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Amiss Wrong , defective

Bowled over Affected / overcome

Laid-back Relaxed
Chapter 11 – 20
Prudent Wise
Adverse Unfavourable
pristine Clear , pure
Amelioration Improvement
Bloke Man
Frequented Went to
Boozing Drinking
Lousy Terrible
Prudent Careful
Rife Widespread ( existing in many places)
Destitute Broke
Slender Skinny
Opponent (mainly used in sports) Enemy / rival
Commence Kick-off / opening / start
Struck Hit
Depletion Reduction
Confined Limited / bounded
Affiliated Associated
Concerted Coordinated
Pooled Combine
Depreciate Devalue
Curtail Cut short / decrease
Retorted Answered
Inevitable Certain / cannot be avoided
Demography Study of human population
Conifer Naaldboom
Respite Pause
Agile Athletic
Nimble Smart
Scoff Make fun of
Harangued Lectured
Resolved Decided
Swear Promise
Scrounge Borrow
Craved Wanted to eat
Was seething Very angry
Yank Pull
Unearthed Found
Flouted Ignored
Fleeting Brief
Rapture Extreme happiness
Elation Extreme happiness
Transient Temporary
Ephemeral Momentary
Invasive Nosy/intrusive
Virulent Deadly / poisonous
Idyllic Perfect
Picturesque Attractive
Yearned Desire strongly
Fleck Mark with sports
Tinge Color
Robust Healthy , strong
Yap bark
Bleat Sheep sound
Purr noise
Enigma a person or thing that is mysterious or
difficult to understand.
Decisive settling an issue; producing a definite result.
Sceptical not easily convinced; having doubts or
Gullible easily persuaded to believe something;
Chapter 11 – 20

Environment Collocations

Fossil + fuel
Severe + famine / shortages
Pristine + environment / ice cap
Finite + resources
Greenhouse + gases
Water + shortages / resources
Population + density / change
Melting + ice cap
Life + expectancy

Phrasal verbs with noun collocations

- Blurt out a problem , a secret
- Bottle up a problem , emotions
- Choke back tears , emotions
- fend off criticism , blows , accusations
- keep up appearances
-shoot down an argument, accusations
-sweep aside an argument , accusations , criticism
-tease out a problem , a secret
-tone down criticism , accusations
-whip up rage , emotions

Phrasal verbs with ‘go’

-Went down with flu
-Go in for competition
-Watching the tide go out
-The milk went off because I forgot to put it in the fridge
-Ebb = go out
-fetch = go for
-become ill with = go down with
-explode = go off
-match = go with
-go sour = go off
-examine = go over / through
-manage without = go without
-go to your head = something that you have achieved goes to your head, it makes you too
--proud: Fame and fortune had gone to his head
-If you go on record or if you are on record as saying something, you say it publicly and
officially and it is written down. Announcing, informing & stating = go on record
-To start talking about something that is only slightly or indirectly related to the original
subject She went off on a tangent about what happened to her last summer = go off on a
-To succeed in doing something = make a go of something
Chapter 11 – 20

Collocations with ‘’slow’’

slow growth
slow pace
slow signs
slow process
slow decline
slow lane

Collocations: Nouns with adjective

Fast lane – the quickest but most competitive route to success
a quick buck – earn money fast
Fast track – the quickest line in e.g. airport check-in
Brisk nod – a quick move of the head in acknowledgment
Swift denial - a public announcement to say that something isn’t true, given quickly to
prevent media interest.
rapid response – answering / reacting quickly
quick catnap – brief sleep, usually during daytime


Set the wheels in motion do something to begin a process or put a

plan into action.
Set the world on fire do something remarkable or sensational
Set the scene describe a place or situation in which
something is about to happen.
Set out your stall display or assert one's abilities or position.
Set your heart on have a strong desire for or to do.
Set the record straight give the true version of events that have
been reported incorrectly.
Set a dangerous precedent Establish a usage, tradition, or standard to
be followed in the future. 
Set in stone no longer changeable; "the agreement is
not yet set in stone" 
Set your sights on have as an ambition; hope strongly to
achieve or reach.
Set your teeth on edge (especially of a harsh sound) cause
someone to feel intense discomfort or
Pull your weight Work as hard as other people in a group
Pull your socks up Improve your behaviour or work
Pull the other one! You don’t believe what someone has just
said to you
Pull the strings Control people or an organisation
Pull a fast one Trick someone
Run rings around Beat or do better than someone
Run the risk of Do something although something bad
might happen because of it
Run counter to Have the opposite effect to something else
Run a tight ship Manage something efficiently
Nice turn of phrase the ability to express yourself well
Chapter 11 – 20

Give someone the cold shoulder To intentionally ignore someone or treat

someone in an unfriendly way
Blurting out to say something suddenly and without
thinking, usually because you are excited or


Cast my net Look around for someone else

Bolt from the blue A total surprise
Time on her hands Plenty of free time
Calling the tune In charge
Carrying a torch for In love with
Rolled up her sleeves Behaved very practically
At death’s door Very ill
Giving me the cold shoulder Ignoring me
Get a grip Take charge , get in control
Grasp the nettle Tackle a difficulty boldly
Get to grips with to begin to understand or deal with
(something, such as a problem) in a direct
or effective way
Play right into hands To unwittingly do exactly what someone
wants or needs in order for their plans or
schemes to succeed.
Up for grabs available
The final nail in the coffin Something that has finally caused failure
To call a spade a spade To speak directly
To go down the tubes To fail
A weak link in the chain Unreliable part of something , usually used
of people
To blow a fuse To lose your temper
With no strings attached Unconditional
To get your wires crossed To misunderstand
To shoot your bolt To fail
To get into gear To start to deal with something effectively
To twist the knife To deliberately make someone feel worse
Lived it up Had a good time
Live up to your expectations Everything you wanted
Live down Forget
Lived through Experienced
Lived by his wits Cleverly manage to survive through your
A golden handshake Financial reward for long service
Cut their teeth Get experience
Progress up the rungs Climb the career ladder
A mixed blessing Good and bad
Dog-eat-dog Fiercely competitive
The slightest whiff of A tiny bit of
Snapped up Recruited immediately
A track record Evidence of previous success
The jury’s still out People haven’t decided
Chapter 11 – 20

A quantum leap Huge improvement

Quick fixes Apparently simple and instant
solutions( which don’t succeed)
Keep their heads down Avoid trouble by behaving in a quiet way
Bleeding red ink To be struggling financially
Green shoots Sign of growth of recovery especially of
economic recovery
Blue chips company denoting companies or their shares
considered to be a reliable investment,
though less secure than gilt-edged stock.
White goods Large electrical goods such as fridge and
washing machines
Golden hello A substantial payment made by an
employer to a keenly sought recruit
White knight A person or thing that comes to someone’s
Be on cloud nine When one is blissfully happy
Through rose-tinted spectacles  rose-coloured glasses, they only notice the
good things about them and so their view is
In my book In my opinion
Put yourself on the line or lay yourself on the line, you do
something that has big personal risks for
you, especially for your job or reputation.
Tip the balance Be the deciding factor; make the critical
Set your sights on … Be determined to …
Sang a different tune/ changed his tune Took back his words
To be on cloud nine A state of perfect happiness
Make ends meet  To have enough money to cover expenses;
to get by financially; to get through the pay
Cut corners do something perfunctorily so as to save
time or money.
Down and out (of a person) without money, a job, or a
place to live; destitute.
Keep your head above water avoid succumbing to difficulties, typically
Feel the pinch experience hardship, especially financial

On a shoestring A small or inadequate budget

Tighten your belt cut one's expenditure; live more frugally.
A rough ride If you say that someone faces a rough ride,
you mean that things are going to be
difficult for them because people will
criticize them a lot or treat them badly
To set the record straight To tell the truth
To raise any objections To mind
I don’t want to get heavy here I don’t want to start being too serious here
A satisfying ‘vesuvius effect’ A volcano-like eruption
Some young gung-ho dad Some young dynamic father
Chapter 11 – 20


Caution Cautionary
Collapse Collapsible
Detest Detestable
Honour Honorary / honourable
Labour Laborious
Loathe Loathsome
Hypocrisy Hypocritical
Philosophy Philosophical
Repel Repulsive
Tenacity Tenacious
Theatre Theatrical
Virtue Virtuous
volunteer Voluntary
Determine Indeterminate
Decide Decidedly
Close Disclose
Ally Alliance
Crux Crucial
Out Outcomes
Road Inroads

Noun Verb Adjective

Predator To be prey (on) Predatory
Demography X Demographic
Sustainability Sustain Sustainable
X Domesticate Domestic
Conifer X Coniferous
Diversity Diversify Diverse
Evolution Revolutionised Evolutionary
Inevitability X Inevitable
Chapter 11 – 20


Object To
Typical On/against/for
Vote on
Care for
Take pride In
Prohibit From
Interfere In
Admire For
Apologise To / for


Used of men Used of women Used of both

-bounder -bag -actor
-charmer -bimbo -chairman
-geek -duchess -chav
-lout -vamp -freshman
-Neanderthal -mate
-nerd -partner
-patriarch -sibling
-thug -spouse
-whizz kid


Used of men Used of both

Chivalrous -Bullish
Effeminate -doting

Word formation

Agreeable ( adjective) Disagreeable

Imaginary (adjective) Imagine
Expectations (plural noun) Expect
Chapter 11 – 20

Reality Real,
Enthusiasm Enthusiastic
Measure Immeasurable
Dismissive Dismiss
Clearly Clear
Transform Transformer
Introductory Introduce
Excuses Excusable

Words and their opposites

Articulate Inarticulate
Brazen Modest
Callous Compassionate
Fickle Steadfast
Flawed Impeccable
Garrulous Taciturn
Trustworthy Treacherous
Unflappable Panicky
Rebellious Conventional
Spunky Spineless
Passionate Apathetic

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