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SR 70 SWAT PD&E Study From Lorraine Road to CR 675 (Waterbury Road)

Florida Department of Transportation MANATEE county
District One Environmental Management Office
P. O. Box 1249
Newsletter #1 FPIDs: 414506-2-22-01 & 414506-2-32-01 November 2018
Bartow, Florida 33831
Join us for a Public INFORMATION meeting on Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Date: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 Fecha: Martes, 18 de Diciembre, 2018
Time: 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. “Open House” Hora: 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. "Casa abierta"
Place: Risen Savior Lutheran Church Lugar: Risen Savior Lutheran Church
14605 59th Avenue East 14605 59th Avenue East
Bradenton, Florida 34211 Bradenton, Florida 34211

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is con- El Departamento de Transporte de Florida (FDOT) está
ducting a study to evaluate widening SR 70 from Lorraine conduciendo un estudio para evaluar la ampliación de
Road to CR 675 (Waterbury Road) in Manatee County. la SR 70 desde Lorraine Road hasta CR 675 (Waterbury
The study is evaluating alternatives to widen the existing Road) en el condado de Manatee. El estudio está
two-lane undivided roadway to either four or six lanes, evaluando alternativas para ampliar la existente carret-
and to add 6-foot sidewalks on both sides of the road- era de dos carriles (sin mediana) a cuatro o seis carriles,
way. FDOT invites you to attend the public information y para agregar aceras de 6 pies a ambos lados de la
meeting to review and provide comments on these carretera. FDOT te invita a asistir a la reunión de infor-
alternatives. The public meeting, which will feature an mación pública para revisar y proporcionar comentari-
“open house” format, is from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, os sobre estas alternativas. La reunión pública, que
December 18 at the Risen Savior Lutheran Church. contará con un formato de "casa abierta", es de 5 p.m.
Department representatives will be available during the a las 7 p.m. el Martes, 18 de Diciembre en la Iglesia
meeting to informally discuss the project and answer Luterana Risen Savior. Los representantes del departa-
questions. mento estarán disponibles durante la reunión para
discutir informalmente el proyecto y responder pregun-
SR 70 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENT STUDY FDOT is holding this meeting to give interested stakehold- tas.
From Lorraine Road to CR 675 (Waterbury Road) ers, citizens, and users of the roadway the opportunity to
MANATEE county review displays and talk one-on-one with staff. FDOT está llevando a cabo esta reunión para dar a los
interesados, ciudadanos, y usuarios de la carretera, la
Newsletter #1 FPIDs: 414506-2-22-01 & 414506-2-32-01 November 2018 oportunidad de revisar las alternativas y hablar uno a
uno con el personal del departamento.
We encourage you to participate in the SR 70 PD&E Les animamos a que participe en el estudio de PD&E de
Study and welcome your questions and comments. We SR 70 y apreciamos sus preguntas y comentarios. Esta- The SR 70 PD&E Study is expected to be complete by late Se espera que el Estudio de la SR 70 esté completo a
are available to meet with your group or neighborhood mos disponibles para reunirnos con su grupo o asocia- 2020 with a Public Hearing tentatively scheduled for fines del 2020, con una Audiencia Pública programada
association. If you have questions regarding this project ción de vecindario. Si tiene preguntas sobre este Spring 2019. tentativamente para la primavera del 2019.
or would like to schedule a meeting, please contact proyecto o desea programar una reunión, por favor
FDOT’s Project Manager, David C. Turley, P.E. at comuníquese con el Sr. Marlon Bizerra, Administrador 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
(863) 519-2255 or by email at Ambiental del Proyecto en la Oficina del Departamento Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Written comments can be mailed to: de Transporte de la Florida (FDOT), por teléfono al (863)
519-2250, enviando un correo electrónico a Project Begins, o por escrito a: Traffic Analysis
Alternatives Analysis
David C. Turley, P.E. Marlon Bizerra, P.E.
Florida Department of Transportation Florida Department of Transportation Develop Preliminary Reports
801 North Broadway Avenue District One Environmental Management Office Public Information Meeting
Bartow, FL 33830-3809 801 North Broadway Avenue
Bartow, FL 33830-3809 Design
Public Hearing/
FDOT solicits public participation without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. People who require special Design Workshop
accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or people who require translation services (free of charge) should contact Cynthia Sykes, Submit Final PD&E
District One Title VI Coordinator, at (863) 519-2287 or email at at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
Documents 
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been,
carried out by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) pursuant to 23 U.S.C. §327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 14, Project Completed
2016 and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and FDOT.
From Lorraine Road to CR 675 (Waterbury Road)
MANATEE county FPIDs: 414506-2-22-01 & 414506-2-32-01

Various alternatives are being evaluated for SR 70 within Se están evaluando varias alternativas para SR 70 dentro SEGMENT B TYPICAL SECTION
the project limits. For this study, FDOT separated the road- de los límites del proyecto. Para este estudio, FDOT
way into three segments, based on the transportation separo la carretera en tres segmentos, basado en las
needs identified during the traffic analysis for this study. necesidades de transporte identificadas durante el *Future Widening
Figure 1 below notes the limits for each segment, and análisis de tráfico de este estudio. La Figura 1 a continu- Segment B extends from east of Greenbrook Boule-
Figures 2 through 4 show the proposed typical section for ación señala los límites para cada segmento, y las Figu- vard to a new road presently being constructed by
each section. ras 2 a 4 muestran la sección típica propuesta para Lakewood Ranch – Bourneside Boulevard. This
cada segmento. section is proposed to feature a 4-lane typical
section that is expandable to six lanes in the future.
PROJECT MAP 6-foot sidewalks will be provided on either side of the
roadway through this segment as well. (Figure 3)

Segmento B se extiende desde el este de Green-


Segment A / El Segmento A brook Boulevard hasta una nueva carretera actual-

Uihlein Rd

70 mente en construcción por Lakewood Ranch - Bour-

Segment B / El Segmento B neside Boulevard. Este segmento propone una
lvd Polo Club Ln Segment C / El Segmento C sección típica de 4 carriles que es ampliable a 6
Figure 3: Greenbrook Boulevard to carriles en el futuro. Se proveerán aceras de 6 pies a
Gr Bourneside Boulevard cada lado de la carretera a través de este segmen-
67th Ave E 67th Ave E to también (Figura 3).
68th Ave E
Lorraine Rd




Bourneside Blvd


70 675
Lindrick Ln


Segment C extends from Bourneside Boulevard to

213th St E
ters Av
e 77th Ave E the eastern project limits at CR 675. This segment of
Mas g
r Poin
t Cro
the project is proposed to feature a 4-lane typical
section with 6-foot sidewalks on either side of the
roadway. (Figure 4)
Figure 1: Location Map with Project Segments
Segmento C se extiende desde Bourneside Boule-
vard hasta el límite oriental del proyecto, CR 675.
SEGMENT A TYPICAL SECTION Este segmento del proyecto propone una sección
típica de 4 carriles con aceras de 6 pies a cada lado
de la carretera (Figura 4).

Segment A is the western segment of the project Figure 4: Bourneside Boulevard to

extending from Lorraine Road to Greenbrook Boule- CR 675 (Waterbury Road)
vard. A 6-lane typical section with 6-foot sidewalks
on either side of the roadway is proposed in this With the exception of the areas east and west of Green- Con la excepción de las áreas al este y al oeste de
segment. (Figure 2) brook Boulevard, all roadway widening is anticipated to Greenbrook Boulevard, toda la ampliación de la
occur within the existing right-of-way. carretera está anticipada a ocurrir dentro del dere-
Segmento A es el segmento más occidental del cho de paso existente (right-of-way).
proyecto, extendiéndose desde Lorraine Road
hasta Greenbrook Boulevard. Una sección típica de NO-BUILD ALTERNATIVE
6 carriles con aceras de 6 pies a ambos lados de la
carretera se propone en este segmento (Figura 2). If the No-Build Alternative is selected, FDOT will not make Si se selecciona la alternativa de no construir, FDOT
design improvements to SR 70 within the project limits. no diseñará la ampliación de SR 70 dentro de los
The No-Build Alternative will remain a viable option límites del proyecto. La alternativa de no construir
Figure 2: Lorraine Road to throughout the study. seguirá siendo una opción viable a lo largo del estu-
Greenbrook Boulevard

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