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The sun doesn't lose its beauty when covered by the clouds.

The same way your beauty doesn't

fade when being covered by Hijab. 

I was born and bred in the Muslim fundamentalist family. My mother use to wear scarf so I was wearing
it too. In our country and the world, we use to follow things our ancestors were following. So, Scarf was
the basic in our clothing. I am writing this story honestly as to wear scarf had never been my choice. I
was just following the tradition blindly. As I reached college, I saw many girls going out without scarf.
Even many of my friends were not wearing it. But I was bond to wear it. In my senses I were considering
it nothing more than a burden.

It’s a great blessing on us that we are noblest of all creatures. We have power to sense the things
around us. My brain started observing the benefits of Hijab. On one side I was not liking to wear scarf
and on the other side I was habitual of it. During my college, many a times I tries to abandoned the scarf
on college functions and festivals but when I was doing this, I was feeling emptiness inside me.
Something was there that made me realize that its compulsory for me to keep my hijab.

I started finding reasons behind this, results were so impressive. Hijab has benefits both in your social
life and also it will secure you for the day of judgment. Some logical reasonings that I want to discuss

 Precious things always remain in cover.

 Bees sit on the food and render them untidy. To remain tidy, Hijab is the protection.

Every brand has an identity mark on its stuff. Hijab is the identity mark for the Muslim women.

Hijab also has positive impacts on your social life as a girl who wears hijab use to remain more confident
and composed. I have just completed my Masters with distinction, Alhamdulillah. I had experienced that
people use to give you more respect just because of your Hijab.

Now I wear my scarf with pride as it give me

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