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Zack- Tivy High

Express Gratitude
Take 1 min. to list as many people as you can
that you are grateful for…

Take 1 min. to list as many things as you can

that you are grateful for…

Take 1 min. to list as many things as you can

about yourself that you are grateful for...
Critical Thinking:
What stood out to you most in this episode?

Why is feeling included so important?

What difference does unity make?

Magic Wand

What would you do if you found a magic wand?

Is there someone you know of that can use some encouragement?

What would you do for them if you could grant them one wish?
32 Poles
Google Form
Show your Spirit
Pretend you are making a commercial for our school,
what would you want to include?
Make a comic strip highlighting the best parts about our school

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