Memorandum of Understanding - Radhio Dhoni

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Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Date: Dec 12, 2019



This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is made for Bestcom, office address bearing, 49 Kazi Benzir
Sarani, Nikunja-2, Khilkhet, Dhaka-1229, and Radio Dhoni, office address bearing, 80/A, Hazrat Shahjalal
Tower (15th floor), Siddheswari Circular Road, Dhaka-1217. Bestcom offered Radio Dhoni to be the radio
partner for ‘Joyoddhoni’- Victory Day Celebration by Le Meridien Dhaka, on 17 th floor Infinity, Le Meridien
Dhaka on December 16, 2019 for invited and walk in audiences and Radio Dhoni agreed to do so. Now,
therefore it is agreed between the parties as under:

1. The agreement is valid through the time period of the event, December 16, 2019.
2. Radio Dhoni will give radio coverage for Bestcom’s upcoming event name ‘Joyoddhoni’.
3. There will be no financial intrinsic in this service.
4. Bestcom will announce Radio Dhoni as their radio partner for the event, whereas Radio Dhoni will
give marketing coverage in radio for the event, prior and during the schedule of the event.
5. Either party may not terminate this agreement before the event, unless inconsiderable circumstances.
The obligations of the parties shall continue during the notice period.
6. Radio DHoni shall maintain absolute confidentiality with respect to any confidential information
received from Bestcom before and at the event. Radio Dhoni shall not disclose any such information
without obtaining Bestcom’s specific prior consent, otherwise than in compliance with statutory

In Witness Whereof, the parties here to have duly executed this MoU by their authorized
representatives in duplicate on the date, month and year as above written.

For & behalf of Bestcom For & behalf of Radio Dhoni

___________________ _____________________
Tasnuva Islam Md. Razu Ahmed
Director Manager – Nemesis

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