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Should parents be supportive of a child’s dream to be a professional gamer?

The E-sports industry is rising internationally nowadays where skilled video gamers play
competitively. As many children had a dream of becoming a professional gamer, but many of
them are not supported by their parents. Contrary to the traditional belief that gaming is
merely an addictive source of entertainment and distraction, recent research has shown that
gaming has multiple advantages. In my opinion, parents should be supportive of a child's
dream to be a professional gamer.

Firstly, E-sports can improve children's decision-making. Scientific research has proven that
playing strategic video games will help a child make a smarter decision because any move
they make during their games is important, and it will impact the game's victory. Besides, it
will also improve their solving problem skills as there will be various types of problems that
they will need to try to solve in any game.

E-sports improves social or emotional interactions since gaming is a largely social activity
and mostly requires team play nowadays. While gaming, most of them will have social
contact through a chat and team play, as well as foresting leadership. As a professional
gamer, they can also learn to control their frustration and anxiety if they lose a competition.
Also, they will have a lot of opportunities to travel around the world for competition and
there are many professional E-sports teams from around the world. Therefore, it is a great
way to build a friendship from all over the world and also improves communication skills.

Furthermore, professional gamers have two options for making revenue. As they no longer
need to rely on winning the prizes from the tournament, they now have the ability to make
money from doing live streaming. Therefore, parents should let their child have a try to
starting doing live streaming before they have to become a professional gamer. Since there
are a lot of professional gamers nowadays who are doing live streaming on their video
gameplay before they joined an E-sports team. However, they can start to gain followers from
it and their skills will be approved by a lot of people.

In conclusion, a successful professional gamer can easily make thousands of dollars or even
millions from the e-sports industry. From my point of view, parents should support their
children to become professional gamer however, they should advise their children to have a
back-up plan based on how well they are doing in the competition after graduation from high


Summary Writing

Scientific research has proven that playing strategic video games will help a child
make a smarter decision because any move they make during their games is
important, and it will impact the game's victory. E-sports improves social or
emotional interactions since gaming is a largely social activity and mostly requires
team play nowadays. Since there are a lot of professional gamers nowadays who are
doing live streaming on their video gameplay before they joined an E-sports team.
From my point of view, parents should support their children to become professional
gamer however, they should advise their children to have a back-up plan based on
how well they are doing in the competition after graduation from high school.


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