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Mission Statement

-Apple’s mission statement is to make a contribution to the world by making tools for the
mind that advance humankind. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary
iPhone and App store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with
Vision Statement

-They believe that they're on the face of the Earth to make great products, and that's not
changing. They're constantly focusing on innovating and believe in the simple, not the
complex. They believe that they need to own and control the primary technologies behind the
products that they make and participate in markets where they can make a significant
The Goals Of The Organisation
-Apple’s goals of organisation in a nutshell is to obtain stellar products and services within
tight timeframes, at a cost that represents the best possible value to their shareholders and
FOUR (4) Functions OF Management
1. Planning
- Apple inc. is focused on conveying the best client experience to their customers
through their creative equipment, programming and benefits. The organization
incorporates constructing and growing its own retail and online stores and its related
circulation system to viably obtain more clients.

2. Organizing
- In Apple’s case, the organizational structure is in a hierarchical system, its
organizational structure contains rudiments from other organizational structures and
enabled the maintenance and sustainment of leadership style.

- Organizational Culture
Top–notch excellence: Apple aims to employ people that are best at what they do.
Creativity: Creativity is a valuable asset at Apple, especially for employees who work in
designing and developing products.
Secrecy: Secrecy is an important part of their organizational structure because it shields
the company from thievery of information.

3. Leading
Steve jobs was the CEO who revolutionized the organisation from its core, after he retook
control in 1997. His leadership style is characterised as an integration of all three types
depending on the circumstances, since he was an visionary leader. When he returned, he
focused and simplified the procedures in the production process but also took into
consideration the creative proposals of his subordinates giving them the freedom to
conceive innovative ideas.
Tool Assessment Support
Leadership Grid Authority-Compliance -Promote the need for
Management efficiency with low regard
for employees
-Employees often worked
extended hours to achieve
Fiedler’s Contingency Task Oriented Leader -Regularly evaluated
Model employee task progress
Vroom-jago Contingency Autocratic -Made most decision
Model -Capitalized upon strengths
-Delegated based on

4. Controlling
First step to controlling process involves set a quantitative evaluation process on the
execution of future objectives. The current goals of Apple are growing and constructing
their retail and other online stores, operating systems and innovative products.
Second step is measuring the measurement of the current performance of the objective.
Their performance standards are assessed by the following criteria: 1. Revenue per
Square foot, 2. Product Units per Time, 3. Milestone per Time.
Third step, apple make a comparison of the current performance and execution of the
goals opposed to the criteria. If performance does not meet the standards then corrective
steps may be followed, if the Apple retail store do not procure enough revenue, then the
managers should research the problems and act upon them.
Fourth step, if a negative outcome occurs in the long-term, managers may decide upon
altering the whole infrastructure of the firm.

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