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There is not a single person on this planet who does not love food.

Take as an example the

freshly home-baked cookies that had the ability to make anyone’s day in the past. In
contrary, people do not seem to get satisfied by something plain anymore. Rather the urge to
try out new exotic meals is too strong to resist. However, people either do not have the time
or the money to spend on luxurious dinners and thus bring a three-course menu home in the
form of ready-made meals from local shops. This rather simple approach is anything but

An endless assortment of international dishes are provided in local convenience stores to

suit anyone’s taste palate, which is almost a dream come true for most time-poor consumers.
Ironically enough, people would rather buy these ready-made meals every single night than
eat at an authentic restaurant once every two weeks for the sake of saving money. However,
do the math, and it becomes quite evident more money is spent on these superficial dishes
in comparison to a night out.

Not only do consumers spend more money in the process of saving it, the meals money is
spent on wither in comparison to the authentic ones. Consumers choose exotic flavors from
supermarkets that will apparently please the taste buds. Towns nowadays do not lack exotic
restaurants, as one can be found at almost every corner. Yet, consumers still buy these
factory-produced meals a stomach can barely handle. Regardless of the label that claims the
dish to be Italian, it will never match the original.

The easy approach of buying ready-made meals does sound appealing and ideal, yet it is far
from flawless. Consumers subconsciously fork out tons of money for dishes that do not
compare to a meal at an authentic international restaurant. If time-poor consumers were able
to go out for dinner at least once every month, the meals will be much more satisfying and
worthy of the amount spent.

word count: 330 (too many, I will make sure to delete some words later)

Very nice arguments and you message is very clear and logical!

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