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Answer mgmt101 week 7 assignment latest This year


mgmt101 week 7 assignment latest 2017 november

Question-see Answer below

Week 7 assignment

Research Paper:

You are to select and view one of the below movies or TV


1. Schmidt, A. (Producer), Wallace, R. (D


mgmt101 week 7 assignment latest 2017 november

Question-see Answer below

Week 7 assignment

Research Paper:

You are to select and view one of the below movies or TV


1. Schmidt, A. (Producer), Wallace, R. (Director). (2002).

We Were Soldiers [Motion Picture]. United States: Paramount.

2. MacDonald, L. (Producer), Scott, R. (Director). (2000).

Gladiator [Motion Picture]. United States: DreamWorks & Universal Pictures.

3. Field, F. (Producer), & Zwick, E. (Director). (1989).

Glory [Motion Picture]. United States: Sony Pictures.
4. The Office, U.S. version (you may use one or more
episodes, just make sure to properly cite the reference).

5. M*A*S*H (you may use one or more episodes, just make sure
to properly cite the reference).

6. House, M.D. (you may use one or more episodes, just make
sure to properly cite the reference).

7. After viewing the movie or TV series, select one of the

supervisors/leaders, to write about.

8. If you cannot watch any of the above movies or TV series,

you must email me in Week Four for an alternate assignment. Examples of
alternate topics would include: Government Leadership Failures/Successes; and
Corporate Leadership Failures/Successes.

Leadership Paper Content:

1. Discuss three supervisory techniques that your selected

supervisor/leader used--cite specific examples from the movie or TV series. Do
not spend too much effort explaining the background or details of the
scenario--just get to the point.

2. Make sure to discuss each of the following topics:

a. Which supervisory techniques were effective? Why?

b. Which supervisory techniques were not effective? Why?

c. Pick one scene and discuss what you would have done
differently as a supervisor/leader --explain why.

d. How does a high-stress environment like war or the

Emergency Room/Department affect supervisory techniques, as compared to
peacetime or a less-stressful environment?

e. What supervisory trait do you most relate to and explain

why? You should also include, as an example, a personal account from your life.

f. Why do supervisors fail if they only use

"textbook" techniques? Explain using scenes from the movie/TV series
or your own personal life to enhance your analysis and discussion.

Submission Instructions: Submit your research paper only as

an MS Word (.doc) document. Your paper should be 6-8 pages long and include
each of the following:

a Title page; an Abstract page; 3-5 pages of body content

that include an “introduction” at the beginning and a “summary” at the end; and
the last page should be your References page.

In other words, the main body of your paper should be 3-5

pages plus the Title page; Abstract page; and References page.

Use at least three references in your paper. They should be research articles that support
your paper's analysis and conclusions.

You must submit your paper as one attachment and use proper
APA Sixth Edition formatting.

Your paper should contain no more than 20% direct citations

or quotations. That means 80% should be your own analysis, thoughts, and ideas.

Answered -Price $22.00

Total : General General Question-see Answer belows -


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