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Leader: Lord Jesus Christ,
as we gather here to meditate
on your Paschal Mystery,
grant us all the grace
to detest sin as you did,
and to spend our life for our neighbor
as you taught us through your example.
Thus shall we be able to share
not only in your sufferings
but also in your resurrection.
You who live and reign forever and ever.
People: Amen.
Everybody will proceed to the First Station and recite the prescribed prayers after which they will
move to the next station up to the Fourteenth Station

After the Fourteenth Station, the Leader will invite the people to pray for the intentions of the
Holy Father.

Leader: Let us pray for the intentions of the Holy

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be…
Leader: All-powerful and ever-living God,
your only Son died for our sins
and rose triumphantly from the dead.
In your goodness,
raise up your faithful people
to be one with him in the eternal life of heaven,
where he lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
People: Amen.

Then the Dismissal takes place. The Priest facing the people and, extending his hands, says:

Priest: The Lord be with you.

People: And with your spirit.
The Priest blesses the people, saying:

Priest: May almighty God bless you,

the Father, and the Son,  and the Holy Spirit.
People: Amen.
The Priest, with hands joined and facing the people says:

Priest: Go in peace.
People: Thanks be to God.

In the absence of a Priest or Deacon and in individual recitation, the Way of the Cross concludes.
Leader: May the blessing of Almighty God,
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit
descend upon us and remain with us always.
People: Amen.

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