Computers Quiz - Basic Computer Science Quiz Questions

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Computers Quiz - Basic Computer Science Quiz


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Here is a collection of 45 multiple-choice questions and answers about computers.

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Computer Science Multiple Choice Quiz

1. A program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or
knowledge of the owner is called what?

1. Floppy
2. Virus
3. Java
4. Monitor

Answer: B
2. Which of these is a correct format of IP address?

3. 192.168.900.1
4. 192.900.168.1

Answer: A
3. Which was the first web browser?

1. WorldWideWeb
2. Netscape Navigator
3. Internet Explorer
4. Safari

Answer: A. Introduced on 26th February 1991 by British scientist Sir Tim Berners-
Lee, WorldWideWeb ran on the NeXTSTEP platform. It was later renamed Nexus to
avoid confusion with the World Wide Web.
4. It is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser for
maintaining the state. What we are talking about?

1. Application
2. Session
3. Cookie
4. QueryString

Answer: C

5. Which of these is a correct format of Email address?

4. contact@website@info

Answer: C

6. What does HTTP stands for?

1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol

2. Hypertext Transfer Plotter
3. Head Tail Transfer Plot
4. Head Tail Transfer Protocol

Answer: A

7. In computers ,what is the smallest and basic unit of information storage?

1. Bit
2. Byte
3. Newton
4. Mega byte

Answer: A
8. Which company is nicknamed "Big Blue"?

1. TCS
2. IBM
3. Microsoft
4. Satyam

Answer: C

9. What is JVM?

1. Jumber Verbose Mechanics

1. Jumber Verbose Mechanics
2. A part of IIS
3. Java Virtual Machine
4. .Net Framework

Answer: C

10. What is Windows XP?

1. Operating System
2. Storage Device
3. Processor
4. Output Device

Answer: A
11. Which of the following is responsible for the management and coordination of
activities and the sharing of the resources of the computer?

1. Application Software
2. Motherboard
3. Operating System
4. RAM

Answer: C
12. WAV file format is associated with what type of files?

1. Video
2. Sound
3. Image
4. Word Document

Answer: B

13. What is a Compiler?

1. An Application software
2. A Process
3. A System Software
4. A Document

Answer: C

14. Machine language is also known as

1. Low level language

2. Assembly language
3. High level language
4. Source code
Answer: A

15. What does FTP stand for?

1. File Transfer Protocol

2. File Transfer Program
3. File Thread Protocol
4. File Thread Program

Answer: A

16. Which company acquired Sun Microsystems on January 27, 2010?

1. Apple Inc.
2. Microsoft
3. Oracle Corporation
4. IBM

Answer: C

17. Which was the first ever web server software?

1. GWS
2. IIS 5.0
3. CERN httpd
4. nginx

Answer: C. The first ever web server software was CERN httpd. It was later known as
W3C httpd and it was live on 25 December 1990.

18. What does BCC means in EMail?

1. Black Carbon Copy

2. Blind Carbon Copy
3. Business Computer Center
4. Business Computer Card

Answer: B

19. MS-Word is an example of

1. Application Software
2. System Software
3. Operating System
4. Scanner

Answer: A
20. Who is known as the father of the Java programming language?
1. Bill Board
2. James Gosling
3. Jame Smith
4. Sabeer Bhatia

Answer: B. James Gosling is known as the father of the Java programming language.
He is a Ph.D in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. He created the
original design of Java and implemented its original compiler and virtual machine.

21. Which software application is used for accessing sites or information on a network
(as the World Wide Web)?

1. Operating System
2. Web Browser
3. Microsoft Word
4. Microsoft Excel

Answer: B

22. What are the two broad categories of software?

1. MS Word and Spreadsheet

2. Transaction and Application
3. Microsoft and Mac OS
4. System and Application

Answer: D

23. One kilobyte contains how many bytes?

1. 1000
2. 1001
3. 100
4. 1024

Answer: D
24. In computers, a collection of row data is known as what?

1. Information
2. Output
3. Data
4. Query

Answer: D

25. Who Owns the Internet?

1. Internet Engineering Task Force
3. Internet Architecture Board
4. No one owns it

Answer: B

26. What is the shortcut key of printing a document for computer having windows?

1. Ctrl + P
2. Shift + P
3. Alt + P
4. Shift + PP

Answer: A

27. It is defined as the period of time that a unique user interacts with a Web
application. What we are talking about?

1. Application
2. Session
3. Cookie
4. QueryString

Answer: B
28. Java is a

1. Compiler
2. Operating System
3. Input Device
4. Programming Language

Answer: D
29. In computers, '.TMP' extension refers usually to what kind of file?

1. Temporary file
2. Image file
3. Video file
4. Text file

Answer: A
30. The way of manipulating data into information is called

1. Storing
2. Processing
3. Deletion
3. Deletion
4. Organizing

Answer: B
31. What Does BIOS Stand For?

1. Better Integrated Operating System

2. Basic Input Output System
3. Battery Integrated Operating Setup
4. Backup Input Output System

Answer: B

32. Abbreviate 'LAN' in computer networks

1. Least Area Network

2. Large Area Network
3. Local Area Network
4. Length Area Network

Answer: C

33. Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation?

1. Satellite
2. Switch
3. Optical Fibre
4. Modem

Answer: D
34. In windows computers, MPEG extension refers to what kind of file?

1. Sytem file
2. MS Office document
3. Video file
4. Image file

Answer: C
35. Memory management is a feature of

1. Processor
2. Operating System
3. MS Word
4. Animation

Answer: B
36. Which of the following is not a storage device?

1. DVD
2. Hard Disk
3. Floppy Disk
4. Mouse

Answer: D
37. Which of these is the first web-based e-mail service?

1. GMail
2. Yahoo Mail
3. Hotmail
4. Rediff Mail

Answer: C

38. Which of these is a correct format of IP address?

3. 192.168.900.1
4. 192.900.168.1

Answer: A

39. The Specially designed computers to perform very complex calculations

extremely rapidly are called as

1. Laptops
2. Mainframe Computers
3. Mini Computers
4. Super Computers

Answer: B
40. How many layers are described in networking?

1. 5
2. 6
3. 7
4. 8

Answer: 7
41. Which of the following is not a web server?

1. Apache
1. Apache
2. IIS
3. Jigsaw
4. Zaob

Answer: D
42. What was the first general-purpose electronic computer?

1. IBM 405
2. Zuse Z3

Answer: C
43. What is CGI?

1. Computed Gateway Interface

2. Compliant Gateway Interface
3. Case Gateway Interface
4. Common Gateway Interface

Answer: D

44. Which of the following is not a database?

1. Oracle
3. MySQL
4. SQL Server

Answer: B

45. The term 'Pentium' is related to what?

1. Mouse
2. Hard Disk
3. Microprocessor
4. DVD

Answer: C

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