a safe and technically feasible procedure for patients with
mean patient age was 41 years (range, 21–65); the mean operative time was 210 min benign adrenal tumors when performed by a surgeon experienced in laparoscopic
(range, 90–60); the mean blood loss was 84 ml (range, 10–400); the mean tumor size and adrenal surgery. However, more surgical experience using this technique is
was 4.6 cm (range, 0.9–8.5). There were two conversions statistically correlated with required to confirm our initial impressions.
the tumor size greater than 5 cm (p = 0.046). There weren’t intraoperative com-
plications, and wound sepsis was reported in two patients. Mortality was zero.
Conclusions: The multicenter approach based on the laparoscopic and endocrine
experiences of two large Cuban institutions allows results comparable with others
published from large referral centers.

P151 – Endocrine Surgery P153 – Endocrine Surgery


A. D’Annibale, G. Lucandri, I. Monsellato, M. De Angelis, O. Gulko, M. Nytchytaylo, O. Lytvynenko, V. Chornyi, I. Lukecha
G. Pernazza, G. Alfano, P. Mazzocchi, V. Pende National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology, KYIV, Ukraine
San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital, ROME, Italy
Laparoscopy plays an important role in adrenal gland surgery. A great number of
Introduction: The chapter of adrenal surgery is undergoing continuous evolution; adrenal’s pathologies will benefits of this kind of surgery. Since then, this approach
robotic technology may give a further contribute to extend indications for a mini- has become the gold standard for benign disorders.
mally-invasive approach to adrenalectomy. Herein we report our experience on Methods: Between 2002–2011, 63 patients (44 female and 19 male) with adrenal
robotic-assisted unilateral transperitoneal adrenalectomy: aspects on indications, disorders have been operated in our clinic. The average age of the patients was 47.4
technique and early outcome are emphasized. years (20–69 years). Our experience of endoscopic interferences on adrenals
Material and Methods: Thirty robotic procedures have been performed at our includes 63 operations: 38(60.3%)- left-side adrenalectomies and 25 (39.7%) – right-
Departments over a decade period; presence of bilateral lesions and involvement of side. The study includes 10(16.0%) patients operated for pheochromocytomas,
vascular structures were the only contraindications for a mini-invasive approach. 17(26.8%) patients with nonfunctional adenomas, 3(4.8%) with adrenocortical car-
Several patients presented significant co-morbidities: BMI [ 35 kg/m2 (20%), ASA cinoma, 11(17.5%) with Cushing adenomas, 13(20.7%) with Conn adenoma,
score III–IV (58.7%), moderate to severe impaired respiratory function (36.6%); 4(6.3%) with fibroma, 5(7.9%) with adrenal metastases. The lateral transperitoneal
40% of patients have been previously submitted to abdominal surgery. Data on access has been used. The trocars, as a rule, were placed directly under a rib arc.
length of operation and robotic use have been carefully collected. Quantity of trocars was 4–5.
Results: Two patients presented intraoperative complications (6.6%) and only 1 Results: There were not conversions to open surgery. The duration of the operation
patient required conversion to open procedure (3.3%); any patient needed intraop- time has compounded: right-side 63.7 ± 17.1 minutes, left-side – 111.6+11,8 min-
erative transfusions. Hospital morbidity was 10% while no mortality was recorded. utes, the intraoperational hemorrhage – 121.3 + 9.2 ml, the duration of postoperative
Mean length of hospital stay was 5.2 ± 2.2 days. Mean size of resected adrenal mass stay in a hospital – 3.6+1,4 days. The complications – 1 (1.58%) cause of haemo-
was 5.1 ± 2.4 cm. A significant trend in reduction of operative times was reported. peritoneum after left-side adrenalectomy.
Conclusions: Robotic adrenalectomy is a safe and feasible procedure. Thanks to the Conclusions: Thus, the laparoscopic adrenalectomy is to be less invasive method of
application of robotic technology, some subpopulations of patients with clinical or operations on adrenals ensuring efficiency of treatment, small operational trauma and
oncological contraindications to laparoscopic treatment may be regained and fast postoperative rehabilitation.
addressed to a mini-invasive treatment.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S91

P155 – Endocrine Surgery P157 – Endocrine Surgery


PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA S. Van Slycke1, J.P. Gillardin2, N. Brusselaers3, H. Vermeersch3,
G. Todorov1, P. Tzaneva1, Ts. Lukanova2 H. Maes1
University Hospital ‘‘Alexandroska’’, SOFIA, Bulgaria; 2Military 1
OLV Aalst, AALST, Belgium; 2OLV Clinic Aalst, AALST,
Hospital, SOFIA, Bulgaria Belgium; 3University Hospital Ghent, GHENT, Belgium
Aims: The aim of this study is to accentuate on specific complications during ret- Times are changing, and undoubtedly it is the progress of imaging studies that has
roperitoneoscopic removal of pheochromocytomas. modified the surgical management of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism and
Methods: For the period of 2002–2012 forty-six pheochromocytomas were removed helped the development of new surgical techniques. Today, the development and the
retroperitoneoscopically in our clinic. We present two cases, complicated with reported efficacy of non-invasive techniques have tempted many endocrinologists
unilateral pulmonary oedema and severe left ventrical dyskinesia, described in lit- and many surgeons to also order some of these new non-invasive techniques on
erature as reversible Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. patients undergoing first-time parathyroidectomy. Moreover, more than half the
Results: The rate of perioperative complications for the whole series of pheochro- surgeons performing parathyroid surgery now consider that bilateral parathyroid
mocytoma cases was 8.6 % with mortality rate of 0%. exploration is no longer the only option in all patients with primary hyperparathy-
Conclusions: Perioperative management of patients with pheochromocytoma is a roidism. Patients presenting with solitary adenoma must be considered as candidates
great challenge for the surgical team and the anaestesiologist, requiring adequate for new limited surgical procedures. This emphasises the current role of preoperative
monitoring and support of vital functions. Operative treatment should be done only localization studies in the surgical management of patients with primary hyper-
in highly specialized clinics with experienced teams in both endocrine and laparo- parathyroidism. We describe the first experience in Belgium concerning totally
scopic surgery. endoscopic parathyroidectomy, a technique offered to all patients who present with
a unilateral posteriorly localised parathyroid adenoma, confirmed by concordant
results on ultrasonography and scintigraphy/SPECT-CT.

P156 – Endocrine Surgery P158 – Endocrine Surgery

V.V. Grubnik, O.S. Burlak, V.V. Ilyashenko TYPE I. OUR EXPERIENCE
Odessa national medical university, ODESSA, Ukraine R.Y. Havrysh1, Y.I. Havrysh2, M.P. Pavlovskyy1, O.V. Lukavetskyy1,
Background: Sometimes laparoscopic left adrenalectomy is technically difficult
N.I. Boyko1, I.V. Kravchuk2
because of need to dissect splenic ligaments and due to proximity of splenic flexure Lviv Medical University, LVIV, Ukraine; 2Lviv Regional Hospital,
of colon tail of pancreas. LVIV, Ukraine
Aim of study was to compare standard technique and new approach to left adrenal
Aim: To analyse the results of our treatment of patients with type I diabetes.
gland via the lesser sac.
Method: We know that bariatric operations cause a sharp increase in production of
Methods: from 2007 to 2011, a total of 32 left laparoscopic adrenalectomies were
an incretin hormone, which leads to proliferation of ß-cells of the pancreas. Diabetes
performed (incidentalomas – 17, pheochromocytoma – 10, aldosteroma – 4,
mellitus type I in some of the patients is autoimmune genesis, and therefore any of
metastasis of lung tumour – 1). Among them, 21 patients were operated transperi-
the bariatric operations that lead to the formation of new ß-cells will be failed.
toneally. Standard approach was used in 10 patients (group A), novel approach was
However, in patients with low level of antibodies to the insulin and ß-cells, bariatric
used in 11 patients (group B). It is performed by transection of gastrosplenic liga-
operations are supposed to be effective for type I diabetes treatment.
ment, posterior leaf of parietal peritoneum and retoperitoneal access to the gland.
Result: from September 2011 to January 2012 we operated 3 patients with diabetes
There were no statistically significant differences between groups in terms of pre-
mellitus of type I – 1 man and 2 women. Age of patients – from 25 to 39 years. The
operative data including adrenal gland size.
disease lasts from 5 to 9 years, the patients were taking daily dose of insulin – 25, 60,
Results: There were no intraoperative complications in both groups. Mean blood loss
87 units. BMI of all of the patients is less than 35. One patient had ketoacidosis coma
was 90 ml (range, 15–450) in group A, and 24 ml (range, 10–40) in group B (p [
in 2008. We did not found antibodies to the insulin and ß-cells in any of the patients.
0.05). Postoperative complications were in 3 cases in group A and were absent in
We performed laparoscopic gastric corrugation in all of the patients. The operations
group B (p \ 0.05). Mean hospital stay was 6.2 days (range, 3–14) in group A and
lasted from 80 to 110 min. There were no intra- and postoperative complications. No
4.6 days (range, 3–6) in group B (p \ 0.05).
mortality. The next day after the surgery we reduced the dose of insulin to half. After
Conclusion: Our ppreliminary results show some benefits of new transperitoneal
three weeks the dose of insulin was reduced to zero. After the operation we were
approach for left laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Further prospective randomized study
observing the episodes of hypoglycemia and increase of acetone in the urine in one
should be performed to show the best approach.
patient during one week. The pH of blood did not change. A month after the surgery
in 2 patients the level of Glycated hemoglobin was higher than normal, but three
months after the operation – in all patients the level of Glycated hemoglobin was
Conclusion: Laparoscopic gastric corrugation in patients with diabetes mellitus type
I is effective and safe. The mechanism of influence of the operations on the endo-
crine function of the pancreas requires further deep studing. Also it requires attention
during the postoperative period, when there is a risk of hypoglycemia.

S92 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P159 – Endocrine Surgery P161 – Flexible Surgery


N.I. Boyko, Y. Havrysh, V. Khomyak, R. Kemin, A. Revura K.V. Puchkov1, Y.E. Andreeva1, D.K. Puchkov2
Lviv Medical University, LVIV, Ukraine Swiss University Clinic, MOSCOW, Russia; 2Ryazan State Medical
Introduction: Carcinoid tumors most frequently (70 %) develop in the gastrointes-
University, RYAZAN, Russia
tinal tract. Carcinoid tumors grow slowly, have a great potential for malignancy Introduction: SILS port is now occupied a strong position as a minimally invasive
transformation and only in 30% of patients the tumor is benign. treatment of cholelithiasis, as well as perform gynecological operations. Numerous
Aim: To improve the results of diagnosis and surgical treatment of the patients with advantages of this method, which include: the ability to perform this operation in
carcinoid tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, by studying the clinical course of the patients of any age and sex, available technical facilities are pushing an increasing
disease, hormone and morphological characteristics, surgical treatment. number of surgeons to develop this area of surgery. The only limiting factor is the
Methods: We analyzed the results of diagnosis and treatment of 25 patients with specificity of training, which significantly prolongs the time of surgery in the period
carcinoid tumors of appendix for last 27 years (1984–2010). Age of the patients was of development.
19–68 years. We have used US, MRI, enzyme immunoassay of hormones and Objective: To evaluate the results of the SILS port in the surgery of cholelithiasis,
immunohistochemical analysis. diseases of the colon and gynecology.
Results: Urgently 22 patients were admitted to surgical department with clinical Patients and Methods: Authors, for the period from 2010 to 2011, performed 115
signs of acute appendicitis and one patient with bowel obstruction, routinely were operations, using the technology S-port. The structure of operations: surgery – 61
admitted two patients with chronic recurrent appendicitis. Carcinoid syndrome we cholecystectomy, resection of the sigmoid colon 4 (stage I-II of a cancer), 1 total
observed in one case. Laparoscopic appendectomy was performed in 7 patients. proctocolectomy with ileoanal anastomosis; gynecology – 28 supravaginal ampu-
Results of histological examination: in 24 patients – benign tumor, in 1 – malignant. tation of the uterus, 21 hysterectomy. Our clinic has the experience of performing
Tumors sizes were 15–26 mm. In one case right hemicolectomy was performed for simultaneous operations: 14 supravaginal amputation of the uterus and a cholecys-
carcinoid tumor of appendix causing bowel obstruction. In this patient after 16 tectomy; cholecystectomy and resection of the sigmoid colon.
months was diagnosed 16 9 81 mm tumor in the pelvis, she was performed hys- Results: To evaluate the effectiveness of SILS port in surgery and gynecology, we
terectomy with ovaries. Histological conclusion – carcinoid metastasis in the ovaries. took a common standard – the operating time. We conducted studies postulating the
After 8 months she was diagnosed metastases in the liver. In other patients we didn’t fact that even after 10–15 operations the operating time was close the corresponding
find distant or local metastasis after 2 year. averages for the use of traditional laparoscopic techniques.
Conclusions: In 4% of patients was observed hormonally active carcinoid tumors of Conclusion: These data suggest the possibility of performing such operations, using
appendix. If carcinoid tumor of the appendix was less than 20 mm in diameter minimally invasive techniques S-port.
without invasion into the mesentery and absent metastases in the regional lymph
nodes, patient should be performed appendectomy and resection of the appendix
mesentery, in other cases – right hemicolectomy should be done.

P160 – Flexible Surgery P162 – Flexible Surgery


J.F. Noguera, A. Cuadrado, J.M. Olea, R. Morales, J.C. Garcı́a H. Kashiwagi, K. Kumagai, E. Monma, M. Nozue
Hospital Son Llàtzer, PALMA, Spain Shonai Amarume Hospital, YAMAGATA, Japan
Introduction: The development of NOTES surgery has led to other new techniques, Aim: Despite the rapid development of laparoscopic surgery in last decade, lapa-
such as single-port surgery. The use of the flexible endoscope for single-incision roscopic gastrectomy for gastric malignancy is still controversial in the world. One
surgery paves the way for further refinement of both surgical methods. of the reasons is the complexity of this procedure. Although recent trend of lapa-
Objective: The aim of the presentation is to describe a new, single-incision surgical roscopic procedure has been toward minimizing the number of incisions, 4 or 5 ports
technique, namely flexible-single-incision-surgery to perform cholecystectomy and are normally required to complete this operation. Multi-channel port such as SILS-
colectomy. port (Covidien, Japan) is now available and it is a crucial tool to perform SILS. We
Material and Methods. Lecture with video sequences showing the assessment of the report the laparoscopic distal gastrectomy (LADG) using dual ports method with
safety and effectiveness of endoscopic colectomy and cholecystectomy using the SILS-port and surgical nylon ligature.
new technique. This technique consists of a single periumbilical incision measuring Method: Seven patients who were diagnosed with the early stage of gastric cancer
25 mm through which a flexible endoscope is introduced, and of two parallel entry were offered the LADG using dual ports method. Mean age and Body Mass Index
ports measuring 3 to 5 mm that provide access to non-articulated laparoscopic (BMI) were 71.6 and 21.4, respectively. Distant metastasis or regional lymph node
instruments. swelling was not shown in all cases by the preoperative series of graphical studies.
Results: The technique was applied in a clinical series of more than 20 cholecys- For the specific surgical instruments, a 5 mm flexible scope (Olympus, JAPAN) and
tectomies and 3 right colectomies with no need to convert to conventional SILS-port were used. Nylon ligature with a straight needle was also available for
laparoscopy. No general or surgical wound complications were noted. Surgical time lifting up the gastric wall and it can visualize the surgical field between stomach and
was no longer than usual for single-port surgery. The intervention cost far less than other neighbour organs. The 12 mm-port (Ethicon, Japan) was inserted from left
single-port surgery owing to the use of instruments from the inventory and to the fact lower abdomen for the usage of the surgical instrument by the right hand of a
that no single-port device had to be put in place. surgeon. Result: Mean operation time and blood loss were 267.1 ± 46.5 min. and
Conclusions: Flexible single-incision surgery is a new single-site surgical technique 48.6 ± 66.1 g, respectively. All patients were transferred to the general unit from the
allowing for further refinement of NOTES and of single-incision surgery and high care unit on day 1 after the surgery and started to the oral intakes gradually.
offering the same level of patient safety, at minimal cost. Mean hospital stay after surgery was 8.3 ± 1.5 days. No major complications
occurred in the post-surgery period.
Conclusion: Recent trend of laparoscopic procedure has been toward minimizing the
number of incisions. Although benefits of this type of surgery, called reduced port
surgery, compared to conventional laparoscopic surgery have not been established,
some advantages are expected. Cosmetic benefit is the definitive advantage of
reduced port surgery. Less postoperative pain may be an advantage, also. In addition,
tissue trauma and port-related complications such as organ damage, adhesions,
bleeding, wound infection and hernias can be decreased.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S93

P163 – Flexible Surgery P165 – Gynaecology


EXPERIENCE Tokyo metoropolitan Ohtsuka Hospital, TOKYO, Japan
S. Tabiri, K. Segoe Aims: All Japanese have health insurance. The cost of expendable operative
School of Medical and Health Sciences, University for Development equipment, such as disposable trocars, is included in fixed surgical expense, and
Studies, TAMALE, Ghana hospitals cannot claim these expenses separately. Gasless laparoscopic surgery using
the abdominal wall lifting (AWL) method is generally simple and economical,
Aims: There has been controversy concern the benefit of minimal access therapy in
because the AWL method allows for the use of laparotomy instruments and fewer
the developing Sub-Saharan African countries. The purpose of this study was to
trocar than the pneumoperitoneum (P) method. Since 2011, we started using the
evaluate the health and economic impact flexible gastrointestinal endoscopy in the
AWL method, and here, we introduce our method and report the cost-effectiveness.
developing Sub-Sahara West Africa country (Ghana).
Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of 11 laparoscopic unilateral ovarian
Method: Endoscopy diagnostic and therapeutic interventions were performed at the
cystectomy procedures (LC) performed in 2011. The two groups consisted of
Minimal Access Therapy and Operative Endoscopy (MATOE) Unit of Tamale
patients who underwent operation for the diagnosis of benign ovarian cyst (dermoid
Teaching Hospital from September 2010 to September 2011. Operative time, hos-
cyst, mucinous cyst, endometrial cyst). One group consisted of 6 LC performed
pital stay and generation of initial capital investment were analyzed.
using the AWL method, and the other group comprised 5 LC performed using the P
Result: 688 (male 355 – 51.6%, female 333 – 48.4%) patients were treated with
method in 2011. The mean cost of the expendable operative equipment, amount of
mean age of 40.6 years ±17.1 SD. 671 (97.5%) patients are on National Health
bleeding, and operative time were analyzed.
Insurance. Main indications for endoscopy include: epigastric pain occurs in 56.4%;
Results: The mean cost of the expendable operative equipment per case for LC using
Haematemesis – 14.2%; abdominal pain/retrosternal pain/heartburns – 18.1%; dys-
the AWL method (22.183 yen) was 63% less expensive than that using the P method
phagia – 4.7%. Diagnostic procedures performed include upper gastrointestinal (GI)
(60,000 yen).
endoscopy in 667 (96.9%) patients, colonoscopy in 19 (2.8%) patients, and sig-
The mean number of used disposable trocars was 1 in the AML method and 3.6 in
moidoscopy in 2 (0.3%) patients. The following operative endoscopic procedures:
the P method. There were no significant differences in the amount of bleeding (1 g/0
biopsy for histopathology/ helicobacter pylori in 518 (75.3%) patients; sclerotherapy
g) and operative time (72 min/95 min). In both methods, no conversion to open
for bleeding oesophageal varices – 24; balloon dilation for oesophageal strictures –
surgery occurred.
18; haemostasis upper GI bleeding using adrenaline injection – 7; polypectomy – 7;
Conclusion: LC using the AWL method was less expensive than that using the P
foreign body removal – 5; percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy – 5 (0.5%); En-
method. This is mainly due to the use of fewer trocars and the use of electric scalpel
doclips for upper GI bleeding – 1 were performed. Operative time 17.02 minutes ±
for laparotomy in the AWL method. If LC using the AWL method instead of the P
8.09 SD, hospital stay after procedure was 0.14 ± 0.52. In one year, hospital
method is performed, considerable savings can be achieved without compromising
investment 166445.4 Ghana Cedis (104028 US dollars) was recovered.
patient safety.
Conclusion: Minimal access therapy and operative endoscopy has significant health
and economic impact in the developing country. Flexible and interventional
endoscopy can contribute significantly to the financial productivity of hospitals.

P164 – Gastroduodenal Diseases P166 – Gynaecology


A. Balint, B. Rózsa, M. Máté, B. Brenner, A. Kalocsai IN OVARIAN CYSTECTOMY
Saint Emeric District Hospital, BUDAPEST, Hungary M. Yamada, M. Watanabe, K. Kazemoto, T. Igarashi, J. Suzuki,
Introduction: The gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare mesenchymal
K. Akiyama
neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract with a considerable life-threatening potency. It Metropolitan Hiroo hospital, TOKYO, Japan
can occur throughout the gastrointestinal tract but the most frequent location is the Aim: Laparoscopic surgery is often performed in gynecology area. The number of
stomach (50%). Its dignity varies from very low risk to very high risk. For primary Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) is increasing, as the needs of as mini-
resectable GIST in the absence of metastasis, surgery is the first line treatment. In mally invasive surgery are growing. Training system for SILS has not been
such cases the excision of the tumor with free margin is sufficient. The patients established, because of its complicated procedure and specific equipment. We
having solitaire tumors with the size = 5 cm are good candidates for laparoscopic introduce a SILS procedure by a small supra-pelvic incision for benign ovarian
removal. Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of laparoscopic surgery of tumors with good mobility. Furthermore, its utility as an educational procedure is
gastric GISTs. discussed.
Material and methods: Between January 2007 and January 2011, 19 patients had Methods: Patients who had benign ovarian tumors without adhesion were selected.
undergone surgery because of GIST. In 14 of 19 patients the location was stomach, We approached to abdominal cavity by 2 cm transverse incision on supra-pelvic, and
in 3 of 19 small intestines, in 1 patient the rectum and in 1 the retropreitoneum. 11 of covered the incision site with a wrap-disc which is available as an aeroperitonia port.
14 gastric GIST patients (7 M and 4 F with median age 62.3 ranges 30 to 80) were Results: We used two endoscopic graspers and one endoscope at one time through
suitable for laparoscopic wedge resection. The average time of procedure was 78 ± the aeroperitonia port and performed ovarian cystectomy by Extracavitary proce-
32 min. There was no mortality and serious morbidity in the postop period. The dure. The incisional wound was only one and its length was 2 cm.
postop hospital stay was 5.6 ± 1.9 days. Although the data concerning the efficacy of Conclusions: The working space in abdomen with this procedure is considerably
adjuvant tyrosine kinase treatment are controversial, our patients except the ones restricted in comparison with typical SILS procedure by an umbilical incision.
with very low risk tumor (2 pts), were treated for one year with imatinibe. Up to now Therefore, only ovarian tumors with good mobility are target. The incisional wound
there is no confirmed recurrence in this subset of patients, but they require thorough is available as an extended incisional wound, if operations convert to open approach.
oncologic follow up. Also, this approach is a simpler operative procedure for less-experienced operators.
Conclusions: In our practice the solitaire gastric GISTs with size = 5 cm were This supra-pelvic incision procedure is useful as a minimal invasive and a port-
suitable for laparoscopic gastric wedge resection. The intervention proved to be reduced surgery.
effective and safe.

S94 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P167 – Gynaecology P169 – Gynaecology


M. Sekimoto, I. Takemasa, J. Nishimura, T. Mizushima, M. Ikeda, V, Bridoux, H. Roman, M. Vassilieff, B. Kianifard, L. Marpeau,
H. Yamamoto, T. Tanigawa, Y. Doki, K. Hosakawa, M. Mori F. Michot, J.J. Tuech
Osaka University, OSAKA, Japan Hospital Charles Nicolle, ROUEN, France
We herein report a case of single incisional laparoscopic construction of neovagina Background: Two surgical approaches are employed in the treatment of deep infil-
using sigmoid colon. A 47-year-old woman visited our hospital for construction of a trating endometriosis of the rectum (DIER): colorectal resection and nodule excision.
vagina. She had a female-like perineum, but only a shallow hollow was present in the In 2009, we introduced a new technique for transanal full thickness disc excision of
perineum. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a male-like pelvis containing a endometriotic nodules infiltrating the low and middle rectum, using the Contour()
prostate. The laparoscopic procedures were performed via three 5 mm trocars in the Transtar(TM) stapler (Ethicon Endo-Surgery inc., Cincinnati, OH, USA). The aim of
umbilicus. The sigmoid colon and rectum were mobilized, and one of the trocars was this retrospective study was to describe the technique and to present data on the
replaced with a 12-mm trocar, through which an endostapler was inserted to transect the feasibility of this technique.
sigmoid colon. Then a 2-cm laparotomy was made in the umbilicus. The sigmoid colon Methods: From April 2009 to October 2010, all patients presenting with DIER and
was exteriorized and the distal end of sigmoid colon was harvested as the neovagina. undergoing full thickness excision using the Contour() Transtar(TM) stapler were
Simultaneously, another team incised the perineum to create a tunnel to pass the enrolled in the study. Pre-, intra- and post-operative data were collected and reported.
neovagina. The exteriorized sigmoid colon and conduit were returned to the peritoneal Results: Six nulliparous women were managed using this technique during the study
cavity, and the umbilical incision was covered with a surgical glove. Trocars were period. The rectal wall discs removed measured from 40 9 45 to 60 9 50 mm. In
inserted through the cut fingertips of the glove. Following colorectal anastomosis, the two cases, microscopic foci were noted on one of the margins but in four cases the
peritoneal reflection was dissected, and then the conduit was pulled down to the per- limits were clear. Operating time varied from 180 to 450 min. Four women were
ineum and was anastomosed. The patient was uneventfully discharged on the ninth day. completely free of post-operative digestive complaints.
One month after surgery, the scar was almost completely hidden within the umbilicus. Conclusions: Despite the small numbers in this series, our data suggest that the new
Six months after surgery, neither erosions nor strictures were observed. The patient technique of transanal rectal disc excision using the contour stapler may be applied in
expressed satisfaction with the operative result. In conclusion, single-incision lapa- patients with infiltrating endometrial nodules of the rectum up to 10 cm from the anal
roscopic surgery that utilizes the sigmoid colon to construct a neovagina is feasible, and margin and up to 5 cm in diameter. This new procedure promises to be a useful addition to
results in excellent cosmesis and patient satisfaction. the surgeon’s armamentarium in a multidisciplinary approach to deep pelvic endometriosis.

P168 – Gynaecology P170 – Gynaecology


Sf.Ioan, BUCHAREST, Romania; 2Panait Sarbu, BUCHAREST, V, Bridoux, H. Roman, M. Vassilieff, B. Kianifard, L. Marpeau,
Romania F. Michot, L. Schwarz, J.J. Tuech
Aims: Pelvic organ prolapse may occur in up to 50% of parous women. A variety of
Hospital Charles Nicolle, ROUEN, France
urinary, bowel and sexual symptoms may be associated with prolapse. Our goal was Deep infiltrating endometriosis of the rectum (DIER) may be managed according to
to determine the effects of the many different surgeries in the management of pelvic 2 surgical approaches: radical or carcinologic (based on colorectal resection) and
organ prolapse. conservative or symptomatic (rectal shaving and nodules full thickness excision).
Methods: Fifty consecutive patients with symptomatic severe vaginal vault or uterus Our team followed the radical approach until November 2007, then adopted the
prolapse were enrolled. The transvaginal approach was performed with a mesh preserving approach.
interposition between sacrospinous ligament complex and vaginal apex. The mesh The goal of this study was to assess whether or not digestive functional outcomes
was extended to anterior and posterior vaginal wall for the repair of concurrent depend on the surgical approach.
cystocele and rectocele. The sacrocolpopexy was performed laparoscopic with a All the women treated for endométriose deep posterior with rectal infiltration since
mesh interposition between promontorium and anterior and posterior vaginal wall. March 2005 were contacted to answer questionnaire, including scores KESS, FIQL,
The surgical results and complications were evaluated. The prolapse evaluation was GIQLI and BRISTOL. The data were compared according to the approach adopted at
performed according to International Continence Society ordinal stages of pelvic the time of the surgery (group of women operated before and after November 2007
organ prolapse. whatever the type of intervention).
Results: The mean age was 58 years. The mean follow-up was 1 year (range 0.5–2 86 women were included, respectively 25 and 61 in each group. The rate of multiple
years). Only the two procedures were performed for all patients. The average time digestive nodules (23 vs 40%, P = 0.36), the height of the lowest rectal nodule (12
for transvaginal approach was 80 min and for the laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy was cms vs 11 cm, P = 0.44), and the diameter of the largest rectal nodule (32 vs 31 mm,
172 min. The average blood loss for transvaginal approach was 75 ml, and for P = 0.81) were comparable. The rates of colorectal resections, disc resections and
laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy was 10 ml. No major complication. The concurrent shaving were respectively 72.4, 24%, and 21.5, 74 %. The postoperative follow-up
surgeries included total hysterectomies, and tension-free vaginal tape procedures. No was respectively of 52 months (28 to 69) and 21 months (12 to 34). No deep
recurrence of prolapse was observed. However, five patients developed stage I recurrence requiring new surgery was recorded. A statistically significant increase in
prolapse on anterior vaginal wall (cystocele) and required no further repair. Minor the overall KESS score was recorded in women managed during the period of radical
postoperative complications were observed. approach (14.5 ± 7.2vs 9.3 ± 6.3, P = 0.002) corresponding to a higher degree of
Conclusion: laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy and alloplastic transvaginal approach are constipation.
safe and effective procedures for the correction of genital prolapse. A long-term A statistically significant increase in the overall GIQLI score was recorded in women
follow-up is necessary to detect any late complication. The addition of a continence managed during the period of radical approach (92 ± 27 vs 107 ± 22, P = 0.02). The
procedure to a prolapse repair operation may reduce the incidence of postoperative difference between the FIQL score was not statistically significant except for the
urinary incontinence but this benefit needs to be balanced against possible differ- depression.
ences in costs and adverse effects. Adequately powered randomized controlled The adoption of the conservative approach allowed to divide by 3 the rate of
clinical trials are urgently needed. colorectal resections, without impairement on postoperative pain and recurrence, but
Acknowledgement: This paper is supported by the Sectoral Operational Programme with significant improvement in constipation scores and quality of life.
Human Resources Development (SOP HRD) 2007–2013, financed from the Euro-
pean Social Fund and by the Romanian Government under the contract number

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S95

P171 – Gynaecology P174 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


EXTRAUTERINE PREGNANCY J.F. Noguera, J.M. Olea, A. Cuadrado, J.C. Garcı́a, R. Morales
O.S. Holub Hospital Son Llàtzer, PALMA, Spain
Rivne Regional Hospital, RIVNE, Ukraine
Introduction: Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) is a feasible
Background: It is revealed that infertility develops in 45–60% of cases after approach por colon cancer. Some situatins like the location in esplenic flexure
surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy. or the presence of a wall stent may be a problem for this approach.
Aim: To estimate role of laparoscopy in diagnostics and management of tube- Aim: To report the differences between a typical SILS sigmoidectomy and an
peritoneal infertility after surgical treatment of extrauterine pregnancy. unusual SILS approach for a colonic adenocarcinoma in the splenic flexure of
Methods: To discover genesis of sterility we have conducted diagnostic lapa- the large bowel treated with subtotal colectomy or a transverse colectomy with
roscopy for 51 patients with previous unilateral tubectomy by means of a colonic wall stent in situ.
laparoscopy (first group) and for 39 ones by way of laparotomy (second group). Results: Satisfactory results with a SILS approach for the subtotal colectomy
Diagnostic laparoscopy was made in interval 7–20 months from moment of and for transverse colectomy with colonic wall stent are presented.
surgical interference. Conclusion: This is a feasible and reproducible minimally invasive approach
Results: All 90 patients had adhesive process of different degree with for these situations. Subtotal/total colectomy may be difficult but not
involvement of womb, uterine tubes, intestines, omentum. Patients of the impossible.
second group had more extensive pathological condition of internal sexual
organs than patients of the first group. In the first group there was conducted:
salpingoovariolysis – 24 (47.0%) cases, salpingostomy of contralateral tube –
12 (23.4%) cases. In the second group – salpingoovariolysis – 32 (82.1%)
cases, salpingostomy of contralateral tube – 14 (35.9%) cases. To prevent new
adhesions formation we provided peritoneal lavage via drain tube with fol-
lowing solution: dexamethasone 5 mg, reopolyglucinum 200 ml, dioxydinum
10 ml. In some cases we conducted recurrent laparoscopy in 5–7 days fol-
lowing diagnostic-surgical laparoscopy (14 women of first group and 12
women of second group).
Conclusion: Laparoscopy prevents large defects formation in peritoneum and
ensures minimal tissue trauma that leads to reducing an intensity and duration
of catabolic reactions, as well as immune depression that allows reduce
adhesive process. Recurrent laparoscopy can be recommended for diagnostics
and treatment of tube-peritoneal infertility after previous operation due to
extrauterine pregnancy.

P172 – Gynaecology P175 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


INFILTRATING ENDOMETRIOSIS Yu.A. Shelygin, S.A. Frolov, S.I. Achkasov, O.I. Sushkov,
F. Jelenc, M. Ribic Pucelj, R. Juvan, V. Salamun D.G. Shakhmatov
UMC, LJUBLJANA, Slovenia State Scientific Center of Coloproctology, MOSCOW, Russia
Purpose: Deep infiltrating endometriosis with colorectal involvement is a Aim: To compare single incision laparoscopic colon resection with multiport
complex disorder often requiring segmental bowel resection. Complete laparoscopic (ML) operation.
removal of all visible lesions is considered the adequate treatment of infil- Patients and methods: Since May 2010 till December 2011 35 patients were
trating endometriosis in order to reduce recurrence. In this article, we describe operated using SILS technique (main group). In control group 70 patients were
our experience with laparoscopic management of deep infiltrating endometri- includes who underwent multiport laparoscopic procedures at the same period.
osis with involvement of the rectum. All patients were operated due to benign or malignant colon tumor. There was
Methods: A retrospective analysis of data from patients with deep infiltrating no difference between both groups in terms of age, gender and BMI. We
endometriosis with rectal involvement, who underwent a laparoscopic surgery performed 15 SILS and 24 ML right hemicolectomies, 19 SILS and 44 ML left
in the years 2002 to 2009 at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, was colon resections and 2 transverse colon resection in each group.
made. Results: The mean operation time was longer in main group than in control
Result: Between 2002 and 2009, a laparoscopic partial rectal resection was (159.8 min vs 127.1 min). Bloodloss was negligible in both groups. The total
performed in 52 patients and laparoscopic disk resection was performed in 4 incision length of abdominal wall was significantly less in SILS group (3.9 cm
cases with deep infiltrating endometriosis. The mean age of patients was 34.4 vs 9.5 cm). The minor complications were observed in 1(3.7%) and 2(4.3%)
years (range 22–62 years). Preoperative symptoms included dysmenorrhea, patients in main and control group, respectively. Conservative treatment was
dyspareunia, chronic pelvic pain and infertility. The laparoscopic procedure effective in all three cases. In one patient after ML right colectomy transmural
was converted to formal laparotomy in 3 patients (5.4%). The mean duration of myocardial infarction occurred. And the patient died at postoperative day three.
surgery was 145 minutes. Postoperative complications included 3 cases of Overall length of postoperative stay was significantly shorter in SILS group –
anastomotic leakage with rectovaginal fistula in two cases and intraabdominal 5.8 days in compare with ML group – 8.4 days.
bleeding in one case. The mean hospital stay was 7 days. Postoperatively, nine Conclusion: Preliminary results show that SILS technique provides better
patients had a normal delivery, two of them after IVF treatment. cosmetically result than multiport method. Subsequent accumulation of expe-
Conclusion: Laparoscopic rectal resection for deep infiltrating endometriosis is rience in SILS and prospective studies are needed to demonstrate the benefits
a relatively safe procedure, when performed by surgeon and gynecologist with of SILS compared to conventional laparoscopic approach.
sufficient experience in laparoscopic colorectal surgery.

S96 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P176 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P178 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


Yu.A. Shelygin, S.A. Frolov, S.I. Achkasov, O.I. Sushkov, M.E. Franklin
D.G. Shakhmatov Texas Endosurgery Institute, SAN ANTONIO, United States
State Scientific Center of Coloproctology, MOSCOW, Russia of America
First experience of transvaginal single-port laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer is * History
presented. Female patient of 54 years old underwent screening colonoscopy which
revealed 3 cm tumour of sigmoid. Endoscopic excision was not made due to focal – 50’s: Lavagae and drainage
adenocarcinoma diagnosed by biopsy. The patient had no previous surgery, BMI – – 60’s: Resection after second episode, 2 stages
23.5 kg/m2 and there was no any significant comorbidity. Therefore decision to (Hartmann’s + Resection)
perform transvaginal laparoscopic sigmoid resection was made. – 70’s: No changes
The procedure was performed at April, 7 2011 in lithotomy position under combined – 80’s: First lap cholecystectomy
anesthesia. Laparoscopic revision was made using 5 mm trocar inserted through
posterior vaginal vault. Then SILS port (Covidien, USA) was placed into 3 cm
– 90’s: First Lap colon resection
incision, pneumoperitoneum was reestablished. Sigmoid mobilization was per- *Prevalence
formed using 5 mm laparoscopic instruments including harmonic scalpel and
‘Ligasure’. Sigmoid colon at the level of the upper rectum was transected by – 5–10% over 45 years
endoscopic stapler device Echelon (Ethicon Endo-Surgery, USA) and the specimen – 40% 60 years
was extracted via vagina. Proximal colon transection was performed extracorpore-
– 80% over 85 years
ally at the level 10 cm above the tumour following insertion of a circular stapler
anvil. Intracorporal anastomosis was created with circular stapler CDH-29. The *Modified Hinchey Classification
pelvis was drained through colpotomy wound. There was no necessity for transab-
dominal ports. – I: Pericolic abscess
Operation time was 270 min, bloodloss was negligible. The patient had uncompli- – IIA: Distant abscess amenable to percutaneous drainage
cated postoperative period and was discharged at postoperative day 6. Morphological
– IIB: Complex abscess associated with fistula
examination revealed adenocarcinoma invading submucosal layer (pT1N0M0).
Transvaginal single-incision laparoscopic colectomy seems to be feasible option for – III: Generalized purulent peritonitis
treating colonic adenoma and early stage cancer. Further experience is necessary to – IV: Fecal peritonitis
assess advantages and limitations of this technique.
*Laparoscopic or open resection of diverticular disease may be quite challenging
*When to perform surgery? *** all can be performed laparoscopically ***

– Drainage of abscess not ammendable to CT Drainage

– Necessary colonic resection
– Large un-resolving phlegmon
– Complications of diverticulitis (not responding to medical management)
P177 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders *Chances of converting to open colectomy

LAPAROSCOPIC-ASSISTED REVERSAL OF HARTMANN’S – 4.8% rate in Hinchey I-II, 18.2% rate of conversion for cases of complicated
diverticulitis (Hinchey III-IV)
– Causes of conversion: Hemorrhage in mesentery, fibrosis, severe inflammation,
S.I. Achkasov, O.I. Sushkov, D.G. Shakhmatov, M.B. Rinchinov adhesions, anatomy not defined
State Scientific Center of Coloproctology, MOSCOW, Russia – Placement of diversion (ileo-colostomy)
Aim: To assess the efficacy of the Laparoscopic assisted Hartmann’s reversal – Examination and lavage of peritoneal cavity
(LAHR) in patients with the end stoma in comparison with the conventional reversal
Materials and methods: During 2008–2011 y.y. 40 patients who underwent LAHR Conclusions:
were included in main group and 45 patients after open reversal of Hartmann’s
procedure were included in control group. All patients had length of rectal stump 10
– Laparoscopic colon surgery is a valid alternative for the treatment of acute and
chronic diverticulitis.
cm or more. The two groups were similar in terms of gender, age, indications for
Hartmann’s procedure and previous attempts to reversal. Also there is no difference – There is documented success with both laparoscopic colectomy as well as
in BMI, stump length, expressiveness and extend of adhesions and distance between laparoscopic peritoneal lavage and drainage.
anastomosed colon parts. It should be noted that there was no total adhesiolysis in – The applicability of laparoscopic colonic surgery will remain directly dependent
LAHR group. upon the individual surgeon’s laparoscopic skills.
Results: Mean operative time was significantly shorter in the LAHR group in – In experienced hands, laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy for diverticulitis is as
compare with the open one (179.5 vs. 266.9 min). Bloodloss was less in the main good or better than open colectomy.
group (64.7 vs. 181.8 ml). Postoperative wound length was substantially smaller in – The most common indication for surgery in our practice is patient with chronic
laparoscopic group (9.5 vs. 36.5). Preventive ileostomy was performed in 11 and 3 refractory disease which summarily interferes with the lifestyle of the patient.
cases in open and LAHR group, respectively. There was no conversions in laparo- – Patients with complicated, perforated (localized) diverticulitis rarely require
scopic group. Postoperative course was statistically better in main group in terms of urgent surgery.
time to first peristalsis, flatus, bowel movement, expresivness of postoperative pain – The presence of diverticulitis does not necessary means that surgery is needed
and self-service. Complication rate was similar – 3 (7.5%) and 3 (6.6%) in LAHR immediately or ultimately.
and open group, respectively. Length of stay was shorter in the main group (8.8 vs.
– Close followup and patient education…. mandatory!!
12.8 days).
Conclusion: Laparoscopic-assisted Hartmann’s reversal is a technical feasible – Large number of patients, even with perforation can be treated without
operation and it is accompanied with the reduction of the operative time and blood resection.
loss. LAHR promotes faster rehabilitation, lower postoperative pain and results of
this surgery are not worse than after conventional technique. Division of adhesive
process in the left lateral canal and small pelvis only does not lead to postoperative
adhesive ileus.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S97

P179 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P181 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


M.E. Franklin N. Naguib, A. Saklani, P. Shah, P. Mekhail, M. AbdelDayem,
Texas Endosurgery Institute, SAN ANTONIO, M. Alsheikh, A.G. Masoud
United States of America Prince Charles Hospital, MERTHYR TYDFIL, United Kingdom
Background: Multiple series on laparoscopic management of Bowel obstruction have Aim: to assess the effect of previous abdominal surgery (PAS) on laparoscopic colorectal
been published. Most are limited to likely cases of adhesive Small Bowel surgery (LCP).
Obstruction and exclude patients with hernias and/or Colon Obstruction. We present Methods: This is a follow up study for the effect of previous abdominal surgery on the
our series on the ‘all inclusive approach’ to laparoscopic treatment of bowel outcome of laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Our initial results in 2009 showed that previous
obstruction. abdominal operations results in increased operative time during LCP. In this study we re-
Methods: From 1991 to 2010, 448 patients underwent laparoscopy for Bowel evaluate the outcomes from a prospectively collected database of LCP for 10 years between
2001 and 2011. Patients were divided into two groups; Group-A; patients with no PAS and
Obstruction. Results: Laparoscopic management was successful in 74.5%. There
Group-B; patients with PAS. Data collected includes prior abdominal operations, type of
were 62 enterotomies (13.8%). Mean length of stay was 10.4 days. Mortality was
LCP, time for surgery and conversions. Morbidity, mortality and ward stay in both groups
1.7%. Significant differences were found between the Laparoscopic and Converted
were compared. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact and student ‘t’ tests.
patients in enterotomies (6.4% vs 40%), Mean ASA score (2.47 vs. 2.94), Blood loss Results: 182 patients underwent LCP, 113 in Group-A and 68 in Group-B. 29 cases were
(49.183 vs. 177.35 cc), Length of surgery (94 vs. 166 min.), length of stay 9.485 and performed in the first 5 years, 10 had previous abdominal surgery. 152LCP were performed
14.714 (p value 0.008) and in the Nonenterotomy and Enterotomy length of surgery in the last 5 years, 58 of them had previous abdominal surgery, p = 0.8. Mean operative
(94 vs. 149 min.) and Blood loss (64 vs. 127 cc). Linear regression showed a relation time in Group-A and Group-B was 216.5 minutes (60–520) and 233.2 minutes (114–544)
between ASA score and Length of Stay (p value 0.0001). respectively (p = 0.17). In the first 90 cases, the mean operative time was significantly lower
Conclusion: Bowel Obstruction can be managed by laparoscopy in 74.5% of cases. for Group-A (203 minutes) than in Group-B (236.5 minute), p = 0.02. The rate of con-
Conversion is associated with a significant increase in blood loss, operating time, a version was 10.6 % (12/113) in Group-A and 13.2% (9/68) in Group-B, (p = 0.6). 2 patients
greater number of enterotomies and increased length of stay, with the latter being in Group-B had small bowel enterotomies (1 missed) compared to none in Group-A.
related to patient co-morbidities. Morbidities were comparable in both groups. Median hospital stay was 4.5 and 4 days in
both groups respectively (p = 0.9). There were 3 mortalities in Group-A (one surgical-
related). One surgical-related mortality occurred in Group-B.
Conclusion: Short-term outcomes of laparoscopic colorectal surgery in patients with pre-
vious abdominal surgery are acceptable. There is no significant difference in conversion
rate, hospital stay, morbidity or mortality. Difference in the operative time is significant
only in the early part of the learning curve.

P180 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P182 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

N. Naguib, L. Satharley, S. Winstanley, M. AbdelDayem, M. Fukunaga
A.G. Masoud Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital, URAYASU, Japan
Prince Charles Hospital, MERTHYR TYDFIL, United Kingdom Background: Single port surgery has been developed with the aims of offering
Aim: Benign colorectal surgery is recommended for training in laparoscopic colo- additional benefits compared to traditional multiport laparoscopic surgery. We herein
rectal resection (LCR), one of the commonest is Diverticular disease. We evaluate analyze our short time outcomes of our initial experiences for transumbilical single
whether Diverticular disease is suitable to obtain experience in LCR. port surgery (SPS) for sigmoid colon cancer.
Methods: Retrospective study of elective LCR performed 2002–2011. The study Methods: Between April 2009 and December 2011, 101 patients underwent SPS for
compares LCR for Diverticular disease (study group-S) with LCR for other sigmoid colon cancer. Most common procedure was SPS performed in 33 patients
pathology (control group-C). Groups were compared according to demographic (33%). The umbilical incision was performed, and platform is placed within the
characteristics, conversion rate, operative time, hospital stay, morbidity and mor- umbilicus. Laparoscope was inserted from the median trocar. We utilized laparo-
tality. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact test, Student ‘t’ test and scopic coagulating shears during operation. The surgeon operated endoscopic
Mann Whitney U-test. instruments bimanually with other 2 trocars. Procedures were mostly carried out
Results: The study included 194LCR out of which 22(11.3%) were in group-S. The using medial to lateral approach. The origin of the inferior mesenteric artery was
overall conversion rate in LCR was 11.9% (23/194). Conversion rate in S-group was initially dissected with lymph node dissection (D2 or D3), and the mesentery and
27.3% (6/22) versus 9.9% (17/172) in C-group, p = 0.017 (C.I. 1.1804–9.9039). diseased segment of the bowel were mobilized. The bowel was transected with a
The mean operating time (MOT) in all LCR was 226.5 minutes (60–544). The laparoscopic linear stapler via umbilical trocar and anastomosis was created using
operating time was stratified for procedure type for groups S and C (n = 22 and 103, double stapling technique intracorporeally. We were strictly adherent to oncologic
respectively). MOT was significantly higher in S-group (250 minutes) compared to principles.
196 minutes in C-group, p = 0.0004. The median length of hospital stay in all LCR Results: We retrospectively reviewed our series of 33 patients underwent SPS for
was 4 days (1–52). This was 6 days in S-group and 4 days in C-group, p = 0.12. colon cancer. We have never experienced intraoperative complications. No patient
The incidence of enterotomy in S-group [2/22(9.1%)] was higher than in C-group required additional instruments, no conversion to open surgery. Postoperatively,
1/172 (0.6%), p = 0.034. There was one right-side ureteric injury and one superficial there was no mortality and major postoperative complications such as leakage.
urinary bladder injury in group-S, but none in group-C (p = 0.113). Other morbidities Wound infection was observed in one patients.
and mortality rates were not statistically different between the two groups.
In another subgroup analysis among the S group to study the effect of the learning
curve, we compared the LCP done for Diverticular disease in the 1st half (50:50) (7/
97 LCP), with those done in the 2nd half (15/97 LCP) of the study. There was a
significantly higher conversion rate 4/7 (57%) in the first part compared to 2/15
(13.3%), p = 0.05. The mean operative time was not significantly different between
both subgroups; 235 & 257 minutes respectively, p = 0.34. There was no significant
difference between both subgroups in morbidity or wound infection.
Conclusion: LCR for Diverticular disease are technically challenging and should be
attempted later in the learning curve.

S98 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P183 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P185 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

N.C. Tanner, N. Naguib, S. Winstanley, M. Al-Dayem, A.G. Masoud SURGERY
Prince Charles Hospital, CARDIFF, United Kingdom J.D. Foster1, N.J. Smart1, P. White2, A.S. Allison1, J.B. Ockrim1,
Aims: The optimal use of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer remains contentious,
R.H. Kennedy3, N.K. Francis1
especially for the management of ‘intermediate’ risk patients. Yeovil District Hospital, YEOVIL, United Kingdom; 2University of
Methods: A prospectively maintained database of all patients who had surgery for rectal cancer the West of England, BRISTOL, United Kingdom;
since 2001 was analysed. Patients underwent extensive follow up with 6 monthly clinical assess- 3
ment, CT scans and CEA levels. Patients were divided into 4 groups: Group 1 – pT1/pT2, N0 (‘low
St Mark’s Hospital, HARROW, United Kingdom
risk’). Group 2 – pT3 and/or node positive disease (‘intermediate’ risk patients). Group 3 – Aims: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programmes are well established, but deviation
preoperative threatened/involved margin and/or resectable metastatic disease (‘high risk’). Group 4 from the postoperative elements may result in delayed discharge. Early identification of patients
– patients with metastatic disease which is not suitable for metastectomy (‘palliative’) were deviating from the postoperative pathway may enable remedial action to be taken. The aims of this
excluded. Our unit reserves radiochemotherapy for ‘high risk’ rectal cancers. study were to investigate factors associated with delayed discharge and to produce a predictive
Results: A total of 122 consecutive patients with rectal cancer and minimum follow up of 6 months scoring system for ERAS failure.
were identified. 83 had a lower rectal tumour [below the peritoneal reflection], & 39 upper rectal Methods: Retrospective review of case notes of patients who underwent elective laparoscopic
cancer [below the sacral promontory and above peritoneal reflection]). The median age at surgery colorectal resection and ERAS at a single centre between 2002 and 2009. Univariate and multi-
was 68 years (range 44–92 years). 59 patients (48.4%) had a laparoscopic resection with a con- variate analyses were performed and binary logistic regression was used to model a predictive
version rate of 10.2%. scoring system.
There was a bias towards laparoscopic surgery in group 1 and to open surgery in group 3, but the Results: 385 patient records were reviewed. Median length of stay was 6 days. 122 patients (31%)
‘intermediate risk’’ group is comparable. stayed longer than one week (delayed discharge). 159 (41%) deviated in one or two postoperative
Laparoscopic = 22.28 and 7 for groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively ERAS factors. Patient demographic factors were not predictive of delayed discharge. Prolonged
Open cases = 14.33 and 16 for groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively length of stay was associated with an operation time greater than 5 hours, blood loss in excess of
Six patients have developed local recurrence (three patients in group 2 and three in group 3). All 500 ml and the formation of a stoma. Deviation from ERAS factors at the end of the first post-
local recurrences occurred in lower rectal cancers. Six patients had a post-operative positive CRM, operative day, including continued intravenous fluids, lack of functioning epidural, inability to
and 2 have developed local recurrence (at 11 months in group 2 & 18 months in group 3). Follow- mobilise, vomiting requiring nasogastric tube insertion and re-insertion of urinary catheter, were
up for the remaining CRM positive patients is 20, 27, 31 & 44 months. strongly associated with delayed discharge. The following five element predictive scoring system
Local recurrence in the laparoscopic group was 0/23, 1/28(3.6%), 0/8 for groups 1, 2 and 3; for ERAS failure and delayed discharge was formulated: (2 9 IV Fluids Required) + (2 9 Re-
Local recurrence following open surgery was 0/14, 2/33(6%) and 3/16 for groups 1, 2 and 3 catheterised) + (2 9 Stoma) + (3 9 Failure to Mobilise) + (4 9 Vomiting Requiring Nasogastric
respectively. Tube) – 5 = Score.
There is no significant difference between laparoscopic and open surgery for the development of The variables take the values of 1 or 0 (where 1 = Yes; 0 = No). If the value obtained from
local recurrence in the ‘intermediate risk’ group. P-value = 1.0. evaluating the formula is negative (or zero) then a stay of up to seven days can be predicted. If the
Conclusion: According to our data, the risk of local recurrence in ‘intermediate risk’ formula is positive then length of stay greater than one week can be predicted.
rectal cancer when neoadjuvant chemoradiation is not used, is comparable for both The model has good predictive properties and the area under the ROC amounts to 0.807.
laparoscopic and open surgery. We do not recommend the use of neoadjuvant Conclusions: Enhanced recovery failure and delayed discharge after laparoscopic
therapy in early rectal cancer or for tumours above the peritoneal reflection. The colorectal surgery can be predicted by the early deviation from postoperative factors
value of neoadjuvant treatment in reducing local recurrence is between 3.6%-6% for of an ERAS programme.
‘intermediate risk’ patients, at best.

P184 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P186 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


K.Y. Hahn1, S.H. Kim2 S.L. Winstanley, P. Shah, A. Watkins, N. Tanner, L. Satherley,
Seongnam Central Hospital, SEONGNAM, Korea; 2Anam Hospital, N. Naguib, M. Abdel Dayem, A. Masoud
Korea University, SEOUL, Korea Prince Charles Hospital, MERTHYR TYDFIL, United Kingdom
Aim: Single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy and appendectomy were common procedure Aim: The data for long term disease free survival (DFS) for laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery
these days. Also, single incision laparoscopic colectomy for colon cancer is increasing recently. There in the UK is limited due to previous NICE restrictions. This study shows overall survival and DFS
are many factors to overcome for performing single incision laparoscopic colectomy. First of all very for open and laparoscopic colorectal cancer resections, for a single surgeon in a district general
narrow working space, fightings between the laparoscopic tools, reverse triangle of laparoscopic hospital.
instruments and limitation of intracorporeal suture. To get over these difficulties and prove the Method: A prospective database of consecutive patients who have undergone colorectal cancer
oncologic safety of this method, we carried out this single incision colectomy for colon cancer. surgery has been maintained since 2001. Patients underwent extensive follow up with 6 monthly
Method: Seventy-three years old male patients visited our hospital because of low abdominal pain and clinical assessment, imaging and CEA levels. For accurate calculation of 3-year DFS, patients with
distension. He took a medicine for 3 yrs due to hypertension. In colonoscopy and barium enema study less than 3.5-year follow up were excluded. Patients with distant metastasis (Dukes’ D) were also
revealed obstructing mass in distal sigmoid colon and another irregular shape ulcero-fungating mass in excluded. Chi square test was used for statistical analysis.
cecum. We planned the single incision laparoscopic total colectomy and ileo-rectal anastomosis. Results: There were 286 colorectal cancer resections performed to date of which 50.7% were
Results: The operation time was 245 minutes and blood loss was 200 cc. The gas and stool passed laparoscopic. For the purpose of this study, we included 151 resections performed between June
postoperative 2nd and 3rd day respectively. There was no post-operative complications. The 2001 and December 2008, of which 27.8% (42/151) were laparoscopic. 46.2% of study population
pathologic report manifested that tumor extended into subserosa layer without lymph nodes was ASA grade = 3. There were 43.9% of patients with ASA grade = 3 in laparoscopic group and
metastasis (0/63). Proximal and distal margin were 20 cm and 7 cm individually. The patient was 47.2% in the open group.
received 12th cycle of chemotherapy (FOLFOX4). He is being followed up without recurrence. The overall 3-year and 5-year survival for ASA grades\3 were significantly better than ASA grade
Conclusion: Compared to conventional laparoscopic surgery, overcome and adapt the reverse = 3 (p = 0.003 and p = 0.003 respectively). The overall 3-year and 5-year survival was 76.8% and
triangle in single incision laparoscopic surgery are quite hard process. Especially, colonic 61.7% respectively. The 3-year survival for the laparoscopic group and open group was 80.9% vs.
obstruction with bowel dilatations might be jeopardize the operation. Handling of bowels by two 75.2% respectively. This was not statistically significant (p = 0.30).
ports within single incision is very difficult procedure. To make optimal dissection plan with one The overall 3-year DFS was 91.8%. In the laparoscopic group, 3-year DFS for Dukes’ A, B and C
assist hand is also another barrier during this operation. But in my experience, through sufficient cancers was 100%, 93.75% and 66.67% respectively, whereas for the open group was 93.33%,
conventional laparoscopic colon surgery, we can perform the single incision laparoscopic colec- 95.23% and 95% respectively. This was not statistically significant (p = ns).
tomy without complication. By virtue of this single incision surgery, we can actualize very small Conclusions: Long term outcomes in laparoscopic resection are comparable to open resection in
surgical wound (4–5 cm) with high cosmetic outcome. There is no oncologic difference in single terms of overall 3 year survival and 3-year disease free survival.
incision colectomy in dissection, high ligation of vessels, hepatic and splenic flexure mobilization
and bowel cutting by endo-cutter. To confirm the operative stability and oncologic safety, large
scale prospective randomized studies are warranted.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S99

P187 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P189 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


K. Tsimogiannis1, G. Pappas-Gogos1, C. Tellis2, A. Tselepis2, H. Bando, M. Kotake
E. Tsimoyiannis1 Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital, KANAZAWA, Japan
G.Hatzikosta General Hospital of Ioannina, IOANNINA, Greece; Introduction: Single incision laparoscopic surgery has been developed for better cosmetic
University of Ioannina, IOANNINA, Greece wound. We have been trying this technique for laparoscopic ileocecal resection since
November 2010. The characteristic points of our operation are: 1. To use E-Z access
Background: Although lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and DNA damage have been
(Hakko, Nagano, Japan) at 3 cm umbilical wound as platform, 2. To use assistant’s pre-
studied in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC), studies on oxidative RNA damage are still
bending instrument for keeping countertraction of dissected tissue.
limited to neurodegenerative diseases, atherosclerosis, hereditary hemocromatosis and
Method: At first, 3 cm-incision was made at umbilicus. Lap-protector (Hakko, Nagano,
disorders associated with aging. The aim of this study was to investigate oxidative RNA
Japan) was fitted into the small incision, and capped by E-Z access. Because E-Z access is
damage in patients with CRC, the impact of surgery, and the relation between measured
consisted of silicone, the trocars can be inserted into E-Z access freely. We usually needled
parameters and stage of the disease.
one 12 mm, two 5 mm trocars and an assistant’s pre-bending instrument. In the case of
Material and Methods: 40 patients with colorectal cancer and 30 healthy subjects were
cancer, D3 lymph node dissection was performed. The retroperitoneal tissue was dissected
included in the present study. Patients were classified according to the clinical stage (0, I, II,
sharply by monopolar electric knife through medial-to-lateral approach. We usually tran-
and III). Blood samples were collected the day before surgery and 24 h after the operation.
sected the ileum by Endostapler. This procedure made good operative field of
Analysis of RNA oxidation was carried out by determination of 8-hydroxyguanosine (8-
retroperitoneum like opening door. Reconstruction was performed by functional end-to-end
OHG) levels in plasma samples.
Results: Preoperative values of 8-OHG were found significantly increased, compared to
Results: This operation was underwent for 13 cancers, 2 diverticular disease. The mean
controls (Controls 32.97 ± 7.39 ng/ml, Preoperative 40.47 ± 9.79 ng/ml, p = 0.002). Post-
operative time of our operation was 30 minutes longer than conventional surgery. But blood
operatively 8-OHG levels decreased almost to those of controls (Preoperative 40.47 ± 9.79
loss was equal between two operations, and there was no intraoperative and perioperative
ng/ml, Postoperative 37.30 ± 10.83 ng/ml, p = 0.40), (Controls 32.97 ± 7.39 ng/ml, Post-
operative 37.30 ± 10.83 ng/ml, p = 0.09). Multiple comparisons showed significant
Conclusion: We think that the assistant’s instrument is necessary to keep countertraction for
differences between controls and stages II and III (Controls 32.97 ± 7.39 ng/ml, Stage II 43.45
sharp dissection. Our technique is feasible for laparoscopic ileocecal resection.
± 5.14 ng/ml, Stage III 50.57 ± 6.24 ng/ml, p\0.0001 and p\0.0001), stage 0 and stages II
and III (Stage 0 29.46 ± 4.47 ng/ml, Stage II 43.45 ± 5.14 ng/ml, Stage III 50.57 ± 6.24 ng/ml,
p\0.0001 and p\0.0001), stage I and stages II and III (Stage I 32.30 ± 4.21 ng/ml, Stage II
43.45 ± 5.14 ng/ml, Stage III 50.57 ± 6.24 ng/ml, p = 0.008 and p \ 0.0001). Multinomial
regression showed a relative risk of patients with significant increased of 8-OHG, to have stage
II (OR: 1, 36, p = 0.001) or stage III disease (OR: 2.42, p\0.0001).
Conclusion: This study has shown that oxidative RNA damage is higher in patients with
colorectal cancer. Advanced stages of the disease showed increased levels of plasma
8-OHG, while patients in early stages exhibit low or normal 8-OHG levels. Finally,
resection of the cancer leads to reduced 8-OHG levels to normal values.

P188 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P190 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


G. Kiguchi1, T. Ito2, Y. Kamada2, T. Tanaka2, T. Nishikawa2, LESION
M. Sugano2, T. Soma2, Y. Hattori2 S. Yamamoto, S. Fujita, A. Akasu, Y. Moriya, H. Sakurai,
Mitsubishi Kyoto Hospital, KYOTO, Japan; 2Sugita Genpaku S. Watanabe, H. Asamura
Memorial Obama Municipal Hospital, OBAMA, Japan National Cancer Center Hospital, TOKYO, Japan
Introduction: Laparoscopic partial gastric resection is widely accepted as a treatment for Aims: Laparoscopic approaches have become increasingly used in patients with colorectal
small gastric submucosal tumors. However, it cannot be applied easily to big tumors. cancer and, recently, the feasibility of simultaneous laparoscopic resection of colorectal
Methods: A 62-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of dizziness due to cancer and synchronous metastatic liver tumor has been reported. However, simultaneous
melena and severe anemia (Hb: 3.2). The emergent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy resection of colorectal cancer by a laparoscopic approach and a pulmonary lesion has not
revealed a giant tumor with surface necrosis and bleeding at the greater curvature of the been reported, and its feasibility remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to
upper body of the stomach. Malignant gastric GIST was diagnosed by a pathologic determine the feasibility of simultaneous resection of colorectal cancer by a laparoscopic
examination. Abdominal CT disclosed a 12-cm-diameter tumor. Moreover, the pancreatic approach and a pulmonary lesion.
body and the splenic hilum was seemed to be involved by the tumor, and there were Methods: Between June 2001 and December 2011, 1133 patients with colorectal cancer
multiple liver metastases. Resection of the gastric tumor was necessary for control of underwent laparoscopic surgery at our institution. Of those, four patients underwent simulta-
bleeding and risk of perforation before chemotherapy with Imatinib. neous laparoscopic resection of colorectal cancer and resection of a pulmonary lesion. The
Results: Total gastrectomy without distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy was performed surgical outcomes are reviewed.
successfully under laparoscopy. We could get a excellent view of back side of the huge Results: All procedures were completed laparoscopically. There were 4 male patients with a
tumor and preserve the pancreatic body and the spleen because of no invasion to those mean age of 65 (range: 53–74) and a mean BMI of 27.8 (range: 24.9–29.7), and all the
lesions. In operation, for the giant tumor we couldn’t help dissecting around the tumor in patients were classified as ASA II. Preoperative cardiac function was within the normal
the narrow space but retroperitoneal distal pancreatic mobilization was very helpful. Since range; however, one patient had mild obstructive lung disturbance. All patients underwent
post operation 21 day, we could start a chemotherapy with Imatinib and the liver metastases laparoscopic colon resection followed by pulmonary resection. Surgical procedures inclu-
have been well controlled for more than 1 year. ded right hemi-colectomy and wide wedge resection of the right lower lobe, right hemi-
Conclusions: Laparoscopic total gastrectomy was feasible in treatment of a case with a colectomy and left upper segmentectomy, anterior resection and right upper lobectomy, and
giant gastric malignant GIST, and contribute patients’ early recovery and less wound partial resection of the transverse colon and wide wedge resection of the left upper lobe.
related complication. The mean duration of the operation was 390 min (range: 327–432 min) and the mean
estimated blood loss during surgery was 133 ml (range: 93–200 ml); no patients required
intraoperative transfusion. Liquid and solid foods were started on the 1 and 3 postoperative
days, respectively, and all patients were discharged on postoperative day 8. Regarding
postoperative complications, two patients had atelectasis, which was treated conservatively.
The final pathological diagnosis of the pulmonary lesion was metastatic colorectal cancer in
2, primary lung cancer in 1, and inflammatory granulation tissue in 1.
Conclusion: The indication for and order of the procedures are still controversial; however,
simultaneous resection of colorectal cancer by laparoscopic approach and a pulmonary
lesion in selected patients is a feasible and safe procedure.

S100 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P191 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P193 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


Y. Hirano, M. Hattori, K. Douden, S. Shimizu, Y. Nishida, Y. Sato, RESULTS
K. Maeda, Y. Hashizume J. Millar, S. Kipling, K. Young, N. Smart, A.E. Day, A. Allison,
Fukui Prefectural Hospital, FUKUI, Japan J. Ockrim, N. Francis
Aim: Single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) has recently been developed with
NHS, YEOVIL, United Kingdom
the aim to further reduce the invasiveness of conventional laparoscopy. In the present Background: Extralevator abdominoperineal excision (ELAPE) is now the standard
study, our initial experiences with SILS for colon cancer are reviewed, and its of care for low rectal cancer because of improvements in oncological outcomes.
outcomes are evaluated. ELAPE involves resection of the rectum through the abdominal approach and
Methods: Our initial experience of SILS for colon cancer is presented. Fifty patients completion of the excision through the perineum. The aim of this study was to assess
(21 women) were treated with the SILS procedure between August 2010 and Sep- the feasibility and outcomes of an initial series of laparoscopic ELAPE with perineal
tember 2011. The abdomen was approached through a 2.5 cm transumbilical reconstruction with biologic mesh.
incision. Almost all the procedures were performed with standard laparoscopic Methods: 31 patients underwent ELAPE between 2006–2010. 70% of patients
instruments, and the operative procedures were similar to those employed in the received radiotherapy prior to surgery which was performed after 12 weeks. Lapa-
standard laparoscopic colectomy. roscopic rectal dissection was performed down to the origins of the levator muscle
Results: Two patients were converted to laparotomy, and 0ne patient required an and the perineal dissection was performed in the prone position. The perineum was
additional port insertion. Of these 47 patients, 18 patients underwent right hemi- reconstructed with a biological mesh (Permacol). All patients were enrolled into the
colectomy, 12 underwent ileo-colectomy, 12 underwent sigmoidectomy, 3 enhanced recovery programme. Data captured included operative details, length of
underwent partial resection of the transverse colon, and 2 underwent left hemicol- stay, postoperative complications and six month follow up.
ectomy with SILS procedure. The mean skin incision was 2.93 cm. The mean Results: 22 patients were male with mean age of 68 years and mean BMI of 28. The
operative time and blood loss were 223.1 min and 66.6 mL, respectively. The mean conversion rate was 16%. Only two cases (6%) had positive circumferential resec-
number of harvested lymph nodes was 26.4. Intra- or postoperative complications tion margins. The median length of stay was 7 days with a re-admission rate of 16%.
only occurred in one patient, who suffered from surgical site infection. The patients There were 11 major complications, including 3 perineal wound breakdowns, one
were discharged after a mean period of 11.1 postoperative days. port site hernia, one postoperative bleeding requiring return to theatre. At four weeks
Conclusions: Our initial experiences suggested that SILC is feasible and safe for outpatient review, seven patients (22%) had perineal wound problems (pain/ sinus)
colorectal cancer patients. However, further studies need to be undertaken to prove but only one patient (3%) had a persistent sinus at six months. There were no
that it has non-cosmetic advantages over conventional laparoscopic colectomy. perineal hernias or mortality in this series.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic ELAPE is safe and in combination with biologic mesh
closure of perineum and enhanced recovery may result in short length of stay without
compromising the histological resection margin or postoperative complications.

P192 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P194 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


M. Spasojevic1, S. Kiil1, J.M. Naesgaard1, B. Stimec2, S. Wayessa3, METASTASES
A.E. Faerden3, T. Oresland3, D. Ignjatovic3 B.K. Ahn, S.H. Lee, M.J. Joo, K.W. Seo, K.Y. Yoon, S.U. Baek,
Vestfold Hospital Trust, TONSBERG, Norway; 2University of S.D. Park
Geneva, GENEVA, Switzerland; 3Akershus University Hospital, Kosin University College of Medicine, BUSAN, Korea
OSLO, Norway Background: The laparoscopy-assisted colorectal surgery (LAC) is performed
Background: The complex anatomical relations of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV) and artery worldwide as the standard treatment for colorectal cancer. The video-assisted tho-
(SMA) and their branches perpetuate the current practice of vascular division on the right side of racoscopic surgery (VATS) for lung metastases is a safe procedure which has fewer
the SMV. complications and a reduced hospital stay when compared with an open thoracot-
Aim: To map relations of SMV and SMA branches in patients operated with D3 right colectomy, omy. However, simultaneous laparoscopic resections for colorectal cancers and
and correlate radiology results with the operation.
VATS for synchronous lung metastases are rarely documented and its feasibility
Methods: CTs were analyzed with Osirix software. Relations between colic arteries and the SMV
as well as jejuno-ileal veins (JIV) to the SMA were noted. Distances between the ileocolic vein
(ICV) and the gastrocolic trunk (GTH), and between the ileocolic artery (ICA), the right colic Purpose: The purpose of this study is to review our experience of simultaneous
artery (RCA) and the middle colic artery (MCA) along the right side of the SMA were measured. laparoscopic resection for colorectal cancers and synchronous lung metastases.
Levels of the GTH and MCA were noted. At surgery D3 dissection was performed as previously Methods: From January 2004 to December 2009, a total of four cases underwent
published, the anatomical relations verified, measured and photographed. simultaneous resection for primary colorectal cancers and VATS for synchronous
Results: Twenty seven (9 men), median age 73 years were included. Fifteen had MDCT angiog- lung metastases with curative intention. For colorectal cancers, open colectomy
raphy, 12 had standard CT. The ICA crossed the SMV anterior in 12 patients (44.4%). The MCA (Open group) was performed in 2 patients (2 male; age 65, 71 years) and laparo-
crossed anterior in all patients (100%), both verified at surgery. RCA was found in 4 patients at
scopic colectomy (LAP group) was performed in 2 patients (2 male; age 65, 72
surgery, verified on MDCT angiography in 1, while 3 patients where the RCA was not found
preoperatively had an ordinary CT.RCA crossed the SMV posterior in 1 patient (25%), completely years). For the VATS, a 5 mm trocar was inserted at the fourth intercostals space and
correlating to the angiography. The median number of JIV crossing the SMA was 2 (range 1–3) two 12 mm trocar at the fifth and seventh intercostals spaces. Under observation of
with mean caliber 6.9 mm ±2.3.JIV crossing anterior in 5 and posterior in 13, while 9 had crossing the thoracic cavity via thoracoscopy, resections of lung lobe were performed using
both anterior and posterior. The median number of JIV crossing the SMA between MCA and ICA linear-cutter stapler.
was 1 (0–3). Mean distance between ICA and MCA was 27.1 ± 11.5 mm and 34.8 ± 10.5 mm Results: In the Open group, low anterior resection was performed for colorectal
between the ICV and GTH. The MCA had a more proximal origin to the GTH in 14 patients, mean cancer in two patients. In LAP group, right hemicolectomy was performed in two
distance between these structures was 11.4 ±7.3 mm. The median number of jejuno-ileal arteries
patients. In all of lung specimen, resection margin was not involved tumor cell.
was 3 (1–5) with mean caliber 2.9 ± 0.9 mm.
Conclusion: The preoperative analysis of the anatomy on angiography correlates well to the actual
Operation time was 245, 320 min in Open group and 295, 315 min in LAP group.
anatomy found at surgery, making the surgeon more secure in dissection. Blood loss was 200, 350 cc in Open group and 300, 800 cc in LAP group. Post-
operative complication was a pulmonary edema in Open group and a wound
bleeding in LAP group. There was no postoperative mortality.
Conclusion: Simultaneous laparoscopic resection for colorectal cancer and VATS for
synchronous lung metastasis is a feasible option as minimal invasive treatment.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S101

P195 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P197 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


CASES Hokkaido Social Insurance Hospital, SAPPORO CITY, Japan
B.K. Ahn, S.H. Lee, M.J. Joo, K.W. Seo, K.Y. Yoon, S.U. Baek, Aims: Laparoscopic rectopexy for rectal prolapse has been highlighted because of
T.S. Kim the potential benefits of a minimally invasive approach, including less pain, shorter
Kosin University College of Medicine, BUSAN, Korea hospitalization, earlier recovery, better cosmetic result, and fewer complications,
compared with open abdominal surgery. Recently Single incision laparoscopic
Simultaneous laparoscopic surgery of colorectal cancers and coexisting abdominal
surgery was reported to be less invasive than conventional laparoscopic surgery. We
disease are shown to be feasible without increasing postoperative morbidity. How-
report our experience of reduced port surgery for rectal prolapse with surgical out-
ever, simultaneous laparoscopic colorectal resection and nephrectomy are rarely
comes and recurrence.
documented and its feasibility unknown.
Methods: Between May 2011 and July 2011, three patients with rectal prolapse
We report two cases of simultaneous colorectal resection for colorectal cancers and
underwent laparoscopic suture and stapling rectopexy. Under general anesthesia,
nephrectomy. Case 1 was a 71-year-old female, who had an ascending colon cancer
patients were placed in the dorsosacral position with the Trendelenburg tilt. SILS
and left hydronephrosis, underwent laparoscopic right hemicolectomy and left
port was placed in the umbilicus and a pneumoperitoneum was established. Addi-
nephrectomy. Case 2 was a 77-year-old male, who had a descending colon cancer
tionally, One 12-mm port was placed in right iliac fossa. The uterus was fixed to the
and left renal cell carcinoma, underwent laparoscopic left hemicolectomy and left
ventral abdominal wall using a temporary suture. The rectum was dissected down to
nephrectomy. The body mass index was 21.73 and 26.78. The operation time was
the pelvic floor with complete posterior mobilization of the mesorectum to the level
275 and 395 minutes. The blood loss was 300 and 250 cc. The postoperative hospital
of the levator ani muscle. The rectum was hitched up then mesorectum was fixed to
stay was 8 and 10 days. In both cases, there was no postoperative morbidity and
the right of sacrum with a hernia stapler device, monitoring improvement of prolapse
mortality. Simultaneous laparoscopic resection for colorectal cancer and nephrec-
from anal side. Then elevated sigmoid colon was fixed to the left abdominal wall
tomy is a feasible and safe procedure.
using a suture.
Results: Three patients were each 79, 84, 85 years old women. The median follow-up
period was 7 (range 6–8) months. The median operative time was 133 (range
105–155) minutes. Operative blood loss was little in each case. Complication was
only one wound infection. There was no recurrence of prolapse by now.
Conclusion: Reduced port surgery for rectal prolapse was seemed to be less invasive
and superior in terms of cosmetic, and surgical outcome was comparable to that of
conventional laparoscopic rectopexy. It is possible that Reduced port surgery
becomes a new surgical strategy for rectal prolapse.

P196 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P198 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


WITH CONGENITAL MENTAL RETARDATION N.N. Siddiqi1, D. Miskovic1, J. Khan1, A. Thorne2, A. Parvaiz1
H. Tominaga, Y. Yoshikawa, N. Hatanaka, M. Tanemura, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS trust, PORTSMOUTH, United Kingdom;
Y. Shimizu, A. Nishitani, T. Irei, K. Hiraoka, M. Inoue, J. Moon, University of Portsmouth, Molecular biology, PORTSMOUTH,
T. Kinoshita, M. Park, M. Wakahara, N. Honmyo, W. Kamiike United Kingdom
National Hospital Organization Kure Medical Center • Chugoku Background and Aims: Introduction of National bowel cancer screening in UK have
Cancer Center, KURE, Japan led to increase in diagnosis of colorectal polyps. Although endoscopic removal of
polyps is feasible in majority of cases, certain polyps are not suitable for such
Introduction: The rectal prolapse can be completely corrected only by surgical
intervention. This study aim to evaluate the outcomes of surgical resection in
treatment. Majority of patients with this disease are old age, and general performance
patients with cancer in polyps and look at the overall and disease free survival on
status is poor. Currently, many surgical options, including perineal, abdominal, and
patients who either had surgical resection or polypectomy alone.
laparoscopic approaches are available, therefore, we should decide the suitable
Methods: Prospectively collected data from consecutive patients with cancer in
treatment about which type of repair is the best for patients. Nevertheless, the
colorectal polyps from 2000–2011 were included. Patients were divided into three
ultimate goal of surgery for rectal prolapse is to prevent prolapse, to improve
groups (1: polypectomy, 2: surgical resection with lymph node negative, 3: surgical
associated disorder in bowel function. The patients with congenital mental retarda-
resection with lymph node positive). Patient demographics, survival rates, stage of
tion require special management in a number of clinical situation. Namely, there is a
tumour, postoperative mortality, local and distal recurrence rates were analyzed.
widespread clinical impression that it is difficult to achieve adequate sedation after
Results: 213 patients were analysed. 118 patients had surgical resections (103 L.N
surgery, because these patients can not accept their post operation situation,
negative & 15 L.N positive), 95 patients had polypectomy alone. Median age was 71
including postoperative pain and insertion of drains. In this study, we report that
years. Local recurrence was 3.1% in polypectomy group, 1.9% in patients with
three patients with rectal prolapse, complicated with congenital mental retardation,
surgical resection L.N negative and 6.6% in surgical resection with L.N positive.
who were successfully treated by laparoscopic rectopexy (Table 1).
Five-year follow up is only available for patients who had treatment till 2006. In total
Conclusion: Laparoscopic rectopexy is generally safe for sick and frail patients,
98 patients were followed up in which 89 patients has five year disease free survival.
including congenital mental retardation, with low recurrence rate and rapid post-
There is no difference in survival between polypectomy and surgical resection (p =
operative recovery.
Conclusions: Patients with cancer in colorectal polyps with positive lymph nodes
Table 1 . have worse five-year survival even after surgical resection. Further research to stage
lymph node positive disease needs to be done and hence obviating the need for
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 resectional surgery in high-risk group.

Age at op. 26 72 65
Gender (M/F) M F M
Operative time (minutes) 222 255 196
Operative bleeding Small Small Small
Perioperative complication No No No
Hospital stay after op. (day) 8 3 30
Recurrence of prolapse No No Yes, slight

S102 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P199 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P201 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


TRICKS V.V. Anischenko1, A.I. Shevela2, A.A. Bass1, M.N. Kotkina1,
A.M. Bakr G.S. Gmyza2
Cairo University, CAIRO, Egypt Nonmunicipal health care facility Railway Hospital,
Introduction: Acute appendicitis is a common surgical problem that is successfully managed with
NOVOSIBIRSK, Russia; 2Institute of Chemical Biology and
early surgery, with low morbidity and mortality. The clinical manifestations may vary according to Fundamental Medicine of Siberian Branch of RAS, NOVOSIBIRSK,
the position of the appendix. Ascending retrocecal, subhepatic appendicitis may be clinically Russia
indistinguishable from acute pathology in the right upper abdomen. Moreover, the technique of the
laparoscopic procedure needs to be altered accordingly. The aim of this study is to present our Extensive experience of single access surgery (more than 150 operations) with the technology NOTES,
experience with laparoscopic management of ascending retrocecal, subhepatic appendicitis. accumulated in our hospital allowed us to work out transanal operations using SILS-port. For operations we
Materials and Methods: This study involved 34 patients with acute abdominal pain. Routine used SILS-port. We present two clinical cases. Case 1. Patient, a woman 34 years old, diagnosed – villous
workup included a complete blood picture, ultrasound scan and computed tomography if the adenoma of the rectum, which began at 4 cm from the dentate line on the left wall of the rectum, 12 cm long,
ultrasound was not conclusive. The laparoscopic procedure was performed through a 3-Trocar and occupied 1/3 part of the rectum.
The data of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and endosonography: no signs of invasion and tumor growth
technique. Retrograde appendectomy was used in all but 3 patients. The mesoappendix was con-
within the mucosa. Position the patient on her left side. SILS-port installed with minimal devulsii anus, used
trolled by energized devices in all cases.
an optical system with a diameter of 5 mm. Pnevmorektum imposed. Under the mucous membrane, under
Results: The pain and tenderness were notably atypical; in all patients. The pain was more towards
tumor was introduced indigo. Next, 5 mm away from the edge of the tumor step by step dissection of the
the upper quadrant, while maximal tenderness was most evident at the level of the umbilicus, not in tumor is made under visual control using a harmonic scalpel.
the lower abdomen. Tenderness needed a deeper palpation to be elicited. Fever was noted in 27 Duration of surgery 50 min. The operation was bloodless and without violating the integrity of the bowel
patients, and leucocytosis in 29 patients. US scan was diagnostic in 14 patients, inconclusive in the wall. No complications. The patient was discharged 4 days. After 2 weeks, produced inspected: 1/3 of the
rest. Those necessitated Computed tomography (CT). CT confirmed the diagnosis in all but one of wound epithelialization active. Satisfactory condition.
the patients. This patient was confirmed to have ascending appendicitis on laparoscopy and The second case. Patient, a woman 28 years old. According to a rectal examination and MRI established
underwent laparoscopic appendectomy. dermoid cyst. Tumor size 6 9 8 cm, located on the rear wall in the mesentery of the rectum, 5 cm proximal
One patient was converted due to difficult dissection. One patient had a postoperative collection to the dentate line, without invasion into the wall of the rectum.
that necessitated ultrasound guided drainage. Position the patient on his back. SILS-port installed with minimal devulsii anus, used an same optical
Conclusion: Though appendicitis is a common surgical emergency, the variations in system. Pnevmorektum imposed. Over the tumor is dissected wall of the rectum. Stages, a single block with
dissector and harmonicscalpel produced a radical resection. The integrity of the bowel wall recovered with a
its anatomical position may make the diagnosis trickier. This also applies to the continuous suture PDS II 3.0.
surgical management. As laparoscopic appendectomy is becoming the new gold Duration of surgery 70 min. The operation was bloodless.No complications. The patient was discharged on
standard treatment of appendicitis, the technique can be applied yet it has to be day 7. After 7 days, produced inspected and transrectal ultrasonography. Sutures are wealthy, there is no
modified in cases with ascending, retro-cecal and sub-hepatic appendicitis together residual cavities. Satisfactory condition.
with cases with a retroverted cecum. The port sites need to be altered. The use of Conclusions. The use of SILS-port identified a number of advantages over the endoscopic or
transanal resection usingsurgical proctoscope. First, a good review and the availability ofthe
energized devices in the dissection is helpful and safe and the adoption of retrograde
operative field straightened for the mucosa, soft port does not limit the movement and not a conflict
technique a routine makes the procedure easier. of tools. Secondly, a good visualization possible to perform completelybloodless dissection, with
precise accuracy and within healthy tissue.
Third, provided surgical technique has helped to keep the anatomical and functional integrity of the rectum.
And also, provided a short rehabilitation period.

P200 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P202 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


PORT M. Socias1, A. Sánchez1, M. Vives1, A. Cabrera1, M.L. Piñana1,
K. Ietsugu, K. Yoshida, S. Soga, S. Tabata, K. Kiyohara J. Sánchez1, M. Hernández1, F. Sabench1, J. Domènech1,
Tonami general hospital, TONAMI - TOYAMA.PREF, Japan D. Del Castillo1, M. Parı́s2
University Hospital of Sant Joan. Rovira i Virgili University. IISPV,
Background: Many lower rectal cancers are treated by surgery. Abdominal perito- REUS, Spain; 2Rovira i Virgili University. University Hospital
neal resection, low anterior resection and intersphincteric resection are common, but
of S. Joan. IISPV.F.of Medicine, REUS, Spain
mucosal cancers are reported to have a low rate of lymph node metastasis, so less
invasive treatments are more suitable. Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) is Aim: The diverticular disease is found mainly in the descending colon and sigma and only 20% of
a useful way to excise rectal tumors, but special instruments are required. patients in the right colon. The occurrence of fistula is a common complication of colonic diver-
Aim: To show three operations for rectal tumors using a single-access laparoscopic ticulitis. The most frequent are between the sigmoid colon and bladder. We report a clinical case of
a patient with atypical presentation of right diverticulitis.
port (SILS port) and instruments for laparoscopic surgery. One reason for using these
Methods (Clinical case): F 76 years old patient with a history of vertiginous syndrome, type 2
instruments is that they can not be hired from agencies. Diabetes Mellitus, and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Consults to physician for pain in right leg
Patients and methods: Case 1: an 80-year-old woman came to our hospital because of and a mass at lumbar fossa and right flank of two months evolution. CT scan: Increased intra-
bloody stool. Endoscopic examination showed a laterally spreading tumor in the abdominal fat density at the right flank associated with small collections all over the abdominal
lower rectum and the pathological diagnosis was cancer. Case 2: A 56-year-old man muscles, the anterior abdominal wall and back. Given the suspicion of abdominal wall abscess, the
came to our hospital because of abdominal fullness. Endoscopic examination showed patient was admitted in our surgical service and initiates treatment with clindamycin and
a laterally spreading tumor at lower rectum and the pathological diagnosis was cefuroxime. Culture of abscess is positive for E. coli resistant to amoxicillin and clavulanic,
cancer. Case 3: A 40-year-old man came to our hospital because an occult blood test cefotaxime, cefuroxime and ciprofloxacin. We changed therapy to ertapenem. At 15 days of
evolution, the results of second culture were negative, with chronic infiltration and fibrosis at the
of the stool was positive. Endoscopic examination showed a carcinoid tumor in the
biopsy. Given the analytical and clinical improvement, the patient was discharged.
lower rectum. The carcinoid tumor was resected endoscopically, but the vertical 3 weeks later she is admitted again to the hospital with fever and increased volume of the
surgical margin was positive, so additional transanal full thickness resection was abdominal mass, acute inflammation, leukocytosis and neutrophilia. TC scan: thickening of the
needed. Transanal endoscopic excision was performed for three cases using a SILS right iliopsoas muscle with hypodense area in anterior abdominal wall. Drainage was placed. Given
port inserted into the anal canal and instruments for laparoscopic surgery. Under the suspicion of appendicular plastron we decided surgery.
general anesthesia, patients were positioned so that tumors were located in a 6 Results: Exploratory Laparoscopy: a fistula is seen in middle third of ascending
o’clock direction. Carbon dioxide was insufflated during surgery at 15 mmHg. A colon from the abdominal wall to the trocar hole of antique laparoscopic chole-
30-degree 5-mm camera, a grasper, and laparoscopic coagulation scissors were used cystectomy. Right hemicolectomy was performed. It shows a diverticulum in the
to remove tumors. All tumors were excised safely. ascending colon with diverticulitis, and xanthomatous reaction.
Conclusion: This technique is useful and could be introduced into many hospitals. Evolution: After the control of infectious foci and surgery, the patient evolved correctly.
Conclusions: The ascending colon diverticulitis is a process that must be considered in processes
arising from the right side of the abdomen. Concomitant infections may cause a slow and com-
plicated clinical development.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S103

P203 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P205 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


E. Raga, M. Vives, J. Sanchez, S. Blanco, A. Sánchez, M.L. Piñana, Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital, URAYASU,CHIBA, Japan
A. Cabrera, M. Hernández, F. Sabench, D. Del Castillo Background: Laparoscopy-assisted gastrectomy (LAG) is a less invasive surgical
University Hospital of Sant Joan. Rovira i Virgili University. IISPV, technique that is gaining wider acceptance for the treatment of gastric cancer.
REUS, Spain Remnant primary gastric cancer is defined as cancer in the remnant stomach after the
initial gastric resection. After the surgery of distal or proximal gastrectomy, there is a
Aim: Steinert’s disease is a hereditary myopathy in which there is generalized
risk of remnant gastric cancer. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of
muscle weakness, myotonia, and multisystem involvement. Involvement of the
Laparoscopic surgery for remnant gastric cancer.
muscles of the digestive tract can cause characteristic symptoms, though less fre-
Method: Between May 1996 and December 2011, we performed 474 LAG. These
quently than other systemic disorders. Dysphagia is the most common symptom
cases were included 40 laparoscopy-assisted total gastrectomy(LATG) cases, and 4
observed, and usually occurs in 25–45%. Other less common symptoms are gas-
patients were operated laparoscopy-assisted total remnant gastrectomy(LATrG) for
troparesis, steatorrhea and intestinal occlusive syndrome. We report a patient
remnant gastric cancer. We examined the peri-operative results, complications and
affected by Steinert myotonic dystrophy, who presented repeatedly abdominal pain
surgical outcomes of LATrG cases. The peri-operative results were compared with
and constipation coinciding with menses.
the results of 40 LATG cases.
Methods: Patient ?26 years old, affected by Steinert’s disease, subclinical hypo-
Results: 3 patients of LATrG cases were in Stage IA, and another patient was in
thyroidism, dysmenorrhea in treatment with oral contraceptives and depressive
Stage IB. The mean operative time was 318 minutes. The mean duration of naso-
syndrome. She consulted to emergency room for abdominal pain and bloating that
gastric tube placement was 0.5 days, time required before passing flatus was 2.6
had been repeated in recent months coinciding with menses. Abdominal radiography
days, time to start of liquid intake was 5.25 days, and postoperative hospital stay was
and CT were compatible with occlusive episode, resolving spontaneously within 48
26 days. The duration of nasogastric tube placement of LATrG was shorter than that
hours of income. 18 months later, returns to our Hospital affected by a new episode
of LATG. There were no significant differences in the other parameters. No post-
of pain, abdominal distension and vomiting of 4 days of duration. With radiological
operative complications were observed in LATrG patients. There was no cases of
suspicion of sigmoid volvulus, an urgent colonoscopy showed a stenosis at the level
cancer death or recurrence in LATrG.
of rectosigmoid at 11 cm from anus, with normal mucosa, suggesting a possible
Conclusion: LATrG is a safe, oncologically feasible and acceptable procedure for the
extrinsic compression. CT and Magnetic Resonance didn’t determine the cause of
treatment of early-stage remnant gastric cancer.
the occlusion, so it was decided to perform an exploratory laparotomy.
Results: Surgery showed endometriosis, sigmoid infiltration and bilateral ureters
dilatation with retroperitoneal infiltration and a significant fibrosis of the Denon-
villiers’ fascia, covering the rectosigmoid junction. This requires performing a total
hysterectomy, resection of the rectosigmoid junction and ureters release.
Conclusions: Endometriosis is a disease that affects 10–15% of premenopausal
women and in rare cases can cause intestinal obstruction. The presence of ectopic
endometrial tissue in the intestine affects the serosa and muscle layers, but never
penetrates the mucosa. The secondary fibrosis and adhesions are the cause of the
obstruction. Steinert’s disease is rare but the intestinal involvement is also possible.
Emphasize the importance of thorough study and careful in any young patient
without previous surgical history.

P204 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P206 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


F.V. Zaharie, C. Tomus, L. Mocan, R. Zaharie, D. Bartos, C. Iancu OF A STARTING MOROCCAN UNIT EXPERIENCE
‘‘Iuliu Hatieganu’’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj, M.A. Majbar, H. Elfadili, M. Elalaoui, F. Sabbah, M. Raiss, A. Hrora,
CLUJ NAPOCA, Romania M. Ahallat
Background: Total mesorectal excision (TME) offers the lowest reported rates of local recurrence Ibn Sina Hospital, RABAT, Morocco
and the best survival results in patients with rectal cancer; however, the laparoscopic approach
remains a challenging procedure. We present a series of ten consecutive cases in laparoscopic TME
Objective: To analyze data on laparoscopic surgery for rectal adenocarcinoma in our
for rectal cancer performed by a single surgical team. unit of January 1, 2005, to December 31, 2009.
Methods: A series of 10 consecutive patients undergoing laparoscopic TME for rectal cancer is Material and Methods: During the above-mentioned period, 45 laparoscopic sur-
presented. A four-trocar laparoscopic approach was routinely used, including patients with prior geries for rectal adenocarcinoma were performed in our unit. There were 20 males
abdominal surgery. and 25 females with a mean age of 52 years. The tumor was located in the low
Results: The average age of patients was 54.2 years (range 45–68 years). The stage of rectal cancer rectum in 18 cases (40%), mid rectum in 8 cases (18%) and upper rectum in 19 cases
according to TNM classification was: stage I in 3 patients, stage II in 3 and stage III in 4. Of the 10
(42%). We performed 19 low anterior résection with colorectal anastomosis, 12
patients, 7 have required complete mesorectal excision. For the other three, partial mesorectal
excision was performed (up to 5 cm below the tumor). There was no case of tumor involvement of
proctectomy with colo-anal anastomosis, 8 abdomino-perineal résection with 4 left
the distal margin. Average distal clearance was 3.6 cm (range 2.2–7) on the fixed specimen. Median iliac colostomy and 4 pseudocontinent perineal colostomy and one intersphincteric
number of lymph nodes harvested was 19 (range 8–30). résection.
Median (range) operating time and blood loss were 160 (120–240) minutes and 75 (50–100) ml. Results: Conversion rate was 11.1%. Six (13.3%) patients had stage I, 22 (50%)
Mean hospital stay was 5.7 days. Median time for the return of bowel function was 1.3 (range 1–2) stage II, and 17 (37.7%) stage III disease. The mean hospital stay was 12 days. One
days. Complete patient mobilization and diet resumption was achieved on 1 day after surgery. We (2.5%) patient died. Postoperative complications occurred in 12 (26.6%) cases.
have 10% morbidity rate (one case of colo-rectal anastomosis leak). There were no wound or Specific complications were as follows: suture insufficiency (3 cases), post opérative
general complications (cardiac, neurologic or pulmonary). No patients required narcotics for
intestinal occlusion (1 case), colostomy necrosis (1 case), pelvic abscess (1 case). In
postoperative pain control; parenteral non-sterois analgesics were used. The mortality rate was null.
No patient has urinary or bladder dysfunction on discharge. Mean follow-up was 9 months (range, histological specimens, 10 lymph nodes were found on the average. Recurrence rate
6–12). There were no local or trocar site recurrences. is 11.1% (5 patients): 4 local récurrences and one pulmonary metastasis.
Conclusions: Laparoscopic total mesorectal excision is a safe and effective procedure, with low Conclusions: The feasibility of laparoscopic surgery for rectal adenocarcinoma is
morbidity and mortality while having all the advantages of minimally invasive. well established. Complication rate is similar to other authors. To evaluate disease
relapse and outcomes, observation time is not sufficient yet.

S104 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P207 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P209 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

D.A. Golub1, S.V. Baydo2, A.B. Vinnitskaya2, G.B. Bernshtein2 D.G. Shin
Med-X-Ray International Group Zina Memorial Lissod Cancer Seoul Medical Center, SEOUL, Korea
Hospital, KIEV, Ukraine; 2Zina Memorial Lissod Cancer Hospital, Aims: To know the feasibility and safety of transanal endoscopic microsur-
PLIUTY VILLAGE, KIEV, Ukraine gery(TEM) with single-port instruments.
Background: Laparoscopic surgery has made a significant impact on the practice of Methods: From Dec 2011 to Jan 2012, we performed excisions of rectal lesion in two
colorectal surgery since first successful laparoscopic colon resection performed by patients using a SILS port (Covidien) in TEM surgery.
Jacobs in 1991. Most surgeons, performing totally laparoscopic anterior resection Case 1. Rectal carcinoid: The lesion was located 8 cm above anal verge. Initially 4
(TLAR), use a small (5–6 sm) incision for specimen extraction. mm size polypoid lesion was endoscopically removed and the result showed rectal
Purpose: This report is intended to report our experience and to describe our tech- carcinoid with involvement of deep and lateral resection margin. So we performed
nique in performing TLAR with transvaginal extraction of the specimen. TEM operation. Case 2. Rectal adenocarcinoma: 1.5 cm size mulberry shaped pol-
Methods: In 2011, 10 patients underwent TLAR, in 3 cases transvaginal approach ypoid lesion was located 8 cm above anal verge. Biopsy result showed tubular
was used for specimen extraction. Four ports technique was used. The descending adenoma but the shaped and size was not good for endoscopic mucosal resection. So
colon, colon sigmoideum and rectum were mobilized using ultrasound scissors and we performed TEM operation.
bipolar. The IMA and IMV was clipped at their origin. The rectum was transected by Results: In all cases, it was easy to handle and resection was successful without
stapler. Then posterior colpotomy was done with 11-mm trocar. The specimen was significant intraoperative complication. We performed five stitches to closure the
extracted through vagina, the anvil was inserted and bowel was returned into wound with chromic #3-0 suture and hemo-clip tie in all cases. Postoperative
abdomen. Then anastomosis was done using circular stapler. The colpotomy was recovery was uneventful in both cases. First case’s pathology report showed no
sutured through vagina or using intracorporeally technique. residual lesion in the specimen. After 3 weeks later, sigmoidoscopy study showed
Results: All the patients were women with no prior pelvic surgery. The mean age that there was no suture material and small healing ulcer was seen at operation site.
was 56 (52–60) years. The average operative time was 115 (100–135) minutes. No In second case, pathology report showed adenocarcinoma with deep resection
death or complications occurred in these 3 patients. The first stool was at second p/o margin involvement. So we performed second operation (low anterior resection) on
day. The average length of stay was 3.4 (3–4) days. The mean specimen length was POD#3 days after first operation. And we found that 3 stitches (60%) are present and
28 cm, and the mean number of lymph nodes retrieved was 21 (18–25). The level of two are already become loose and dropped out from the specimen. Final pathology
postoperative pain was assessed by visual-analog pain scale. According to pre- result showed that there was also no residual lesion in specimen and no lymph node
liminary results it was detected the tendency of decreasing pain level after metastasis in 4 mesorectal lymph nodes.
transvaginal extraction vs ‘traditional’. Conclusion: It is necessary to discuss the pathology result carefully with pathologist
Conclusion: Totally laparoscopic anterior resection with transvaginal extraction of before transanal endoscopic resection operation. During TEM operation, suturing the
the specimen appears to be feasible and safe. The advantages of this approach are wound is very easy but we have to know that is it really necessary procedure.
better cosmetic results, less postoperative pain and faster recovery.

P208 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P210 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


N. Ladwa, M. Sajid, T. Liston, P. Sains, M.K. Baig S. Shimizu, Y. Hirano, M. Hattori, Y. Nishida, Y. Sato, K. Maeda,
Worthing Hospital, WORTHING, United Kingdom K. Douden, Y. Hashizume
Fukui Prefectural Hospital, FUKUI, Japan
Objective: This aim of this study is to review the results of laparoscopic surgery for the
management of colovesical fistulae in a centre with a specialist interest in minimally Aim: Situs inversus totalis (SIT) is a rare congenital disorder, which denotes com-
invasive surgery and to propose a clear protocol to ensure prompt diagnosis and treatment plete right-left inversion of thoracic and abdominal viscera. Surgical procedures are
in the future. considered more difficult in patients with SIT in other patients because of different
Methods: A retrospective case note review was conducted of all patients with colovesical anatomic positions of organs, especially in laparoscopic surgery. Preliminary
fistulae who underwent laparoscopic surgery over a 7 year period. Variables collected experience with single-incision laparoscopic colectomy for colon cancer with SIT is
include patient demographics, symptoms, investigations, operative data, histology, com- reported.
plications and length of stay. Method: An 87-year-old man was admitted because of a fecal occult blood. A
Results: 24 patients (15 male) who underwent laparoscopic operative intervention for co- colonoscopy revealed cecal cancer. A colonoscopy revealed cecal tumor about 50
lovesical fistula were identified. The most common symptoms were pneumaturia (79%),
mm in size, and he was diagnosed as a well differentiated adenocarcinoma by colon
faecaluria (46%) and symptoms associated with recurrent UTIs (75%). Cystoscopy was the
biopsy. An air-barium contrast enema showed the right-sided descending colon and
most accurate test to identify fistulae (87.5%) followed by CT scan (46%) and barium
the left-sided ascending colon and cecum. A computed tomography showed com-
enema (21%). 1 patient was unfit for major surgery and underwent palliative laparoscopic
loop colostomy. The most common cause of fistulation was diverticular disease. (92%) plete transposition of abdominal viscera, confirming SIT. Surgical Procedures: First,
Other causes included Crohns disease (4%) and colorectal cancer. (4%) Laparoscopic a Lap protector was inserted through a 2.5-cm transumbilical incision. Three 5-mm
anterior resection was performed in 12 (50%) patients, sigmoid colectomy in 10 (42%) and ports were placed in EZ access mounted on the Lap protector. At the observation of
ileocolic resection in 1 (4%) patient. 88% of patients received a defunctioning ileostomy to laparoscopy, the cecum and ascending colon was situated at the left, and the sigmoid
protect the anastomosis. The laparoscopic to open conversion rate was 33%. (due to colon was situated at the right.
multiple abscesses or extensive adhesions) The average length of colon resection was 184 Results: We successfully performed ileocolectomy with lymph node dissection using
± 70 mm Bladder repair was required in 25% of cases with a further 8% requiring partial a single-incision laparoscopic approach without any technical problems. The oper-
resection. There was no mortality reported peri-operatively; the anastomotic leak rate was ative time was 125 min and blood loss was a negligible. Postoperative follow-up did
4% and recurrence rate was 4%. 8% of patients had wound related problems treated con- not reveal any umbilical wound complications and recurrences.
servatively and 8% had a post-operative abdominal collection requiring drainage. Median Conclusion. This report is the first case of colon cancer associated with SIT who
postoperative stay was 12.5 days (range 4–91). successfully treated with SILC. SILC is safe, feasible and a curative procedure for
Conclusion: Surgical management for colovesical fistulae is effective and safe. Laparo- colon cancer even in patients associated with SIT.
scopic resections are increasing in popularity and deliver encouraging results comparable to
open resection. It has now become the standard of care in our institution for management of
colovesical fistulae. A large multi-centre randomised controlled trial is recommended to
validate its potential benefits over open surgery.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S105

P211 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P213 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

M. Hattori, Y. Hirano, Y. Nishida, S. Shimizu, Y. Sato, K. Maeda, Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital, CHIBA, Japan
K. Douden, Y. Hashizume Aims: For laparoscopic colectomy (LAC) to be recognized as the standard surgical
Fukui Prefectural Hospital, FUKUI, Japan procedure for rectal cancer, it must be proven to have curative effectiveness com-
Aim: Only limited data in the literature about single-incision laparoscopic rectal parable to open abdominal surgery. This study examined the long term results of
surgery, because the laparoscopic stapler does not allow low rectal transection laparoscopic colectomy for rectal cancer.
without sufficient distal margins from the umbilicus port. We have developed single- Methods: The subjects consisted of 293 patients whom underwent radical surgery for
incision plus one port laparoscopic anterior resection of the rectum (SILS+1-AR) as rectal cancer at our institution between June 1995 and December 2011.
a reduced port surgery in which we can utilize the incision for drainage as an The indication of LAC was mainly reserved for cases where curative resection was
additional access route for laparoscopic procedures including the transection the possible by pelvic autonomic nerve-preserving surgery with mesorectal excision.
lower rectum. LAC was not performed in cases: (1) where the cancer had obviously invaded other
Methods: A Lap protector (LP) mini was inserted through a 2.5 cm transumbilical organs, (2) where no touch technique surgery was difficult, (3) where the operation
incision, and an EZ-access was mounted to LP and three 5-mm ports were placed in space could not be preserved due to a bulky tumor or narrow pelvis; and 4) where
EZ-access. A 12 mm port was inserted in right lower quadrant. Almost all the there was a non-decompressible intestinal obstruction.
procedures were performed with usual laparoscopic instruments, and the operative Results: There were 201 male subjects and 92 female subjects and their average age
procedures were much the same as in usual laparoscopic low anterior resection of the was 63 years (range: 28–87). 163 subjects had upper rectal cancer and 130 subjects
rectum using a flexible 5 mm scope. The rectum was transected normally using only had lower rectal cancer. 15 subjects were in stage 0 of cancer, 105 subjects in stage I,
one endoscopic linear stapler inserted from the right lower quadrant port. 86 subjects in stage II, 87 subjects in stage III. 233 subjects underwent anterior
Results: We underwent modified SILS+1-AR in 16 patients with advanced rectal resection surgery, 49 subjects underwent abdominoperineal resection, five subjects
cancer. One patient required an additional port insertion because of the severe dif- underwent ISR, three subjects underwent Hartmann’s procedure and one subject
ficult dissection in the deep pelvic space. The other 15 patients (93.7%) underwent a underwent total pelvic exenteration (TPE). The form of recurrence was most com-
curative anterior resection of the rectum without conversion to a multiport laparo- monly the liver (27 subjects), the lung (24 subjects) and local (17 subjects)
scopic surgery or open surgery. We transected the lower rectum with one (including overlap). The five-year survival rate excluding other natural causes of
laparoscopic stapler in all 15 cases. Postoperative follow-up did not reveal any death was 100% for stage 0 subjects, 98.8% for stage I subjects, 97.0% for stage II
umbilical wound complications or recurrences. subjects, 80.9% for stage IIIA subjects. The recurrence-free survival rate was 93.1%
Conclusions: The safety and feasibility of SILS+1-AR for advanced rectal cancer for stage I subjects, 85.4% for stage II subjects, 62.5% for stage III subjects.
was established in this study. However, further studies are needed to prove the Conclusion: The long term results of LAC on rectal cancer are positive and it is
advantages of this procedure to conventional laparoscopic law anterior resection. expected that LAC will become recognized as the standard surgical procedure in
selected patient for rectal cancer.

P212 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P214 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


ELDERLY A. Mahajna, R. Khoury, W. Khoury, A. Assalia, Y. Kluger
Y. Nishida, Y. Hirano, M. Hattori, S. Shimizu, Y. Sato, K. Maeda, Rambam Health Care Campus, The Technion- Israel I, HAIFA, Israel
K. Douden, Y. Hashizume
Aims: This study aimed to assess the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic colorectal
Fukui Prefectural Hospital, FUKUI, Japan resection among octogenarians (over 80 years old), and to define any benefits in
Aim: Aging of the population and a longer life expectancy have led to an increased terms of early outcome compared to open surgeries.
number of elderly patients presenting with colorectal cancer and searching for Method: Retrospective analysis was performed based on a prospectively maintained
treatment. The operative procedure used for such patients must be chosen with care, database of octogenarians and non-octogenarians who underwent laparoscopic
considering both radicality and predicted hospital mortality, since elderly patients colorectal resections from 2006 to 2011 and database of octogenarians who under-
have more preoperative risk factors. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the went open colorectal resections between the same years. Diagnosis, indications of
feasibility of single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) for these patients. surgery, operative data, and early postoperative complications, and mortalities are
Methods: Among thirty four right colon cancer patients treated with SILS procedure analyzed in this report.
between August 2010 and September 2011, 9 (26.5%) were aged 80 or over. The Results: Colorectal resection was performed for 94 patients, using laparoscopy for 20
results of treatment in this elderly group were compared retrospectively with those in octogenarian patients and 54 non-octogenarian patients and laparotomy colorectal
10 colon younger cancer patients (aged 59–67, control group, 29.5%). resection for 20 octogenarian patients. The mean age for the laparotomy octoge-
Results: The sex distribution, BMI and the tumor location were similar between the narians was 85.3 years and 85.2 years for the laparoscopic octogenarians whereas the
groups. The elderly had a higher incidence of preoperative risk factors (77.7 vs mean age for the laparoscopic non-octogenarians was 62.1 years. Colorectal
40.0%) (p = 0.17). However, operative time and estimated blood loss were similar malignant disease was the most common indication for surgery in both groups of
and postoperative complications were not occurred in both groups. octogenarians: for 70% of the laparoscopic octogenarians and 80% of the laparotomy
Conclusions: The rate of preoperative surgical risk factors in these elderly patients octogenarians. The conversion to open surgery happened in one patient in octo-
was high while the frequency of postoperative complications was similar between genarian group and in 4 patients in non-octogenarian group (p = 0.99). The patients
the two groups in our series. Single-incision laparoscopic approach may have con- in the laparoscopic groups (octogenarians and non-octogenarians) had less morbidity
tributed to these low complications, and our results showed that age alone should not than the patients who underwent open surgeries (p\0.0001). The mean hospital stay
be considered a reason to withhold surgical treatment from elderly patients regarding was 8.9 days in laparoscopic octogenarians and 7.6 days in non-octogenarian (p [
morbidity and mortality. 0.05). Moreover, the mean hospital stay was 13.1 days in laparotomy octogenarians
(P = 0.01). The mortality rate was 0% in both laparoscopic octogenarians and non-
octogenarians, however in laparotomy octogenarians it was 20% (p = 0.022).
Conclusions: Laparoscopic colorectal resection for octogenarians was effective and
safe as for non-octogenarians. Our results show that patients who underwent lapa-
roscopic colorectal resection had faster postoperative recovery, lower morbidity and
lower mortality than for octogenarians who underwent traditional laparotomy
colorectal resection.

S106 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P215 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P217 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

J. Makey, R. Som, P. Tozer, J. Arbuckle, B. Macfarlane R. Galleano, A. Franceschi, M. Ciciliot, S. Di Giorgi, L. Reggiani,
West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust, WATFORD, United Kingdom F. Falchero
Aims: Self expanding metal stents (SEMS) provide good palliation and reduce complica-
S. Maria di Misericordia, ALBENGA, Italy
tions in the management of obstructing colorectal cancers (CRC) in palliative and bridge to Prevalence of parastomal hernia can exceed 50% in patients with colostomy. Repair
surgery settings. We aimed to examine the utilisation and outcomes of emergency colonic represents a surgical problem with high complication and failure rate. Controversial
stenting in the first year following introduction of this service in our institution.
exists on best technique but mesh repair appears to provide best results. The lapa-
Methods: Patients with obstructing CRC and patients undergoing attempted stent placement for
roscopic use of a specially designed mesh to repair or prevent parastomal hernia is
presumed CRC were identified from MDT/endoscopy databases. Records and imaging were
described. Dynamesh IPST is made by polyvinylidenefluoride with a small amount
retrospectively reviewed; demographic, disease, stenting and surgical data were collected.
Results: Thirty patients were diagnosed with obstructing CRC during the study period. of polypropylene on the parietal site. It has some elasticity in both directions and it is
Fourteen patients underwent attempted stenting and 16 underwent primary surgery specially designed with a central hole and a funnel arising. Since January 2010 three
(resection or diversion), with at least 5 suitable for stenting but not referred. patients with symptomatic parastomal hernia received a laparoscopic repair with the
In the 14 attempted stents, obstruction was left sided in all but 1 case (transverse colon). implant of this mesh. Surgical procedure entails insertion of three trocars in the right
Eight were palliative stents and 6 were bridge to surgery. abdomen. A 30 scope is used throughout the procedure. Complete adhesiolysis of
One attempted palliative stent was abandoned due to stool and another due to difficulty in the abdominal wall and of the hernia’s contents is carried out. Mesh is incised in the
passing the guide wire–wire perforation was suspected and the patient underwent defunc- flat part and in the funnel to open it completely and is inserted into the abdomen
tioning loop ileostomy but died 4 months later. A third patient suffered a procedure related through a port. The funnel part is positioned around the colon and the flat part against
perforation and underwent emergency subtotal colectomy and remains well. Of the 5 the abdominal wall. Two non-absorbable suture close the funnel around the colon
remaining successful palliative stents, 2 patients re-obstructed and died (6 weeks and 4 and four trans-parietal suture plus some absorbable tacks fix the mesh to the
months post stenting); three patients’ stents remain patent. abdominal wall. Mean hospital stay was 6 days (range 5–8). There were no infec-
Six bridge to surgery patients were successfully stented. One had a stent related tions and no complications. Mean follow-up is 12 months (range 9–15). There were
perforation at day 5 and died a day later. Four of the remaining 5 patients underwent no recurrences and all three patients were able to easily use irrigation to void the
laparoscopic resections and the fifth, an open resection. This latter died from bowel. At present none of the open or laparoscopic mesh repair has proved to be
widespread metastatic disease 4 months later. superior. Laparoscopy has however the potential to reduce infections and abdominal
Conclusions: Only around 1/4 of patients with obstructing CRC appropriate for wall complication due to the fact that no incisions are made near the stoma and there
stenting were offered the procedure despite availability of the service and recom- are no manipulations of colostomy. Laparoscopic repair of parastomal hernia with
mendation by national bodies. Complication rates including perforation are Dynamesh IPST seems to be safe and effective in this initial experience. More
significant and careful consideration needs to be given to stenting as a bridge to studies and longer follow-up are needed to confirm these results.
surgery, especially in young patients. This data represents our initial experience. A
further review of practice and outcomes is planned in a year’s time when cumulative
experience may mean results compare more favourably with the published literature.

P216 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P218 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


N.A Chatzizacharias, M. Brennan, R. Heuschkel, F. Torrente, N.R. Cools Paulino Pereira, L. Goense, B.J.M. Van de Wall,
R.J Davies E.C.J. Consten, I.A.M.J. Broeders, W.A. Draaisma
Addenbrooke’s Hospital, CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom Meander Medical Centre, AMERSFOORT, The Netherlands
Aims: Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) has been increasingly used for Objective: Primary resection is regarded the golden standard for patients with an
colorectal procedures. SILS has been associated with improved cosmesis and acute left-sided colonic obstruction. These emergency procedures are notorious for
enhanced recovery due to less postoperative pain. SILS subtotal colectomy and their high morbidity and mortality. The possibility of a stent at the site of obstruction
ileostomy has the potential advantage of no risk of wound infection or incisional or the construction of a deviating colostomy is anticipated to avoid an operation in
hernia formation. However, compared to the traditional laparoscopic approach, SILS the acute phase. Because stent placement is accompanied with high complication
has the disadvantage of difficult instrumentation due to the lack of space and tri- rates, deviating colostomy as a bridge to elective resection remains an attractive
angulation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a SILS subtotal colectomy solution for patients with acute LSCO. This study aims to investigate the clinical
and ileostomy in an adolescent with ulcerative colitis. outcome of patients with acute LSCO who underwent deviating colostomy as bridge
Case report: A 13-year old female patient with ulcerative colitis resistant to maximal to elective surgery (BES).
medical therapy underwent a single incision laparoscopic subtotal colectomy and Methods: Consecutive patients presenting with LSCO receiving a deviating colos-
ileostomy. Both the procedure and the postoperative recovery were uneventful and tomy as BES between 2003 and 2011 were retrospectively analysed. Colostomy-
the patient was discharged on day 6. Follow-up at 8 weeks after surgery identified no related and overall morbidity (scored according to the Clavien-Dindo classification)
early complications with a 4 kg weight gain. and mortality were measured. This study was conducted at a large teaching hospital
Conclusions: SILS is an appropriate treatment option for adolescents with ulcerative in the Netherlands.
colitis, provided appropriate laparoscopic surgical expertise is available and strict Results: In total, 97 patients presented with an acute LSCO receiving a deviating
patient selection is employed. colostomy as BES. Major complications, related to the construction of the deviating
colostomy, occurred in one patient. This resulted in a mortality of 1%. The clinical
condition could be optimalised in all patients after surgery. Subsequently, 49 patients
(50.5%) were given a palliative treatment due to disseminated and/or irresectable
disease as observed at additional radiological examination. The remainder 48
patients (49.5%) were eligible for elective resection at a median time interval of 38.5
days (24–97). One patient (2.1%) deceased after elective left-sided colon resection
due to intra-abdominal bleeding. Severe morbidity graded IIIa or higher occurred in
one patient (2.1%).
Conclusion: By avoiding primary resection in the acute phase for LSCO, a deviating
colostomy as BES is a safe strategy for treating these patients. Optimalisation of the
clinical condition and analysis of the obstructing tumor are distinct advantages of
this step-up approach, leaving resection of the affected colonic segment preserved
for patients with resectable disease only.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S107

P219 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P221 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

FOR ACUTE LEFT SIDED COLONIC OBSTRUCTION; M.A. Bozkurt, E. Dilege, M.U. Kalayci, M. Dogan, H. Alis
A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW Bakirköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Education and Research Hospital,
L. Goense, N.R. Paulino Pereira, B.J.M. Van de wall, E.C.J. Consten, ISTANBUL, Turkey
I.A.M.J. Broeders, W.A. Draaisma Chronic constipation is a major medical problem. We have investigated this problem
Meander Medical center, AMERSFOORT, The Netherlands in 250 patients who have been admitted to our general surgery outpatient clinic with
Objective: Several treatment modalities can be offered for patients with acute left complaint of constipation using Rome III criteria and diagnostic defecogarphy. Out
sided colonic obstruction (LSCO), although consensus on the optimal treatment is of 250 patients who were evaluated with defecography only 24 had normal findings.
lacking. This study aims to compare the mortality and morbidity rates of primary 136 patients were found to have rectocele. We propose that rectocele is an important
resection versus a ‘bridge-to-surgery’ approach by colonic stenting or deviating etiology of constipation, and defecography should be considered early in the diag-
colostomy followed by elective resection by means of a systematic review of the nosis of rectocele.
Methods: Pubmed and Embase were used to find all relevant literature on the out-
comes of patients with acute LSCO who underwent either acute resection or a step-
up approach by initial colonic stent placement or colostomy construction, followed
by elective resection. Procedure related morbidity and mortality were set as primary
endpoints of this review.
Results: Twelve comparative studies were eligible for analysis, of which 4 were
randomized controlled trials. A total of 344 patients, with a mean age of 72.4 were
included in the acute resection group, 217 patients with a mean age of 72.3, in the
stent group and 152 patients with a mean age of 68.3 in the colostomy group. Mean
mortality rate for patients who underwent acute resection with or without primary
anastomosis was 13.8% (3.3–24.1%). Overall mortality for patients initially treated
with a colonic stent and followed by elective resection was 7.4 % (2.9–11.1), overall
mortality for patients who first underwent colostomy followed by elective resection
was 9.8% (0–14.7%). Major morbidity occurred in 26.8% (12.5–45.1%) of patients
treated with acute resection versus 25.3% (5.9–53%) in the patients treated with
initial colonic stent and 23.4% (10.5–27.6) in patients treated with initial colostomy.
Discrimination between mortality and morbidity rates occurring during initial stent
or colostomy placement and elective resection proved unfeasible.
Conclusion: Primary resection for patients with acute LSCO seems to be accom-
panied by higher morbidity and mortality rates than a step-up approach with initial
colonic stent placement or deviating colostomy. Based on two randomized trials,
colonic stents should be discouraged, although promising results have been pub-
lished in other retrospective cohort studies. No high-level studies exist on the initial
treatment with a deviating colostomy. Therefore, future comparative studies are
warranted on the optimal treatment of patients with acute LSCO.

P220 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P222 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


CONSTIPATION M.A. Bozkurt, O. Könes, E. Gemici, H. Alis
M.A. Bozkurt, M.U. Kalayci, M. Gönenç, H. Yirgin, H. Alis Bakirköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Education and Research Hospital,
Bakirköy Dr.Sadi Konuk Education and Research Hospital, ISTANBUL, Turkey
ISTANBUL, Turkey Introduction: Constipation is a common symptom in surgical clinics. Determining
the etiology is important in the success of treatment. In this study, we aimed to
Background: Chronic constipation is a common, chronic and frequent problem of the
determine the value of colonic transit time measurement in revealing the etiology of
general population. Roma III criteria can be used for the diagnosis of patients pre-
sented with constipation. The aim of the study is etiological investigation of
Materials and methods: 130 patients who were diagnosed with constipation
constipation according to Roma III criteria.
according to Rome III criteria were included in the study. Colonic transit times were
Method: 100 patients who admitted consecutively to outpatient clinic with the
measured in all patients.
complaint of chronic constipation were included in this study after excluding other
Results: 13 of 130 patients showed prolonged colonic transit time. In 9 of 13 patients
causes of constipation by history and physical examination. Patients were assessed
capsules were accumulated in the rectosigmoid area, in 2 patients in the right colon,
by complete blood count, glucose, urea, creatine, AST, ALT, Na, K, Ca, Mg,
in 2 patients in left in the colon. Conclusions: Colonic transit time measurement is a
phosphorus and thyroid function tests. Colonic transit time measurement, cinedef-
useful diagnostic tool in the evaluation of chronic constipation, however it gives
ecography, double-contrast colon graphies were performed in all patients.
limited information about the etiology.
Results: These examinations showed the presence of a pathology in %90 of the
patients. %75 of them had anterior rectocele and %66 of them had internal
Conclusion: Co-occurence of rectocele and internal rectal mucosal intussusception
with chronic constipation was significantly high.

S108 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P223 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P225 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


A.V. Sazhin, S.V. Mosin, A.E. Tjagunov, J.N. Lebedeva EXPERIENCE AT A HIGH LEVEL ACADEMIC
Russian National Research Medical University named after NI INSTITUTION
Pirogov, MOSCOW, Russia M. Paquin-Gobeil, S. Duhaime, R. Auer, J. Mamazza, R. Boushey,
Materials and Methods: From 2005 to 2011 was performed 64 laparoscopic procedures for colo-
H. Moloo
rectal cancer. Mean age ***69.3 ± 6.7 years. Male – 40.6%, female – 59.4%. Distribution of The Ottawa Hospital, OTTAWA, Canada
patients according to stage of disease (TNM): I – 6 (9.4%); II – 36 (56.3%), IIIA – 3 (4.7%); IIIB –
6 (9.4%); IIIC – 3 (4.7%); IV – 10(15.6%). Histological types: adenocarcinoma – 60(93.8%), Aim: This study is to assess outcomes of all patients with benign pathologies of the rectum and
including grade 1 – 24(37.5%), grade 2 – 25(39.1%), grade 3 – 7 (10.9%), grade 4 – 4(6.2%), and early rectal cancer that are amenable for TEM in Ottawa.
malignant carcinoid tumor – 4 (6.2%). Localization of tumors in the colon: cecum-10 (15.6%), Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of all patients who underwent local excision
ascending colon-8 (12.5%), hepatic flexure-5(7.8%), transverse colon-3(4.7%), splenic flexure- of early rectal cancer and benign pathology at The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) between October 2009
2(3.1%), descending colon-6(9.4%), sigmoid colon-22(34.4%), rectum-8(12.5%). Following lap- and June 2011. The retrieved data included patient demographics, preoperative work up, intra-
aroscopic operations are performed: abdomino-perineal resection-2(3.1%), anterior resection of the operative data and in hospital stay. Patients were followed to assess the need for reoperation based
rectum-6(9.3%), resection of the sigmoid colon-19(29.7%), left hemicolectomy-11(17.2%), right on final pathology, postoperative complications and mortality. The Clavian-Dindo Classification
hemicolectomy-26(40.6%). Laparoscopic operations was performed with 4 or 5 ports. Mobilization was used for the surgical complications up to 30 days.
of colon were accessed from the medial to lateral approach with initial apical vessel ligation. We Results: A total of 35 patients fit our selection criteria. 65% (n = 23) of the patients were male with
used LigaSure Atlas for ligation of vascular trunks. Monopolar coagulation and ultrasonic dis- an average age of 67 ± 12 years old. 68% (n = 24) had a preoperative diagnosis of rectal adenoma.
section was used for ligaments dividing, mesocolonectomy and mesorectumectomy in tissue Within the cancer population, 76% of the patients had stage 1 disease on imaging (n = 13). No
planes. Two-stapled technique applied in left side procedures. Right-sided hemicolectomy was patients required adjuvant treatment, however 2 patients received brachytherapy. The operative
performed with laparoscopic assistance and specimen removing through the minilaparatomy and time was in average 109 ± 50 minutes with a set up time of 47 minutes. Three cases required
manual anastomosis formation. conversion to a transanal approach. Closure of the defect was at the discretion of the surgeon. A
Results: The average duration of surgery was 206.3 ± 10.04 min (range 115–340 min). Restoration rectal block with Marcaine 0.25% was used in 68% of the patients to control postoperative pain.
of peristalsis took place on the 2nd day in 84.37% of the patients, independent stool appeared up to The median length of stay was 1 day. Only 1 patient needed transfusion postoperatively. 43% of the
5 days. The mean time of analgesics prescription was 4 days. Average length of hospital treatment patients were discharged home with antibiotic therapy for UTI, wound contamination or large open
was 14 days (from 7 to 33). Postoperative morbidity occurred in 7 (10.9%) patients. Postoperative defect of the wound. Two patients pre-identified because of previous pelvic surgery developed a
mortality was 3.1% (2 patients). Long-term results were followed in 32(50%) patients within 1 and fistula. The Clavian-Dindo classification was 0 for 29 patients. There was no mortality. Fifteen
3 years. One-year overall and recurrence-free survival rate of 82.1%. Three-years overall and patients were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, 2 had rectal carcinoid, 16 had an adenoma and 2 had
recurrence-free survival of 67.8% and 60.7% respectively. The median survival was 34.3 months. benign disease. Following pathology results, 7 patients required further surgical management.
By the time of the study 10 respondent patients (31.25%) died. Conclusions: In our experience, TEM is a safe option for early rectal pathologies
Conclusions: Our experience demonstrates the appropriateness of laparoscopic approach in the with few complications and short length of stay. 7 patients had to undergo another
surgical treatment of patients with colorectal cancer. intervention based on pathology as per actual recommendations. TEM combined
with adjuvant treatment is currently evaluated for stage II disease.

P224 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P226 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


D. Saavedra-Perez1, C. Adelsdorfer1, R. Almenara1, S. Delgado1, T. Kinoshita, T. Hachisuka, N. Kurata, M. Tsutsuyama, S. Umeda,
M. Pavel1, W. Adelsdorfer1, A. Ibarzabal1, D. Momblan1, A. Yarita, T. Shikano, Y. Mizuno, T. Mori, M. Shinohara, M. Miyauchi
C. Ginestà1, M. Valentini1, O. Vidal1, G. Benarroch2, Yokkaichi Municipal Hospital, YOKKAICHI, MIE, Japan
J.C. Garcia-Valdecasas1, A.M. Lacy1 Introduction: Recently, laparoscopic surgery is widely applied to colorectal cancer in Japan.
Hospital Clı́nic of Barcelona, BARCELONA, Spain; 2Hospital However, in the standard technique of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer, an additional
Clinic i Provincial, BARCELONA, Spain 5-cm skin incision is required to extract the resected specimen and do anastomosis after laparo-
scopic procedure. To minimize the incision and reduce the number of ports for less invasive
To evaluate the risk factors for perineal wound complications (PWC) and the impact on long-term colorectal surgery, we applied an umbilical zigzag skin incision by using Gelport. Meanwhile, for
oncological outcomes of low-rectal-cancer patients undergoing abdominoperineal resection (APR) hidden scar surgery, GelPOINT, was developed to maintain triangulation, fulcrum and pneu-
assisted by laparoscopy. In a prospective manner, from January 1998 to September 2010, patients moperitoneum during the laparoscopic procedure. The product was available in Japan this year and
admitted to our colorectal cancer unit with adenocarcinoma of the low rectum, were enrolled. For used to many procedures through zigzag incision in our institution. We herein describe our new
patients with locally advanced clinical stages (TNM classification), neoadjuvant chemoradiother- method that has some of the technical challenges in reduced port laparoscopic surgery for colo-
apy (NCRT) was based on 5-fluoracyl with concomitant radiotherapy in a cycle of 45 Gy. rectal cancers.
Laparoscopic APR was carried out around 8 weeks after treatment start. Patients were followed-up Methods and Procedures: After marking a zigzag skin incision in the umbilical region, the skin was
in our surgical outpatient clinic. Significant clinical, pathological and surgical characteristics incised along this line. After the peritoneum was opened, a Gelport/GelPOINT ‘s double-ring
associated with wound infection, healing delay ([30 days), reintervention, recurrence and survival wound retractor was inserted through the incision, which enlarged the diameter of the fascial
were ascertained at univariate and multivariate analysis. A total of 80 patients with a mean age of opening to 6 cm. Its GelSeal cap was latched on the wound retractor ring, following inflation of
68 ± 18 (29–90) years were evaluated. NCRT was employed in 77.5% of the patients. Intraop- the pneumoperitoneum by CO2. One or more additional ports were inserted as necessary. All
erative rectal perforation was present in 9 cases, and conversion to open surgery was needed in 10% operations were performed in the standard fashion. The specimen was easily extracted from the
of the patients. Primary closure was performed after all interventions. Complete resection was abdomen through the umbilical incision, and anastomosis was performed. At the end of the
achieved in 82.5% of the patients. Overall PWC rate was 16.3% (13/80) with healing delay in 10% operation, the peritoneum, fascia and skin were sewn.
and needed for reintervention in 3.8% of the patients. Associated factors with PWC were tumoral Results: Using the above method, we performed the following: 7 colectomy for
invasion to other organs (p = 0.016), intraoperative rectal perforation (p \ 0.001), conversion to colon cancer, 5 high anterior resection for rectal cancer. All cases were accomplished
open surgery (p = 0.006), and clinical stages III-IV (p = 0.017). At multivariate analysis intra-
by this method without any complications. The wounds of the umbilical region were
operative rectal perforation (RR 12; 95% CI, 1.01–12.7; p = 0.004) and clinical stages III-IV
(RR1.3; 95% CI, 1.1–1.4; p = 0.005) remained statistically significant. Although, 14.5% (9/62) of
almost ‘scarless’ in all cases.
Conclusion: We developed an umbilical zigzag skin incision technique to perform laparoscopic
patients receiving NCRT had wound complications, no association was found (p = 0.16). Mean for
operations for colorectal cancer using Gelport/GelPOINT through an umbilical zigzag skin
patient follow-up was 40.8 months with an overall recurrence rate of 16.3% (13/80), and 5-year
incision without any additional skin incisions. In the effort to minimize surgical trauma our
overall survival of 61.7%. No statistical significant differences according to PWC were found for
umbilical zigzag skin incision technique have been attempted. We consider that our method is one
recurrence (p = 0.121) and 5-year overall survival (p = 0.187). PWC rate after laparoscopic APR
new way to lessen the technical difficulties and keep cosmesis in reduced port laparoscopic surgery
completed with primary closure for low rectal cancer patients was lower than previously reported
for colorectal cancer.
for open series. Clinical stages III-IV and intraoperative rectal perforation are predictive factors for
PWC. No effect of PWC on local recurrence and overall survival was found.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S109

P227 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P229 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


GELPORTÒ/GELPOINTÒ THROUGH AN UMBILICAL M. Nakahara, D. Sumitani, T. Fukuda, M. Hamaoka, K. Taguchi,
ZIGZAG SKIN INCISION G. Yakahashi, M. Yamaguchi, T. Noriyuki, M. Yamaki, F. Kuranski,
M. Tsutsuyama, T. Kinoshita, T. Hachisuka, N. Kurata, S. Umeda, Y. Kuroda
A. Yarita, T. Shikano, Y. Mizuno, T. Mori, M. Shinohara, M. Miyauchi Onomicji General Hospital, ONOMICHI, Japan
Yokkaichi Municipal Hospital, YOKKAICHI, MIE, Japan Introduction: Laparoscopic colectomy in patients with colon carcinoma has been taken widely by
Introduction: The objective of the modern surgery is not only to perform surgical procedures its less invasiveness. However, using laparoscopic procedure for colon cancer some difficulty still
aiming to improve the health condition of the patient, but whenever possible to use minimally remains in dissection of lymph nodes. Therefore, we began HALS (Hand Assisted Laparoscopic
invasive approach and to ensure the satisfying cosmetic result. Hidden scar surgery is a new way in Surgery) technique for right hemicolectomy.
which surgeons perform abdominal operations through one incision made in the patient’s folds of Operative Methods: At first, we put the small supraumbilical skin incision about 6 cm in length.
umbilicus. However, with a straight incision of the umbilicus, the opening of fascia is maximally 2 Lymphatic clearance at the base of the ileocecal vessels and high ligation of these vessels were
cm. The 2-cm fascial opening is not enough to keep the triangulation of instruments. To overcome done through direct vision. Following these process, we applied wound retractor (OMNIPORTTM)
this problem, we developed an umbilical zigzag skin incision with a 3–6 cm opening of fascia and tightly. Then, pneumoperitoneum was started and with assistance of left hand colon was mobilized.
peritoneum and used Gelport to keep pneumoperitoneum, which finally resulted in scarless For advanced cases, we kept colon gently without inadvertent touch (i.e.; no touch isolation
wound. Meanwhile GelPOINT was developed to maintain triangulation, fulcrum and pneumo- technique). After mobilization, resection and anastomosis were carried out with hand sewing
peritoneum. The product was available in Japan last year. We herein describe our new method that technique under direct vision.
has reduced some of the technical challenges in single port appendectomy and cholecystectomy. Results: We performed on 73 colon cancer with HALS technique. 10 patients were early cancer and
Methods and Procedures: After marking a zigzag skin incision, the skin was incised along this line. 63 were advanced cancer. Fifty four cases out of 63 were resected curatively and 44 out of these
After the peritoneum was opened, a Gelport/GelPOINT ‘s double-ring wound retractor was cases were performed lymph node dissection toward the base of colic artery completely (D3 lymph
inserted through the incision, which enlarged the diameter of the fascial opening to 6 cm. Its node clearance). The mean operative time was 198 ± 59 minutes and the median operative blood
GelSeal cap was latched on the wound retractor ring, following inflation of the pneumoperito- loss was 50 g. We experienced 4 post operative complications (5.5%). Three were ileus and one
neum. All operations were performed in the standard fashion. At the end of the operation, the was bleeding. All of ileus cases were improved with conservative therapy but bleeding case was
peritoneum, fascia and skin were sewn. necessary with operative procedure. There was no anastomotic leakage and mortality case. Five
Results: Using the above method, we performed the following: 5 appendectomy for appendicitis, 8 cases were recurrenced and two out of 5 cases were peritoneal dissemination. Cancer free 5 year
cholecystectomy for gallstones and gallbladder polyps. All cases were accomplished by this survival rate were 100% for stage 0, stage I, stage II, 75% for stage IIIa, 50% for stage IIIb,
method without any complications. The wounds of the umbilical region were almost ‘scarless’ in respectively.
all cases. Conclusion: Using HALS technique, Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy was carried out safely with
Conclusion: We developed an umbilical zigzag skin incision technique to perform laparoscopic complete lymphatic clearance therefore HALS is useful for colon cancer.
appendectomy and cholecystectomy using Gelport/GelPOINT through an umbilical zigzag skin
incision without any additional skin incisions. In the effort to minimize surgical trauma our
umbilical zigzag skin incision technique have been attempted. We consider that our method is one
new way to lessen the technical difficulties and keep cosmesis in single port laparoscopic
appendectomy and cholecystectomy.

P228 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P230 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

S. Kitashiro, S. Okushiba, Y. Kawarada, S. Pawdel, D. Saikawa, S. Homma, T. Shimokuni, H. Sakihama, N. Takahashi, A. Kataoka,
T. Onoda, T. Sasaki, Y. Suzuki, M. Kawada, O. Tetuyuki, H. Katoh A. Taketomi
TONAN hospital, SAPPORO, Japan Hokkaido University Hospital, SAPPORO, Japan
Introduction: We introduce our technique of the three trocars method for colorectal cancer. This Background: Single incision laparoscopic surgery for acute appendicitis or GB stones was reported
method means to perform surgery without assistant. It may operative offer many unique advan- which was better cosmetic result, less invasive than conventional laparoscopic surgery. Single
tages, e.g., operator can control the operative view directory, it may diminish human error, enable incision laparoscopic total colectomy for ulcerative colitis is well adapted because of more cos-
the operation to progress speedily, and provide significant economic benefits (human assistant in metic benefit for young benign disease patients.
not necessary. And it’s very useful when Single port surgery was introduced, because many points Aim: This poster showed results of single incision laparoscopic total colectomy for ulcerative
(operative procedure, the way to obtain adequate operative field) are similar to the three trocar colitis.
method. Patients: 3 patients surgically treated for ulcerative colitis.
Method: A total of 460 cases (included 40 Single port surgery) diagnosed with colorectal cancer Surgical procedure:
between 2004 and 2011. Operative, and post operative characteristics including overall survival
and surgical complication were analyzed. 1) Port position: The Umbilicus cut in 2.5 cm. SILS port was placed on umbilicus. 12 mm
Result: The 5-years survival rate is 89% in stage II and 70% in stage III. The average surgical time trocar was inserted in the right lower abdomen where will be made in the ileostomy.
was about 120 minutes for the colon, 150 minutes for the rectum and 130 minutes for single port 2) Rectum mobilization: Transverse colon was upheld to head side, and the pedicle of IMA
surgery. In almost all operations, we successfully managed to get an adequate operative field. Only held to abdomen side. Root of IMA was recognized, mesentery of sigmoid colon and rectum
14 patients were converted to conventional technique, but there were no additional trocar in single was detached from medial side approach. Sigmoid colon and rectum were completely
port surgery cases. mobilized to the level of the levator ani muscle.
Conclusion: We hereby report on the characteristics and outcomes of the three trocars method in
3) Total colon mobilization: Descending colon was mobilized from sigmoid to splenic flexture.
our institute. And feasibility of this method was indicated. We believe that this method will prevail
The mesentery of decending colon was cut by ultrasonic coagulation system. Ileum end was
in terms of bringing benefits for single port colorectal cancer surgery.
cut by end GIA, ascending colon was mobilized to hepatic flexture. The mesentery of
ascending colon was cut by ultrasonic coagulation system. Omentum was cut into bursa
omentalis, the mesentry of transverse colon was cut from left to right side. Total colectomy
was carried out.
4) Anastomosis: Mucosectomy was performed 3 cm from pectinate line of anal canal. Total
colon was removed from anus. Ileal pauch-anal anastomosis was carried out by hand-
sowing. Ileostomy was made on the 12 mm trocar site.

Results: The mean age was 26.6 years (17–38). Duration of symptoms in ulcerative colitis was 6.6
years (2–12 years). The mean total steroid was taken in 7.63 g (6–10 g). Surgical indication of all
cases was medical refractory. Anastomosis methods were various (IAA: 1, IACA: 1, Ileostomy: (1).
Median operation time was 374 min (322–465 min). The median blood loss was 33.3 ml (0–100
ml). Postoperative complication occurred in one patient (MRSA enteritis).
Conclusion: Single incision laparoscopic total colectomy for ulcerative colitis was safe and kept
better cosmetic benefit and QOL.

S110 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P231 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P233 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


D. Sumitani, M. Nakahara, F. Kuranishi, T. Noriyuki, T. Fukuda, CANCER AFTER RADICAL CYSTECTOMY WITH ILEAL
M. Yamaki, M. Hamaoka, K. Taguchi, G. Takahashi, M. Yamaguchi, CONDUIT
Y. Kuroda R. Suzuki, K. Nakata, T. Kato, T. Kanemura, A. Takeno, S. Nakahira,
Onomichi general hospital, ONOMICHI, Japan H. Miki, Y. Takeda, S. Tamura
Aims: Laparoscopy assisted colectomy (LAC) for rectal cancer is not widely
Kansai Rosai Hospital, AMAGASAKI, Japan
accepted because of difficulty of technical skill and anxiety of inducement of cancer Introduction: Laparoscopic surgery after radical cystectomy with ileal conduit is rare
cell scattering. Some meta-analysis reported that laparoscopic surgery seems to be because possible dense adhesion in abdominal cavity should bring technical diffi-
more advantageous than open surgery in terms of short-term outcomes. The aim of culty. We successfully performed a laparoscopic left colectomy for obstructive
this study was to assess whether LAC is feasible for treatment of rectal cancer or not. descending colon cancer after radical cystectomy with ileal conduit for cancer of the
Methods: From July, 1998 to September, 2010, 231 patients affected rectal cancer bladder.
were operated curatively with laparoscopic procedure. We analyzed clinicopatho- Case Presentation: Patient was a 75-year-old man with history of hypertension and
logical characteristics, operative procedure, morbidity, mortality, recurrence type, pacemaker implantation for severe bradycardia. He received open radical cystectomy
and survival of our cases to assess feasibility of LAC. for cancer of the bladder with ileal conduit as urinary diversion. After 7 months, he
Results: Mean ages were 66.0 years for LAC. Tumors location were following; 89 in developed bowel obstruction. Abdominal computed tomography showed suspected
rectosigmoid (RS), 98 in rectum above the peritoneal reflection (Ra), 29 in rectum obstructive descending colon cancer. Operation for colon cancer was performed after
below the peritoneal reflection (Rb), and 15 in proctor. Out of these 231 cases, 177 bowel decompression by adequate fecal drainage.
patients were for advanced rectal cancer and 54 were for early rectal cancer. Ade- Operation: Laparoscopic exploration of abdominal cavity from the umbilical 12 mm
quate methods, including total mesorectal excision, were selected for all 231 cases trocar (trocar A) turned out to continue laparoscopic surgery. Additional three trocars
and most of patients with advanced 177 rectal cancers were conducted with satis- were placed apart from ileal conduit in right lower quadrant. A 5 mm trocar was
fying lymph nodes dissection equally to patients with open procedure. The overall inserted adjacent to the trocar A in the same incision. One 5 mm trocar was inserted
morbidity rate was 11.7%. However, anastostomotic leak rate was only 2.9% and in right upper quadrant and another 12 mm trocar in left flank (4 trocars in 3
overall 30-day mortality rate was 0.4%. Tumor recurrence was detected in 27 cases. incisions). Left branch of the middle colic artery was ligated at vascular bifurcation
20 were distant metastasis, 7 were local recurrence. No port-site recurrence was seen of the middle colic artery. Transverse colon and descending colon was mobilized by
in our study. Disease free survival at 5 years were 100% in stage 0 (n = 12), 95% in medial-to-lateral approach. From 5 cm-midline incision at umbilicus, colonic
stage I (n = 73), 84% in stage II (n = 77), 67% in stage IIIa (n = 47), 78% in stage specimen was resected and functional end to end anastomosis was done. No drainage
IIIb (n = 21), according to classification of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon tube was inserted. Operation time was 166 min., blood loss was a 50 mL. Patient had
and Rectum. an uneventful postoperative course and discharged at POD 10.
Conclusions: Our data indicate laparoscopic resection is highly recommended as a Summary: Though after radical cystectomy with ileal conduit, it is at least worth to
standard operation for rectal cancer because of its safety and usefulness. try laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer following adequate fecal drainage.

P232 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P234 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


C. Tono, O. Shimooki, T. Abe, H. Minakawa, T. Tosha, COMPOSITION AND METABOLIC SYNDROME
M. Takahashi, M. Yusuke M. Garcia-Caballero1, M. Valle1, J.M. Martı́nez-Moreno1,
Iwate prefectural Kuji Hospital, IWATE PREFECTUREE, Japan F. Miralles2, J.A. Toval1, J.M. Mata1, D. Osorio1, A. Minguez1
In our institute, we started laparoscopic appendectomy in 2009. We operated 3 cases
University Malaga, MALAGA, Spain; 2Associated UH Parque
in 2009, 40 cases in 2010 and 31 cases in 2011. We analyzed clinical results of 71 San Antonio, MALAGA, Spain
cases from January 1st, 2009 to December 31, 2011. We investigated clinical data Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a major cause of death in the world. The medical
from medical chart. The patients ages were from 5 to 84 years old (average: 41.1 therapy for this disease has had enormous progress, but it still leaves many patients
years old). The numbers of Men were 41, and women were 30. Body temperature exposed to its complications. It is well known the beneficial effects of bariatric
was from 35.4 to 39.7 (average: 37.40) before operation. And White Blood Cells surgery in the obese diabetic, however it is important to investigate if the same
were from 4600 to 26300/ll (average: 14323/ll). All cases were underwent Com- principles of bariatric surgery that improve diabetes in these obese patients, could be
puted Tomography to diagnose appendicitis.3 cases were falls positive. Operation applied to non obese normal weight diabetics.
times were from 32 minutes to 208 minutes (average: 78.7 minutes). Operational Material and methods: Thirteen diabetic patients operated by One Anastomosis
bleeding was from 1 ml to 310 ml (average: 26.4 ml). Abdominal drainage tubes Gastric Bypass (BAGUA), were evaluated in the preoperative period and 1,3 and 6
were needed for 15 patients (21.1%). Pathological diagnoses were normal appendix months after surgery. Body weight and composition, Fasting Plasma Glucose,
were 3 (4.2%), catarrhal appendicitis were 3(4.2%), phlegmonous appendicitis were HbA1c, pancreatic C Peptide levels, blood pressure and serum lipids levels were
50 (70.4%), gangrenous appendicitis were 14 (19.7%), perforated appendicitis were analyzed, as well as the monitoring of the immediate postoperative treatment
1 (1.4%). Complications occurred in 12 patients (16.9%). 10 Surgical site infections necessities for Diabetes and other metabolic syndrome comorbidities.
(14%) (4 cases were wound infection, 6 cases were intra abdominal abscess), one Results: After the surgery the 77% of the patients resolves its Diabetes Mellitus, 46%
intestinal obstruction (1.4%) and one bladder injury (1.4%) were treated. Hospital from surgery, and rest noted an significant improvement of the disease in spite of
stays after surgery was from 1 day to 22 days (average: 5.6 days). And last hospital having a C peptide level near to zero some of the patients. Metabolic syndrome
visits were from 6 to 60 days after surgery (average: 15 days). comorbidities, mainly hypertension and lipid abnormalities experience early
improvement. All patients reduce their weight and the amount of fat mass until
values consistent with their age and height.
Conclusions: The One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass leads to resolution or
improvement of Diabetes Mellitus in non obese normal weight patients as well as the
associated metabolic syndrome. The best results are obtained in patients with few
years of diabetes, without or short term use of insulin treatment and high C-peptide

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S111

P235 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P237 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


N. Hachach-Haram1, A. Al Nawfal2, C. Fraser1, A. Isla1 E. Hidaka, F. Ishida, S.H Endo, K. Nakahara, D. Takayanagi,
St Marks Hospital and Academic Institute, LONDON, T. Omoto, Y. Takehara, S. Mukai, J. Tanaka, S. Kudo
United Kingdom; 2North West London Hospitals NHS Trust, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital, YOKOHAMA,
HARROW, MIDDLESEX, United Kingdom Japan
Gastric outlet obstruction is rarely secondary to conditions related to the 3rd or 4th Aims: Recently, laparoscopic intersphincteric resection (Lap-ISR) for very low
segment of the duodenum and D-J flexure. Very often such presentations are treated rectal cancers located within 4 cm from anal verge has been undergone to avoid a
with a gastrojejunostomy, which is not a physiological operation. Theoretically, the permanent stoma. Laparoscopic-ISR has not been accepted widely, however,
obstruction in the duodenum should be overcome whilst maintaining the normal because the oncologic and functional outcomes were not clear. The purpose of this
anatomy. Laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy has been described mainly for the study was to examine the oncologic safety and function after Laparoscopic-ISR.
management of superior mesenteric artery syndrome but there are only isolated cases Methods: A total eleven patients (male/female = 7/4, age 33–73 years) with very low
reported. We believe this operation can also be used for treating other conditions rectal cancers who underwent curative Lap-ISR was enrolled. Three cases which
affecting this anatomical region. were diagnosed T3 tumor were underwent preoperative chemo-radiation (CRT). We
In this video presentation we present two cases with rare and remarkable causes of would estimate the clinic-pathological data and the surgical factor in Lap-ISR.
significant duodenal obstruction. The first, a young female patient with a suspected Results: The mean operative time was 350.3 minutes (range, 233–540), and blood
diagnosis of superior mesenteric artery syndrome, the second, an elderly male patient loss was 359.4 ml (range, 54–946). The mean cancer free distant average margin was
with cachexia and a proven diagnosis of a stricture at the D-J flexure secondary to 17.1 mm and circumference margin was free for cancer in all cases. A diverting
tuberculosis. In both patients we performed a laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy. In stoma was created in all cases for protecting the anastomosis. Post-operative anas-
the first case completely hand sewn and in the second assisted with an endostapler. tomotic leak was observed in one case. The leakage was cured conservatively. An
Both techniques achieved the same result with physiological restoration of the du- anastomotic stenosis was observed in two cases, but was cured by dilatation pro-
odenojejunal passage and excellent post-operative progress. More than 3 months cedure. As two of three complicated cases were underwent preoperative CRT, these
later the patients are still asymptomatic and functioning well. complications would be strongly affected by CRT, not laparoscopic approach.
Laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy provides a definite physiological solution for Diverting stomas were closed in nine cases (81.8%). The function after closed stoma
distal duodenal obstruction of different underlying causes. This can be performed was permissible. The recurrence rate was 0% at thirty-four months (range, 8–100).
completely hand sewn or with the help of an endoscopic linear cutter, making it a Conclusions: Lap-ISR for very low rectal cancers seems safe and feasible. This
less demanding procedure that the skilled laparoscopic surgeons can add to their operation can be alternative procedure to avoid the permanent stoma.

P236 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P238 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


Suita Municipal Hospital, SUITA, Japan; 2Yao Municipal Hospital, RIGHT COLECTOMY
YAO, Japan M.J. Kim
Introduction: Repair of mesenteric defect is common technique after resection of
Samsung medical center, SEOUL, Korea
colorectal cancer in conventional open surgery to prevent internal hernia. Recently Aims: Recently, single incision laparoscopic surgery (SIL) is actively performed
laparoscopic colectomy has become popular for colorectal cancer, while the tech- worldwide as an alternative to conventional laparoscopic surgery. The purpose of
nique has been often omitted in laparoscopic surgery, probably due to its laborious this study was to compare the method of specimen extraction and anastomosis in SIL
and time consuming aspect. right colectomy; tube type extraction with isoperistaltic side-to-side anastomosis
Aims: To examine significance of repairing mesenteric defect after laparoscopic (ISSA) vs. loop type extraction and functional end-to-end anastomosis (FEEA).
colectomy. Methods: This study enrolled patients who underwent a single port laparoscopic right
Methods: To review our risk management to prevent internal hernia after laparo- colectomy between May 2011 and October 2011 at Samsung Medical Center.
scopic surgery for colorectal cancers. Among 58 patients, 18 patients underwent functional end to end anastomosis after
Results: In 2008, we experienced a case of internal hernia due to defect of mesen- loop type specimen extraction (FEEA) and 40 patients underwent isoperistaltic side
terium three weeks after laparoscopic right hemi-colectomy for ascending colon to side anastomosis after tube type the specimen on of specimen (ISSA).
cancer. Emergency laparotomy revealed necrosis of long small intestine, resulting Results: There were no differences between the two groups regarding sex, age, BMI,
resection more than half of small bowel and causing short bowel syndrome. Since surgical history, diagnosis, or location of the tumor. The operative time for func-
experience of this case, we started closing mesenteric defect in general after tional end to end anastomosis was 155 ± 40 minutes, and 164 ± 23 minutes for
resection of colorectal cancer in laparoscopic surgery: complete repair of mesenteric isoperistaltic side to side anastomosis (p = 0.416). Postoperative hospital stays were
defect in right colectomy, and retro-peritoneal repair in left colectomy or recto- 6.8 ± 2.5 days and 7.2 ± 3.9 days for FEEA and ISSA, respectively (p = 0.416),.
sigmoidectomy by continuous absorbable monofilament suture. With enough train- Days of first flatus were 2.6 ± 0.8 days and 2.8 ± 1.0 days, respectively (p = 0.532).
ing of the technique in dry box and subsequent experiences in laparoscopic surgery, The 2 groups didn’t require additional ports and the tumor sizes were not signifi-
average time of this technique has become about twelve minutes. We have experi- cantly different (3.7 ± 2.7 cm and 4.6 ± 2.8 cm, respectively: p = 0.261). The
enced no internal hernia after laparoscopic colectomy since then. additional incisions used for anastomoses were less for ISSA (35% and 61.1%,
Conclusion: Although this type of complications is rare and reported as 0.8%, if it respectively: p = 0.063), however the final incision lengths not significantly different.
occurs, it needs surgery and may cause ischemic damage to long small intestine. As The lengths from tumor to the distal resection margin were not significantly different
for the risk management to prevent internal hernia after laparoscopic colectomy, (17.7 ± 5.6 cm and 19.1 ± 9.6 cm, respectively: p = 0.554). There were neither
repair of mesenteric defect should be considered to perform. significant major complications nor postoperative mortality.
Conclusions: Both techniques are safe methods of anastomoses after SIL right
colectomy. ISSA may reduce the incidence of extension of initial incision; there
were no discrete advantages over FEEA in this study. Prospective randomized trial is
necessary to prove the benefits of the tube type extraction and isoperistaltic side-to-
side anastomosis.

S112 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P239 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P241 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

K. Siddique, L.V. Titu, C.J. Walsh, J.A. Anderson, D.J. Smith MALIGNANT COLONIC OBSTRUCTION
Wirral University Hospitals NHS Trust, STOCKPORT, Y. Chen, C.H. Su, C.C. Huang, W.C. Fan, C.J. Ma, C.J. Huang,
United Kingdom J.S. Hsieh
Aims: The primary aim of this study was to develop a predictive score for cancer in a Kaohsiung Medical University, KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan
symptomatic cohort of patients referred to secondary care, using a validated scoring tool in
conjunction with a faecal marker of tumour metabalone, M2-pyruvate kinase. Aims: An endoscopic self-expanding stent has been used as a bridge to surgery for elective
Methods: A prospective cross sectional framework study was undertaken. Symptomatic laparoscopic resection. The study was aimed to compare the clinical efficacy between
patients, primarily referred under the ‘Two Week Wait’ pathway were recruited. All colonic stenting and stoma creation as the initial treatment of elective laparoscopic surgery
completed a symptom questionnaire from which a symptom severity score was calculated, in patients with acute malignant colonic obstruction.
WNS. A full blood profile and stool samples were obtained and tested for M2-PK using a Methods: There were 40 patients with acute colonic obstruction caused by colorectal
standard Sandwich ELISA technique. Full colonic assessment was undertaken and corre- cancer. Of them 22 underwent first stage of laparoscopic blowhole colostomy for fecal
lated to WNS and M2-PK results. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed and diversion and 18 were treated with Stent placement for relief of bowel obstruction. Sub-
predictive model generated using the logistic regression technique described by Piantadosi, sequently all of them underwent laparoscopic resection for colorectal malignancy.
to determine high and low risk groups. Demographics and clinical data were compared. Short-term outcomes including postop-
Results: Over a period of 14 months from April 2008, 149 patients were recruited, 72 men erative complication, mortality and hospital stay were assessed.
and 77 women with a median age of 67 (IQR 57–75) and 62 (IQR 55–76) respectively. 94 Results: The mean total length of hospital stay was 20 (16–33 days) and 13 (11–16 days) in
patients were referred via the ‘Two Week Rule’ (TWR), with a cancer detection rate of stoma and stenting groups respectively. Hospital stay was significantly shorter in the
10.6%. Diverticulosis was the most prevalent diagnosis accounting for 43.7% of all stenting patients (p \ 0.05). There were more postoperative complications in the stoma
referrals. WNS and M2-PK (faeces and serum) were able to separate cancer from benign (27%) than in the stenting (22%) groups, however the difference was not statistically
pathology, p \ 0.001. ROC analysis showed faecal M2-PK to have best performance significant (P [ 0.05).
characteristics, AUC 0.810. Univariate and multivariate analysis selected out WNS and Conclusions: Our results suggest that colonic stenting can be safely performed with lower
faecal M2-PK with high cancer association. Both were used in the model to give an overall morbidity and mortality rate compared to stoma creation and results in significantly shorter
sensitivity and NPV of 90.3% and 95.6% respectively for cancer detection. hospital stay. The results support stenting as the treatment of choice in patients with acute
Conclusion: The predictive score, maybe a novel way of overcoming problems of symptom colonic obstruction. Stoma creation can only be recommended when colonic stenting is not
assessment in primary care, enabling; refinement of patient pathways, efficient cancer available.
diagnosis and robust decision support.

P240 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P242 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


RESECTION FOR RECTAL CANCER C.H. Su, C.C. Huang, Y.C. Chen, W.C. Fan, C.J. Ma, C.J. Huang,
K. Yamashita, T. Nakamura, Y. Sumi, D. Kuroda J.S. Hsieh
Kobe University, Graduate school of medicine, KOBE CITY, Japan Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan
Preoperative adjuvant chemoradiotherapy was recommended as the standard treatment for Aims: The benefit of minimally invasive surgery has accelerated the application of lapa-
patients with rectal cancer because it not only reduces local recurrence but also improves roscopic surgery to replace conventional surgery for colorectal cancers. Laparoscopic
sphincter preservation and surgical outcomes. We performed chemoradiotherapy for lower surgery might be favorable for the elderly with colorectal cancers. We aimed to compare
rectal cancer. Our regimen consisted of pelvic radiation (total 39.6–45 Gy)and oral the short-term results of laparoscopic (LC) with open (OC) colectomies for colorectal
UFT(300 mg/m2)and UZEL(75 mg/body)given during the first 28 days of radiotherapy. malignancy in patients aged 80 or older.
Perineal wound complication after chemoradiotherapy(CRT)and abdominoperineal resec- Methods: Between 2006 and 2010, 175 patients aged 80 years and over were included in
tion (APR) for lower rectal cancer occur in high rate of patients. To reduce this this study, in which 90 and 85 underwent OC and LC respectively. Demographics and
complication, we perform the operation to fill the pelvic dead space with the formed clinical data were compared. Short-term outcomes including postoperative complication,
omentum (perineal omentoplasty; Pop). Our clinical data showed the rate of primary wound mortality and hospital stay were assessed.
healing with or without Pop was 66%, and 9% respectively. The healed rate at six months Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups regarding mean age,
was 83%, and 63.6%. These data supported that Pop wound lead to dramatic improvements comorbidities, and the extent of the resection. The mean operative time was shorter in the
in outcomes of perineal wound infection. OC (135 vs. 165 min, P\0.05). Hospital stay was shorter in the LC (9.6 vs. 11.5 days, P\
In this paper, we report the feasibility and efficacy of the laparoscopic Pop for rectal cancer. 0.05). More postoperative complications were found in the OC (35.6%) than in the LC
A 64-year-old woman was preoperatively treated with CRT for the low rectal cancer. We (31.8%), however the difference was not statistically significant (P \ 0.05). Mortality rate
clinically evaluated as partial response after treatment. Therefore, we performed laparo- between the two groups was not significant different (6.67% vs.5.88%, p [ 0.05).
scopic APR. After total mesorectal excision, one port (12 mm) on the upper abdomen in Conclusions: LC is safe with more favorable short-term outcomes in terms of shorter
addition to the regular 5 ports was added. Pop was laparoscopically performed. The hospital stay and less cardiopulmonary morbidity for elderly patients. LC could be rec-
omentum was pediculized on the right gastroepiploic artery and ligated along the stomach ommended in all elderly patients.
wall. After the resection of a specimen in perineal operation and the closure of perineal
wound, the dead space of pelvic wall was filled with the omentum. A mild wound infection
occurred in the patient, and improved soon.
Because the Pop operation may control the delayed healing of perineal wound after CRT
and APR, laparoscopic procedure of it need to provide a less-invasive surgery and improve
QOL of the patients.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S113

P243 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P245 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

FOR COLORECTAL CANCER S. Yamaguchi, T. Ishii, J. Tashiro, H. Suwa, H. Kondo, M. Miyazawa
C.C. Huang, C.H. Su, Y.C. Ghen, W.C. Fan, C.J. Ma, C.J. Huang, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, HIDAKA,
J.S. Hsieh Japan
Kaohsiung Medical University, KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan Purpose: Laparoscopic rectal cancer resection is still challenging procedure. Sur-
Aims: With advancement of minimally invasive surgery laparoscopic colectomy has geons are trying to improve standard technique to perform this procedure. In this
been widely accepted as the first choice of surgery for colorectal cancer. The fea- study, we assessed learning curve of rectal cancer resection, also postoperative
sibility and safety of this procedure in patients with previous abdominal surgery is complications according to year of operation.
not well known. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of prior abdominal Methods: Two hundred thirty-eight patients underwent curative laparoscopic rectal
surgery on conversions and outcomes of laparoscopic colectomy. cancer resection since 2007 to 2011. Mean age was 65.2 and 162 males and 76
Methods: Between 2002 and 2009, a total of 510 consecutive patients with colorectal females were included. There were 56 high anterior resection (HAR), 135 low
cancer who underwent laparoscopic colectomy were included in this study. They were anterior resection (LAR), 34 intersphincteric resection (ISR), 6 Hartmann’s proce-
analyzed retrospectively for perioperative surgical and long-term clinical outcomes. dure, and 7 APR. There were 2 conversions because of lateral node metastasis and
Results: Patients with prior abdominal surgery (PS, n = 125) were compared with severe adhesion. Group A included 49 patients since 2007 and 2008. Group B was
control patients (n = 385) for age, ASA classification, operation times, complication 101 patients since 2009 to 2010, and group C was 88 patients in 2011.
rates, conversion and length of stay. The operation time was significantly longer in Results: From Group A to C, each mean operative time (OT) was 280, 243, 250
PS patients than that in the controls. More wound infections occurred in the PS minutes (p \ 0.05), and mean blood loss count (BLC) was 40, 39, 28 g (n.s.),
group. However, there was no significant difference in the peri-operative compli- respectively. Regarding LAR (n = 31, 51, 53), each mean OT was 290, 245, 248
cations and the overall survival between the two groups. minutes (p \ 0.05), and mean BLC was 47, 39, 17 g (n.s.), respectively. Ileostomy
Conclusions: Laparoscopic colectomy for colorectal cancer is feasible and safe in creation with LAR was performed in 22% (7), 37% (19), 74% (39). Regarding Single
patients with previous abdominal surgery, since it is not associated with more surgeon (n = 49, 74, 44), each mean OT was 280, 237, 249 minutes, and mean BLC
complications and high conversion rate. was 47, 38, 20 g, respectively. Median postoperative hospital stay was 9, 8, 8 days.
There were no leakage in ISR and one in HAR of all. Regarding LAR leakage rate
was 16.1% (5/31), 11.8% (6/51), 5.7% (3/53). Dysuria was observed in 3.2% (1),
5.9% (3), 0% (0). Postoperative ileus and wound infection were 2.1 in Group A, 4,1
in Group B, and 5, 0 in Group C.
Conclusions: Operative time was shortened from Group A to Group B. Group B and
C was similar OT because stoma creation rate was increased. However leakage rate
after LAR was decreased from Group A to B, and from B to C.

P244 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P246 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

M.T. Oruc, H.T. Turgut, M.U. Ugurlu, M. Ozyildiz, Z. Boyacioglu S. Morales-Conde1, F.J. Padillo2
Kocaeli Derince Teaching and Research Hospital, KOCAELI, Turkey H. U. Virgen del Rocı́o, SEVILLA, Spain; 2University Hospital
Introduction: We herein presented our initial experience with laparoscopic colorectal
Virgen del Rocio, SEVILLA, Spain
cancer surgery carried out in our clinic. Introduction: Several reports in the literature demonstrate the advantage of a lapa-
Methods: A consecutive series of all patients requiring colorectal surgery for cancer roscopic approach for malignant and benignant colonic disease, such as less
from January 2009 to December 2011 were included. Patient records were reviewed postoperative pain, less ileus and shorter hospital stay. In order to try to minimize
from a retrospective database and the relevant clinical data was obtained, with a abdominal wall trauma and promote recovery of the patients, and at the same time to
subgroup analysis of laparoscopic cancer procedures performed. achieve better cosmetic results, we have started our experience on single port surgery
Results: 91 patients (52 men, 38 women) underwent resection of the colon or rectal in left colonic resection.
cancer. Open surgery was performed in 67 patients and laparoscopic colorectal Methods: We present a series of 21 patients who underwent left hemicolectomy
resection was performed in 24 patients. We made a subgroup analysis for the lap- through a transumbilical single incision without any additional trocar. Patients had a
aroscopic cancer procedures: Median age was 64 ± 12.7 years (range 30 to 84), the mean age of 64.47 years old and mean BMI of 23.8%. Our indications include those
median Body Mass Index (BMI) was 24.8 (range 19.5 to 33.3). The most common patients with BMI less than 28%. A single port device with three orifices was used in
procedure was laparoscopic low anterior resection (35.1%). The median duration of all cases, through an incision with a medium-sized of 2.9 cm. No additional trocars
surgery was 106 minutes (range 70 to 150). Conversions to open surgery occurred in were used in any of the cases. The anastomosis was performed intracorporeally using
12 patients (50 %). The indications for conversion were adjacent organ involvement a circular stapler.
by cancer, which exceeded the limits of laparoscopic dissection in 4 of the patients, Results: Median time of surgery was 121 minutes, with no introperative complica-
technical problems in 1 patient (stapler misfire), not finding cancer localization in 2 tions and with a medium blood loss of 126 cc. Patients had an average hospital stay
patients and bleeding in 3 patients. Postoperative complication occurred in 1 patient of 3.12 days. Postoperative complication include one re-admission to the hospital
(1 %) as surgical site infection. Anastomotic leak was observed after laparoscopic due to an abcess which was drained percutaneasly, one surgical wound infection and
colorectal surgery in 1 patient (1%). The median length of hospital stay was 9 days two seromas. One patient died in day 5 after surgery due to a vascular stroke and and
(range 5 to 40). In the 24 patients with malignant disease, tumors were mostly another died at 12 hours postoperatively with myocardial infarction (both cases
located at recto-sigmoid junction (45.8 %), the median number of lymph nodes confirmed at the necropsy). Histological exams of the specimens showed that the
harvested was 11 (range 6 to 30), most of the tumors were well-differentiated oncological criteria, related to number of lymph node (100% patients more of 12
adenocarcinoma (58 %) and reported as Dukes B2 (50 %). We observed no loco- lymph nodes) and resection margin (7 cms), were preserved.
regional recurrence and port site metastasis. Conclusions: Single port left hemicolectomy can be performed safely and effectively
Conclusion: Laparoscopic colorectal resection can be safely performed in malignant without any additional trocar port, showing similar results than conventional open or
disease. We reported our short series of colorectal resections, and our results show laparoscopic surgery, both from the clinical and oncological point of view. Further
that it is safe, feasible and produces favorable results. serie and prospective randomized trial are necessary to confirm these results.

S114 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P247 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P249 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


J.I. Tanaka, T. Omoto, Y. Takehara, K. Nakahara, D. Takayanagi, V. Surlin, D.N. Margaritescu, M.I. Bica, E.I. Georgescu, S. Fronie,
M. Chiyo, Y. Wada, S. Mukai, E. Hidaka, S. Endo, F. Ishida, S. Kudo S. Scurtu, S. Bordu
Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital, YOKOHAMA, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, CRAIOVA, Romania
Japan Colon cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in the world. Radical
Aim: Needlescopic surgery (NSS) and single port surgery (SPS) have been applied in resections represent the cornerstone of the multimodal treatment. Laparoscopic
various diseases from the viewpoint of cosmetic outcomes as well as minimal surgery offers the advantage of minimal parietal trauma, faster postoperative
invasiveness, so we have applied these procedures to colorectal cancer (CRC) as recovery, less parietal morbidity and less postoperative immune suppression. Today,
reduced port surgery (RPS). We report our initial experience of RPS for CRC to laparoscopic resections of colon malignancies are safe, sure and well codified.
elucidate the technical feasibility of these procedures. Comparative studies validated this approach of oncologic efficiency compared to
Methods: The size of skin incision on the umbilicus was ranging 2.5 to 3.5 cm, and a open approach (less tumour mobilisation, vascular approach first, length of speci-
single multi-channel port (SILSTM port), a single access platform (EZTM port) or men, number of harvested lymph nodes, oncologic security margins and long-term
three 5 mm trocars directly inserted through the single skin incision were used in survival).
SPS. A puncture or a port with 1.8*3.0 mm was used in NSS. Seventy patients with The authors present their first experience with laparoscopic right colon cancer
CRC (up to T2 N1 M0) were proposed and underwent RPS including 30 cases of resection in the case of a 74 years old female patient, with no surgical antecedents,
right colectomy, 25 of left colectomy and 15 of rectal resection instead of conven- co-morbidities of multinodular normofunctional goiter, ischemic coronary heart
tional laparoscope-assisted colorectal resection (LAC). Procedures were medial disease, mild cardiac insufficiency and incarcerated umbilical hernia. The patient
approach as well as conventional LAC, by parallel method with straight instruments was diagnosed by colonoscopy with ascending colon cancer, biopsy revealing ade-
or combined method with articulated instruments and energy devices such as nocarcinoma moderately differentiated. Blood tests including liver enzymes were
ultrasonic coagulation shears or tissue sealing system. Endoscopic linear stapler or normal; there were no findings of liver or pulmonary metastasis at preoperative
circular stapler also could be used for resection and reconstruction of bowels. Wound abdominal ultrasound and pulmonary X-ray.
protectors such as Wound RetractorTM or Lap ProtectorTM were used in order to Intraoperative exploration excluded the presence of carcinomatosis and liver
prevent port site recurrence during extraction of bowel specimen. metastasis, the tumor was located just above the cecum, no infiltration of serosa. The
Results: PRS in all patients were carried out successfully except for one case of incarcerated umbilical hernia was reduced and the authors performed a laparoscopic
conversion to conventional LAC due to serious intra-abdominal adhesion. Operating assisted right hemicolectomy starting by medial approach, vessels first. Specimen
time was longer in RPS procedure for 30 to 40 minutes compared to conventional was extracted through the hernia defect and a manual ileo-colic anastomosis was
LAC, however postoperative hospital stay of patients with RPS was not longer than performed and hernia closed by suture. Postoperative course was simple. Length of
that of patients with conventional LAC. Most patients were satisfied to better cos- hospital stay was 5 days.
metic outcomes. Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy is feasible and safe for elderly patients with
Conclusion: RPS including NSS and SPS for selected colorectal cancer was feasible cardiac co-morbidities and incarcerated umbilical hernia.
with better cosmetic results.

P248 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P250 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


A. Maghiar, P.R. Sookha, G. Dejeu, D.H. Ciurtin, M. Sfirlea, A.M. Siddika, G. Malietzis, N. Ashraf, S. Siddiqi, T.E. Pearson,
C. Macovei N.G.B. Richardson, A.H.M. Ross
Spitalul Pelican Oradea, ORADEA, Romania Briimfield Hospital, CHELMSFORD, United Kingdom
Aims: Colorectal neoplasm is a common disease. Results after laparoscopic surgery Aim: The aim of this study was to assess surgical outcome in patients above the age
have proven to be much better regarding patients recovering much faster. We started of 85 who underwent curative surgery for bowel cancer.
laparoscopic colorectal surgery 16 month ago. Method: This was an observational study that described surgical outcomes, in a
Method: From October 2008 till December 2011 we had 104 patients admitted in our consecutive series of patients diagnosed with bowel cancer above the age of 85
clinic with colon or rectal neoplasms proposed for surgery. Except for 4 cases that between January 2008 and December 2010 at Broomfield Hospital.
came in emergency with intestinal occlusion, we started all the cases with an Results: There were 96 patients with bowel cancer over this period of time. Their
exploratory laparoscopy. In one case the anesthesiologist stopped the surgery during median age was 87 years (Range 85–100 years). 47 patients underwent curative
the exploratory laparoscopy due to severely unstable cardiologic state. surgery and 49 were palliated. The 30 day mortality for patients undergoing curative
Results: Out of the 104 patients, 26 had a palliative surgery due to an extensive surgery was 12.8% (6 deaths). The median survival for those undergoing curative
spread. In 78 cases we were able to perform a radical surgery, out of which 52 cases surgery was 19.29 months and for those that were palliated was 6.86 months. In
were done laparoscopicaly. Out of the 24 cases done by laparotomy, 4 was started by contrast, patients under the age of 85 years undergoing curative surgery had a median
laparotomy due to intestinal occlusion, 15 cases were converted due to extensive survival of 39.44 months.
adhesions, 3 cases were converted due to invasions in adjacent organs, 2 in urinary Conclusion: Very elderly patients undergoing curative elective surgery for bowel
bladder and 1 in ileon, and 2 case was converted due to a localized peritonitis. cancer, have a greater post-operative mortality and lower overall survival than
Conclusions: 75 % of patients admitted in our clinic had a radical surgery. 67 % of younger patients. Despite this, survival in this carefully selected cohort of patients is
patients who had a radical surgery were successfully operated laparoscopicaly. fair, and confirms that curative bowel surgery in the very elderly can result in
Patients who had a mini-invasive surgery recovered much quicker, mean hospital acceptable outcomes.
stay postoperative was 4.4 days compared to 9.6 days in patients operated classically.
We must also take in consideration that cases operated through laparotomy in our
clinic were more advanced cases. We sustain that multi-centric comparisons should
be done comparing cases with similar gravity.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S115

P251 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders P253 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

J.C. Ruston, W. Hakim, D. Baskaran, N. Ashraf, B.E. Lovett, UNIT
H.W. Taylor, I.P. Linehan J.S. Khan, N.N. Siddiqui, O. Shihab, N. Cox, A. Price, K. Flashman,
Basildon Hospital, BASILDON, United Kingdom A.C. Parvaiz, D. Miskovic, D. Dabare
Aims: Rectal bleeding, with or without a change in bowel habit, may be associated
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, PORTSMOUTH, United Kingdom
with bowel cancer. This is usually left-sided as right-sided cancers typically present Aim: We aimed to analyse the outcomes of 1000 laparoscopic colorectal resections
with iron deficiency anaemia, an abdominal mass or with obstructive symptoms. The at a large single institute.
aim of this study was to determine whether flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) may be Methods: We looked at all elective laparoscopic colorectal resections carried out at
sufficient to make a bowel cancer diagnosis in patients presenting with rectal our institution over five year period (September 2006 to December 2011). These
bleeding. included both elective and emergency procedures. Data were gathered from a pro-
Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of patients who presented to a rectal bleed spective database for colorectal cancer and this included demographics, operative
clinic with symptoms of rectal bleeding who were found to have bowel cancer. and post-operative outcome data. Both surgeons contributing in this series were
Patient characteristics, symptoms experienced, previous bowel cancer history, bowel fellowship trained and experienced in laparoscopic surgery.
cancer family history, and cancer site were recorded. Results: 52% of patients were male with a median age of 66 years. Median BMI was
Results: 306 patients presenting to the clinic were found to have a diagnosis of bowel 26. The underlying diagnosis was cancer in over 76% of cases. 342 patients had
cancer. 266 cancers (87%) were either in the rectum or sigmoid colon. 5 cancers that previous abdominal surgery. Conversion rate in this series as 4%. Median operating
were in the descending colon were reached at FS. Excluding patients who would time was 180 minutes. Major anastomotic leak rate was 2.2% and mortality was
have had to undergo whole colonic imaging (WCI), such as those with a previous 0.9%. Median length of stay was five days. There was no statistical difference in
bowel cancer history and/or strong family history of bowel cancer (2), a right-sided outcomes between 1st and 2nd half of the study (Table 1).
abdominal mass (6), iron deficiency anaemia (4), polyps (3), or those that had Conclusion: This large series from a single institution sets the standards for lapa-
obstructive symptoms (2), 94% of patients would have had their cancer diagnosis roscopic colorectal surgery. Shorter hospital stay with low morbidity and mortality
made with FS alone. can be extended to the vast majority of colorectal patients. Structured training can
Conclusion: FS has a high level of sensitivity for detecting bowel cancer in patients reduce the learning curve and translate into excellent outcomes.
presenting with rectal bleeding. Despite this 6% of cancers would have been missed
using FS alone. Further strategies must be identified to determine which patients with
a normal FS should undergo WCI.
Table 1

Laparoscopic n(%)
P252 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders colorectal resections


ONCOLOGICAL OUTCOMES Age mean (range) 66(18–93)
A.K. Saha, K. Shipton, A. Harikrishnan ASA 1 148 14.8
Doncaster Royal Infirmary, DONCASTER, United Kingdom ASA 2 569 56.9
Aims: To assess the utilisation of laparoscopic resection for colorectal cancer and ASA 3 or 4 244 24.4
compare early oncological outcomes with open resection. ASA unrecorded 37 3.7
Methods: A prospectively-maintained database of colorectal resections at our district
BMI median (range) 26(16–52)
general hospital was interrogated. Primary surgeon, operating time, oncological
outcomes and urgency of surgery were measured. Chi-squared tests were used to Elective 964 96.4
compare groups; student’s t-tests were used to compare continuous data. Emergency 36 3.6
Results: From August 2011 to November 2011, 66 patients had colorectal resection Adenocarcinoma 768 76.8
for cancer (65 adenocarcinoma, 1 carcinoid tumour). Of patients with adenocarci-
noma, 33 patients (50%) had a right-sided tumour, 19 patients had rectal tumour Diverticulitis 64 6.4
(29%) and 14 patients had a left-sided tumour (21%). Crohn’s Disease 61 6.1
The majority of patients had a laparoscopic operation (22 patients with right sided Colitis 42 4.2
tumour (66%), 10 patients with left sided tumour (71%), 14 patients with rectal
tumour (74%). Adenoma 30 3.0
For right sided tumours, there was no significant difference in node yield, operating Other cancer 12 1,2
time or distance from tumour to nearest longitudinal margin between laparoscopic Volvulus 9 0.9
and open procedures, though there was a tendency to longer operating time (204
Endometriosis 7 0.7
minutes vs. 170 minutes, P = 0.337) and greater node yield (20 nodes vs. 17 nodes, P
= 0.175) for laparoscopic procedures. Similar trends were found for left sided and Other 7 0.7
rectal tumours, although none reached statistical significance. Previous abdominal surgery 342 34.2
A registrar was the primary surgeon in 9 patients (14%) and first assistant in 45 cases
Converted to open 41 4.1
(69%). 22 patients had an emergency operation and of these, 7 had a laparoscopic
procedure (32%). Oncological 13 31,7
Conclusions: There was a high volume of colorectal resections of which the majority Difficult operation 11 26.8
were carried out laparoscopically. Even in the emergency setting, a third of patients Adhesions 6 14.6
had a laparoscopic resection. Early oncological outcomes and operating time were
not significantly different for between the laparoscopic or open approach. Registrars Obese 4 9.8
had good exposure to colorectal resections as primary surgeon or first assistant in Technical 3 7.3
over 80% of cases. Bleeding 2 4.9
Other 2 4.9
AR 453 45.3
APE 43 4.3
Hartmanns 20 2

S116 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

Table 1 continued P254 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders

Laparoscopic n(%)
Sigmoid Colectomy 58 5.8 N. Musha, T. Tanabe, A. Kuwabara, T. Tsubono, Y. Sakai
Left Hemicolectomy 19 1,9 Saiseikai Niigata 2nd Hospital, NIIGATA, Japan
Right Hemicolectomy 290 29 Background: Gastric malignancies confined to the proximal third of the stomach are
Panproctocolectomy 13 1,3 generally treated by total gastrectomy. Proximal gastrectomy (PG) needs appropriate
Ext Right Hemicolectomy 45 4.5 resection margin and reconstruction method with function-preserving. There is lack
of consensus over a size of remnant stomach and the method of reconstruction.
Subtotal Colectomy 19 1,9
Tumors located upper third of the stomach which clinical T1 to T2 tumor without
Proctectomy 15 1,5 regional lymphnode metastases were indicated Proximal Gastrectomy (PG) in our
Other 25 2.5 institution. We introduce our technique for laparoscopy-assisted (LA) PG with
jejunal interposition and short-term outcomes.
Permanent stoma 82 8.2
Operative procedure:
Temporary stoma 282 28.2
Operating time median (range) 180(45–660) 1. Laparoscopic mobilization and transection of the stomach using endoscopic
linear stapler with lymphadenectomy.
Extraction measurement 5(2–14)
cm median (range) 2. Transection of the abdominal esophagus using linear stapler.
3. Sacrifice a 10–15-cm jejunum preserving the jejunal vascular arcade
Post-operative Mortality 9 0.9
Reoperation for complication 42 4.2 4. Resected specimen extraction through umbilical incision.
Anastomotic Leak major 22 2.2 5. Movilization of the jejunal segment followed by jejunojejunostomy and
Readmission within 30 days 119 11,9 jejunogastrostomy extracorporeally using umbilical incision.
of surgery 6. Esophagojejunostomy using the overlap technique intracorporeally.
LOS median (range) 5(1–139)
Conclusion: In laparoscopic gastric surgery, removal of a surgical specimen is
Adenocarcinoma 768 ordinarily performed by extended umbilical incision. Not only for specimen
Curative intent 648 84.4 extraction, using the umbilical incision is feasible for hand sewing jejunogastros-
R0 margins 628 96.9 tomy and jejunojejunostomy. Making good use of umbilical incision, totally
laparoscopic procedure is not nessesary for LAPG.
LN harvest median (range) 14(0–55)
Dukes A 171 22.3
Dukes B 318 41,4
Dukes C 275 35.8

T2 A B

Laparoscopic n % n %
Colorectal P438 – Intestinal, Colorectal and Anal Disorders


emergency 12 2.9 24 4.1
M. Pawlak1, M. Bobowicz2, M. Michalik1, M. Witzling1
BMI median (range) 26 (16–52) 27 (16–51) 1
Ceynowa Hospital, WEJHEROWO, Poland; 2Medical University
operating time median 175 (60–430) 190 (45–660)
of Gdansk, GDANSK, Poland
Converted to open 23 5.5 18 3.1 Aim: Haemorrhoidal disease is one of the most common anorectal disorders
worldwide. Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy (SH) is one of the treatment modalities
LOS median (range) 4 (2–74) 5 (1–139)
associated with lesser postoperative pain and earlier mobilization. The aim of this
Anastomotic Leak (major) 8 1,9 14 2.4 study is to assess long-term outcomes of SH.
Reoperation for complication 15 3.6 27 4.6 Methods: All 326 patients who underwent SH in 1999–2003 were initially included.
Despite invitation letters sent to all, only 91 patients attended the final control visit.
Post-operative Mortality 4 1,0 5 0.9
Median follow-up was 8.7 years. Medical records, questionnaire survey and digital
rectal examination were performed. Statistical analysis was performed with com-
puter software StatSoft, Inc. (2009), Statistica 9.0.
Results: Recurrences were diagnosed in one third of the subjects. There was a
correlation between recurrences and the duration of the disease (p = 0.047), female
gender (p = 0.037) and delivery (p = 0.026). A total of 67 (73.6%) patients were
satisfied with the outcomes. In the group of dissatisfied patients the symptoms such
as pain (p = 0.0001), burning (p = 0.0002) and itching (p = 0.014) occurred more
Long-term outcomes were good with around 75% and 88% reduction of pain sen-
sation and severe and moderate haemorrhoidal bleeding respectively. Pruritus,
burning and discomfort resolved in more than a half of patients. Flatus incontinence,
fecal incontinence, cloths soiling occurred in 21%, 11%, 32% of patients
Conclusions: Long term results of stapled haemorrhoidopexy are satisfactory in most
patients. 36 % recurrence rates correlate with the degree of haemorrhoidal prolaps
before the operation, the duration of the disease, female gender, and previous
delivery. Recurrence predictive models for SH and classic haemorroidal operations
are urgently needed.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S117

P256 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P258 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


A. Voynovskiy1, T. Kolyadencova2, V. Tebenihin2 GLOVE METHOD AFTER UPPER ABDOMINAL SURGERY –
The main military clinical hospital, MOSCOW, Russia; 2The main A PRELIMINARY EXPERIENCE
military clinical hospital of the Ministry Affairs, MOSCOW, Russia T. Igami, T. Ebata, Y. Yokoyama, G. Sugawara, Y. Takahashi,
Aims: We describe a case of asymptomatic heterotopic pancreas localized in the area
M. Fukaya, K. Uehara, K. Itatsu, Y. Yoshioka, M. Nagino
of the Calot triangle of the hepatoduodenal ligament accidentally found during Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, NAGOYA, Japan
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Aims: For the patients who had undergone upper abdominal surgery previously,
Methods: Male 45 years old, was operated in connection with gallstone disease. technique of laparoscopic hepatectomy, including pure laparoscopic hepatectomy,
When selecting the neck of the gallbladder in the area of the ?alot triangle hetero- hand-assisted laparoscopic hepatectomy, and laparoscopy-assisted hepatectomy, was
topic pancreas size 2 9 1.5 cm was found, lobed structure with a duct which opens potentially difficult. The aim of the present study was to introduce our technique of
into the cystic duct. Perfusion of blood of the pancreas was from the cystic artery. laparoscopy-assisted hepatectomy using the glove method after upper abdominal
Cystic duct and artery were clipped proximal to the confluence of the cystic duct and surgery and to evaluate our initial experience.
duct of heterotopic pancreas. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed and of Methods: Initially, a single 10-cm long incision was made at the right subcostal
heterotopic pancreas was removed. region. Through the 10-cm incision, adhesion due to previous upper abdominal
Results: The postoperative period was uneventful. Histological examination con- surgery was released under direct visual and/or laparoscopic guidance. After syn-
firmed the presence of excretory and incretory tissue of the pancreas with a duct echiotomy, wound retractor was installed at the 10-cm incision and a non-powder
which opened into the cystic duct. Conclusion(s): This report demonstrates a rare surgical glove (8 inches) was put on the wound retractor air-tightly. Three 12-mm
case of heterotopic pancreas of the ?alot triangle of the hepatoduodenal ligament ports were inserted via the finger tip with a 12-mmHg peumoperitoneum by carbon
accidentally a functioning excretory and incretory tissue with pancreatic duct opens dioxide. For the left sided laparoscopy-assisted hepatectomy, a 5-mm port was
into the bile ducts. inserted in the left side of the umbilicus across the anterior axillary line. For the right
sided laparoscopy-assisted hepatectomy, a 5-mm port was inserted on the opposite
side. Under laparoscopic guidance, mobilization of the liver was performed. Through
the 10-cm incision, dissection of the liver parenchyma was performed under direct
visual and/or laparoscopic guidance.
Results: Seven patients underwent the presented procedure. Of them, 6 had metas-
tases of colorectal carcinoma and 1 had hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively.
Previously, open hepatectomy had been performed in 2 patients. Of the study
patients, 3 underwent 1 minor hepatectomy and 4 underwent 2 or more minor
hepatectomies. All procedures were completed successfully. Mean operative time,
mean blood loss, and mean hospital stay were 228 min, 265 ml, and 8 days after
surgery, respectively.
Conclusions: Laparoscopy-assisted hepatectomy using the glove method may be safe
and easy procedure even after open hepatectomy. Further investigations are required in
large prospective series to evaluate the value of laparoscopic hepatectomy, including
our procedure, for patients who had undergone upper abdominal surgery previously.

P257 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P259 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


T. Igami, T. Ebata, Y. Yokoyama, G. Sugawara, Y. Takahashi, M. Furukawa1, S. Izumi2, R. Ohashi2, K. Shiota2
M. Fukaya, K. Uehara, K. Itatsu, Y. Yoshioka, M. Nagino Okayama University Hospital, OKAYAMA, Japan; 2Kagawa
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, NAGOYA, Japan Prefectural Hospital, TAKAMATSU, Japan
Aims: For the patients who required multiple hepatectomies to obtain complete With the increasingly widespread acceptance of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC),
resection, technique of laparoscopic hepatectomy, including pure laparoscopic the number of cases of incidental gallbladder carcinoma (GBC) has increased;
hepatectomy, hand-assisted laparoscopic hepatectomy, and laparoscopy-assisted however, management of incidental GBC is a difficult issue in the absence of
hepatectomy, was potentially difficult. The aim of the present study was to introduce established guidelines.
our technique of laparoscopic multiple hepatectomies and to evaluate our initial The present study aims to evaluate the treatment of patients with incidental GBC
experience. diagnosed with LC. We performed an 8-year review of 7 patients with GBC dis-
Methods: Initially, mobilization of the liver was performed under laparoscopic covered with LC. From January 2001 through December 2008, we performed LC for
guidance with a 12-mmHg peumoperitoneum by carbon dioxide. Partial hepatec- 734 patients at Kagawa Prefectural Central Hospital.
tomy for the tumor in the left lobe was performed under laparoscopic guidance. Of these patients, 7 (0.95%) were found to have GBC. Five patients were women and
Through the 10-cm incision at the right subcostal region, partial hepatectomy for the 2 were men, with a mean age of 75 years. Preoperative diagnosis was gallbladder
tumor in the right lobe was performed under direct visual and/or laparoscopic stone disease in 5 cases and acute cholecystitis in 2 cases. 2 patients had mucosal
guidance. As mentioned above, our technique of laparoscopic multiple hepatecto- tumors (pT1), 5 had subserosal tumors (pT2). Three of the 7 patients underwent
mies was combination between pure laparoscopic hepatectomy and laparoscopy- radical surgery. Two patients with pT1 tumors underwent no additional surgery. All
assisted hepatectomy. 2 patients with pT1 tumors are alive without recurrence. Three patients with pT2
Results: Seven patients underwent partial hepatectomies of both the left and right tumors underwent additional resection. Four of 5 patients with pT2 had recurrence
lobes according to the presented procedure. Of them, 4 had undergone upper and 3 patients died. It is difficult to diagnose preoperatively GBC of flat infiltrating
abdominal surgery previously, and 1 underwent both right hemi-colectomy for colon type, accompanied by a large number of gallstones and acute cholecystitis. For stage
cancer and total gastrectomy for gastric cancer synchronously. All procedures were Tis or T1a tumors, LC is sufficient. Patients with T1b tumors should undergo liver-
completed successfully. Mean operative time, mean blood loss, and mean hospital bed resection and lymphadenectomy, and patients with[pT2 tumors should undergo
stay were 345 min, 720 ml, and 10 days after surgery, respectively. systematic liver resection with lymphadenectomy.
Conclusions: The presented technique of laparoscopic multiple hepatectomies may Even when incidental GBC diagnosed with LC is advanced, adequate additional
be safe and easy procedure. Further investigations are required in large prospective surgery may improve the prognosis. Bearing in mind the possibility of incidental
series to evaluate the value of laparoscopic multiple hepatectomies, including our GBC, intraoperative pathology should be considered for gallbladder wall thickening
procedure, for patients who have multiple hepatic tumors. cases and elderly cases.

S118 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P260 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P262 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery

CENTER. J.A. Paraskevopoulos, O. Kostopoulos, Ch. Papazacharias, D. Allios,
Y. Nakamoto, M. Ogata, M. Ritsuko, R. Mikami, K. Yoshiyuki, M. Dimitrief, A. Pilavas
I. Hirokuni, Y. MItsuo KAT General Hospital, KIFISIA, Greece
Kobe City Medical Center West Hospital, KOBE, Japan Aims: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is nowadays the gold standard for the
Background: Effective surgical techniques and equipment to dissect the liver in treatment of symptomatic gallstone disease. This study aims to examine the current
laparoscopic hepatic resection (LHR) are required. The aim of the study is to review indications for open cholecystectomy (OC).
our experiences of LHR and to present what techniques and equipment were the Methods: The records of 2,462 consecutive patients (1,501 females, 961 males) with
most effective and safest. a mean age of 49.5(range 26–98) years who underwent elective or emergency
Methods: We reviewed the clinical profiles of 37 patients who underwent LHR cholecystectomy for benign gallbladder disease from January 2006 to December
between December 2006 and September 2011, and evaluated what techniques and 2011 were analysed retrospectively
equipment were the most effective and safest for dissecting the liver. Results: 2,413 (98%) patients underwent LC, 49 (2%) primary OC and 14 (0.6%) of
Results: Out of the 37 patients, 25 had hepatocellular carcinomas with liver cirrhosis. the LC group were converted to OC. The reasons for conversion were: acute
Twenty-one patients underwent partial resection of the hepatic segment, and four inflammation of the gallbladder (n = 3), dense adhesions from previous abdominal
patients underwent lateral segmentectomy. Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery operations (n = 2), difficult anatomy recognition (n = 6) and haemorrhage (n = 3).
(HALS) was performed in seven patients and laparoscopic assisted hepatic resection Primary OC was employed for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients with acute cho-
(LAHR) was performed in six. LHR was accompanied by radiofrequency ablation in lecystitis (n = 27) and with severe concomitant medical diseases (n = 22) such as
four patients, cholecystectomy in three, and partial gastrectomy in one patient. The coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, respectively.
mean operation time was 199 min. The mean blood loss was 147 ml. The mean Two patients of the ICU group (4%) died due to multiorgan failure. There were not
postoperative hospital stay was 5.9 days, except for one patient. On the other hand, any significant postoperative complications.
of the 12 patients with no cirrhosis nine of them had a partial resection of the hepatic Conclusions: Primary OC remains a safe, alternative surgical procedure for the
segment. Two patients underwent lateral segmentectomy, and one underwent right treatment of symptomatic gallbladder disease with certain absolute indications such
hepatectomy. LHR was accompanied by abdominoperineal resection in one patient, as complicated and severely ill (ICU) patients. On the other hand, conversion to OC
sigmoidectomy in one. The mean operation time was 176 min. The mean blood loss should not be regarded as a complication but as the optimal surgical intervention
was 49 ml. The mean postoperative hospital stay was 8.5 days. when local difficulties or uncertainties make LC extremely dangerous.
In our experience, both HALS and LAHR could be effective options for liver dis-
section in the posterior segment or S8. Regarding techniques and equipment,
crushing with BiClamp forceps followed by the use of a vessel sealing system was
effective in dissecting a cirrhotic, hard liver. The BiClamp forceps were also
effective for the hemostasis of hepatic veins. In dissecting a normal liver, the CUSA
was used prior to the vessel sealing system for cutting vessels and bile ducts. An
endolinear stapler was another option for dissecting a liver parenchyma quickly.
Conclusions: The most effective surgical techniques and equipment for LHR vary
according to the location of tumors or the degree of liver cirrhosis.

P261 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P263 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery

Y.G. Starkov, K.V. Shishin, S.V. Dzhantukhanova, I.Y. Nedoluzhko OPERATION
Institute of Surgery n.a. A.V.Vishnevsky, MOSCOW, Russia J.A. Paraskevopoulos, O. Kostopoulos, Ch. Papazacharias, A. Pilavas,
From February 1992 till December 2011, 143 patients underwent laparoscopic surgery for
M. Dimitrief, D. Allios
liver cystic lesions. There were 129 females and 12 males with the mean age of 63 (32–78 y.) KAT General Hospital, KIFISIA, Greece
Most of the patients (129) were with the simple liver cysts, 14 of them with polycystic liver
Aims: Day case laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has been shown to have low
disease. Complicated cysts were diagnosed in 3 patients: 6 of them had cyst infection and 3
– intracystic bleeding. overnight readmission rates as low as 20%. We aimed to see if we could achieve
Cyst fenestration with wide excision of its walls was performed for subcapsular and acceptable readmission rates without any adverse morbidity.
superficial intraparenchymal cyst. Atypical liver resection with wide excision of cystic Methods: Patients requiring elective LC who were considered medically fit (ASA
walls with doubtful blood supply was performed in the case of large superficial intrapa- I/II) for day case surgery were included. All patients were counselled preoperatively.
renchymal cysts, occupying one or more segments. We also used SILS-technique and They were discharged with detailed instructions regarding antiemetics and opiate
minilaparoscopy in 6 cases. analgesia. Follow-up was carried out by phone at day 1 and 7 postoperatively.
The long-lasting post-op liquid leakage within 5–7 days was marked in the 11 patients. The Results: A total of 32 patients (23 females, 9 males) with symptomatic gallstone
bile leakage have occurred in one case after atypical liver resection of large and resolved disease (mean age 42 years, range 23–69) underwent day case LC from August 2009
spontaneously within 1 month. Median post-op stay was 9 days. Liquid contents in a to July 2011. There were no intra- or postoperative complications. All patients were
residual cavity were observed in 10 patients and were successfully treated by puncture discharged the same day, whereas 4 (12.5%) required readmission and overnight stay
under ultrasound. due to persistent nausea. No problems were reported on follow-up.
Long-term results from 1 to 15 years were observed in 87. Asymptomatic residual cysts Conclusions: In our study, 28 (87.5%) patients underwent successfully day case LC
were observed in two cases, re-operation was not performed. 7 patients underwent lapa- without the need for overnight readmission or stay. Day case LC is a safe procedure
roscopic surgery for solitary liver cystadenoma. Intraoperative histological examination
with a high satisfaction rate among patients.
revealed no signs of tumor growth. The recurrence was observed in 2 patients with the
follow-up period up to 7 years. The latter underwent repeated surgery (liver resection). 7
patients with liver hydatidosis were treated laparoscopically. The indications for surgery
were solitary superficial cysts with the size ranged from 3 to 10 cm, the thin fibrous capsule
and lack of daughter parasite bubbles or dead parasite. Liver resection was performed in
two cases, hydatidectomy with pre-puncture and treatment of cystic cavity with a solution
of glycerol was performed in 5 cases. The latter was sutured laparoscopically. All patients
were treated with albendazole postoperatively. No recurrence was observed with a mean
follow-up of 6 years.
Laparoscopic surgery for liver cyst lesions is feasible and accompanied by good results with
low rate postoperative complications and recurrences.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S119

P264 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P266 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


Texas Endosurgery Institute, SAN ANTONIO, United States O. Vidal, M. Valentini, C. Ginesta, J.J. Espert, A. Martinez,
of America G. Benarroch, M.T. Anglada, J.C. Garcia-Valdecasas
The routine use of intraoperative cholangiogram (IOC) performed by some surgeons at the
Hospital Clinic Barcelona, BARCELONA, Spain
time of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, also leads to identification of patients with totally Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy via the three trocar technique is widely
unsuspected choledocholithiasis. used for symptomatic gallbladder stones. Single incision Laparoscopic surgery
Sequential Technique:
(SILS) for cholecystectomy is a well-established procedure and represents the next
step in developing the concept of ‘mini-invasive surgery’. We here described our 24
– Intraoperative cholangiogram: Road map of the biliary system, ID of biliary stones
month experience SILS cholecystectomy.
– Anterior dissection of common bile duct: Stay sutures, traction on cystic duct Methods: Between February 2009 and 2011, patients referred for cholecystectomy to
– Choledochotomy the General and Endocrine Unit of our institution who agreed to undergo SILS were
– Flushing the duct: This maneuver will frequently suffice to clear stones included in a prospective study. All operations were performed by the same surgical
– Choledochoscopy: Direct visualization of the biliary system and stones, stone retrieval team specially trained in this type of surgery. The umbilicus was the sole point of
with basket, trans-scope cholangiogram entry for all patients. The same operative technique was used in all patients. Data of
– Placement of T-tube: T-tube tailoring, pre-tied sutures, suture technique patients undergoing SILS cholecystectomy were compared with those from an
– T-tube cholangiogram uncontrolled group of patients undergoing standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy
during the same study period.
– Completion of cholecystectomy
Results: The SILS and standard cholecystectomy groups included 120 patients each.
– Extraction of specimen and stones SILS was successfully performed in all patients and none of them required con-
– Drain placement version to an open procedure. The median operating time of 45 min in the SILS
group was not significantly different than that in the standard laparoscopic chole-
Conclusions: cystectomy group. We suture fascial edge with simple stitches under direct vision,
thus reducing the risk of incisional hernia in SILS group (p = 0.046).
– Laparoscopic CBDE is a safe technique that allows the surgeon a successful
Conclusions: SILS cholecystectomy was technically feasible, safe and represents a
exploration of the common bile duct and clearance of stones.
reproducible alternative to standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy in selected
– Systematic, stepwise technique is advised.
patients. The definitive clinical, esthetic and functional advantages of this technique
– Two-handed laparoscopic suturing techniques are essential require further analysis.

P265 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P267 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


CHOLECYSTECTOMY A.P. Ukhanov, A. Ignatjev, G.B. Khachatrjan
M. Naito Central municipal clinical hospital, VELIKIY NOVGOROD, Russia
Okayama Medical Center, OKAYAMA, Japan Aim: To evaluate the results of transumbilical SILS cholecystectomy in the treat-
We report a rare case of Bilialy peritonitis caused by the dislocation of clips of the ment of patients with gallstone disease and acute cholecystitis.
cystic duct stump just 5 days after Single Port Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Materials and methods: SILS cholecystectomy through the umbilical access with the
Case: 27 years old man was admitted our hospital with diagnosis of acute chole- use of Covidien port was carried out in the treatment of 153 patients. Standard
cystitis September 12th 2011. We performed Single Port Laparoscopic laparoscopic instruments and 10 mm clipator with a medium-large clips were used
Cholecystectomy using E-Z AccessTM port September 13th. Cystic duct and cystic for gallbladder dissection.
artery were clipped doubly using 5 mm ENDO CLIPTM III with Clip LogicTM There were 132 women and 21 men. Age of patients ranged from 22 to 86 years. All
Technology (Covidien). Operation was performed laparoscopically with no trouble patients were admitted on an emergency basis with a diagnosis of acute cholecystitis.
and he was discharged from hospital September 17th. Early September 18th morning During the operation in 67 patients (43.8%) was revealed catarral cholecystitis, in 57
he re-admitted our hospital with severe epigastralgia. CT findings showed ascites (37.3%) – phlegmonous cholecystitis or empyema of the gallbladder and in 29
around the liver.He was diagnosed with peritonitis and emergency operation was (19.0%) patients there was gangrenous cholecystitis.
performed.Under laparoscopy we could see clips dropped out from the cystic duct Results: Operation by only transumbilical access were performed in 110 patients
stump. Cystic duct stump was clipped doubly again using Ligaclip ML(J&J). After (71,9 %). The introduction of an additional trocar required in 10 patients (6.5%), two
washing the peritoneal cavity with saline,operation was completed laparoscopically additional trocars in 22 patients (14.4 %). Conversion to standard laparoscopic
without touble. cholecystectomy with 4 port technique was needed in 11 patients (7.2%) and in one
Delayed Clip dislocation from the cystic duct stump is a rare complication of lap- case there was the transition to laparotomy.
aroscopic cholecystectomy.We can not find the case report of clip dislocation from Additional trocars were introduced in the patients with destructive cholecystitis in
the cystic duct stump using 5 mm ENDO CLIPTM III. the case of appropriate drainage of subhepatic space, difficulties in manipulating the
triangle Kahlo, severe inflammatory and infiltrative changes in hepatoduodenal
ligaments, as well as in obese patients when the length of the standard laparoscopic
instruments was not sufficient for the manipulation through transumbilical access.
Mean duration of surgery was 58.0 min. In patients with catarral cholecystitis the
mean time of operation was 54.1 min, with phlegmonous cholecystitis – 60.0 min
and with gangrenous cholecystitis – 69.1 min. There were no intraoperative mor-
bidity. Postoperative morbidity was 4.6 % (7 patients).
Conclusion: Thus, SILS cholecystectomy through transumbilical approach is a
promising minimally invasive method of removing the gallbladder for gallbladder
disease and acute cholecystitis. It is preferable method for the patients previously
operated on the abdominal cavity and having a ventral or umbilical hernia.

S120 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P268 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P270 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


MANAGEMENT OF CHOLEDOCHOLITHIASIS A.M. Tischenko1, O.V. Maloshtan1, R.M. Smachylo2, D.I. Skoryi1,
IN A DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITAL N.M. Britskaya1, A.O. Maloshtan1, S.V. Sushkov1
A.C. Wells, B. Warne, A. Harris Institute of General and Urgent Surgery, KHARKIV, Ukraine;
Hinchingbrooke Hospital, CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom Kharkiv National Medical University, KHARKIV, Ukraine
Aims: Management of Common Bile Duct (CBD) stones has evolved rapidly in Tactics in the treatment of liver abscesses includes several methods from abscess
recent years, but practices vary depending on local skills and resources. Endoscopic puncture till liver resection.
Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) has a reported stone clearance of Aim: To study the possibility and feasibility of laparoscopic liver abscess treatment.
80%. Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration (LCBDE) provides an alterna- Results: The experience of treatment of 102 patients with single liver abscesses was
tive treatment when ERCP has failed or is unavailable, and previous published series studied. The etiological causes were: cholangitis (26), liver trauma (16), blood-borne
have centred on teaching hospitals. This study reports our experience of LCBDE for infection (7), infected hydatid cysts and simple liver cysts (31), cryptogenic (24).
the treatment of CBD stones in a district general hospital. The size of abscesses varied from 150 ml to 3 L. Right lobe of liver was affected 2–3
Methods: 41 consecutive LCBDE performed between April 2006 and September times more.
2011 were reviewed retrospectively. The electronic and clinical notes were inspected The percutaneous drainage under US-guidance and laparoscopic drainage were
and patient demographics, symptoms, investigation, treatment and outcome applied in 45 and 30 patients respectively. In 5 cases laparoscopic fenestration of
recorded. abscess was applied, in 4 – laparoscopic pericystectomy (in cases of infected hydatid
Results: The median age at time of surgery was 64 years. 24 patients underwent an cysts).
emergency LCBDE. 25 patients had previous failed stone clearance with ERCP. The Open operations were applied in 30 cases: fenestration (10), pericystectomy (8) and
clearance of CBD stones from LCBDE was 100%. There were no conversions to classic resection of liver with chronic abscess (12). In total in 102 patients underwent
open surgery. The median operating time was 225 minutes (range 133–407) and 116 operations with 5% mortality. In 6 cases laparoscopic drainage or fenestration
hospital stay 4 days (range 1–16). 4 patients suffered a bile leak, notably all in the were applied after ineffective abscess drainage under US-guidance. The advantages
first year of the study (4/13) – since then CBD closure technique was altered and no of laparoscopic technologies, such as visual control of pus leakage into abdominal
further leaks have occurred (0/28). 3 patients required re-operation: 2 for repair of cavity during drainage, possible elimination of purulent cavity (fenestration) or
bile leak and 1 for washout of collection. One bile leak was successfully managed radical eradication of pus-producing infection by miniinvasive method (pericystec-
conservatively. The 30-day mortality was 0. tomy), were observed. Patients who underwent laparoscopic pericystectomy or
Conclusions: With appropriate expertise and equipment, LCBDE in a district general abscess fenestration had more shorter postoperative stay, than the patients with
hospital is a safe and effective minimally-invasive treatment for CBD stones. Indi- percutaneous drainage, and didn’t have any complications associated with the
cations include unexpected finding at operative cholangiography and failed or ‘residual cavity’ (biliary fistula, abscess relapse, biloma) in postoperative period.
incomplete stone clearance at ERCP. LCBDE is therefore a useful tool in the Conclusion: Laparoscopic technology of the liver abscess treatment is characterized
management of CBD stones and ideally suited to a gastrointestinal unit where cases by high efficiency and little percentage of complications.
can be discussed between surgeons and gastroenterologists.

P269 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P271 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


S.A. Rateb, M.A. El Sayed Yokohama Sakae Kyousai Hospital, YOKOHAMA, Japan
Hadi Hospital, JABRYAH-KUWAIT, Kuwait Aims: Situs inversus totalis (SIT) is very rare congenital abnormality with an
Objective: To evaluate the use of Endo GIA Stapler (Ethicon Endosurgery) in per- autosomal recessive genetic predisposition. It describes an anatomy that is perfect
forming lap subtotal cholecystectomy in difficult cases where safe dissection of the mirror image of the normal physiologic position of the visceral organs. There have
triangle of Calot can not be accomplished. been about 40 reports of conventional laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with
Methods: Between 1995 and 2011, 1250 cholecystectomies were performed at Hadi SIT. Because of this anatomical problem, these operation was performed by left-
Clinic, Kuwait. From 2004 onwards, the Endo GIA Stapler (Ethicon Endosurgery) right reversal of conventional laparoscopic port positions. However, so far especially
was used to perform Laparoscopic Subtotal Cholecystectomy (LSC) in cases where if the right-handed surgeon, the operation would be difficult, we decided to adopt
safe completion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy could not be achieved due to Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) procedure. In addition, to perform these
difficult triangle dissection. The gall bladder (GB) was transected at the level of the procedures easily, we use our original technique that the operator uses only an
neck/Hartman’s pouch after milking any stone into distal GB. electric device with his both hands which leads to a decrease of shakes of this devise
All procedures were completed by suction drainage. Outcome as regards morbidity and enable the operator to concentrate only dissection.
and late complications for a median follow up of 30 month were recorded. Case: A 67 years old women who was known to have SIT, presented with epigastric
Results: Seven hundred and fifteen laparoscopic cholecystectomies were performed and left upper quadrant pain. Ultorasonogaphy identified multiple gall stones and the
from 1995 till 2004. The conversion rate was 2%. From 2004, LSC was performed in presence of the liver and gallbladder in the left hypochondrium. CT and MRCP
difficult cases with a consequent conversion rate of 0%. A total of 15 patients under examinations revealed SIT without abnormal arrangement of the vascular and the
went LSC using Endo GIA Stapler.12 Patients had severe acute cholecystitis with biliary system. A 20-mm incision was made in the umbilicus. A SILS Port (Covi-
totally obscured anatomy at triangle of Calot, 2 patients had Mirrizi’s syndrome dien, USA) was placed through an open approach, and the abdominal cavity was
while one patient had a sessile gall bladder. The mean Operative time was 120 ± 20 explored with a 5-mm semi-flexible laparoscope. Two 5-mm ports were inserted
minutes. The mean hospital stay was 2 ± 0.5 days. There were no bile duct injuries. through the SILS port. A 2-mm mini retractor was inserted to retract the fundus of
No patients developed gall stones in residual stump on follow up for 30 months. the gallbladder. The cystic duct was dissected entirely and ligated in the left side of
Pathological examination of removed gall bladder revealed inflammatory changes, common bile duct. Dissection was performed as a normal retrograde cholecystec-
no malignancy in any case. tomy using an electric device with the both hands of the operator. A camera assistant
Conclusion: LSC using Endo GIA Stapler to divide GB at neck region is a safe had the laparoscope and the grasper in his hands instead of the operator. She dis-
effective procedure in difficult cholecystectomies. We have used it in severe acute charged on the 3th postoperative day. Postoperative follow-up did not reveal any
cholecystitis and Mirrizi’s syndrome. There were no bile duct injuries and conver- umbilical wound complication. Conclusions. Compared with conventional laparo-
sion to open cholecystectomy was avoided. It is now the procedure of choice in scopic cholecystectomy, SILS with both hands method in the case of SIT could
difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy cases. improve safety and reduce the difficulty of the surgery.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S121

P272 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P274 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


Y. Shingu, H. Hasegawa, E. Sakamoto, S. Komatsu, Y. Kurumiya, CHOLECYSTECTOMY
S. Norimizu, Y. Taguchi, T. Hirose, T. Yamaguchi, A. Arimoto, S.C. Olariu, I.R. Farca, C.G. Voina, S. Pop, N.I. Pop
T. Isaji, M. Watanabe, Y. Miura University of Medicine and Pharmacy V. Babes, TIMISOARA,
Nagoya daini red cross hospital, NAGOYA, Japan Romania
Aims: Laparoscopic approach for severe cholecystitis is associated with serious Aim: The analysis of progress in the gallbladder laparoscopic surgery by comparing
complications, such as bile duct injury, and a high conversion rate. Recent studies the cases operated at the beginning of this procedure to the current period.
have shown that laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy (LSC) could be performed Material and method: Two series of 1000 laparoscopic cholecystectomies, which
safely in the patients with complicated conditions, suggesting this technique being a have been performed in the clinic in a 10 years interval, have been comparative
potential alternative to conversion to open surgery. However, no consensus is found studied. The first serie has been operated between 1994 and 1998, and the second
among surgeons on how to manage such difficult cases. We assessed the safety and serie between 2008 and 2011. Analyzed data: surgical indications, the rate of con-
feasibility of LSC for severe cholecystitis. version to conventional surgery, intraoperative accidents, the rate of postoperative
Methods: The techniques of LSC, without an attempt to dissect Calot’s triangle, complications and the average time of hospitalization.
consist of transection at the gallbladder neck and removal of stones, followed by Results: The indication for laparoscopic approach has been extended from 53% of
closure of the remnant gallbladder stump. In a consecutive series of 1633 laparo- the total number of cholecystectomies in the first period, to 78% in the second
scopic cholecystectomies from January 2004 to November 2011, 91 patients (5.5%) period. The rate of conversions has decreased from 4.9% (11.5% in acute cases) to
with complicated severe cholecystitis or fibrosis underwent LSC, because dissection 3% (5.8% in acute cases). The number of acute cholecystitis operated by laparo-
of Calot’s triangle would be dangerous. Their clinical records in our prospectively scopic approach has risen from 25.6% to 57%. The intraoperative accidents
maintained database were analyzed. decreased from 1.2% to 1%. In the first period the postoperative complications rate
Results: The median age of 91 patients (36 females and 55 males) was 68 years has been 0.8% and it maintained itself constant in the second period. The mortality
(range, 31–81 years). There were 8 patients (8.8%) of extrahepatic anatomic variants has been 0 to both series.
of the biliary tree. No patients required conversion to laparotomy. The median Conclusions: 1. The comparative study has demonstrated the positive evolution of
operating time and blood loss were 119 minutes and 10 ml, respectively. The gall- laparoscopic method indication because of the surgical technique improvement and
bladder neck was closed by endoscopic linear stapler in 58 patients and by of the technological progress. 2. The operative procedure’s standardization and
laparoscopic suturing in 33 patients. Simultaneous laparoscopic removal of common optimization has caused the decrease of conversions and intraoperative accidents. 3.
bile duct stones was performed in 14 patients. The median postoperative hospital- The laparoscopic cholecystectomy is and it will be ‘the golden standard’ as a cho-
ization was 4 days. Postoperative complications were observed in 9 patients (9.9%). lecyst’s ablation procedure. Key words. Laparoscopic approach, cholecystectomy,
We found a patient of delayed bile leakage from the gallbladder stump and another conversion.
of choledocholithiasis due to residual gall stones. In one patient, we found incidental
gallbladder cancer. There was no bile duct injury or mortality in this series.
Conclusion: LSC for severe cholecystitis appears to be safe and feasible, avoiding
serious complications in cholecystectomy. This procedure could be the treatment of
choice for the cases having difficulty in dissecting Calot’s triangle, conventionally
required conversion to open surgery.

P273 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P275 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


INTERFERENCE OF INSTRUMENTS R.M. Clancy, R. Patel, R. Spencer, N. Penney, R. Cave, A. Osbourne,
H. Kitamura, M. Kurokawa, Y. Ishiyama, M. Yamamoto, M. Kotake, C. Wong
N. Inaki, H. Bando Frenchay Hospital (North Bristol NHS trust), BRISTOL,
Isikawa prefectural hospital, ISIKAWA, Japan United Kingdom
Aim: Single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy(SILC) is gaining popularity Aims: Minimally invasive single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILC) is gaining
because of its cosmetic advantage. One of the major difficulties of this procedure popularity in general surgery. This report aims to describe the author’s initial
seems to be interference of instruments. We introduce our technique using two experience with SILC.
curved instruments for lesser interference of instruments. Methods: Patients who underwent SILC between October 2010 and Jan 2012 in a
Method: An umbilical skin incision, 2 cm in length, is made vertically and LAP single centre were enrolled prospectively in this study. Patient demographic data and
PROTECTOR (Hakko; JAPAN) which is silicone rubber-made wound margin outcomes were analysed. Some cases were carried out with specialist ports (Covidien
protector is inserted to the peritoneal cavity. EZ ACCESS (Hakko; JAPAN) is SILSTM) but in the majority of cases only a 12 mm and two 5 mm ports were used
attached to LAP PROTECTOR. Because EZ ACCESS is made of silicone rubber, it via the transumbilical route. All procedures were carried out using standard straight
can be used as a multichannel port by optionally inserting several trocars into the laparoscopic instruments. All operations were performed or supervised by the senior
surface plate. Since EZ ACCESS is round disc-form, we express trocar site into EZ author.
ACCESS as a clock. A 5 mm 30 degree laparoscope is placed at site of 9 o’clock. A Results: Of the 141 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy 54 (44
curved instrument that is used to hold the fundus of gallbladder by assistant is placed female, 10 male) underwent SILC. The average age and BMI were 45.4 yrs
at site of 6 o’clock. Another curved instrument that is used by surgeon’s left hand is (18.3–77.5 yrs) and 28.8 kg/m2 (19.5–50 kg/m2). Operative times reduced as the
placed at site of 12 o’clock. And laparosonic coagulating shears (LCS) or electrical learning curve progressed to comparable times to standard laparoscopic cholecys-
scalpel is placed at site of 3 o’clock. These orientation of instruments through EZ tectomy (StdLC). Cost per case was reduced as a result of using fewer ports than
ACCESS and using two curved instruments yield more external working space. StdLC. There were no conversions to StdLC or additional ports required. Two
Calot’s triangle is dissected in the usual manner to obtain a critical view. After patients had a bile leak requiring return to theatre. Both were found to have bile leaks
identification of both the cystic artery and cystic duct, they are clipped respectively. from the cystic duct due to loose liga clips requiring postoperative endoscopic ret-
We dissect the gallbladder in a standard fashion. After the organ was dissected free rograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). One of these two patients was found to
from the liver, it was removed directly through LAP PROTECTOR. have a large duct stone at ERCP. Lessons learnt and tricks from our initial experi-
Result: We performed this procedure for four cases (2 cholelithiasis and 2 chole- ence will be discussed.
cystitis). There was no complication and no case needs additional working ports. Our Conclusion: Based on our initial experience, SILC is feasible, safe and comparable
stress during surgery was reduced. results can be achieved with StdLC with potential cost savings.
Conclusion: Interference of instruments is reduced by using two curved instruments.

S122 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P276 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P278 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


G. Rustamov, E. Rustamov CHOLECYSTECTOMY
Tusi Memorial Clinic, BAKU, Azerbaijan N. Waki, M. Ishizaki, H. Torigoe, H. Satoh, S. Kinoshita, H. Kawai,
Background: Findings have shown that single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy is
H. Nishi, M. Mano, N. Shimizu
feasible and reproducible. The authors have pioneered a single port technique at the Okayama Rosai Hospital, OKAYAMA, Japan
Tusi Memorial Clinic of Azerbaijan. Their results for 18 patients are presented. Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is widely performed for benign gall-
Methods: From Aprel 2011 to December 2011, 18 patients with symptomatic gall- bladder disease, and there is a recent tendency in that the size and number of the
bladder disease underwent single port cholecystectomy through a 1.5- to 2-cm ports are decreasing.
umbilical incision using a single-port technique (Karl Storz). For nearly all the While single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) has more cosmetic advan-
patients, a 30 degrees angled scope was used. The gallbladder was retracted; the tages than 4-port LC (4PLC) does, the general use of SILC has been hampered by the
single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure was performed using stan- technological constraints, such as collisions of instruments. In order to elucidate the
dard technique with 5-mm reticulating or conventional laparoscopic instruments. patients who work better with SILC, we carried out the comparison of SILC and
The cystic duct and artery were well visualized, clipped, and divided. Cholecys- 4PLC retrospectively.
tectomy was completed with electrocautery, and the specimen was retrieved through Patients: In 2011, 49 patients underwent elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy for
the umbilical incision. cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis at our hospital: 9 patients underwent SILC
Results: In this series, with an average age of 36.8 years (range, 17–61 years) and 40 patients did 4PLC. Two types of patients were excluded from the experiment:
underwent single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Their mean BMI was 32.8 one underwent 4PLC converted from SILC and the other underwent open chole-
kg/m2 (range, 17–42.5 kg/m2), and 2 patients had undergone previous abdominal cystectomy converted from 4PLC.
surgery. The mean operative time was 53.8 min (range, 23–110 min). The mean Results: No significant difference was found with respect to demographic data
estimated blood loss was 35.3 ml (range, 5–125 ml), and the patients had’nt an including age, sex and body mass index. Similarly, operative time and the length of
intraoperative cholangiography. There were no conversions of the single port cho- postoperative stay did not significantly differ between the 2 groups. However, the
lecystectomy technique. This technique was feasible for all of the patients. For the frequency of using pain killers for the patients of SILC group was higher than that of
remaining patients, either a three-channel port or three individual trocars were 4PLC (P = 0.032). There were no intraoperative and postoperative complications.
required. A single port cholecystectomy technique was used for 5% of the patients to Conclusion: There were no differences between 2 groups except frequency of using
manage acute cholecystitis or gallstone pancreatitis. pain killers, it is conceivable that SILC may contribute only cosmetic outcome. Since
Conclusion: The single port cholecystectomy with a S-port technique is safe, fea- umbilical incision of SILC is larger than that of 4PLC, it is rather painful than that of
sible, and reproducible. The operating times are reasonable and can be lessened with 4PLC, so we consider that the candidate for SILC is patients who have large gall-
experience. Excellent exposure of the critical view was obtained in all cases. The stones which need big incision to be withdrawn from abdominal cavity.
single port cholecystectomy is becoming the standard of care for most of the authors’
elective patients with gallbladder disease.

P277 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P279 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


M. Salama, I. Ahmed, A.R.H. Nasr PLACEMENT OF TROCARS
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, DROUGHEDA, Ireland H. Sato, H. Torigoe, N. Waki, H. Kawai, S. Kinoshita, M. Ishizaki,
H. Nishi, M. Mano
Introduction: Mirizzi syndrome first described in 1948 by Pablo Luis Mirizzi is a rare
Okayama Rosai Hospital, OKAYAMA CITY, Japan
complication of gallstone disease affecting about 1% of all patients with choleli-
thiasis. The condition is even rarer after subtotal cholecystectomy, developing in the Aims: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a standard procedure with minimum inva-
remnant of the gall bladder or the cystic duct. A thorough literature search revealed sion for a patient with gallbladder stone. The surgical procedure may be standardized
only four reported cases after a previous subtotal cholecystectomy. We present a in each institution. We experienced a patient with gallbladder stone, to whom we
unique case of gall bladder remnant calculus causing Mirizzi syndrome 9 years after could not apply the routine port placement because of severe kyphosis. So we
subtotal cholecystectomy. developed a new approach for patients with severe kyphosis.
Case report: A 48 years old lady had a Laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy for Methods: The case was a 79 year-old lady with gallbladder stones and common bile
severe acute cholecystitis. Nine years later she presented to the same hospital with duct stones. She was referred to our division for laparoscopic cholecystectomy after
recurrent biliary colic. Her routine bloods and liver function tests were normal. endoscopic sphincterotomy and choledocolithotomy. She had severe kyphosis with
Ultrasound and MRI of the biliary system showed no recurrent gall stone and the the angle of almost 90 degrees,and it was impossible to place the trocars at usual
findings were consistent with long standing operative changes. The patient remained place. So we placed the trocar for the endoscope and the Minilap at lower intercostal
symptomatic and an endoscopic ultrasound examination was performed. This spaces. With this procedure, we had a good endoscopic sight for the surgery and
showed a 5 mm inflammatory mass with calcification/stone causing external com- could accomplish the operation without any trouble. Conclusions: Placement of
pression on the common bile duct. ERCP and stenting was performed on the same several trocars at lower intercostal spaces makes the good working space for patients
endoscopic sitting. Operative procedure: A laparoscopy was performed and the with severe kyphosis.
remnant of the gallbladder was mobilised. Opening of the remnant of the gallbladder
revealed type 4 Mirizzi Syndrome. The procedure was then converted to open sur-
gery. The remnant of the gallbladder removed and the bile duct was closed with
absorbable sutures.
Results: The patient made an uneventful recovery and was discharged home after 5
days. She was followed up after six months in the out patient department and she
remained asymptomatic.
Conclusions: Mirizzi syndrome is exceedingly rare after Laparoscopic subtotal
cholecystectomy in particular nine years after surgery. Diagnosis may be very dif-
ficult even with the help of modern diagnostic modalities. A high index of suspicion
may help to avoid unnecessary bile duct injuries.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S123

P280 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P282 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


CHOLECYSTECTOMY IN ACUTE CHOLECYSTITIS B. Jovanovic1, M. Djordjevic2, V. Pejcic2, S. Jovanovic2,
K Kortram1, B. van Ramshorst2, B.J.M. Vlaminckx2, M.J. Wiezer2, A. Pavlovic2, N. Mitic2
D. Boerma2 1
Clinical Center Nis, NIS, Serbia; 2Center for minimally invasive
VUMC, AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands; 2St. Antonius Hospital, surgery, NIS, Serbia
NIEUWEGEIN, The Netherlands Objective: The main goal was to show our experience in laparoscopic treatment of
Aim: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the peri-operative use of acute cholecystitis in 393 patients operated in surgical clinic (since 1997 to 2012).
antibiotic treatment in laparoscopic cholecystectomies for acute cholecystitis and to Methods: During this period 7860 patients were operated and 393 or 5% were
review the available literature. patients with acute cholecystitis. 140 women and 253 men (ASA I, II and in selected
Methods: All laparoscopic cholecystectomies for acute cholecystitis between 2002 cases ASA III) with acute cholecystitis operated by laparoscopic techniques were
and 2010 were included in a retrospective database. The postoperative course was prospectively analyzed. All patients were cured with antibiotics (Cephalosporin
studied and complications were analysed. Other parameters that were taken into I..V.) and conservative therapy for acute cholecystitis. The patient were born in
account were duration of hospital admission and mortality. period of 1945 to 1973 (Average ages was 42 years). Analyze include: operation
Results: 279 Patients were included, 137 male, 142 female with a median age of 60 duration, operative and postoperative complications, number of the days of hospi-
years. A total of 248 patients were treated with antibiotics: 107 received a single talization and time until patients is getting back to normal activity.
prophylactic dose according to local hospital protocol, 141 extended postoperative Results: The operation duration was from 35 min. to 95 min. (average 63 min.).
treatment. The overall infectious complication rate was 11.5%. Patients receiving There were 28 postoperative complications Complication was injury of ductus
extended antibiotic treatment developed significantly more infectious complications: choledochus (3), port infection (10), bleeding from gold bladder (5), leaking bile to
17% versus 6.5% in single-dose patients and 3.2% in patients not receiving any drainage tube from Luschin vessel (9) and subhepatic abscessus (1). All complica-
antibiotics (p = 0.01). The only independent risk factor for the development of tion were solved by conversions, except subhepatical abscess which was solved by
infectious complications was the presence of gallbladder empyema. Overall mor- percutaneous biliary drainage. There were no death cases. Average time of hospi-
tality was 1.1% (N = 3). Length of stay was significantly longer in patients receiving talization was 4 days (3–5). At 10 patients was continued administration of
extended antibiotics: 4.5 versus two days. antibiotics for 5 more days after living the hospital. Per oral consummation of food
Conclusion: Surgeon’s compliance with hospital protocol is low, and the policy on begin in 24 hours whit in 60 patients. In period of 9 to 15 days all of the patients
peri-operative antibiotics appears to vary widely among surgeons. Despite extended continued whit normal life and activity, (average 11,5 days).
antibiotic therapy in selected patients, infectious complication rates were high. The Conclusions: Reasons such as minimal invasive procedure with four small wounds
available literature does not provide any evidence on the subject. A prospective, on abdomen, rapid recovery, quick return to normal life activity, almost painless
multicenter randomised controlled trial has been initiated to provide the surgical procedure, procedure with minimal complications and smaller economic expenses
community with a much needed evidence based guideline. made this procedure on our opinion as a procedure of choice in treatment of acute

P281 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P283 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery

K Kortram1, S.C. Donkervoort2, L. Dijksman2, B. van Ramshorst3, FOR INCIDENTALLY DIAGNOSED COMMON BILE DUCT
D.J. Gouma4, D. Boerma3 STONES
VUMC, AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands; 2Onze Lieve Vrouwe A. Umezawa, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Seki, T. Watanabe, K. Kasama,
Gasthuis, AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands; 3St. Antonius Hospital, Y. Negishi, YK. Kurokawa
NIEUWEGEIN, The Netherlands; 4Academic Medical Center, Yotsuya Medical Cube, TOKYO, Japan
AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands
Objective: To determine the feasibility of needle forceps for laparoscopic chole-
Aim: The aim of this multicenter, retrospective study was to identify independent risk cystectomy (LC) and laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (CBDE) for
factors for a complicated postoperative course after laparoscopic cholecystectomy for incidentally diagnosed common bile duct stones (CBDs).
symptomatic bile stone disease. Furthermore we seeked to point out which type of com- Materials and methods: Conventional LC is performed with 2 puncture and 2 inci-
plication was associated with which risk factor, in order to be able to anticipate on specific sions. 2 punctures are applied through thin caliber trocar Mini-Port (Covedien, USA)
postoperative complications in selected patients. with needle forceps BJ needle (Niti On Company, Japan). BJ-needle is a thin caliber
Methods: Two retrospective databases of two major teaching hospitals in the Netherlands grasper with a diameter of 2.1 mm. The puncture sites are below the right costal
were combined. The main outcome parameters were occurrence of major complications, margin on the mid-clavicular line and on the anterior axillary line of the navel level.
mortality and length of hospital stay. Independent risk factors for the development of
Other incisions are 12 mm trocar at umbilical site and 5 mm below the left costal
complications were analysed using uni- and multivariate analysis and the distribution of
margin. We performed intraoperative cholangiography (IOC) routinely during LC.
complications over these risk factors was assessed.
Results: A Total of 2634 patients were included in the database. The overall complication
Once confirming the diagnosis of CBDs with IOC, laparoscopic CBDE was carried
rate was 8.8%. Independent risk factors for postoperative complications were older age, out according to the number and size of stones. The number less than four and the
acute cholecystitis, previous ERCP and conversion to open cholecystectomy. Length of size under 8 mm was the indication for trans-cystic duct exploration (LTCE). Others
surgery was not an independent risk factor. Acute cholecystitis was a risk factor for any were indicated for transcholedochal exploration (LCHE).
complication except biliary injury, previous ERCP was mainly associated with cystic duct Results: Of 550 LC cases, 57 were single incision LC and 451 (91%) were suc-
leakage. Of these risk factors the only one that can be influenced is conversion to open cessfully completed LC with BJ-needle. There was no complication caused by using
cholecystectomy. The overall conversion rate was 4.6%. The complication rate in converted BJ-needle. IOC had been performed through Mini-Port with catheter. Its success rate
patients increased to 21.3% versus 6.9% in patients in whom the procedure was finished was 99%. Incidentally diagnosed CBDs were detected in 8 patients. Those were
laparoscopically (p \ 0.0001). Pneumonia was the most frequently encountered compli- 1.4% who received IOC. 6 out of 8 patients were performed LTCE. There was one
cation after conversion. The median duration of hospital admission was also significantly case switched to LCHE from LTCE because of tears off the cystic duct. During
longer in converted patients: six versus two days (p \ 0.0001). The overall mortality rate LCHE, BJ needle had sufficient ability as suturing forceps which was comparable to
was 0.4% and did not differ between the two groups. 5 mm forceps. The length of postoperative hospitalization for LC was 2.0 days,
Conclusion: Patients with complicated gall stone disease have an increased risk of sub- LTCE was 2.3, and LCHE was 2.8.
sequent complicated surgery. Also, conversion to open cholecystectomy is associated with Conclusion: BJ-needle was feasible for LC and CBDE, and improved the cosmetic
increased postoperative morbidity and a significantly longer hospital stay. High risk cases
satisfaction. Especially, LTCE shows uncomplicated post operative course which
should therefore be planned to undergo surgery in the hands of a laparoscopiccally skilled
was as same as LC alone. LTCE is feasible and should be the first line of treatment
surgeon, and if a less experienced surgeon considers converting, consultance of a laparo-
scopic surgeon should be considered.
for incidentally diagnosed CBDs and LCHE will be as redeeming approach.

S124 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P284 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P286 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


A.K. Vlakhov, V.N. Starosek, S.N. Leonenko, O.G. Butyrsky Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, HONG KONG, China
Crimen Medical University, SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine Background: Laparoscopic biliary surgery remains a major challenge for many surgeons
Endoscopic papillosphincterotomy (EPST) is a commonly adopted method of treatment for due to its complexity and technical difficulty. The introduction of surgical robotic system
choledocholithiasis and diseases of the distal part of common bile duct (DPCBD). But it has helps to overcome the disadvantages of conventional laparoscopic surgery. This study aims
certain postoperative complications including reactive pancreatitis (pancreatonecrosis), its at evaluating the technical feasibility and safety of robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery on
incidence reaches 1,5%. biliary tree using the da Vinci system in a single centre.
We treated 775 patients (m:f = 189:586, age 19–95) who were performed performed 836 Method: Between May 2009 and August 2011, 26 patients who underwent robot-assisted
endoscopic interventions on DPCBD; 67 (8%) were accompanied with pancreatic reaction. laparoscopic biliary surgery were evaluated. Prospectively collected data were analyzed
We distinguish 3 degrees of pancreatic reaction after SPCBD surgery: (1) transitory retrospectively.
hyperamylasemia (amylase activity up to 90 g/(hrxl) without any clinical, ultrasonic (US) Results: There were 25 patients underwent robot-assisted laparoscopic bile duct exploration
and laparoscopic manifestations – 38 patients (4.9%); (2) reactive pancreatitis (mild epi- for biliary stones. Among them, 12 patients had choledochoenteric reconstruction per-
gastric pain, single vomiting, US – moderate pancreas enlargement, hypoechoid formed. One patient suffered from hilar cholangiocarcinoma underwent robot-assisted
parenchyma, laparoscopy – insignificant serous exudation under liver, hepatoduodenal laparoscopic bile duct excision and palliative hepaticojejunostomy. Mean operative time
ligament swelling) – 20 patients (2.6%); (3) pancreatonecrosis: strong stable pain, multiple was 201 min (range 90–400 min) and mean blood loss was 10 mL (range 1–50 mL). There
vomiting, other typical signs, US – pancreas dimensions enlargement, hypoechoid and was no open conversion. Three patients (11.5%) had post operative complications. There
heterogeneous parenchyma, duodenostasis, parapancreatic liquid masses, reactive pleuritis, was no mortality. Mean hospital stay was 6 days (range 3–11 days).
laparoscopy – serous exudation above and under liver, in bursa omentalis, hepatoduodenal Conclusion: Our series shows that in experienced hands, robot-assisted laparoscopic biliary
ligament swelling, distension of transverse colon, patches of steatonecrosis on omentum – 9 surgery is technically feasible and safe. The use of surgical robotic system facilitates more
patients (1,2%). complex biliary surgery. As experience grows and technique becomes mature, more
According to the degree of pancreatic reaction we use the following laparoscopic inter- patients will benefit from this procedure.
vention. For hyperamylasemia – laparoscopic cholecystectomy without bile ducts draining
against pancreatic secretion inhibitors (derivatives of Sandostatin); all patient survived. For
reactive pancreatitis – laparoscopic cholecystectomy with extrahepatic bile ducts draining,
draining epihepatic and subhepatic excavations, after surgery – comprehensive medication
therapy in ICU; all patients survived. For pancreatonecrosis – laparoscopic cholecystec-
tomy with extrahepatic bile ducts draining, draining epihepatic and subhepatic, and pelvic
excavations, draining bursa omentalis nad parapancreatic liquid foci under US control, after
surgery – comprehensive medication therapy in ICU with using extracorporeal detoxifi-
cation and selective drugs delivery to pancreas via the catheter in the celiac trunk. In 3 cases
we had to make sequesterectomy by mini-incision due to occurrence of postponed pan-
creatonecrosis complications; 1 patient died (post-surgery lethality made 0.13%).
Our algorithm provides good results of post-surgery complication management.

P285 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P287 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


Y. Tanaka, T. Yumiba, Y. Morimoto, M. Fujii, Y. Akamaru, B. Dakovic1, L. Dakovic2, G. Vasic1
K. Yasumasa, E. Kono, T. Konishi, H. Kasashima, K. Kawai, KBC ‘‘Dr Dragisa Misovic - Dedinje’’, BELGRADE, Serbia;
Y. Okubo, Y. Taniguchi, R. Matsuura, Y. Yamasaki Belgrade University School of Medicine, BELGRADE, Serbia
Kosei-Nenkin Hospital, OSAKA, Japan Background: Calculosis in biliary tract is a pathological process in the body which is a
Aims: Intraoperative cholangiography(IOC) is one of means to avoid intraoperative and result of already existing or threatening obstructive icterus, cholangitis, hepatic biliary
postoperative complications in laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC). This study was con- cirrhosis or pancreatitis. In surgical terms, the calculi in biliary tract may be symptomatic
ducted to determine whether IOC was useful to avoid complications in LC. (mobile, inclaved and transitory) with accompanying symptomatology and asymptomatic
Methods: A retrospective clinical study was performed on 620 patients, 299 males and 321 with no manifest symptoms and signs.
females, with age ranging from 10 to 91 years during the period from January 2003 to Methods: Without standing the application of the standard diagnostic protocol, which
December 2009. There were 388 patients with gallstone, 137 patients with cholecystitis, 68 includes patients medical history data, physical examination finding, laboratory analyses
patients with polyps of the gallbladder, 12 patients with adenomyomatosis, 13 patients with and ultrasonic diagnostic, in certain number of cases, some atypical diseases, anatomic
gallstone pancreatitis, 2 patients with others. variations and malformations of biliary tract may remain non-recognized.
Results: IOC was performed in 571 patients (92.1%) and was not performed in 49 patients. Results: Asymptomatic biliary obstruction (diagnosed in 3.2% of the cases in a trial con-
Out of these IOC cases, there were remarkable findings in 28 patients with common bile ducted on 879 patients), is a particular problem and entity in the domain of biliary surgery.
duct stones, 4 patients with anomalous arrangement of the pancreaticobiliary ducts, 1 The proposed diagnostic protocol includes a routine application of intravenous cholangio-
patient with stenosis of bile duct, 2 patients with duodenal diverticulum, 1 patient with cholecystography, along with already mentioned standard diagnostic methods. The trend in
complete transaction of common bile duct, 1 patient with partial injury of common bile the contemporary biliary surgery comprises preoperative diagnostic of the calculi in biliary
duct, 1 patient with partial injury of common hepatic duct, 1 patient with complete ducts and their evacuation in compliance with the finding, and thanks to possibility of
transaction of right hepatic duct, 1 patient with pancreatography, 1 patient with duodenal endoscopic aces, ERCP and EST make a consolidated diagnostic and therapeutic procedure.
fistula. In 28 patients with common bile duct stone, 10 patients underwent conversion to Conclusions: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a final stage in the removal of reservoir and
open surgery and 18 patients underwent added postoperative endoscopic sphincterotomy. source of primary biliary complications and possible recurrent dissemination of the calculi
The reasons why 49 patients were not able to accomplish IOC were difficulty in the catheter in biliary tract.
insertion in 19 patients, doubt of gallbladder cancer in 10 patients, conversion to open
surgery in 8 patients, patient factor (allergy, pregnancy, asthma, chronic renal failure) in 11
patients, machine trouble in 1 patient. Technical failure to attempted IOC were recognized
in 19 patients (3.1%) and it was thought to be low rate.
Conclusion: IOC is thought to be useful to avoid intraoperative and postoperative com-
plications in LC.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S125

P288 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P290 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


G. Celona, N. Romano, S. Sergiampietri, O. Goletti SURGEON EXPERIENCES ABOUT 200 CASES
Health Unit 5, PISA, Italy I.S. Choi, Y.M. Ra, J.I. Moon, S.M. Park, S.E. Lee, W.J. Choi,
The majority of patients afflicted with adult polycystic hepatic disease are asymp-
D.S. Yoon, H.S. Min
tomatic. Depending on their size or position, cysts may cause symptoms like pain, Konyang University Hospital, DAEJEON, Korea
abdominal swelling, jaundice, vomiting or dyspnoea. Elective surgical treatment Aim: Single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) is the minimal invasive
must be warranted in these events. With development of minimally invasive surgery, surgery which is used widely and one of the surgical procedures that grows rapidly.
laparoscopic fenestration or radical excision became the main treatment for symp- However, there is no standard method for the SILC. Therefore, in this study, we
tomatic but uncomplicated liver cysts. Recently, single incision laparoscopic surgery evaluated an adequacy and feasibility of Single incision laparoscopic cholecystec-
(SILS) has developed as a new surgical modality producing increased cosmetic tomy using Konyang Standard Method.
benefits and, perhaps, less postoperative pain and morbidity. We report a case of Methods: We retrospectively reviewed our series of 200 SILC performed between
symptomatic polycystic hepatic disease treated with laparoscopic single site surgery. April 2010 and December 2011. Initially we excluded the patients who were more
A 54 year-old female with polycystic liver disease underwent laparoscopic fenes- than 70 years old, cardiologic or pulmonologic problems, cystic duct abnormality.
tration of five dominant hepatic cysts. Patient complained of abdominal pain and After 50 cases, we did not apply the exclusion criteria. We performed SILC by
swelling. A single multichannel port (SILS Port, Covidien) was introduced through a Konyang Standard Method using three-trocar single port (hand-made) and long
2 cm umbilical incision. Both straight reusable instruments and roticulator dispos- articulated instruments.
able devices were used. After aspiration of the contents from the cysts, a Harmonic Results: Two hundred patients were underwent SILC during the study period. Male
ACE scalpel (Ethicon Endosurgery) was used to cut out the wall of the cyst. were 81 and female were 119. Mean age was 49.9 ± 13.5 and Mean BMI was 25.0 ±
Operating time was 120 minutes. Intra-cystic fluid drained was 2000 ml in all. Total 3.7. Previous abdominal operative history was 64 cases. Patients pathologies
blood loss was negligible. Postoperative course was uneventful. Patient was dis- included: chronic cholecystitis (149 cases), acute cholecystitis (19 cases), GB polyps
charged on the fifth postoperative day without any drainage tube. Patient was very (28 cases), GB empyema (4 cases). Mean op time was 56.8 ± 27.6 minutes and mean
pleased with her cosmetic results and she remained free of complaints during follow- hospital stay was 2.7 ± 2.3 days. There were two cases of three port conversion due
up. to cystic artery bleeding and no conversion to open. Complications occurred 4 cases
In conclusion, we think that single incision laparoscopic surgery may be successfully including wound infection and no bile duct injury related problems.
applied as an available and effective alternative to conventional laparoscopy in the Conclusion: Single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) using Konyang
treatment of liver cysts. Standard Method is safe and feasible. And there seems to be no typical limitation.
Therefore, almost all benign disease of gallbladder can be applied to the single
incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) using Konyang Standard Method.

P289 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P291 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


B.A. Popescu, M. Beuran, M. Vartic, D. Udobong, G. Varsa A STUDY AT TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL IN PAKISTAN
Emergency Hospital Bucharest, BUCHAREST, Romania A.R. Shaikh, A.K. Sangrasi, M.R. Abbasi
Aims: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is, maybe, after the appendectomy the first
Liaquat University of Medical Health & Sciences Jamshoro Pakistan,
procedure done by a resident surgeon in his last years of practice. Is the resident HYDERABAD, Pakistan
surgeon prepared for such a task and is it properly done? Aims: to assess the safety, feasibility and short term outcome of single incision
Methods: This is a retrospective study between Jan 2006–Jan 2012 in the Emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy with conventional instruments.
Clinical Hospital Bucharest. We took in study all the laparoscopic cholecystectomies Methods: a prospective study conducted at surgical department of Liaquat University
(193 cases) done by resident surgeons in one of the three general surgery clinics. All of Medical Health & sciences, Jamshoro, Pakistan from January 2010 to December
the residents were in their 4th-6th years of study. There were 148 female patients and 2011 of all the operable and fit cases of symptomatic cholelithiasis who consented
45 males. The mean age was 52.4, ranging from 20 to 94 years. Mean hospital stay for laparoscopic surgery and wanted better cosmetic results. The exclusion criteria
was 4.3 days (1–16 days). 180 were acute cholecystitis (48.88% chataral, 39.44% were acute cholecystitis, acute gall stone pancreatitis, common bile duct stones and
phlegmonous, 11.66% gangrenous). The preoperative work-up usually consisted of patients with comorbid.
blood work and abdominal sonography. 11 ERCPs were performed, 4 of them Results: total no of cases were 50. The age ranged from 30–59 years (mean 35.20
postoperatively. The operating team was formed in 46.6% by resident- senior, in years). There were 43 females and 07 males.
32.6% resident–resident and in 20.7% by resident-specialist. The operations were A midline incision made supraumbilically and 10 mm port placed. Two 5 mm ports
performed between 5 p.m.–7 a.m. in 64.24%. Drainage was established in all of placed on either side of umbilicus slightly superior and laterally in order to trian-
them. 75.6% of patients had other illness. There were performed in the same time, 1 gulate. A 2/0 prolene suture placed through the infundibulum of the gall bladder. The
appendectomy, 2 ombilical hernias, 1 hepatic biopsy for presumed metastasis and 1 rest of the procedure is like standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
cholangiography. The operating time was 80 minutes (range 50–120). Four case were converted to
Results: We registered 5 conversions to open surgery, 4 done by the same surgeon standard four incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy due to bleeding and difficult
but whom has 1/3 of all cases. 2 reinterventions accured, one for bilioma (Luschka dissection in callots triangle. There was minimal blood loss during the operation.
duct) and one for gallstones in the CBD. 4 ERCP-s were performed postoperatively There was no postoperative complication. The median pain scale was three. The
for remaining gallstones in the CBD. One of the patients, died in the 4th postop- cosmetic results were satisfactory. The length of hospital stay was 01 day (range
erative day, by sudden death (massive pulmonary thromboembolism – autopsy). 1–2).
Conclusions: We found that laparoscopic cholecystectomy is indeed a safe procedure Conclusion: the laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be done safely with conventional
done by the resident surgeon, even in the late hours of the day. The majority of cases laparoscopic instruments and ports without additional cost of single port and artic-
were acute ones, done in the same day of the admission. There were no lesions of the ulated instruments the cosmetic results are excellent with minimal increase in the
CBD, one of the most feared complications of this procedure. operating time.

S126 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P292 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P294 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


H. Tarao K. Siddique1, S. El-abyed2, S. Basu2
Hokuto hospital, OBIHIRO, Japan Wirral University Hospitals NHS Trust, STOCKPORT,
Patients and Methods: Five cases (Four patients) with preoperative chemotherapy
United Kingdom; 2East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust, ASHFORD,
underwent LLR between January 2009 and December 2011. We usually perform United Kingdom
LLR by clamp crushing method with the Vessel sealing system (Liga-sure) without Aims: To identify the reasons for readmission in post-operative patients who
precoagulation. In addition, total or half Pringle’s maneuver for four cases was underwent elective and emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy, in a large district
performed with 15 minutes clamp and 5 minutes de-clamp for vascular inflow, and general hospital covering a population of 700,000 (approximately).
one case underwent LLR without hemostasis of vascular inflow. There were 3 Methods: A prospective audit of 820 consecutive patients who underwent a lapa-
females and one male, he underwent twice LLR, with a mean age of 70 years (range, roscopic cholecystectomy between 1st April 2009–31st March 2010 was carried out.
44–80). There were two cases of metastatic rectal cancers, two cases of metastatic Patients were identified from the real-time hospital database using procedure coding
colon cancers and one metastatic breast cancer. All the cases were recurrence after and readmitted patients’ case notes were reviewed.
radical resection for primary cancer tumor, and had solitary metastasis at each time Patients readmitted within 28 days were the primary focus of this study; admissions
of the operation. In the site of tumor, 3 cases were in segment 7, one case in segment within one year were also included.
3 and one case in segment 4. Two cases had received preoperative chemotherapy Results: 767 (94%) and 53 (6%) patients underwent elective and emergency surgery
with mFOLFOX6, one case with UFT/LV (oral uracil, tegafur and leucovorin), and respectively. 49 (6%) patients were readmitted within 5? (1–87) days post-discharge
one case of metastatic breast cancer with AC-T (adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, and (Male 19; Female 30); median age was 53 (20–84) years. Within the readmission
paclitaxel). subgroup, 4 (8%) patients had 2 readmissions within 28 days, and a further 2 (4%)
Result: We performed 4 pure-LLR and one hybrid-LLR (all cases were partial presented beyond the 28-day period. 47 (96%) and 2 (4%) of readmissions followed
resections). In addition, one case of pure LLR underwent pylorus-preserving gas- elective and emergency procedures respectively.
trectomy(PPG) at the same time. The mean tumor size was 25.6 mm (range, 15–36), Patients underwent blood (49; 100%), USS (34; 70%), selective CT (15; 31%) and
the average of operation time was 320.8 minutes (range, 265–363) and the average of MRCP (7; 14%) investigations. 10 (20%) patients had a raised CRP ([10), 10(20%)
blood loss was 212.6 mL (range, 16–517). The average of postoperative hospital stay had deranged liver function tests and 2(4%) had raised amylase.
was 9.4 days (range, 5–14), and there were no case with blood transfusion, com- Causes identified for readmissions were right hypochondrial/epigastric pain: 42
plications or mortalities. This result did not have the difference in comparison with (86%), nausea/vomiting: 22 (45%), a subhepatic collection: 18(37%), jaundice:
the case that did not receive preoperative chemotherapy. In spite of sinusoidal 6(12%), wound infection: 3(6%), pancreatitis: 2 (4%), pulmonary embolism: 1(2%)
dilatation was recognized pathologically in two cases that received mFOLFOX6. In and urinary retention: 1(2%).
addition, one case had undergone a liver resection two times (open and LLR), but 39(80%) patients were treated conservatively, 7(14%) underwent radiological
there was not effect from multiple surgery. drainage and 5(10%) had an ERCP ± sphincterotomy. All recovered with a read-
Conclusions: The LLR can be performed safely in patients who received preoper- mission stay of 3? (0–20) days.
ative chemotherapy, in local resection case. In addition, LLR is profitable in multiple Conclusions: In the current climate of austerity, a better understanding of post-
liver resection. operative complications with more aggressive postoperative pain control and man-
agement of nausea and vomiting would help to achieve the government’s goal of cost
savings for the NHS. Median

P293 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P295 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


A. Cotirlet, I. Motoc M. Schuijtvlot1, M. Maatouk1, A. Zaidi2, J. Bunni3, R. Aziz4
Moinesti Hospital, MOINESTI, Romania 1
Weston General Hospital, WESTON SUPER MARE,
Aims: Cirrhosis of the liver contributes significantly to morbidity and mortality in United Kingdom; 2Morriston Hospital, SWANSEA, United Kingdom;
abdominal surgery. This study evaluates the technical difficulties, safety and efficacy Glocestershire Royal Hospital, GLOCESTER, United Kingdom;
of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in cirrhotic patients. LUMS, LAHORE, Pakistan
Methods: Between january 2009–December 2011, 1278 laparoscopic cholecystec-
tomies were performed; 33(2.6%) of these were performed in cirrhotic patients. 20 Aim: To compare the complication rate and number of previous admissions for
patients had no evidence of cirrhosis at the time of operation. Based on the Child biliary disease between patients under the age of 70 and patients of 70 years and
classification, there were 7 (21,12%) grade B and 16 (78.88%) grade A patients. older.
Results: 33 laparoscopic cholecystectomies were performed, 5(15.15%) of which Methods: A Retrospective study of 629 consecutive (elective and emergency) lap-
converted into open procedure due to: 2 to excessive hemorrhage from gallblader aroscopic cholecystectomies (LC) performed in a small District General Hospital
bed, 2 to an immobile and hypertrophic liver and 1 to severe inflammatory edema between September 2007 and December 2010. Data collected in an exel data sheet
and adhesions. Operating time room ranged between 40 to 160 minutes (the mean and statistical analysis with 2 tailed ANOVA and t-means tests.
operative time was 75 minutes), with the extent of coagulopathy correlating with the Results: A total of 598 consecutive cases were included in the study. Excluded were
length of time needed to achieve satisfactory hemostasis. There were no operative 21 missing notes and 10 notes with missing data which is 5% of the study population.
deaths, bile duct injuries or reinterventions for bleeding. Mean length of postoper- The 598 LC were divided into \70 years of age (479) and 70 years and older (119).
ative stay was 5.25 days. The group demographics for gender, ASA and indication for surgery were studied
Conclusion. Although technically challenging especially because of the coagulopa- and the 70+ age group has a non-significantly higher percentage of males, ASA II
thy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is safe for patients with mild to moderate cirrhosis and III and indication for cholecystitis and pancreatitis.
of the liver. The number of previous admissions is higher in the 70+ age group. The complica-
tions during surgery are equivalent however the conversion rate is 5x higher in the
70+ age group (4.5%). While there may be a tendency for higher bowel and bile duct
injury (0.4%) in the younger age group. Postop complications are non-significantly
higher in the 70+ age group with 2% (v 0% \70) MI, 5% (v 0.8% \70) retained
bileduct stones and 0.8% (v 0.2% \70) mortality. 75% of patients \70 years old go
home on day 1 postop while only 45% of elderly go home by day 1. Conclusion: LC
in elderly patient is as safe as LC in younger than 70 group; as there is no statistically
significant difference in the complications rate between both groups.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S127

P296 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P298 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


T. Akaraviputh, T. Sriprayoon IN 3 CASE SERIES
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, BANGKOK, Thailand T. Akaraviputh, N. Suksamanapun
Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, BANGKOK, Thailand
Aim: Endoscopic sphincteroplasty (ESPT) using a large balloon dilatation is an
alternative technique in removing a difficult common bile duct (CBD) stone. For choledochal cyst, complete excision of cyst with Roux-en-Y hepaticojej-
However, the comparison of using ESPT with using mechanical lithotripsy unostomy anastomosis is the treatment of choice. It has been performed
(ML) in this condition had not been previously studied. To compare the out- laparoscopically with the advancement of laparoscopic skill. Recently, a
come and complications of endoscopic difficult CBD stone removal using telemanipulative robotic surgical system was introduced, providing laparo-
ESPT and ML. scopic instruments with wrist-arm technology and 3-dimensional visualization
Methods: From January 2003 to December 2009, in this a retrospective study, of the operative field. We present three cases of robot-assisted total excision of
eighty patients with CBD stones underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangio- a choledochal cyst and biliary reconstruction. All were done roux-en-y, one
pancreaticography (ERCP) for stone removal with difficulty. ESPT using a intracorporeal. Total operative time is 4 hours in average (range 3–5 hours).
large balloon dilatation was performed in 62 patients (group A) and 31 patients Postoperativelly They could start enteral feeding within 2 days. Intra-abdom-
with ML (group B). The success rate of complete stone clearance and post inal collection occurred in one patient who was successfully treated with
ERCP complications were analyzed. continuous percutaneous drainage. In one patient, the operation was converted
Results: In the aspect of success rate of complete stone removal, in group A, to opened technique because of bleeding from right hepatic artery. All the
the treatment was more effective than in group B (88.7% vs 61.3%, p value = patients are doing well without evidence of recurrent cholangitis or
0.006). In group A, there were eight patients (11.3%) required adjunctive ML malignancy.
for complete stone clearance. Both techniques were associated with low
complication rate (3.2%). Post ERCP bleeding was found in one patient (1.6%)
with ESPT using a large balloon dilatation. Mild post-ERCP pancreatitis
occurred in only one patient of both groups.
Conclusion: ESPT using large diameter balloon dilatation after biliary
sphinctertomy is an effective technique for a difficult CBD stone removal
associated with a lower rate of complications.

P297 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P299 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


M.T. Oruc, M.U. Ugurlu, H.T. Turgut, Z. Boyacioglu V. Kolomiytsev, Ja. Havrysh, M. Pavlovsky
Kocaeli Derince Teaching and Research Hospital, KOCAELI, Turkey Lviv Medical University, LVIV, Ukraine
Aim: Comparison of laparoscopic (LCBDE) and endoscopic retrograde
Introduction: We herein report our results of transumbilical multi-port lapa-
(ERCBDE) exploration and clearance of the common bile duct in patients with
roscopic cholecystectomy (TUMP-LC) that can minimize these problems.
acute cholecystitis.
Methods: Twenty-five consecutive patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis
Patients and Methods: Combined prospective and retrospective analysis of all
were included. For evaluation of surgical stress preoperative and postoperative
patients with acute cholecystitis, complicated with biliary obstruction over a
C-reactive protein (CRP) values at 6 h and 24 h were measured. Postoperative
period of 15 years in the surgical department. 2416 patients with acute cho-
pain was evaluated using a standard 10-point visual analogue scale (VAS). A
lecystitis and laparoscopic cholecystectomy were included in the study.
single 3 cm, elliptical umbilical skin incision was established. Subcutaneous
Results: 403 patients had bile ducts problems and were underwent to CBD: 12
flap was then established to provide a sufficient area for three trocars’ place-
of them had LCBDE, 385 – preoperative ERCBDE, and 6 avoided laparotomy
ment. The 5 mm camera trocar was placed into the abdominal cavity, just
by postoperative ERCBDE. Of 12 LCBD explorations 10 (83%) were chole-
above the umbilical cord. Then two more trocars were placed. Once the lap-
dochostomies with T-tube drainage and only 2 (17%) had exploration through
aroscope, grasper and dissector were in place, the overall procedures were
cystic duct with ligation. Laparoscopic clearance of the CBD was achieved in
similar to the standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
11 (92%) of patients; one patient required additional elective postoperative
Results: The study enrolled 42 consecutive patients who underwent TUMP-LC
ERCBD. Median operating time was 119 and 55 min in LCBDE and ERCBDE
by the same surgeon. The mean age of the patients was 49.77 years; mean BMI
respectively. To prevent poor results of LCBDE attempts the prognostic factors
of the patients was 28.3 kg/m2. The mean duration of the surgery was 43.9
for difficult and/or failed laparoscopic CBD exploration were calculated.
minutes. Additional trocars were needed in 2 (4.7%) cases. No cases were
Conclusions: Laparoscopic operations in patients with acute cholecystitis
converted to a standard 4-port cholecystectomy. Endo Wire Loops were used in
complicated with choledocholithiasis are feasible and safe, but success rate are
16 (38%) cases in order to facilitate gall bladder retraction. Plasma CRP values
not so high. In patients with predicted difficult laparoscopic CBD exploration
increased at 6 h and started to decrease at 24 h. The CRP values did not
the preoperative endoscopic retrograde dissolution of biliary problems is
decrease to baseline values at 24 h. The mean pain scores postoperatively at 4
h, 12 h and 24 h were 3.8 ± 1.22, 3.4 ± 1.25 and 2.0 ± 1.05, respectively.
There were a statistically significant difference between the scores at 12 h and
24 h and 4 h and 24 h. The mean LOS at hospital was 1.04 ± 0.2 days. During
follow-up a superficial surgical site infection occurred in 3 (7.1%) patient and 4
(9.5%) patients suffered from non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms like
nausea and flatulence. None of the patients required any medical consultations
at 1 month follow up.
Conclusion: We believe that this approach overcomes the technical difficulties
of single port surgery and experienced laparoscopic surgeons can safely per-
form TUMP-LC.

S128 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P300 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P302 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


A. Maghiar, P.R. Sookha, G. Dejeu CYST
Spitalul Pelican Oradea, ORADEA, Romania D.N. Margaritescu, S. Patrascu, E. Georgescu, T. Bratiloveanu,
Aim: Performing single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a safe and feasible
S. Ramboiu, D. Marinescu, M. Bica, M. Georgescu, B. Carju,
way in a more public approach. C.M. Surlin
Methods: Between August 2009 till January 2012 the surgical teams, taking in University of Medicine and Pharmacy, CRAIOVA, Romania
consideration ultrasonography measurement of the thickness of the gallbladder wall,
Aims: evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic strategy in liver hydatid cyst.
previous surgery on superior abdominal wall, and the lack of signs of acute
Methods: We analyzed retrospectively 102 cases of liver hydatid cyst (35 M/67 F,
inflammation, proposed the single incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy. We had
aged between 5 and 85 years old) hospitalized in the past 12 years. Cysts were single
795 patients admitted for gallbladder stones, 197 were proposed SILS cholecys-
in 63 cases, 71.42% located on the right liver and multiple in 39 patients. 48 cases
tectomy, 170 patients agreed.
(47.04%) were uncomplicated, 54 presenting one or more complications: biliary 46
Our technique involves a 2 cm transombilical incision, through which we introduce
(45%), infection 15 (14.7%), rupture into the peritoneum 12 (11.76%), biliobronchial
our first 10 mm trocar and perform a exploratory laparoscopy. If the case seems
fistula in 1 case. All the cases were operated – 92 open surgery, 10 cases by lapa-
feasible for SILS cholecystectomy, we continue by placing a second 10 mm trocar
roscopic approach. Radical procedures were performed in 24 cases and conservative
just anterior and lateral to the first one.
otherwise. Albendazole was administered as prophylaxis of recurrence. No recur-
For our first 100 cases we used the puppeteer technique. After placing the trocars we
rence was observed at ultrasonographic and CT-scan follow-up.
introduce 3 transcutaneous sutures, used to retract the gallbladder in different
Results: 76 cases (74.5%) had a favorable evolution. 26 patients (25.49%) presented
positions. The cholecystectomy is performed the same as in classic laparoscopic
postoperative complication: suppurative 9 cases, external biliary fistula 12 cases, 6
cases. From January 2011 we started using the double curved Dapri forceps from
cases general complication. Postoperative mortality was 1.96%.
Karl Storz for SILS cholecystectomies. From April 2011 we started using the En-
Conclusions: 1. Surgery is the main therapeutic method for hydatid cyst. 2. Lapa-
dograb to retract de gallbladder fundus.
roscopic approach has well codified indications. 4. Prophylaxis of recurrences should
Results: We had 4 conversions from SILS to classic laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
be made with postoperative administration of albendazole.
All of these cases were for bleeding difficult to control through the SILS technique.
In the whole 132 lot we never had conversions to cholecystectomy by laparotomy
and we had no major intra or postoperative incidents or accidents. Our mean surgery
time was 1 hour 13 minutes during our first seven cases, and the end of the 170 cases
our mean surgery time was 35 minutes. All patients were discharged 48 hours
Conclusions: Single incision laparoscopic surgery is still a new concept, it is fea-
sible, and will definitely be in great demand in the future. The puppeteer technique is
a economic way of performing SILS cholecystectomy and can be performed in all
surgery clinics that are performing laparoscopic procedures. The introduction of
curved instruments, although more expensive, comes in the aid of both surgeons
ergonomics and shortening the operating time without the sacrifice of patient safety.

P301 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P303 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


PRESENTATION R. Vilallonga, A. Calero, J.M. Fort, E. Caubet, O. Gonzalez,
A. Maghiar, P.R. Sookha, G. Dejeu, D.H. Ciurtin, M. Sfirlea, M. Armengol
C. Macovei Universitary Hospital Vall d’Hebron, BARCELONA, Spain
Spitalul Pelican Oradea, ORADEA, Romania
In 1997 minilaparoscopic cholecystectomy (total size of trocar incision\25 mm) was
We present the case of a 62 year old male, C. A., from urban area in Oradea, first introduced, in order to reduce the morbidity of surgical wounds. Since then
Romania, that presented to our clinic with jaundice, abdominal pain, nausea, con- many reports have shown its efficacy and utility in order to achieve better postop-
stipation. After clinical and paraclinical (biological and imaging) evaluation the erative results in terms of pain, recovery and aesthetic result.
patient was diagnosed with Choledocholithiasis, acute cholecystitis, intestinal Patients and methods: In a three months period, four minilaparoscopic cholecys-
occlusion. tectomies were performed in our surgical department. There were no exclusion
The biological investigations found increased bilirubin levels, increased AST and criteria. The indication was an elective symptomatic cholelithiasis in one case, and
ALT, increased WBC, modified coagulation. We performed a CT abdominal scan emergency acute cholecystitis in the other three (gangrenous with abscess in one
that concluded: acute cholecystitis, cu important pericholecystic inflammation, intra case, with ictericia in another one and with transaminases raise in one another). The
and extra hepatic cholestasis from a single Choledocholithiasis 9 mm in diameter. aim of these short study was measure median stay, surgical timing, surgical com-
The preoperative cardiology consult found high blood pressure, under treatment, plications and cosmetic result.
ischemic and hypertensive cardiopathy, and permitted the surgical intervention. Surgical procedure: Hasson umbilical throcar 12 mm for camera, 3’5 mm trocars for
We decided to operate and the patient agreed to laparoscopic surgery and chole- the work ports (two or three) for the endograsper and cautery, or additional grasper.
dochoscopy. We operated the second day of admission through laparoscopy, Fascia closure was performed with reabsorbable suture and the skin closure was
adhesiolysis, cholecystectomy, trans cystic cholangiography – we found the 9 mm performed with prolene 4-0. All operations were performed by the same surgeon.
choledocholithiasis in the distal choledochus. We performed a choledochoscopy Results: The patient age was median of 61’2 yrs (range 32–78). There were three females
through a choledochotomy and visualized and extracted the stone with the Dormia and one male. The median length stay was 5’25 days (range 1–12 days), the longer stay
basket. We then placed a T-tube and sub-hepatic drainage. owing to icteric patient waiting RM. However, excluding this patient mean length stay was
The patient had a uneventfull recovery and left the hospital the 5th day with the 1’6 days. Median surgical time was 75 min (range 30–120). There were no surgical
T-tube in place. The T-tube was removed after 10 days. complications such as technique conversion, bleeding or wound infection. The median
following time was 2 months. The median cosmetic result was 9/10.
Conclusion: These preliminary data suggest that reducing the size of trocar incision
results in a preliminary good experience. Although there has been no reconversion,
the use of ML, carries a higher risk of conversion to conventional LC or open
cholecystectomy. Further randomized controlled trials, comparing this approach to
other such as SILS will be required.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S129

P304 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P306 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


OF NITRIC OXIDE DONATOR ‘TIVORTIN’ M.K. Nassar, V.M. Gough, Z. Ahmed, H.M. Nassar
V.Ye. Vansovich, V.I. Pshenichny Monklands Hospital, AIRDRIE, United Kingdom
National Medical University, ODESSA, Ukraine Aim: To evaluate the causes and incidence of open conversion in a referral
Aims:To determine the efficacy of the postoperative hepatic parenchyma biliary unit treating all biliary emergencies admitted to a district hospital in one
functional condition in patients who after laparoscopic cholecystectomy session.
(LChE) received nitric oxide donator ‘Tivortin’. The background of the these Methods: Analysis of a prospective series of 3328 laparoscopic cholecystec-
series of clinical-laboratory observations was to evaluate the principal possi- tomies (LC), including 650 common bile duct explorations over 19 years. No
bility of the hepatic parenchyma improvement in patients after LChE. cases were preselected for open surgery.
Methods: 26 patients with bile stones inside the gallbladder and acute chole- Results: The male to female ratio was 1:4 with a median age of 51 years (range
cystitis were underwent to LChE. All of them had direct indications for LChE. 14–89 years). There were 1007 emergency admissions (30.2%) including
These patients were randomized into the following groups: the 1st group jaundice in 423 cases (12.7%), acute pancreatitis in 182 5.4% and acute cho-
patients (n = 11) received traditional therapy during the after operational lecystitis/empyema in 197 cases (5.9%).. 963 cases (29%) had had previous
period. ‘Tivortin’ was included into the complex after operational treatment of abdominal surgery. LCBDE was done in 650
the 2nd group patients (n = 15). Hepatic specific enzymes [alanine amino- Open conversion was necessary in 27/3328 cases (o.8%) over 19 years. Two
transferase (ALAT), aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) and base phosphatase thirds were female. The converted cases had a median age of 52.5 years
(BP)] activities together with plasma total protein and urea content were (26–78). 19 (70%) of those needing conversion were emergency admissions;
determined during the postoperative period. presenting with jaundice in 13/27 (48%) and acute cholecystitis/empyema in 3
Results: There were no episodes of the hepatic failure among the patients of the cases (11%). 3 patients (11%) had abdominal scars resulting from previous
2nd group. There were 2 cases of hepatic insufficiency in patients from the 1st abdominal surgery. Risk factors for bile duct stones were present in 17 cases
group. Starting from the 2nd after LChE the 2nd group patients showed (65.38%), and CBD stones requiring LCBDE were present in 15 cases (57.7%).
insignificant protein (+23%) and urea (+19%) level increasing and BP (-26%) We found significant associations with jaundice, choledocholithiasis, ASA
decreasing together with both ALAT (in 1.7 times, p \ 0.05) and ASAT (in 2 score of 3 or higher, empyema and Mirizzi syndrome (p \ 0.01 for each), as
times, p \ 0.05) activities decreasing pertaining the same indexes in blood well as a thickened or contracted gall bladder on the preoperative ultrasound
samples from the patients of the 1st group without ‘Tivortin’ administration. scan (p = 0.02).
The forthcoming clinical observation showed better clinical condition and Conclusion: Referring emergency biliary cases to a specialised firm within a
more improved hepatic parenchyma functional activity in the 2nd group district hospital can optimise the conversion rate in high risk patients. Tradi-
patients. tional risk factors such as gender, previous abdominal surgery, acute
Conclusions: These data are in favour of earliest start of hepatoprotective cholecystitis and empyema and old age should not significantly influence the
treatment in patients with bile hypertension. ‘Tivortin’ treatment resulted in decision of conversion.
earlier and more effective hepatic parenchyma functional state improvement in
the operated patients.

P305 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P307 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery

FOR BILIARY COLIC? A. Bond, D Veeramootoo, T. Liston, K Singh
O. Ayodeji, P. Burgess Worthing Hospital, WORTHING, United Kingdom
The Great Western Hospital, BRISTOL, United Kingdom Aims: The treatment of common bile duct (CBD) stones can vary in com-
plexity and many methods have been devised to achieve this laparoscopically.
Introduction: Biliary colic is a common presentation of gallstone disease. The
Although holmium laser is frequently used in urological surgery, it is infre-
optimal management is adequate analgesia and laparoscopic cholecystectomy
quently used on CBD stones.
at the index presentation/admission. However, this option is the exception
Methods: The holmium laser was passed along a fiber introduced via a flexible
rather than the rule; most patients are managed conservatively and discharged
ureteroscope through a choledochotomy at the time of laparoscopic chole-
with a future elective surgery date. It has been noted that a proportion of this
cystectomy. This energy modality was used to fragment the stones to a size that
patient do re-present during this ‘window’ period with recurrent symptom or
allowed easy removal with irrigation through the flexible ureteroscope.
complications. The aim of this study is to determine the proportion of patients
Results: We have a series of 3 patients who have successfully undergone this
who re-present, at what cost to the health service and if there is need for service
Conclusion: The use of Holmium Laser in this fashion is an alternative
Method: 152 patients who had laparoscopic cholecystectomy at the Great
modality in the treatment of difficult CBD stones.
Western Hospital between January and June 2011 were retrospectively
reviewed. Data on waiting time to surgery, mode of presentation and recurrent
admissions were collated. The cost of readmissions was also calculated.
Findings: 137 patients had an index presentation of biliary colic confirmed by
ultrasonography. Mean waiting time to surgery 22 weeks. Acute presentation-
49, outpatient presentation-88. 23(16%) patients re-presented with recurrent
symptom/complication. The total inpatient stay was 154 days at a cost of about
Conclusion: There is a strong economic and health benefit to establishing an
acute/semi-elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy service for patients pre-
senting with biliary colic.

S130 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P308 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P310 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery


HMC, DOHA, Qatar M. Venianaki, K. Lasithiotakis, I. Petrakis, A. Andreou, O. Zoras,
41 year old male patient who presented at accident emergency department with
G. Chalkiadakis
history of 4 days right upper abdominal pain associated with vomiting and fever on University Hospital of Crete, HERAKLION, Greece
examination he had fever 38.5 tachycardia tender right hypochondrial region u/s Aims: Older age is associated with increased postoperative complications attributed
showed acute cholecystitis lap exploration showed distended gangerous gall bladder to decreased functional reserves. Geriatric Comprehensive Assessment (CGA) is a
lap cholecystectomy was done and he passed unevetfull post operative recovery. multidimensional assessment of the functional reserves of the patients. It has been
extensively evaluated in gerontology but has never been used in patients undergoing
laparoscopic surgery. Herein, the association of GCA with postoperative outcomes in
older patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy is assessed.
Methods: The study prospectively included 57 patients over 65 years old who
underwent elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy for uncomplicated biliary disease,
during the period of October 2008 and December 2011. All consenting patients
underwent CGA assessment within a week prior to surgery. Demographic data were
collected and the functional status of patients was determined by contemporary
geriatric tools, such as Lawton-Brody independent activities of daily life (IADL)
scale, Katz Basic activities of daily life index (ADL), Charlson’s comorbidity index,
the malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST), the mini-mental state examination
(MMSE). Postoperative complications were classified into five severity grades (I-V).
Results: Approximately half of the study patients (50.9%) were women and the
median (interquartile range) of their age was 73(8.8) years. Patients fulfilling the
frailty criteria after using IADL-score, ADL-score MMSE-score, MUST-score and
CCI-score were 14.0%, 7.0%, 14.0% and 51% respectively. Postoperative compli-
cations occurred in 22.5% of all geriatric patients, the majority (18.8%) of which
were grade I or II (no need for intervention). The commonest complications were
fever (7.5%) and hemorrhage (3.7%). One patient (1.8%) underwent exploratory
laparotomy for postoperative bleeding and one patient (1.8%) died of severe pan-
creatitis. Frail patients, according to the CGA assessment experienced significantly
higher incidence of postoperative complications compared to their fit counterparts
(84.6% vs 15.4%, p = 0.023).
Conclusion: Comprehensive geriatric assessment may predict outcome of elective
laparoscopic cholecystectomy for biliary disease.

P309 – Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery P311 – Morbid Obesity


LAPAROSCOPIC INSTRUMENTS: INITIAL EXPERIENCE M. Kasalicky1, R. Pohnan1, M. Burian1, I. Ilievova2, M. Haluzik3
OF A SINGLE INSTITUTE Central Military Hospital and 2nd Medical School Charles
M.A. Hassan, M. Nasr, M.S. Hedaya, A.I. Nafeh, M. Elsebae University, PRAGUE 6, Czech Republic; 2Trnava University,
Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, GIZA, Egypt TRNAVA, Slovak Republic; 33rd Internal Department 1stMedical
Background: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) had been considered the gold
School, Charles University, PRAGUE, Czech Republic
standard treatment for symptomatic gall bladder (GB) stones. Single incision lapa- Aim: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) as a single-stage procedure for the
roscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) was emerged as a less invasive alternative with treatment of morbid obesity seems to be a feasible bariatric-metabolic method for
better cosmesis and less post operative pain. patients with BMI ?40, BMI = 35 respectively. On the base of presented studies it
Objective: This study evaluated the feasibility, safety, advantages and complications appears that LSG significantly improves metabolic disturbances and T2DM of
of SILC using the conventional laparoscopic instruments in our institute. morbid obese (MO) patients.
Methodology: A total of 52 patients (47 females and 5 males) with symptomatic GB Material and method: 148 MO patients (32 males, 116 females) underwent LSG
stones underwent elective SILC using the conventional laparoscopic instruments. from 2006 to 2011. Average age was 43.2 years (19–65), height was 169.1 cm
Results: The mean operative time was 61.75 minutes and the mean estimated blood (151–191), weight was 127.4 kg (97–184) and average BMI was 44.5 (34.1–71,9).
loss was 17.21 ml. Gall bladder perforation occurred in 5 cases (9.6%) in which 3 Dyslipidemia was pre-operatively diagnosed in all cases. T2DM was pre-operatively
cases calculi spillage occurred. Troublesome cystic artery bleeding occurred in 2 diagnosed in 27(100%) patients (21 of them were on oral antidiabetics drugs (OAD)
cases (3.8%) while gall bladder bed bleeding happened in 1 case (1.9%). An and 7 were on combined therapy by insulin and OAD.
intraoperative cholangiogram was performed in 3 cases and a drain was inserted in Results: Finally 97 MO patients after LSG from 2006 to 2011 were statistically
one case. No conversions of the technique occurred. 49 patients discharged in the evaluated, by reason that 21 MO patients were excluded because of incomplete data
first post operative day and 3 patients (5.8 %) in the 2nd day. Three month post and 30 MO patients because of short time after LSG. Average weight loss was 35.1
operative wound length was an average of 1.58 cm while patient satisfaction of the kg (9–72), average %EBL reached 61.8 % (11.1–121.3), average %EWL was 59.2 %
surgery was an average of 9.32. (14.7–114.2) and average decrease of BMI was 14.6 (4.9–24.1). Diabetes completely
Conclusion: In uncomplicated gall bladder stone disease; SILC is feasible and safe. It resolved in 71 % of preoperative diabetic patients during the postoperative period of
has an excellent aesthetic results and high grade of patient satisfaction, it could be 24 months and in rest (29 %) improved after surgery. Most frequent long time
performed with the conventional laparoscopic instruments and its scale of applica- complication was in 21,7 % heartburn very good responds to treatment with PPI.
tion could be widened once enough experience attained. Conclusion: The LSG is a safe bariatric procedure with long time good results in
both weight loss, and improvement of metabolic co-morbidities of patients with
Supported by IGA MZ grant No. 10024-4.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S131

P312 – Morbid Obesity P314 – Morbid Obesity


J.J. Harlaar, L.U. Biter, G.H.H. Mannaerts PRELIMINARY RESULTS
Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands F. Sabench, M. Vives, A. Cabrera, M. Hernández, S. Blanco,
Introduction: After bariatric surgery patients often visit the emergency department with
A. Sánchez, J. Jara, D. Del Castillo, E. Raga
dysphagia and general illness. Restricted intake and vomiting are common postoperative Rovira i Virgili University. University Hospital of S. Joan.
complaints. In several cases this can lead to severe vitamin-deficiency states, such as IISPV.F.of Medicine, REUS, Spain
Wernicke’s encephalopathy (WE). We present two patients with no history of alcoholism
who developed Beriberi after a gastric sleeve resection for morbid obesity despite oral Aim: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a good treatment for severe morbid obesity.
vitamin supplementation and follow up. Hepatic steatosis of these patients is usually high degree and its evolution in relation to the
Case description: postoperative outcome of metabolic parameters is still being studied. Also, several works
A 49 year old man was presented at the Emergency department with walking difficulties have studied the prevalence of H. pylori in obese patients. His relationship with weight loss
and confusion after a gastric sleeve resection for morbid obesity (BMI: 44.1 kg/m2). The and metabolic improvement is not sufficiently studied. The objective of this study is to
last 4 months he was readmitted for 3 times for observation of dysphagia and dehydration. identify the degree of liver steatosis before and after sleeve gastrectomy and metabolic
All investigations, including upper GI endoscopy were normal. The patient had symptoms changes produced. Also evaluate the prevalence of H. pylori in relation to such changes.
of tingling and weakness in both upper and lower extremities and memory loss of recent Methods: 65 morbidly obese patients operated on in the last 24 months (beginning in April
events. After one week the patient was diagnosed with neurologic Beriberi and Wernicke 2009). An Intraoperative liver biopsy is performed to determine the degree of steatosis
encephalopathy due to a low vitamin B1 level. During treatment with intravenous thiamine according to Brunt scale. A gastroscopy is performed preoperatively with antral biopsy to
the muscle strength increased, yet the patient developed Korsakov syndrome. Six weeks determine H. pylori. At 18 months postoperatively, a percutaneous liver biopsy guided by
later a 50 year old woman was readmitted to the hospital after laparoscopic gastric sleeve CT is performed again.
resection 3 months earlier because of morbid obesity (BMI: 56.5 kg/m2). Due to persisting Results: Significant improvement in laboratory parameters one year after surgery. The
dysphagia the patient underwent a laparoscopic gastric bypass as revision surgery. A few distribution of intraoperative hepatic steatosis is 46.4% for grade I, and 21.5% and 20.1%
days postoperative the patient had difficulty walking and complained of tingling in her legs. for grades II and III. A 12.3% had normal liver biopsy. At 18 months postoperatively, with
Thiamine levels were also low. The patient received direct treatment with intravenous 20% of the biopsies, 61.5% improves the degree of steatosis, 30 % holds the same grade and
thiamine, and the symptoms disappeared slowly. one patient worsens the degree of steatosis. 2 patients normalized pathology (15.3% of the
Discussion: These cases show that even if a multidisciplinary team takes care of bariatric biopsies for the moment). Patients with more severe steatosis are those with an excess
patients, oral vitamin and mineral supplementation is not always sufficient. We recommend weight loss increased (p \0.001). 22% of the sample is positive for H.pylori, with no
that patients with early dysphagia after bariatric surgery should start early with intramus- differences between sexes or in relationship with the postoperative weight loss. In H. Pylori
cular thiamine supplementation, because these cases show that bariatric Beriberi can negative patients, there is no improvement of steatosis at no case (p \ 0.05).
develop quite rapidly. Conclusions: Sleeve gastrectomy produces a significant improvement in metabolic
parameters and hepatic steatosis, more related to metabolic and weight improvement than
with liver parameters themselves. The prevalence of H. pylori is found in the lower limits of
the accepted range for such patients, although most studies find an increased prevalence
than in a healthy population. Their presence does not imply a lower weight loss in our
patients undergoing surgery.

P313 – Morbid Obesity P315 – Morbid Obesity

V.V. Grubnik, V.P. Golliak, O.V. Grubnik F. Sabench, M. Hernández, A. Cabrera, M. Vives, E. Raga, M. Parı́s,
Odessa national medical university, ODESSA, Ukraine S. Blanco, D. Del Castillo
Rovira i Virgili University. University Hospital of S. Joan.
LAGB is popular procedure for treatment of obesity in Europe. However, the impact of
these operations depends on the design of a silicone band.
IISPV.F.of Medicine, REUS, Spain
The aim was compare the results of operations using MiniMizer band and LapBand Aim: In morbidly obese patients we can observe an alteration of gastrointestinal motility
in the long term of weight loss and complication rate. respect to non obese patients, but their meaning is not entirely known, showing contro-
Materials and Methods: Between 2005 and 2010, 164 patients underwent LAGB. In 81 versial results with Gastric scintigraphy. This emptying may be accelerated, normal or even
patients (I group) standard LAGB using high pressure – low volume systems MiniMizer delayed, indicating that other factors may be involved in this variability. Moreover,
Extra and Endomed was performed. Low pressure – high volume bandages LapBand was intestinal incretines (GLP-1 and GIP) are working together to reduce postprandial hyper-
used for the treatment of obesity in 83 patients who entered (II group). glycemia inhibiting gastrointestinal motility and gastric emptying. GLP-1 is considered the
Results: Two groups of the patients were equal in preoperative data. The median BMI in I most effective of them.
group was 45 kg/m2 (range = 35–62 kg/m2), median BMI in the II group was 45.8 kg/m2 Methods: We study in preoperative and preliminary form, a series of 30 morbidly obese
(range, 37–65 kg/m2). Median %EWL in the patients of I group at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 months patients undergoing surgical treatment of their obesity (15 Sleeve gastrectomy and 15
postoperatively was 10, 17, 34, 50, 54% respectively, median follow-up attendances was Roux-en-Y gastrojejunal bypass). All patients were performed a preoperative Gastric
6.5. Median % EWL in patients of II group at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 months postoperatively was scintigraphy with marked food (Tc99) at a dose of 2 mCi. It filled the estimated gastric
9, 18, 38, 69, 72%, median follow-up attendances in this group was 20. emptying time at the initial small intestine and then calculates the curve activity/time of
Early postoperative complications was observed in two patients of I group as a pouch emptying. Also, we will determine plasmatic levels of GLP-1 and Ghrelin.
dilatation, and 1 patient of II group has early band slippage, it was connect with design of Results: 30 morbidly obese patients (90% F – 27, and 10 M – 3). Average BMI of 48.4 ± 6
the silicon band. (36–62 kg/m2). Diabetes mellitus type 2 in 10 patients (33.3%), hypertension in 14 patients
Late complications were in 14 patients in the I group (migration of the band – 8, port (46.7%). T1 scintigraphy (first emptying the small intestine) 15.37 ± 11 minutes. Emptying
infection – 6) and only in 3 in the II group (late band slippage – 2, port infection – 1). time curve according to activity/time:134.27 ± 65 minutes. There is a significant difference
Reoperation was performed in 8 patients of the I group and in 2 patients of the II group (p in the emptying of patients with a higher comorbidity, whether hypertensive or diabetic
\0.05). patients (111.11 ± 51 minutes) than those without a higher comorbidity (174.27 ± 46
Conclusion: Our preliminary results show that laparoscopic gastric banding is effective minutes) p \0.05. We could not find any significant correlation with gastric emptying, age
operation for weight loss. However, the number of the long-term complications in the I and with BMI.
group is significantly higher than it was noted for II group. Conclusions: In this study we observed a significant accelerated emptying specifically for
patients with diabetes mellitus and/or preoperative hypertension. This reaffirms the
hypothesis of a possible lack of regulation of GLP-1 in the morbid obesity before surgery.
The expected increase of GLP-1 after surgery might also help to normalize gastric emp-
tying. Evaluating the results at 6 and 12 months of the intervention, the study will be
completed regard to the influence of surgery on gastric emptying according to the technique
performed and the hormone levels of GLP-1 in particular.

S132 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P316 – Morbid Obesity P318 – Morbid Obesity


FOR MORBID OBESITY R. Corcelles, S. Delgado, A. Ibarzabal, D. Momblan, J. Vidal,
M. Vives, A. Cabrera, F. Sabench, M. Hernández, M. Socı́as, A. Lacy
S. Blanco, D. Del Castillo Hospital Clı́nic Barcelona, BARCELONA, Spain
University Hospital of sant Joan. Rovira i Virgili Univ.IISPV., Background: The close relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is well
REUS, Spain documented. Morbidly obese patients with T2DM who undergo bariatric surgery have
improvement or remission of their diabetes. Most non-surgical treatments can control
Aim: The surgical procedures that alter the function of the digestive tract may predispose to
hyperglycemia but they cannot induce the remission of diabetes. Gastric bypass (GBP)
the emergence of cancer. Cases have been published of cancer in the neo-esophagus after
operation offers T2DM improvement or remission; however the mechanisms or variables
colonic interposition or a Collis gastroplasty.
implied are not yet established.
The aim of this paper is to report the case of a female patient suffering from cardia
Objective: To identify predictive factors of T2DM resolution after laparoscopic GBP sur-
adenocarcinoma who had previously undergone a gastric bypass for morbid obesity and to
gery in the morbidly obese patient.
review whether there are any risk factors that may be associated.
Methods: We retrospectively evaluated pre- and postoperative data of 280 morbidly
Methods: 63-year-old female patient with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and an
adjustable gastric band inserted 11 years before. Three years later she had not lost a obese patients with Metabolic Syndrome (MS) glucose component according Adult
sufficient amount of weight and her comorbidities had not improved, so she underwent a Treatment Panel III (ATP-III) criteria, including demographics, duration of diabetes,
second intervention with gastric band extraction. A Roux-en-Y gastrojejunal bypass was metabolic parameters and clinical outcomes that underwent laparoscopic GBP from
performed. Seven years after, she presented symptoms of progressive dysphagia. A fibro- January 2007 to December 2008.
gastroscopy revealed a neoformative process in the cardia compatible with Results: Of 400 morbidly obese patients treated, 280 (66.5%) had MS glucose component
adenocarcinoma, and multiple hepatic metastases in the extension study. The fibrogas- Glucose tolerance in basal situation was normal in 120 patients (30%), impaired fasting
troscopy performed prior to the gastrojejunal bypass enabled pathology of the glucose (IFG) in 64 (15.2%), oral glucose intolerance 86 patients (21.4%) and 130 T2DM
gastroesophageal junction to be discounted at that time. (32.4%). Mean T2DM years of evolution was 4.1 ± 5.2 years (range 0 to 26 years) with a
Results: Chemotherapy was initiated but the disease advanced and an expandable prosthesis mean preoperative glycated Hb% of 5.4 ± 1.3 (range 3.9 to 11.9%). A logistic regression
had to be placed at the level of the cardia. The patient did not respond well to the treatment statistics model developed for determining possible variables implied on MS glucose res-
and died one year after the cardia adenocarcinoma had been diagnosed. olution after GBP surgery showed that patients with short age and diabetes evolution, better
Conclusions: Several studies have observed an increase in the incidence of cardia adeno- metabolic control (glycated Hb%) and without insulin therapy are associated to higher
carcinoma in morbidly obese patients. One hypothesis is that obesity favours T2DM resolution rate. %EWL and preoperative elevated HOMA, have been also associated
gastroesophageal reflux disease because it increases intra-abdominal pressure. It has been to T2DM resolution after surgery.
suggested that the changes in gastric motility after the gastric bypass increase the exposure Conclusion: The variables more strongly associated to a better T2DM resolution rate are
of the proximal stomach to acid. In 2007 Harutaka and Rubino observed that after the those in relation to a better metabolic glucose control before surgery, age and weight loss.
gastric bypass the risk of developing a gastric adenocarcinoma was lower. They concluded This should situate surgical therapeutic strategy in the early phases of the disease.
that the gastric bypass is a safe therapeutic option in morbid obesity even in areas with a
high incidence of gastric cancer. The presence of adenocarcinoma of the gastroesophageal
junction seems to be more associated with obesity and factors such as diet than to having
undergone a previous bariatric procedure.

P317 – Morbid Obesity P319 – Morbid Obesity


S. Custovic1, H. Pandza1, N. Hadžiomerovic1, A. Alibegovic2, O.B. Ospanov1, E.E. Sultanov2
R. Covic1, N. Mahmutovic1, A. Krupalija1, D. Matkovic1, S. Begic1 1National Researsh Medical Center, ASTANA, Kazakhstan;
General Hospital Sarajevo, SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina; Medical University, ASTANA, Kazakhstan
Vaxjo Central Hospital, VAXJO, Sweden The Aim this study was compared safety and efficiency two bariatric procedures: Lapa-
roscopic Sleeve Gastroplication (LSGP) and Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSGE).
Introduction: LRYGB is today most widely spread operation in treatment of morbid
Methods: From June 2010 to December 2011, 15 patients (12 female) were operated.
obesity. In B&H and region until recently there was no reports of successful introduction of
this procedure. The aim of this study was to evaluate safety of procedure introduction.
All patients were randomly divided in two groups. In the first group 7 patients
Materials and methods: Between November 2010 and November 2011 nine patients with underwent LSGP. Laparoscopic sleeve Gastroplication procedure not require gastric
LRYGB were operated for morbid obesity. The patients with BMI greater than 40 kg/m2 or resection and performed by plication greater curvature of gastric. In the second group
patients BMI greater than 35 kg/m2 with comorbidities are included in the study. The loss of 5% 8 patients performed Laparoscopic sleeve Gastrectomy procedure performing with
of initial weight was mandatory for all patients in order to reduce liver size preoperatively. All resection greater curvature of gastric. Mean age was 34.4 years in LSGP-group and
patients were operated with the external bariatric surgeon with significant experience that 36.5 years in LSGE-group. Mean BMI in LSGP-group was 43 kg/m2 and 41 kg/m2 in
performs routine bariatric surgical procedures in his hospital in Sweden. The local team inter- LSGE-group. Follow-up visits for the evaluating of safety and weight loss were
viewed the patients and explained procedure and preoperative protocol. The surgeon that scheduled for 1 week and 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months in the postoperative period.
performed the operations with our team was familiar with all collected information about Results: All restrictive bariatric procedures were performed laparoscopically without
patients by electronic correspondence several weeks before the procedure. Postoperatively, the conversions. Mean operative time was 47 minutes in LSGP-group (ranging from 37
patients were sent to Intensive care unit where vital signs, blood count and CRP were monitored. to 80 minutes) vs. 86 minutes (ranging from 74 to 120 minutes) in LSGE-group.
Results: There are nine patients that were successfully treated in this period. The BMI in the Mean hospital stay was 47 hours (ranging from 38 to 70 hours) in LSGP-group vs. 58 hours
first two patients changed from 44.60 kg/m2 and 47.55 kg/m2 to 31.38 kg/m2 and 32.80 kg/ (ranging from 43 to 90 hours) in LSGE.
m2 in 12 months. That means that these two patients lost 30.3% of their preoperative All patients in both group returned to normal activities ten days (5–14 days) following
weight. After 6 months the average weight loss for 6 of the 9 patients was 21.2%. There surgery. In LSGP-group mean percentage of excess weight loss (EWL) was calculated to be
were no significant complications with any of the patients and the average postoperative 21 percent at one month, 29 percent at three months, 51 percent at six months, 59 percent at
hospitalization time was 3.7 days. 12 months, 61 percent at 18 months, and 62 percent at 24 months. In LSGE-group mean
Discussion: Bariatric patients are connected with high operative risks. The problem with the percentage of EWL was calculated to be 19 percent at one month, 27 percent at three
introduction of this procedure is the lack of experience of the staff. The learning curve for months, 48 percent at six months, 56 percent at 12 months, 59 percent at 18 months, and 61
this procedure is much longer than it is for the other laparoscopic procedures. percent at 24 months (P [0.5). In both group were not significant complications, such as
Conclusions: Introduction of bariatric procedure is feasible but serious learning gastric leaks. The advantage of LSGP was no need for suturing devices, allowing to save
approach and multidisciplinary team work is necessary. The specific protocols money on each patient an average of 2400 $ US.
connected with procedure should be strictly followed in order to avoid complica- Conclusion: our preliminary study shows that LSGP and LSGE are safe and effective
tions. The surgeon with a lot of experience should be a leader of the team. bariatric procedures. However LSGP is simpler and cheaper LSGE.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S133

P320 – Morbid Obesity P322 – Morbid Obesity


F. Chikh Torab1, M.Y. Kayal2, M. Taha2, A. Saleh2, F. Branicki1 L. Lehmann, M. Michalik, P. Lech, W. Siczewski, A. Trybull
UAE University, AL AIN, United Arab Emirates; 2Tawam Hospital, Ceynowa Hospital, WEJHEROWO, Poland
AL AIN, United Arab Emirates Aims: GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor) is 1 % of all malignancies in adults.
Introduction: Revisional bariatric surgery (RBS) compromises 16% of the operations per- Annually there were approximately 300 cases in Poland diagnosed, with the con-
formed in our centre. Inadequate weight loss (70% of cases) or the presence of intolerable dition. GIST tumors are formed on the walls of organs nutrients and usually does not
side effects, technical and severe metabolic/nutritional complications are the most common spread from there to the internal organs, but grow freely into the peritoneal cavity.
indications for RBS. We are reporting our experience in performing RBS in the period Therefore, it is often diagnosed too late when already reached considerable size.
between 2001–2011. Method: A 28-year-old woman, 42 BMI, with no comorbidities. was admitted to
Patients and Method: A retrospective data collection from 1143 bariatric surgeries hospital for surgical treatment of obesity (laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy). The
including 186 RBS, 26 endoscopic intraluminal and 16 interventional drainage. RBS were patient was after abdominal angioplasty 6 years ago, two caesarian section and
classified to 8 abdominal wall, 172 laparoscopic (92%), 6 open. Revisions were divided into laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Preparing the patient for surgery included: pharma-
six groups (G): (G1 RBS after Gastric Banding): 6 operations on port site, 123 laparoscopic cological antithrombotic prophylaxis (Clexane 40 mg), the antithrombotic stockings
revisions with band removal only(23), band replacement (1), sleeve (20) and bypass (78)
and pneumatic cuffs, and antibiotic prophylaxis (Cefazolin 2 g). The operation took
with or after removal of band, 2 open, 2 endoscopic (G2 revisions after gastric bypass): 1
place on 10.08.2011 in the general and vascular surgery department, Ceynowa
drainage of abdominal wall abscess, 5 open revisions of leak (3), internal hernia (1),
Hospital, Wejherowo, Poland.
bleeding (1), 14 laparoscopic revisions of leak (2) internal hernia (5) and GI bleeding (1),
conversion of one anastomosis to Roux-en-Y bypass (1), pouch resize (5), 10 endoscopic Results: The surgery lasted 65 minutes, performed a standard laparoscopic tech-
revisions and 4 interventional placements of drainage, (G3 revisions after vertical gastro- nique. The control of the peritoneal cavity – intraoperatively change on the front wall
plasty): 6 laparoscopic placement of band (1), bypass (2) and sleeve (3), (G4 revisions after of the stomach (\2 cm). Real-time intraoperative study – GIST. After the consul-
sleeve gastrectomy): 17 laparoscopic revisions with resleeve (7), bypass (5), revision of a tation oncological treatment was continued. There were no intraoperative
leak (4) and bleeding (1), 14 endoscopic revisions and 12 interventional drainages, (G5 complications. Patient was released home on the second day after surgery.
cholecystectomy) in 9 patients), and (G6 others): open conversion of Duodenal Switch to Conclusions: Radical surgical resection of the primary tumor is the most effective
bypass. Results: Mortality of 0.5% with bowel ischemia after internal hernia. Morbidity of treatment for GIST. Control tests after 3 months showed no tumor recurrence. The
9.6% with postoperative bleeding (5), mild pulmonary embolisms (2), abdominal wall patient is under constant control of oncology.
hematoma (1) persisting collections and sepsis (2), leaks from anastomosis or stapler lines
(6), stomach outlet obstruction (1), leak from band erosion (1). After endoscopic stenting 2
patients with severe chest pain and 4 continuous leak. 5 patients have inadequate weight
loss after RBS.
Conclusions: RBS is relatively safe, can be done mostly laparoscopically and as effective as
primary procedure. It is necessary to have a detailed informed consent for individualized
and creative approach. Adequate experience is necessary to achieve satisfactory results.

P321 – Morbid Obesity P323 – Morbid Obesity


J. Cribilleros Barrenechea, L. Huillca Nuñez ROUX-EN-Y GASTRIC BYPASS
Clinica San Gabriel, LIMA, Peru W.D. Majewski1, K.K Kaseja2, B. Kolpiewicz1
We report the case of a 28 year old woman with important acid gastroesophageal Pomeranian Medical University, SZCZECIN, Poland;
reflux symptomatology, mostly daytime presentation with severe esophagitis Szczecin- Zdunowo, SZCZECIN, Poland
(DeMeester score 19.6). Small correction of moderate symptoms with proton pump
Aims: A comparison of long-term results and quality of life of patients operated on
inhibitors, with more than 10 years of disease described and treated medically.
for morbid obesity by laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy and laparoscopic Roux-en-Y
He undergoes esophageal hiatal closure calibration and gastric fundoplication
Gastric By-pass in one surgical center.
symmetric and calibrated with correction angle of His. Patient improves dramatically
Material and methods: Between 2006–2011 in Department of General and Vascular
from their symptoms, improving quality of life quickly. Evidenced postoperative
Surgery Szczecin- Zdunowo 74 patients (54 F, 20 M) with morbid obesity were
progressive weight gain associated with metabolic disorders quickly installed as
operated on by two methods. Mean age (42.4 and 45 years), and BMI (46.5 ± 8.9 kg/
insulin resistance, sleep apnea and high cholesterol.
m2 for SG and 45.1 ± 4.4 kg/m2 for RYGB) respectively, were comparable. One
Laparoscopy is performed; 34Fr probe orogastric calibration shows normal fundo-
surgeon in one center performed SG in 33 patients (24 F, 9 M) and RYGB in 41
plication and provision of adequate correction angle of His. They decide to make
patients (30 F, 11 M). An independent observer assessed these patients in a time of
vertical gastrectomy with normal calibration, section and reinforcing the suture line.
up to 6 months (37 pts) and after 6 months (37 pts) postoperatively. Quality of life
The patient evolved favorably in maintaining normal gastric transit, free endoscopy
was assessed by GIQLI questionnaire with accessory questions concerning sexual
esophagitis and normal manometry and pH control.
and physical activity before and after intervention.
Results: There was no serious long term morbidity after both types of operation,
however one patient in each group felt permanent postoperative discomfort (2.44%
and 3.03%). Percentages of excess weight loss (% EWL) after 6 and 12 months in
both groups were similar and reached 38.5% SG, 39.9% RYGB and 64.5% SG,
66.9% RYGB respectively. Quality of life assessment revealed significantly lower
values in core symptoms in patients after RYGB compared to SG (fullness in epi-
gastrium, flatulence, release of gases, belly bulging, sudden unexpected movement of
intestine) but in patients after SG constipation was slightly more frequent. However
general GIQLI score for patients after both types of surgery was statistically insig-
nificant (110 for SG versus 108 for RYGB). In both groups sexual and physical
activity significantly improved after operation.
Conclusions: There were no significant differences of effectiveness of both methods:
laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy and laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass in
assessment of long term results and quality of life in our patients. However these
results require confirmation in larger groups of patients.

S134 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P324 – Morbid Obesity P326 – Morbid Obesity


G.R. Askerkhanov1, R.G. Askerkhanov2, I.E. Khatkov2, M. Raoof1, E. Szabo2, I. Näslund2
I.I. Shikhsaidov3, R.A. Bayramov1, M.A. Kazakmurzaev1 1
Lindesberg Hospital, ÖREBRO, Sweden; 2University Hospital
Medical centre named after Askerkhanov R.P., MAKHACHKALA, Örebro, ÖREBRO, Sweden
Russia; 2State Medical Stomatologic University, MOSCOW, Russia; Aims: To evaluate the effect of weight loss after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery
Daghestan State Medical Academy, MAKHACHKALA, Russia on Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and eventually development of osteopenia.
Methods: We analyzed changes in BMD on 26 female aged 42 ± 8 with BMI 44 ± 4.4
Aim: To determine the effectiveness of the treatment of fundamental component of met-
years after RYGB surgery. BMD scanning with DXA in the hip, lumbar spine L1-4 and
abolic syndrome (MS) with the use of different methods of bariatric interferences.
total body BMD. Plasma determination of Calcium, Parathyroid hormone and 25-hydrox-
Material and methods: Analysis of the results of different laparoscopic bariatric interfer-
yvitamin D. All the patients received Vitamin B12 Iron, Calcium and Vitamin D
ences at 144 patients was performed. In 62 cases is executed the adjustable gastric banding
substitution routinely.
(LAGB), into 16 – sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), into 11 – duodenal switch (LDS), also, in 6
Results: We found following results. Pre-operative BMI 44.2 ± 4.4, S-Corr. Ca 2.3 ± 0.1,
patients Roux en Y gastric bypass (LGB). The average age of patients was 34 years (from
BMD-Hip 1.85 ± 0.2, BMD-L1-4 1.49 ± 0.2. Post-operative, BMI 32.3 ± 5.5, S-Corr. Ca
21 to 59), women there were – 132 (91%), men – 12 (9%), the average pre-operation of the
2.3 ± 0.1 BMD-Hip – 0.3 ± 0.9, BMD-L1-4 – 0.4 ± 1.2. 6 patients with Osteopenia and 2
body mass index of (BMI) composed 40 kg/ m2 (from 35 to 54), patients with the metabolic
patients with Post-operative Osteoporosis. PTH 83 ± 32 (36–105) 12 patients developed
syndrome (MS) there were 42 (67%). Maximally distant periods after operations are traced
secondary HPT of whom 9 with PTH [100.Vit. D 47 ± 24 (19–109). 2 patiens [75 nmol/l
of up to 6 years. The effectiveness of all forms of treatment used was evaluated according to
and 1 patient \20 nmol/l
the action of bariatric interferences on fundamental component of MS.
Conclusion: Although the routinely substitution of Calcium and Vitamin D after RYGB
Results: During first two months after operation average loss of the excess mass of body
surgery, can patients develop low levels of Calcium and Vitamin D and in some cases can
composed 67%. The absence of result was not observed. The loss of the excess mass of
lead to osteopenia and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Low levels of BMD especially in
body (EMB) directly depended on initial. Thus, with BMI of 35–40 kg/m2 the loss of the
Hip and Lumbar regions increases the risk for osteoporoses in the future.
EMB composed 88%. With the BMI of 40–45 kg/m2 – 69%, with 45–50 kg/m2 – 47%, with
50 kg/m2 and more – 43%. After 1 year in 30% of patients arterial pressure were nor-
malized, the signs of disturbance of tolerance to the glucose and diabetes mellitus of II type
(DM-II) were leveled in 53%. The comfort of nourishment after LSG is noted in 94%. After
LGB is normalized general cholesterol and atherogenic lipids, glucose level of the blood to
the standard in 5 (83.3%), is reduced. 6 months after fulfillment LGB loses the symptom
complex, which distinguishes MS. After LDS is noted steadfast lipid-lowering effect and
regress of DM-II in 100% operated.
Conclusions: All bariatric operations through the half of year had improved the indices of
MS. The shunting operations possess the best effect on the action on fundamental com-
ponent of MS.

P325 – Morbid Obesity P327 – Morbid Obesity


P. Holeczy1, M. Bolek1, M. Buzga2 State Medical University, LUGANSK, Ukraine
Vitkovice hospital, OSTRAVA-VITKOVICE, Czech Republic; Aims: The improvement of laparoscopic cholecystectomy results in aged patients with an
Medical Faculty, Ostrava University, OSTRAVA, Czech Republic obesity of 3–4 degrees.
Methods: The pathological obesity defines as an ideal body weight excess greater than 45.5
Aim: leak from resection line in sleeve gastrectomy is known complication. The conse- kg. Such form of obesity is not considered as contraindication for laparoscopic cholecys-
quencies are some times fatal. Conservative treatment by means of drainage and successive tectomy now. However in aged patients it coincides with a number of technical difficulties
drain pull out could be very successful treatment modality. The authors describe their and complications. Some conditions that we used allowed us to reach a successful outcome
experience with two cases od leak in sleeve gastrectomy and one case in gastric plication. of treatment in the majority of cases are given below.
Material and methods: From the series of 184 operations (149 sleeve gastrectomies, 35 Results: 1. Safe access and adequate visualization of anatomic structures in the liver gate
gastric plications) three cases of gastric leak were identified. In the first case leak from are the main conditions of successful laparoscopic cholecystectomy in aged patients suf-
staple line after sleeve gastrectomy was observed 6 days after the operation.. Reoperation fered with obesity. It’s important to choose the first incision correct and optimal place –
and suture did not solved the complication. Drainage was left in situ and the drain was usually 2.5–12.5 sm above the umbilicum. We prefer the ‘open’ Hasson access with an
successively extracted. The gastrocutaneous fistula was created. This has healed sponta- aboveumbilical trocar introduction for the avoiding of gase accumulation inside the be-
neously in very short time. In the second case leak from resection line was observed three foreperitoneal space.
weeks after the operation. Conservative treatment with antibiotics was effective. In the third 2. To prevent CO2 gradients of absorption changes we made its insufflation with small
case perforation of the gastric wall after gastric plication was observed. Reoperations and speed throughout appr. 20 min. The balance between CO2 pressures in blood and in tissues
suture did not solved the complications, too. The same access, as mentioned above, was occurs during this time.
used successfully. 3. We used 8 Hg mm intraabdominal pressure during the surgical intervention for the
Results: All three complications were solved succesfully by means of drainage, or con- decreasing the influence on venous blood return.
servative treatment. The hospital stay in all cases did not exceeded three weeks. In follow 4. Sometimes we used an additional trocar in right part of the abdominal cavity or laterally
up no other complications were observed. for both the organs’ retraction simplification and operational field enlargement.
Conclusion: Conservative treatment and drainage with creation of gastrocuteanous fistula 5. We are making the hydraulic tissues dissection in the presence of expressed perivesical
could be very effective treatment modality in the management of gastric leaks in bariatric adhesions that makes significantly easier the gallbladder seizing out of adhesions.
surgery. 6. The intervention finishes by the umbilical wound obligatory drainage that practically
excludes its suppuration.
Conclusions: Therefore, the complex of the abovementioned procedures allowed us
to avoid carboxyperitoneum-derived complications after the laparoscopic chole-
cystectomy in 150 aged patients with obesity.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S135

P328 – Morbid Obesity P330 – Morbid Obesity

K. Albanopoulos, M. Natoudi, P.G. Ilias, E. Menenakos, L. Alevizos, K. Albanopoulos, M. Natoudi, E. Menenakos,
S.G. Panousopoulos, K. Stamou, G. Zografos, E. Leandros K.M. Stamou, D. Dardamanis, S.G. Panousopoulos, G. Zografos,
Bariatric Surgical Unit, Hippocration Hospital of Athens, E. Leandros
Athens Medical School, ATHENS, Greece University of Athens, ATHENS, Greece
Aim: To study the incidence of cholelithiasis in morbidly obese patients submitted to Aims: Complications after Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) are usually
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) and correlate the results with their clinicopatho- silent and difficult to interpret. The objective of this study was to evaluate the value
logic characteristics and follow up data. of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, white blood cell (WBC) count and neutrophil
Methods: Fifty two patients submitted to an elective LSG between 2009 and 2010 in a (NEU) count on the early diagnosis of major surgical complication after LSG.
single center, participated in a prospective ultrasonographic imaging protocol in order to Methods: We performed a prospective study of 151 patients who underwent LSG
assess the prevalence of pre- and post-LSG cholelithiasis. The protocol included routine during the period 2008–2010. WBC count, NEU count and CRP levels were mea-
preoperative upper abdominal ultrasonography and repeat ultrasonography 6, 12 and 18
sured on postoperative days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 30 and correlated with
months postoperatively, or when symptoms developed. The study included 12 male (23.1%)
postoperative complications that occurred during the first month.
and 40 female (76.9%) patients; mean age: 40.7 ± 12.7 years and a mean BMI: 47.7 ± 9.7.
Results: Both WBC and NEU counts on postoperative days 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 were
Patient characteristics and clinicopathological data were retrieved from our prospectively
compiled database. correlated with postoperative leak or abscess while on postoperative day 1 only
Results: Five patients (9.6%) had previous laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) for symp- neutrophil count was significantly increased in this group of patients. CRP levels
tomatic cholelithiasis. Eight patients (15.4%) had cholelithiasis at the time of the bariatric increase was correlated with leak or abscess on all postoperative measurements (p \
procedure (and were excluded from the postoperative cholelithiasis group of patients). Five 0.001). There was no correlation between any of our measurements and postoper-
of these patients (9.6%) consented to simultaneous LSG and LC. Twenty seven patients ative bleeding, unless leak or abscess co-existed. Using receiver operating
(51,9%) did not have a history or later development of gallstones. Cholelithiasis was characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, CRP detected leak or abscess with a sensitivity
diagnosed in 11 patients (21.2%) during the 18 month follow up time, 5 of whom were and a specificity of 1.0 (cut-off level 150 mg/l on postoperative days 1 and 5 and 200
submitted to LC. Cholelithiasis patients presented a significantly greater BMI reduction at 3 mg/l on postoperative day 3). WBC and NEU were less accurate in the detection of
months (but not at 6 or 12 months postoperatively) compared with cholelithiasis (-) patients these complications (sensitivity 0.66 and 0.78 and specificity 0.91 and 0.97 for WBC
(10.73 vs. 8.96, p = 0.04). Symptomatic cholelithiasis developed in 3 patients (5.8%). One on postoperative days 3 and 5, cut-off level 12.5 cells/mm3 and sensitivity 0.78
of them presented with gallstones at the time of LSG while the other two during the follow specificity 0.76, 0.97 and 0.97 for NEU on postoperative days 1, 3 and 5, cut-off
up period. LC combined with LSG did not add any kind of morbidity in our series. level 10.5 cells/mm3).
Conclusions: Cholelithiasis is a common finding among morbidly obese patients especially Conclusion: CRP detected leak or abscess formation in patients undergoing LSG
in those with greater BMI reduction during the first 3 months following LSG. Patients
with a sensitivity and specificity of 1.0 and seems to be a more accurate market for
should be advised to undergo concomitant LSG and LC if gallstones are present at the
the early detection of these two complications than WBC or NEU count.
initial bariatric procedure. This approach however is technically demanding due to severe
liver enlargement in obese patients. Patients with no previous LC should be closely fol-
lowed for newly diagnosed gallstones.

P331 – Morbid Obesity

P329 – Morbid Obesity
N. Memos, M. Natoudi, S.G. Panoussopoulos, K. Albanopoulos,
BLEEDING K.M. Stamou, E. Menenakos, G. Zografos, E. Leandros
F. Garcia-Moreno Nisa, J.L. Galindo, G. Rodriguez Velasco, 1st Propaedeutic Surgical Clinic,Athens University,Hippocration
I. Botella, J. Paramo, J.D. Pina, P. Carda General Hospital, ATHENS, Greece
Hospital Ramon y Cajal, MADRID, Spain
Introduction: Morbid Obesity is a major health problem, achieving epidemic pro-
Introduction: Sleeve gastrectomy is a new restrictive bariatricprocedure increasingly indi- portion in the western world. Surgery has a pivotal role in the management of the
cated in the treatment of morbid obesity. A feared complication is stapler line leak or
morbidly obese patient, offering a variety of interventions. Laparoscopic Sleeve
bleeding. Buttressing materials have been suggested as a means of reducing staple line leak
Gastrectomy (LSG) isd an operation that, in recent years, is gaining acclaim as the
and bleeding rates. The authors report their experience of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
using the PERI-STRIPS DRY with VERITAS (Synovis) staple line reinforcement and
best solution for these patients, being less complicated and technically demanding
evaluate the staple line leak and bleeding rates. than gastric bypass or Scopinaro’s operation. On the other hand it has been debated
Methods: The data of 50 consecutive patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy that it is not as metabolically efficient.
(LSG) between November 2010 and July 2011 were analyzed prospectively. LSG was indi- Aim: This is a prospective observational study, aiming to investigate the effect of
cated only for weight reduction with a body mass index (BMI)[35 kg/m(2) not associated LSG on glucose metabolism in morbidly obese patients.
with severe comorbidity. PERI-STRIPS DRY with VERITAS (Synovis) staple line rein- Patients and Methods: 75 patients who underwent LSG in the Morbid Obesity
forcement (PSD-V) were used as a staple line reinforcement of Ethicon Echelon 60 blue Department of the 1st Propaedeutic Surgical Clinic between March 2008 and March
cartridges. Study endpoints included mean BMI, operative data, conversion to laparotomy, 2010 were subjected to OGTT testing prior to and -3 -6 -9 -12 months after surgery.
intraoperative complications, bleeding and fistula rates and duration of hospital day. Follow up was at -1 -3 -6 -9 -12 -18 -24 months after surgery and it was performed in
Results: This series comprised 38 females and 12 males with a mean age of 44.24 years the department for all patients.
(range, 24–65) Mean weight was 126.5 kg (range, 105–165) and mean preoperative BMI Results: Of these patients, 21% were known diabetics (DM2), receiving treatment,
was 44.5 kg/m(2) (range, 38–64). The mean operating time was 95 minutes (range, before surgery. 29% had a normal OGTT and no DM history. 50% had abnormal
50–210). No patients required conversion to laparotomy. The incidence and severity of OGTT results without prior DM diagnosis. In the DM2 group, 60% had a full
intraoperative staple line bleeding was not specifically calculated but was visually noted to remission of DM2 with normal OGTT and no medication, while the rest 40% were
be minimal in all cases. The 96% of patients (n = 48) had not significant drain fluid and no
understaged into a \pre-diabetic[ state, with abnormal OGTT but no further
blood transfusion was necessary in any case. The postoperative course was uneventful in
medicinal treatment. In the preoperatively \pre-diabetic[ group, 87.5% achieved
98% patients, not gastric fistula was observed in any case. The median duration of hospital
stay was 3.7. There was no mortality.
normal OGTT values post-operatively.
Conclusions: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is a safe procedure. PSD-V is easy to Conclusions: LSG is a safe operation for the management of morbidly obese
load on the stapler, and no operative complications related to the use. Not significant patients. This study shows that LSG offers significant short- and mid-term results in
intraoperative or postoperative bleeding was observed with the Peri-Strips Dry with dealing with the metabolic aspects of morbid obesity.
Veritas collagen matrix and it is safe line reinforcement in terms of prevent
bleeding and gastric leak.

S136 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P332 – Morbid Obesity P334 – Morbid Obesity

PNEUMOPERITONEUM IN BARIATRIC PATIENTS Y.I. Havrysh1, M.P. Pavlovskyy2, I.V. Krsvchuk1, Y.B. Shvydky2,
A. Assalia1, A. Mahajna1, N. Sakran2, Y. Kluger1 R.Y. Havrysh2
Rambam Health Care Campus, HAIFA, Israel; 2Hillel Yaffe Medical 1
Lviv Regional Hospital, LVIV, Ukraine; 2Lviv Medical University,
Center, HADERA, Israel LVIV, Ukraine
Introduction: Many techniques have been reported describing access to abdominal Aim: to analyze the results of the experience of laparoscopic gastric plication.
cavity in bariatric patients. Among other techniques, the most prevalent are the Method: from November 2010 to January 2012 we performed laparoscopic gastric plication
closed technique with Veress needle inserted either through the umbilicus or the left in 18 patients with morbid obesity. Among them were men – 4, women – 14, average age –
subcostal area, the open approach and the optical trocar technique. We describe 38 years, the average BMI – 46 (40 -70.1). In 5 patients was revealed type 2 diabetes,
herein our experience with a simple and expedite technique for establishing pneu- including 3 patients who were taking insulin. One patient with type 2 diabetes had trophic
moperitoneum in bariatric patients. ulcer on foot with the size to 5 cm, which was treated 5 months. In one patient with type 2
diabetes developed diabetic retinopathy.
Methods: All patients undergoing bariatric procedures from September 2007 through
Results: for all patients we performed laparoscopic gastric plication typical method. The
December 2011 were included in this retrospective analysis. In patients with pre-
period of observation lasted from 2 to 14 months. The average duration of surgery was 120
vious open upper abdominal surgery, either the open or the Veress needle techniques
min. (70–180 min). Intraoperative complication: splenic injury – bleeding was stopped with
were used. Following the first skin incision to the left of the upper midline, a the help of LigaSure. Postoperative complication: trombembolism of small pulmonary
dissecting forceps were used to dissect the subcutaneous fat down to the fascia. The arteries which developed in 2 days after the surgery. The patient was treated conservative
fascia was bluntly punctured by the instrument and the opening was slightly dilated. by thrombolytic therapy. No mortality. 10 patients after the surgery felt pain in chest during
Then, a bladeless trocar was introduced to the abdominal cavity and pneumoperi- 2–3 weeks. During the first month all of the patients lost from 5 to 10 kg of their weight.
toneum established through it. Complications related to the technique including After 3 months 90% of the patients lost from 7 to 12 kg of weight. After 6 months 80% of
failures were recorded. the patients lost from 15 to 20 kg of weight. After 1 year 70% of the patients lost from 25 to
Results: The technique was utilized in 665 consecutive bariatric patients (493 sleeve 30 kg of weight. All of the patients feel good and satisfied with the result of the operation,
gastrectomy, 124 gastric bypass, 43 removal of bands and 5 adjustable gastric but in 3 patients weight loss was only 10 kg in 9 months. During the first week in all
banding). Failure was observed in 9 patients (1.35%), and in other 4 (0.6%) minor patients with type 2 diabetes blood sugar level was normalized. In 3 weeks after the surgery
controllable bleeding was seen from the omentum underneath the puncture site. the patient with foot trophic ulcer was finally treated. The patient with diabetic retinopathy
Failures were seen in muscular males (5 patients) and in 5 females who underwent after 2 months after the operation felt the improvement of vision. In 2 weeks after the
removal of bands after significant weight loss with considerable laxity of the operations patients who received insulin stopped to take it.
abdominal wall. No other complications were recorded. Conclusion: Laparoscopic gastric plication is the safe operation, available for most of the
surgeons, and effective for weight loss.
Conclusion: The technique described is safe, simple, reproducible, requires no
special instrumentation, and quick for establishing pneumoperitoneum in obese

P333 – Morbid Obesity P335 – Morbid Obesity

E. Kleidi, K. Albanopoulos, M. Natoudi, J. Papailiou, E. Menenakos, FUNDUS AFTER LAPAROSCOPIC ADJUSTABLE GASTRIC
G. Zografos, E. Leandros BANDING
Hippocration General Hospital, ATHENS, Greece B.F. Schwack, G. Fielding, M. Kurian, C. Ren-Fielding
New York University Langone Medical Center, NEW YORK, NY,
Aim: The purpose of this study is to present a case of a late staple line re-leak after
United States of America
initial successful management in a patient that had a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
(LSG). To our knowledge no such case has been described in the literature before. Aims: Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) and sleeve gastrectomy
Case presentation: A 45-year-old female patient with body mass index (BMI) 45.2 (SG) have been proven to be safe and effective means of weight loss. Patients can
kg/m2 underwent a LSG and concurrent removal of an adjusted gastric band placed 3 develop ischemia of the gastric fundus due to gastric prolapse through the band
years earlier. On postoperative day 1, staple line leak was observed on CT scan. causing vascular compromise, or acute distention of the fundus leading to ischemia.
Patient was taken to theatre for laparoscopy. A staple line leak was identified next to In the past year, 3 LAGB patients presented with ischemia of the fundus. All 3 were
the gastro-esophageal junction which was successfully repaired and 2 draining tubes safely managed with exploratory laparotomy, band removal, and instead of a limited
were sited. The patient was treated with intravenous antibiotics and stayed on total gastric resection of the necrotic area, formal SG.
parenteral nutrition for 45 days. After a series of negative methylene blue tests as Methods: This is a retrospective review of a series of 3 cases. Patients presented with
well as gastrografin studies, drains were removed and she was discharged home. acute abdominal pain and demonstrated gastric necrosis (full thickness) of the fun-
Two months later she presented with a subcutaneous abscess located at the site of a dus. In one case, this was the result of gastric prolapse through the band. In two
previous drain. Percutaneous drainage of the abscess revealed food contents. Gast- cases, this was the result of acute ischemia associated with a massively dilated
rografin study showed a re-leak on the original staple line site. She was treated fundus and gross perforation coming on after a huge meal. This condition has pre-
initially with two expandable endoscopic stents (from 29 cm till the antrum) and later viously been reported with massive overeating in patients with anorexia nervosa. In
on with a pigtail drain placed under CT guidance on the left subdiaphragmatic space. all 3 cases, the patients were managed with extensive washout, debridement of
Soon she was discharged from hospital and the stents were removed after two ischemic tissue, and wide drainage. Instead of merely resecting the ischemic portion,
months and the drain six months later when the fistula had healed. formal SG was performed using a 36 or 40 French bougie.
Conclusion: Staple line leak is the most morbid complication of LSG. Subclinical Results: All 3 patients recovered very well from surgery. None developed sepsis,
leak might be present despite the negative imaging studies. More data need to be leaks, problems eating, or required re-operation. Two of the patients required per-
assembled in order to determine the time period of safety after conservative leak cutaneous drainage of small abdominal abscesses. In a brief 1 to 5 month follow-up,
treatment with drainage. all patients remained subjectively ‘restricted’ in terms of their appetite and all of
their BMI’s remained within 1 point of their presenting BMI. All patients were
functioning, tolerating regular diets, and fully recovered from their procedures
within a month.
Conclusion: Although the follow up is limited, the experience with these patients
supports that if a LAGB patient exhibits ischemia of the fundus, one can safely and
successfully perform SG as a salvage procedure. In doing so, one can safely treat the
offending problem (removal of the band and ischemic tissue) while still giving the
patient a chance to maintain their weight loss. Furthermore, this can eliminate the
need for a second bariatric procedure.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S137

P336 – Morbid Obesity P338 – Morbid Obesity


MANAGEMENT OF PAIN AFTER LAPAROSCOPIC SLEEVE D.V. Dardamanis1, S. Carandina2, B. Cadiere2, M. Bazi2,
GASTRECTOMY P. Mathonet2, A. Pallisera2, E. Capelluto2, J. Bruyns2, G. Dapri2,
L. Alevizos, G. Stamos, K. Albanopoulos, E. Menenakos, G.B. Cadiere2
K.M. Stamou, G. Zografos, E. Leandros, C. Loizou, A. Louizos Saint Pierre University Hospital, BRUSSELS, Belgium;
University of Athens, ATHENS, Greece CHU Saint-Pierre University Hospital, BRUSSELS, Belgium
Aims: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is gaining popularity among bariatric Aims: The aim of our retrospective study was to examine the long-term effectiveness
surgeons as a stand-alone procedure to surgically treat morbid obesity. Postoperative of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) and to compare the results
pain, however, remains a problem and leads to increased morbidity, prolonging between a Primary Gastric Bypass (PGBP) and a Secondary Gastric bypass (SLGB)
hospital stay. The aim of this study was to evaluate the administration of incisional after a LAGB gastroplasty.
and intraperitoneal local anesthetic on optimizing analgesia after LSG Methods: Between 1994 and 1997, 151 patients underwent a LAGB procedure.
Materials and Methods: For this trial, 60 patients were randomly assigned to three Eighty two patients (54%) were available for full long term evaluation. After more
groups. Group A had infiltration of the incisions with 25 ml of ropivacaine at the than 12 years of follow-up, the % of excess weight loss (%EWL) was 42%. Between
completion of the LSG and intraperitoneal instillation with 20 ml of ropivacaine. January 2004 and August 2008, 576 patients benefited from LGBP and 470 (81,6%)
Group B had infiltration of the incisions with 25 ml of ropivacaine at the completion were available for full evaluation. 362 patients benefited from a primary GBP
of the LSG plus normal saline intraperitoneal instillation (20 ml). Group C (control (PGBP) and 108 from a GBP after a gastroplasty with gastric band, Secondary
group) had infiltration of the incisions and intraperitoneal instillation only with Gastric Bypass (SGBP).
normal saline. Differences in verbal pain scores (VAS scores) at rest and cough Results: The incidence of erosion after LAGB is 29%, the band is removed in more
between groups were the primary endpoints. Fentanyl consumption as recorded on than half of the patients, 60% of the patients were reoperated, 17% of the patients are
PCA, additional analgesia demand (lornoxicam or meperidine) and alterations of converted to gastric bypass and the comorbidities are not significantly reduced.
vital signs and SaO2 were the secondary endpoints. Median hospital stay was 4 days (3–95) after PGBP and 5 days (2–114) after SGBP
Results: All groups were homogenous in respect to age, BMI, gender and duration of (p \ 0.001). Early complications were recorded in 67 patients (18.5%) after PGBP,
surgery. Group A and group B presented lower VAS scores at rest and cough on the and 43 (39.8%) after SGBP (p \ 0.001). A reoperation was necessary in 19 patients
recovery room and on postoperative hours 2, 4 and 6 compared to the control group. (5.2%) after PGBP and in 18 patients (16.7%) after SGBP (p \ 0.001). Median
Moreover, fentanyl consumption and the percentage of the patients that requested follow-up was 33 months (11–70). Mean % excess weight loss was 74.2% after
additional analgesics in the ward were also significantly less in these groups compared PGBP and 69.9% after SGBP (NS).
to the control group. However, when group A and B were compared to each other there Conclusions: Long term results and rate of reoperations after LAGB questions the
was no statistically significant difference in any of the parameters examined. None role of a gastric banding procedure as an initial or as a sole operation for morbid
significant adverse effects from the use of ropivacaine were observed. obesity. Gastric bypass is a feasible alternative with good results after a failed gastric
Conclusion: Infiltration of the incisions with ropivacaine after the completion of banding procedure but a much higher morbidity accompanies these procedures.
LSG is a safe and valid method for reducing postoperative pain and conception of Gastric bypass may be proposed as the primary bariatric operation in nearly all obese
fentanyl and additional analgesia. The addition of intraperitoneal instillation of patients. We found no reason for a gastric banding procedure as a first step bariatric
ropivacaine did not offer any additional benefit in this group of patients. operation.

P337 – Morbid Obesity P339 – Morbid Obesity


C. Duta, A. Dobrescu, D. Barjica, C. Lazar, F. Lazar R. Vilallonga, J.M. Fort, E. Caubet, O. Gonzalez, D. Yeste,
Univeristy of Medicine and Pharmacy, TIMISOARA, Romania A. Carrascosa, S. Redecillas, J. Bueno, J. Lloret, J. Gastaminza,
Background: Since the first paper published by Talebpour in 2007 of this new
N. Montferrer, M. Roca, C. Vasquez, A. Lecube, M. Armengol
procedure for treating morbid obese patients, several studies show that the short-term Universitary Hospital Vall d’Hebron, BARCELONA, Spain
results were acceptable. In 2010 we started to perform this new technique as an Introduction: Childhood obesity has become a serious health condition. Recent data
alternative bariatric procedure to sleeve gastrectomy. In this study we present our suggest an increasing number of children aged below 18 years with overweight and
first experience with vertical gastric plication, focusing on the effectiveness and even obesity reaching even a 16% of all them. For these reason and to respond to this
complications. increasing problem, our hospital and specially the adult bariatric department with the
Methods: Starting 2010 we perform only 17 laparoscopic gastric plication in patients with collaboration of the pediatric and adult endocrinology department, the paidopsy-
a mean age of 41.4 years (25 to 54) and a mean BMI of 45 kg/m2 (41 to 53). We used five- chiatrist department, anesthesiology department and the clinical nutrition department
port approach (three 10 mm, two 5 mm) in the same position as for sleeve gastrectomy. have decided to create this surgical area.
The first part of the procedure was similar to sleeve gastrectomy. After dissecting greater Results: A systematic review of the current literature has been done in order to
curvature of the stomach we invaginated it using non-absorbable running suture. We establish the criteria for including adolescent patients for surgery. Since december
perform a gastric plication in two layers starting from the fundus (2 cm from the His angle) 2011, three pediatric obese children have undergone a totally robotic sleeve gas-
to 5 cm of the pylorus. We ensure a patent lumen using a 36-Fr bougie. trectomy as a sole and standard technique to treat these patients. Mean BMI was 51
Results: All 17 procedures were completed laparoscopically. Mean operative time kg/m2. There were no conversions and no postoperative complications.
was 60 min (40 to 90 min) and mean hospital stay was 48 h (24 to 72 h). Patients Discussion: Without intervention, extremely obese children may continue to suffer
returned to their regular activities at an average of 7 days (4 to 9) following surgery. from obesity as adults and a decreased quality of life is expected. Surgical treatment
No intra-operative complications occurred. Excess weight loss (EWL) after 1 month is accepted for children with Tanner 4 or 5, and BMI [ 40 kg/m2 with or without co
was 25% (20% to 30%), 3 months was 35 % (28 % to 47 %) and after 6 months was morbidities in our department. Other criteria have been included in our protocol.
48% (41%-57%). The postoperative complication rate in our series was 17 % Conclusion: A multidisciplinary team is necessary to approach these patients.
(nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain). Adult’s bariatric surgeons have an important role in order to develop such an
Conclusions: This new procedure has the same result of weight loss as others with important program. Robotic surgery has benefits compared to laparoscopic approach.
minimal risk of complication and very low cost, especially in developing countries. Robotic surgery can be an interesting approach for these patients in order to avoid
The lack of gastric resection or intestinal bypass and the lack of the use of prosthetic complications by increasing intra operative precision. A continuous analyse of our
materials are the major advantages of the technique that influenced the patients’ experience will be required.
decisions. Early postoperative complications of this method are minimal. Longer
follow-up and prospective comparative trials are needed.

S138 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P340 – Morbid Obesity P342 – Morbid Obesity


FINDINGS A.S. Bedrosian, T.M. Lee, H.A. Youn, C. Ren Fielding,
H. Reusens, H. Vanommeslaeghe, E. Van Dessel, B.F. Schwack, M.S. Kurian, G.A. Fielding
S. Van Cauwenberge, B. Dillemans New York University School of Medicine, NEW YORK,
General Hospital Sint-Jan Bruges, BRUGGE, Belgium United States of America
Introduction: Morbid obesity is recognized as a global epidemic and still continues to Aims: Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) has gained popularity as a
increase in the world. Bariatric surgery has become one of the most important treatments safe, reversible surgical treatment for morbid obesity. However, there are few studies
and has research proven effectiveness to reduce or resolve comorbidities such as hyper- and no consensus on revisional bariatric surgery for those patients in whom banding
tension, ischemic heart disease and diabetes. From all the different types of surgery, the has failed. We analyzed results of conversion from LAGB to Roux-en-Y gastric
Roux-and-Y gastric bypass (RNYGB) is the most common performed procedure. bypass or biliopancreatic diversion in one high-volume center.
The rise of bariatric surgery in the last 10 years has led to an increasing number of Methods: A single-institution retrospective review was conducted on patients who
reoperations for failed procedures. Revisional bariatric surgery is a complex field. The
had undergone conversion of LGB to a revisional bypass procedure during the time
indications and types of reinterventions vary depending on the type of initial procedure and
period January 2003 through November 2011. Data on patient demographics, sur-
the reason for intervention. The most common indications are failure to lose weight, weight
gical technique, pre- and post-operative complications, and weight loss (body mass
regain and complications. The most common complications after restrictive procedures are
gastric outlet obstruction in case of a vertical banded gastroplasty and slippage or migration index [BMI] and percent excess weight loss [%EWL]) were collected and analyzed.
in the case of an adjustable gastric banding. Results: We identified 76 patients at our institution who underwent conversion from
It is important to understand the altered anatomy in order to perform a save and successful LAGB to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB; n = 62), biliopancreatic diversion
reintervention. The most important tool in assessing the upper gastrointestinal anatomy and (BPD; n = 12), or biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS; n = 2).
why the initial bariatric procedure has failed, is imaging by Oesophago-Gastro-Duodeno 69 of the 76 conversions (90.8%) were completed laparoscopically. 29/76 (38.2%)
fluoroscopy (OGDF). The interpretation of an OGDF is difficult and even dynamic imaging had required additional surgery prior to conversion for band-related complications
can easily be misinterpreted. Some radiology centres are still not familiar with the altered including slippage, erosion, port migration, hiatal hernia, bowel obstruction, or
anatomy after primary bariatric surgery. leakage; all occurred at [;30 days. After conversion, the rate of complications
Methods: In 2011 we performed 187 redo-bariatric procedures, most of them con- requiring hospitalization was 27.6% (21/76); 14.5% (11/76) occurred at \30 days.
versions to RNYGB. Other cases included pouch reconstructions, blind loop There was one mortality. Mean time from band placement to conversion was 1439 ±
trimmings, gastro-gastric fistulas and more complex cases with a variety of distorted 661.4 days (range 245–3140). At time of conversion, mean BMI was 44.4 ± 6.6 kg/
gastric anatomy resulting from the first procedure. We selected some interesting m2, and mean %EWL was 12.21 ± 20.7 (range 67–75). Following conversion, mean
cases where we compare the preoperative radiographic diagnostics with the peri- BMI and %EWL at 12 months, respectively, were 31.6 ± 4.2 kg/m2 and 55.2 ± 24.7,
operative anatomy. From each case, the OGDF will be discussed, and the surgical at 24 months 33.6 ± 5.6 kg/m2 and 45.3 ± 20.1, and at 36 months 33.0 ± 7.5 kg/m2
strategy will be shown and explained. and 46.0 ± 18.2.
Conclusion: The OGDF is one of the most important tools in assessing altered anatomy. Correct Conclusions: There is an increasing need for proven corrective solutions to failed
interpretation helps understanding the mechanisms of failure of bariatric procedures, and helps LAGB. Our results show that conversion to gastric bypass or biliopancreatic
in deciding if reoperation is indicated or even possible. Most importantly, an adequate evalu- diversion is an effective option, with lower complication rates than the initial sur-
ation of the OGDF will help the surgeon in preparing different surgical strategies. gery, as well as durable excess weight loss at 3 years.

P341 – Morbid Obesity P343 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction

E. Baldini, C. Grassi, S. Albertario, F. Cattadori, M. Negrati,
P. Capelli
N. Tagaya, Y. Kubota, A. Suzuki, N. Makino, K. Hirano,
Ospedale ‘‘G. da Saliceto’’, PIACENZA, Italy
T. Okuyama, S. Kouketsu, E. Takeshita, H. Yoshiba, Y. Sugamata,
Background: Anastomotic fistulas are one of main complications of laparoscopic gastric S. Sameshima, M. Oya
bypass and the incidence is often inversely proportional to the centre volume, like other
Dokkyo Medical University Koshigaya Hospital, SAITAMA, Japan
complications in bariatric surgery.
The aim of this study was to report results of hand-sewn gastro-jejunal anastomosis in Background: Paraesophageal hiatal hernia (PHH) can often be associated with a
laparoscopic gastric bypass in a low volume centre. number of complications such as intestinal obstruction, gastric volvulus or acute
Patients and methods: Between April 2004 and June 2011 we carried out 179 operations and pancreatitis, which can result in critical conditions requiring surgery. We report our
45 gastric balloons for morbid obesity. Hundred-fifty operations were laparoscopic gastric surgical procedures for PHH with a review of the pertinent literature.
bypasses. Patients were 122 women and 38 men. Mean age was 42.2 years (min 20–max
Materials and methods: In the last 10 years, we have performed surgical treatment
63). Mean BMI was 45.3 kg/m2 (min 36 – max 55). Gastric pouch was performed in a
for hiatal hernia (HH) in 18 patients, comprising 2 males and 16 females with a mean
standard fashion, measuring 6 cm along the small gastric curve from the His angle and
age of 73 years (range: 62–83 years). Thirteen patients (72.2%) had type I HH, 2
calibrating in all cases with a 36 French oro-gastric tube. Gastro-jejunal anastomosis was
termino-lateral in all cases, performed with 3 layers resorbable monofilament running (11.1%) had type III and 3 (16.7%) had type IV. The operative procedure consisted
suture (2 posterior, 1 anterior). A blue methilene test was negative in all cases and a of crural repair and antireflux maneuver.
postoperative radiologic swallowing test at postoperative day 2 was normal in all but one Results: Laparoscopic procedures were completed in all patients. The mean opera-
case. Nasogastric tube was left in place until radiologic test. After the discharge patients had tion time was 160. 2 min for type I and 230.8 min for types III and IV. The mean
endoscopic or radiologic examinations only in cases of clinical suspicion of anastomotic postoperative hospital stay was 7.8 days, and there was no mortality. Three patients
disfunction. One year follow up was 96.1 %. (16.7%) relapsed during a mean follow-up period of 74.9 months (range: 1–140
Results: We did not observe postoperative fistulas. We observed a perforation of posterior months). Two of them were asymptomatic and one required laparoscopic
wall of gastric pouch due to inappropriate orogastric tube manipulation, that required a reoperation.
laparoscopy at postoperative day 2 for drainage of a retroperitoneal abscess. In this case Conclusion: Laparoscopic surgery for PHH is safety and effective with minor
anastomosis was checked, without evidence of failure. Patient recovered in 2 weeks. We did morbidity and early recovery. However, although PHH is a benign condition, it can
not observe intraoperative or postoperative anastomotic haemorrhage. One patient had an occasionally cause critical conditions, and therefore it is important to decide the
anastomotic stricture one month after operation, that was treated successfully with 2 appropriate timing of surgery on the basis of severity, general status, or co-morbidity
endoscopic dilations. in each patient.
Conclusion: Manual technique in performing gastro-jejunal anastomosis in laparoscopic
gastric bypass can achieve good results even in low volume centres. Standardization of
technique is essential to keep good quality level.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S139

P344 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction P347 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction
Disorder Disorder


ASSISTING LAPAROTOMY - INITIAL REPORT OF OUR T. Suwa, K. Karikomi, N. Asakage, E. Totsuka, N. Nakamura,
CASES- K. Okada, T. Matsumura
A. Iida, K. Sawai, M. Morikawa, K. Koneri, H. Nagano, Kashiwa Kousei General Hospital, KASHIWA, Japan
M. Murakami, Y. Hirono, T. Goi, K. Katayama, A. Yamaguchi Introduction: Laparoscopic techniques in anti-reflux surgery for GERD patients are considered
Gastroenterological surgery, FUKUI, Japan complicated by many surgeons. We have simplified it and established a simple and practical
We performed double tract reconstruction (DTR) for proximal gastrectomy in the patient of gastric Surgical Procedure: Setting: Our 5-trocar setting with patients in the reverse Trendelenburg’s
carcinoma near by cardia. This procedure was superior in the volume of intake and preventing the position is as follows. A 12 mm trocar was inserted just below the navel for a laparoscope. A 5 mm
gastro-esophageal reflux than esophago-gastro stomy. However, this procedure is relatively com- trocar was inserted in the upper right abdomen for a snake-retractor to pull up lateral segment of the
plicated because that has multiple anastomoses. We report our procedure of the double tract liver, and a holder was used for a snake-retractor. A 5 mm trocar was inserted in the upper abdomen
reconstruction in the totally laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy (TLPG). for operator’s left hand. A 12 mm trocar was inserted in the upper left abdomen. A 12 mm trocar
Operative procedure: After the proximal gastrectomy was performed with lymphadenectomy and was inserted in the middle left abdomen. The operator is positioned between the patient’s legs.
preserving celiac branch of the vagus nerve, we cut the jejunum at the 15 cm from the Treiz’ ligament Step 1: Under laparoscopic view, left part of the lesser omentum was cut with preserving the
and making Roux-en Y anastomosis by linear staplers. Then, we brought up the 40 cm of the Roux hepatic branch of vagus nerve. The right crus has been dissected free. The soft tissue at the
limb through the hole at the mesentelium of the transverse colon that was made at the avascular area. posterior side of the abdominal esophagus was carefully dissected.
The esophago-jejuno stomy was performed by linear staplers on the fashion of functional end-to-end Step 2: The branches of left gastroepiploic vessels and the short gastric vessels were divided with
anastomosis. The gastro-jejuno stomy was performed at the 15 cm downwards from the esophago- LCS. The left crus of the diaphragma was exposed and the window at the posterior side of the
jejuno stomy by linear staplers. We always confirm the anastomosis by leakage test. The holes of the abdominal esophagus was widely opened.
mesentelium were closed by stitches. Step 3: The right and left crura are sutured with interrupted stitches to reduce the hiatus. From the
Result: We performed this procedure for the four patients with gastric carcinoma. Oral intake and right side, the stomach is grasped from behind the esophagus. Then the fornix of the stomach is
walking was started at the next day of the surgery. There was no complication. The patient was pulled to obtain a 360 degree ‘stomach-wrap’ around the esophagus (fundoplication). Such as
discharged at the 12 post operative days with sufficient feeding. taping technique is not needed. Using non-absorbable braided suture, stitches are placed between
Discussion: There is some report revealing the superiority of DTR in the volume of intake; both gastric flaps.
however, it may depend on the volume of remnant stomach. The reports also revealed the rapid The characteristic features of our procedure
gastric empting of DTR. In spite of the superiority of DTR in open surgery, the reported procedures 1. Floppy Nissen fundoplication
of reconstruction in LPG were almost esophago-gastro stomy by their technical matter. Moreover, 2. No use of bougie device or taping technique for esophagus
majority of the cases of LPG performed with assist wound because of their complex procedures. 3. Rotation of scope site
The anastomosis with linear staplers was useful for completing the multiple anastomoses in totally Results: This procedure needs 2 surgeons (the operator and the assistant (scopist)). The mean
laparoscopic surgery. operation time was about 60 min. A favorable outcome was assessed by radiograms performed
Conclusion: Double tract reconstruction for totally laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy without during hospital stay. Resolution of the symptoms was noted at follow-up 1 month postoperatively
assisting laparotomy showed stable operative course. Linear stapler was useful for completing the in mostly all cases.
multiple anastomoses.

P346 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction P348 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction
Disorder Disorder


T. Kakishita, M. Naito, H. Mori, I. Akiyama, H. Kunisue, T. Ohta, T. Suwa, K. Karikomi, N. Asakage, E. Totsuka, N. Nakamura,
T. Fujiwara K. Okada, T. Matsumura
Okayama medical center, OKAYAMA, Japan Kashiwa Kousei General Hospital, KASHIWA, Japan
Aims: We describe our experience of two cases of laparoscopic and endoscopic cooperative sur- Introduction: Primary repair of large hiatal hernia is associated with a high recurrence rate. We
gery (LECS) for gastric submcosal tumors (SMTs). report our standard method in laparoscopic repair for large hiatal hernia using composite mesh and
Patient and method: Case1; A 54-year-old man was referred to our hospital because of a SMT temporary attachment technique.
located at upper body of stomach near the esophagogastric junction. The tumor was 1.5 cm in Surgical Procedure: Setting: Our 5-trocar setting with patients in the reverse Trendelenburg’s
diameter and heterogeneous on endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and spread by intraluminal. We position is as follows. A 12 mm trocar was inserted just below the navel for a laparoscope. A 5 mm
performed LECS for resection of the tumor and closed laparoscopically by hand sewing. An upper trocar was inserted in the upper right abdomen for a snake-retractor to pull up lateral segment of the
gastrointestinal imaging revealed no deformities or stenosis of the esophagogastric junction was liver, and a holder was used for a snake-retractor. A 5 mm trocar was inserted in the upper abdomen
present on postoperative day (POD) 4. He left hospital on POD 10. The histopathological diagnosis for operator’s left hand. Two 12 mm trocars were inserted in the upper left and the middle left
was leiomyoma. abdomen. The operator is positioned between the patient’s legs.
Case2; A 59-year-old woman was pointed out a SMT located at middle body of stomach. The Step 1: Under laparoscopic view, repositioning of hernial contents was performed at first and the
tumor was 3.6 cm in diameter and heterogeneous on EUS. We performed LECS for resection of the dissection of adhesion was often needed in this step.
tumor and closed by a laparoscopic stapler. She was discharged on POD 12. Two months after the Step 2: We usually do not remove hernia sac from outside of the abdominal cavity especially in the
operation, endoscopy showed little deformity of stomach or no saburra. Histological examination large hiatal hernia cases. We cut the peritoneum to expose the hiatus and separate hernia sac. The
revealed the tumor was gastrointestinal stromal tumor. bilateral crura have been dissected free, and the esophagus is being recognized.
Conclusions: LECS is a novel technique for gastric SMTs. The adequate cut line enables to Step 3: The crura of the diaphragm were widely open and seemed difficult to be approximated with
minimize surgical margin and preserve the function of esophagogastric junction. direct suturing. The defect was reinforced with Bard Composix E/X mesh (10 x15 cm) which
had two distinctly different sides, polypropylene mesh on one side to promote tissue ingrowth and
sub-micronic ePTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) on the other side to minimize adhesions to the
prosthesis. The mesh shape was prepared by hands to be fit nicely to the defect. We used an
absorbable tack fixation device for temporary attachment of mesh to the diaphragma. After the
temporary fixation, the suturing could be performed very easily. Using nonabsorbable braided
suture, stitches are placed between the mesh and the hiatus.
Results: This procedure needs 2 surgeons (the operator and the assistant (scopist)). A favorable
outcome was assessed by radiograms performed during hospital stay. There was no recurrence or
abdominal symptoms during the follow-up period in all cases.

S140 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P349 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction P351 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction
Disorder Disorder

HIATAL HERNIAS M.A. Majbar, H. Elfadili, M. Elalaoui, F. Sabbah, M. Raiss, A. Hrora,
V.V. Grubnik, A.V. Malynovskyy M. Ahallat
Odessa national medical university, ODESSA, Ukraine Ibn Sina Hospital, RABAT, Morocco
Background. As rates of recurrence of giant hiatal hernias and prosthetic strictures The purpose of this study is to report and evaluate in a retrospective study the
are large, creation of fundamentally new method of repair is essential. outcomes of laparoscopic Heller myotomy.
The aim was clinical application of new prosthesis for repair of giant hiatal hernias. Material and Methods: Twenty tow patients underwent laparoscopic Heller myotomy
Short- and mid-term anatomical and functional results was studied. between 2000 and 2009. The mean age was 39 years (range 16– 80 years), 14
Methods. From 2009 to 2011, 18 laparoscopic repairs of giant hiatal hernias were females and 8 males. 91 % of patients had dysphagia and weight loss. All patients
performed. Mean diameter of hiatus – 10 cm (range, 8–15). The majority of patients had an upper endoscopy to eliminate an organic obstacle. Achalasia was diagnosed
had weakness or complete atrophy of the crura. Mean age – 56 years (range, 45–76). on the basis of manometric evidence of aperistaltic oesophageal body or none
Posterior closure of the hiatus was performed with a new prosthesis which was fixed relaxing low oesophagus sphincter. 4 patients had a laparoscopic Heller myotomy
to crura by 3–5 separated sutures. The HHRDTM prosthesis (Minnesota Medical with adjunction of antireflux system and 18 without. Intraoperative esophagal per-
Development, Inc.) is heart-shaped lightweight polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) mesh forations were seen in 2 cases, however conversion in open surgery was seen in only
with peripheral nitinol frame. The advantage of lightweight PTFE mesh is low one patient (4.5 %).
possibility of erosions of esophagus and stomach. The shape memory of the frame of Results: After a median follow up period of 18 months, dysphagia relief was
the device is key advantage that allows the mesh to be expanded and thus ensure real excellent in 83.3%, good in 5.5% and fair in 11.1%. The incidence of pathologic
tension-free hiatal repair. The upper (U-shaped) part of the frame enforces the space gastroesophageal reflux was 27.7% measured by 24 h pH metric studies. Postoper-
between esophagus and mesh which is the most common site of recurrent herniation ative manometry was performed in seven patients and demonstrated decrease in low
following tension-free repair if giant hiatal hernias. oesophagus sphincter pression. The median percentage decrease in resting low
Results. All procedures were successfully completed. Mean time of fixation of oesophagus sphincter pressure was – 68.75% and the median absolute decrease was
prosthesis was 20 min (range, 15–30). Pain scores were not larger than after standard – 2.4%. Also the esophagogram showed a decrease of esophageal diameter with a
mesh repair. Short-term and mid-term (mean – 20 months, range – 16–24) results median percentage decrease of – 54.5%.
studied by questionnaires, 3D barium study, endoscopic examinations, and 24 h pH Conclusion: Laparoscopic Heller myotomy has been shown to be effective and safe
testing, showed no cases of recurrence and esophageal erosions or strictures. with Iow morbidity.
Conclusion: New method is safe and provides good anatomical and functional mid-
term results, and requires further development and comparison with other

P350 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction P352 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction
Disorder Disorder


Zs. Simonka, A. Paszt, Sz. Ábrahám, J. Pieler, J. Tajti, L. Tiszlavicz, N. Iordache, R.A. Stoica, D. Balan
I. Németh, F. Izbéki, A. Rosztóczy, T. Wittmann, F. Rárosi, G. Lázár Sf.Ioan, BUCHAREST, Romania
University of Szeged, SZEGED, Hungary Large hiatal hernias represent a challenge for the laparoscopic approach. The most
Aims: The aim of our study was a retrospective investigation of the efficacy of difficult steps consist in hernia reduction, the management of hernia pouch and the
laparoscopic Nissen funoplication in patients with Barrett’s esophagus. calibration of hiatal defect. Since 2007 we performed 326 of Nissen procedures for
Methods: A total of 78 patients with Barrett’s esophagus underwent surgery. Patients hiatal hernia, 31 for giant hiatal hernia. We are presenting our technical solutions in
were divided into three groups on the basis of the preoperative endoscopic biopsies: particular aspects of our procedures.
a non-intestinal group (n = 63) with fundic or cardiac metaplasia, an intestinal group Mean operative time was 114 minutes (90–160), no conversions, routinely we use
(n = 18) with intestinal metaplasia, and a dysplastic group (n = 7) with low-grade prosthetic mash for intraperitoneal use. In all procedures we removed the main part
dysplasia. Clinical follow-up was available in the case of 64 patients at a mean of 42 of the hernia sac. We have no recurrence. Laparoscopic approach with prosthetic
±16.9 months after surgery. mash repair is feasible in large hiatal hernia.
Results: Check-up examination revealed total regression of Barrett’s metaplasia in
10 patients. Partial regression was seen in 9 cases, no further progression in 34
patients, and progression into cardiac or intestinal metaplasia in 11 patients. No cases
of dysplastic or malignant transformation were registered. Where we observed the
regression of BE, among the postoperative functional examinations results of
manometry (pressure of lower esophageal sphincter) and pH-metry were signifi-
cantly better compared with those groups where no changes occurred in BE, or
progression of BE was found.
Discussions: Our results highlight the importance of the cases of fundic and cardiac
metaplasia, which can also transform into intestinal metaplasia.
Conclusions Antireflux surgery can appropriately control the reflux disease in a
majority of the patients who had unsuccessful medical treatment, and it may inhibit
the progression and induce the regression of Barrett’s metaplasia in a significant
proportion of these patients.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S141

P353 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction P355 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction
Disorder Disorder


FOR OESPHAGEAL ACHALASIA A. Humphreys, A.L. Karran, M.R. Nutt, A. Rasheed
H.A. Omar1, A. Shehata2, A. Lashen2, H. Amen3 Royal Gwent Hospital, CARDIFF, United Kingdom
Beirut Arab Univerisity, BEIRUT, Lebanon; 2Al Azhar University, Aims: To investigate pre and post-operative symptoms for the surgical management
CAIRO, Egypt; 3Benha University, BENHA, Egypt of achalasia and if anti-reflux surgery affects outcome.
Aim of this study is to evaluate endoscopic-guided laparoscopic Heller myotomy Methods: Laparoscopic cardiomyotomy performed during 2007–2011 were included
(LHM), In comparison to traditional (LHM). and case notes retrospectively assessed for referral source to an Upper Gastroin-
This study comprised 54 patients with oesphageal achalasia allocated in two equal testinal Surgeon, severity of symptoms and whether anti-reflux surgery had been
groups: performed.
Results: Ten patients were included [median age 43 (range 17–69), male:female 6:4].
– Group A, included patients undergo endoscopic-guided laparoscopic (LHM). One direct referral from a GP, the remainder (n = 9) had been referred via Gas-
And, troenterology and four had undergone previous gastroscopic dilation. Median length
– Group B, underwent (LHM) without endoscopic guidance. of time from symptom to Surgical assessment was 48 weeks (range 3–96). Symp-
toms included dysphagia (n = 6) regurgitation (n = 2) nausea (n = 4) vomiting (n = 4)
In group A. endoscopic illumination, dissection and piecemeal myotomy of esoph- indigestion (n = 3) weight loss (n = 4) and haematemesis (n = 2). All patients were
agus were done. investigated with barium swallow, OGD and pH manometry (not tolerated by 3
No case required shift to open procedure and no perforation had occurred whereas patients). Six patients had Dor anterior fundoplication. Follow up ranged from 4
small perforation occurred in 6 cases in group B. weeks – 104 weeks. Of the nine patients with documented follow-up, four reported
There was significant reduction of the operative time (55 ± 9 vs 64.4 ± 9.5 min) and total resolution in symptoms (anti-reflux surgery n = 3), four reported mild symp-
postoperative hospital stay (3.2 ± 1 vs 4.8 ± 1.4 days) in both groups. And less toms, and only one patient reported severe reflux requiring a re-do operation.
postoperative complications in group A. There were 9 cases with mild reflux Conclusions: Laparoscopic cardiomyotomy provides good resolution for patients
symptoms 6 in group B, and 3 In group A, both respond to medical treatment. And 3 suffering from achalasia, and combined with anti-reflux surgery may provide even
case in group B, with persistent symptoms required endoscopic balloon dilatation. better results.
It could be concluded that (LHM) is a safe and effective minimally invasive procedure
for treatment of oesphageal achalasia with favorable outcome and short operative time
and postoperative hospital stay when performed endoscopically-guided.

P354 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction P356 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction
Disorder Disorder


H. Idani M.T. Oruc, M.U. Ugurlu, H.T. Turgut, Z. Boyacioglu
Fukluyama City Hospital, FUKUYAMA, Japan Kocaeli Derince Teaching and Research Hospital, KOCAELI, Turkey
AIM: We evaluated the usefulness of newly established morphological scoring Introduction: We analyzed our laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) procedures
system for laparoscopic fundoplication. that we performed in our clinic in terms of peroperative features of the cases.
Patients and Methods: We have established a new morphological scoring system Methods: LNF was performed between January 2009–September 2011 in Kocaeli
(MSS) for laparoscopic fundoplication. The form of fundoplication was evaluated Derince Teaching and Research Hospital for 35 patients having GERD symptoms,
based on its straightness and position (very poor to excellent; 1–5, 0: not repaired) esophagitis with/without Barrett, hiatal hernia and De Meester score above normal
and determined by laparoscopy (ML) and intraoperative endoscopy (ME). (normal value: 14.72) in 24 hour pH monitorization. Patients were reanalyzed after 1
Patients undergoing laparoscopic revisional surgery for recurrent GERD and/or month postoperatively; endoscopy and pH monitorization were held out for ones
hiatal hernia, and single incision laparoscopic fundoplication for GERD were having reflux symptoms and dysphagia.
evaluated using our MSS. Symptom of the patients were evaluated by a symptom Results: Twenty two female (62.9%) and 13 (37.1%) male patients with diagnosis of
scores consisted of heart burn, regurgitation, dysphagia, chest pain (0–5; none to GERD were operated. Their mean age was 43.3 ± 9.46 (29–63) and their mean body
daily). Esophagogastrofiberscopy, esophagogastrogram manometry and pH and mass index was 25.51 ± 3.08 (19–32). Mean De Meester score of the patients was
impedance monitoring were performed pre- and post-operatively. 54.71 ± 45.33 (15.52–194.8). According to duration of GERD symptoms patients
Results: Out of 161 patients undergoing laparoscopic fundoplication between May had complaints for 4.8 ± 4.00 (1–20) years in average. Preoperative endoscopic
1997 and September 2011, 13 patients underwent laparoscopic revisional surgery in examination revealed that 30 (85.7%) patient had esophagitis and 18 (51.4%) patient
our hospital. The patients consisted of eight women and five men with a mean age of had hiatal hernia. When the operative choices were interpreted, 10 (28.5%) patient
65.9 years. Surgery included dissection of the hiatus, closure of the hiatus with or had Nissen fundoplication-cruroplasty-mesh repair, 10 (28.5%) had Nissen fundo-
without mesh and refundoplication (7/13). The seven patients underwent redo fun- plication-cruroplasty and 15 (42.8%) had Nissen fundoplication procedures. Mean
doplication were evaluated with MSS. ME score was significantly improved (from operation time was 131.71 ± 25.12 (75–210) minutes. Laparotomy was done for 3
1.6 ± 0.2 to 4.2 ± 0.2: p \ 0.01) and symptom scores were also improved after (8.5 %) patients due to operative adversities. Mean hospital stay was 5.65 ± 2.12
surgery. (3–14) days and drains were kept for 2.14 ± 0.7 (1–4) days in average. In postop-
Six patients underwent single incision laparoscopic fundoplication (SILF) between erative period 2 patients had pulmonary emboli and one had pneumonia. These
February and August 2010 were also evaluated by MSS. Toupet fundoplication was patients had Factor V Leiden mutations and their mean BMI was 25 ± 5.3. Two
performed on five and anterior fundoplication on one patients. Operation time was other patients had active bleeding from drains, bleedings stopped spontaneously in
188 ± min and blood loss was 25 g. Liquid started on the first postoperative day 24 hours. Three patient described nonspecific symptoms and two patients suffered
(POD). No complication was marked including dysphagia and the postoperative stay from dysphagia postoperatively. We performed gastroscopy for these patients and
was 7.3 day. M scores were quite satisfactory (ML: 4.8, ME: 4.6). LES pressure was we detected loose fundoplication in one of them. This patient also had high De
improved from 12.1 to 20.5 mmHg. Acid exposure time and DeMeester score were Meester score. We observed no peroperative mortality.
also improved from 7.6 to 0% and from 24.3 to 1.1, respectively. Symptom scores Conclusion: Our results correspond with the recent literature and we observed that
were significantly improved after surgery (p \ 0.05) LNF procedure is being held out safely in our clinic.
Conclusion: Our MSS is useful for evaluating the fundoplication during surgery and
can improved the outcome of the antireflux surgery especially for revisional or single
incision laparoscopic surgery in which the procedure might be difficult compared to
the standard procedure.

S142 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P357 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction P359 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction
Disorder Disorder

FOR GASTRIC SUBMUCOSAL TUMORS LOCATED NEAR I. Camperchioli, P. Angelini, V. Cimmino, L. Miranda, F. Pirozzi,
G.A. Jeong, G.S. Cho, H.C. Kim Monaldi Hospital, NAPLES, Italy
Soonchunhyang Unisersity Hospital, BUCHEON-SI, Korea Aims: Nowadays laparoscopy is considered the standard surgical approach for both
Aims: Recently, laparoscopic gastric wedge resection has been widely used for gastroesophageal reflux and large paraesophageal hiatal hernia repair. One of the
gastric submucosal tumors (SMTs) because the detections of these tumors are most frequent complications after laparoscopic antireflux surgery is intrathoracic
increasing and the safety of gastric wedge resection for any conditions of gastric migration of the wrap (‘slipped’ Nissen fundoplication), due to inadequate closure of
SMTs (e.g. gastrointestinal stromal tumor, leiomyoma) has been established. How- the crura or disruption of the crural closure. To prevent hiatal hernia recurrence some
ever, sometimes laparoscopic approach for specific site of gastric SMTs cannot be authors recommend the use of meshes for reinforcement of the hiatal crura. The aim
applied easily. We suggested the laparoscopic intragastric wedge resection and of this study is to evaluate surgical outcomes in selected patients who underwent
evaluated the advantages for this method for gastric SMTs located near the esoph- laparoscopic antireflux surgery with implantation of mesh.
agogastric (EG) junction. Methods: Between March 1992 and December 2011, 384 patients underwent laparo-
Materials and Methods: Of 25 patients of gastric SMTs located near the EG junction, scopic antireflux surgery for severe gastroesophageal reflux and/or hiatal hernia. The
we performed the laparoscopic gastric wedge resection in 15 patients from January procedure of choice was a Nissen-Rossetti fundoplication in 223 patients (58.1%), a
2003 to December 2011. We divided these patients into two groups: Intragastric Toupet fundoplication in 155 cases (40.3%), while a Dor fundoplication was performed
wedge resection (IGWR) group and non-intragastric wedge resection (non-IGWR) only in 6 cases (1.6%). A mesh was used in 49 patients, 13 of which were reoperations:
group. We compared the intra-operative and post-operative outcomes of these two as for the kind of mesh, we used a Proceed in 24 cases, a Composix in 23 cases, and a
groups. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) mesh in 2 cases. We used a mesh only in selected
Results: The pathologic findings of 15 patients were 4 gastrointestinal stromal cases: to correct a large hiatal defect, or in case of a recurrent hernia or in case of
tumors and 11 leiomyomas and there was no difference of pathologic findings medialization of the right crus. In the group with mesh, a Nissen fundoplication was
between IGWR group and non-IGWR group. And there were no differences between performed in 78% of cases, while a Toupet fundoplication was preferred in 22% of
two groups in clinical characteristics of patients also. However, there was statistical cases. Mean operative time was 120 minutes (70–230).
difference of operation time of two groups (79 minutes in IGWR versus 158 minutes Results: In the group with mesh, we observed 2 recurrences, one of which treated
in non-IGWR group, p value=0.016) and the day of first oral intake (POD 2 in IGWR with a mesh replacement, and 3 cases of postoperative dysphagia lasting about six
versus POD 4 days, p value=0.027), respectively. The mean postoperative hospital months, one of which treated by surgical approach. Moreover, we had one case of
stay was 6.5 days in IGWR group and 11.0 days but there was no statistical sig- mesh ‘slippage’ inside the oesophagus. No postoperative dysphagia was present one
nificance. There was one wound infection in IGWR group and gastric stasis in non- year after surgery.
IGWR group. All patients are alive without the recurrence of disease until now. Conclusions: Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication with prosthetic cruroplasty is an
Conclusions: The laparoscopic intragastric wedge resection was the safe and feasible effective procedure to reduce the incidence of postoperative hiatal hernia recurrence
methods for treatment of gastric SMTs located near the EG junction and this pro- and intrathoracic wrap herniation. Postoperative dysphagia is higher in the early
cedure can help surgeons to operate easier during operation and help patients to period after mesh surgery, but this is only temporary. Because of the potential
recover earlier after operation. important complications we think that the indications should be carefully selected.

P358 – Oesophageal and Oesophagogastric Junction P360 – Oesophageal Malignancies

OESOPHAGEAL REFLUX FOLLOWING LAPAROSCOPIC S. Usui, M. Tashiro, K. Ito, A. Matsumoto, N. Takiguchi,
BARRETTS OESOPHAGUS Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital, TSUCHIURA, Japan
A. Bond, D. Wilson, F Rowley, A Hastings, D Veeramootoo, K Singh We report the use of a triple incision laparoscopic distal gastrectomy (TIL-DG),
Worthing Hospital, WORTHING, United Kingdom which combines single incision laparoscopic surgery with a conventional laparo-
scopic distal gastrectomy (LDG). The goal of this technique is to enable only two
Aims: Laparoscopic fundoplication is carried out for symptomatic Gastro Oesoph-
surgeons to complete a full laparoscopic gastrectomy while maintaining the quality
ageal Reflux in patients with and without Barrett’s oesophagus. It has been suggested
and safety of the lymph node dissection and gastric reconstruction. For this purpose,
that in patients with Barrett’s, only those patients with no physiological evidence of
two types of new devices have been introduced. The first is a Mini Mini Trocar
reflux post surgery have any reduction in risk of transition to cancer. The aim of this
Sleeve, which is a small trocar for 5-mm forceps developed using Hope electronics.
study is to assess any difference in reflux recurrence rates for those with and without
This trocar and 12 mm Trocar are used by attaching it to a wound protector (PATH
SAVER; SUMITOMO BAKELITE CO.,LTD. Japan). This wound protector is then
Methods: A retrospective study of all patients undergoing laparoscopic fundoplica-
inserted into a small incision (3 cm) placed at the umbilical region. The assistant
tion by a single surgeon between January 2002 and December 2011 were identified
surgeon stands between the patient’s legs and manipulates the laparoscope and
and information including prospectively collected data on pre and post operative pH
forceps through these two trocars. The second new device has been named the
manometry was assessed for evidence of reflux.
‘Hanging forceps’. These forceps are based on the ready-made detachable forceps
Results: Of 191 Laparoscopic fundoplications performed (all Nissen fundoplica-
that are used to close blood vessels. The detachable forceps are cut short and are
tions), 81 were in the presence of Barrett’s oesophagus. There is a significant
suspended from the abdominal wall by a thread. If the forceps are hung in an
difference in the presence of ongoing reflux on pH manometry between those with
appropriate position, they can be used to create an operative field. The operator
and those without Barrett’s oesophagus.
performs all the procedures from the right side of the patient using two trocars (5-
Conclusion: Patients with Barrett’s oesophagus are shown to have an increased
mm trocar). The process is similar to a conventional LADG. The stomach is tran-
likelihood of continued reflux and therefore should continue with medical man-
sected laparoscopically and the stomach is removed through the mini-laparotomy of
agement of reflux alongside a fundoplication to reduce the risk of oesophageal
the umbilical region. Reconstruction is performed laparoscopically using an R-Y
cancer even when asymptomatic post procedure.
method. 65 cases of TIL-DG have been performed at our institution (D1+: 25 cases,
D2: 40 cases), and the average operation time was 256.2 ± 55.9 minutes. The
assistant operator’s role in a TIL-DG is easy and comfortable to perform. No
interference with the single forceps and laparoscope at the single incision is required.
Consequently, these procedures do not need any special training to perform. TIL-DG
is a hybrid surgery combining conventional LDG and single incision surgery and is
expected to become a new standard for laparoscopic distal gastrectomy.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S143

P361 – Oesophageal Malignancies P363 – Oesophageal Malignancies


STAPLING TECHNIQUE (CDST) Al salam oncology center, CAIRO, Egypt
C. Tanaka, M. Fujiwara, S. Yamada, N. Ohashi, T. Fujii, Aim: Minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE), for carcinoma of the esophagus is a
G. Nakayama, H. Sugimoto, M. Koike, S. Nomoto, S. Takeda, complex & difficult undertaking. It requires a high level of both laparoscopic &
Y. Kodera oncological skills. Until to date very few centers world wide performed this pro-
Nagoya University, NAGOYA-AICHI, Japan cedures whether combined thoracoscopic/laparoscopic or by transhiatal approach.
We present 34 cases that underwent MIE performed over a period of 3 years in al
Background: Although the Roux-en-Y reconstruction after distal gastrectomy is Salam Oncology Center.
gradually increasing, the Billroth-I (B-I) method is still widely applied because it is Patients & methods: 33 cases (12 females, 22 males), age range 32–75 years diagnosed as
physiological alimentary route and needs only one anastomosis. Various methods of cancer esophagus (33), & one post cricoid carcinoma, were included in this study to assess
B-I reconstruction after laparoscopic or laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy have the safety, reproducibility & oncological adequacy of the procedure. All patients were
been reported. We prefer open method from the point of possibility of confirming staged appropriately & were cleared by the anesthetist to undergo single lung ventilation.
appropriate resection margin by macroscopic inspection and microscopic examination 29 patients underwent combined thoracoscopic/laparoscopic esophagectomy with exten-
if necessary. We developed novel gastroduodenostomy method with complete double ded 2 fields lymphadenectomy with intent to cure. 5 patients underwent laparoscopic
stapling technique (cDST) suitable for procedures through small laparotomy wound as transhiatal esophagectomy and gastric pull up. 4 as apalliative procedure for carcinoma of
we already reported. The aim of this report was to describe the short and long term the esophagus, and one patient as conduit after total laryngopharyngectomy.
outcomes of laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy with B-I cDST reconstruction. Results: All 29 thoracoscopic/laparoscopic esophagectomies were completed with-
Patients and Methods: We retrospectively collected data from 249 patients who out conversion (0%). one of the 5 transhiatal cases was converted to open trans hiatal
underwent LADG with B-I cDST reconstruction performed at Nagoya University (20%). All procedures were completed safely with no intraoperative complications &
Hospital between 2002 and 2011. The points of our method are shown as follows. After no intra operative blood transfusion. We had 6 cases of post operative leaks (17.6%).
finishing lymphadenectomy, a 4–5 cm incision was made at the upper midline. The anvil 4 anastomotic leaks in the neck, treated conservatively by enteral feeding for 4
of a circular stapler (ECS, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Cincinnati, OH) was inserted into the weeks. 2 intrathoracic leaks from the gastric tube, one required reoperation by
duodenum and fixed with a purse-string suture. A circular stapler was introduced through thoracoscopy. We had 3 mortalities (8.8%); the average hospital stay was 15 days.
the edge of the remnant stomach on the side of greater curvature. The duodenal stump and Number of lymph nodes harvested averaged 35.
the remnant stomach were anastomosed on the staple line of the remnant stomach by a Conclusion: MIE is a safe, reproducible and oncologically adequate procedures. It
double stapling technique. The entry hole was closed by a linear stapler. Patient and merits a randomized controlled trial to confirm these preliminary results.
operative time, operative bleeding, postoperative complications, incidence of gastro-
esophageal reflux were retrospectively analyzed.
Results: The average operation time for LADG was 230 ± 47 min. The average
blood loss was 160 ± 150 ml. The anastomosis-related postoperative complication
was found in 12 patients (4.8%), including anastomotic leakage in 5 patients (2.0%),
anastomotic stenosis in 3 patients (1.2%) and anastomotic erosion in 1 patient
(0.4%). Wound infection was observed in 3 patients (1.2%). There was no postop-
erative mortality. 12 patients (8.5%) had symptoms of reflux esophagitis in 142 cases
observed more than 2 years after surgery. The 13 of 114 patients examined with
endoscopy (11.4%) were diagnosed as reflux esophagitis.
Conclusions: This method has good short and long outcomes.

P362 – Oesophageal Malignancies P365 – Oesophageal Malignancies


C. Tomus, F.V. Zaharie, L. Mocan, R. Zaharie, D. Bartos, C. Iancu MEDIASTINAL RECURRENCE FOLLOWING
‘‘Iuliu Hatieganu’’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj, OESOPHAGECTOMY
CLUJ NAPOCA, Romania H.T. Malik, S. Mohandas, D. Graham, D. Mukherjee, W. Fickling
Surgical resection remains the mainstay treatment for patients with localized esophageal
BHR University Hospitals – Queens Hospital, ESSEX,
cancer, but it often requires extensive surgery and is, therefore, considered one of the most United Kingdom
invasive elective gastrointestinal procedures.
Aims?Background: After oesophago-gastectomy, mediastinal recurrence is often detected within the
Due to technical development and increasing experience with laparoscopic and thoracoscopic first year, and[90% of recurrences are detected within 2 years post-neoadjuvant therapy. While cross-
techniques, surgeons have developed a great deal of interest in minimally invasive approach, sectional imaging of the chest may suggest locoregional recurrence, confirmation of this has challenged
making an effort to decrease invasiveness without compromising the extend of lymphadenec- clinicians due to both the altered anatomy and inaccessibility of the region. Endoscopic Ultrasound
tomy and consequent survival. While transhiatal and transthoracic esophagectomy are common (EUS) has revolutionized staging of oesophageal cancer, being the most accurate staging modality for
approaches for esophageal resection, the literature is limited regarding the combined thoraco- esophageal cancer with a T-stage and N-stage accuracy of 75%-85%, and 65%-75%, respectively.
scopic and laparoscopic approach to esophagectomy. However this modality is rarely employed following resection for investigation of tumour recurrence.
We present a case of a 43-year-old man, who was admitted to the hospital presenting retrosternal We present our experience of imaging the gastric conduit as well as obtaining histological samples,
pain, progressive dysphagia, food regurgitations, weight loss (20 kg/3 months). Based on clinical thereby guiding further management.
and paraclinical data (EDS with biopsy, CT thoraco-abdominal) the diagnosis of lower esophageal Methods: We describe three cases of recurrence following oesophagectomy. In each case surgical
cancer was established and the patient underwent surgery. resection was successfully performed and the patients enjoyed a ‘remission’ period of at least 2 years.
We performed thoracoscopic and laparoscopic total esophagectomy with left cervical Subsequently they became symptomatic, with dysphagia in two instances and hoarse voice (recurrent
anastomosis. The surgical procedure (minimally invasive esophagectomy) consisted of laryngeal palsy) in another requiring further investigation. A combination of computed tomography,
gastroscopy and positron emission tomography were employed in each case, yet definite diagnosis of
three phases: thoracoscopic esophageal mobilization and mediastinal lymphadenectomy
recurrence was made with EUS guided fine-needle aspiration.
followed by a laparoscopic gastric mobilization, abdominal lymphadenectomy and gastric
Results: Histological evidence of recurrent adenocarcinoma was identified in each case; subsequently
conduit formation, and finally retrieval of the resection specimen fallowed by an esoph-
the patients underwent further oncological treatment to attain maximal locoregional control.
agogastric anastomosis via a left cervical incision. Histopathological examination of the Conclusions: The benefits of endoscopic ultrasonography in the mediastinum are that it provides
specimen revealed moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. both detailed assessment and access to an otherwise inaccessible anatomical region. Despite
The postoperative course was uneventful. Oral intake was resumed on the 9th postoperative technical difficulties arising from a lack of normal anatomical landmarks in post oesophagectomy
day and the patient was discharged fourteen days after surgery. patients, in expert hands EUS provides critical information regarding recurrence as well as his-
Follow-up examination, performed seven weeks after surgery, did not reveal any tological diagnoses, which may guide further management. Thus we advocate the routine use of
pathological changes. endoscopic ultrasound in detailed assessment of post-operative patients with a clinical suspicion of

S144 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P366 – Oesophageal Malignancies P368 – Oesophageal Malignancies


Japan/Saga University Faculty of Medicine, SAGA CITY – SAGA, V. Daya Shetty, K. Akhtar
Japan; 2Saga University Faculty of Medicine, SAGA CITY – SAGA, Salford Royal Hospitals NHS trust, SALFORD, United Kingdom
Japan Aims: A retrospective review of outcome of laparoscopic insertion of feeding jejunostomy
Background: Thoracoscopic esophagectomy for esophageal cancer is minimal invasive method and as a part of laparoscopic thoracoscopic Ivor-Lewis cardio-oesophagectomy.
Chshieri reported the thoracoscopic esophagectomy with prone position in 1994. Methods: Ivor Lewis cardio-oesophagectomy is a 2-staged procedure for oesophageal
We are accustomed by the left lateral decubitus position in esophagectomy with thoracotomy and cancer. The abdominal phase involves gastric mobilisation and insertion of feeding jeju-
laparotomy, so thoracoscopic esophagectomy has been performed with the same position tradi- nostomy(to establish early enteral nutrition). The thoracic phase involves oesophageal
tionally in Japan until 2006. We started thoracoscopic subtotal esophagectomy with prone position mobilisation,resection and oesopahagogastric anastamosis using stomach conduit. This
from December 2007, and we want to show how it help us to work freely in small intrathoracic procedure is performed traditionally as open procedure but in recent years is performed
space with some pictures and movies. laparoscopically. In our institution, from October 2010–January 2012 (15 months) 18
Method: Epidural tube is inserted in the left lateral decubitus position and intubation using a patients that underwent laparoscopic thoracoscopic Ivor Lewis cardio-oesophagectomy had
double-rumen endotracheal tube is performed in the supine position on another bed provided at the laparoscopic insertion of feeding jejunostomy. All 18 patients are included in the study. The
right side of operating table. We rotate the patient 180 degree to the left and lay the patient on the feeding jejunostomy was flushed with water on the day of surgery and used for feeding from
operation table in prone position, then the right arm is raised up and the left arm is placed beside
first postoperative day. The standard regime was water at 20 ml/hour on day1 followed by
patient’s body. First 12 mm long trocar is inserted on fifth intercostal space (ICS) on the posterior
feed (jevity/osmolyte) at 30 ml/hour on day2. The rate of feed was increased on daily
axillary line, carefully confirming the absence of pleural adhesion. Another three trocar are inserted
under thoracoscopic control: a 12 mm trocar in the third ICS behind the midaxillaly line, a 5 mm
increment of 10 ml/hour/day to achieve target rate based on patient’s nutritional require-
trocar in the seventh ICS behind the posterior axillaly line, a 12 mm trocar in the linth ICS on the ments. All patients were discharged with feeding jejunostomy in situ. It was removed at first
scapular angle line mainly for the thoracoscope. Thanks to the gravity and carbon dioxide pneu- follow-up clinic appointment 2 weeks after discharge if patient was nutritionally stable.
mothorax at a pressure of 6 mmHg, all organs in intrathoracic space as lung, heart, trachea and Results: In all 18 patients (12 male, 6 female) a Freka feeding jejunostomy tube was used.
esophagus move to the anterior and diaphragm moves to the caudal. In addition, blood and exu- The average procedure time was 20 minutes. Median duration of feeding jejunostomy
dation goes down out of the view. Wide and clean operation filed with prone position and in situ was 3 weeks (range 8 days–6 weeks). Tube related complications are tube fallout (n
magnified view of thoracoscopy bring us delicate motion of lymphoadenectomy. = 1 on day 22), minimal leak (n = 2) needing early tube removal (on day 8 and day 10
Result: We have experienced 72 cases of thoracoscopic subtotal esophagectomy with prone respectively). Only one of these 3 patients needed additional parenteral nutrition for 5 days.
position from December 2007 to December 2011 (three of them were performed by Robotic There were no procedure related complications, blood loss or peritoneal contamination.
surgery). Mean operating time is 608 minutes (309 minutes for intrathoracic part), blood loss is 189 There were no feed related complications. The length of stay in hospital was not affected by
ml and the number of dissected lymph nodes is 49.3 (27.6 in the intrathoracic procedure). this procedure. The availability of enteral route was useful in n = 2 patients (one patient
with chest infection needing ventilatory support and other with gastric stasis) to provide
nutritional support for a longer than anticipated period.
Conclusion: Laparoscopic insertion of feeding jejunostomy is safe and aids early estab-
lishment of enteral route for nutrition in patients undergoing cardio-oesophagectomy. It is
also useful in providing prolonged nutritional support in those patients who develop
complications were oral route is not possible.

P367 – Oesophageal Malignancies P370 – Paediatric Surgery


LIMITED EVIDENCE AND THE ABSENCE OF MINIMALLY A. Hinoki, T. Tanimizu, R. Satake, D. Kitagawa, K. Koiwai,
INVASIVE SURGERY T. Takeshita, M. Nishikawa, Y. Matsumoto, K. Hatsuse, K. Hase,
E. Ypsilantis, A. Hamouda, Y. Abdulaal, A. Nisar, H. Ali J. Yamamoto
Maidstone Hospital, MAIDSTONE, United Kingdom National Defense Medical College, SAITAMA, Japan
Background: The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programme represents a multi- Background: To reduce abdominal trauma and improve cosmesis, surgeons have adopted a
modal approach that aims to restore the functional capacity of surgical patients to their pre-morbid single-port laparoscopic appendectomy for patients, especially for children with acute
state more effectively and faster than conventional peri-operative regimes. Aims: To evaluate the appendicitis. The purpose of this study is to review our initial experience with single-port
feasibility of enhanced recovery (ER) protocols in patients undergoing surgery for oesophageal transumbilical laparoscopic appendectomy in children.
cancer and assess their effect on the outcomes of this complicated procedure that has historically Methods: A retrospective analysis of the patients diagnosed with acute appendicitis in
been associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. children at National Defense Medical College Hospital from April 1, 2010 to November 30,
Methods: A systematic review of the relevant literature published in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CI- 2011 was conducted. All patients underwent single-port transumbilical laparoscopic
NAHL and The Cochrane Collaboration Library in English language during the last 20 years. appendectomy.
Results: Six studies were identified, four of which were retrospective case-series and two pro-
Results: All patients were performed successfully with no conversion. In only one child (2.6
spective comparative ones with historical controls (Level of evidence 3). The median length of
%), an extension of the incision became necessary because of the bleeding. The median
hospital stay (LOS) for patients in the ER groups in all studies varied between 7–10 days (range
operating time was 34 min and the median length of hospital stay 5 days. The histologic
5–98 days) with median mortality rate 0.65% (range 0%–4.4%) and median overall complication
rate 26% (range 18%–45%). The readmission rate, reported in two studies only, was in the order of findings were appendicitis of the catarrhal type in 2 cases, of the phlegmonous type in 21,
4%. Between the two comparative studies, the earliest one did not demonstrate any difference in and of the gangrenous type in 16. The umbilical incision was invisible at 3 months.
LOS, morbidity or mortality rates between the ER group and control, whereas the most recent study Conclusion: Single-port transumbilical laparoscopic appendectomy is a safe and feasible
showed statistically significant benefit in all above outcomes in favour of the ER group. The role of technique and shows excellent cosmetic results in children. This is an easy procedure for an
minimally invasive approach was not evaluated because patients in all studies were operated via experienced laparoscopic surgeon even with conventional laparoscopic instruments.
open approaches.
Conclusions: The evidence underpinning the use of ER protocols in oesophageal surgery is cur-
rently limited and of low quality. The preliminary results are promising, indicating that
implementation of ER for these patients is feasible and can achieve short hospital stay with
acceptable morbidity and mortality. More robust evidence, in the form of randomised controlled
trials, is required, including, in particular, the role of minimally invasive oesophagectomy.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S145

P371 – Paediatric Surgery P373 – Paediatric Surgery


BY USING MICRO-INSTRUMENTS WITH SUPRA-PUBIC D.V. Fokin1, M.M. Lochmatov2, I.V. Kirgizov3, D.V. Fokin1,
Y. Kawakami, H. Fujii, R. Ganeko, H. Shirai, K. Hirose, M. Yoshida, Public health services municipal authority city clinical hospital ?20
K. Doi, T. Aotake, F. Tanaka, Y. Hirose of a name, KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 2Federal state budgetary
Japanese Red Cross Fukui Hospital, FUKUI, Japan establishment - Centre of science of health of children-, MOSCOW,
Aims: Recently, single port access laparoscopic surgery has been widely adopted as
Russia; 31st MSMU after I.M. Sechenov, MOSCOW, Russia
innovative features in minimally invasive surgery. We previously reported that trans- Aim:. The safest method of treatment of cicatricial strictures of gullet is endoscopic bou-
umbilical single port access laparoscopic appendectomy (TUSPA-LA) for complicated gienage along a guide string. Aim of the study was an efficiency estimation of the
acute gangrenous appendicitis could be feasible with some difficult cases especially in endoscopic bougienage along a guide string in children.
children. Thus we attempted to apply modified technique for TUSPA-LA in children Methods:. The set of hollow bougies from 15 (5 mm) to 39 (12.8 mm) French in diameter
consisted in combining conventional 5 mm trocar in trans-umbilical single access and was used. We used conic bougie with diameter is increasing at its extent. The guide string
newly developed 3 mm micro-instruments with supra-pubic approach. was spent under endoscopic control, in case of its impossibility (a lumen less than 4.8 mm)
Methods: From February to December of 2011, 8 consecutive pediatric patients were under x-ray control. Bougie diameter increased gradually, by 2 mm. In total for one session
assigned to undergo modified TUSPA-LA at our hospital. We conducted to study our 2–3 bougies were used, the following session started from bougie of the previous diameter.
technique using reusable metallic trocar (ENDOTIPTM, 3.5, 6 mm in diameter, KARL After the session termination endoscopic control of a gullet wall, hemostasis in places of
STORZ GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen, Germany) as a working port, XCELTM (5 mm in ruptures by cold solutions was spent.
diameter, ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY, INC., Pittsburgh, PA, USA) as a camera port. 8 children aged 1–8 years were treated. They were divided into 3 groups: I – 3 children with
Straight-type grasping forceps and dissecting forceps (3.5 mm in diameter) were used both peptic strictures, II – 3 children with postburn strictures and III – 2 children with cicatricial
in the parallel setup at umbilical site and in the triangular co-axial setup with supra-pubic strictures after operative treatment for malformations of esophagus in a place of esophago-
puncture. esophago anastomosis. In all cases we performed a course of antegrade endoscopic gullet
Results: Clinical records of 228 cases of appendectomy for acute appendicitis (From Jun of bougienage along a guide string under endotracheal narcosis before permanent effect of
2009 to December of 2011) were analyzed retrospectively in background factors, operative lumen diameter not less than 8–9 mm was achieved.
time and length of hospital stay. Of them, in 53 pediatric patients (23.2%), we had 8 Results: In all children the proof effect from the spent treatment was marked, the greatest
modified TUSPA-LA (male 3, female 5, average age of 10.6, range 7–14) with 4 gan- positive result was marked in the I-st and in the III-d groups of children. Patients from the
grenous cases (m 1, f 3, 10.5, 7–14), 10 pure single access (TUSPA-LA) (m 4, f 6, 13.8, II-nd group after basic course needed carrying out supporting gullet bougienage in con-
12–15) with 1 (f 1, 14.0) and 35 open cases (m 22, f 13, 9.9, 4–15) with 8 (m 4, f 4, 9.5, nection with less proof result. Complications after gullet bougienage were not marked.
4–15). The average operative time in the modified group was 78.6 min (64–118) with 84.8 The conclusion: the endoscopic bougienage along a guide string is a unique effective
in gangrenous cases, as was 86.3 (56–127) with 82.0 in the pure single access group. The method of treatment of cicatricial gullet strictures, which allows to decrease risk of
mean hospital stay in the modified group was 3.5 days with 3.5 in gangrenous cases, as was complications.
3.9 with 4 in the pure single access group. None postoperative complications were reported.
Conclusions: We conclude that modified technique for TUSPA-LA could be a promising
option with safety and an attractive advantage of excellent cosmetic result in managing this

P372 – Paediatric Surgery P374 – Paediatric Surgery


TECHNIQUE I. Ismail, R. Shalaby
T. Tanimizu, A. Hinoki, R. Satake, K. Koiwai, T. Takeshita, Al-Azhar University Hospital, CAIRO, Egypt
Y. Matsumoto, K. Hatsuse, K. Hase, J. Yamamoto Background: Bladder dysfunction may lead to urinary incontinence and progressive kidney
National Defense Medical College, TOKOROZAWA, Japan deterioration. When clinical treatment fails, bladder augmentation is the operation of choice
in most cases. Despite the widespread introduction of laparoscopy in pediatric urology,
Purpose: We have developed a new technique for inguinal hernia repair in children. many reconstructive procedures, such as augmentation ileocystoplasty, are still performed
Since 1997, 720 children with groin hernia have undergone Deschamps Needle technique in an open fashion because of the perceived intricacy and demanding nature. Routine use of
(DNT). We retrospectively analyzed the outcomes of DNT for pediatric inguinal hernia laparoscope in bladder augmentation has not been yet established in children. The aim of
from April 1997 to December 2011. this study was to present our initial experience with laparoscopic assisted bladder aug-
Materials: A total of 720 patients underwent DNT in the study period and the mean mentation using segment of the ileum.
age was 3.17 years old ranging from 27 days to 14 years. The ratio of male to female Patients and Methods: Five cases with contracted bladder was the material of this study.
was 364 vs. 356. For many patients, augmentation cystoplasty can provide a safe functional reservoir that
Surgical Procedure: A 5-mm laparoscope was placed through an umbilical incision. And a 2 allows for urinary continence and prevention of upper tract deterioration.
mm Mini potr was inserted to preperitoneal space just above the internal inguinal ring, and Materials and Methods: Indication for augmentation was hypo compliant bladder due
normal saline was infused through Mini port in order to hernia sac was dissected. Des- to meningeo-myelocele in 2 cases and Repaired ectopia vesica in 3 cases. The
champs Needle was inserted after Mini port was removed, and hernia sac was trapped the operation is composed of three steps: (1) laparoscopic dissection of the bladder, (2)
curvature of Deschamps Needle, subsequently the sac was pulled out from the incision, and preparation of the ileum extracorporeal through the umbilical port, and (3) reintro-
the base of sac was ligated with 4-0 PDS. duction of the ileal pouch to do the ileo-vesical anastomosis laparoscopically.
Results: We recorded only one recurrence (0.1%): due to a small laceration occurred during Results: Age ranged from 4 to 8 years, Presenting by urinary incontinence, with small
the transfixing ligation. In 5 cases (0.7%) we found a direct hernia (2 right, 2 left, 1 contracted bladder. All procedures were completed laparoscopically without conversion.
bilateral). No intraoperative complications were occurred. Laparoscopic ileocystoplasty seems to be a feasible and safe technique. Operative time 80
Conclusions: We consider that Deschamps Needle Technique for inguinal hernia minutes on average, catheter removed on 10th post op. day. Feeding started on the third
repair in children is a safe and effective procedure. post-operative day. Hospitals stay 10 days on average. Follow up period was 2 years. The
learning curve for this complex reconstruction is Steep and extensive – probably this has
been the reason it has not been undertaken until recently compared to pyeloplasty and
ureteric reimplantation in the pediatric population. In fact, the first description of laparo-
scopic gastrocystoplasty was in 1995 by Docimo et al. Subsequently, an intracorporeal
laparoscopic ileocystoplasty (with stapled bowel anastomosis) was performed in 2007 by
Lorenzo et al.
Conclusion: In our preliminary experience, in experienced surgeon’s hands, RALIMA
seems to be a safe and feasible procedure with reasonable outcomes. Early recovery and
resumption of normal activities, as well as excellent cosmesis is seen in selected patients.

S146 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P376 – Pancreas P378 – Pancreas


J.L. Martin1, M. Marshall1, J. Jackson2, A. Isla-Martinez1 G.D.V. Dabare1, V.M. Patel2, E. Zacharakis2
1 1
Northwick Park and St Mark’s Hospital, LONDON, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, SOUTHSEA,
United Kingdom; 2Hammersmith Hospital, LONDON, United Kingdom; 2St Mary Hospital, LONDON, United Kingdom
United Kingdom Aims: Fast-track surgery has become ubiquitous in colorectal surgery and is
Aims: To demonstrate laparoscopic needle guided enucleation as a novel gaining acceptance in several other surgical specialities. The aim of this sys-
technique that facilitates the localisation and enucleation of non-visible insu- tematic review was to evaluate the feasibility, effectiveness and safety of fast-
linomas located deep within pancreatic parenchyma. track gastric, hepatic, oesophageal and pancreatic surgery.
Methods: An 18 gauge needle is laparoscopically placed into the theoretical Methods: A systematic review was performed by searching EMBASE, Med-
location of the tumour and its position confirmed with laparoscopic intra- line, PsycINFO and Cochrane Library between 1950 and November 2011. The
operative ultrasound. The pancreatic parenchyma is then opened directly at the search strategy included the keywords: fast track, enhanced recovery, multi-
site of the needle. This minimises pancreatic trauma and directs the surgeon to modal rehabilitation, multimodal optimization and multimodal perioperative
the insulinoma to proceed to enucleation. care. We included all original studies and classified them according to the 17
Results: We report this technique in two patients (age 35 and 43) who evidence-based fast-track interventions proposed by the Enhanced Recovery
underwent laparoscopic enucleation of non-visible insulinomas from the head After Surgery Group. The primary endpoints were the number of implemented
of the pancreas. Both patients had a solitary insulinoma (\1 cm in diameter) interventions, median length of hospital stay (LOS), readmissions, morbidity
located deep within the head of the pancreas. Needle-directed enucleation with and mortality.
a single pancreatotomy was performed successfully, without complication, in Results: 13 studies reporting on a total of 1621 patients were found; 2 ran-
both patients. The postoperative period was unremarkable and they were dis- domised control trials and a case-series in gastric surgery, 2 case-control
charged on day 5 and 7. studies and a case-series in hepatic surgery, 2 case-series in oesophageal sur-
Conclusion: This technique enables safe, laparoscopic enucleation of non- gery and 2 case-control studies and 3 case-series in pancreatic surgery. The
visible pancreatic lesions that lie deep within the pancreatic parenchyma highest number of fast track interventions trialled in gastric, hepatic, oesoph-
avoiding multiple pancreatotomies and thus minimising the incidence of pan- ageal and pancreatic surgery were 13, 15.5 and 12 respectively. In all types of
creatic fistula. upper gastrointestinal surgery studies demonstrated a reduction in median
length of stay ranging from 2–6 days. The studies did not show an increase in
readmission rate, morbidity and mortality with fast-track care.
Conclusions: Initial studies show that fast-track surgery is feasible in upper
gastrointestinal surgery, and may reduce length of stay. However, high quality
studies are required to determine the safety of fast-track programmes in upper
gastrointestinal surgery.

P377 – Pancreas P379 – Pancreas

A. D’Annibale, G. Pernazza, V. Pende, P. Mazzocchi, G. Lucandri, M.Ye. Nychytaylo, O.P. Kondratiyk, O.I. Lytvyn
G. Alfano, I. Monsellato National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology named by
San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital, ROME, Italy A.A.Shalimov, KIEV, Ukraine
Aim: Surgical intervention is a main treatment approach in these patients with
Introduction: Robotic surgery is the most advanced development in minimally
high morbidity and lethality level. The aim was to assess the efficiency of
invasive surgery. Minimally invasive pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) remains
laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis.
one of the most challenging abdominal procedures. Robotics may improve
Methods: 208 patients with acute pancreatitis were treated by the following
performance in these procedure.
protocol: antibacterial therapy, decontamination of the gut, intensive therapy of
Methods: Twenty patients underwent PD from 2004 to 2011. In nine cases a
the revealed disorders and ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration, Endo-
robotic Traverso-Longmire reconstruction, which includes a two-layered end-
scopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, laparoscopy and laparotomy. A
to-side pancreaticojejunostomy, an end-to-side choledochojejunostomy, and a
scoring system, APACHE II, was used to assess the patients’ state.
side-to-side duodenojejunostomy, was performed.
Results: adequate conservative therapy using minimally invasive technolo-
Results: Median operative time was 520 min (390–615) and blood loss was 84
gies and laparoscopy allowed, the majority (56.2%) patients with acute
± 13 mL. Median hospital stay was 13.5 days (12–15). As a postoperative
pancreatitis, to ensure the regressive course, avoid open surgery in the early
complication, pancreatic juice leak occurred in one case, but it was conser-
stages of the disease. Increase symptoms, increasing the number of free
vately trated.
fluid, foci of destruction in the abdomen and retroperitoneal space are
Conclusions: Robot-assisted PD was safely performedthanks to the high degree
indications for the surgical laparoscopy (43.8%) from the transition to an
of freedom associated withrobotic instruments and the magnified view. Pan-
open surgery in 37.3% patients. Conclusion: application of a differentiated
creatojejunostomy could certainly be conducted. Robotic assistance may help
approach in the management of patients with acute pancreatitis considering
surgeon during some steps which are difficult in laparoscopic technique. Fur-
its clinical and morphological forms, the topography of lesions of the
ther studies and RCTs are needed to estabilished the real role of robotic
pancreas and the use of gentle and endoscopic techniques expands both
assistance in pancreatic surgery.
diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities to avoid the emergence of multiple
organ complications and ultimately improves the results of surgical treat-
ment of this pathology.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S147

P380 – Pancreas P382 – Pancreas


A.M. Hafez V.M. Demidov, S.M. Demidov
Al salam oncology center, CAIRO, Egypt National Medical University, ODESSA, Ukraine
Aim: Pancreaticoduodenectomy(pd), for cancer is still not widely accepted. It is a Aims: The fundamental physiological and pathological disciplines stated that pan-
very complex procedure that requires exceptional laparoscopic skill and experience. creatic parenchyma can’t absorb the pharmacological compounds during the first 3–5
The oncological safety is also another issue to consider. We present our experience days of the inflammation. Correspondently, in our daily practice we use the fol-
in Al Salam oncology center after performing 16 cases of total laparoscopic pds. lowing approach that intensive pharmacological treatment we started from the 5th
Patients and Methods: 16 patients were operated over 3 years by total laparoscopic day after the disease onset while administering drugs with pacnreatoprotective
pd for cancer. They were 10 males, 6 females, age 44–69. 6 patients had cancer head functions through the catheter inserted into bursa omentalis.
pancreas, 10 periampulary carcinomas. All under went routine investigations and Methods: 28 patients with acute destructive pancreatitis (AP) were treated. The
metastatic work up. all operable cases were subjected to total laparoscopic pd. treatment was aimed to pancreatic gland edema diminishing, extrahepatic bile tracts
Results: operative time ranged 6–10 hours, estimated blood loss 250–750 ccs. Our decompression, usual desintoxicative and pancreatoprotective compounds adminis-
conversion rate was zero, 2 required reoperation. Major morbidity happened in 3, tration etc. Abdominal cavity laparoscopic drainage was performed to 23 patients.
with one mortality. Oncological outcome was satisfactory with all specimens having Ten patients were treated traditionally with the very first days of the input to the
negative margins, and lymph nodes 6–16. department. 13 patients constituted the group of the patients to whom we gave the
Conclusion: Ttotal laparoscopic pd is a safe and feasible procedure with good oncological Sandostatin (Novartis Pharma Stein AG, Switzerland) and Deltaran (Russia).
outcome compared with the classical open approach, but its complexity and relative longer Results: Traditional AP treatment resulted in the certain improvement of the disease
operating times makes it less likely to be widely adopted. manifestation. Besides, the patients with the additional intrabursal Sandostatin and
Deltaran administration started after the 5th day of the disease onset showed more
progressive clinical condition improvement. There were no cases of the pancre-
onecrosis development in this group of patients (2 patients out of 10 with the
traditional AP treatment had pancreonecrosis). We didn’t observe any cases of
complication among the 13 patients treated with Sandostatin and Deltaran (2 com-
plications were in 10 patients with the traditional AP treatment). The average time of
patients treated traditionally days-in the hospital equal to 9–14 days. The average
time of patients who received Sandostatin and Deltaran days-in the hospital was 4–7
days shorter comparing with the same index in the traditionally treated patients.
Conclusions: Intrabursal pharmacons with the potent pancreatoprotective properties
administration in patients with destructive AP has some important advantages. There
are less cases of disease progression, less cases of complications and the quicker
improvement of the patient. The very important idea we worked with is that intra-
bursal drugs administration we stared 5 days later waiting for the termination of the
initial stage of pancreatic gland inflammation.

P381 – Pancreas P383 – Pancreas


EXPERIENCE. J. Bezsilla, Á. Botos, L. Sikorszki, S. Bende
P.S. Tyutyunnik1, I.E. Khatkov1, V.V. Tsvirkun2, R.E. Izrailev1 B-A-Z County Hospital, MISKOLC, Hungary
MSUMD, MOSCOW, Russia; 2Clinical Hospital 119, FMBA, Laparoscopic pancreatic interventions are rare operations published only as case
MOSCOW, Russia reports or in small series. The feasibility and safety of laparoscopic distal pancrea-
tectomy has been reported with good results. Laparoscopic resection of malignant
Objectives: To show the experience in treatment of 34 patients with tumors of the head
neoplasms has raised concern about the radicality of resection and oncological
of the pancreas and the periampullare area by using a totally laparoscopic approach.
outcomes. In this report, the authors retrospectively review their experience with the
Methods: From February 2006 to June 2011 40 patients were taken for laparoscopic
distal pancreas in benign, endocrine, and malignant diseases.
pancreaticoduodenectomy at the single center. Totally laparoscopic pancreaticoduo-
From Jan 2007 to Dec 2011, 9 patients underwent a laparoscopic procedure for
denectomy were perform for 34 patients. The indication were adenocarcinoma of the
pathologies of the distal pancreas. The authors performed two distal pancreatecto-
head of the pancreas – 19, ampullae tumor – 9, distal common bile duct carcinoma – 3,
mies with conservation of the spleen and section of the splenic vessels, six distal
duodenal adenocarcinoma – 1, synchronous neuroendocrine tumor of the duodenum
splenopancreatectomies (DSP), one DSP plus a gastric wedge resection for a stromal
and multiple gastrointestinal stromal tumors – 1, chronic pancreatitis 1. There were 21
tumor. The use of laparoscopic ultrasonography is an integral part of the procedure.
females and 13 males. The mean age of the 40 patients was 60.6 (the oldest was 76)
One procedure was converted to open surgery because of a hemorrhagic compli-
years. Intraoperative and postoperative data were analyzed in the retrospective study.
cation. No other significant intraoperative complications occurred. The operation
Results: Conversions were needed in 6 from 40 cases because of tumor infiltration of
time was 135 (90–260) minutes. The postoperative course was characterized by one
the mesenteric vessels and massive parapancreatic adhesive process. Median oper-
infected haematoma managed operatively, two pancreatic fistulas (grade A – no
ative of totally laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy time was 520 min, the 5 last
requiring second operation). The mean postoperative stay was 7 days. The histologic
cases\360 min. Median blood loss was 605 ml and the last 5 cases 250 ml. Over all
report showed 6 benign diseases and 3 malignant tumors. There were no deaths, nor
post operative complication rate was 18(52.9%). Among them major complications 7
readmissions. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy with or without splenectomy is
(20.5%); [this included pancreatic fistula – 5, bile leakage – 1, bowel obstruction – 1]
feasible and can be performed with minimum morbidity rate and only slightly
and the less severe complications were -6 (17.6%); [this included intraabdominal
increased operation time. Prospective studies are necessary to confirm that positive
fluid collection (n-3), delayed gastric empting (n-3)]. There were two patients (6%)
who died: one of them after insufficiency of pancreatojejenostomy and the other –
because of acute heart failure without any surgical complications. Local advanced
cancer was T3. First bowel moment was on the second postoperative day. Patients
were discharged from the hospital after full rehabilitation only.
Conclusion: Totally laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy is safe and effective
procedure for patients with cancer of the biliopancreatoduodenal area. The results
are comparable with results after open approach procedures. The learning curve
becomes better after 30 cases.

S148 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P384 – Pancreas P386 – Pancreas


RESECTION – IS IT MEANINGFUL? J. Stefka, R. Gürlich, Dr. Havluj, V. Bobek, V. Mandys
M.O. Biebl, J. Schirnhofer, C. Mittermair, K. Pimpl, C. Obrist, Faculty hospital of Královské Vinohrady, PRAGUE, Czech Republic
A. Guenther, N. Waldstein, R. Frass, H.G. Weiss Introduction: The left-sided laparoscopic pancreatectomy is indicated in the diag-
SJOG Hospital, SALZBURG, Austria nosis of benign pancreatic disease of the tail of pancreas. In the case of pancreatic
Aims: Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy is an established, however controversial tech- malignity of the tail of pancreas open resection is indicated. Relative contraindica-
nique, due to the high overall risk for pancreatic fistulas in left-sided pancreas resections. tion is the size of the tumor, of the previous extensive operation with vascularized
We report out experience with a single incision laparoscopic (SIL) approach. adhesions, pseudoaneurysm of splenic artery and the passing splenic vein through
Patients and Methods: Between 09/2009 and 11/2011, 7 patients (3 females; mean age pancreatic parenchyma.
57.49 ± 8.81 years, mean BMI 26.63 ± 0.68) underwent SIL-distal pancreatectomy at out Material and methods: The 3rd Surgical Clinic Medical Faculty Hospital FNKV 209
institution. Indications for surgery were solid tumors (86%), and a splenic artery aneurysm surgeries were performed on the pancreas from the year 2009–2011.In 143 cases the
not amendable to interventional treatment (14%). All SIL procedures were performed in a reason for the operation was the malignancy of pancreas and periampulary area. In
regular laparoscopic setting, using one articulating instrument. With the patient tilted to the 31 cases the problem was chronic pancreatitis or benign tumor of the pancreas and
right side, the pancreas was exposed using suspension sutures to the stomach and the 35 operations were performed because of acute pancreatitis. In 15 patients (7 benign
transverse mesocolon in 100% and 43%, respectively. The pancreatic stump was closed lesions and 89 malignancy) left-sided (distal) pancreatectomy was performed. In 8
using a linear vascular stapler, and the splenic vessels were sealed separately. Intraab- cases we indicated laparoscopic left-sided resection which was completed in 4
dominal drains were not routinely used. Data are reported as total numbers (%) and mean ± patients. In other four cases we converted. Pancreas was transacted in all cases by
standard deviation.
Results: Operation time was 116.71 ± 40.61 min, time until parenchyma dissection 57.49 ±
Results: In our group of patients we did not record any serious complications such as
8.81 min. Exposure was excellent in all cases, with no additional trocar placement required.
pancreatic fistula, bleeding, or surgical site infection. A high percentage of con-
Type of resection was tumor enucleation (29%), and distal pancreatectomy (spleen pre-
serving (29%), with spleen (42%)). One patient underwent simultaneous SIL right-sided versions have so far been given by the initial experience and regarding the size of the
colectomy for concomitant colon cancer. While 29% of patients had had previous upper group of patients, it has not up-to now informative value.
abdominal surgery, mild adhesiolysis was required in 43%. Specimen retrieval was per- Conclusion: Laparoscopic distal pancreatic resection belongs into the spectrum of
formed through the umbilical incision (3.76 ± 0.38 cm). All six solid tumors (33% operativity of pancreas high-volume surgery centers and it shows better results than
adenocarcinomas) were resected with negative margins. Two parenchyma fistulas (28%) opened distal pancreatectomy.
occurred, one requiring revision. Major complications (29%) included one intraabdominal
hematoma requiring revision (14%), and one severe pancreatitis and stump fistula requiring
relaparotomy (14%). With a mean follow-up of 14.12 ± 9.72 months, no tumor has recurred
and one patient undergoing relaparotomy for pancreatitis has developed an incisional hernia
Conclusion: Stapled distal pancreatic stump closure remains challenging with considerable
fistula rates. In a minimally invasive setting, the SIL approach allows for the same exposure
and safety as the conventional laparoscopic technique.

P385 – Pancreas P387 – Pancreas


B. Majerus, X. De Koninck, C. Van Ruyssevelt, T. Dugernier BODY TUMORS
Clinique Saint Pierre, OTTIGNIES LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, P. Senthilnathan, C. Palanivelu, P.S. Rajan, S. Rajapandian,
Belgium P. Praveen Raj, V. Vaithiswaran, A. Manoj Kumar,
A.G. Alwar Ramanujam
Aims: We present two cases of laparoscopic pancreatic necrosectomy and discuss the new
modalities of treatment of infected pancreatic necrosis.
GEM Hospital & Research Centre, COIMBATORE, India
Methods: New modalities of treatment for infected necrosis after acute pancreatitis have Introduction: Pancreatic body lesions are difficult to treat, one for the late presen-
been developed recently. The goal of all the therapeutic strategies is the elimination of all tation and other being removal of major portion of parenchyma. Distal
necrotic tissues. Aside to the classical ‘open’ necrosectomy, percutaneous drainage with Pancreatectomy for benign tumors results in endocrine disturbances particularly
irrigation and surgical minimal invasive modalities can offer the patient less aggressive
development of Diabetes Mellitus. Median or central pancreatectomy is an option for
approaches and definitive treatment. Experiences with retroperitoneoscopic approach as
centrally located tumors but is technically difficult to perform. We present our
well as transluminal transgastric endoscopic approach have been published. We treated our
experience of Minimally Invasive approach to treat these tumors.
patients through laparoscopic transabdominal approach using an infracolic route, as
described by Adamson and Cuschieri. In this technique, the lesser sac cavity is opened Methods: Since 2001, we have performed 5 median pancreatectomy, 3 of them were
through the root of the transverse mesocolon. Pus is aspired and necrosis is retrieved under for females and 2 males. Those patients who were planned for median pancreatec-
direct visual control. Double drainage is installed allowing for postoperative irrigation of tomy but could not be completed for technical reasons were excluded from this
the cavity. study. The mean age is 36 years and the size of the lesion is 3 cm. Malignant tumors,
Results: The first patient (51 years old woman) developed infection of peripancreatic borderline resectable tumours and large lesions more than 3 cm were excluded.
necrosis secondary to an alcoholic pancreatitis and presented with fever and abdominal pain Results: The mean operating time is 240 mins and blood loss is 160 ml. (range
3 weeks after initial admission. Percutaneous puncture revealed Staphylococcus aureus 30–320 ml). Mean ICU stay was 1 day and hospital stay was 4.5 days. Return of
infection for which intervention was decided. The second patient (79 years old woman) was bowel function is on the second day. There was no leak and all margins were
admitted for abdominal pain and vomiting leading to the diagnosis of a severe biliary negative. Four of those were done for mucinous cystadenoma and one for serious
pancreatitis complicated with an infected peripancreatic collection and splenic vein cystadenoma. Follow up ranges from 8 years to 2 months and till now no recurrence
thrombosis. Percutaneous drainage confirmed infection due to Escherichia coli and is being reported.
Enterococci. Antibiotherapy and small volumes irrigations of the infected cavity were not Conclusion: Laparoscopic Median pancreatectomy is an ideal procedure for selected
successful and laparoscopic exploration was done 5 weeks after admission. In both cases, a small lesions situated in the body of pancreas which preserves both exo and endo-
complete necrosectomy with drainage was performed and evolution was good.
crine function of pancreas.
Conclusions: Laparoscopic transabdominal necrosectomy is best indicated in the late course
of pancreatitis when necrosis is well demarcated. It allows for a complete removal of the
necrosis along with drainage of the residual cavity in one stage. We review the literature
and try to delineate the advantages and limits of the procedure in comparison with the other
modalities of treatment.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S149

P388 – Physiology, Pathophysiology, Immunology P390 – Physiology, Pathophysiology, Immunology


LAPAOSCOPIC SURGERY. National Medical University, ODESSA, Ukraine; 2Municipal
A. Bickel1, J. Herzig2, A. Eitan1, N. Gavrieli3, N. Intrator2 Hospital, KHERSON, Ukraine
Western Galilee Hospital, Bar Ilian University, NAHARIYA, Israel; Aims: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of patients with the initial signs of diabetic
Tel Aviv University, TEL AVIV, Israel; 3Technion, Institute foot (DF) treatment using neuroprotective treatment (thioctic acid and mexiprim)
of Technology, Faculty of Medicine, HAIFA, Israel additionally to pathogenetical antidiabetic compounds. The background of these
clinical-laboratory observations is fundamental position that ischemia, neuropathy
Background: We studied the creation of positive pressure pneumoperitoneum (PP) during
and infection are the three pathological components that lead to DF complications,
laparoscopic cholecystectomy, as a template model to evaluate cardiovascular pathophys-
iologic phenomena that might be influenced by increased intra-abdominal pressure. and they should be underwent to the pathogenetically proved treatment additionally
Aim: To study the pathophysiologic relationship between the occurrence of the first heart to the surgical one if needed.
sound (S1), the ECG complex, respiratory cycle and the intra-peritoneal pressure, during Methods: Neuropathy and ischemia are the initiating factors, most often together as
laparoscopic surgery. neuroischemia, whereas infection is mostly a consequence. From these positions, 42
Methods: Twenty five patients, electively scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, patients with diabetes mellitus and with the initial clinical signs of the DF were
were enrolled in the study. All were fully monitored, and PP was digitally set on 14 mmHg. included into observations. Starvation glycemic level in these patients was ranged
Each was connected to a computerized phonocardiogram analyzer, and data concerning the from 6.5 till 14.0 mmol/l. These patients were randomized into the following groups:
ECG, heart sounds and their relations to the inspiration-expiration phases and PP were the 1st group patients (n = 17) received traditional antidiabetic therapy. Both Thioctic
evaluated, using heart sound and ECG signal morphology analysis and clustering. The acid and Mexiprim were included into the complex treatment of the 2nd group
expiratory and inspiratory phases were detected from the heart sound and all analyses were patients (n = 25). Nerve Conductance Velocity Test was performed in these patients
performed separately on each phase. Another robust measure of the delay between the QRS for the original treatment efficacy evaluation.
complex and the onset of S1 was created. All measures were made immune to noise and Results: The 2nd group patients starting from the 10th days of the original therapy
disturbances during the recording, so that small changes of few milliseconds can be reliably showed significant decrease (p \ 0.05) in the blood plasma lipid peroxidation sub-
measured. For comparison, we also analyzed morphological changes of the QRS complex
stances, increase (p \ 0.05) in antioxidant enzymes activity, blood toxic test indexes
to determine whether it is indicative of the physiological stress (PP).
decrease (p \ 0.05) as well as nerve conductance velocities indexes on sural nerve
Results: The mean age of our study population was 47 years (28 to 82). We noticed 4
and accessory deep peroneal nerve increase (p \ 0.05) in comparison with the same
different sub-populations regarding the ECG morphological changes and QRS complex-S1
delay. Patients having medical background of cardiac problems had significantly increased indexes in the patients of the 1st group with DF who received only traditional
delay (decreased conductibility during PP), while patients without cardiac disease were therapy. Such a tendency received more expressed statistical difference after 2 weeks
characterized with increased ECG morphological changes. of the treatment.
Conclusions: Increased intra-abdominal pressure might be reflected by changes in the ECG Conclusions: The data obtained showed that neuroprotective and antioxidant treat-
morphology and QRS-S1 delay during respiratory cycle, by using sophisticated mathe- ment in patients with diabetes mellitus and the initial signs of DF should be complex
matical means. In addition, our preliminary results suggest the use of similar methods to and together with the pathogenetical antidiabetic treatment aimed to the diabetic-
delineate a latent sub-clinical cardiac disease that might not be exposed by conventional induced metabolic disturbances elimination. Such complex scheme of DF treatment
means. shows that new strategies must be developed and implemented for DF patients with
vascular impairment.

P389 – Physiology, Pathophysiology, Immunology P391 – Radiology/Imaging


E. Yiannakopoulou IS THERE A DIFFERENCE?
Technological Educational Institute of Athens, ATHENS, Greece H. Qandeel, A. Hammad, H. Abudeeb, M. Sajid, N. Mathias,
S. Mahmud
During and after surgical procedures there is a complex physiological host response termed
surgical stress response that involves activation of inflammatory, neuroendocrine, metabolic
Hairmyres Hospital, GLASGOW, United Kingdom
and immunological mediators. Stress response to minimally invasive surgery has been Aims: Traditionally, the Trans-hepatic approach for the Percutaneous Cholecystos-
measured in both clinical and experimental trials. However, stress response to advanced tomy (Th-PC) has been adopted to avoid the risk of bile leak and bile peritonitis.
minimally invasive surgery has not been fully investigated. This systematic review aims to This study aims to assess the safety and effectiveness of both Sub-hepatic Percu-
critically synthesize data on the effect of advanced minimally invasive surgery on surgical
taneous Cholecystostomy (Sh-PC) and Th-PC in treating non-resolving acute
stress response
cholecystitis in high risk patients.
Methods: Electronic databases were searched with the search terms ‘major minimally
Methods: Data of 18 consecutive patients who underwent either Ultrasound or CT
invasive surgery’, ‘advanced minimally invasive surgery’, ‘advanced robotic surgery’,
‘colon surgery’, ‘pancreatic surgery’, ‘endocrine surgery’, ‘surgical stress’ ‘surgical stress scan-guided Percutaneous Cholecystostomy (PC) for management of acute chole-
response’, ‘stress response’, up to and including January 2012. cystitis in one hospital from December 2008 until October 2011 was evaluated.
Results: Ten papers were identified including eight clinical trials and two experimental Results: All patients were American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class 4E at
trials. Clinical trials compared stress response in the context of laparoscopic assisted the time of PC. Their mean age was 77.4 (57–91 years old). All patients had
hysterectomy, laparoscopic retroperitoneal radical prostatectomy and laparoscopic colec- radiological evidence of gallstones in a distended gallbladder. In all cases, PC was
tomy with stress response to the corresponding open procedures. With the exception of one done under local anaesthesia using 8 or 10-french locking Pigtail drain. PC was
trial, all the other trials included about twenty patients per treatment group. Measured either via a Sub-hepatic (11 patients-61%) or Trans-hepatic (7 patients-39%)
parameters of surgical stress response included neuroendocrine stress response markers i.e. approach. 5 patients (28%) were CT scan-guided, while the rest (72%) were
cortisol, growth hormone, glucagon, norepinephrine, immune response markers i.e. inter- Ultrasound-guided. None of the patients developed a bile leak or biliary peritonitis.
leukins, adypocytokin lectin, lymphocyte and leucocyte counts, Toll Like receptors, TNF-a One patient (5.5%) died 3 weeks post PC due to associated metastatic liver disease,
and metabolic response markers i.e glucose. Six trials showed that laparoscopic surgery was unrelated to PC. 3 patients (1 Th-PC: 2 Sh-PC) were re-admitted as an emergency,
associated with less postoperative stress response, one trial showed that non descent vaginal two of them with biliary obstruction which required ERCP and one patient with
hysterectomy was better tolerated than laparoscopic hysterectomy and one trial showed no further cholecystitis which was treated with open cholecystectomy.
difference between laparoscopic assisted and open sigmoidectomy. The experimental trials
Conclusions: Our limited series does not show a significant difference between Th-
investigated stress response of small animal models in the case of colon surgery and showed
PC and Sh-PC approaches in terms of bile leak or biliary peritonitis post PC. Both
that laparoscopic surgery elicited milder stress response comparing with open surgery
are effective treatments for acute cholecystitis in surgically unfit patients who did not
Conclusion: Stress response on major surgery is clinically significant since it is
respond to non-operative management.
associated with systemic inflammatory syndrome, sepsis, multiorgan dysfunction
syndrome. Thus, future research efforts should focus on the investigation of the
effect of major minimally invasive surgery on surgical stress response.

S150 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P392 – Radiology/Imaging P394 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality

A.C. Wells, R. Fisher, S. Gergely, F. Di Franco, A. Harris A SINGLE JAPANESE INSTITUTION
Hinchingbrooke Hospital, CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom K. Uehara, F. Koide, Y. Yoshioka, T. Ebata, Y. Yokoyama, T. Igami,
Aims: The aim of this study was to report the incidence of ultrasound scan (USS)
G. Sugawara, M. Nagino
prior to elective groin hernia repair and compare the USS result with clinical and Nagoya University Hospital, NAGOYA, Japan
surgical findings. Aims: Japanese guidelines recommend lateral pelvic lymph node dissection (LPLD) for
Methods: The records of 300 consecutive patients who underwent surgery for treating patients with stage II/III lower rectal cancer, even patients without preoperative
inguinal or femoral hernias were evaluated to determine which patients had under- lateral lymph node (LN) swelling. Since the technique of laparoscopic LPLD is challenging
gone pre-operative USS. The ultrasound report was compared to pre-operative and not being widely practiced, laparoscopic surgery is generally not indicated for advanced
clinical examination and to surgical findings. rectal cancer in Japan. Therefore, we introduced the use of a robotic system in rectal cancer
Results: 48 patients (16%) underwent USS pre-operatively. 45 patients had laparo- surgery.
scopic and 3 patients open repair. The majority (32) of USS were requested by the Methods: We used hybrid robotic rectal resection and LPLD with autonomic nerve pres-
general practitioner prior to referral to surgical outpatient clinic. ervation. LPLD was defined as LN dissection of the obturator cavity and along the internal
Comparison of clinical examination, USS and surgery: iliac vessels. Results: Between September 2011 and October 2011, a single colorectal
surgeon performed hybrid robotic surgery in 4 patients with locally advanced rectal cancer
1. Clinical examination and USS agreed in 74% cases. by using the da Vinci surgical system. Magnetic resonance imaging showed that all the
2. Clinical examination and surgical findings agreed in 77% cases. patients had poor-risk rectal cancer, and they received 4 cycles of neoadjuvant chemo-
therapy with capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (XELOX) plus bevacizumab. Left colonic
3. USS & surgical findings agreed in 71% cases. mobilization and upward LN dissection were performed laparoscopically, and thereafter,
robotic operation was indicated for rectal mobilization and LPLD. Two patients underwent
The positive predictive value for USS was 72% compared to 82% for clinical
super-low anterior resection, and the remaining 2 patients underwent intersphincteric
examination. Moreover when the clinical examination findings were incorrect, USS resection with diverting ileostomy. LPLD with autonomic nerve preservation were per-
did not add any diagnostic benefit. USS errors were independent of grade of formed in 3 patients. The average console time was 245 min. Unilateral LPLD was
ultrasonographer. performed in 223 min, which was much longer than the time taken (average, 82 min) to
Conclusions: Our results contrast with previous published data which have suggested perform an open LPLD. The advantages of robotic rectal resection and LPLD were as
a positive predictive value for USS of 94%. In this study clinical examination follows: (1) full high-definition quality and three-dimensional imaging, (2) free manipu-
remained the best tool for diagnosing groin hernias. Assessment in the surgical clinic lation of the tip of the forceps with an articulating endowrist, (3) lack of interference, and
prior to USS should be recommended to avoid potentially confusing results and (4) more consistent manipulation without tremors.
unnecessary use of resources. Conclusion: We reported the initial experience of robotic rectal surgery in a single Japanese
institution. Robotic surgery enables highly accurate surgery with a good visual field and
free manipulation of the forceps, especially around the anal canal or in the lateral pelvic
wall. We intend to standardize the operative procedure and use the learning curve effect to
shorten the long operative time.

P393 – Radiology/Imaging P395 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality


OF LAPAROSCOPIC INTRAOPERATIVE J. Jarry1, A. Moreau Gaudry2, E. Chipon3, J.L. Bosson3, P. Cinquin3,
A.L. Karran, A. Majoe, O. Jalil, A. Rasheed Desgenettes hospital, LYON, France; 2TIMC-IMAG Laboratory,
Royal Gwent Hospital, CARDIFF, United Kingdom CAMI team, UJF-CNRS, GRENOBLE, France; 3Clinical
Aims: To examine the details of the technique of IOC and to audit the quality of the
Investigation Centre – Innovative Technology, CIT 803, Inserm,
captured images and the content of operative notes in relation to documentation of GRENOBLE, France; 4Chirurgie Digestive et de l’Urgence,
essential IOC anatomical landmarks. University Hospital, GRENOBLE, France
Method: A retrospective analysis of 100 consecutive laparoscopic intra-operative
Introduction: Thanks to the technical progress in instrumentation laparoscopic sur-
cholangiograms that were attempted at the Aneurin Bevan Health Board (ABHB)
gery has made considerable advances over the last decade. Robotic systems have
between February 2009 and March 2010 was undertaken. The visualisation of 7
been introduced to assist laparoscopic procedures. A new prototype of miniaturized
essential anatomical landmarks on captured IOC images and specific reference made
laparoscope-holder (called Light Endoscope Robot; LER) has been developed by the
to each in the operation notes were assessed.
laboratory TIMC-IMAG-CNRS in France and is now currently marketed by the
Results: A significant inter-operator variability was noted in the performance and the
French company Endocontrol. The aim of this pilot study was to assess this first
interpretation of IOC. Only 34% of captured images identified all 7 recognised
marketed version of the LER in clinical practice.
essential IOC landmarks. The majority (63.8%) of operation notes failed to make
Method: Prospective, single-centre study. The LER had already been successfully
reference to all 7 landmarks, with a mean number of landmarks referred to as 1.
validated on preclinical laboratory and cadaveric trials. The present study was
There was a significant difference (p \ 0.001) between landmarks identified on the
conducted at the Grenoble University Hospital during standardized laparoscopic
captured images and their documentation within the operation notes.
rectopexies on adult patients. Demographic and operative data, qualitative results
Conclusions: This study confirms that laparoscopic IOC is sub-optimally performed
were collected prospectively and analyzed retrospectively. All patients signed an
and poorly reported. It highlights the need for standardisation of the IOC technique
inform consent and the study was approved by the local Ethic Committee.
and systematisation of its reporting.
Results: Between March 2008 and September 2010, 16 adult patients underwent
laparoscopic rectopexy with the LER. All were females with an average age of 63.6
year old and an average BMI of 24 kg/m2. The procedure was completed in 15
patients. No conversion to open surgery was required. The post-operative mortality
rate was 0% and complication occurred in one patient. On a scale from 0 (bad) to 10
(excellent) the surgeon graded ease of use 7 ± 2, global comfort 8 ± 2, and quality
of vision 8 ± 2.
Conclusion: This pilot study demonstrated the feasibility, safety, and comfort for the
surgeon of the laparoscopic rectopexy assisted by the miniaturized light endoscope-
holder LER.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S151

P396 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality P398 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS M. Nishizaki, S. Kagawa, F. Uno, H. Kishimoto, Y. Kondo,
A. D’Annibale, V. Pende, G. Pernazza, I. Monsellato, G. Alfano, T. Fujiwara
P. Mazzocchi, G. Lucandri Okayama University Hospital, OKAYAMA-CITY, Japan
San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital, ROME, Italy Objective: The cases of robot-assisted gastrectomy for gastric cancer using da Vinci
Introduction: Widespread diffusion of minimally-invasive surgery for gastric cancer SHD surgical system are increasing in Japan though still not very common. We
treatment is limited by the complexity of performing an extended D2-lymphade- report here our early experience of robotic-assisted distal gastrectomy (RADG).
nectomy. This surgical step can be facilitated by using robot-assisted surgery. The Patients and Methods: Between February and November 2011, we performed 5 cases
aim of this study is to describe our technique and short-term results of a consecutive of RADG for early gastric cancer. The main operator in the surgeon console was an
series of full robotic gastrectomies with D2-lymphadenectomy for gastric cancer, experienced laparoscopic surgeon. In all cases, double bipolar system was introduced
using the da Vinci Surgical System. for procedure of operation. The 1st and 3rd robotic arms were manipulated with the
Materials and Methods: Between May 2004 and December 2011, we performed 40 right hand, and the 2nd arm was done with the left hand. In the 1st arm the dissecting
consecutive full robot-assisted total and subtotal gastrectomies with extended D2- forceps, and in the 2nd arm the grasping forceps were equipped with a bipolar
lymphadenectomy for histologically-proven gastric adenocarcinoma. Data referring electric cautery device. The surgical procedures of RADG were similar to those of
to 19 robot-assisted total gastrectomies and 21 subtotal gastrectomies were collected laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy.
in a database and analyzed. Results: Mean operation time and blood loss were 289 min (209–365 min) and 30 g
Results: Median operative time was 267.50 min (255–305). Median intraoperative (0–100 g), respectively. Mean retrieved number of LNs was 27.0 (21–42). Intra-
blood loss was 30 mL. Median number of harvested lymph nodes was 28 (23–34). operative complications were not observed. The postoperative courses were as same
Resection margins were negative in all cases. No conversions occurred. Surgery- as those of laparoscopic surgery.
related morbidity was 8%. Thirty-day mortality was 0%. Liquid diet started on Conclusions: This study demonstrated that RADG using the da Vinci SHD surgical
postoperative d 5 (2–5). Median length of stay was 6 d (5–8). system can be applied safely for patients with early gastric cancer in our institution.
Conclusions: Robot-assisted gastrectomy with D2-lymphadenectomy is a safe
technique and allows achieving an adequate lymph node harvest and optimal R0-
resection rates with low postoperative morbidity and the learning curve appears to be
shorter than in laparoscopic surgery. Longer follow-up and randomized clinical trials
are needed to define the role of robot-assistance in gastric cancer surgery.

P397 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality P399 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality

A. Lazzaro, A. Corona, L. Sbernini, L. Santosuosso, F. Giannini, N. Constantea, D. Axente
C.A. Pinto, L. Iezzi, G. Saggio, P.P. Sileri, A.L. Gaspari, Cluj-Napoca County Hospital, CLUJ-NAPOCA, Romania
N. Di Lorenzo Aims: Many endoscopic minimally invasive procedures have been developed and are
University of Tor Vergata, ROME, Italy used now in thyroid and parathyroid surgery. However, the endoscopic approach is
more technically demanding and due its limitations, endoscopic thyroidectomy
Aims: The understanding of surgical gesture, by means of a measuring apparatus, can
remains limited in application and practiced in a relatively small number of centers.
play a key role in the evaluation of surgical performance. To this aim, a neural network
Recently robotic technology has been also applied to thyroid surgery. The aim of this
classification algorithm can be helpful, since it combines good generalization perfor-
study is to present our experience and to demonstrate the technical feasibility,
mances along with a parsimonious architecture when dealing with high dimensional
intraoperative safety and efficacy of robotic thyroidectomy.
classification problems. We present its use as a surgical training tool for open surgery, a
Methods: The technique that we are practicing use the unilateral transaxillary
field of research highly underrepresented in the surgical teaching scenario.
approach without gas insufflation. We used the da Vinci SI Surgical Robotic System
We operated a bounding box decomposition of surgeon’s hand movements analysis
for all interventions and we performed 35 total unilateral lobectomy and 7 total
and gesture recognition during training of novice surgeons. This feature was applied
thyroidectomy. Patients were diagnosed with unilateral thyroid nodules and 7 of
to analyze trajectories of surgeon’s wrist and finger postures, so to recognize dif-
them, whit bilateral thyroid nodules. For each patient we analyzed the clinical
ferent hand gestures.
characteristics, tumor size, pathologic type, operative time, amount of drainage,
Methods: Dataset of surgical gestures: 5 master surgeons, 5 resident surgeons and 5
duration of hospital stay, postoperative complications, postoperative neck and
attending surgeons made this tasks: interrupted stitch; running suture; knot tying
anterior chest pain, and cosmetic satisfaction.
Results: All operations were performed successfully without any need for conven-
Gesture measurement: we developed a data glove on the basis of acquired
tional open conversion. The mean overall operation time was 155 min. respectively
80 min. console time. The mean tumor size was 3.5 cm. There was one temporal
This glove is provided with sensors to measure movements of distal interphalangeal,
brachial plexus neuropraxia and 4 wound seroma. There were 2 malignant thyroid
proximal interphalangeal, metacarpo phalangeal finger joints and wrist postures.
lesions at the final histopathological results. In this situation we perform total thy-
Gesture classification: synthesis of an algorithm automatically assigns each gesture
roidectomy by open cervicotomy during the same hospitalisation.
to a predefined class.
Conclusions: Robotic technology overcame some technical limitations associated
Operator’s training: Currently Mentors transfer their expertise to trainee via practical
with conventional endoscopy. Robotic thyroidectomy by gasless transaxillary
demonstrations and oral instructions. With recorded data of measures it is possible to
method is feasible, safe, and provided good outcomes.
reproduce such movements via avatar representation on a PC screen. It gets the
important aspect that the same gesture can be represented several times always in the
same manner and that it is possible to look at the gesture from all possible points of
view, just rotating, translating, zooming the avatar.
Results: We developed a graphical interface capable to superimpose a ‘ghost’ avatar
of the learner upon the ‘guide’ avatar of the expert. In this manner the trainee is
capable to easily auto-evaluate her/his performance with instinctive ability.
Conclusions: This work, still in progress, would be an innovate, accurate and non
invasive method to measure and evaluate surgical gestures. It will be useful to
accelerate the attending surgeon’s learning curve who can compare the basic level of
his expertise with master surgeon’s level and verify step by step his improvement.

S152 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P400 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality P402 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality

R. Vilallonga, J.M. Fort, O. Gonzalez, E. Caubet, S. Valverde, S.C. Paun, R. Ganescu, I. Negoi, B. Stoica, B. Gaspar, M. Beuran
M. Armengol Emergency Hospital, BUCHAREST, Romania
Universitary Hospital Vall d’Hebron, BARCELONA, Spain Among aggressive fibrosarcomas, the desmoid tumor can be localized on limb’s
Objective: Robot-assisted sleeve gastrectomy has the potential to treat patients with proximity, abdominal wall or mesenterium. Local invasion is defining such a tumor
obesity and its comorbidities. Such patients can benefit from minimally invasive but with rare frequency (0.03% of all neoplasia).
surgery including robotic technology. We sought to evaluate the learning curve for We are presenting a case of a female patient, 36 year old, admitted for a 29/22/14.5
this procedure before undergoing Roux en-Y gastric bypass. mm tumor on the posterior sheath of the middle third of the left right abdominal
Materials and Methods: Robot-assisted sleeve gastrectomy was attempted in 23 muscle.
consecutive patients. A Board approved and review of our robot-assisted sleeve Under general anesthesia, a transperitoneal da Vinci robotic approach was used for
gastrectomy protocol. A survey was performed in order to identify performance abdominal wall tumor removal. Three trocars have been utilized; trocars’ placement
variables during completion of the learning curve. Total operative time (OT), was 10 cm around the tumor site. Sharp dissection, with carefully local haemostasis
docking time (DT), complications, and length of hospital stay were compared among did offer a proper removal of the entire tumor along with a large portion of the
patients divided into two cohorts according to the surgical experience of the surgeon posterior sheath of the right muscle. Consequently, a 40/35 mm parietal defect has
(Cohort 1 – less experience, Cohort 2 – more experience). Scattergrams and con- been noticed after this tumor removal but with no aesthetic prejudice for the patient
tinuous curves were plotted to develop a robotic sleeve gastrectomy learning curve. and no signs for disturbance of the anterior abdominal wall resistance. Pathology
Results: Overall OT time decreased from 89.8 minutes in cohort 1 to 71.0 minutes in revealed spindle cells.
cohort 2, with less than 5% change in OT after case 19. Time from incision to No postoperative complications were noticed; patient’s discharge after 48 hours.
docking decreased from 9.5 minutes in cohort 1 to 8.7 minutes in cohort 2. The time Medical check out after 30 days showed no problems.
required to dock the robotic system also decreased from 9.1 minutes in cohort 1 to Facile approach of this tumor by robotic instruments as well as sharp dissection and
6.9 minutes in cohort 2. The complication rate was the same in the two cohorts. clear 3D view of the operating field, offered a secure and precise surgical removal
Conclusion: Our survey indicates that technique and outcomes for robot-assisted for such a special tumor – for these reasons we recommend such a surgical approach.
sleeve gastrectomy gradually improve with experience. We found that the learning
curve for performing a sleeve gastrectomy using the da Vinci system is completed
after about 19 cases.

P401 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality P403 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality

U. Boggi, S. Signori, N. De Lio, F. Costa, A. Gennai, Emergency Hospital, BUCHAREST, Romania
M.A. Belluomini In the beginning of the General Surgery cases approached by Robotic Surgery, every
University of Pisa, PISA, Italy surgeon needs a learning curve regarding not only manipulation of the instruments
Aims: To describe the first world experience with segmental resection (SR) and and dexterity for surgical gestures but also regarding the pathology of the cases. It is
reconstruction of main peripancreatic vessels during laparoscopic robot-assisted well known the preference for the majority of the surgeons to start Robotic Surgery
pancreatectomy (LRAP). with a simple, very well known minimally invasive procedure like cholecystectomy.
Methods: Between October 2008 and January 2012, SR of main peripancreatic It is safe, it is easy, it is convenient because every surgical step is already established
vessels was performed in 4 patients out of 90 undergoing LRAP (%). In 3 patients and the results are perfect identical to laparoscopic gold standard procedure.
SR was required to achieve R0 resection, in the setting of borderline resectable What about laparoscopic experienced surgeons starting Robotic Surgery? What
pancreatic cancer. Two of these patients had portal-mesenteric vein resection and about laparoscopic experienced surgeons dealing with acute, emergency cases?.
reconstruction during pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD), and one celiac trunk resection If we don’t take into consideration trauma cases – because of the running time rush,
without reconstruction during distal pancreatectomy (DP). In the fourth patient the medical legal aspects and complexity of the cases (e.g. multiple traumas) – we can
splenic vein, accidentally injured during dissection, was resected and reconstructed talk about delayed emergencies or late emergencies to be robotic approached. A long
during DP to avoid sinistral portal hypertension while preserving the spleen. Vein time experience like in Emergency Hospital – Bucharest, Romania, seems to offer a
reconstruction was always carried out using autologous jump grafts (internal jugular solid ground to start a robotic surgery for abdominal digestive emergencies.
vein in one patient and spiral greater saphenous vein graft in two patients). Reviewing the personal statistics, we can notice four cases facing an emergency
Results: No patient was converted to laparoscopy or open surgery. Final pathology diagnosis among the patients operated by robotic approach. The first case was an
disclosed ductal adenocarcinoma in 2 patients (1 PD; 1 DP); adenosquamous car- acute cholecystitis and the robotic procedure was performed with a degree of dif-
cinoma in 1 patient (PD), and mild dysplasia on branch duct IPMN in one patient ficulty. The second case was of a transverse colon perforation due to a foreign body
(DP). All margins were tumor free (R0 resection). Mean operative time was 740 (fishbone) with an omental inflammatory mass similar to an incarcerated umbilical
minutes in PD and 472 in DP. Intraoperative blood transfusions were not required. hernia – conversion to open laparotomy solved the case. The third case was for an
The post-operative course was uneventful in all but one patient, requiring repeat incarcerated inguinal hernia and robotic TAPP was safely performed. Fourth case
surgery because of bleeding from a pancreaticoduodenal artery. Thirty-day mortality was an inflammatory mass due to acute appendicitis and a robotic appendectomy was
was nil, and no pancreatic fistula was observed. The overall mean hospital-stay was performed after 2 weeks from the debut.
19 days. It is quite difficult to conclude a list of safe robotic procedures for abdominal
Conclusions: SR of main peripancreatic vessels can be performed during LRAP in emergencies especially in the beginning of this type of surgery. Open or laparoscopic
selected patients, operated on at high volume centers of pancreatic surgery having surgery can offer a better surgical solution for such cases.
also extensive experience with these procedures during open operations. Although
few tangential venous resections have already been described during laparoscopic
pancreatectomy, SR of main peripancreatic vessels is clearly more technically
demanding. The enhanced dexterity offered by the da Vinci surgical offers the
opportunity to manage these cases without accepting oncologic compromise or
technical shortcut.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S153

P404 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality P406 – Spleen


S.H. Kim, J.W. Shin, S.J. Baek, J.S. Cho, J. Kim J.B. Lazarevic
Korea University Anam Hospital, SEOUL, Korea City Hospital Valjevo, VALJEVO, Serbia
Purpose: To analyze the demographics of the single surgeon’s experience on robot- Background: Laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) has been establisched as a safe and
assisted rectal cancer resection and to evaluate short-term outcomes. effective alternative to open splenectomy (OS) for the treatment of Idiopatic
Materials: Prospectively collected data was analyzed retrospectively from 201 Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). The purpose of this study was to review our
consecutive robotic-assisted rectal cancer resection performed by one surgeon experience with splenectomy for ITP
between July 2007 and August 2011 at Korea University Anam Hospital. Methods: Between 2001 and 2010 a total of 35 splenectomies were performed for
Results: Robotic rectal cancer resection using a da Vinci surgical system was per- ITP by a single surgeon. These cases were reviewed for their post-operative out-
formed on 201 patients. There were 141 low anterior resections, 45 intersphincteric comes with particular atention to surgical approach.(LS vs OS) conversion and
resections, 13 abdominoperineal resections, 1 Hartmann’s operation and 1 total complications.
proctocolectomy. There was one conversion case to an open procedure. Mean BMI Results:Thirty-three of 35 patients underwent planned LS with 94% success rate.
was 23.5. Median tumor height was 6 cm from the anal verge. Preoperative che- Mean spleen weight was 142 g and four accessory spleens were identified in 3
moradiation was performed in 27.4%. Total operation time was 280 minutes but patients (8.6%). Two patients suffered post-operative complication (5.7%).Mean
decreased with experiences (initial 50 cases vs intermediate 50 cases vs late 101 follou up was 57.3 mo (2.5–120 mo), 84.8% of patients had a complete response
cases = 306 vs 285 vs 264 min, p = 0.002). Median blood loss was under 50 ml. (platelets [150 9 10/9/L).Additionally 12% of patients had a partial response
Mean number of lymph nodes retrieved was 19.1. TME incompleteness was seen (50–150 9 10/9/L), 3% of patients were non-responders, and 1 patient relapsed.
only in 3 cases. Protective ileostomy was made in 59.7%. Median hospital stay was 9 Conclusion: LS is ideally suited for patients with ITP, and has an excellent response
days. Overall morbidity rate was 35.8%. Anastomosis leakage rate was 10.1%. There rate.
was no operative mortality.
Conclusions: This study justifies to continue the robotic surgery in our practice since
the data shows the acceptable morbidity and mortality. The criticism of a long
operating time of robotic surgery seems no longer existing in the near future since
robotic rectal surgery has a great potential to shorten the pelvic dissection time in
experienced hands.

P405 – Robotics, Telesurgery and Virtual Reality P407 – Spleen


K.W. Ryu, B.W. Eom, H.M. Yoon, J.H. Lee, Y.W. Kim, J.Y. Park I. Vidmane-Ozola1, V. Boka2, E. Cunskis1, S. Lejniece3, I. Kalnins3
National Cancer Center, GOYANG-SI, Korea Riga East University Hospital, RIGA, Latvia; 2University of Latvia,
RIGA, Latvia; 3Riga Stradins University, Riga, Lithuania
Aims: The authors aimed to compare the surgical performance and the short-term
clinical outcomes of robotic assisted laparoscopic distal gastrectomy (RADG) with Aim: To compare the use of conventional and laparoscopic splenectomy in Latvia in
laparoscopy-assisted distal gastrectomy (LADG) in distal gastric cancer patients. 10 years.
Method: From April 2009 to August 2010, 62 patients underwent LADG and 30 Material and methods: Since January 2002 till January 2012 162 patients with benign
patients underwent RADG for preoperative stage I distal gastric cancer by one and malignant haematological diseases and hypersplenism caused by liver cirrhosis
surgeon at the National Cancer Center, Korea. Surgical performance was measured underwent operations. 138 conventional (CS) and 24 laparoscopic (LS) splenecto-
using lymph node (LN) dissection time and number of retrieved LNs, which were mies were performed. Patients’ demographic, laboratory data were analysed, as well
viewed as surrogates of technical ease and oncologic quality. as the size of the spleen prior to the operation; approach to the abdominal cavity and
Results: In clinicopathologic characteristics, mean age, depth of invasion and stage the spleen-conventional or laparoscopic; the duration of the operation; blood loss and
were significantly different between the LADG and RADG group. Mean dissection other manipulations during LS; post-operative complications and the day of dis-
time at each LN station was greater in the RADG group, but no significant intergroup charge following the operation.
difference was found for numbers of retrieved LNs. Furthermore, proximal resection Results: There is a statistically credible difference between the median ages of the
margins were smaller, and hospital costs were higher in the RADG group. In terms patients, LS vs. CS (p = 0.003). There is no statistically credible difference between
of the RADG learning curve, mean LN dissection time was smaller in the late RADG the diagnosis and the type of operation, the duration of the disease in both groups (p
group (n = 15) than in the early RADG group (n = 15) for 4 sb/4 d, 5, 7–12a stations, [ 0.05). There is a statistically credible difference between the median size of the
but numbers of retrieved LNs per station were similar. spleen prior to the operation and the type of the operation – CS = 19 and LS = 12.4
Conclusion: With the exception of operating time and cost, the numbers of retrieved cm, median duration of the operation (CS = 90 and LS = 137.5 min.); the post-
LNs and the short-term clinical outcomes of RADG were found to be comparable to operative weight of the spleen (CS = 932.5 and LS = 269 g) (p \ 0.001).
those of LADG, despite the surgeon’s familiarity with LADG and lack of RADG There is a statistically credible difference between the median count of neutrophil
experience. Further studies are needed to evaluate objectively ergonomic comfort leucocytes prior to the operation (NAC) in both groups of the operations (p = 0.006),
and to quantify the patient benefits conferred by robotic surgery. but no difference between the median platelet count (TR). There is a statistically
credible difference between the day of discharge and the type of operation LS vs.
CS- 7 vs. 8 (p = 0.042). There was no statistically credible difference as to the
number of complications between two types of operation (p = 0.847).
Conclusion: LS is an accessible and safe operation for younger adults with practi-
cally unchanged size of the spleen compared to CS. For a more complete assessment
of the use of LS for haematological and patients with hypersplenism caused by
cirrhosis in Latvia the development of the splenic operations database and further
long-term studies should be continued.

S154 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P408 – Spleen P410 – Technology


S. Tomiyasu1, K. Okabe1, O. Sano1, T. Yamanaka1, T. Beppu2, USING A MEDIAL-TO-LATERAL APPROACH
H. Baba2 L.Y. Zhao1, J. Yu1, G.X. Li1, C. Zhang2, Y.F. Hu2, Y. Wang2
NTT West Kyushu Hospital, KUMAMOTO, Japan; 2Department 1
Nanfang Hospital, GUANG-ZHOU, China; 2Nan Fang Hospital,
of Gastroenterological Surgery Graduate School of Medical Sciences GUANGDONG, China
Ku, KUMAMOTO, Japan Aims: Laparoscopic extended right hemicolectomy (LERH) for cancer management
Aim: Laparoscopic splenomegaly has become the standard surgery for the man- was more difficult than other Laparoscopic colectomy for the difficulty to deal with
agement of many hematological disorders and hypersplenisms. Although the benefits the middle colic vessels laparoscopically. The security and feasibility were still
of laparoscopic resection of the spleen has been widely accepted, laparoscopic and controversial. This study aimed to introduce the critical techniques of the stan-
hand assisted splenectomy for a very large spleen and portal hypertension are still dardized LERH and evaluated its security and feasibility.
considered relative contraindications by many. Massive splenomegaly is defined as Methods: The anatomic element and surgical technique were described and dem-
the splenic volume of 500 ml or more by volumetry in computed tomography (CT). onstrated with pictures. The clinical records of 105 patients coming from a
The aim of this study is to estimate the operative short-term outcomes of laparo- prospective database were analyzed retrospectively, Patients were allocated to
scopic assisted splenectomy in massive splenectomy. receive LERH using a medial-to-lateral approach (n = 48) or open extended right
Methods: At NTT West Kyushu Hospital, we performed a retrospective analysis of 14 hemicolectomy (OERH) (n = 57). Clinical characteristics, operative findings, and
patients who underwent laparoscopic assisted splenectomy from 2010 through 2011. postoperative outcome were compared.
Surgical outcomes, including operation time, counted blood loss, postoperative com- Results: The main surgical plan of LERH using a medial-to-lateral approach was the
plications, postoperative hospital stays and platelet count of the preoperative and the one right Toldt‘s space. The superior mesenteric vein (SMV) was the most important
month after surgery were compared in massive splenomegaly (MS) group, not massive anatomical landmark of vascular dissection, and the middle boundary of the surgical
splenomegaly (NS) group. To compare groups, Unpaired t-test with or without Welch’s plan. Patients underwent LERH using a medial-to-lateral approach had less blood
correction was applied to continuous data and the chi-square tests were applied to cat- loss compared with those underwent OERH (111.7 ± 127.8 ml vs 170.2 ± 49.7 ml, p
egorical data. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. = 0.023). LERH was associated with earlier recovered of bowel function. There were
Results: Of the 14 patients, 4 (29%) were MS group (hematological disorders were 3, 5 patients (10.4%) underwent conversion during laparoscopic surgery. The pathol-
hypersplenisms was 1) and 10 (71%) were NS group (hematological disorders were ogy outcome and postoperative complications between LERH and OERH group
6, hypersplenisms were 4). There was no difference in age, gender, Body Mass Index were equivalent.
and preoperative platelet count. In the MS group, splenic volume by volumetry in CT Conclusions: The LERH using a medial-to-lateral approach was concise when the
was significantly bigger than that in the NS group (1382 ml vs. 186 ml; 0.025). SMV serve as the landmark and the right Toldt’s space severed as the surgical plan.
Operation time, postoperative complications, length of postoperative hospital stay LERH could be used as safe and radical resection of cancer located at hepatic flexure
and platelet count of the one month after surgery were similar among both groups. or within 10 cm distal to hepatic flexure.
However there was no statistically significant difference, in MS group operation time
was longer (193 min vs. 162 min) and blood loss was greater (738 g vs. 97 g).
Conclusions: Among patients with massive splenomegaly, laparoscopic assisted
approach is feasible and safe if careful about operation time getting longer and blood
loss getting increasing.

P409 – Spleen P411 – Technology


I. Stipancic, R. Klicek, J. Bakovic, M. Knezevic, I. Runjic, T. Kolak, (DI-LATG) FOR PATIENTS WITH GASTRIC CANCER
M. Miocinovic H. Fujii, K. Kawakami, T. Aotake, H. Yuki
Clinical Hospital Dubrava, ZAGREB, Croatia Japanese Red Cross Fukui Hospital, FUKUI, Japan
Aim: Laparoscopic splenectomy presents a challenge in patients with splenomegaly Introduction: Since laparoscopic assisted total gastrectomy (LATG) is less invasive. On the
despite being the preferred procedure for most elective splenectomies. Our experi- other hand, reduced port surgery has been considered as a next step in minimal access
ence with laparoscopic splenectomy in the setting of splenomegaly is presented. surgery. We already introduced Dual Incision Laparoscopy-Assisted Distal Gastrectomy
Methods: The data were collected prospectively from May 2003. to October 2011. in last EAES conference, now we introduced DI-LATG using the technique of trans-umbilical
single incision laparoscopic surgery.
39 patients that underwent LS in Clinical Hospital ‘Dubrava’ Zagreb, Croatia. The
Surgical technique: A 2.5-cm longitudinal skin incision was made at the umbilicus and
nature of disease, spleen size (measured on CT or ultrasound), gender, age, op time,
subcutaneous tissue was dissected. A 100-mm XCEL trocar 12 mm in diameter was
conversion, hospital stay, need for accessory incision, type of splenic artery ligation inserted from the center of the area without fascia and an oblique-viewing endoscope 10
preoperative and postoperative platelet values were recorded. The impact of diag- mm in diameter was used. XCELs 12 mm in diameter were inserted at both ends of a small
nosis (benign/malignant) and the spleen size onto the outcome following LS in eight incision (5–6 cm) that was planned to make on Langer cleavage line in the epigastrium, and
years period were evaluated. 65-mm Endo tip cannulas (ETC) 6 mm in diameter were inserted at the both sides of the
Results: Majority of patients submitted to LS had benign hematologic disease (30 of first inserted XCEL trocar under endoscopic observation via the port at the epigastrium.
39) and more than half of them had splenomegaly (23/39). Majority of patients with Devices were controlled intraperitoneally in LATG through these five ports. A surgeon,
splenic malignancy have splenomegaly (8 of 9). The mean spleen size in splenomegaly standing between the legs of the patient, was in charge of the port at the umbilicus. Gastric
patients was 23.88 cm (range 15–31 cm). Splenomegaly was associated with higher resection and gastrointestinal reconstruction (Roux-Y) were carried out through the 5–6 cm
conversion rate (3 vs 2) due to bleeding and longer mean operative time (128.54 vs small incision that was made between the sites where two ports were created at the epi-
104.75 min). Furthermore, in splenomegaly more patients required accessory incision gastrium. Taken together, dual incisions, consisted of a single incision at the umbilicus
and additional port (7 vs 1) and blood transfusion (8 vs 1). But length of stay and generally for single incision laparoscopic surgery and a transverse incision at the epigas-
postoperative morbidity was not associated with enlarged spleen in our series. trium, were made and the wound scar at the umbilicus was inconspicuous. No special
Conclusion: According to our results, the same as to some previously presented access port or flexible forceps was required in this method and some pairs of conventional
studies LS has become a treatment of choice for majority of patients including those straight forceps were used. Therefore, the method was economical.
Results: DI-LATG was performed for 69 years old female patient. No additional port was
with splenomegaly. In spite of longer operative time and more blood loss laparo-
required and lymphadenectomy of D1 + lymph node number 7, 8a, and 9 (around the left
scopic splenectomy in the setting of splenomegaly is safe in appropriately
gastric artery, common hepatic artery, and celiac artery) was possible. Operation time was
experienced hands with full awareness of increased complexity of technical per- 347 min, and blood loss was 126 g.
formance and caution requirement. Conclusions: From the point of view of reduced port surgery, DI-LADG was con-
sidered an option for laparoscopic surgery.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S155

P412 – Technology P414 – Technology


R. Sancibrian1, M.C. Gutierrez2, L. Rubio1, C.M. Palazuelos2, OF MODIFIED NEEDLESCOPIC SURGERY BY ELECTRO-
University of Cantabria, SANTANDER, Spain; 2Valdecilla Virtual T. Ohdaira, M. Hashizume
Hospital, SANTANDER, Spain Kyushu University, FUKUOKA-KEN, Japan
Aim: The ergonomic design of instruments for endoscopic surgery has many defi- Objectives: A number of minimally invasive therapeutic procedures by single port
ciencies that are well-known by surgeons. Furthermore, the lack of tactile sensitivity surgery have been proposed. However, there exist the following issues: (1) the flaw
reduces the feedback information that the surgeon obtains about the stiffness, size that the triangular formation for the target site of treatment is impossible to establish;
and strength of the organs. All these factors contribute to comfort and efficiency of and (2) clashing among multiple single port surgery instruments in the single port.
use of the instruments by the surgeon. In this work a new handle for laparoscopic We established Multi Piercing Surgery, which is a Needlescopic Surgery assisted by
instruments is investigated according to the ergonomic and tactile performance. NOTES using a 3-mm diameter electro-controlled forceps. We successfully con-
Methods: The new handle was developed as a prototype and is compared with a ring ducted a preclinical study on local regeneration therapy for diabetes.
handle in order to assess the ergonomic and tactile characteristics. In this study, 20 Methods: The electro-controlled forceps has one joint of 3 mm in diameter. The
volunteers performed different tasks simulating the working conditions of the sur- forceps has a mono-polar electric power source at the hand tip. The needle type
geons. Ten of these volunteers were people randomly selected without relation with devise was used to perform the study in five pigs. At first we settled dummy atrophic
surgery or medicine. The rest of the volunteers were surgeons in training, selected pancreatic region as the target area. The retroperitoneum was detached from the
from the Valdecilla Virtual Hospital in Spain. The data measured included the pancreatic parenchyma along about 5 mm by electrocoagulation. Subsequently, the
number of errors, the perception of the stiffness and size, the motion of hands and catheter was led into the detached pocket and used to inject stem cells.
arms and the time required to complete the task. The subjective opinions of the Results: In laparotomy via the ventral approach, two electro-controlled forceps
volunteers were surveyed after each task. achieved complete triangular formation and allowed the conduct of surgery under a
Results: The results show that, regardless of the ergonomic design of the handle, the good visual field. The dorsum of the 25-mm long electro-controlled hand was used to
physical strength of the surgeon is very important in tactile perception. This means very smoothly perform the procedure without damaging the organ. Furthermore, the
that in general women make more mistakes than men when the opinion about the retroperitoneum could also be incised easily by electrocoagulation with the tip of the
stiffness and size is required. The new handle design avoids extreme movements of electro-controlled hand, which shortened time to reach the pancreas. Any compli-
the hand and wrist, reducing hyperflexion and hyperextension effects. In general, the cations such as bleeding and leakage of pancreatic juice did not occur during
surveys do not highlight significant differences between the results obtained by administration.
surgeons in training and the rest of the volunteers. Conclusions: Multi Piercing Surgery by the needle-type electro-controlled forceps
Conclusions: The physical strength and hand size of the surgeon play an important left no visible surgical scar in the abdominal wall when used also via the trans-
role in perception. In contrast with the ring handle, the new handle reduces extreme abdominal approach and was successfully verified to allow the completion of safe
motion of the hand and wrist so improving the ergonomic characteristics. Compared and efficacious surgical procedures under a good field of vision by ensuring the
with the ring handle the ergonomic design of the new handle avoids high-pressure triangular formation that is indispensable for endoscopic surgery.
zones in the contact between hand and handle. Extreme differences in surgeon
fatigue could not be observed for either of the two handles.

P413 – Technology P415 – Technology


Tokyo Medical and Dental University, TOKYO, Japan T. Mou, G. Li, J. Yu
Nanfang Hospital, GUANGZHOU, China
With there being no standardized procedure for esophagojejunostomy in laparo-
scopic total gastrectomy, a simple and safe method has been called for. With the Aims: With the increasing incidence of proximal gastric cancer over the past decade,
view of reproducing esophagojejunostomy using a circular stapler, i.e. the stan- the necessity of performing total gastrectomy was noted. However, due to the
dardized procedure in laparotomy, in the abdominal cavity, our department has technical difficulty associated with reconstruction, laparoscopy-assisted total gas-
developed an intra-abdominal detachable ENDO-PSI. trectomy (LATG) is still not as commonly performed as laparoscopy-assisted distal
Objective: To examine the results of laparoscopic total gastrectomy using the gastrectomy. Despite various modified reconstruction methods after LATG, a stan-
detachable ENDO-PSI. dard technique has not yet been established. In this study, we report the newly
Subjects: 20 patients for whom the detachable ENDO-PSI was used. developed reconstruction technique using transorally inserted anvil (OrVilTM) for
Anastomosis Method: With the umbilical wound extended, the stomach was resected. Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy after LATG.
From this point, the tip of the detachable ENDO-PSI and an anvil were inserted into the Methods: Between December, 2009 and September, 2011, 13 patients with proximal
abdominal cavity for re-pneumoperitoneum. The gripper of the detachable ENDO-PSI advanced gastric cancer underwent LATG with Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy
was inserted form the 12 mm port and was attached to the tip of the device in the using OrVilTM. During operation, after transection of the mobilized abdominal
abdominal cavity. The detachable ENDO-PSI was hung on the esophageal stump, esophagus, the anvil was inserted transorally into the esophagus by using the Or-
whereupon a nylon straight needle was let through to form a purse string suture. An VilTM system. Then double-stapling esophagojejunostomy was performed with a
anvil was inserted and fixed in the esophagus, and the jejunum was pulled out and circular stapler through a 4-cm mini-laparotomy. Results: Of the 13 patients, there
dissected from the umbilical wound. A circular stapler was inserted into the jejunum, was no intraoperative complication. The mean operating time was 177.16 ± 37.83
which was returned inside the abdominal cavity for re-pneumoperitoneum. Thereupon, min and the estimated blood loss was 158.33 ± 120.07 ml. Postoperative fluorog-
esophagus jejunum end-to-side anastomosis was performed under laparoscopic raphy showed no anastomotic leakage or stenosis. Postoperatively, time to liquid diet
observation. The blind end of the jejunum was closed with a linear stapler. and semi-liquid diet were 5.00 ± 1.26 days and 6.83 ± 1.72 days, respectively and
Results: Of the 20 cases, 18 were completed. The average time taken for the anvil the mean hospital stay was 11.16 ± 4.07 days. Two patients experienced postop-
insertion and fixation was 27 minutes, and the average time for the esophagojej- erative intra-abdominal infection and was handled with conservative treatment.
unostomy was 49 minutes. One patient exhibited a minor leakage of anastomotic Conclusions: LATG with Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy using OrVilTM for the
site, and another patient developed a fistula at the drain contact portion. However, treatment of advanced proximal gastric cancer can greatly simplify the surgical
these conditions improved conservatively. The median length of postoperative procedure during reconstruction and is technically feasible with satisfactory early
hospitalization was 10 days. recovery and acceptable morbidity. Further studies comparing OrVilTM with the
Conclusion: The use of the detachable ENDO-PSI has enabled esophagojejunostomy traditional purse-string technique would be needed.
in the same procedure as laparotomy.

S156 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P416 – Technology P418 – Thoracoscopic Surgery


CENTRE University of Limpopo, VEREENIGING, South Africa
P. Senthilnathan, C. Palanivelu, P.S. Rajan, S. Rajapandian, Introduction: Penetrating cardiac injuries in hemodynamically normal patients can present a
P. Praveen Raj, R. Parthasarathi, P. Kedar Pratap diagnostic challenge.It is even more challenging in patients where there is associated intra-
GEM Hospital & Research Centre, COIMBATORE, India abdominal injury requiring exploration. Diagnostic modalities suggested have their own inherent
shortcomings ranging from low negative predictor value to difficulty of access.
Introduction: Single incision laparoscopic surgery is one of the newest branches of advanced Aim: We present our experience using laparoscopic pericardial window (LPW) in excluding car-
laparoscopy.Both simple and complex surgical procedures such as fundoplication, cholecystec- diac injuries in this cohort of patients.
tomy,sleeve gastrectomy etc are being currently performed with single incision laparoscopic Methods: Data was collected prospectively on all patients who presented with precordial stab
surgery. Liver retraction is one of the important steps in single incision surgery while operating on wounds and suspected cardiac injury from Jul 2011 and Dec 2011 at the Sebokeng hospital. All
upper GI tract especially around the hiatus. Various methods have been described to overcome the patients who were hemodynamically unstable were excluded. The patients were placed under
difficulty of liver retraction in single incision surgeries, each having its own merits and demerits. general anesthesia and using a three port technique the pericardium was opened through the central
Objective: Aim is to compare various liver retraction techniques in single incision laparoscopic tendon of the diaphragm and closed extracorporeally if negative. Sternotomy would be done if
surgery and to formulate a technique which is feasible, cost effective, reproducible, and in short positive.
duration. Results: There were a total of 8 patients over a 6 months period. 7 males and1 female with mean
Material and Methods: Type of study- Retrospective non randomized observational study A ret- age of 27 years (25–38 years). One patient had positive result and was converted to a sternotomy.
rospective analysis of the various liver retraction techniques performed at our centre was performed One patient had a large pericardial effusion and was treated with a pericardial window. Six patients
Total number of cases- 66 over a period of 2 years from January 2009 to November 2011 had negative pericardial window and one of these had a perforated gallbladder and had a lapa-
Results: Number of cases surgery wise Nissens fundoplication-22, Sleeve gastrectomy-20, roscopic cholecystectomy. There was no mortality.
Cholecystectomy with sleeve gastrectomy-8, Hellers cardiomyotomy-5, Cystogastrostomy- Conclusion: LPW is a viable and safe alternative in excluding cardiac injuries in patients
5, Gastric bypass-4, Fundoplication with rectopexy – 1, Fundoplication with Hystrectomy – 1 that may have associated intraabdominal injuries.
Methods of retraction
1. liver puncture and suspension with corrugated drain – 40
2. liver puncture and suspension with gauze – 12
3. Suture to the Right Crus – 8
4. Hanging with Umbilical tape-6 Method
Discussion: Liver retraction is a must in single incision surgery to facilitate a safe surgery espe-
cially around the hiatus. We have evaluated different techniques of liver retraction and our analysis
have shown that hanging the liver with corrugated drain and a pair of suture is safe, easy, repro-
ducible, and quick. Bleeding from the liver surface is transient in some cases and is not a problem
while taking sutures.
Conclusion: Different techniques are practiced to retract the liver in forgut and HPB surgeries.
Among the lot, retraction using corrugated drain by two sutures seems to be the method of choice in
our institute.

P417 – Thoracoscopic Surgery P419 – Thoracoscopic Surgery


BLOOD AFTER THORACOSCOPIC BULLECTOMY L.C. Chen, J.Y. Lee, Y.T. Chang, H.H. Chiang, J.S. Hsieh, S.H. Chou
S. Sugiyama1, S Miyahara1, Y Naka1, M. Sakai1, K. Sugiyama1, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan
Y. Doki2, K. Sakata2 Aims: Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is increasingly used for major pulmonary
Tomei-Atsugi Hospital, ATSUGI-SHI, Japan; 2Toyama Univercity, resections and has fewer respiratory complications. Most surgeons use three or four ports to
TOYAMA, Japan perform a VATS lobectomy. The aim of the study is to present two ports thoracoscopic lobectomy
is safe and reliable.
Aims: To prevent recurrent pneumothorax after video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, various Subject: 39 cases of lung tumor were operated by two-port VATS lobectomy from November 2008
methods involving the use of biodegradable polymers for covering the pleura have been devised. to December 2011. Age: 14*78 years old (median: 58). Type of pulmonary resection:
The use of fibrin sealant should be avoided as far as possible because of the possibility of infection. RUL:5(12.8%)RML:7(17.9)RLL:11(28.2) LUL:4(10.2%) LLL:12(30.7%)
Autologous blood is used instead of chemical pleurodesis for pneumothorax. When mild emphy- Surgical Technique:
sematous changes extend to the entire pleura around the localized bulla, mild emphysema is always 1. An utility port about 3*4 cm is performed in 5th intercostal space over anterior axillary line.
observed in the pleura around the staples after bullectomy. Such patients as well those who have 2. The camera port is made in 7th intercostal space over mid-axillary line for 10-mm 30
weak pleural surfaces around the staples are at high risk of postoperative recurrence of pneumo- thoracoscope.
thorax. Therefore, to address these issues and avoid postoperative recurrence, we devised a double- 3. VATS Lobectomy follows the oncological principles: individual dissection of veins, arteris and
covering method in which the stapling line is covered with an oxidized regenerated cellulose sheet lobar bronchus.
and autologous blood. 4. Lobectomy and mediastinal dissection are performed through utility port without visual access
Method: From May to December 2011, we performed the double-covering method, which involved through the wound and without rib retractor.
thoracoscopy, for 12 patients. Bullectomy was performed under general anesthesia by using a 5. Plastic wound retractor is not used routinely.
thoracoscopic auto device, after a sealing test confirmed the absence of air leakage. To reinforce the Result: 1. Convert to open due to massive bleeding: 2 cases (5.1%). 2. Operation time: 70*360
stapling line and visceral pleura, we covered the stapling line with an oxidized regenerated cel- minutes (median: 235 minutes). 3. Bleeding: 20*1250 ml (median: 100 ml). 4. Pathological stage:
lulose sheet (7.6 ± 10.2 cm; Ethicon Inc) and autologous blood. IA:17 IB:6 IIA:1 IIB:2 IIIA:4 IIIB:0 IV:2. 5. Duration of postoperative drainage: 3*16 days
Results: Air did not leak from the chest tubes after surgery. However, chest roentgenograms (median: 6 days). 6. Postoperative hospital stay: 4*17 days (median: 7 days). 7. ICU admission: 4
showed that a small air space remained in the lung apex after surgery. The chest tubes were cases (10.8%) (mean: 1.5 day) one case: COPD, two cases: massive bleeding (ESRD/PV tear)one
removed in 5–7 days after surgery regardless of the presence or absence of air space in the apex. case: old age. There is NO major complication or mortality during hospitalization.
Recurrent pneumothorax was not observed in these patients. Discussion: 1. Two-port VATS lobectomy is less invasive, safe and reliable procedure producing
Conclusion: Our double-covering method involving an oxidized regenerated cellulose sheet and good postoperative results. 2. The utility port located in 5th ICS over anterior axillary line is
autologous blood for reinforcing the visceral pleura after thoracoscopic bullectomy can be used as suitable for all different lobes. 3. Most of our patients Do NOT need intensive unit care (including 1
an optional method for managing pneumothorax that occurs after this procedure. patient received CABG operation 6 months ago). 4. The incision wound is shorter and postoper-
ative pain is less. 5. All the patients could walk well on post operative day 1. 6. As we obtain more
experience over time, results improve, especially when performing mediastinal lymph node

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S157

P420 – Thoracoscopic Surgery P422 – Training


L.P. Depypere1, P. Lerut2, W. Coosemans1, H. Decaluwé1, B. Khatsiev, A. Kuzminov
P. De Leyn1, B. Gheysens2, D. Van Raemdonck1, P. Nafteux1 Stavropol State Medical Academy, STAVROPOL, Russia
University Hospitals Leuven, LEUVEN, Belgium; 2Groeninge Materials and Methods: 96 postgraduate surgical trainees (aged from 24 to 52) passed 3
Hospital, KORTRIJK, Belgium month laparoscopy training course. We demanded trainees to achieve 5-minute result in
two-handed maneuvers in virtual trainer and 60-second for surgical suturing.
Objective: Bifid ribs and more specific intrathoracic arisings from ribs are rare and
All students were asked to give their opinions ranging from strongly agree to strongly
most of the times asymptomatic. Treatment options in symptomatic patients are not disagree on the following statements: ‘Overall, I am very satisfied with my training pro-
well described in the literature gram’, ‘I worry about performing poorly in front of my assistant’, ‘I feel that my operating
Methods: An 18-year old young woman was referred to our hospital following two skill is level appropriate for performing laparoscopic operations independently’, ‘I’ve
years of intermittent non-specific thoracic pain. As further examination couldn’t enjoyed operating laparoscopically’. All trainees were divided into two groups – the 1st
reveal any cause, a conservative management was advised. Recently she was group – 40 trainees with learning curve of 4 hours and lesser, the 2nd group of 56 with
admitted on the emergency department with inframammary pain on the left side learning curve length more than 4 hours.
since a few days. Results: Mean age was 30.7 ± 3.8 years in the first group, and 34.0 ± 5.3 in the second (p\
Results: To prevent the patient from any complication as chronic pain, phrenic nerve 0.01). The eldest trainee had the longest learning curve of 11 hours.
damage or even pericardial or lung perforation, the intrathoracic part of the rib was Mean operation time was 46 ± 6 minutes in the first group and 53 ± 6 in the second one (p
removed by video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). Only two small skin \0.01). An operating trainee and an assisting experienced surgeon swapped their places in
incisions were needed and the patient could leave the hospital 2 days postopera- 2 (5%) operations in the first group and in 3 (5.4%) operations in the second, because of
tively. After a follow up of …. months, the patient remains pain free. difficulties (p [ 0.05). The first group was more satisfied with the training- 26 (65%)
Conclusion: Video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is an elegant method of positive answers than the second group – 30 (53.6%) positive answers (p [ 0.05). The
second group was more calm during the operation – 23 (41.1%) negative answers about
treatment for a symptomatic intrathoracic arising from a rib that can lead to complete
being nervous during the surgery versus 4 (10%) in the first group (p \ 0.01). Trainees of
the second group were more confident in their laparoscopic skills – 32 (37.5%) positive
answers versus 7 (17.5%) (p \ 0.05) in the first group. The first group had shown more
willingness to operate laparoscopically with 25 (62.5%) positive answers against 22
We’ve found that self-confidence of more capable laparoscopic trainees is significantly
lower than that of less able. That means that those capable trainees are in great need of
constant support of their trainers, and despite spending lesser time to achieve good results,
they should spend more time mastering their skills to reach good level of self-confidence.

P421 – Training P423 – Training

M. Naruke E.F. Hofstad1, C. Våpenstad1, M. Chmarra2, T. Langø1, R. Mårvik3
Eiju General Hospital, TOKYO, Japan SINTEF, TRONDHEIM, Norway; 2Norwegian University
Background: Today, some kinds of VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery) are
of Science and Technology, TRONDHEIM, Norway; 3St. Olav’s
being conducted without other surgeon assistants. In this paper, we present a tech- Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, TRONDHEIM, Norway
nical procedure of VATS stapler bullectomy for a primary spontaneous Aims: A high level of psychomotor skills is required to perform minimally invasive surgery
pneumothorax using the ENDOLOOP Ligature (Ethicon Endo-Surgery inc., Cin- (MIS) safely. To assure high quality of skills it is important to be able to measure and assess
cinnati, OH, USA) and the Endo CloseTM Trocar Site Closure Device (Covidien llc, these skills. For that, it is necessary to determine aspects that indicate the difference
Mansfield, MA, USA) as a solo-surgeon operation. between performances at various levels of proficiency. Measurement and assessment of
Technical Considerations: VATS bullectomy was performed under complete ipsi- MIS skills should be done in an automatic and objective way. The goal of this study was to
lateral lung collapse with separate ventilation. VATS approach used a 15 mm investigate a set of nine motion-related metrics for their relevance to assess psychomotor
incision in the right mid-axillary line in the 6th intercoastal space (ICS), a 7 mm MIS skills during the performance of a ‘labyrinth’ task.
incision in the right mid-axillary line in the 4th ICS and one puncture. In most cases, Method: Thirty-two surgeons and medical students were divided into three groups
the 15 mm incision was made using the preoperative drainage tube insertion wound. according to their level of experience in MIS; experts ([500 MIS procedures), interme-
After visualizing the bleb to be resected by the 10 mm rigid thoracoscope introduced diates (31–500 MIS) and novices (no experience in MIS). The participants performed the
from the 15 mm incision, we grasp it, ligate it using the ENDOLOOPLigature, and labyrinth task in the D-box Basic simulator (D-BOX Medical, Lier, Norway). The task
pull it using the Endo CloseTM Trocar Site Closure Device punctured into the chest required bimanual maneuvering and threading a needle through a labyrinth of ten holes.
cavity from the most appropriate location. And then, we exchange the rigid thora- The nine motion-related metrics used to assess MIS skills of each participant were: time,
bimanual dexterity, path length, angular length, depth perception, response orientation,
coscope to the 5 mm scope from 10 mm because of using the 7 mm incision as
motion smoothness, number of sub-movements and average velocity. The formula for
camera port. After that, we resect the bleb with a small rim of lung parenchyma
calculating the bimanual dexterity metric was defined in this study. The rest of the metrics
using the endoscopic stapler that was introduced into the chest through the15 mm have previously been used in other studies.
incision. Results: Experts (n = 7) and intermediates (n = 14) performed significantly better than the
Discussion: This unique technique is useful for not only resection of a small bleb but novices (n = 11) in terms of time and parameters measuring the amount of instrument
also resection of the broad based bulla and provide excellent visualization due to two movement (path length, angular length, depth perception and response orientation). The
incisions and one puncture wound. We have performed 7 VATS bullectomies using experts had significantly better bimanual dexterity, which indicated that they made more
this technique since October 2010. The operation number is not yet sufficiently high simultaneous movements of the two instruments, compared to the intermediates and nov-
enough to firmly conclude that it is effective to resect for all sites of bleb, however it ices. The experts also performed the task with a shorter instrument path length with the non-
can be done without other surgeon assistants for the present. dominant hand than the intermediates.
Conclusion: The result suggests that VATS bullectomy using the ENDOLOOP Conclusions: The performance of a MIS surgeon can be distinguished from a novice by
Ligature and the Endo CloseTM Trocar Site Closure Device can be safely and use- metrics like time and path length. An experienced MIS surgeon can be distinguished from a
fully utilized to treat a primary spontaneous pneumothorax in a solo-surgeon less experienced one by the higher ability to control the instrument in the non-dominant
operation. hand and the higher degree of simultaneous (coordinated) movements of the two

S158 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P424 – Training P426 – Training


EXPERT CONSENSUS Safety Innovations Unit Worcestershire, DROITWICH,
M.S. Bethlehem1, M.J. Van Det1, H.O. Ten Cate Hoedemaker2, United Kingdom
J.P.E.N. Pierie1 Aims: Opportunities for surgical training must be focused and structured. In this
Leeuwarden Medical Center, LEEUWARDEN, The Netherlands; study we assess technical skills in laparoscopic colorectal operations performed by
University Medical Center Groningen, GRONINGEN, trainee surgeons before and after mental training.
The Netherlands Methods: Two groups of junior surgeons (ST3-5) were assessed for technical skills
in laparoscopic right hemicolectomy. Each trainee performed 4 operations before
Aims: Content, evaluation and certification of laparoscopic skills- and procedure and 4 after mental training. Generic and specific technical skills were assessed
training lack uniformity among different hospitals in the Netherlands. Within the blindly and independently by two senior surgeons using a previously published
process of developing a regional laparoscopic training curriculum, we aim to con- technical skills assessment tool.
struct a curriculum that is uniform and transferrable througout the region for a series Results: There were ten ST3-ST5 trainees assessed for technical skills before and
of laparoscopic procedures. The aim of this study was to determine expert consensus after mental training. There was no significant reduction in generic technical skills
regarding the keysteps, for laparoscopic appendectomy and cholecystectomy, using a with focused teaching (Mann–Whitney, p [ 0.05) in each group. However with
Delphi methodology. mental training there was a significant improvement in specific technical skills in
Methods: A list of suggested keysteps for both procedures was created according to both groups (Mann–Whitney, p \ 0.05).
the available guidelines. Experts rated the suggested keysteps for laparoscopic Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that with mental training of junior surgeons
appendectomy and cholecystectomy on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. Consensus was there is an improvement in specific technical skills (quality of the operation).
reached with Cronbach’s a = 0.80. Keysteps rated as important (=4) by at least 80% Focused training in laparoscopic surgery can be of potential benefit in the training of
of the expert panel, will be used in the further development of the training junior surgeons.
Results: The first rating by the expert panel shows consensus on several operative
steps that can be used for laparoscopic procedure training. Final results will be due
by march 2012 and are available for presentation at the congress.
Conclusion: We expect that the Delphi methodology will result in consensus
regarding the keysteps for laparoscopic appendectomy and cholecystectomy. These
keysteps can be used for standardized procedure training in regional training

P425 – Training P427 – Training


LAPAROSCOPIC APPENDIECTOMY D.J. Xiao1, S.N. Buzink1, A. Albayrak1, J. Jakimowicz2,
S.K. Sarker, N. Muhibullah R.H.M. Goossens1
Safety Innovations Unit Worcestershire, DROITWICH, Delft University of Technology, DELFT, Nederland; 2Catharina
United Kingdom Hospital, EINDHOVEN, Nederland
Aims: Opportunities for surgical training must be focused and structured. In this Aims: The aims of this study are (1) to evaluate the utility and didactic value of a
study we assess technical skills in laparoscopic appendiectomy performed by junior new webcam based ergonomic portable Challenge Laparoscopic skills trainer (CLS
surgeons before and after mental training. trainer), and (2) to verify the construct validity for its four most innovative tasks for
Methods: Two groups of junior surgeons (CT1 and CT2) were assessed for technical basic skills training.
skills in laparoscopic appendiectomy. Each trainee performed 4 operations before Methods: Forty-six participants were allotted to two groups based on their indicated
and 4 after mental training. Generic and specific technical skills were assessed clinical laparoscopic experience: a Novice group (N = 26, \10 clinical laparoscopic
blindly and independently by two senior surgeons using a previously published procedures), and an Expert group (N = 20,[10 clinical laparoscopic procedures). All
technical skills assessment tool. participants provided informed consent, and filled out a questionnaire based on
Results: There were fourteen CT1–CT2 trainees assessed for technical skills before demographics and their laparoscopic experience. Before each task, they received a
and after mental training. There was no significant reduction in generic technical standardized instruction and a video demonstration. Task performance was analyzed
skills with focused teaching (Mann–Whitney, p[0.05) in each group. However with on speed and accuracy. After completing the tasks, the participants filled out a
mental training there was a significant improvement in specific technical skills in 5-point Likert scale questionnaire to rate the usability and didactic value for every
both groups (Mann–Whitney, p \ 0.05). task and this CLS trainer.
Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that with mental training of junior surgeons Results: The Expert group completed all the four tasks in less time than the Novice
there is an improvement in specific technical skills (quality of the operation). group (P \ 0.001, Mann–Whitney U test). The accuracy analyses showed that the
Focused training in laparoscopic surgery can be of potential benefit in the training of Expert group completed task1, task2 and task4 with fewer errors (p \ 0.05).
junior surgeons. Insignificant difference was found between two groups for task3.
The results of the questionnaire showed that the experts rated task2 as more difficult
than the novices (p \ 0.05), and the novices rated task4 as more difficult than the
experts (p \ 0.01). Task1 and task3 were rated equally difficult by both groups. The
participants rated the overall impression of all tasks as good or excellent.
The questionnaire also showed that 85% of novices are willing to purchase this
portable trainer, due to its convenience in use and challenge of their skills. In
addition, the majority of the experts would like to recommend this portable trainer
for medical trainees.
Conclusions: The present ergonomic portable CLS trainer can distinguish between
expert and novice users. It was rated as a useful and didactic training tool which is
easy to use. The tasks are challenging and they are able to improve basic skills for
different expertise levels. This novel portable CLS trainer is an inexpensive yet
reliable alternative for medical trainees.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S159

P428 – Training P430 – Training


M. Wagner, H.G. Kenngott, J. Wuenscher, B.P. Mueller-Stich HOSPITAL SETTING
University of Heidelberg, HEIDELBERG, Germany A.K. Saha, K. Shipton, A. Harikrishnan
Aims: Training of young inexperienced surgeons in a save environment is an
Doncaster Royal Infirmary, DONCASTER, United Kingdom
important issue of todays laparoscopic education. Additionally to the improvement Aims: To assess the involvement of a higher surgical trainee as primary surgeon in major
of patient safety, the purpose is a reduction of training in the operation room, which general surgical operations.
is quite expensive. Due to economical pressure the provided training material does Methods: A prospectively-maintained database of all cases at our institution was interro-
not only have to be cost effective but also has to maximise training efficiency by gated and all emergency laparotomies and elective colorectal resections were identified.
providing a highly realistic training environment. We developed a modular training Oesophago-gastric resections for cancer were all performed by a consultant and were not
phantom for abdominal interventions, which is easy to reproduce and benefits from considered in this series. Primary surgeon, operating time, oncological outcomes (where
advantages in anatomical and haptic realism. relevant) and urgency of surgery were measured. Chi-squared tests were used to compare
Methods: The information about 3D anatomy was extracted from the CT-scan of a groups; student’s t-tests were used to compare continuous data.
young male using semiautomatic segmentation of all important organs and vessels. Results: From August 2011 to November 2011, 125 major cases were performed. There were
74 men (60%); median age was 66 (range, 18–92) years old. A consultant was primary surgeon
The resulting models were produced using a 3D printer and moulded in silicone
in 98 cases (79%). A registrar was primary surgeon in all other cases. Amongst consultant-led
afterwards. The resulting negative image was then filled with a coloured soft silicone
operations, a registrar was first assistant in 80 cases (82%). Emergency operations accounted
to form the positive copy of the formerly printed organ. For the bowel a pipe was
for 64 cases (51%). Primary pathology was most commonly colorectal cancer (66 patients,
used as a mould. The body cavity was segmented, too, and produced using selective 54%), small bowel ischaemia or obstruction (20 patients, 16%) or diverticular disease (12
laser sintering. To enable the usage of common laparoscopic instruments and trocars patients, 10%). There was a significant difference in primary operating surgeon when stratified
for training an abdominal wall consisting of three different layers was fixed to the into urgency of surgery and primary pathology. Consultants were more likely to be primary
solid body cavity. Reproduction accuracy was evaluated by comparison of CT-scans surgeon if primary pathology was cancer (57 patients operated by consultant vs. 9 patients
of the produced organs and the original CT-data. operated by registrar, P\0.001) or diverticular disease (9 patients vs. 2 patients, P\0.001).
Results: All abdominal and pelvic organs were produced using the described tech- Trauma cases and laparotomy for appendicitis were significantly more likely to be performed
niques. For the complex rectal organ the medium difference of the surfaces by registrars. The majority of registrar cases were emergency cases (23 patients as emergency
reconstructed from CT was only 2 mm. The abdominal wall was airtight and allowed vs. 4 patients as elective, P\0.001).
for application of a carbon-dioxide pressure appropriate to laparoscopic surgery. Conclusions: The volume of major general surgical operations in our district general
Conclusion: The approach of rapid prototyping is suitable for producing anatomi- hospital setting was high with over 30 major cases per month. There was good training
cally realistic organs. By selection of different silicones various haptic properties can exposure for registrars in major cases with 86% of cases involving a registrar as either
be achieved. This results in realistic properties of the phantom and therefore might primary surgeon or first assistant. Careful rota management and appropriate allocation of
improve training efficiency and outcome. Further development needs to be con- registrars to specific operations, as in our hospital, can maximise training opportunities.
ducted to provide breathing and vascularisation for even more realism.

P429 – Training P431 – Urology


B. Nsadi Fwene1, D. Veyi Tadulu1, J.M. Kazadi Mutshim1, PHEOCHROMOCYTOMAS
D. Sanduku Kisile2, P. Mukuna Miteo1, Y. Kosi Kola2, A. Kaba1, T. Nozaki, H. Iida, A. Morii, A. Watanabe, Y. Fujiuchi, A. Komiya,
O. Detry1 H. Fuse
University of Kinshasa, KINSHASA, Zaire; 2University of Kinshasa, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Cuk, KINSHASA, Zaire TOYAMA, Japan
The authors present an experimental work entering a project of development of the Objectives: Laparoscopic resection of extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas (EAP) is a
laparoscopics procedures in RDC adapted to the conditions of developing countries, meticulous surgical procedure due to changes in anatomical disposition and prox-
outlines of her development as well as first elements of feasibility and the realized imity to major blood vessels. Complete resection can be relatively traumatic and may
procedures. cause increased incretion of catecholamines. We present our experiences during
In partnership with the Fallen of Liège, formative, and Wbi, landlord of funds, a laparoscopic resection of EAP (LEAP) and compare intraoperative hemodynamics
team completes, surgeon, anaesthesist and nursing was trained in Belgium then after with those during laparoscopic resection of adrenal pheochromocytoma (LAP).
locally in RDC. Of the equipment of laparoscopy adapted in the conditions of Africa Methods: Between October 2001 and October 2011, 5 patients underwent LEAP
was supplied and a mission of accompaniment made to share and resolve the (retrocaval EAP, n = 2; intra-aortocaval EAP, n = 1; periadrenal EAP, n = 2), and 5
operational difficulties bound to this new contribution. patients underwent LAP. We also examined the range of blood pressure (BP) fluc-
From december 2009 to december 2011, 116 surgical operations by laparoscopy tuation during surgery.
were realized since the beginning of this program, of which 32 appendectomy, 41 Results: Tumors in the LEAP group were significantly larger than those in the LAP
cholecystectomy, 11 hernia repairs, 9 laparoscopy explorers for peritoneal carcinoma group (mean 4.8 cm, range 3.9–7.0 cm vs. mean 2.9 cm, range 2.5–3.7 cm). In both
assessment and biopsy, 8 procedures for catheter of dialysis peritoneal, 5 gynecol- groups, the tumors were successfully removed laparoscopically without any need for
ogics procedures, 2 laparoscopy for management of generalized peritonitis, 4 conversion or blood transfusion. During surgery, arterial BP reached higher levels in
procedures for adhesiolyse, 1 procedure for acute occlusion’s small bowel, 1 the LEAP group (221.6 ± 52.5 mm Hg; range 160–299 mm Hg) than in the LAP
drainage of liver abscess, 1 cure of rectal prolapse, and 1 cure of cystocele. Are group (200.4 ± 43.1 mm Hg; range 140–262 mm Hg). Intraoperative hypertension
analyzed age, sex of patients, hospital stay, evolution, the average cost of procedures (BP [200 mm Hg) occurred in 3 LEAP and 4 LAP group patients. Intraoperative
compared to the traditional approach of laparotomy. The laparoscopic approach hypotension (BP \80 mm Hg) occurred in 5 LEAP and 3 LAP group patients.
appears to be beneficial in economic terms for some procedures in this environment However, these differences were not significant.
of low-income population. Conclusions: We are confident in stating that LEAP is a feasible and reproducible
The authors conclude that an joined approach, taking into account on one hand the technique with less traumatic laparoscopic dissection and appropriate preoperative
training of the skills locally trained to adapt itself to some difficulties, on the other planning, as with LAP. To ensure ideal preparation of patients undergoing LEAP,
hand institutions of scientific support and a real program and local will of devel- very close communication between the endocrine, surgical, and anesthesia teams is
opment of this new procedure are the wages of development, accessibility and essential.
durability of such news approach in developing countries.
(1) Dpt of surgery CUK; (2) Dpt of anesthesia CUK; (3) Dpt of anesthesia CHU
Liège; (4) Abdominal surgery, CHU Liège

S160 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P432 – Urology P434 – Urology


C.S. Gutue1, J. Aurelian1, B. Braticevici1, F. Turcu2, V. Ambert1, C.S. Gutue1, I. Chira1, M. Dumitrache1, B. Braticevici1, F. Turcu2,
V. Jinga1, I. Chira1 S. Vasile1, V. Ambert1, V. Jinga1
1 1
‘‘Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele’’ Urology Clinic, BUCHAREST, ‘‘Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele’’ Urology Clinic, BUCHAREST,
Romania; 2Saint John Emergency Hospital, General Surgery Clinic, Romania; 2Saint John Emergency Hospital, General Surgery Clinic,
Aims: Indications for laparoscopic treatment of urinary lithiasis are the only choice Aims: The goal of endourology and minimally invasive surgery is to advance the
before open surgery when extracorporeal or endoscopic treatment fails, or when field of urology by applying techniques that yield results equal to open operative
stones are located in kidneys with congenital abnormal position which makes again procedures with less associated morbidity, shorter hospital stays, and prompt return
the endoscopic treatment impossible. to normal activity.
There are conflicting opinions regarding the use of electric current in the upper We will present in this abstract the use of flexible nephroscopy during transperito-
urinary tract due to risk of stenosis (especially ureteric stenosis). Further we will neal laparoscopic ureterolithotomy for upper tract calculi in complicated cases.
present our experience in 10 cases of using the electric cutting in laparoscopic Methods: During the last 16 months, we performed surgery using the 3 port trans-
treatment of the upper urinary tract stones. peritoneal technique on five patients with impacted upper ureteric stones. In three
Method: In the last 15 months 10 patients (6 women, 4 men, ages between 22 and 61 cases, after the incision of the ureter has been performed, the stone migrated back
years old) were treated laparoscopically for urinary stones (diameter between 1.3–2.2 into the renal pelvis becoming this way impossible to extract without conversion. A
cm). In six cases (60%) we delt with upper ureteric stones, two cases (20%) in witch flexible telescopic nephroscope (14–18 Ch) was passed through a 11 mm port and
the stone was placed in the pelvic ureter, and two cases (20%) of stone placed in the guided laparascopically through the incision in the upper ureter. The stones were
renal pelvis of an ectopic iliac kidney (the right kidney in both cases). extracted using a NGageTM Nitinol Stone Extractor.
Results: In all 10 cases we performed laparoscopic transperitoneal ureterolitothomy Results: Median age was 40 years (37–51). Mean operative time of flexible neph-
and pyelolithotomy. This approach provides a large working space, and perfect roscopy was 12 minutes (range 10–14). Stones diameter was between 1,1–1,3 cm.
anatomical orientation. In all cases, the ureter or renal pelvis incision was made Intra-operative blood loss was inestimable. There were no complications or con-
electrically (ONLY with cutting mode, at 30W) and no intracorporeal suture was version. The amount of serum used to dilate the renal pelvis during endoscopy was
performed. The urinary tract was drained either by double J stent (9 cases) or about 200 ml. Peritoneal cavity drainage was used every time, for 3–4 days.
percutaneous nephrostomy. None of patients developed urinary fistula and peritoneal Conclusion: Flexible nephroscope introduced in the renal pelvis through the ureteric
drainage was maintained for 3–5 days. Length of hospital stay after surgery was four incision in combination with laparoscopy is a feasible and effective technique for the
days, no post operative complication has been encountered. Follow-up at 6 months treatment of migrated urinary stones in selected cases to avoid conversion to open
and 1 year (intra-venous urography and ultrasound) showed no stenosis of the ureter. surgery.
Conclusions: Transperitoneal laparoscopic treatment of urinary lithiasis is relatively
safe alternative to open surgery. Electrical section of the upper urinary tract was free
of complications, but doing it ONLY in cutting mode of the monopolar cautery.

P433 – Urology P438 – Amazing Technologies

LAPAROSCOPIC NEPHRECTOMY M.M. Lohmatov1, I.V. Kirgizov2, T.V. Goryunova1
C.S. Gutue1, I. Chira1, A. Rusu1, B. Braticevici1, F. Turcu2, 1
SCCH of RAMS, Moscow, Russia; 21st MSMU after I.M. Sechenov,
V. Ambert1, V. Jinga1 MOSCOW, Russia
‘‘Prof. Dr. Theodor Burghele’’ Urology Clinic, BUCHAREST, Aim: Develop a methodology for conducting videocapsular endoscopy (TBE) for
Romania; 2Saint John Emergency Hospital, General Surgery Clinic, children from 1–5 years.
BUCHAREST, Romania Materials and methods: In 2011–2012, TBEV was held on 12 children aged 1–5
Aims: To evaluate the safety and also the cost-efficiency of the polymer locking clips for the years. Indications for TBE-abdominal pain, abnormal stools with an unstable
control of the renal pedicle during laparoscopic nephrectomy. alloy(mucus,blood,pus), sudden weight loss, anemia of unknown etiology. Just
There are many ways to control the renal vessels during laparoscopic nephrectomy: intra- TBEV was administered to children in disputed cases, the differential diagnosis of
corporeal and extracorporeal knots, mechanical suturing devices, bipolar sealing and cutting CD and UC. Contraindications were suspected stenosis, diverticula, severe the
devices, metal clips, and the polymer locking clips. However, not all of them are used in everyday patient’s condition, age less than 1 year. As a result of TBEV in 5 children confirmed
practice for different reasons. We will present further our experience in practice and also in finance CD:3 children were found ulcers of the small intestine, covered with a touch of
with the polymer locking clips.
fibrin, with a child diagnosed pseudo-polyps in the terminal ileum, were observed at
Methods: We compiled a retrospective review of all laparoscopic nephrectomies (simple
nephrectomy and nephroureterectomy) performed by surgeons in our clinic. the base of pseudo-polyps ulcers. In one girl-active bleeding from the ulcer of the
Results: During the last 18 months, we performed in our clinic 58 laparoscopic transperitoneal ileum.
nephrectomies (55 simple nephrectomies, 3 nephroureterctomies). We used Hem-o-lok polymere Conclusion: videocapsular endoscopy-a comfortable and highly informative proce-
locking clips for control of both renal vessels during surgery. For each major vessel we used three dure to examine are inaccessible to standard endoscopy departments of the
clips (two clips towards aorta or vena cava, and one clip towards kidney). The ureter was sealed gastrointestinal tract-a lean and ileum.
with two clips.
The number of clips used during a nephrectomy varied from 29 (a difficult renal pedicle with
multiple arterial braches) to 5 (a sclerous-atrophic kidney pedicle). The medium number of clips
used per nephrectomy was 11. In all cases we used the large clip on the artery and extra-large clip
on the vein. There were no misfirings (0%). We have encountered two complications (0.3%)
consisted in two clips placed on the renal vein who caught the artery adventitia because there was
no proper visual control while placing the clips. There was no need to remove a placed clip in any
intervention. The estimative cost per nephrectomy is about 16.5 euro when using the polymere
locking clips. The alternative is a mechanical suturing device at the average price for about 200
euro per intervention.
Conclusions: Properly applied polymer locking clips for vascular control during renal procedures
provide a safe and cost-effective option compared to other ways of managing the renal vessels.
Complications could have been avoided if the vessels dissection were completed (360 degrees) and
the clip were sealed under visual control.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S161

P439 – Amazing Technologies P441 – Amazing Technologies


M.M. Lohmatov1, D.V. Fokin2, I.V. Kirgizov3, T.A. Prudnikova1 D.V. Fokin1, I.V. Kirgizov2, V.A. Dudarev3
SCCH of RAMS, Moscow, Russia; 2Public health services municipal 1
Public health services municipal authority city clinical hospital ?20
authority city clinical hospital ?20 of a name, KRASNOYARSK, of a name, KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 21st MSMU after I.M.
Russia; 31st MSMU after I.M. Sechenov, MOSCOW, Russia Sechenov, MOSCOW, Russia; 3Krasnoyarsk state medical university
of a name of professor V.F.Vojno-Jasenetsky, KRASNOYARSK,
Aim: Estimate efficacy of carrying out transoral intraluminal fundoplica-
tion in pediatrics.
Materials and methods: TIF was carried in patient aged 4 years with Aim: Estimate possibilities of endovideosurgical technologies in the
gastroesophageal reflux disease, a reflux-esophagitis, insufficiency of treatment of acute cholecystitis which mechanical jaundice.
cardia, hyperacidity, continuously progressing flow, resistance to conser- Materials and Methods: we have treated 425 patients with acute cholecystics. 11.7%
vative therapy. On EGDS erosive esophagitis, insufficiency of cardia, had symptoms of bile hypertension. For all patients was held endoscopic retrograde
gastro-esophageal prolapse, duodeno-gastral reflux came to light. On 24 cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).
hour pH-metry before operation-pH \ 4 = 23 (norm 4.5); acid refluxes-pH Results: The reasons of bile hypertension were managed to disposed by
\ 4.0 = 168 (norm 46.9); number of refluxes [5 mines-7 (norm 3.5). endoscopic papillotomy(EPT) among 39th (66.1) patients. After success-
Index De Meester 47.91 (norm \14.72). ful EPT the positive dynamic of the acute cholecystitis was reached among
Results: In 3 months after operation, at control inspection on EGDS cardia 30th (50.8%) patients. For all patients in the planning regimen were made
closes completely, at inverse inspection dense fit of mucosa of the gen- laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCT). The operation was made in 12th
erated LES to endoscope is marked. Results of the 24 hour pH-metry after (20.3%) patients. In 5 patients was managed to make LCT. The reasons of
operation-general pH \4 = 3-normal; acid refluxes-pH \ 4.0 = 7(N), bile hypertension were not disposed among 7th (14%) patients.
number of refluxes [5 mines = 1(N). Index DeMeester 9.85(N), refluxes Conclusion: ERCP and EPT for acute cholecystics which is complicated
were observed. Signs of the gastroesophageal reflux disease were revealed. by mechanical jaundice allow to get full regression of disease in the major
Conclusion: The newest procedure-transoral intraluminal fundoplication cases and to make LCT in the planning order. If the positive dynamic is
(TIF) by means of attachment-complex EsofiX has proved to be highly absent this tactic allows making minimal invasive surgical intervention
effective method of treatment of GERD

P440 – Amazing Technologies P442 – Amazing Technologies


BOUGIENAGE IN CHILDREN J.F. Noguera, A. Cuadrado, A. Sanchez, J. Munoz
M.M. Lohmatov1, D.V. Fokin2, S.I. Yakimova3, I.A. Shishkin1 Hospital Son Llàtzer, PALMA, Spain
SCCH of RAMS, Moscow, Russia; 2Public health services municipal Background: The development of NOTES surgery has led to other tech-
authority city clinical hospital ?20 of a name, KRASNOYARSK, niques, such as single-port surgery. The use of the flexible endoscope for
Russia; 3Federal state budgetary establishment - Centre of science single-incision surgery paves the way for further refinement of both sur-
of health of children-, MOSCOW, Russia gical methods.
Aim: To describe a new, single-incision surgical technique, namely flex-
Aim: Efficiency estimation of the endoscopic bougienage along a guide
ible single-incision surgery (FSIS). Methods. Assessment of the
string in children.
effectiveness of endoscopic cholecystectomy with the new technique. This
Methods: 8 children aged 1–8 years were divided into 3 groups: I-3
technique consists of a single umbilical incision measuring 25 mm through
children with peptic strictures, II-3 children with postburn strictures and
which a flexible endoscope is introduced, and of two parallel entry ports
III-2 children with cicatricial strictures in a place of esophago-esophago
measuring 3 to 5 mm for non-articulated laparoscopic instruments.
anastomosis. In all cases we performed a course of antegrade endoscopic
Results: The technique was applied successfully, with no need to convert
gullet bougienage along a guide string before permanent effect of lumen
to conventional laparoscopy. No general or surgical wound complications
diameter more than 8–9 mm was achieved.
were noted. Surgical time was no longer than usual for single-port surgery.
Results: The greatest positive result was marked in the first and in the third
The intervention cost far less than single-port surgery. FSIS is a new
groups of children. Patients from the second group after basic course
single-site surgical technique allowing for further refinement of NOTES
needed carrying out supporting gullet bougienage in connection with less
and of single-incision surgery.
proof result. Complications after gullet bougienage were not marked.
Conclusion: the endoscopic bougienage along a guide string is a unique
effective method of treatment of cicatricial gullet strictures, which allows
to decrease risk of complications.

S162 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P443 – Amazing Technologies P445 – Amazing Technologies

LAPAROSCOPY-ASSISTED A. Rizutto1, G. Danieli2, R. Sacco2
M. Casaccia University magna Graecia, CATANZARO, Italy; 2University
University of Genoa, GENOA, Italy Calabria, COSENZA, Italy
Background: Laparoscopic colorectal resection for malignancy has Background: Recent years have been characterized by the emergence
proved its efficacity and safety when compared to ‘open’ techniques, of Single Access Laparoscopy (SAL)Limit of the method: the tech-
even from an oncological point of view. nical difficulties due to possibility to perform dissection with just one
Aim: To perform a colorectal resection for malignancy in a totally grasping forcep.
endoscopic way under laparoscopic guidance. Aims: An instrument to overcome the limits of the present
Project description: A circular stapler is conceived adding a ‘resec- instrumentation.
tion’ function to anastomosis. Technical features of this instrument Project Description: This instrument, can be introduced as single
are the presence of two annular inflatable elements (on the anvil and instrument, and then divides into two branches, each of which is
the body of the stapler) and the capability ‘to store’ the diseased equipped with a gripper for grasp the tissue, and able to remove the
intestinal wall inside the instrument body by means of a vacuum handholds once the tissue gripped in two points, just to stretch the
force. tissue. The internal mechanism allows opening the two arms while the
Preliminary results: The potential advantages of this approach are forceps bend toward the inside, keeping their configuration, being all
enormous. Since the operation is performed in a totally endoscopic this controlled by a single command. Two further commands allow
way, the opening of the intestinal lumen is avoided. As a conse- opening and closing the two forceps individually.
quence, two major advantages are present: no tumor cells ‘spillage’, Preliminary Results: In our experimental experience this instrument
and no risk of abdominal or wound infection by bacterial can be a good solution for the development of single port sur-
contamination. gery.Clinical experiences are necessary

P444 – Amazing Technologies P446 – Amazing Technologies


A. Hussain, S. EL-Hasani B. Dillemans, J. Lesaffar, S. Van Cauwenberge, J.P. Mulier
Princess Royal University Hospital, ORPINGTON, United Kingdom AZ Sint-Jan Brugge-Oostende AV, BRUGGE, Belgium
Background: Gastric band surgery complications are sometimes Background: Esophageal cancer surgery remains challenging with a
serious and could lead to death. high morbidity rate, partly caused by the extensive operative time due
Aim is to prevent major band complications and to achieve a lower to the split of the procedure in separate and consecutive phases.
morbidity rate. Aim: In our new concept, two surgical teams perform the abdominal
Project description: Pars flaccida technique was used for all patients. and thoracic phase simultaneously instead of consecutively.
Patients were hospitalized for one night only. Postoperative follow up Project Description: Since January 2012, 5 patients (midesophageal
was provided for one month, two months and for every three months invasive carcinoma (2), gastroesophageal junction carcinoma (2),
for the first year and then yearly for another two years. Barret’s esophagus with high grade dyspasia (1)) were operated
Preliminary results: During January 2007–August 2011,1149 patients according this new simultaneous approach. Both the abdominal and
were underwent Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band (LAGB) thoracic phase in all cases were performed by two surgical teams
insertion including two hundreds and forty-five (21.32%) men and operating simultaneously.Preliminary results: There were 2 female
904 (78.67%) women. The age range was 18–64 years (mean 44 and 3 male patients with mean age of 68.8 years (60–83). Mean
years). Their BMI was 33–62 (mean 42). There were 2 band erosions, operative time was 253 min (160–330). There were 2 conversions to
6 band prolapse, 4 port problems, 1 band leak, 3 tight bands, 2 port thoracotomy but the abdominal team still proceeded simultaneously
infections, and no mortality. and laparoscopically. Mean hospital stay was 12 days. Mortality rate
Conclusion: A standardised technique is reducing the complications was zero. No leaks occurred. Two patients developed a pneumonia.
of gastric band surgery.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S163

P447 – Amazing Technologies P449 – Amazing Technologies


TRANSANAL LAPAROENDOSCOPY D.V. Fokin1, I.V. Kirgizov2, V.A. Dudarev3
R.A. Cahill Public health services municipal authority city clinical hospital
Beaumont Hospital, DUBLIN, Ireland ?20 of a name, KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 21st MSMU after I.M.
Sechenov, MOSCOW, Russia; 3Krasnoyarsk state medical university
Background: Despite current device specificity, the technique and
of a name of professor V.F.Vojno-Jasenetsky, KRASNOYARSK,
technology of Single Access Laparoscopy is a synergistic minimal
invasive surgical advance.
Aim: The SIMPORTTM is a novel unifying access construct that Aim: formation of the condition for unimpeded flux of bile into the
converges capability to foster the provision of single/multiport lapa- bowels, decrease biliary and pancreatic hypertension, liquidation of
roscopic operations as well as transanal resections in a manner that is inflammation process and prevention of malignant transformation of
reliable, reproducible and extremely ergonomical. modified ducts.
Project Description: A single piece of flexible, elastic material spe- Descriptions: indication for operation of external drainage was
cifically configured for robust application onto either surgical incision defined among 17th children with the mechanical jaundice and
sites (2–9 cm in diameter) or natural orifices and that accommodates hepatic deficiency also with the spontaneous perforation of choledoch
standard laparoscopic trocars and instruments in a non-prescriptive cyst with gall peritonitis among 8th patients. Long lasting mechanical
fashion (regardless of branding) with a durable hermetic seal of both a jaundice which is non-capable to conservative therapy and significant
surgical incision or the anorectum to ensure stable pneumoperito- disorder of coagulant system was observed among 4th 3–4 months old
neum/rectum. The simplified tool-kit delivers maximum return from babies and 4th 1.5–5 years old children. External drainage of the bile-
the standard surgeon’s skill-set. excreting ducts was made on the first stage of the treatment.
Preliminary Results: SIMPORTTM utility, applicability and effec- Conclusion: We have found out that the operation of external drain-
tiveness have been shown in bench, biomedical and clinical settings age it the compulsory measure for the handle of critical situation.
with conclusive demonstration of ideal device performance for next- After external drainage on the background of giant bile loss especially
step laparoendoscopic surgery. among newborns the symptoms of major abnormality of acidic-basic
and electrolytic balances were appeared.

P448 – Amazing Technologies P450 – Amazing Technologies


D.V. Fokin1, I.V. Kirgizov2, V.A. Dudarev3 F. Puccetti1, U. Fumagalli1, U. Elmore1, R. Rosati2
Public health services municipal authority city clinical hospital IRCCS Humanitas, ROZZANO (MI), Italy; 2Instituto Clinico
?20 of a name, KRASNOYARSK, Russia; 21st MSMU after I.M. Humanitas, ROZZANO (MI), Italy
Sechenov, MOSCOW, Russia; 3Krasnoyarsk state medical university Background: Self-gripping mesh, recently introduced in clinical
of a name of professor V.F.Vojno-Jasenetsky, KRASNOYARSK, practice, might reduce the incidence of chronic pain during laparo-
Russia scopic hernioplasty in comparison to fixation with staples.
Aim: Estimate possibilities of endovideosurgical technologies in the Aim and Project description: We compared length of surgery, inci-
treatment of acute cholecystitis which mechanical jaundice. dence of chronic pain (short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire) and
Description: we have treated 425 patients with acute cholecystics. 11,7%had recurrence rate in 2 groups of patients who underwent a TAPP repair
symptoms of bile hypertension. After which was held the endoscopic retrograde with either self-gripping polyester and polylactic-acid mesh (SGM –
cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) for all patients. 50 patients) or with a fixed polypropylene-poliglecaprone mesh (ST –
Results: The reasons of bile hypertension were managed to disposed 46 patients).
by endoscopic papillotomy(EPT) among 39th (66.1) patients. After Preliminary results: Follow-up was 10 months for SGM (6–42) and 21
successful EPT the positive dynamic of the acute cholecystitis was for ST (6–27). Length of surgery was similar. Recurrence rate was 0%
reached among 30th (50.8%) patients. For all patients in the planning in SGM and 2.2% in ST (1 patient). The incidence of chronic pain
regimen were made laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCT). The oper- was 6.3% in SGM (2 mild and 1 moderate\severe pain) and 15.9% in
ation was made in 20.3%. In 5 patients was managed to make LCT. In ST (4 mild and 3 moderate\severe pain) respectively.SGM seems to
3 patients were difficulties during the LCT connected to evident reduce the incidence of chronic pain after TAPP.
infiltrate in gallbladder neck. The reasons of bile hypertension were
not disposed by using EPT among 7th (14%)patients.
Conclusion: ERCPandEPT for acute cholecystics which is compli-
cated by mechanical jaundice allow to get full regression of disease in
the major cases and to make LCT in the planning order

S164 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P451 – Amazing Technologies P454 – Amazing Technologies

C. Buemi1, M. Ferraris2, C. Balagne2, S. Perero2, M. Miola2, G.L. Carvalho1, A.G. Melani2, C.A.R. Veo2, M.A. Lyra1,
S. Ferraris2, F. Baino2, F. Verne2, A. Chiaravalloti1 S.E. Araujo3, E.A. Bonin4, F.W. Silva1, A.C. Sales1, D.L. Lima1
1 1
Dipro Medical Devices srl, SAN MAURO TORINESE, Italy; Universidade de Pernambuco, RECIFE, Brazil; 2Hospital de Cancer
Politecnico di Torino, TORINO, Italy de Barretos, BARRETOS, Brazil; 3USP, SAO PAULO, Brazil;
Universidade Positivo, CURITIBA, Brazil
Background: Silver in its ionic or metallic state has long been known
to have powerful antibacterial activity. Although there is still some Background: TEO is a safe, feasible and efficacious device enabling
debate on the exact mechanism, its antimicrobial properties are well proper rectal tumors ‘en bloc’ resection, resulting in reduced hospital
documented and mostly linked to release of ionic silver. stay and morbidity. Considered technically demanding, TEO has not
Aim: in this work we describe the preparation and characterization of yet been widespread. Curved instruments have not significantly
a new, chemical/thermal stable and low cost antibacterial silver improved visualization and high friction forces between forceps and
nanocluster silica composite coatings, obtained by RF co-sputtering rubber sealing also needs improvement.
deposition. Aim: By combining established TEO advantages with better visual-
Project description: The antibacterial effect of coated samples has ization and higher precision offered by the new low friction MINI-
been evaluated in different experimental conditions in accordance to TEO Adapter, a platform to potentially become the gold standard for
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS), TEO is proposed.
using both a bacterial strain (Staphylococcus aureus) and a fungus Project Description: A new device, precisely engineered with minimal
(Candida albicans). The antimicrobial properties are maintained also gap between the adapter and the minilaparoscopic instruments to
after gamma ray and Eto sterilization processes. prevent gas loss, was successfully tested in dry lab with TEO Trainers
Preliminary results: this is a promising result about the possible use of and in one patient with rectal adenocarcinoma. Combination of
these coatings for applications requiring sterilization procedures in minilaparoscopic (3 mm) and TEO instruments (5 mm) including
biomedical field. harmonic scalpel was possible.
Preliminary Results: Significant Improvement in surgical precision
specially for suturing resulted in less stress and higher effectivity.

P453 – Amazing Technologies P455 – Amazing Technologies

G.L. Carvalho1, M.A. Lyra1, A.G. Melani2, S.E. Araujo3,
Background: SAGES 2005 stated that incidence of BDI in LC is upto
E.A. Bonin4, F.W. Silva1, C.A.R. Veo2, A.C. Sales1, D.L. Lima1
1 1.4% having significant morbid, legal and financial implications.
Universidade de Pernambuco, RECIFE, Brazil; 2Hospital de Cancer
Medscape 2010 reported ‘Death of Rep. John Murtha highlights
de Barretos, BARRETOS, Brazil; 3USP, SAO PAULO, Brazil;
4 limitations of LC. Risk for accidental cuts increases with distorted,
Universidade Positivo, CURITIBA, Brazil
depthless vision of laparoscope.’ Aim: To design a minimally inva-
Background: TEO is a safe, feasible and efficacious procedure for sive cholecystectomy safer and less invasive than LC.
rectal tumors that enables proper ‘en bloc’, resulting in reduced Method: ‘Single Hole’ or Microlap cholecystectomy (MC) using
hospital stay and morbidity. Although advantageous in many ways, intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) with NOTES and SILS instruments.
TEO has not yet been performed in a widespread fashion, since it is Preliminary Results: We performed 2960 surgeries through MC using
still considered difficult to master technique. IOUS and LC instruments. 13 (0.4%) were converted to laparotomy
Aim: Present the NEW TEO trainer – a simple, practical and and 2947 (99.6%) were discharged within 24 hours postoperatively. 1
economic. (0.03%) had BDI. Conclusions: ‘Hand-assisted laparoscopic surger-
Project Description: Neoderma is a material that offers color, touch, ies’ exist. Popularizing microlap-assisted laparoscopic techniques will
consistency and texture similar to the Human tissues. A TEO Neo- make minimally invasive cholecystectomy more safe due to use of
derma trainer is a cylinder 30 cm-long, 4 cm-wide, engineered to IOUS; with 3D view as well as endoscopic view; gas-less and will
simulate a pathologic rectum with 3 polypoid 2 cm-sized tumors. reduce technical challenges of NOTES/SILS; ushering new era of
Rectum wall layers made in different colors helps the identification of minimally invasive cholecystectomy.
surgical dissection plans.
Preliminary Results: Experienced surgeons demonstrated good
acceptance by successfully completing the proposed tasks. Apart from
usual TEO instruments, harmonic scalpel was successfully used.
Surgeons agreed that the TEO simulator offers a good model for
mastering transanal resection/suturing.

Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166 S165

P456 – Amazing Technologies P458 – Amazing Technologies


M.K. Chmarra1, R. Hansen2, E.F. Hofstad2, C. Våpenstad2, R. Hompes1, S.M. Rauh2, M.E. Hagen3, N.J. Mortensen1
R. Marvik1, T. Langø2 1
Churchill Hospital, OXFORD, United Kingdom; 2Rochester General
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, TRONDHEIM, Hospital, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, United States of America;
Norway; 2SINTEF Technology and Society, TRONDHEIM, Norway 3
University Hospital Geneva, GENEVA, Switzerland
Background: Laparoscopic ultrasound (LUS) increases patient safety Background: single port platforms are increasingly used for transanal
by allowing the surgeon to see beyond surfaces of organs. LUS, surgery. In an effort to tackle some of the limitations associated with
however, is not widely used due to e.g. long learning curve and lack these single port platforms and increase intraluminal flexibility,
of specialized training systems. robotic integration could be the logical next step.
Aim: We aim to develop a simulator training model for learning and Aim: to report our initial experience with transanal endoscopic da
skills assessment needed for advanced intraoperative image-guided Vinci Surgery (TEdS).Project description: After drylab experi-
therapeutic procedures with the main focus on LUS. ments, the feasibility of TEdS and ideal set-up was further evaluated
Preliminary results: We have developed a LUS training system con- in 3 human cadavers. A da Vinci SI HD system was used in
sisting of a box trainer, endoscopic and LUS equipment, a tracking combination with a glove port for transanal endoscopic resections.
system, and an in-house developed surgical navigation system. A new Preliminary results: We were able to perform all necessary tasks to
multi-modality liver phantom suitable for LUS, CT and MR imaging complete a full thickness excision and closure of the rectal wall, with
has been developed. To our knowledge, this is the first time such a cadavers in various positions. The stable magnified view, combined
LUS training system has been proposed. We believe that including with the endowrist technology of the robotic instruments made every
multi-modality images is beneficial to those acquiring LUS skills, task straightforward. Intraluminal manoeuvrability could further be
since handling the LUS-probe is not straightforward and interpreta- improved by intersecting the robotic instruments. The glove port
tion of LUS images can be difficult. proved to be very reliable and the inherent flexibility of the glove
made docking of the robotic arms, in a narrow confined space easy.

P457 – Amazing Technologies P459 – Amazing Technologies

W. Breithaupt, T. Schulz, G. Varga, V. Babic, D. von Renteln, A.W. Brown, S.I. Brown, D. McLean, Z. Wang, Sir A. Cuschieri
K-H. Fuchs Institute for Medical Science and Technology, DUNDEE,
AGAPLESION Markus Krankenhaus, FRANKFURT AM MAIN, United Kingdom
Fenestration features have been designed into laparoscopic grasper
Introduction: Recently Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic sur- jaws to resist slippage although their value has been contested in the
gery has been introduced in esophageal disease by peroral endoscopic literature. This investigation aimed to determine if fenestrations
esophageal myotomy (POEM). After extensive experimental training, increased the force necessary to pull tissue from the jaws and which
our team has established this technique in clinical practice. fenestration design was most effective. Three fenestration designs
Aim: The purpose of this study is the assessment and documentation were investigated and compared to similar non-fenestrated jaws.
of the learning curve of introducing a NOTES Technique into clinical Experiments were carried out in which both the surface contact area
treatment. of the jaws and the ratio of fenestration to contact area were kept
Methods: The authors have trained this technique in an experimental constant. Each jaw design was tested by clamping pig colon between
setting. The team has extensive experience in both advanced lapa- jaws and applying a range of compression forces then pulling the
roscopic and flexible endoscopic work as well as vast experience with tissue from the jaws and recording the maximum traction force.
the management of benign esophageal disorders. IRB-approval was Results were analysed using ANOVA. The results have shown that
applicated for and granted. The technique was learned in an experi- fenestrations in the jaws of instruments significantly increase the
enced center (T Rösch and D von Renteln, Hamburg), as published by force needed to pull tissue from the jaws.
H Inoue. An ESD technique was used to perform an submucosal
tunnel with a triangle knife. Above the myotomy a mucosal overlap of
the tunnel was left over 5 cm and later clipped for closure. The
duration of the procedure, the length of the myotomy, all intra- and
postoperative problems were documented. Pre-and postoperative
Eckhard score, Quality of Life measurements and ph-Monitoring was
Results: n = 12; There were no major complications, The quality of
Life was increased in 9 out of 10 patients evaluated.
Conclusion: The initial experience with POEM seems promising.

S166 Surg Endosc (2013) 27:S53–S166

P460 – Amazing Technologies


K. De Vogelaere
University Hospital Brussels, BRUSSELS, Belgium
Background: Laparoscopic resection of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors
(GISTs) is a feasible and safe technique which provides advantages of faster
recovery, less postoperative pain, better cosmesis and shorter hospital stay. With the
further evolution to minimal invasive laparoscopy, single-incision laparoscopic
surgery (SILS) was developed and safety together with feasibility are proven for
several procedures such as appendectomy, cholecystectomy, colonic surgery, gastric
banding and sleeve gastrectomy. Only few case reports were published in literature
on wedge resection of the stomach performed by SILS for the treatment of GIST.
Methods: For the treatment of GISTs located at the posterior wall of the stomach,
transgastric SILS can be performed. We report two cases of single-incision trans-
gastric resection of GIST of the stomach with the SILS port placed into the anterior
wall of the stomach.
Results: Total operative time was respectively 82 minutes and 67 minutes for the two
cases. Estimated blood loss was less than 30 mL in both patients. No intra- and
postoperative complications occurred.
Conclusions: This intragastric SILS procedure for GIST is feasible and safe and
these are to our knowledge the first published cases in humans.


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