# Name Photo Target Course(s)

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10/25/2018 Grid view

# Name Photo Target Course(s)

1 Abhay bajaj Web engineering

2 Sandeep Kamath Mechatronics

3 Harish N G MME -PS

4 Madhavi Computer Science

5 Archishman Roy Informatics

6 Priyanka S bhat Electrical and Information Technology

7 Manjesh gowda Power engineering

8 Shubham Sanjay Joshi Metallurgical engineering

9 Khushnood Adil Rafique Computer Science

10 Narendran Bhaskar Automobile Engineering

11 Sai Krishna Product refinement

12 Rupali Sinha Computer Science

13 Bollempalli Lakshmi Pern… Mechanical

14 Tharakesh Paddolkar Computer Science, Sensor System

15 Suresh Vishnoi Information Engineering

16 Mohideen Meeran M.sc Product Refinement

17 Jalaj Prakash Applied computer science

18 Mihir Rambhia Environmental Engineering

19 Deepak Paramashivam Computer Science

20 Sai Kireet Patri Communications Engineering

21 Vijay P.N Space Engineering

22 Khushboo Singh Communication Engineering

23 Ebin Philip Mechanical Engineering

24 Vinay Raj K S Embedded Systems

25 Nikita Kulkarni Communication Engineering

26 Abhishek Sr Communication Engineering

27 Vishal Aggarwal Medical Systems Engineering, Communication …

28 Desh Deep Computer Science, Data Science, Data Analytics…

29 Namrata Rao Automotive

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10/25/2018 Grid view

# Name Photo Target Course(s)

30 Dinesh Manohar Communication engineering, Embedded syste…

31 Uday Yatnalli Communication Engineering

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10/25/2018 Grid view

# Target Semester

1 WS 2018

2 WS 2018

3 WS 2018

4 WS 2018

5 WS 2018

6 WS 2018

7 WS 2018

8 WS 2017

9 SS 2018

10 WS 2017

11 WS 2017

12 WS 2017

13 WS 2017

14 WS 2017

15 WS 2017

16 WS 2017

17 WS 2017

18 WS 2017

19 SS 2017

20 WS 2016

21 WS 2017

22 WS 2017

23 WS 2017

24 WS 2017

25 WS 2017

26 WS 2017

27 WS 2017

28 SS 2017

29 SS 2017

30 WS 2014

31 WS 2014

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10/25/2018 Grid view

# Admits

1 Technical University Chemnitz (TU Chemnitz)

2 RWTH Aachen University Technical University Kaiserslautern (TUK) Kaiserslauter

3 RWTH Aachen University

4 Technical University Kaiserslautern (TUK)

5 Technical University of Munich (TU Munich - TUM)

6 Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (HS Darmstadt)

7 Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (HS Darmstadt)

8 RWTH Aachen University

9 Kaiserslautern University of Technology University of Magdeburg University of S

10 Freshman Institute Fachhochschule Aachen Campus Geilenkirchen (FH Aachen)

11 Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences (HS Kaiserslautern)

12 Saarland University

13 University of Rostock

14 SRH University Heidelberg

15 Kiel University of Applied Sciences (FH Keil) University of Magdeburg

16 Kaiserslautern University of Applied Sciences (HS Kaiserslautern)

17 SRH University Heidelberg Technical University Chemnitz (TU Chemnitz)

18 Technical University of Munich (TU Munich - TUM) TU Darmstadt

19 Technical University Kaiserslautern (TUK)

20 University of Applied Sciences Offenburg (Hochschule Offenburg) RWTH Aachen U

21 Berlin University of Technology (TU Berlin)

22 Technical University of Munich (TU Munich - TUM)

23 RWTH Aachen University

24 Technical University of Munich (TU Munich - TUM)

25 Technical University of Munich (TU Munich - TUM)

26 Technical University of Munich (TU Munich - TUM)

27 University of Magdeburg Technical University of Cologne (TH Koln University of A

28 Jacobs University Bremen HTW Berlin - University of Applied Sciences

29 Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (HS Darmstadt)

30 Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau) Saarland University TU Darmsta

31 Technical University of Munich (TU Munich - TUM) Technical University Chemnitz (

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10/25/2018 Grid view

# Rejections

2 South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences (FH-SWF)

9 Saarland University University of Freiburg




13 Freshman Institute Fachhochschule Aachen Campus Geilenkirchen (FH Aachen)

14 Technical University Kaiserslautern (TUK)



17 Furtwangen University (HS Furtwangen)

18 Technical University of Munich (TU Munich - TUM)


20 TU Darmstadt







27 University of Magdeburg


29 Esslingen University of Applied Sciences (HS Esslingen)

30 Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (HFT Stuttgart)

31 Esslingen University of Applied Sciences (HS Esslingen) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

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10/25/2018 Grid view

# Bachelors Grade Work Experience (Ye… #Research Papers

1 65.00 1

2 6.42 None None

3 8.87 3 None

4 8.48 3

5 8.30 1 1

6 76.00 None None

7 72.17 None None

8 8.32 None None

9 9.01 1 None

10 8.55 None 1

11 2.40 None None

12 85.61 2 None

13 1.83 None None

14 7.25 3 None

15 8.08 1 None

16 78.00 None 1

17 7.00 3 None

18 7.36 1 None

19 7.90 3 None

20 8.50 2 1

21 9.66 4 None

22 77.00 1 None

23 6.72 None None

24 8.76 2 None

25 8.70 4 None

26 9.10 4 None

27 76.00 None 2

28 57.00 3 None

29 8.40 3 None

30 8.74 2 1

31 9.08 2 1

SUM 764.21

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10/25/2018 Grid view

# #Relevant Internships IELTS German GRE (optional)

1 1 6

2 None 6.5 A1

3 7.5 None

4 1

5 1 7.5 A1 309

6 None 6.5 None

7 None 6.5 A1

8 2 None 316

9 1 7.5 None

10 None A2 328

11 None 6 B1

12 None 7.5

13 None 6.5 B1 298

14 2 6

15 2 7

16 None 7 B1 310

17 None 7.5 A2

18 None 7.5

19 1 6.5 None 305

20 1 8 A1 317

21 None 7.5

22 None 6.5

23 2 7 A1 310

24 None 7 A1

25 None 7 None

26 None 7 None

27 2 7 None

28 3 7.5 None

29 2 7 A2

30 2 7.5 A2

31 2 7.5 A1 311

SUM 2804

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10/25/2018 Grid view

# Email (Optional) Tips for future applicants

1 abhaybajaj101@,gmail.co…

2 Apply to as many free Uni…

3 harish.raghu88@gmail.co…

5 archishmanroy@gmail.com

6 priyankabhat25@gmail.c… Focus on your GPA:)

8 Focus on your SoP. Shape…

9 khushnoodrafique@gmai… Apply to as many universi…

10 nbrockz.4@gmail.com

11 sai.krishnaa25@gmail.com


13 prem5395@gmail.com

14 paddolkar.tharakesh@g…

15 vishnoi.suresh2016@gm…

16 mmeeran7@gmail.com I would recommend the …

17 jsinghbk@gmail.com

18 mihir.r.93@gmail.com A good convincing SOP w…

19 deepakp.chp@gmail.com

20 kireet.patri13@gmail.com A good SOP and LOR goe…

21 p.nvijay@yahoo.com

22 kumarikhushboosingh1…

23 ebinvaliaparampil@gmail…

24 vinsy11991@gmail.com 1. Strong and Short SOP; …

25 nikitakkulkarni@gmail.com Stay true to your SoP, Lo…

26 Stay focused

27 xps.vishal@gmail.com

28 deshdeepsinghd@gmail.… Make sure that you shortl…


30 gdineshmanohar@gmail.… Choose the program by c…

31 hello@msingermany.co.in

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