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School Malvar School of Arts and

Lesson Exemplar Trade Grade Level Grade 8

Teacher KEN MITCHELL T. Learning Area Physics

Teaching MORALES
Date Quarter
October 2, 5-7, 2020
Time 7:00 – 9:00 Mon - Friday No. of Days 4 Days

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
a. describe short circuit, overloading and its effect;
b. identify common electrical safety devices used in the home;
c. explain the functions of circuit breaker, fuse, earthing, double insulation and other safety
devices in the home.
A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
Standards Current- voltage-resistance relationship, electric power, electric energy, and home circuitry

B. Performance The learners should be able to:

Standards There is no indicated Performance Standards from the Grade 8 Science Curriculum Guide.

C. Most A. Explain the function of circuit breakers, fuses, earthing, double insulation, and other safety
Essential devices in the home (S8FE-li-33).
(If available,
write the

D. Enabling
Competency (If
available, write
the attached  Differentiate electrical power and electrical energy.

Functions of Electrical Safety Devices

A. References

a. Teacher’s
Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Science 8: Learner’s Module - Pages 3-9

Material Pages PHYSICS Principle and Problems – Pages 116-118

c. Textbook Pages 3 – 9
Pages Pages 116 - 118

d. Additional Science 8 Enrichment Learning Module

from Learning

B. List of
Resources for

A. Introduction A set of image will be given by the teacher, the task of the students is to study the image given and
identify all the hazardous situations. Create a table in your notes and list these underneath the

Choose one of fuses, RCDs, isolating transformers, earth wires. Research your device. You may
find the videos in Task D below helpful for this.

In pairs or individually you need to create a poster about your device which:
Explains how your device works.
Shows when / how your device is used.
Gives a brief history of the device.

Your poster should be:

Visually appealing
Done by hand (glued on printed text is okay)
Contain images / diagrams and text
Be in your OWN WORDS
Contain Color
Contain a bibliography


To evaluate the learning of the students from their previous experiences, a simple paper and pencil
test will be facilitated. Students must choose the letter of the best answer.

Sample Question:

1. Which of the following can cause hazard, like fire, at the home?
A. the use of earthing method
B. short circuit & overloading
C. the use of circuit breaker or fuse at home
D. application of safety precautions in using electricity

In the previous learning journey, you learned about the relationships of the three quantities of
electricity and the electrical connections. Try to remember the concept of electrical connections by
answering the following review questions in your notebook:

1. What are the two types of circuit connections?

2. Looking at the connections of wirings in your house, how is it connected? Is it in series, in
parallel or combination?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of electrical connection?
Relating the concept of electrical connections in our daily activities, we can also say that utilizing
electricity in our home, school or in any establishments make our life easier & convenient. But let
us ponder and think of these questions:
 How can electricity bring a hazardous effect to us?
 Do any members of your family have a bad experience with electricity?
 Have you seen disastrous incidents in your community due to problems or poor conditions
of electrical connections?
 What electric safety devices and practices should be used to protect
you and your family from the hazard?
The objective of this activity is for the students to describe short circuit, overloading, and its
G. Engagement effect/s.

In doing this activity students will need the following materials;


1. Read the content of the news regarding fire incidents due to problems in
electrical connections (occurred in two cities of the Philippines): and
2. Answer the questions provided.

1. What were the causes of fire occurred in the specific place of two cities mentioned in the news?
___________________________________________________________________________ 2.
How does a short circuit occur?
___________________________________________________________________________ 3. In
your own idea, how does electrical overload occur?


I. Objectives:
In this activity, you will:
1. describe the heating effect of current; and
2. explain what a short circuit is and some safety practices to be considered in the use of

II. Materials
Activity sheet and pen

III. Procedure
1. Consider the situations below by reading the content and observing the events occurred through
the procedure and figures.
2. Then answer the given questions below.
3. After the given time (20 minutes), present your answer for checking and processing of content.

Situation 1 A group of students conducted a simple activity to

describe the heating effect of current in the wire, what short circuit
is and some safety practices to be considered in the use of

In the first set up, they used the following materials:

• 2 dry cells (with a battery holder)
• 2 connecting wires
• strand of copper wire
• 2 blocks of wood
• 4 thumbtacks
• 1 small stick glue
• timer
The series of events occurred are shown in the figures below.

In the second set up, they used the following materials:

• 2 connecting wires
• 2 dry cells in the battery holder
• 1 bulb in the bulb holder
The series of events occurred are shown in the figures below.

Q1. Based on set up 1, what happened to the stick glue after exposing it in the wire connected to
the battery?
_________________________________________________________________________ Q2.
What do you think is produced in the wires that affected the stick glue?
_________________________________________________________________________ Q3.
Based on set up 2, explain what happened to the bulb when the exposed wires momentarily

Situation 2 . The current that a wire of given diameter can safely carry is indicated by
its current rating. When the current in the circuit exceeds the wire’s current rating, an
overload of the circuit occurs. Overloading can also generate a lot of heat in the wire
that can cause a fire outbreak. In designing electrical installations, engineers estimate
the current requirements of appliances and electrical devices the owner intends to use
and make these as the basis for selecting the appropriate size of wire in wiring the
house. When there are too many appliances plugged into one outlet (also called
octopus wiring) the loads are effectively connected in parallel and overloading may
also occur.

Q7. What happens to the total resistance of the circuit when more and more appliances are
plugged /connected to one outlet?
_________________________________________________________________________ Q8.
What happens to the total current?
_________________________________________________________________________ Q9.
Explain why overloading a circuit can start a fire?
_________________________________________________________________________ Q10.
What safety practices you should consider in:
a. installation of wiring at home?
b. plugging of appliances in the outlet at home?


I. Objectives:
After performing this activity, you should be able to:
1. identify common electrical safety devices used in the home; and
2. explain the functions of circuit breaker, fuse, earthing, double insulation and other safety
devices used in the home.

II. Procedure:
1. Complete the table below by identifying what electrical safety devices depicted in the pictures
and explaining their functions based on its usefulness at home.
2. Answer the given questions after completing the table.
3. Use the summary information on electric safety devices given below as your reference.
4. After the given time (30 minutes), present your answer for checking and processing of content.
H. Assimilation

III. Read each statement and tell if it is safe or unsafe?

____________1. There is an octopus wiring in the outlet.
____________2. Plugging of appliances even when not in use.
____________3. Electrical outlets are kept away from water.

I. Objectives:

After performing this activity, you should be able to:

1. identify common electrical safety devices & safety practices used/applied in
your homes;
2. explain how the common electrical safety devices and safety practices that
are commonly used/applied protect the homes and owners’ lives; and
3. describe if short circuit and overloading possibly occurred in your homes based on the result of
your inventory check.

II. Procedure:

1. Using the checklist provided below, ask your parents to help you make an inventory and inspect
your home.
2. Check the appropriate column based on your checkup inventory.
If you see your devices are free from hazard or the said safety practice is applied at home check
“In good condition”. If you find hazard or unsafe condition item, check in poor condition” and
if you found out that the device or that safety practice is not utilized/applied at home, check
3. Then ask your parents to correct the hazards or do something for its availability.

Table 1: Inventory Check of Electrical Safety Devices & Practices at Home

1. Based from the result of your inventory check, how will you rate the safety of your home, is it
free from electrical hazard or not? Why?
2. Based from the result of your inventory check, do you think short circuit or/and overloading
could possibly occur in your home? Why or why not?
3. Explain how the electrical safety devices and practices protect you and your home from fire and
4. Based on your inventory check table, how many items found “in poor condition” and/or
5. What will be your suggestion to your parents to correct the hazards to help make your home

This activity deals with filling the gaps of a certain statement to complete the idea or concepts it
Based on what you’ve learned from the very start of our module, let’s sum-up
our lesson by filling in the blanks with the appropriate answer (word or phrase) in each of the
sentences about electrical safety devices and practices.
1. ____________________ occurs when wires with defective rubber insulation touch each other
so the current does not pass to the supposed path it should take.
2. ____________________ occurs when the current passing is more than what the wires can carry,
causing the wire to heat up.
3. ___________________ is an automatically operated electrical switch that functions to interrupt
current flow after a fault is detected.
4. The essential component of ____________ is a metal wire or strip that melts when too much
current flows through it, thereby stopping or interrupting the current. It protects appliances
from electric power surges and overheating.
5. ____________________ ensures that if the live wire frays or connects to the outer case of the
appliance it will not conduct, thus protecting the user of the appliance from an electrical shock
by preventing any possibility of the external casing becoming live.
6. The primary purpose of ________________is to avoid or minimize the danger of electrocution,
fire due to earth leakage of current through undesired path and to ensure that the potential of a
current carrying conductor does not rise with respect to the earth than its designed insulation.
7. In using electrical outlet, avoid ________________ it with too many appliances and unplug
appliances when not in use.
REFLECTION You finally did it! I know you’ve learned many things about electrical safety devices. For your
additional activities, try to complete the sentence about your learning by filling in with answers
the spaces provided.

1. I learned that short circuit and overloading can …

2. I learned that the common electrical safety devices used in the homes are …
3. I learned that the electrical safety devices help …

Prepared by:


Science 8 Teacher


Head Teacher III, Science Department



Principal III

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