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Creating Custom Application

 Create the Directory structure Under APPL_TOP

Connect to proddb ( as applprdn

Create the Directory structure like
$mkdir –p xxdhc/11.5.0

$cd xxdhc/11.5.0

$mkdir admin sql bin reports forms out log resource

$mkdir data scripts mesg help graphs edi
$mkdir –p reports/US
$mkdir –p forms/US

Connect to prodapp ( as applprdn

Create the Directory structure like
$mkdir –p xxdhc/11.5.0

$cd xxdhc/11.5.0

$mkdir admin sql bin reports forms out log resource

$mkdir media scripts mesg help graphs
$mkdir –p reports/US
$mkdir –p forms/US

 Create environment for custom application i.e. XXDHC

Add the env to adovars.env which is under $APPL_TOP/admin


export XXDHC_TOP

Add this in both prodapp and proddb

 Create new tablespace for XXDHC

SQL>create tablespace XXDHC datafile '/u02/oraclep/prdndata/xxdhc01.dbf' size

10M reuse autoextend OFF extent management LOCAL AUTOALLOCATE;

 Create user for XXDHC

SQL>create user XXDHC identified by XXDHC default tablespace XXDHC

temporary tablespace TEMP quota unlimited on XXDHC;
SQL>grant analyze any, alter session, create procedure, create sequence, create
session, create snapshot, create table, create type, create synonym to XXDHC;

 Register Custom Application

Login to Applications with System Administrator responsibility

Navigate to Application-->Register

Application = Diodes Hainchu

Short Name = XXDHC
Base path = XXDHC_TOP
Description = Diodes Hainchu Custom Application

 Register Oracle User

Database User Name = XXDHC

Password = XXDHC
Privilege = Enabled
Install Group =1
Description = Diodes Hainchu Custom Application

 Add Application to a Data Group

Navigate to Security-->Oracle-->DataGroup
Query for Standard group
Application = Diodes Hainchu
Oracle ID = APPS
Description = Diodes Hainchu Custom Application

Refer the metalink documents

 Step By Step Guide to Creating a Custom Application in Applications 11i

Note: 216589.1

 Function is not available to this responsibility Note:561787.1


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