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President Rodrigo Duterte’s war
on drugs in the Philippines is
morally and legally unjustifi-
able. Resulting in egregious and
large-scale violations of human
rights, it amounts to state-
As of February 2018
sanctioned murder. It is also
counterproductive for counter-
ing the threats and harms that
the death toll in the not
the illegal drug trade and use government's war on
pose to society — exacerbating drugs has now
both problems while pro-
foundly shredding the social
surpassed 20,000
fabric and rule of law in the since President Submitted By
Philippines. The United States
John David P. Villaceran
and the international commu- Rodrigo Duterte came
Sumitted to
nity must condemn and sanc- to office in 2016.
tion the government of the Phil- Noemi Manalo
ippines for its conduct of the (Ted Regencia, News)
The first effect of EJK is
What causes drug syndicates are fighting
and killing many people in
What is Extra-Judicial between. The second effect of
Extra Killing? EJK is some police use this as
a reason to justify their kill-
Here are 3 causes of EJK in the
Philippines. The first cause of
EJK is President Duterte de-
ings. The third effect of EJK is
innocent people are shot dead
and have nothing or anything
Extra judicial killing
clared war against drugs. He de-
cided this because there are a lot
of drug related crimes. The sec-
to defend themselves. These
are all effects of EJK because a
are killing performed by
ond cause of EJK is police de- lot of people are affected to
people under the auspices
of the government, usually
fending themselves against drug
syndicate. This is a cause of EJK
EJK. 3 things you can do as
students. One as students can,
for political reasons (such because the police shoot out of participate in rallies and noise
as disposing of dissidents fear for their own lives. The barrage. Two, we can learn
or establishing social third cause of EJK is police er- more about EJK and partici-
control through state ter- rors in identifying the members pate in discussions about it.
rorism), but without the of drug syndicate. This is a Third and last, we can also
cause of EJK because in the pray for all the victims and
normal, established judicial
process people get killed be- their families and ask God to
processes of capital
cause of mistaken identity. Here convert President Duterte’s
punishment. are 3 effects of EJK in the Philip- heart.
Without access to the international fi-
Countries successful at curbing corrup- nancial system, corrupt public officials
throughout the world would not be able
tion have a long tradition of govern-
to launder and hide the proceeds of
ment openness, freedom of the press, looted state assets. Major financial cen-
transparency and access to information. tres urgently need to put in place ways
Access to information increases the re- to stop their banks and cooperating off-
sponsiveness of government bodies, shore financial centres from absorbing
illicit flows of money.
while simultaneously having a positive
effect on the levels of public participa-
tion in a country.
Strengthening citizens demand for
anti-corruption and empowering
them to hold government account- (In the Philippines)
able is a sustainable approach that
helps to build mutual trust between
citizens and government. For exam- The least corrupt countries
ple, community monitoring initia- Submitted by
were found to be Denmark,
tives have in some cases contributed Michelle Joy S. Bayal
to the detection of corruption, re- Finland, Sweden and
Submitted to
duced leakages of funds, and im- New Zealand.
proved the quantity and quality of Noemi Manalo
(Mich: Shall we go now there?)
public services.
Here’s the Five key
TION The money that should
be given to the people was
already in the pocket of Effective law enforcement is essential
Corruption is both a major every Corrupt Political man. to ensure the corrupt are punished
cause and a result of poverty and break the cycle of impunity, or
around the world. It occurs at This results Poverty.
freedom from punishment or loss.
all levels of society, from local This made poor people do
and national governments, civil even the bad things– such as
society, judiciary functions, large 2.REFORM PUBLIC
robbery, being a drug
and small businesses, military ADMINISTRATION AND
and other services and so on. p u s h e r, f o r w o m e n -
Prostitution, Kidnapping, or
Corruption affects the poorest
the most, in rich or poor na-
worse, Death. Or killing.
Reforms focusing on improving finan-
tions, though all elements of so- This made the country, cial management and strengthening
ciety are affected in some way as especially the people, suffer the role of auditing agencies have in
corruption undermines political many countries achieved greater im-
development, democracy, eco- from all the bad things be-
pact than public sector reforms on
nomic development, the envi- cause of Poverty that was curbing corruption.
ronment, people’s health and caused by the Corruption.

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