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Stimulation of Water-Disposal Wells

Using Acid-in-Diesel Emulsions:

Case Histories
H.A. Nasr-El-Din, SPE, H.A. Al-Anazi, SPE, and S.K. Mohamed, Saudi Arabian Oil Co.

Summary the acid the ability to penetrate deeper into the formation by cre-
Two wastewater disposal wells in a carbonate reservoir in Saudi ating wormholes 共i.e., channels with high permeability兲, which
Arabia suffered loss of injectivity due to severe formation dam- enhances well performance.11-14
age. A thorough experimental study was conducted to evaluate the Acid-in-diesel emulsion has several advantages besides its slow
use of acid-in-diesel emulsions to stimulate these wells, which had reaction rate with the rock. It has a relatively high viscosity,
several tight zones. The emulsified acid consisted of 70 vol% of which results in a better sweep efficiency that will improve acid
15 wt% HCl, 30 vol% diesel, and an emulsifier. This is the first distribution in heterogeneous reservoirs.15 Also, the live acid does
time emulsified acid has been used to stimulate disposal wells. not come in contact with the well tubulars. Therefore, there is
Experimental results indicated that the acid-in-diesel emulsion minimum corrosion to well casing and tubing. As a result, the
behaved as a shear-thinning fluid. The stability and reaction rate concentration of iron in the live acid reaching the formation will
of the acid with reservoir rocks were found to be a function of be low.16 The presence of iron in the acid is a major concern
emulsifier concentration. Coreflood results showed that the emul- because it will precipitate once the acid is spent.17-19
sified acid formed wormholes in tight carbonate cores. Permeabil- Emulsified acid has been successfully used to stimulate oil
ity ratio 共final/initial兲 of reservoir cores increased exponentially wells,16 high-temperature gas wells,20 and horizontal wells.21
with the acid injection rate. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this acid was
The acid-in-diesel emulsion was used to acidize both disposal never used to stimulate wastewater disposal wells. Therefore, the
wells. The treatment included an in-situ gelled acid stage for acid objectives of this study were to: 共1兲 improve the injectivity of
diversion, and an emulsified acid stage to create deep wormholes wastewater disposal wells using acid-in-diesel emulsions, and 共2兲
in the reservoir. The treatment was very successful and the injec- evaluate the treatment in the field.
tivity of both wells has significantly increased. Field data indi-
cated that longer soaking times were needed to stimulate disposal Experimental Studies
wells. This is to ensure complete acid spending. Laboratory Testing. Acid-in-diesel emulsions were prepared in
the laboratory according to the formula given in Table 1. The
volume ratio of HCl 共15 wt%兲 acid to diesel was 70:30. Diesel
was mixed with the emulsifier 共a cationic surfactant兲 in a Waring
blender at medium speed, while a corrosion inhibitor 共a filming
Introduction amine兲, a chelating agent 共EDTA兲, and a reducing agent 共sodium
It is well known that water disposal wells lose their injectivity erythorbate兲 were mixed with 15 wt% HCl acid in a separate
with time. Waste water usually contains oil, suspended solids, and beaker. The acid was gently added to diesel in the blender. The
chemicals used in the water-oil separation plants. These chemicals two phases were mixed in the blender for 10 minutes at high
include demulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors, and biocides. The rate speed. It is worth mentioning that a cationic surfactant was used to
of injectivity loss is a strong function of the concentration and size prepare the emulsified acids tested in the present study. However,
of suspended oil and solids present in the disposed water.1 A emulsified acids can also be prepared using suitable anionic or
major source of suspended solids in the waste water is corrosion nonionic surfactants.22 A cationic surfactant was used in the
products. For example, iron sulfide particles are present in waste present work to minimize surfactant loss due to adsorption.
water in cases where the crude oil is sour.2 The acid-in-diesel emulsion was evaluated for field application.
The injectivity of disposal wells can be partially restored by Experimental tests included rheology, thermal stability, compat-
flowing back the well. This method can only be used in cases ibility, reactivity with reservoir rocks, and coreflood experiments.
where the reservoir pressure is high. This procedure, however, The apparent viscosity of the acid-in-diesel emulsion was mea-
does not fully restore the injectivity of the damaged wells. In sured as a function of shear rate using a Brookfield viscometer
reservoirs where the pressure is low, there is a need to stimulate Model DV-II. To conduct thermal stability tests, acid-in-diesel
these wells using a suitable acid treatment. emulsions were prepared in a 100 cm3 graduated cylinder and
In carbonate reservoirs, the case of interest in the present study, placed in an oil bath at 130°F 共close to the bottomhole tempera-
hydrochloric acid 共up to 28 wt%兲, formic acid 共up to 10 wt%兲, ture兲. The volume of the separated acid 共lower phase in the gradu-
acetic acid 共up to 10 wt%兲, and combinations of these acids, can ated cylinder兲 was monitored as a function of time.
be used to remove formation damage and enhance well injectivity. The reaction rate of the acid-in-diesel emulsion with reservoir
However, the reaction rate of hydrochloric acid with calcite is rocks was measured at 75°F and atmospheric pressure. Core plugs
very fast.3,4 In conventional acid treatments, where 15 wt% HCl is from the same reservoir were cut into cylindrical slices of 1.5 in.
used at low-injection rates, the acid reacts with the carbonate rock diameter and 0.3 in. thickness. The rock slices were immersed in
and causes surface washout only.5 This means that the acid will tested acids and their weight loss was measured as a function of
not penetrate the damaged zones and, as a result, the efficiency of time. The acid was continuously mixed using a magnetic stirrer
the stimulation treatment will be low. One way to overcome this set at 300 rpm. The effect of emulsifier concentration 共2 to 20
problem is to use acid-in-diesel emulsions.6,7 Diesel acts as a dif- gal/1,000 gal of 15 wt% HCl兲 on the reaction rate of the acid-in-
fusion barrier between the acid and the rock.8-10 Thus, the reaction diesel emulsions with reservoir rocks was also investigated using
rate of the acid with carbonate rocks becomes slower. This gives the above method.13,16
Several coreflood experiments were performed on reservoir
cores at an overburden pressure of 2,500 psig and temperatures of
Copyright © 2000 Society of Petroleum Engineers 130 and 203°F. These two temperatures represent the bottomhole
This paper (SPE 65069) was revised for publication from paper SPE 50739, presented at temperatures of water disposal wells 共or injectors兲 and oil produc-
the 1999 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in Houston, 16–19
February. Original manuscript received for review 10 May 1999. Revised manuscript re-
ers in this field, respectively. Core plugs examined were 1.5 in. in
ceived 1 December 1999. Manuscript peer approved 9 December 1999. diameter and nearly 2 in. in length. A new core plug was used in

176 SPE Prod. & Facilities 15 共3兲, August 2000 1064-668X/2000/15共3兲/176/7/$5.00⫹0.50


Component Quantity/1,000 gal

15 wt% HCl 700 gal

Diesel 300 gal
Emulsifier 2 to 20 gal
Corrosion inhibitor 7.5 gal
Chelating agent 50 lbm
Reducing agent 10 lbm

each experiment. The core was first saturated with the formation
brine under vacuum. The brine 共Table 2兲 was injected until the Fig. 1–Apparent viscosity of an acid-in-diesel emulsion.
pressure drop across the core became constant (⫾10%). Then,
the acid was injected and was followed by a post-flush of the
formation brine. The effect of the acid injection rate on acid pressure required to pump this emulsion. The parameters n and K
propagation was studied over the range of 0.5 to 12.0 cm3/min. were found to be 0.63 and 338 cpsn⫺1 , respectively, for the emul-
During each experiment, the injection rate was kept constant and sion examined in Fig. 1.
the pressure drop across the core was monitored. The volume of
the emulsified acid used in these tests was kept constant at nearly Emulsion Stability. Thermal stability of the acid-in-diesel emul-
1 pore volume. sion plays an important role in field applications. If the acid sepa-
rates from the emulsion before it reaches the formation, the acid
Analysis of Field Samples. Emulsified acids were used to acidize reaction will not be retarded. Therefore, it is very important to
two wells in a carbonate reservoir. To ensure that diesel was the make sure that the emulsion reaches the formation without phase
external phase, the conductivity of acid-in-diesel emulsion was separation. Stability of the emulsified acid was found to be a
measured using a Myron 532T1 DS meter. Samples of the well function of emulsifier concentration. The acid-in-diesel emulsion
flowback were collected and the concentrations of key ions were was stable for a long period of time at high emulsifier concentra-
measured. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, and total iron concentra- tions. For example, the emulsion was stable for more than 72
tions were measured by inductively coupled argon plasma emis- hours at an emulsifier concentration of 20 gal/1,000 gal of acid at
sion spectroscopy. Chloride ion was measured by titration with a room temperature. However, at lower emulsifier concentrations
0.1 N silver nitrate solution using a Mettler DL 70 ES autotitrator. 共less than 5 gal/1,000 gal of acid兲, the emulsified acid was not
Sulfate ion was measured turbidimetrically following precipitation stable. This was evident from the conductivity measurements
with a 0.1 N barium chloride solution. Acid concentration was 共greater than 5000 ␮S兲 and visual examination.
measured by titration of a known volume of the acid with a 0.1 N Reaction with Reservoir Rocks. Fig. 2 shows the weight loss of
NaOH solution to an endpoint pH of 4.2. To measure pH, an reservoir rocks by acid-in-diesel emulsions of various emulsifier
Orion model 720A meter and Cole Parmer Ag/AgCl single- concentrations as a function of time at 75°F. It is evident from
junction pH electrode were used. these results that lower weight losses were obtained at higher
emulsifier concentrations. At lower emulsifier concentrations, and
Results and Discussion before the rock was immersed into the acid, the acid was not
Apparent Viscosity. Fig. 1 shows the apparent viscosity of an completely emulsified. This was inferred from the electrical con-
acid-in-diesel emulsion as a function of shear rate at 75°F. This ductivity of the emulsion 共greater than 5000 ␮S at emulsifier con-
emulsion was prepared using 20 gal of emulsifier/1,000 gal of centrations less than 5 gal/1,000 gal of acid兲. As a result, the
acid. The apparent viscosity decreased as the shear rate was in- reaction rate was fast and the weight loss of the rock was high.
creased. This result indicates that the acid-in-diesel emulsion is a Weight loss decreased as the acid was completely emulsified. It is
shear-thinning fluid. The apparent viscosity ( ␮ ) can be predicted worth noting that the concentration of the emulsifier will affect the
over the shear rate ( ␥˙ ) range examined using the power-law number and size of acid droplets present in the emulsion, which
model given by Eq. 1: will also affect the rate of acid reaction with the rock.
␮ ⫽K 共 ␥˙ 兲 n⫺1 . 共1兲 Coreflood Tests. Coreflood experiments were conducted to deter-
mine acid injectivity and propagation in reservoir cores. X-ray
Eq. 1 gave good predictions for the apparent viscosity, as
shown in Fig. 1. The model parameters are needed to calculate the



Ion Concentration, mg/L

⫹ 26 300
Ca⫹⫹ 16 200
Mg⫹⫹ 1 450
Cl⫺ 73 008
HCO3⫺ 440
SO4⫺ 303
TDS 117 701

*pH⫽6.8. Fig. 2–Effect of emulsifier concentration on weight loss of res-

ervoir rocks.

Nasr-El-Din, Al-Anazi, and Mohamed: Stimulation of Water-Disposal Wells SPE Prod. & Facilities, Vol. 15, No. 3, August 2000 177


Acid type* and volume, gal Well A Well B

Regular acid 4,074 8,484

Emulsified acid 23,310 21,882
In-situ Gelled acid 3,864 1,722

Low-sulfate water,** bbl 400 350

Soaking time, hr 20 48

Flowback time, hr 3 to 4 3 to 4

*The three acids contained 15 wt% HCl.

**Low-sulfate water had a total dissolved solids content of less than 1500 mg/L.

Fig. 3–Permeability ratio as a function of cumulative core vol-

ume. Visual examination of the cores after the acid treatment indi-
cated that there are several wormholes at the injection face of the
core. The number and size of these wormholes increased as the
diffraction analysis indicated that the reservoir cores examined injection rate was increased.16
were calcite. The result of coreflood tests indicated that the acid Additional coreflood tests were conducted using longer core
could be injected into tight zones 共less than 50 md兲 without en- plugs 共nearly 3 in. in length and 1.5 in. in diameter兲. These tests
countering any problems. To assess the effectiveness of the emul- were done to determine the propagation of wormholes in reservoir
sified acid, the permeability ratio k r was calculated as a function core plugs. The volume of the injected acid was limited to a
of the cumulative core effluent using the following equation: fraction of the core pore volume. The results of these tests indi-
k cated that the length of wormholes increased with the acid injec-
k r⫽ , 共2兲 tion rate.23 Based on these results, it is recommended to inject the
k0 acid-in-diesel emulsion at the highest possible injection flow rate,
where k 0 is the initial core permeability and k is the final core below the fracture pressure of the formation, to achieve better
permeability. Both permeability values were determined using permeability enhancement.
Darcy’s law for linear flow. Field Application. Acid treatments using an acid-in-diesel emul-
Emulsified acid was found to enhance the permeability ratio of sion were applied at two wastewater disposal wells in a carbonate
cores saturated with the formation brine. Fig. 3 shows the perme- reservoir in Saudi Arabia. These two wells will be referred to as
ability ratio as a function of the cumulative pore volume injected. Wells A and B in the rest of this paper. Both wells have an
The emulsified acid used in this experiment was prepared using 2 openhole completion 共hole diameter⫽8.5 in.兲 with a target zone
gal of emulsifier/1,000 gal of acid. The flow rate was kept con- thickness of approximately 230 ft. The bottomhole static tempera-
stant throughout the experiment at 2 cm3/min and the experiment ture ranges from 120 to 150°F.
was performed at 130°F. The acid was soaked in the core for 2 The field treatment comprised three acids: regular, emulsified,
hours to allow complete acid reaction with the reservoir rock. As and in-situ gelled acid. The regular acid was used as a preflush
can be seen in Fig. 3, the final permeability ratio increased as a and consisted of 15 wt% HCl and additives 共a corrosion inhibitor,
result of acid injection by 11%. a water-wetting surfactant, and mutual solvent, ethylene glycol
Another set of coreflood experiments were performed on dif- monobutylether兲. This acid was used to remove external filter
ferent reservoir cores and a temperature of 203°F, but the acid cake and reduce the skin factor. The emulsified acid was used to
injection rate was varied from 0.5 to 12.0 cm3/min. Fig. 4 shows create deep wormholes. The in-situ gelled acid was used to im-
the final permeability ratio as a function of the acid injection rate. prove sweep efficiency during acid injection. Proper acid diver-
The final permeability ratio increased exponentially with the in- sion is important in both wells because of the length of the target
jection rate. For instance, the final permeability ratio improved by zone, and the heterogeneity of the reservoir.
more than 600-fold at 12 cm3/min. The formula of emulsified acid used in the treatment was simi-
lar to that given in Table 1. However, no iron control agents were
added to the acid. The concentration of the emulsifier used to
prepare the acid was 8 gal/1,000 gal of 15 wt% HCl. This con-
centration was based on the type of corrosion inhibitor used, and
the bottomhole temperature of the two wells. In addition, this
value was found to produce an acid-in-diesel emulsion that was
stable for more than 24 hours at ambient conditions. This amount
of time is needed for practical field applications.
Table 3 gives the volumes of the three acids used in each
treatment. The acids were bullheaded in both cases and were dis-
placed from the wellbore into the formation using a low sulfate
content water. The volumes of the displacement fluids are given in
Table 3 and are equivalent to the wellbore volume of each well.
Table 4 gives the chemical analysis of the regular and in-situ
gelled acids used in both treatments. A portion of the regular acid
was used to prepare the emulsified acid. The acids were prepared
using low-sulfate-content water. This is to minimize precipitation
Fig. 4–Effect of acid injection rate on final permeability ratio. of calcium sulfate in the formation. The crosslinker used in the

178 Nasr-El-Din, Al-Anazi, and Mohamed: Stimulation of Water-Disposal Wells SPE Prod. & Facilities, Vol. 15, No. 3, August 2000

Analysis Regular Acid* In-Situ Gelled Acid

Calcium, mg/L 170 123

Chloride, mg/L 156 935 162 638
HCl, wt%/vol% 15.7 16.5
Iron (total), mg/L 252 392
Magnesium, mg/L 52 37
Potassium, mg/L 23 19
Sodium, mg/L 2 275 322
Sulfate, mg/L 236 381

*A portion of this acid was used to prepare the emulsified acid.

in-situ gelled acid contained iron. This resulted in a higher iron Fig. 6–HCl concentration in flowback samples of Well A.
content in the in-situ gelled acid, as shown in Table 4.
One of key factors that determines the success of emulsified
acid treatments is mixing in the field.21 If the acid is not properly
mixed, or the amount of emulsifier is not enough, the acid will not shown in Fig. 6. The presence of live acid in the flowback
be completely emulsified. Emulsified acid loses its advantages if it samples indicated that the soaking time was not enough and a
breaks down before it reaches the target zone. Therefore, it is longer soaking time was recommended for the acid treatment con-
extremely important to ensure that the acid is well mixed before ducted on Well B. The fast return of live acid suggests that there
the onset of treatment. A simple method to confirm complete is a high-permeability streak in this well. A large volume of acid
emulsification is to measure the electrical conductivity of the acid flowed into this streak during injection. A portion of this live acid
using a conductivity meter. If the acid is completely emulsified, was mixed with the formation water while flowing the well back.
then diesel is the external phase and the electrical conductivity of A caliper was run in this well after the treatment. The results
the emulsion should read zero. If the acid is not completely emul- confirmed that there was a large washout 共19 in. in diameter兲 just
sified, then its conductivity is greater than zero. A second method below the casing shoe.
to determine the nature of the continuous phase is to mix a few Chloride ion concentration was high in the initial return
drops of the emulsion with water. The shape of the droplet once it samples, Fig. 7. It monotonically decreased in the subsequent
contacts water will determine the nature of the continuous phase. samples due to dilution of the spent acid with the formation water.
However, the conductivity method is more accurate. The emulsi- The acid did react with the reservoir rock 共mainly calcite and
fied acid was prepared in the field using a clean frac tank 共500 bbl some dolomite兲. As a result, the concentrations of calcium and
capacity兲. Nearly one batch of acid was needed for each of the magnesium ions were high in the initial samples, Figs. 8 and 9,
two treatments. The electrical conductivity of the emulsified acids respectively.
used was measured before pumping and was less than 2 ␮S at One of the major advantages of using emulsified acids is that
ambient conditions. the live acid does not come in contact with well tubulars. As a
result, the concentration of the iron reaching the formation is
Chemical Analysis of Acid Return Samples. Well A was low.16 The concentration of the total iron in the samples collected
acidized using regular, emulsified, and in-situ gelled acids, as from Well A confirmed this point, as shown in Fig. 10. Iron
shown in Table 3. The three acids were soaked in the formation concentrations were very low considering the fact that this is a
for a period of nearly 20 hours. The well was allowed to flow back wastewater disposal well. In addition, an iron compound was
after the treatment to recover the spent acid. Samples of the return added to the in-situ gelled acid as a crosslinker 共Table 4兲. Based
fluids were initially collected every 5 minutes, then every 10 min- on previous studies where regular 15 wt% HCl was used,24 the
utes. Fig. 5 shows the variation of pH in the flowback samples as total iron concentration in the spent acid should be at least one or
a function of time. The pH was zero in the initial samples, then two orders of magnitude higher.
gradually increased to nearly 7 and remained at this value for the Fig. 11 shows the concentration of the sodium ion in the return
rest of the samples. The initial low pH values were due to the samples. Initial samples contained sodium at 15 000 mg/L. So-
presence of live acid at concentrations up to 1.6 wt%/vol%, as dium concentration increased to 20 000 mg/L as a result of influx

Fig. 5–pH of the well flowback samples of Well A. Fig. 7–Chloride ion in well flowback samples of Well A.

Nasr-El-Din, Al-Anazi, and Mohamed: Stimulation of Water-Disposal Wells SPE Prod. & Facilities, Vol. 15, No. 3, August 2000 179
Fig. 8–Calcium ion in well flowback samples of Well A. Fig. 10–Total iron in well flowback samples of Well A.

of the formation water. The low initial values were obtained due
to the low sodium content of the injected acids 共Table 4兲.
Well B was stimulated in a way similar to that of Well A,
except that the soaking time was increased to 48 hours. This was
to ensure complete acid spending in the formation. Analysis of the
flowback samples indicated that this was the case. Fig. 12 shows
that the pH was 6.8 in the first sample. The pH values were in the
range of 7 to 7.4 in the rest of the samples. Moreover, no live acid
was detected in the return samples. These results indicated that the
acid was completely spent in the formation and a soaking time of
48 hours was adequate.
It is worth noting that the soaking time needed for Wells A and
B was longer than that needed for oil producers. In a previous
study where an emulsified acid was used to stimulate an oil pro-
ducing well,16 a soaking time of 1 to 2 hours was found to be
adequate. However, a soaking time of 48 hours was needed in Fig. 11–Sodium ion in well flowback samples of Well A.
Wells A and B. This difference in the soaking time is the result of
temperature. The bottomhole temperatures for oil producing wells
in this field are 220 to 240°F, whereas those of the wastewater
disposal wells are 120 to 150°F. Higher temperatures will break
the emulsified acid in shorter times, enhance the rate of mass
transfer of the acid by diffusion processes,25 and increase the re-
action rate of the acid with the rock. These factors will result in
complete acid spending over a shorter period of time. It is impor-
tant to note that diffusion processes are important under the con-
ditions encountered in the current treatments. This is because of
the high viscosity of the emulsified acid.
Figs. 13 through 17 show that the concentrations of key ions
in the return samples of Well B were similar to those obtained in
Well A. These results confirmed that the three acids did react with
the rock in a similar way as noted in Well A.
Treatment Evaluation. Post-treatment evaluation of both wells
indicated that the acid treatment removed the damage and im-
proved well performance. The injection rate of Well A increased Fig. 12–pH in well flowback samples of Well B.

Fig. 9–Magnesium ion in well flowback samples of Well A. Fig. 13–Chloride ion in well flowback samples of Well B.

180 Nasr-El-Din, Al-Anazi, and Mohamed: Stimulation of Water-Disposal Wells SPE Prod. & Facilities, Vol. 15, No. 3, August 2000
from 10,660 to 15,300 BWPD. Its skin decreased from ⫺1.6 to
⫺3.2. The average permeability of the target zone has increased
from 75 to 95 md. Finally, its injectivity index increased from
26.6 to 36.9 BWPD/psi. Well B had a skin factor of ⫹6.6 before
the treatment and ⫺3.6 after the treatment. The injectivity index
of this well increased from 42 to 104 BWPD/psi due to the treat-

An acid-in-diesel emulsion was used to stimulate two wastewater
disposal wells in a carbonate reservoir in Saudi Arabia. The fol-
lowing conclusions were obtained from laboratory testing and
field treatments.
1. Rheological measurements indicated that the acid-in-diesel
emulsion behaved as a shear-thinning fluid.
Fig. 14–Calcium ion in well flowback samples of Well B. 2. The stability and reaction rate of the emulsified acid were
found to be a function of emulsifier concentration.
3. Very low reaction rates were obtained at an emulsifier con-
centration of 20 gal/1,000 gal of acid at room temperature. These
results indicated that a longer soaking time will be needed to
stimulate disposal wells. This time is required to ensure complete
acid spending.
4. Coreflood results showed that the emulsified acid formed
wormholes in tight carbonate cores (⬍50 md), and that the core
permeability increased after the treatment.
5. Permeability ratio 共final/initial兲 of reservoir cores increased
exponentially with the acid injection rate.
6. Field application of the emulsified acid in two disposal wells
indicated that both wells responded favorably to the treatment.
The injectivity of both wells has increased significantly after the
7. Low total iron concentrations in the flowback samples indi-
cated that the emulsified acid reduced corrosion of well tubing and
casing compared to that of a regular acid.
Fig. 15–Magnesium ion in well flowback samples of Well B.
K ⫽ consistency factor, cp•sn⫺1
k ⫽ injected fluid permeability, md
k0 ⫽ initial permeability, md
kr ⫽ permeability ratio, dimensionless
n ⫽ power-law index, dimensionless
␥˙ ⫽ shear rate, s⫺1
␮ ⫽ apparent viscosity, cp

The authors wish to acknowledge the Saudi Arabian Ministry of
Petroleum and Mineral Resources and the Saudi Arabian Oil Co.
共Saudi Aramco兲 for granting permission to publish this paper. The
authors would like to thank M. Al-Jawfi, J. Selim, and A. Al-
Zahrani for performing most of the experimental work. The
Chemistry Unit of the LR&DC of Saudi Aramco was helpful in
their analysis of the spent acids.
Fig. 16–Total iron in well flowback samples of Well B. References
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Theoretical Studies for Acid Fracture Stimulation Optimization,’’ pa-
SI Metric Conversion Factors
per SPE 39776 presented at the 1998 SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas
Recovery Conference, Midland, Texas, 23–26 March. bbl ⫻ 1.589 873 E⫺01 ⫽ m3
13. Guidry, G.S., Ruiz, G.A., and Saxon, A.: ‘‘SXE/N2 Matrix Acidiz- cp ⫻ 1.0* E⫺03 ⫽ Pa•s
ing,’’ paper SPE 17951 presented at the 1989 SPE Middle East Oil ft ⫻ 3.048* E⫺01 ⫽ m
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, 11–14 °F 共°F⫺32)/1.8 ⫽ °C
14. Buijse, M.A.: ‘‘Understanding Wormholing Mechanisms Can Im- gal ⫻ 3.785 412 E⫺03 ⫽ m3
prove Acid Treatments in Carbonate Formations,’’ paper SPE 38166 in. ⫻ 2.54* E⫹00 ⫽ cm
presented at the 1997 SPE European Formation Damage Conference, lbm ⫻ 4.535 924 E⫺01 ⫽ kg
The Hague, The Netherlands, 2–3 June. psi ⫻ 6.894 757 E⫹00 ⫽ kPa
15. Buijse, M.A. and van Domelen, M.S.: ‘‘Novel Application of Emul-
sified Acids to Matrix Stimulation of Heterogeneous Formations,’’ *Conversion factors are exact. SPEPF
paper SPE 39583 presented at the 1998 SPE Intl. Symposium on
Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 18–19 February.
16. Al-Anazi, H.A., Nasr-El-Din, H.A., and Mohamed, S.K.: ‘‘Stimula- Hisham Nasr-El-Din is a research science consultant with
tion of Tight Carbonate Reservoirs Using Acid-in-Diesel Emulsions: Saudi Aramco in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. e-mail:
Field Application,’’ paper SPE 39418 presented at the 1998 SPE Intl. His research interests include
Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, well stimulation, formation damage, two-phase flow, flow
18–19 February. in porous media, enhanced oil recovery, rheology, con-
17. Taylor, K.C., Nasr-El-Din, H.A., and Al-Alawi, M.J.: ‘‘Systematic formance control, interfacial properties, and adsorption.
Study of Iron Control Chemicals Used During Well Stimulation,’’ Nasr-El-Din holds BS and Ms degrees from Cairo U. and a
SPEJ 共March 1999兲 19. PhD degree from the U. of Saskatchewan. He is a member
18. Smith, C.F., Crowe, C.W., and Nolan, T.J. III: ‘‘Secondary Deposi- of the International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry Commit-
tion of Iron Compounds Following Acidizing Treatments,’’ JPT tee. Hamoud Al-Anazi currently is a PhD candidate in the
共September 1969兲 1121. Petroleum Engineering Dept. of the U. of Texas, Austin.
19. Taylor, K.C. and Nasr-El-Din, H.A.: ‘‘A Systematic Study of Iron e-mail: He previouly was a labora-
Control Chemicals: Part II,’’ paper SPE 50772 presented at the 1999 tory scientist at Saudi Aramco’s R&D Center in Dhahran,
SPE Intl. Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 16–19 Febru- where he worked on stimulation, formation damage, and
ary. conformance-control projects. Al-Anazi holds a BS degree in
20. Navarrete, R.C. et al.: ‘‘Emulsified Acid Enhances Well Production chemical engineering from King Fahd U. of Petroleum and
in High-Temperature Carbonate Formations,’’ paper SPE 50612 pre- Minerals and an MS degree in petroleum engineering from the
sented at the 1998 SPE European Petroleum Conference, The Hague, U. of Texas, Austin. Safwat Mohamed is a senior production
The Netherlands, 20–22 October. engineer with Saudi Aramco in Dhahran. e-mail:
21. Krawietz, T.E. and Rael, E.L.: ‘‘Horizontal Well Acidizing of a Car- He has more than 24 years’
bonate Formation: A Case History of Lisburne Treatments, Prudhoe experience in the oil industry, including work in drilling and
Bay, Alaska,’’ SPEPF 共November 1996兲 238. workover engineering and as a process supervisor of an off-
22. Bazin, B. and Abdulahad, G.: ‘‘Experimental Investigation of Some shore gas field in addition to his work in production engineer-
Properties of Emulsified Systems for Stimulation of Carbonate For- ing. He previously worked for Wepco and Agiba in Egypt. Mo-
mations,’’ paper SPE 53237 presented at the 1999 SPE Middle East hamed holds a BS degree in petroleum engineering from
Oil Show, Bahrain, 20–23 February. Cairo U.

182 Nasr-El-Din, Al-Anazi, and Mohamed: Stimulation of Water-Disposal Wells SPE Prod. & Facilities, Vol. 15, No. 3, August 2000

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