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Vakalatnama is an authorization given to an Advocate to represent before the judicial forum on

behalf of the client. Without this authorization any Advocate cannot appear before the judicial

forum. The Vakalatnama should be a valid one. Without a valid vakalatnama the Advocate can

neither be allowed to represent the parties nor any adjournment request from the Advocate can

be entertained.

In ‘Uday Sankar Triyar V. Ram Kaleswar Prasad Singh and another [2005 (11) TMI 436 -

SUPREME COURT] the Supreme Court laid down law in regard to filing up proper

vakalatnama in a proceeding before Courts. In this case the Supreme Court expressed their

concern in regard to the manner in which defective vakalatnamas are routinely filed in

courts. Vakalatnama, a species of Power of Attorney, is an important document which enables

and authorizes the pleader appearing for a litigant to do several acts as an Agent, which is

binding on the litigant who is the principal. It is a document which creates the special

relationship between the lawyer and the client. It regulates and governs the extent of delegation

of authority to the pleader and the terms and conditions governing such delegation. It should,

therefore, be properly filled/attested/accepted with care and caution. Obtaining the signature of

the litigant on blank vakalatnamas and filling them subsequently should be avoided

SUIT NO. : 512 OF 2019

In the matter of:

Rauf Lala …Plaintiff


Mohan Raja …Defendant

KNOW ALL to whom these presents shall come that I Rauf Lala the above named Plaintiff do hereby

appoint Mr. Yasir Advocate, having office at 420, Lawyers Block, Saket court complex, Saket, New

Delhi hereinafter called Advocate to be my advocate in the above noted case and authorize him :-

(1) To act, appear and plead in the above noted case in this Court, or any other Court to which the same

may be transferred, or the Court where the same may be tried or heard and also in the appellate Courts.

(2) To accept notice/process of Court on my behalf. .

(3) To sign, file and present all pleadings, replications, rejoinders, appeals, cross-objections, petitions,

counter affidavits, objections, affidavits, applications, including applications for execution, restoration,

withdrawal and compromise, or such other petitions or affidavits or other documents as may be deemed

necessary or proper for the prosecution of the said case in all its stages.

(4) To file and take back documents.

(5) To withdraw or compromise the said case.

(6) To take out execution proceedings.

(7) To deposit, withdraw and receive moneys, cheques and other instruments and grant receipts thereof.

(8) To do all other acts and things as may be deemed necessary or required to be done in the course of

prosecution of the said case.

(9) To appoint and instruct another advocate(s) and authorize him/her/them to exercise the powers and

authority hereby conferred whenever the Advocate may think fit to do so and to sign a power of attorney

on my behalf for the said purpose.

And I do hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts done by the Advocate or his substitute in the matter as

my own acts, as if done by me to all intents and purposes.

And I the undersigned do hereby agree not to hold the Advocate or his substitute responsible for the result

of the said case.

And I the undersigned do hereby agree that in the event of the whole or any part of the fee agreed by me

to be paid to the Advocate remaining unpaid he shall be entitled to withdraw from the prosecution of the

said case until the same is paid up.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I do hereunto set my hand to these presents this the 12th day of May 2019

Accepted subject to terms of fee.




MOBILE NO- 9540440816

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