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Running Head: Mobile Technology During Covid-19 1

Use of Mobile Technology during Covid-19 Epidemic among the

University Students of Pakistan

Submitted by:

Momina Irfan


Submitted to:

Dr. Nosheen Fatima Warraich

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 2

Department of Information Management University of the Punjab


This is certifying that Momina Irfan d/o Muhammad Irfan carried out research for this thesis at

the department of Information Management, University of the Punjab,


Lahore, under the supervision.

Dr. Nosheen Fatima Warraich


Submitted through:

Prof. Dr. Khalid Mehmood

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 3

Mobile technology has been one of the most technologically ubiquitous influences over the past

decade. It has become something of necessity for many people. Mobile technology is allowing

users to perform different functions. The mobile technology is obliging the users to survive in the

digital world. It is helpful in all the sectors including education and entertainment. Mobile

technology proved an effective alternative during the Covid-19 epidemic.

The study aimed to explore the use of mobile technology for leisure and learning purpose during

the Covid-19. The study investigated the challenges users face in the use of mobile technology. It

is quantitative study based on the questionnaire survey. The mobile technology played an

important role in continuing learning during the pandemic. As it is helpful to gain information

needed to complete the projects and assignments. It was helpful in reducing the stress created in

the pandemic as it provides entertainment. Many mobile applications were helpful in utilizing the

free time. It is helpful in communicating with loved ones who are far, due to the pandemic it is

necessary to keep social distance, so the technology connected people from distance. However,

there are some challenges like low storage space and the battery timing, and cost as high-quality

devices are expensive and everyone cannot afford these devices, in the use of mobile technology.

Findings revealed that the use of mobile technology is beneficial in the education sector. It is

very helpful for students in learning, although it has some challenges but the benefits are much

more. Challenges can be overcome by little effort. It facilitates user to perform basic

functionalities of life during the Covid-19 epidemic. It has become something of necessity during


Key words: Mobile technology, Use of mobile technology, Covid-19,

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 4

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to everyone who provided me with guidance,

support, assistance and encouragement.

A special thanks goes to my supervisor Doctor Nosheen Fatima Warraich, associate professor,

Department of Information Management, who has helped me, encourage and guide me when I

most needed.

I would also like to express my gratitude towards all the respondents who took time for helping

me, without their help I could not complete my work. I would pay my special thanks to my

parents who provided me with so much love and support. I would like to appreciate some of my

friends who motivated and helped me when I needed the most Aqsa Riaz, Ayesha Nazeer and

Fizan Irfan.

I would like to thank my class fellows especially Maria Riaz and Khadija Sehar who helped me

in data collection process and also support me emotionally.

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(Dedicated to my parents who gave me the opportunity to study)

CHAPTER 1..............................................................................................................................................7
1.1. COVID-19 Epidemic......................................................................................................................7
1.2. Covid-19 in Pakistan.....................................................................................................................10
1.3. Mobile Technology.......................................................................................................................11
1.4. Use of Mobile Technology During COVID-19............................................................................13
1.5. Statement of the Problem.............................................................................................................14
1.6. Research Objectives......................................................................................................................15
1.7. Research Questions.......................................................................................................................15
1.8. Significance of the study...............................................................................................................16
1.9. Definition of key terms.................................................................................................................16
1.10. Organization of the Chapters.....................................................................................................17
Chapter 1. Introduction:.................................................................................................................17
Chapter 2. Literature Review:........................................................................................................17
Chapter 3. Research Design:...........................................................................................................17
Chapter 4. Data Analysis and Interpretation:...............................................................................17
Chapter 5. Summary and Conclusion:...........................................................................................17
CHAPTER 2............................................................................................................................................18
LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................................................18
2.1. Mobile Technology.......................................................................................................................18
2.2. Covid-19........................................................................................................................................19
2.3. Mobile technology in pandemics:................................................................................................21
2.4. Use of Mobile Technology in learning:........................................................................................24
2.5. Challenges in the use of mobile technology.................................................................................27
CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................................................29
RESEARCH DESIGN.............................................................................................................................29
3.1. Research design.............................................................................................................................29
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 6

3.2. Research method...........................................................................................................................29

3.3. Population.....................................................................................................................................30
3.3.1. Sampling.....................................................................................................................................30
3.4. Research instrument.....................................................................................................................31
3.5. Reliability of Instrument (Crone batch Alpha value)................................................................32
3.6. Response Rate...............................................................................................................................32
3.7. Data Analysis................................................................................................................................32
CHAPTER 4............................................................................................................................................33
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION....................................................................................33
4.1. Demographic Information...........................................................................................................33
4.1.1. Gender....................................................................................................................................33
4.1.2. Age..........................................................................................................................................33
4.1.3. Educational level....................................................................................................................33
4.2. Ownership of Electronic Device...................................................................................................35
4.3. Use of mobile technology for leisure purpose.............................................................................35
4.4. Use of mobile technology for academic purpose.........................................................................36
4.5 Use of mobile technology during Covid-19..................................................................................38
4.6. Challenges in the use of mobile technology.................................................................................39
4.7. Discussion:.....................................................................................................................................40
CHAPTER 5............................................................................................................................................43
SUMMARY AND CONCLSION...........................................................................................................43
5.1. Purpose of the study.....................................................................................................................43
5.2. Literature review..........................................................................................................................43
5.3. Research design and Methodology..............................................................................................43
5.4. Data analysis.................................................................................................................................44
5.5. Findings.........................................................................................................................................44
5.6. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................45
Appendix A Questionnaire......................................................................................................................51
Part 1: Demographic Information......................................................................................................51
Part 2: Use of Mobile Technology......................................................................................................53
Part 3: Challenges to use mobile technologies...................................................................................55
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 7


Covid-19 is a global pandemic that has affected our life including health, social, economic and

educational aspects. All the countries have to face the lockdown to maintain social distancing. In

this situation the use of digital and mobile devices has significantly increased to communicate

with rest of the world.

The corona virus started from the China but spread in almost all over the world. Due to covid-19

pandemic the countries decided for lockdown because this disease spread through basic social

gestures such as handshaking and physical interaction. The government of Pakistan observed

strict lockdown, from March 2020 and announced to close all the educational institutes from

schools to universities. No one can go outside for any purpose; even social gatherings were

totally banned. Mobile technology proved very helpful to those who cannot meet each other. the

mobile devices make it possible to perform daily tasks related learning and social activities.

Mobile devices were the best alternatives in this critical situation.

In this situation, educational institutes decided to continue their academic years through online

though with weak infrastructure. Students have to be dependent to their mobile devices for all

these academic and social purposes.

Pakistan is one of the emerging economies that has high number of mobile users, Ahmed (2011).

1.1. COVID-19 Epidemic

Corona viruses are a large family of zoonotic viruses that cause illness ranging from the common

cold to severe respiratory disease. Zoonotic means the viruses are able to be transmitted from

animals to humans, there are several corona viruses known to be circulating in different animal
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 8

populations that have not yet infected humans. Covid-19 is similar to the simple cold and include

respiratory illness such as dry cough, fever, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In

more severe cases infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney

failure and death. The Covid-19 infection spread from one person to other via droplets produced

from the respiratory system of infected people often during coughing and sneezing. According to

current data, time from exposure to onset of symptoms is usually between two to fourteen days

with average of five days.

Jamali (2020), pointed out that its symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath and loss of

smell and taste. While the majority of case result in light symptoms and few patients progress to

acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The prevention measures of Covid-19 include

maintaining physical distancing from others, quarantine (especially for those who are infected),

covering coughs and keeping unwashed hand away from the face and cover your face with some

cloth or mask. The standard time of diagnosis is by real time reverse transcription polymerase

chain reaction from a nasopharyngeal swab. Chest CT imaging may also be helpful for diagnosis

in individuals where there is high suspicion of infection based on symptoms and risk factors.

According to world health organization (WHO), there are no vaccines and no other specific

treatment for this corona virus epidemic. The treatment includes care, isolation and experimental

measures. The world health organization declared the Covid-19 outreach a public emergency of

international concern (PHEIC) on the 30 January, 2020. Almost every country of the world has

reported the cases of Covid-19 Zu et al. (2019).

According to DAWN news over twenty-seven million cases reported globally and more than

892, 000 deaths had been reported worldwide, and hundreds of thousands of new cases report

every day. In this evolving epidemic, the number of cases increasing rapidly.
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 9

The methods for survival in every country is different that is why it creates comparison between

challenges of every country. It all started from China at the end of December 2019 and rapidly

spread in other countries who had travel history with China those days.

According to WHO, after China, Thailand reported the first case of Covid-19. Vara Vasanthi,

(2020) reported more than 90% of the global Covid-19 cases are currently outside China. Locos,

Myanmar, Kosovo, Spain, UK, and Singapore, Philippines, USA, Pakistan and other countries

are in the grip of this epidemic. According to Aljazeera news, June 2020 the following countries

are fee from corona virus; Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, North Korea, Palau,

Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

According to The Times, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam had successfully controlled the

pandemic. The highest number of deaths are recorded in Iran, Turkey, China and Italy. Every

country adopted strict measures to fight corona virus initial measures include shutting down

borders and halting international flights were followed by domestic transportation restrictions,

curfews and bans on mass mobility. The Covid-19 epidemic attacked the healthcare systems of

the countries. The governments put restrictions on the travel inside the country and international

flights were suspended. Air traffic or any kind of traffic were banned.

Shaw, Kim and Hua (2020) stated different countries adopted different kinds of measures to

reduce mass mobility some countries adopted the option of curfew and some adopted the option

of smart lockdown. Countries adopted different policies on curfews and lockdowns. The

government took different measures for work life. The governments decided to pay the employs

whether they cannot perform their duty in this situation. The educational institutes, universities,

colleges and schools were closed, business industry is closed so that the government could save

more percentage of general public from this viral infection.

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 10

1.2. Covid-19 in Pakistan

Covid-19 epidemic in Pakistan is part of the ongoing epidemic of corona virus. The virus was

confirmed to have reached Pakistan on 26 February 2020. Number of patients increased rapidly

in Pakistan Jamali (2020). The provincial governments then decided to start lockdown to prevent

increase in the number of patients of COVID-19. All institutes, schools, colleges, transport,

industries, malls were ordered to be closed and all type of gatherings were banned by the

Government. As time passed number of cases increased and death rate also increased, because

general public did not follow the SOPs given by the government. PIA suspended the flights

between Pakistan and China till 30 January, after China reported hundreds of cases. The Pakistan

Civil Aviation authority introduced screening measures at four major airports for the passengers

who were coming from China. General public were advised to avoid gatherings, hand shaking

and to take precautionary measures.

After some time, Pakistan government also banned international flights. It was also decided that

all the universities and schools will remain close till 5 April. The educational institutions will

plan for online class’s schedule. The Pakistan day parade and all public events were cancelled.

Senate meetings were also postponed for two weeks. All the land boarders with every country

were closed from 16 March. The railway ministry also suspended the 42 trains.

Pakistan chose the option of smart lockdown instead of complete lockdown, because 25% of the

population lives below the poverty line. The roads were open only for the transportation of goods

and food items. The government introduced the tiger force which will distribute food items to the

poor families who cannot earn during lockdown especially the laborers. The government

approved the economic relief fund to help poor. With the help of this program some money and

grocery items will be provide to poor families. The government decided to close all the shopping

malls, parks and other visiting places to stop virus from spreading. The regional motorways
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 11

except for private vehicles were shut down. The federal government and provincial governments

took the measures with the help of each other.

The mobile technology tools or devices were the only mean of communication in the current

situation of Covid-19. Mobile technology proved very helpful to every human being. As it was

necessary to maintain social distancing for a period of time so that we can save ourselves of

becoming sick. In this critical time mobile devices were with us and these become the important

parts of every person life. It helps everyone to connect to the outer world and to their loved ones

Lyengar et al. (2020).

1.3. Mobile Technology

According to Sharon (2008), mobile word is derived from the Latin “mobilis” word which means

“to move” or “able to move freely” and mobile device is a portable and handheld device which

makes user to communicate via voice call, text message and to run applications with or without

network connectivity.

Mobile technology is;

“Mobile technology is technology that goes where the user. It consists of portable two-way

communication devices and the network technology that connects them. Currently, mobile

technology is typified by internet-enabled devices like, smartphones, laptops, tablets etc.” Wright


Mobile technology is the technology used for the communication. It has evolved rapidly over the

past few years it has advanced at a rapid pace over the last thirty years. It has improved from a

simple device to multitasking device. The industry has advanced from desktops and laptops to

mobile devices that can be carried anywhere such as, smart phones, tablets, smart watches. These

mobile technology tools or devices have become a part of every facet of life. These devices are

widely used to communicate with the one far from us. These are becoming important part of
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 12

business and industry as well as education field now a day. Its uses are becoming diverse and is

gradually replacing some similar sources.

Mobile technology was a mystery two decades ago but it has become something of necessity to

all the people of the world. The mobile technology started as the remarkable thing in the world of

technology but now it is transforming into user comfort technology due to its present diverse

functionality. It has presently transformed into a digital world and has made life much easier.

For example; the markets now have the ability to sell their products with ease through mobile

technology. The mobile technology tools have made it possible to users to transfer different

types of files through Bluetooth, internet etc. these tools are also furnished with internet

connectivity making it easy for the user to gain information and also to download relevant and

important files needed through internet. People have the channel to communicate with the other

person sitting in another part of the world. It is now easy to catchup with every form of the

entertainment from the comfort of home. Mobile Technology any device with internet capability

that is accessible from anywhere the user is. Current devices in this category include devices

such as smartphones, tablets, some iPods, and laptops.

With the arrival of mobile it helped human in many ways, these are important in case of any

emergency because we can connect to our loved ones by one click and call them for help. To

conclude mobile technology is here holding many features and in future it will be going to make

our lives lot easier and faster. Technology offers new possibilities to provide effective learning

one of the most recent technologies that have arouse, considerable interest by educators is mobile

technology. Many researches and practices have been done to apply mobile technology to the

educational system because it has been quickly adopted in everyday life and also it is common

for most people to have and carry a mobile device with them all the time. In addition, the mobile
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 13

technology tools are becoming more and more powerful and taking over tasks that world

normally did on the computer systems in the past.

According to Aubusson, Schuck, and Burden (2009) mobile technology can be proved very

helpful in learning for students as well as teachers.

1.4. Use of Mobile Technology During COVID-19

Mobile Technology that can be taken or used anywhere. This includes mobile devices such as

tablets, smartphones, smart watches, and even laptops (Chen et al, 2013).

The mobile technology proved very helpful to the general public during this critical situation,

when everyone was locked in the four walls of their home. Because it was the only way to

connect and communicate with the family members who are far from us. It proved helpful for the

individual connected to any field like it was helpful for students to take online classes, to

complete different project and assignments, it was helpful for business persons because with the

help of mobile technology they can promote their new products sell and get new orders, helpful

for common people who can communicate with their loved ones, helpful for the politicians who

can address to the public through mobile technology devices. People remain updated with the

latest news through it with the connectivity of the internet. It provides entertainment content to

the user too.

It is also helpful in the field of health. According to Lyengar (2020) health care system is facing

many challenges during Covid-19 and information technologies or mobile technologies are

playing key role in delivering health care services. It is going to play a role as an alternative of

traditional healthcare system in the near future.

The mobile technology proved very helpful for the students as student’s interaction with mobile

devices is much more than others. But during the pandemic it is easy for students to stay updated

and connected with class fellows and teachers. These mobile technology tools consume our most
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 14

of the time for the purpose of entertainment and fun, it is used for leisure purpose in free time for

example people play games use different apps and brows for information to stay updated and

watch fun videos to refresh mind. It is useful to fulfil the academic purpose of a student. Mobile

devices can be proved more productive in learning and enhances the student’s self-willingness

for learning.

It is helpful in making assignments saving electronic documents and sending or receiving

emails, to take online lectures, help in making power point presentations. It assists a student and

give references to other relevant information. It helps in learning and understanding the courses.

It provides vast information because our books and readings have limited information. It is

useful in searching of any kind of information we are interested in. there are many institutions

who are providing facilities of online courses so that students can easily avail these offers and get

different diplomas. There are many different offline dictionary apps which proved helpful and

many online websites which provide access to different information sources such as

encyclopedias. It is the best mean to connect with the outer world and to connect with the

relatives during the current situation of lockdown. In any case of emergency, we can connect to

anyone and call for help by using this. We can stay updated to the latest news on just one click.

To conclude it all is possible with the help of mobile technology tools.

According to Lyengar (2020) the use of mobile phone has been increased in the Covid-19

pandemic. Some challenges which any person can face by using mobile technology is it is

difficult to adapt, complicated in use, every device is not compatible with the other device, have

some data security issues, have short battery life, complicated in use etc., but these challenges

can be ear down or overlooked because it provides more benefits.

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 15

1.5. Statement of the Problem

There are number of studies on the use of mobile technology in different context either its

learning or health etc. however there are few studies on the use of mobile technology during

Covid-19 for academic, leisure purposes during pandemic. Zu et al. (2019) stated that in

December, 2019 An outburst of corona virus 2 infection happened in the Wuhan and spread

rapidly in China and outer World. The World Health organization declared the disease public

health emergency of international concern (a pandemic) on January 30, 2020.

As this epidemic started in December 2019 and came to Pakistan in January 2020 so there is no

big number of published literatures on this topic yet. Lyengar et al. (2020) conducted a research

study on COVID-19 and applications of smartphone technology. This study examined that

smartphones have played a huge role in the pandemic and the challenges faced by health care

system in delivering patient care. Naciri et al. (2020) thinks about the job of portable learning as

far off encouraging systems continuing understudy focused learning. The utilization of portable

learning permits learning whenever, wherever, and anyplace. Portable Learning is an

unavoidable option during COVID-19. However, no study explores the use of mobile technology

in learning or for leisure purposes during pandemic and also did not mentioned the challenges in


1.6. Research Objectives

The following are the objectives of this study;

To analyze the academic and leisure use of mobile technology among students.

To examine the pattern of mobile technology, use among students during COVID-19.

To explore the perceptions of the students about the perceived usefulness of information find

through mobile technologies among students.

To identify challenges, they have to face to use mobile technology.

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 16

1.7. Research Questions

The study will achieve the desired objectives by addressing the following research questions;

How do the students use mobile technology to find their needed information during Covid-19?

How do the students use mobile technology to perform their academic tasks during lockdown?

What are the challenges faced by the students while interacting with the mobile technology?

1.8. Significance of the study

This research will add to the existing body of knowledge related to mobile technology. As it

covered the use of mobile technology for leisure and learning purposes during Covid-19. The

previous literature covered the use of mobile technology for different purposes, as a few studies

was conducted on the use during the epidemic. Mobile technology is a big part of everyday life.

It plays an important role in every person’s life. Researchers can apply this work to future

researches. This research will unveil the benefits of mobile technology.

1.9. Definition of key terms

Mobile Technology:

“Mobile technology is any device which is accessible from anywhere and move where the user

move. It includes smartphones, smart watches, tablets etc.” Sharon (2008).

Mobile Devices:

“It is handheld device which is compact and light weight made for portability. It has allowed

users to do anything which was traditionally done by desktop computers in the past.” Sharon


Corona Virus:

“Corona viruses are a large family of viruses that is found in the animal families but never

transmitted to the humans before. It causes illness ranging from common cold to severe

respiratory disease.” Zu (2019).

Covid-19 epidemic:
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 17

“Covid-19 can be characterized as an epidemic because number of cases increased rapidly

outside the China.” WHO (2020)?

Epidemic or Pandemic:

An epidemic is defined as the “pandemic that is spreading worldwide or at a large area and

infecting a large number of people.” Kelly (2011).

1.10. Organization of the Chapters

The study is arranged as, it begins with abstract and then divided into five chapters along with

the reference list in the end.

Chapter 1. Introduction:
This chapter provides the brief introduction to the topic, explanation to key terms, statement of

the problem, research objectives and questions.

Chapter 2. Literature Review:

This chapter will provide an overview of the current knowledge on the topic. It will describe the

findings of the previous literature and also the literature gaps.

Chapter 3. Research Design:

All the elements of the research structure are explained in this chapter including research design,

instrument, population, data collection procedure etc.

Chapter 4. Data Analysis and Interpretation:

The findings of the study as well as data interpretation is discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 5. Summary and Conclusion:

This chapter includes the brief summary of the study and its conclusion.

The next chapter will provide a detailed literature review of the related existing literature and

also find the literature gap.

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 18


Literature review familiarizes us to the extent of data in the area of research. It provides an

overview of the current knowledge and helps in identifying gaps in existing knowledge. Mobile

is a considerable way to access information and when it was first introduced, it used for calls and

SMS only but now mobile technology transferred into a digital world. As the COVID-19 is an

epidemic or pandemic spread in almost all over the world, therefore there is a need appeared to

conduct research on this area that how much mobile is used to learn about the disease at home

and for other purposes. Some related studies based on the disease or on the use of mobile

technology are reviewed below:

2.1. Mobile Technology

Malik et al. (2009) indicated the cell phone has changed the idea of correspondence and

upgraded circumstance of wellbeing, calamity, training, security exercises, and social

connections, settling on any choice, and voyaging. Przybylski et al. (2013) opined that cell

phones have been recognized as momentum because of compactness, constant correspondence,

and access to data. For instance, youth utilize cell phone as a ground-breaking innovative gadget

for different purposes of their lives. In this manner, cell phone has both positive and negative

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 19

Hulme, Agnes Kukulska and Pettit, John (2009) in Emergent practice in personal mobile

teaching, learning, work and leisure investigated the use of mobile devices in teaching, learning,

work, social interaction and entertainment activities. Findings indicated that 96% respondents

use mobile technology for social interaction, and only 17% use it for learning purpose. The study

stated that mobile devices are useful in education as well as in in other fields. The mobile devices

started from simple audio calls and text messages and now these are helpful in connecting to

different websites and getting online and provide access to the variety of diverse applications.

Helpful in social interaction with the people far and in online education and online business.

Moreover, it will not stop here and bring innovation day by day.

Chatterjee (2014) also ascertained that, at first the cell phone was utilized for correspondence. In

current time, it is being utilized for numerous reasons like web perusing, getting to online

materials, amusement, instruction, social relationship, security, and business exercises.

2.2. Covid-19
Kumar et al. (2020) revealed that corona virus includes respiratory infection such as pneumonia,

sneezing, coughing and cold. It transfers from human to human through airborne droplets. It

enters in human cell via membrane ACE-2 exopeptidase receptor.

Kwok, et al. (2020) in the study investigated the psychological and behavioral responses of the

community during the Covid-19 in the context of Hong Kong community. Most of the

respondents were alert to the disease and adopted preventive measures. The results declared,

most of the respondents were worried about covid-19, anxiety level was abnormal among

respondents. The study also identified the following most trusted source of information during

covid-19, doctors and few official websites are relatable.

Lep, Babnik and Beyazoglu (2020) explored the information searching behavior and perceived

credibility of information during the Covid-19 epidemic. The study described that information
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 20

environment has become more complex after the last health emergency or epidemic Influenza

(HINI). The study reveals that most of the people use social media or mass media to acquire

information for self-protective information during pandemic but found the participants take

public and health officers as most trusted source of information. According to this study the

respondents are afraid and perceiving the disease more sever after the first confirmed case in

Slovenia. Female are slightly more afraid as compared to male.

Riva, Mantovani and Wiederhold (2020). States the use of positive technology during the critical

situation of Covid-19. The study declared the use of positive technology can be extremely useful

in global pandemic to reduce psychological stress. As people are afraid of the pandemic and also

many other challenges such as financial and social challenges. Positive technology is defined as

the use of technology to enhance the quality of personal experience. The study reveals the

positive use of technology can be beneficial in reducing the psychological pressure during the


Singh et al. (2020) stated that the global health emergency has created a critical environment.

The study deals with misinformation spreading on social media related to the Covid-19. People

have fear of this critical pandemic and believe, share different myths. The study revealed that in

the Covid-19 people are using different social media applications for communicating and sharing

information but all the information shared is not reliable.

Huckins (2020) explores the impact of initial stage Covid-19 epidemic on the people. The study

stats that in the beginning it created more anxiety and depression among the public. A wide

range of behaviors including excessive use of mobile phones, no outside visits and decreased

physical activities during pandemic caused the mental disturbance. With this increase in the
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 21

mental health issues, there is a need to inculcate a proper method to deal with this critical


Shaw, Kim and Hua (2020) stated that corona virus (Covid-19) was started from Wuhan (China)

in December 2019 and spread in 172 countries out of 195. It was declared as global pandemic in

march 2020. The virus shifted from Asia to Europe and so on. The number of infected people

and number of deaths increased day by day. The virus had a high rate of spread, and different

recovery rate. The virus attacked the aged and low immune people in large number. Although no

vaccines were introduced but precautionary measures (social distancing, quarantine for people

who show symptoms, avoid social gatherings and isolation) can save a person from getting

infected. Different governments took different steps to control the spread rate some got good

results and some steps were not effective. The study explains that this pandemic brings a change

in the lives and lifestyle of the people. The author mentioned that in this situation governments

should learn from each other’s experiences and an effective use of technology should be made to

meet challenges. Overloaded information and fake news are the huge challenges in this critical

situation. As the people cannot go outside use different means to acquire information. These

sources have huge amount of information, public cannot differentiate between the authentic and

fake information.

2.3. Mobile technology in pandemics:

Lyengar et al. (2020) conducted a research study on COVID-19 and applications of smartphone

technology. This study examined that smartphones have played a huge role in the pandemic and

the challenges faced by health care system in delivering patient care. Findings revealed that

during this pandemic mobile phone help in avoiding the face to face contact of patients with

doctors or healthcare providers and maintain social distancing to avoid transmitting virus
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 22

transmission from one person to another. Researchers also examined in the study that mobiles

provide timely advice, perceptions and monitor the patients from their home.

Rao and Vazquez (2020) worked on a study of COVID-19 and mobile based survey during

quarantine. The study declared that mobile phone performed a helpful role in mobile phone web-

based survey during the period of quarantine in the cities and towns. This method proved helpful

to reduce the spread of corona virus.

Liu et al. (2006) studied on telehealth for noncritical patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The findings established that during the pandemic period more attention has been given to

telehealth instead to visit physically in the hospitals. The study aimed to avoid more visits or

reduce hospital visits from both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients and supporting home

isolation of patients with mild symptoms.

Oliver (2020) described in this study the use of mobile phone data can help the government and

health officers in controlling the Covid-19. Mobile phone data can provide information about the

location of the people, how they are perceiving Covid-19, impacts of pandemic and causes and

effects on the lives of the people.

Moore et al. (2010) examined the use of mobile technology during influenza pandemic, that how

access to healthcare population can be better by using technology and how health care

preservations can be provided by using SMS-based applications. The paper highlighted the area

of public health and proves that mobile provides better healthcare services and mobile

technologies proved helpful in better reporting systems.

Lu (2003) investigated the information seeking behavior of students during SARS pandemic.

Under the uncertain environment paper are assumed to select authentic source to seek reliable

and relevant information. The respondents rated mass media as the most trusted source for
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 23

getting SARS related information and the news channels were the most credible source among

mass media.

Gosai et al. (2020) described that with the assistance of advanced apparatuses, wellbeing

specialists and wellbeing laborers can handle, forestall and deal with the COVID-19 situation. If

utilization of these advancements suitably multiplied in human service framework like in

emergency clinics, testing and examination labs, so forth lead to the foundation of high

throughput computerized biological system. This biological system can be valuable to gather

constant information and to comprehend late medicinal services patterns, model hazard

affiliations and anticipate the results.

Golinelli, et al. (2020) examined in their study that the Covid-19 epidemic is causing

unpredictable economic and health crises. The outburst of Covud-19 arose the need of digital

transformation in different industrial sectors, for example health and education sector. The

education sector has developed new strategies for example lectures in classrooms shift to online

lectures. Different technology tools that were already use in different industries can be

implemented in the healthcare because of the Covid-19. Moreover, the use of technology can be

made for diagnosis, surveillance and prevention of corona virus.

Garfin (2020) states the technology as a copping tool. The study describes that people are facing

many challenges during Covid-19 for example business and schools shut down, rising

unemployment and emotional distress. The alternative to cope with these challenges is the use of

technology in a healthy way. To avoid the problems that arise from the access use of technology.

As the government ordered the people to stay home there is a rise in the use of technology to

perform daily basis tasks or activities. The use of technology increased by students for learning

purpose and for those who have to work from home. The study explained that technology has
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 24

applications that can help us in continuing social, educational and occupational lives during

Covid-19. The study suggested that a healthy approach towards technology may help in an

effective way to fight Covid-19. The study identified there are a number of mobile applications

i.e. health and fitness, videoconferencing etc. that can be used to spent leisure time while the

stress of work from home. It helps people in coping with stress during Covid-19. Hence the study

proved that the use of technology is increasing for social, educational and occupational purposes

and a mindful use can make life easy in the pandemic.

Drew (2020) in the study explains about a mobile application Covid-19 symptom tracker that

was especially established to provide data on risk factor, clinical outcomes and symptoms of

Covid-19. Millions of people from UK and US used this application. The study states that the

symptoms of Covid -19 differentiate on the basis of age, sex and health condition of the person.

Bhavya and Sambhav (2020) states that the world is dealing with the Covid-19 which is

spreading rapidly through basic social gestures. The government ordered lockdown to save

people from getting infected. This pandemic brings many challenges to deal with, that may relate

to education, social life, business etc. although it’s a tough time for everyone we can continue

our education, communication and business etc. through mobile technology. There are many

applications (health care applications, 3D printers, fitness applications etc.) which help people in

performing their basic life functionalities.

2.4. Use of Mobile Technology in learning:

Naciri et al. (2020) suggested that Covid-19 is an intense respiratory sickness brought about

Corona infection Sars-Cov-2. Pronounced as of late as pandemic disease, Covid-19 has

influenced instructive frameworks around the world. Numerous nations around the globe have

shut instructive foundations to diminish the spread of this pandemic. Subsequently, Education in

secondary schools is confronting exceptional difficulties. This paper thinks about the job of
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 25

portable learning as far off encouraging systems continuing understudy focused learning. The

utilization of portable learning permits learning whenever, wherever, and anyplace. Portable

Learning is an unavoidable option during COVID-19.

Bhavya and Sambhav (2020) states that the world is dealing with the ongoing epidemic Covid-

19, which bring us to the four walls of the home. Social distancing is necessary to save lives that

is why schools and colleges are closed. In this situation, continuing education is a big challenge,

but mobile technology made it possible to arrange virtual classes for students with the help of

Zoom and meet classrooms. Teachers can take online lectures and students can learn online,

submit assignments and give presentations. Almost all countries of the World are using such

applications to continue education.

Yang et al. (2019) investigated the 'tricky utilization of advanced mobile phones' (PSU) among

college understudies in China. The creators considered the relationship in the midst of PSU,

scholastic hesitation, and scholarly uneasiness. The discoveries of the investigation proposed a

positive connection in the midst of PSU, scholarly uneasiness, and delay. The creators likewise

recommended that understudies could control over the top utilization of advanced mobile phones

through practicing self-guideline.

Sheng, Siau and Nah (2010), states that mobile technology has potential to improve and enhance

the education. In this study different students and teachers were interviewed to know the

advantages that can be gained by mobile education. Mobile technology is beneficial in education

as it provides many facilities to the students. Mobile education is convenient for students as it is

not necessary to visit school or class one can took lecture from anywhere. It promotes the

collaborative virtual environment; it is convenient for teachers as well as for students. The
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 26

students could access the educational material anywhere anytime, so the study concluded that the

implication of mobile technology to education will bring a significant change in this field.

Garfin (2020) states that the use of technology has been increased during Covid-19. As the

shuttering down of schools forced the students to use the mobile technology to achieve their

educational purposes. Online learning schedules introduced by the educationist to cope with the

problems during the Covid-19 in the educational sector.

Aborode (2020) sated that the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on all the sectors of

governance, one sector is education. The educational institutions needed to shut down to control

the vast spread of the virus. The technology helped in continuing the education during this

critical situation. Many schools organized e learning to continue the education. The study

identified that it is the time to reshape the educational system and explore the new ways to

continue the education to deal with the future challenges. Most of the universities in Africa made

their programs available online for the students and provide data packages and access of the

laptops to the students. The study suggested that e learning should be given the utmost attention

as it is becoming the significant form of educational delivery.

Clarke and Svanaes (2015) in their study explain that the use of mobile technology is increasing

rapidly among young people. Many schools integrate mobile technology to education with the

purpose of equipping young generation with skills to survive in digital age. The study states that

the mobile technology implication has many challenges but countries should plan for its

deployment to learning. It can provide better learning results. By stating the review of the

previous literature, the study describes that the use of mobile technology is beneficial in

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 27

Cahapay (2020) states that the global pandemic has the unparalleled impacts on the all aspects of

human life. The education is one sector which is facing the challenges during the pandemic. The

study depicts that there is a need to reshape the educational system and update the educational

curriculum to tackle ongoing situation. The study explains that the educators integrated

technology to education system, and to apply new approaches in teaching and learning, the

traditional classes changed to the online classrooms the printed books changed to the electronic

books to help education and learning flourish during this situation. The study suggested that the

other aspects of education should be explored to reconsider education in this new era.

Chen (2005) explains that mobile technology can be proved very helpful to the off-campus

learners. The study reveals that the institutions can provide various online services to the

students and the faculty members by using mobile technology because it is difficult for everyone

to arrange a computer with internet connectivity anytime anywhere. This study describes the

educational services that can be transferred from traditional platform to mobile platform and then

provide details on a mock-up system to integrate these services to mobile platform.

Al-Hunaiyyan, Alhajri, and Al-Sharhan (2018). Stated that the use of mobile devices or

technology is increasing rapidly in all aspects of life, with the introduction of the technology the

need arose to implement mobile technology in learning. The study explores that m learning will

provide the facilities to the students and will provide students flexible learning environment. The

study states that 35.5% of the respondents including teachers and students agreed to the

implementation of mobile for learning. The study also mentioned some challenges such as

technical, cultural and social challenges as a barrier in the implementation of mobile technology

in the context of Kuwait. The study identified; the successful implementation of mobile

technology can be made by overcoming these challenges.

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 28

Mirski and Abfalter (2004) presented a study on knowledge enhancement towards m-learning.

Findings revealed that m-learning is an emerging form of distance learning that offers both

teachers and learners the opportunity to interact with educational material using a wireless

handheld device.

2.5. Challenges in the use of mobile technology

Duke and Montag (2017) examined the effect of cell phone compulsion with regards to generally

speaking astuteness, prosperity, and efficiency of the millennial. They set up a connection

between the business-related use of advanced cells and self-appraised efficiency. It was

discovered that an excessive amount of utilization of PDAs causes 'techno stress' which impacts

psychological burden and at last prompts declined business related execution.

Hulme, Kukulska and Pattit (2009) stated the challenges or disadvantages in the use of mobile

technology devices in their study Emergent practice in personal mobile teaching, learning, work

and leisure. The study reveals that privacy and security is in danger and cost is the main issue in

the use of mobile devices for learning purposes. The study also mentioned some technical

challenges which include battery problems, hanging or sticking of the device, storage issues, lack

of internet connection and harmful for eyes to work on a small screen.


The above-mentioned literature on the use of mobile technology for learning, leisure and use of

mobile technology during Covid-19 revealed that mostly people use mobile devices for social

interaction, entertainment and learning. Covid-19 is ab epidemic spread in most of the countries

of the world. Mobile technologies proved very helpful in performing the tasks which were

traditionally performed manually and by computers. Many challenges have been faced during

Covid-19 pandemic; one cannot perform their basic life functionalities as it is necessary to stay

at home to save from disease. The mobile devices proved very helpful in communication during
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 29

this pandemic. Health care, educational and many other services were provided to the people

through mobile devices. Mobile technology was the best alternative. The main challenge during

this year was to continue the education. The educational institutions introduced online or digital

education to continue the academic year 2020 though with week infrastructure. A need raised

during this pandemic to implement mobile technology to education as well as to other

institutions. Mobile technology is a multitasking tool with various applications to continue lives

as they were before pandemic. Hence mobile technology provides new possibilities to make lives

easier and faster. It is very important to employ mobile technology for effective learning and to

move in future, digital era.

The next chapter will provide the details of research design including methodology and data

collection procedure.


This chapter explains the procedure that was carried out for accomplishing the objectives of the

study. All the elements of the research structure such as research design, research instrument,

population, along with data collection and analysis techniques are included in this chapter.

3.1. Research design

The selection of the appropriate research design according to the nature and objective of the

study is the key to success. This study opted quantitative research design. The objective of the

study is to investigate the use of mobile technology during COVID-19 among the university

students. The study explored the academic and leisure use of mobile technology, use of mobile

technology during COVID-19, and to explore the perception of the students about the usefulness

of information and to identify the challenges found in the use of mobile technology.
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 30

3.2. Research method

Survey method is employed for the current study as the previous studies on the use of mobile

technology also used survey research method (Wright, S. R. 2018). It was decided to employ this

method because “this method involves obtaining information directly from the participant by

posing questions. The questions may be presented orally, on paper, or in some combination but

the response comes from the person to whom the question is addressed at the time the question is

asked.” (Dane, 1990).

An online survey was conducted to gather primary data from the students of the Punjab

University in order to understand how they are using mobile technology during COVID-19


3.3. Population
The target population of this study was the students who were currently enrolled in the

University of the Punjab, Lahore. This population was chosen because it was convenient for

researcher and her supervisor to communicate with them during lockdown as both belong to

same university. University of the Punjab, Lahore is also one of the oldest and largest university

in the country and it has diverse students’ population belong to all over Pakistan. The data from

this population may be generalizable to the students from other universities.

3.3.1. Sampling
Convenient sampling technique was used to collect data. There are 13 faculties consisted of 83

academic departments, research center and institutes. The faculty of Economics and

Management Sciences was taken the sample of the study as the researcher belong to the same

faculty and convenient for her to collect data from them.

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 31

The data was collected from all the following departments/institutes in the faculty of Economics

and Management Sciences;

i. Institute of Business Administration (IBA)

ii. Institute of Business and Information Technology

iii. Institute of Administrative Sciences Human Resources Department Center.

iv. Department of Information Management

v. Department of Economics

There are two departments and three institutes in the faculty. Among these five departments, the

sample size was calculated to collect data from students. The sample size was 365 and

questionnaire link was sent to the teachers of relevant departments through WhatsApp to

circulate among their students during online classes. Data was collected from 15th April to 15th

May 2020 during the lockdown due to COVID 19 pandemic. Multiple reminder and personal

efforts of the supervisors played an important role to get timely responses.

3.4. Research instrument

Questionnaire was developed on the basis of literature review to understand how university

students use mobile technology for academic and leisure purposes during COVID-19 epidemic.

Total 50 statements were developed along with two ended questions to collect data and meet the

objective of the study. Five-point Likert scale was used in the questionnaire. There are three

parts of questionnaire including; demographic information, use of mobile technology among

students for leisure and academic purposes during COVID-19 pandemic, and challenges to use

mobile technology.
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 32

The details of instrument’s three parts are as fellows; one was related to demographics of the

participant including department name, gender, program, age of the participant and some basic


The second part consist of three sections which are:

i. Use of mobile technology for leisure;

This part investigates the use of mobile technology in free time that which tasks student perform

through mobile technology.

ii. Use of mobile technology for academic purpose;

This section consists of the questions related to academics include learning and understanding

through the use of mobile technology. Furthermore, it investigates either mobile technology is

helpful in learning or mot.

iii. Use of mobile technology during COVID-19;

This part explores whether the mobile technology is helpful during this epidemic. Is it helping

the students to perform different tasks related to academics and other?

The third part investigates the challenges which students faced in the use of mobile technology.

Online questionnaire survey was the most suitable method to collect data during lockdown.

Therefore, it was decided to use online questionnaire as data collection instrument.

3.5. Reliability of Instrument (Crone batch Alpha value)

“Crone batch’s alpha is a measure of internal consistency, that is how closely related a set of

items are as a group.”

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 33

3.6. Response Rate

Respondents were the students from the university of the Punjab. To ensure high response rate,

online questionnaire link was sent by the supervisor and the researcher to the students. Total 365

(100%) students respond to the questionnaire out of 365.

3.7. Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics, i.e. frequency and percentage were applied for analyzing data. The

demographic variables and data collected by using the questionnaire. The quantitative data was

analyzed by using SPSS 22 version.

The next chapter will provide the detail of the data analysis and data interpretation along with




This chapter presents the data analysis and data interpretation. Descriptive analysis of data has

been done by using SPSS version 22. The objectives of the current study were to find the use of

mobile technology for leisure, and academic purposes among students during the Covid-19


4.1. Demographic Information

The demographic information includes gender, age educational level and the department name of

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 34

4.1.1. Gender
Data shows the classification of the respondents on the basis of gender and indicates that

majority of the respondents were female. One hundred and nineteen (32.6%) respondents were

male and 246 (67.4%) respondents were female. This sample is the representative of population.

Table 1 shows the frequency distribution and percentage of the respondents.

4.1.2. Age
Table 1 shows the distribution of the respondents according to their age. Sixty-nine (18.9%)

respondents are between 18-20 years. Majority of respondents, 206 (56.4%) belong to the 21-23

years. Sixty-six (18.1%) respondents age ranged between 24-26. Twenty-four (6.6%)

respondents were above 26 years of age.

4.1.3. Educational level

Table 1 also shows the frequency distribution and percentage of the respondents according to the

programs they registered. One hundred and twenty (32.9%) respondents belong to the B.S,

majority of the respondents 210 (57.5%) were enrolled in M.A program. Only 35 (9.6%) students

were enrolled in research degrees, including M Phil (6.6%) and PhD (3%).

Demographic Variable Frequency Percentage


Male 119 32.6%

Female 246 67.4%


18-20 69 18.9%

21-23 206 56.4%

24-26 66 18.1%

>26 24 6.6%
Educational Level

BS 120 32.9%
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 35

MA 210 57.5%

M.Phil. 24 6.6%

PhD 11 3%
Department Name

Department of Information Management 137 37.5%

Department of Economics 30 8.2%

Institute of Administrative Sciences 114 31.2%

Institute of Business Administration 44 12.1%

Institute of Business & Information 40 11%

Total 365 100%

4.2. Ownership of Electronic Device

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage of the mobile devices owned by the respondents. A

significant number, 360 (98.6%) out of 365 respondents own smart phone only. They also have

other devices such as tablets, smart watches and iPads along with smart phones, 23 (6.3%)

respondents’ own tablets, 15 (4.1%) own smart watches only 13 (3.6%) respondents own iPads

(Table 2).

Electronic Device Frequency

Smart Phone 360 (98.6%)
Tablet 23 (6.3%)
Smart Watch 15 (4.1%)
iPad 13 (3.6%)

4.3. Use of mobile technology for leisure purpose

The use of mobile technology for the purpose of leisure, is mentioned in this part. It consists of

nine statements, about the use of mobile technology for leisure purpose. The mean score and the
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 36

standard deviation are mentioned in Table 3. The highest mean score is 3.67% and the lowest is

2.72%. five-point Likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree was used.

I use mobile technology: Mean SD

most of the time 3.67 1.138
to search online for everyday information 3.66 1.063
to use other online tools (Facebook, messenger etc.) 3.64 1.210
for the purpose of entertainment 3.56 1.107
download music and games software from the internet 3.22 1.276
to browse for fun 3.21 1.162
to read online story books or novels 2.98 1.234
to chat online and to make new friends 2.95 1.291
to play games online or offline 2.72 1.289
Scale: 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

The first two statements displayed high mean score, (3.67) which showed most of the

respondents agreed that they use mobile technology most of the time a day, to search online

information (3.66).

The next two statements with (3.64) and (3.56) mean scores depicts that mobile devices assist

respondents to use other online applications (social media apps) and for the purpose of

entertainment. The other statements of this part had showed moderate mean score i.e.

downloading music and games (3.22) and brows for fun (3.21). The last three statements

manifested low mean score as compared to the above statements, mobile devices used to, read

online novels and books (2.98), online chatting (2.95) and playing online and offline games


4.4. Use of mobile technology for academic purpose

Table 4 displays the mean score and standard deviation of all the eleven statements. Five point

Likert scale is used to measure the statements. The mean score ranged between 3.90 to 3.42. It is

considered good on five-point Likert scale.

Table 4. Use of Mobile Technology for Academic Purpose (n-365)

Mobil e technology: Mean SD

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 37

facilitates me to email files or articles to anyone 3.90 1.141

assists me to use other online tools to contact with teachers and class fellows 3.87 1.148
helps me save electronic documents 3.84 1.120
helps me use an online or offline dictionary and encyclopedia 3.83 1.128
helps me in learning and understanding my courses 3.78 1.185
assist me to find reference for further information 3.77 1.161
helps in participating in online forums related to subject 3.72 1.180
enables me to learn and understand educational software’s and quizzes 3.67 1.185
gives a good start to all my assignments 3.59 1.167
produce text (assignments) using word processing program 3.58 1.173
supports me to create multimedia presentations 3.42 1.239
Scale: 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

Respondents showed high agreement with first statement with (3.90) mean score, which shows

that mobile technology facilitates respondents to email files or articles.

Respondents agreed with almost every statement of this section with more than 3.4 mean score.

The next statements, mobile devices assist students to use other online tools (3.87), save

electronic documents (3.84), use online and offline dictionaries and encyclopedias (3.83)

manifested good mean score which depicts that most of the respondents agreed to the statements.

The other statements demonstrated positive mean score, mobile devices help students, in learning

understanding courses (3.78), finding references to further information (3.77), participating in

online forums (3.72) and enables to understand educational software and online quizzes (3.67).

Mobile technology, gives a good start to the assignments with (3.67) mean score, produce

assignments by word (3.58) and supports to create multimedia presentations (3.42). the above-

mentioned statements exhibited a good mean score.

Mobile Technology During Covid-19 38

4.5 Use of mobile technology during Covid-19

This part consists of 13 statements. The mean score range between 4.01 to 2.93. The highest

mean score (4.01) shows that a large number of respondents agree to the statement i.e. mobile

technology are helpful in searching online information during Covid-19.

Table 5 Use of Mobile Technology During Covid-19 (n=365)

During COVID-19 epidemic, I use mobile technology: Mean SD

to search online information 4.01 1.125
to send and receive emails 3.99 1.114
lo learn about particular topic I am interested in 3.98 1.097
to keep in touch with my loved ones 3.88 1.123
to connect to the outer world during lockdown 3.85 1.183
To get information from friends and peers 3.84 1.073
to learn collaborate and share ideas among each other 3.83 1.082
to take online lectures 3.82 1.231
to share or forward health information to my peers and family 3.77 1.027
for reading and watching news 3.41 1.151
to connect to the WHO app/website to get the news 3.33 1.149
to use helpline or emergency numbers for assistance about COVID-19 3.30 1.155
For some applications (e.g. Geo news app etc.) 2.93 1.159
Scale: 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

Respondents agreed to the statements with (3.99) that mobile technology is helpful in sending

and receiving emails. Mobile devices help in learning about topic of interest showed (3.98) mean

score, a high percentage of respondent’s agreement. Mobile technology is helpful in keeping in

touch with loved ones (3.88) and in connecting with the outer world during lockdown (3.85) also

showed mostly respondents agreed to the statements.

The respondents showed their positive consent to the statements, mobile technology is helpful in

getting information from friends and peers with (3.84) mean score, to collaborate and share ideas

(3.83) mean score. The next statements, mobile devices are helpful in taking online lectures with

(3.82), in sharing health information with (3.77), and watching news with (3.41) mean score

manifested high user consensus. Mobile technology is helpful in connecting to WHO website

(3.33) and to dial helpline numbers any time (3.30) revealed the user agreement.
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 39

The lowest mean score (2.93) is recorded for the last statement which shows that a smaller

number of respondents agreed that mobile technology is used for running some news

applications (i.e. go news app).

4.6. Challenges in the use of mobile technology

The respondents were asked about the challenges in the use of mobile technology through 8

statements. They rated these statements on Likert scale. The mean score range between 3.75 to


Table 6. Challenges Faced by Students while Using Mobile Technologies (n=365)

Mobile technology: Mean SD

requires high cost to buy high quality devices 3.73 1.1538

tools have limited memory and storage 3.37 1.1544
has diversity and issue of compatibility with other tool or devices 3.30 1.0717
has serious issues of data security while being transferred to other devices 3.27 1.1016
tool waste a battery life in every activity 3.15 1.059
try to do all things for all people but do none optimally 2.89 0.9282
is difficult to adapt 2.42 1.010
is complicated in use 2.39 0.9872
Scale: 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

As depicted in Table 6, the highest mean score (3.73) is recorded for the first statement, which

shows that most of the users agree to the statement, it require high cost to buy high quality

devices. The next statements mobile devices have limited storage with (3.37) mean score and it

have issue in compatibility with other devices with (3.30) mean score showed the respondents

consent with the statements. The respondents also showed positive response towards the next

two statements data security issue while sharing with other devices with (3.27) mean score and

wastage of devices battery life in every activity with (3.15) mean score. The next three

statements show low mean score as compared to the above statements. Mobile devices do

nothing optimally with mean score (2.89) showed moderate consent of respondents. The mobile
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 40

technology is difficult to adapt with (2.49) and mobile technology is complicated in use (2.39)

showed low mean score but it is good according to five-point scale.

4.7. Discussion:
The results showed that 98% of the respondents use mobile technology on daily basis for

learning and other purposes. The study found that most of the people own mobile devices, as

Clarke and Svanaes (2015) stated that the use of mobile technology is increasing day by day

among the young generation and high percentage of children and young people own their own

mobile devices. Przybyiski et al. (2013) argued that the young people utilize cell phones as a

gadget for different purposes. As Hulme, Kukuluska and Pettit (2009) described that most of the

students use mobile technology for educational and social networking purposes. Chatterjee

(2014) stated that the mobile technology is not limited to correspondence only. In current times it

is utilized for various purposes like web perusing, getting online materials, social relationship,

business exercises and many more. Hence the results of the prior studies are similar to the

findings of the current study. Students use mobile technology most of the time not only for

learning purposes but also for other purposes like entertainment and leisure activities.

Literature established that Covid-19 is rapidly spreading disease and was declared as pandemic

in March 2020 (WHO 2020). The current study explored the use of mobile technology during

Covid-19 is an effective alternative to perform basic functionalities of life. It is considered

helpful in living during this global pandemic. Lyengar et al. (2020) study supported the current

study findings, mobile technology is helping people in avoiding contact of people directly to

infected patients. Mobile devices helped in providing the health care services to people at their

home. Golinelei et al. (2020) stated that the current situation arose the need of implementing

technology to health care and other sectors. It would be helpful in providing effective services.
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 41

The current study explained that the mobile technology is facilitating people in performing daily

basis, basic functions. Garfin (2020) stated that different mobile technology applications are

obliging people in coping with the stress during the ongoing pandemic. This study revealed that

mobile technology is helpful in performing social, educational and occupational purposes during

Covid-19. Bhavya and Sambhav (2020) stated that the world is dealing with Covid-19 related

challenges. Though the mobile technology could be an alternative to perform basic activities of

living. The current study explored that mobile technology is helpful for students in learning that

is supported by prior studies Sheng, Siau and Nah (2010). Chen (2005) stated that with the help

of mobile technology it is easy to provide educational facilities to the students at their door.

Cahapay (2020) descried that the traditional classrooms have been converted to the online

lectures during the pandemic. Current study revealed that students are taking online classes,

giving online exams, presenting power point presentations connecting to peers and professors

through the email via mobile technology tools.

Hulme, Agnes Kukulusk and Pettit John (2020) identified the challenges to use mobile

technology including some technical issues, eyes pain and mental stress but these are not

relevant to the results of the current study. As the current study did not investigate about the

health-related challenges Hulme, Agnes study mentioned some other challenges such as storage

space issues, short battery timing, data security issue, these are related to the findings of the

current studies. Some other studies mentioned the lack of digital infrastructure in many

developing countries to employ the mobile technology to the educational structure, which is not

mentioned in the current study. Although the results of the current study are similar to the prior

studies Lyengar et al. (2020).

The next chapter will provide the brief summary as well as conclusion of the study.
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 42



This chapter provides the summary of the study by briefly describing the purpose of the study,

literature review, and methodology of the study. It also includes the conclusion of the study and


5.1. Purpose of the study

The study aimed to investigate the use of mobile technology for leisure and learning purposes

and the use of mobile technology during pandemic Covid-19 a global pandemic. The study also

explored the challenges faced in the use of mobile technology by the university students.

5.2. Literature review

Literature review showed that mobile technology is helpful for learning as well as leisure

purposes. Literature established that mobile technology applications create a new virtual world
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 43

of education. Moreover, mobile technology advances should be implemented to the education as

well as to the other sectors to move efficiently in digital era. Also, it is necessary to cope with

future challenges related to mobile technology. It was also demonstrated that the mobile

technology is playing a role to perform basic life functionalities during Covid-19.

5.3. Research design and Methodology

Quantitative research design was employed to collect data. The survey method was used to

collect data. An online survey was conducted to gather data. The proposed population was the

students of the University of the Punjab who were currently enrolled in the university. The

sample of 365 students from the five departments of the faculty of Economics and Management

Sciences were selected to collect data.

5.4. Data analysis

The data was analyzed in the statistical package for social science (SPSS) software version 22.

Descriptive analysis was used to analyze data such as mean, standard deviation, frequency and


5.5. Findings
The findings revealed that the use of mobile technology is beneficial in learning or education. It

helps in completing different projects effectively. Mobile technology is an effective alternative

during the Covid-19 pandemic to perform daily basis functions. Most of the respondents agreed

that mobile technology is playing an important role in their lives during the pandemic.

Demographic findings showed that 67.4% female and 32.6% male respondents participated in

this research. Most of the respondents (37%) belonged to the Department of Information

Management. Most of the respondent (98%) own mobile devices and use these devices most of
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 44

the time. The respondents agreed that they use mobile technology every day to search for online

information browsing for fun and many other activities in their leisure time.

All most all of the respondents agreed that the mobile technology is helpful in learning and

performing different educational and other tasks during Covid-19. The study explored that there

is a need to implement mobile technology completely with the proper planning to achieve

effective outcomes and to fight with future challenges. Findings according to the research

questions are as follows;

How do the students use mobile technology to find their needed information during Covid-


Gathered data showed huge percentage of respondent’s consent, that mobile technology is

helpful during Covid-19 epidemic in performing different tasks including, searching information,

communicating with peers, fellows and teachers, and other (Table 5).

How do the students use mobile technology to perform their academic tasks during


The study found that most of the respondents use mobile technology to fulfil their academic or

learning needs i.e. in taking online lectures, preparing assignments and presentations, saving

electronic documents and more (Table 4).

What are the challenges faced by the students while interacting with mobile technologies?

The findings manifested most of the respondents agreed, that they face different challenges such

as high cost, limited storage, short battery life and other (Table 6) in using mobile technologies.

5.6. Conclusion
Educators should focus on implementing mobile technology in education sector to tackle the

challenges during pandemic. It facilitates students in learning process, a student can access the

needed information anytime and at any place through the use of mobile technology. During the
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 45

outburst of Covid-19, respondents get facilitated through mobile devices, including sending or

receiving money, getting information about health, connect to the doctor online and more.

Findings revealed that majority of the respondents, fist concern their mobile devices to access

needed information, and find mobile technology very helpful.

To conclude, mobile technology is here holding many features and in future it will be going to

make our lives lot easier and faster. Technology offers new possibilities to provide effective

learning one of the most recent technologies that have arose, considerable interest by educators is

mobile technology. Many researches and practices have been done to apply mobile technology to

the educational system because it has been quickly adopted in everyday life and also it is

common for most people to have and carry a mobile device with them all the time. In addition,

the mobile technology tools are becoming more and more powerful and taking over tasks that

world normally did on the computer systems in the past.

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Mobile Technology During Covid-19 50

Appendix A Questionnaire
Title: Use of Mobile Technology during Covid-19 epidemic among University students of


I am a student of Masters from the department of Information Management in the

University of the Punjab. I am conducting a research on “Use of Mobile Technology

during COVID-19 epidemic among university students in Pakistan.

Mobile technology is technology that goes where the user. It consists of portable

two-way communication devices and the network technology that connects them.

Currently, mobile technology is typified by internet-enabled devices like, smartphones,

laptops, tablets etc.

The study aims to explore how the students use the mobile technology during this
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 51

critical situation of COVID-19. Your response should be kept confidential while

representing how you think and feel about the topic. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Part 1: Demographic Information.

Department Name

 Department of Information Management

 Department of Economics

 Institute of Administrative Sciences

 Institute of Business Administration

 Institute of Business and Information Technology

Gender of Respondent

 Male

 Female


 BS,

 M.A

 MPhil

 PhD

Age of Respondent

 18-20

 21-23

 24-26

 More than 26

Do you have mobile technology?

 Yes
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 52

 No

Which mobile technology devices do you own? (Tick all that apply)

 Smart watch

 Smartphone

 Tablet

 iPad

Do you have access to the internet?

 Yes

 No

How often do you use your mobile devices?

 Rarely

 Often

 All the time

Part 2: Use of Mobile Technology

Use of Mobile Technology for Leisure

I use mobile technology: 1 2 3 4 5

most of the time
for the purpose of entertainment
To play games online or offline
to search online for everyday information
To browse for fun
to use other online tools (Facebook, messenger etc.)
download music and games software from the internet
to chat online and to make new friends
to read online story books or novels
Scale: 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

Use of mobile technology for academic purpose

Mobile technology: 1 2 3 4 5
gives a good start to all my assignments
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 53

helps me to save electronic documents

produce text (assignments) using word processing program
facilitates me to email files or articles to anyone
helps in participating in online forums related to subject
assists me to use other online tools to contact with teachers and class

enables me to learn and understand educational software’s and quizzes
helps me to use an online or offline dictionary and encyclopedia
supports me to create multimedia presentations
assist me to find reference for further information
helps me in learning and understanding my courses
Scale: 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

Use of mobile technology during COVID-19

During COVID-19 epidemic, I use mobile 1 2 3 4 5

for reading and watching news
For some applications (e.g. Geo news app etc.)
to connect to the WHO app/website to get the

to keep in touch with my loved ones
to take online lectures
to send and receive emails
to search online information
lo learn about particular topic I am interested in
to connect to the outer world during lockdown
to learn collaborate and share ideas among each

to use helpline or emergency numbers for

assistance about COVID-19

to share or forward health information to my peers

and family
To get information from friends and peers
Scale: 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

Part 3: Challenges to use mobile technologies

Challenges faced by students while using mobile technologies
Mobile Technology During Covid-19 54

Mobile technology: 1 2 3 4 5

is difficult to adapt
tool waste a battery life in every activity
is complicated in use
try to do all things for all people but do none optimally
Has serious issues of data security while being transferred to other

Tools have limited memory and storage
Requires high cost to buy high quality devices
Has diversity and issue of compatibility with other tool or devices
Scale: 1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree, 5= Strongly Agree

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