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Basic dye
Basic dye is called cationic dye .Because the chromophore contains positive charges. Basic dyes are used
on fibres containing acidic group that can interact with this cataionic groups fibres contain –COOH or
SO3H groups.

When basic dyes ionises, produce-

1. Coloured cations.
2. Colorless anions.

The coloured portion of basic dye is prepared from free of subtracted amino group. Such as, -NH2,
-N(CH3)2, -N(C2H5) etc.

The dye bases usually have a generally formula of the type:

which is capable of salt formation.


 Basic dyes are water insoluble but soluble in alcohol and methylated spirit.
 Cationic part of the salt is responsible for colour production.
 Mainly basic dyes are suitable for jute dyeing and jute printing but wool, acrylic fibres also can
be dyed by basic dyes.
 Cotton has no affinity for basic dye but dyeing of cotton could be carried out by mordanting,
fixing and dyeing operation.
 Basic dye are applied in acidic condition
 Basic dye reacts
 with strong alkali and produce colourless dye base

 Basic dye is reduced with reducing agent and produce colourless dye base. But when re-oxidised
by acetic acid, again coloured compound easily.
 Very brilliant shade can be produced by basic dyes.

Method of Jute dyeing with Basic dye:


Dyestuff---------- 2%
Wetting agent --- 1.2 g/L
Acetic acid------- 0.8 g/L
M : L ------------ 1: 30
pH ---------------4.5-5.5
Temperature ---- 1000c
Time ------------- 40minutes.


 Paste is formed with dyestuff and acetic acid with the addition of water.
 Then sample is kept in dye bath and temperature raised at 800C - 1000C and dyeing is
performed in this temperature for 1 hours.
 After dyeing, the dyed sample is squeezed after washing and then dyeing.

After treatment:

 Due to increase dye stability, dyed sample is treated with 2% acetic acid for 15-20min at 70-800C
 Due to improvement of lustre dyed sample is treated with 2% alum at 70-800C for 15-20 min.

Dyeing of cotton with basic dye:

Cellulose has no acidic groups and therefore no affinity for basic dyes and the fibres must be mordanted
before dyeing. So, basic dyes are rarely applied to cotton of cellulose fibres.

The dyeing of cotton with basic dye is performed in the following 3 steps:

1. Mordanting
2. Fixing
3. Dyeing

1. Mordanting Recipe:
 Tannic acid ------ 4%
 M : L -------------- 1: 20
 Temp x Time ----- 100-600c x 2 hrs

2. Fixing Recipe:
 Tartar emetic acid --- 2%
 M : L ------------------- 1 : 20
 Temp x Time --------- Room Temp x 30 min

Mordanting and Fixing: In tradition process, cotton is mordant with tannic acid. In mordant process,
liquor is made by tannic acid equal to twice the weight of the dye to be applied. The cotton goods is
immersed in liquor and temp is raised to boil, temp is reduced to 60 0C for 2 hours. The goods are then
taken out and squeezed and the tannic acid is fixed by treatment with tartar emetic acid. The material is
agitated in a cold solution containing tartar emetic acid equal to half of the weight, for a period of 30
minutes. After which fixation is complete and rinsing and hydro-extraction are necessary before dyeing.

3. Dyeing Recipe:
 Basic dye ------------2%
 Acetic acid ---------- 1-3%
 M : L ----------------- 1: 20
 Temp x Time ------- Up to 700c x 1-1.5hrs

Tannic acid mordanted cellulose has a very marked affinity for basic dyes and therefore dyeing must be
conducted with great care. The solution of the dyestuff should be divided into three portions.

The dye liquor is made up of one portion dye solution together with 1-3% acetic acid and mordanted
cellulosic goods are immersed and kept for 15 minutes at room temp. Then second portion of the dye
solution is added and temperature is raised to 370C-380C for 20 minutes, and last portion of dye solution
is added and temperature is raised up to 700C for 25 minutes.

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