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Performance Report: 2018-10-11 12:06

Instrument: iCAP Q
Operator: ICP-MS-PC\ICP-MS
Template: STD BHIOS 4
Serial Number: Undefined
Last Autotune: Autotune-KED Autotune Line 1-20181011-115716379.imatdat
Solution: No solution specified

Signal Result: Failed

Runs: 4
Sweeps: 60

Analyte Dwell time [s] Result

137Ba 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 0 Result: 0.6 %

Sensitivity Test 43,438.0 0.0

137Ba++ 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 0 Result: 1.3 %

Sensitivity Test 1,529.0 0.0

137Ba++/137Ba 0.1 Failed

Stability Test Limit: 0 Result: 1.0 %

Sensitivity Test 0.0352 Less than 0.03

140Ce 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 0 Result: 0.7 %

Sensitivity Test 379,436.0 0.0

140Ce.16O 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 0 Result: 1.9 %

Sensitivity Test 7,387.0 0.0

140Ce.16O/140Ce 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 0 Result: 1.3 %

Sensitivity Test 0.0195 Less than 0.025

10/11/2018 12:24:17 PM
Performance Report: 2018-10-11 12:06
Instrument: iCAP Q
Operator: ICP-MS-PC\ICP-MS
Template: STD BHIOS 4
Serial Number: Undefined
Last Autotune: Autotune-KED Autotune Line 1-20181011-115716379.imatdat
Solution: No solution specified

Bkg4.5 0.1 Failed

Stability Test Limit: 0 Result: 27.0 %

Sensitivity Test 1.92 CPS Less than 1.0 CPS

7Li 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 2 Result: 0.6 %

Sensitivity Test 92,656.0 CPS Greater than 50,000.0 CPS

59Co 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 2 Result: 0.4 %

Sensitivity Test 195,877.0 CPS Greater than 100,000.0 CPS

115In 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 2 Result: 0.4 %

Sensitivity Test 359,258.0 CPS Greater than 220,000.0 CPS

Bkg220.7 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 0 Result: 200.0 %

Sensitivity Test 0.04 CPS Less than 2.0 CPS

238U 0.1 Passed

Stability Test Limit: 2 Result: 0.9 %

Sensitivity Test 441,750.0 CPS Greater than 300,000.0 CPS

Masscalibration Result: Passed The mass calibration verification has passed

Sweeps: 5 Channels: 75
Measurement width [u]: 1.5 Point spacing [u]: 0.02
Dwell time [s]: 0.04

10/11/2018 12:24:17 PM
Performance Report: 2018-10-11 12:06
Instrument: iCAP Q
Operator: ICP-MS-PC\ICP-MS
Template: STD BHIOS 4
Serial Number: Undefined
Last Autotune: Autotune-KED Autotune Line 1-20181011-115716379.imatdat
Solution: No solution specified

Analyte Centroid Mass [u] Peak width Error [u]: Peak width [u] Result:
Min. Max.

7Li 7.0252 0.6630 0.00919 0.65 0.85 Passed

59Co 58.9206 0.6907 0.01264 0.65 0.85 Passed
115In 114.8935 0.7140 0.01036 0.65 0.85 Passed
238U 238.0873 0.7287 0.03652 0.65 0.85 Passed

7Li 59Co

115In 238U


10/11/2018 12:24:17 PM
Performance Report: 2018-10-11 12:06
Instrument: iCAP Q
Operator: ICP-MS-PC\ICP-MS
Template: STD BHIOS 4
Serial Number: Undefined
Last Autotune: Autotune-KED Autotune Line 1-20181011-115716379.imatdat
Solution: No solution specified

Parameter Value

Additional Gas Flow 1 0.00

Additional Gas Flow 2 0.00
Additional Gas Flow 3 0.00
CCT Entry Lens -70.00
Angular Deflection -376.99
Deflection Entry Lens -35.01
Extraction Lens 1 Polarity 0.00
Extraction Lens 1 Negative 0.00
Extraction Lens 1 Positive 0.00
Spray Chamber Temperature 2.50
Peristaltic Pump Speed 40.00
Cool Flow 14.00
Sampling Depth 5.00
Plasma Power 1550.00
Auxilliary Flow 0.80
Nebulizer Flow 0.80
Torch Horizontal Position -0.43
Torch Vertical Position -0.64
Extraction Lens 2 -184.33
CCT Focus Lens 0.72
CCT Bias -2.01
CCT Exit Lens -160.01
Focus Lens 22.20
D1 Lens -180.00
D2 Lens -80.00
Quad Entry Lens -33.61

10/11/2018 12:24:17 PM
Performance Report: 2018-10-11 12:06
Instrument: iCAP Q
Operator: ICP-MS-PC\ICP-MS
Template: STD BHIOS 4
Serial Number: Undefined
Last Autotune: Autotune-KED Autotune Line 1-20181011-115716379.imatdat
Solution: No solution specified

Pole Bias -1.00

CCT1 Flow 0.00
CCT2 Flow 0.00
CCT1 Shut-Off Valve 0.00
CCT2 Shut-Off Valve 0.00
Virtual CCT Mass to Dac Factor 130.00
Virtual CCT Mass to Dac Offset -10.00
Virtual CCT Mass parameter b 0.65
Virtual CCT Mass Maximum Dac Limit 4095.00

Vacuum Check

Parameter Value Rating

Analyzer Pressure 3.69E-07 Vacuum ok

Interface Pressure 1.55E+00

Detector Voltages
Counting 1500.0
Analog -2050.0

10/11/2018 12:24:17 PM

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