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Joseph Ace W.

Martinez BS Criminology
Values Education Mr. Celso Burgos Activity 1

Instruction: choose if the statement for you SA- strongly agree,

A- agree
U- uncertain
D- disagree
SD- strongly disagree

Put it I the blank provided before the number, then elaborate your stand in at least 50 words after the item.

SA 1. In a court of law the defendant should always be treated justly.

Explanation: Everyone of as has the right to defend ourselves inside the court of law, that is why whenever it is a
poor or rich accused defendant/ person it is just right to treat him fairly. The judge must recognized/respect his rights to
defend himself in the court to explain his side and this way justice must be obtain which results to peace.
SD 2. Trial should be suspended if the person is caught in the act of committing a crime.
Explanation: Trial should not be suspended if the person is caught in the act of committing a crime because the
evidence must be presented in the court following the trial proceedings. He must not judge or proven innocent or not,
until proven guilty inside the court before the judge.
SA 3. A person is always considered innocent until proven guilty.
Explanation: Innocent until proven guilty means that the case must be undergo ju- process (judicial process)
under the justice system and that the prosecution must be served affirmative evidence in order to convict the
defendant. It there is lacking in the side of the evidence of providing him guilty is not enough.
U_ 4. Court should be lenient with poor suspects.
Explanation: There are some cases that the poor did the heinous crime he could ever did and at some point also,
the poor suspects are just being accused to claim the case that he never did, that is why I am uncertain if the court must
really be lenient to the poor suspects.
5. Details which may be relevant to the fair judgment of wrongdoing must be determined.
A_ 6. The Philippines justice system is not fair.
Explanation: For me justice system of the Philippines is somehow titled and is unjust. This could be something
that is miserably failing since there are some who are really out of money. Lawyers squandering the Law, not living with
what they ought to do based on their profession. This culture of inefficiency in the court management is still present
specially of claimant is an elite/rich giving tough way to those poor suspects.
SA 7. I have a responsibility to defend my own rights.
Explanation: Yes I believe I have a responsibility to defend my own rights because according to Section 1 of the
1987 Phil. Constitution that there shall no person shall be deprived of his own life, liberty and / or equal protection of
the laws.
SA 8. Money can till the scale of justice.
Explanation: Money can definitely tilt the scale of the justice because there are Lawyers/ judge of fiscal who are
paid be some high-ranking persons who happens to be the claimant just to dismiss case or arrest the suspect. One
important reason is lack of clarity about what fairness means. Even when clear conceptions of fairness are provided,
there can be several different kinds that are in conflict.
SA 9. Subjectivity has no room I a fair decision.
Explanation: ‘’Just work without personal interest ’’, that is why subjectivity has no room in a fair decision
because it might affect the final judgment of the court. Regardless of the familiar connections or professions
motherhood, personal interests are not really encouraged inside the court to convict the suspect.
SD 10. People charge serious crime should be sentenced immediately without any trail.
Explanation: People charged with serious crimes should not be sentenced immediately without any trial because
according to the law you have the right to trial and get a Lawyer, and if the defendant cannot afford, the government will
provide him.

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