Case Study 1

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Cybelle Trad Date: October 12, 2020

Fouad Abou Haidar

Management Principles

MGT 201

Case Study 1

Quest 1:

To maintain an environment that encourages innovation and professionalism among the virus
hunters, Vincent could use the following techniques:

 Vincent organized team worker into specific groups to perform perfectly the job task
 Vincent coordinated with other people efficiently; allow ease of communication between
individuals and groups. In order for Vincent to keep employees organized and working
efficiently, he listened well and had his listeners understand well
 Despite the chaos in work, Vincent maintained efficiency in work though. He divided his
team in order: ‘’When Santa Monica’s team finishes, Tokyo took over, when Japanese
team finishes this handed over to Dublin and then again back to Santa Monica’’ as the
text highlights

Quest 2:

a) Informational Role because Vincent acts as a monitor, spokesman and a disseminator: he

keeps a strength communication between the employees and share his work with them
b) Decisional Role: Vincent works as a disturbance handler, negotiator, human resource as
he try to find solutions for each challenge as well as he distributes for each worker special
task for each job
c) Interpersonal Role: he is a figurehead, leader because he emphasizes on employees
commitment to customers
Quest 3:

Company emphasis on customer service and innovation:

 The main goal is to specialize in innovation and satisfaction of service. The company
continues to be well committed to secure information more completely and in much
effective way and supply with better solutions
 Organization supports the employees in many ways like: It teaches the employees on how
to act quickly and be innovative, and supports employees financially in order to live more
 The management and employees prioritize the need to supply vital solutions for their
 The corporation provides solutions to the customers based on newly provided technology

Quest 4:

Other managers can learn from Vincent and Symantec’s approach the following techniques:

 Disturbance handling and problem solving with the best human resources
 Provide happiness for customer
 Be efficient and effective
 Strength communication between teamwork, be creative and innovative
 Create loyalty, honesty
 How to work with different kind of people at all levels
 Time management

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