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may Lands Administration Office l Lands Department Practice Note Issue No, 3/2020, Design, Disposition and Height Clause ‘under Lease Introduction ‘This practice noe sets out the streamlined messures regarding the Design, Disposition and Height (DDH) or Design and Disposition (DD) clause, including the scope of application of the clause andthe aspects to be consdered when the Director of, Lands (the Director) exercises his discretion under the clause ‘Scope of application 2 ‘As stipulated in the Joint Practice Note (JPN) No.5, sa teamed measure, building height restriction would generally not be included in new leases and modified leases ‘xcept in special cumstances, 3. In new and modified leases, irrespective ofthe size ofthe sites, the DD clause ‘ill generally not be imposed fr sites whic: (@) efor commercial development; (©) ae for private residential or composite commercial / residential ‘development in Density Zone In urban areas; o residential development (ie. zoned “Residential (Group A)" on the statutory town plans) inthe New Tersitries; (@) are for industrial and/or godown development; or (©) @_ require Town Planning Board’s approval of their Master Layout Plan (MLP) or Layout Plan (LP), or (ii) are covered. by planning permissions with approval condition requiring submission of MLP or LP tothe Director of Planning; ot (Gi) require submission of MLP or LP under Tease as stated in the Explanatory Statement ofthe statutory town plans, ‘on the understanding that there willbe specific provisions inthe lease providing adequate control on essential development parameters suchas gross flor area (GFA) / plat ratio for the sites concerned. 4 Where thee is need to impose in new leases oher development restitions ‘on top of those spelt out under the sttutory town plans such asf implementation of urban

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