Interest in Enrollment Form

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Gaelscoil an Eiscir Riada

Cluain Calga
An Tulach Mhór
Co. Uibh Fháilí. R35YP 90
Guthán: (057) 9352058, (057) 9352126 Uimh Rolla: 19990V

Foirm Suime i Rollúcháin

Líonann tuismitheóirí/caomhnóirí an fhoirm seo má ta suim acu a páiste a ionrollú sa scoil sa

todhchaí. Ní mhór na sonraí ar fad a líonadh, an fhoirm a shiniú agus é a sheoladh ar ais
chuig na scoile ag, nó a chuir sap host ag an seoladh thuas. Coinnítear na
sonraí iniata don bhliain cóir don rollúcháin de réir an fhoirm seo ag an am sin cuirfear na
cáipéisí rollúcháin chuig tuistí. Ní féidir a chinntiú go mbeidh áit sa scoil do do pháiste má
líonann tú an fhoirm seo.
Cuirfear cóip de pholasaí inrollaithe, cód smachta na scoile agus foirm iarratas ar rollúcháin
chuig gach tuismitheoir a léiríonn suim i rollúcháin go luath sa bhlian rollaithe. Ba cheart go
léighfeadh tuistí na polasaithe go cúramach agus na foirmeacha a lionadh agus sheoladh ar ais
roimh an dáta dúnta sa chaoi is go mbeidh ainm an pháiste san áireamh don inrolladh sa
bhlian sin.
Má tá níos mó iarratais ar rollúchain ná mar atá do spásanna ar fáil sa rang don bhlian sin,
beidh ar an bhoird na critéir roghnaithe a chuir i bhfeidhim. Tá breis eolas ar seo ar fail ar
suíomh idirlinne na scoile ag

Ainm an Pháiste _______________________________________________________

Dáta Breithe _______________________________ Blian Rollúcháin ________________

Seoladh Baile _______________________________________________________________

Seoladh Ríomhphoist _____________________________________________________

Ainm an Athar _______________________________ Uimhir guthán_________________

Ainm an Máthar ______________________________ Uimhir guthán_________________

Siniú na dTuismitheoirí/Caomhnóirí: __________________________________________

Dáta: _______________________

Síniú __________________________________________________
(Ar son na scoile)
Gaelscoil an Eiscir Riada
Cluain Calga
An Tulach Mhór
Co. Uibh Fháilí.
Guthán: (057) 9352058, (057) 9352126 Uimh Rolla: 19990V

Interest in Enrollment Form

This form is to be completed by parents/guardians who wish for their child/children’s name/s
to be considered for enrolment in the relevant year.
All details must be completed on the form, signed and dated by the parent/guardian. The
completed form may be scanned an emailed to the school at, or posted to the
school at the above address. All details will be kept on file until the relevant year. The
completion of this form, merely shows an interest in enrolling in this school and does not
confer an automatic right to a place in the school.
The school’s enrolment policy, code of discipline and behaviour and an application to enrol
form will be sent to all parents who have expressed an interest in enrolling in the year
indicated by parents on this form. Enrolment forms must be completed and returned to the
school with all relevant documentation before the closing date, which will be outlined on the
application to enrol form.
If there are more applicants than there are places available in the year of enrolment, then
prioritizing criteria will apply. Your application will be considered and will be evaluated on
the basis of the criteria which will be outlined in the school’s enrolment policy. Further
information is available on the website
Childs Name:____________________________________________________________
Date of Birth:______________________Year for Enrolment in Junior Infants: ________

Home Address:_____________________________________________________________

Email Address: _____________________________________________________________

Father’s Name:_______________________________ Telephone Number: ____________

Mother’s Name: ______________________________ Telephone Number: ____________

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: __________________________________________

Date: ____________________

Signed by: ______________________________________________ (On behalf of the


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