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Nome: Sergio Francisco de Oliveira Junior

ID nº: 180138

Part A: Planning sustainable policy

1. Workplace Policy and procedure

This report has been prepared on the workplace policy and procedure for Hypercleaning. This
company is executing a quality services and taking care of the workplace policy and procedure.
The policy is to render quality services to the customers, at a reasonably lower price.

Industry guidelines: The industry guidelines state the cleaning companies should follow
minimum requirements about safety and take care about the products that could damage the
employee and customer health.

Best practice of industry: In this report I have included all the best practice and the policies
adopted by the company for improving quality and customer satisfaction. All this policy has been
built with the purpose of handling the economic and social sustainability requirements.

Relevant personal: It includes drafting strategies through which the changes can be
implemented by the company for increasing the quality of cleanings in the Airbnb market. In this
process, the strategies adopted has to help the companies in adopting the best cleaning products
that will be useful to deliver the proper cleaning and make the customers satisfied.

Organizational specification: Hypercleaning is a small cleaning company focused in cleaning

apartments located in Melbourne and the main goal is to execute a good service in the
apartments that the owners use as rental property. In order to achieve the set target, the
company ensures to adopt the best policies to make the best use of the resources like cleaning
products, always looking for the best quality and efficiency.

Legislative specification: This includes drafting the right policies that will be useful about the
cleaning market and rights to run a small company taking in consideration all rules of how to
operate and be able to grow.

2. Research conducted

Structure of the report: To write the report I took in consideration that it should be written
effective and simple, because in that way, it will make easier to discuss and take any

Writing style: The best way to write it I think that is in the report writing format, because it will
help in improving the understanding about everyone involved.

Principles & philosophies: I believe that while write the report it should also include the policies
that are considered to be necessary for communicating with different types of clients and
employees, once that each one could have a different understanding.

Organization of general and specific policies: I believe that the proper way to conduct this are
arranged as per the importance. Taking in consideration the main goals of the company; every
point that need to be taken; which methodology that will be used to solve potential problems; and
the control how the staffs and the stakeholders/customers will interact.
Authorization policy: Taking in consideration that it is a small company, it should be approved
by the owner.

3. Stakeholders

Taking in consideration take the company care about your employees’ safety and health, they
proposed to introduce better cleaning methods for increasing the quality of their services and also
use better chemicals to do it. In this case, the challenges that are associated with the resource
wastages, unsafe work culture, risk to the environment, and other factors are analyzed by the
owner. In that way, the changes need to be communicated with the stakeholders who are
interested in the improved performance of the company. The stakeholders are:

Customers: This group is pretty important to understand that changes because they will feel
happier once that we will start to use eco-friendly cleaning products, but it also will not have any
negative effect. Taking it in consideration, we decide to let they know how good it will be to their
apartments and their customers once that the quality will be improved.
Staffs: This is another main group that need to understand that changing, once that the company
are looking to provide an even better work conditions and that it will make, they feel better once
that all chemicals and equipment will be focused to reduce the accidents that are caused at the
Community: As a strategy, the company should also share with the community this change,
once that we will show that we care not only about our customers and staff, but that is important
to care about environment and community.

4. Sustainability plan

During the process to write, develop and implement the sustainability policy is important to proper
manage the whole procedure and understand the challenges that are faced by the company at the
time of implementing the steps include:

Cost effectiveness: Once that Hypercleaning is a small company, we should pay attention about
all the cost involved in the process of implementing the changes and it is important to make sure
that the company will be able to handle it;
Time frame: Beside the cost, time frame is one of the most important factors that need to be
analyzed by the management. It is really important because in that step you will be able to
measure all challenges that are expected to be followed by the company;
Efficiency: Looking for that step, you will be able to understand the best way to fit in all
requirement and count with help in coping with the challenges that will potentially appear;
Policies: It is all the strategies adopted that need to be effective and interact properly with the
rules that has been written and occupational health and safety methods;
Principles: In the step, the requirements of the company in terms of policy and the products are
analyzed. The main point here is to introduce better methods for production activities, which is
considered to be necessary for making the necessary changes;
Best practices: All the changes that we would to have in the company should be communicated
with cleaning team, once that they will be the department that change will mostly effect;
Tools: It means all the strategies that has been proposed to be adopted about the process of
changing the products and equipment, as this will help in accomplishing the task;
Improvement: This is part of the process where is related about monitoring, once that the change
adopted by the company needs to be checked and the corrections can be made.

Recommendations: All the changes intended to be implemented by the company needs to have
long-term impact on the production strategy. It is necessary because, the changes have to be
analyzed as this will help in improving the quality of the cleaning services and complete the tasks
within the stipulated time frame.
Part B: Sustainable policy

This sustainable policy has been developed and implemented for Hypercleaning. The
management of the company propose to introduce policy change in the operational department.

Hypercleaning is a commercial cleaning company and we recognize our responsibility for

environmental protection and are committed to sustainability development. We are committed to
ensuring all reasonable steps are being undertaken to deliver only sustainable products and
services to all our clients and that only sustainable products and services are purchased from our

We acknowledge the impacts of our activities on the environment at all levels, therefore seek
solutions to environmental problems by adopting sound principles and best practice.

Environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice will be regarded as setting the minimum
standards of environmental performance.

The objectives of this policy are:

i. Encourage suppliers and clients alike to conduct operations in an environmentally efficient

ii. Recycling and encouraging suppliers to recycle wherever possible including metals, paper,
plastics and electrical equipment.
iii. Promote the protection of the environment and minimize the impact of activities upon local,
regional and global environments.
iv. Integrate environmental management policies and practices into every level and every
department of the company.
v. Provide safe, healthy working conditions for staff and others.

In order to achieve the above Hypercleaning aims to:

i. Minimize waste, especially hazardous waste, and wherever possible recycle materials.  We
will dispose of all waste through safe and responsible methods.
ii. Avoid the unnecessary use of hazardous materials and processes and take all reasonable
steps to prevent damage to either public or ecological health where such materials are in
essential use.
iii. Reduce the use of water wherever possible and use environmentally friendly cleaning
products when suitable.
iv. Use recycled and recyclable materials where appropriate, choosing products and suppliers
with minimize negative environmental impacts.
v. Carry out risk assessments to identify the types and scale of the environmental risks
vi. Assess the chemicals we use for their environmental impact and environmental
assessment and consider our choice of chemicals, materials and cleaning techniques with
environmental impact in mind.
vii. Implement our policies through guidelines and training.
viii. Increase awareness of environmental responsibilities among staff
ix. Endeavour to assess every major new initiative for its environmental costs and benefits.


AS/NZS ISO 9001:20015, Quality Management

AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015, Environmental Management
AS/NZS 4801:2001, Occupational Health and Management

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