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1 In selecting the supplier, see to it that it has a customer satisfaction and organization credibility track record.

0 The policy in quality is authorized by top management and but not forms an element of the corporate policy.
Quantity It refers to excellence degree of provided product or service
strategic planQuality management includes_________ such as operations and evaluations.
0 Discouraging teamwork is a must for quality leaders.
Customers' Quality is sum of characteristics and features of products which bear on its ability to satisfy implied or stated _________ needs.
Total employeIn this principle of total quality management, all employees participate in all activities in the business organization towards the achievement of com
1 How a product looks, sounds, feels, tastes or smells is a matter of reflection of individual preference and personal judgment.
0 Performance, features and warranty are not part of product quality.
Presence of leThe following are the barriers of total quality management except for
Small "Quality circle" is a _________ group of employees with the same work, in the same work area or doing simil
0 Total quality management (TQM) is an overnight process.
1 If a business firm has products and services with "high quality", it cause them to market the said product in
Quality coWith the objective to fulfill requirements for quality, _________ are used as operational techniques and activ
1 Quality assurance serves as tool for management so as to provide confidence in manufacture/supplier in c
1 Poor planning can hinder total quality management.
salary incr Performance appraisal with an objective to improve employees' performance let them know how they are
AestheticsIt is the subjective dimension of quality.
1 Quality control process will be far less effective without sound leadership.
1 One of the objectives to achieve in performance measure is to identify which processes needs improvemen
False  Deciding on what to benchmark is the last step in the process of benchmarking.
0 Ineffective communication during times of organizational change and as part of day-to-day operation play
Total qua It refers to an improvement to the traditional way of doing business
0 Quality leaders do not prioritize attention to internal and external customers.
1 Employees in the business organization should be empowered.
Customer He is the one who buys or patronizes products and services.
LeadershipIt is the process of influencing an organized group towards accomplishing its goals.
Reliability Probability of malfunctioning or failing of a product within a specified time period reflects this dimension.
Performa It refers to primary operating characteristics of a product.
EmployeeEffective communication is one of the keys to motivation because __________ need to know that they are im
planned an n choosing a location, it is a good idea to find out about the vicinity or area and if there are _________.
Increase inturnover
Which of therate 
following does not belong to the benefits of assembly line balancing?
1 The type of business premises for the business depends on its activities.
State of beWhich of the following is not included in the 3 key areas to focus in transforming performance manageme
0 In identifying relationship, the primary key of parent entity is inherited by the child entity as a non-primary
False  For compiling business requirements and representing the requirements as a model, physical database mo
False  A lot of wasted energy, time and confusion may result from a effective layout.
0 In choosing a location, there is only one option and that is to buy the place for the business.
rue In choosing a location, there is a need to research on the future competitors.
Center flowWhich of the following does not belong to the group?
1 Empowering people is not a need at all because they have it already but business organization must help t
Quality me These are utilized to find non-compliances to requisites or defects.
True  Plant layout designs must be created in a way that the need of manufacturing parts in batches is removed.
Varying siA usual layout problem wherein all the given material must be laid out, minimizing simultaneously the tota
Choose a Thelocation. 
second step in choosing for business premise?
AssemblyThe lineother
name for product layout
0 If the system mission is to introduce a strict order in production-like processes, the best process view to us
Future co Which of the following is not included in the objectives that should be balanced in choosing a business loc
True  When all the business requirements have been gathered, logical database models are basically determined
False  In the data collection, the collected data will be filtered, grouped together and processed.
Market One factor in choosing a location which refers to the nearness of the market in the business location.
True To have more business space, a business firm may choose a new business premise.
0 Logical database modeling deals with the actual database designing which is based on the requirements g
True  Project management decisions should be based on a concrete basis of quantitative data and objective fact
WorkflowA process dynamic view wherein order of activities is the focus of this dynamic view.
Short ter The following are the strategic importance of business location except for
the best process
When the view is themission
system input/ isoutput flow.  existing subsystems ________ .
to integrate
1 The businessman should first gather data and information about the demographic and economic features
Analyze th Which of the following is the second step in re-designing of layout?
0 If the system mission is to introduce a strict order in production-like processes, the best process view to us
0 Community factors are financial factors to consider in choosing a location.
False  Business process develops in time but do not focus on dynamics.
True  Anytime when there is facility expansion of a space reduction, layout planning is performed layout plannin
True Buying or leasing the business premises are the possible options of choosing for business premise.
True An updated marketing plan should be considered so as to be able to select or choose the best location for
False Using process layout, the job becomes less challenging and less interesting because there is the diversity o
Market One factor in choosing a location which refers to the nearness of the market in the business location.
looks, sounds,
How afeels, tastes
product or smells 
_________ is a matter of reflection of individual preference and personal judgment.
False  Logical database modeling deals with the actual database designing which is based on the requirements g
Future co Which of the following is not included in the objectives that should be balanced in choosing a business loc
1 Cost of land and the size of the land that can be used to locate the business is an important factor to cons
Short term Thedecisions 
following are the strategic importance of business location except for
True  One of the objectives to achieve in performance measure is to identify which processes needs improvemen
True  Location of a business can lead to its success.
relationshEntity relationship diagram demonstrates the _________ between the different data categories and shows th
True  Product layout is recommended for batch production.
Assembly lIt refers to giving of assignment to proper number of workers or machines for each assembly line operatio
IMPROVE pr The fourth stage in the DMAIC process.
A small ofWhich of the following business premises is not suited for production operation business?
1 To minimize material handling and transport during manufacturing, effort should be made because they a
True DMAIC can be implemented as a stands alone improvement procedure in quality or as a part of other proc
True  Process layout is recommended for batch production.
strategic Quality management includes_________ such as operations and evaluations.
True  If a business firm has products and services with "high quality", it cause them to market the said product in
True  Business organization aside from having best employees should have an effective leader which may put th
1 The type of business premises for the business depends on its activities.
5 How many types of manufacturing layout a business can choose from?
True  If the system mission is to introduce a strict order in production-like processes, the best process view to us
1 To propel support information more precisely and rapidly to a "strategic" level of decision that must be "hu
Expansion pThis demand factor is important to consider because a business has a future goal of expansion and if the s
0 In choosing a location, consider the present but not the future needs of the business.
To have vWhich of the following is not included in the reasons why a certain business will be choosing to change the
False  Deciding on what to benchmark is the last step in the process of benchmarking.
0 The culture and actions of an entire organization will be transformed by changing the supplier's actions.
Work in proLayout evaluation criteria wherein plant layout designs must be created in a way that the need of manufac
0 If the system mission is to navigate each process to its goals and objectives, utilization of input/output flow
True Employees with the use of their expert knowledge of the process, make better decisions.
Active participants 
They are the agents who actually perform the activities.
1 If workers can be able to perform multifunction by operating multiple equipments at the same time, multif
Center floThe horizontal processes interconnecting the different functional specialties which are often organized into
True  Physical database modeling depends on the software already being used in the business organization.
True  Teambuilding can be done by business organization as a part of the empowerment process.
True For compiling business requirements and representing the requirements as a model, logical database mod
False  In the KAIZEN event method, individuals who are skilled in the method and tools such as process or quality
Project  It refers to a coordinated effort to achieve product or service that did not exist before a given level of quali
True  It is really individuals who are managing themselves because many individuals are working on a variety of
State-flowChanges which are produced by the activities in the relevant part of the real world are the focus.
Choose a lWhich of the following is the second step in choosing for the business premises?
Entity typA composition of logical data model which is a representation of a person, thing, place, event or interest co
Select the The fifth step in layout redesigning.
DMAIC pro It is data-driven strategy utilized to improve processes.
1 Time gap between the in and out in the process time is longer when process layout is utilized.
True  The businessman should first gather data and information about the demographic and economic features
0 Performance, features and warranty are not part of product quality.
planning  Poor ________ can hinder total quality management.
PartneringIt is when there is a long-term commitment between two or more business firms with a purpose of specific
0 Employees with the use of their expert knowledge of the process, make worst decisions.
True  Cellular layout is the other name for product layout.
The busineWhich of the following is not a reason for layout re-designing?
False  Small screening designs seem to be particularly favored by Taguchi adherents.
False Cost but not the size of land should be considered in locating the business.
True  In selecting the supplier, see to it that it has a customer satisfaction and organization credibility track recor
CustomerThe first principle in total quality management (TQM) which refers to the level of quality is determined by t
False  Operating costs of the location are the main concerns of demand factors that should be considered in cho
Choice ofThe first stage of data driven approach to project management is ________ .
ConformitThe real test of quality which is an affirmative indication or judgment that the manufacturer/supplier of pro
Providing Transformation includes _________ .
Prioritize Which of the following is not included in the characteristics of quality leaders?
1 Business process management is not a one-time exercise.
Presence ofThe following are the barriers of total quality management except for
True  Site suitability should also be considered especially when the business where specialist skills are required.
Total qua It refers to an improvement to the traditional way of doing business
AttributesWhich is not included in the physical database modeling?
True  When all the business requirements have been gathered, logical database models are basically determined
trur Poor planning can hinder total quality management.
Non-structWhich of the following is not a characteristic of a DMAIC process?
Non-structData-driven, structured problem-solving and a customer-focused framework.
Reliability Probability of malfunctioning or failing of a product within a specified time period reflects this dimension.
Local servi Examples of these factors are the professional services and schools.
MonitoringThe fourth step in the business process management.
Layout pla It refers to the making decisions on the best physical arrangement of all resources that consume space wit
Assembly Tl he other name for product layout
Team appA DMAIC approach wherein individuals who are skilled in the method and tools such as process or quality
True  Plant layout designs must be such that the customers must have a clear vision of workers and the manufac
0 For compiling business requirements and representing the requirements as a model, physical database mo
1 Energy costs are important also in running a business that's why should be considered in looking for a bus
State of beWhich of the following is not included in the 3 key areas to focus in transforming performance manageme
True  Effective communication is one of the keys to motivation because employees need to know that they are im
WorkflowA process dynamic view wherein order of activities is the focus of this dynamic view.
0 The image of the site where the business will be located has nothing to do with its success.
0 In the identifying relationship, the primary key of parent entity is inherited by the child entity as a non-prim
Person who ch of the following is not example of output quantification?
It names, identifies and defines a property or a characteristic of an entity type.
Job desig It is utilized to assess how tasks or the whole job is organized within the work environment and then ensur
Selection It refers to assessing and choosing job candidates are involved in this process.
1 A visual workplace is defined by devices designed to visually share information about organizational opera
Preselecti The first phase of employment cycle is 
Labor sta It refers to the minimum requirements prescribed by the existing laws, rules and regulations and other issu
1 In the selection phase, employees are selected by the organization.
ErgonomicIt refers to the study of people in their working environment.
Assess curWhich of the following is the first step in designing a job?
System Which of the following is not present when there is no proper job design
1 Assessing and choosing job candidates are involved in the recruitment process.
0 Communication is not the key for relationship between and among the following: management/supervisor
0 Ethics allows individuals to be inconsistent in our judgment
Stay unpr Which of the following is not a good work ethics?
1 Through demand and supply forecasting, the number and types of employees needed to carry out success
1 The key principle to visual workplace is to install vital information visually as close to the point of use as po
0 Implementing the new job design gradually is the last step in job designing.
Strategic It refers to how a team or an organization do the analysis of workforce and determination of steps which s
Design theWhich of the following is the 3rd step in designing a job?
Granting Which of the following does not belong to work organization?
1 An individual who belongs to an organization should have the knowledge and apply work ethics.
1 Supply chain management improve financial positions.
Seven There are _________ principles of supply chain management.
Thinking sThe first step in choosing the right supplier is _______.
0 A business firm should attempt to deliver a "perfect order" to every customer once in a while.
1 Making sure that supplier has sufficient and strong cash flow to deliver the needs of the business firm shou
0 The best value for money is always the lowest prices.
0 Threat to human life may be the result of logistical success.
1 A series of key activities and processes are involved in the supply chain management.
1 Inventory control is interpreted as accounting control and operating control.
1 Clear communication should be ensured in managing supply chain.
0 The business firm should not limit the number of suppliers who will supply their needed materials
strategicaTo reduce the total cost of owning materials and services, manage supply sources _________.
Once Facility inspection checklist should be done _________every month.
Right empWhich of the following does not belong to 7R's of fulfillment?
0 There is no guarantee that the worker is able to accomplish what is required in a safe and healthy fashion i
0 After having a clear idea of what the business needs to buy and identifying some potential suppliers, a lon
 Send e-mail
of the following
delivery to
is not
the included the checklist for dispatching the products?
Customer The
i 5th process in the supply chain management
16 There are _________ HRM practices which enhance competitive advantage of a business firm.
ERP syste The following are internet based applications which serve different purposes except for _______ .
1 Effective human resource management can gain a competitive advantage over competitors.
Lectures Potential suppliers can be identified through the following channels except for
E-procureIt involves electronic transfer of data so as to support tactical, operational and strategic procurement.
0 Human resources may include capital, land and equipment.
0 Candidates for employment may be recruited internally but not externally.
1 Supply chain is all about managing relationship with suppliers and customers.
Warehouse This checklist serves as protection against workplace safety breaches and keeps employees healthy and on
0 There should be a realization that achievement of competitive advantage through the workforce is a one d
Supply chIt refers to the active management of activities related to chain activities so as to maximize customer value
Employee It is an HRM practice which refers to Providing employees with such things likes shares of company stocks
Quantity The following qualities should look for in a supplier except for
No supportWhich of the following does not boost customer service?
Work ethiIt refers to the cultural norm which advocates being personally responsible and accountable for the work o
It supports the specification phase.
Visual worIt refers to a continuous improvement paradigm.
AggregateIts purpose is to ensure that the organization's cost of operation is kept to the minimum over that period.
Variable pThese strategies are based on understanding, anticipating and influencing behavior of consumers in order
SchedulinIt refers to prescribing of where and when each operation necessary to manufacture the products is to be p
AggregateIt refers to a marketing activity which includes doing an aggregate plan for the production process in adva
Linear decQuadratic approximations for all relevant costs are applied here and obtains linear equations of the optima
The second step to follow in aggregate planning process is _______.
0 Scheduling is irrelevant tools for manufacturing where it can have a major impact on the process productiv
0 One of the advantages of yield management is the presence of perception problems from discounts to ser
PreparatioIt is a weekly or monthly break-down of the production requirements for each product for a definite time p
1 The main aim of production schedule is to schedule the amount of work which can easily be handled by pl
Productio Another term for the MAKE process.
 Workers Which of the following does not belong to non-human resources?
Agent-rel The focus of this process dynamic view is on agents.
DetermineWhich of the following does not belong to the group?
Relatively On which of the following conditions does yield management applicable?
Job desig Its focus is on designing the transformation of inputs into outputs and considers the human and organizat
Partial pro type of productivity wherein the resources of productivity are measured separately.
Productio The main aim of _________ is to schedule the amount of work which can easily be handled by plant and equ
EnvironmeIn this step of strategic management process, external and internal environments are scanned and end wit
EmployeeIn the selection phase, _________ are selected by the organization
Maximize The following are the objectives of operations scheduling except for ________.
1 Relative cost ranking is one technique used in project identification.
1 The second step in the implementation phase of value engineering is to execute the plan.
EvaluationCash flow analysis and break-even point are some of the techniques.
1 When a single or few products are manufactured repeatedly at regular intervals, manufacturing schedule is
costs Which of the following form the basis for value analysis?
Sales forc Qualitative forecasting method wherein sales estimates of each regional salesperson are provided and the
Orientatiois the first step in the value analysis process.
_________ needs.
ation towards the achievement of common goals.
onal judgment.

me work area or doing similar work type who meet voluntarily in regular basis , for about an hour every week to identify, analyze

o market the said product ineffectively.

ational techniques and activities.
n manufacture/supplier in contractual situation

et them know how they are doing and provide a basis for_________ and other purposes related to the future of employees.

rocesses needs improvement.

f day-to-day operation plays a big part in maintaining the morale and motivating all level employees.

iod reflects this dimension.

ed to know that they are important individuals and members of the business organization.
d if there are _________.

ng performance management?
hild entity as a non-primary key attribute.
model, physical database modeling is required.

the business.

ess organization must help the said employees to take on their power.
parts in batches is removed.
zing simultaneously the total space or transportation of resources between items or while some additional constraints between

the best process view to use is the workflow.

d in choosing a business location?
els are basically determined by the logical database models.
the business location.

ased on the requirements gathered during logical database modeling.

ative data and objective fact measurement which should only be influenced by experiences and intuition at the later date and sh

phic and economic features and characteristics of the areas as prospective location for the business.

the best process view to use is the workflow.

s performed layout planning is performed.

or business premise.
choose the best location for the business of course in line with the business goals and objectives.
cause there is the diversity of tasks and variety of job.
the business location.
ersonal judgment.
ased on the requirements gathered during logical database modeling.
d in choosing a business location?
an important factor to consider

rocesses needs improvement.

ata categories and shows the different data categories required for the database development.

each assembly line operations so as to meet required rate of production with minimum or zero ideal time.

n business?
uld be made because they are just no value added activities.
ity or as a part of other process improvement initiatives.
o market the said product ineffectively.
ive leader which may put the firm in the best possible position which can lead them to success.

the best process view to use is the workflow.

of decision that must be "human" and cannot be eliminated, project management actions which are based on data should be m
oal of expansion and if the space is limited, it will not materialize one of the proofs of business success which is the expansion.

ll be choosing to change the business premises?

ng the supplier's actions.

y that the need of manufacturing parts in batches is removed.
lization of input/output flow is advised.

nts at the same time, multifunctional workforce can be achieved.

hich are often organized into vertically structure department are the focus of TQM.
e business organization.
ment process.
model, logical database modeling is required.
ols such as process or quality improvement experts are the ones who lead a team.
before a given level of quality.
are working on a variety of projects.
orld are the focus.

g, place, event or interest concept to a retailer.

yout is utilized.
phic and economic features and characteristics of the areas as prospective location for the business.

ms with a purpose of specific goal and objective attainment by maximizing the participant's resource effectiveness.

zation credibility track record.

of quality is determined by the customer.
hould be considered in choosing the location for the business.
manufacturer/supplier of product or service has met the important specification requirements, contact or regulations and the sta

pecialist skills are required.

els are basically determined by the logical database models.

iod reflects this dimension.

ces that consume space within a facility.

s such as process or quality improvement experts are the ones who lead a team
of workers and the manufacturing system once the production manager walks through the plant.
model, physical database modeling is required.
sidered in looking for a business location.
ng performance management?
eed to know that they are important individuals and members of the business organization.

h its success.
he child entity as a non-primary key attribute.

environment and then ensure that these are well-matched to the employee's attributes.

about organizational operations.

d regulations and other issuances relating to wages, living allowances and other monetary and welfare benefits, occupational he

ng: management/supervisors, customers, and colleagues/employees.

needed to carry out successfully its overall plan are estimated.
ose to the point of use as possible

ermination of steps which should be taken to prepare for future talent needs

apply work ethics.

once in a while.
ds of the business firm should be ensured by the said supplier.

r needed materials
ces _________.

a safe and healthy fashion if there is a properly designed job

me potential suppliers, a long list of sources which meet the business needs can be built.

business firm.
or _______ .

strategic procurement.

s employees healthy and on the job.

ugh the workforce is a one day shot deal
to maximize customer value and a sustainable competitive advantage will be achieved.
s shares of company stocks and profit-sharing programs.

d accountable for the work one does and is based on belief that work has intrinsic value.
minimum over that period.
avior of consumers in order to maximize profits or revenue from a fixed, time- limited source.
cture the products is to be performed.
production process in advance for about 6 to 18 months for the management to have an idea on what quantity of materials an
ear equations of the optimal policies.

act on the process productivity.

blems from discounts to service quality.
product for a definite time period.
can easily be handled by plant and equipment without interference.

rs the human and organizational factors that influence that transformation.

e handled by plant and equipment without interference.

nts are scanned and end with monitoring of organization's activities.

e the plan.

s, manufacturing schedule is very useful.

erson are provided and the said forecasts are then reviewed to make sure that the said estimates are realistic.
ery week to identify, analyze and resolve work-related problems, leading to improvement in the total performance and work life

future of employees.
itional constraints between the items.

tion at the later date and should be applied to that specific context.
based on data should be modeled in advance with greater ease and communication.
ss which is the expansion.

ct or regulations and the state of meeting requirements.

are benefits, occupational health and safety and other standards designed to improve work conditions
hat quantity of materials and other resources are to be purchased and when.
al performance and work life enrichment.

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