An Initial Sizing Methodology For Hybrid-Electric Light Aircraft

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Vol. 57, No. 2, March–April 2020

Initial Sizing Methodology for

Hybrid-Electric General Aviation Aircraft

D. Felix Finger∗ and Cees Bil†

RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria 3083, Australia
Carsten Braun‡
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, 52064 Aachen, Germany
Electric and hybrid-electric propulsion offer unique possibilities to improve aircraft efficiency and performance.
The potential advantages are fuel savings, lower emissions, and reduced noise. Because hybrid-electric aircraft
generally apply multiple power sources, they can be designed to sustain flight if certain parts of the propulsion system
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fail. However, their additional degrees of freedom increase the complexity of the design process. This paper describes
a methodology of an initial sizing algorithm that considers aircraft with hybrid-electric propulsion systems. A central
element is a modified constraint diagram, which matches the power-to-weight ratio, wing loading, and the
hybridization of power HP . It is coupled with a mission performance analysis that is capable of dealing with multiple
energy sources and defines the mass and size of all relevant aircraft components. The modified constraint diagram
also allows a visual assessment of the sizing results, and thereby greater insight into the design space.

Nomenclature W∕S = wing-loading

AR = aspect ratio x = design variables
C = cruise Δ = difference
cD = drag coefficient Δt = time step
cL = lift coefficient ε = stopping criteria
E = energy η = efficiency
Enc = energy (nonconsumable sources) ηBtT = efficiency chain, battery-to-thrust
E = mass specific energy ηStT = efficiency chain, shaft-to-thrust
F = optimization function μ = ground friction coefficient
g = gravitational acceleration ρ = air density
g = design constraints
HE = hybridization of energy Subscripts
HP = hybridization of power
PH = parallel hybrid
k = induced drag factor
SH = serial hybrid
L = lift
TO = takeoff
L∕D = lift-to-drag ratio
TOD = takeoff distance
m = mass
P = propeller
P = power
P = mass specific power
P∕W = power-to-weight ratio I. Introduction
p = fixed variables
dynamic pressure
T HE reduction of greenhouse gases is a relevant topic in every field
of today’s research. For land-, water-, and air-based traffic,
electric propulsion is a potential solution to achieve reductions in
sG = ground run distance emissions and minimize the use of fossil fuel. Fully electric cars and
T = thrust ships are already in mass production (e.g., Refs. [1,2]), but only a small
T∕W = thrust-to-weight ratio number of experimental aircraft currently use electric propulsion
tf = trapped fuel fraction technology. This is mainly due to current battery technology that
v = velocity limits flight endurance and range [3]. Until battery technology is
vy = best rate of climb velocity mature enough [4], hybrid-electric powered aircraft could help reduce
emissions and fuel burn. However, design procedures and best
Presented as Paper 2018-4229 at the 2018 Aviation Technology, Integration,
practices for hybrid-electric aircraft have yet to be developed [5].
and Operations Conference, Atlanta, GA, 25–29 June 2018; received 18 One of the main challenges is the initial sizing of hybrid-electric
January 2019; revision received 28 June 2019; accepted for publication 3 aircraft. Classical sizing algorithms (e.g., Refs. [6–8]) can estimate
October 2019; published online 9 November 2019. Copyright © 2019 by preliminary dimensions like wing area and takeoff mass for aircraft
D. Felix Finger. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and with conventional propulsion configurations (e.g., piston engines or
Astronautics, Inc., with permission. All requests for copying and permission to jets). Recently, these algorithms have been modified for aircraft with
reprint should be submitted to CCC at; employ the eISSN fully electric propulsion systems (e.g., Refs. [9,10]). However, these
1533-3868 to initiate your request. See also AIAA Rights and Permissions methodologies are only applicable to aircraft with a single energy source and not for designs with hybrid-electric propulsion systems.
*Ph.D. Candidate, School of Engineering; Student
Member AIAA. This paper describes a new methodology suitable for initial

Professor, School of Engineering; Associate Fellow sizing of light aircraft with hybrid-electric propulsion systems,
AIAA. including both serial-hybrid and parallel-hybrid configurations. This
‡ methodology is designed to provide a first analysis of the available
Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering;
Member AIAA. design space for a set of top-level requirements and to determine

the aircraft’s power-to-weight ratio (P∕W), wing loading (W∕S), objective is minimized. Typically, mass is chosen as the measure of
and hybridization of power (H P , which is the split between electric merit [11] because it can also be a substitute for cost. For conventional
power and combustion engine power), such that a certain objective aircraft, the lowest MTOM is usually obtained by the smallest wing
function is optimized. The split between the installed power of a and installing the lightest and smallest propulsion system possible.
combustion engine and an electric motor is of interest because it The wing size strongly influences the aerodynamics, and the pro-
drives the size of the propulsion system components. Although, in pulsion system is the main driver of the fuel mass.
serial-hybrid powertrains, electric motors of equal or higher power For hybrid-electric aircraft, propulsive power is one of the central
as compared to the combustion engine are used, parallel-hybrid design parameters as well. However, the initial sizing optimization of
powertrains usually employ lower-power electric motors to improve hybrid-electric aircraft requires a third parameter to determine the
system performance. However, clear guidelines for the selection size of the propulsion system: the level of hybridization of power H P
of the hybridization ratio do not exist. The proposed method closes (definition in Sec. II.B). H P determines the size of the electric system
this gap by extending the classical constraint diagram approach. in relation to the combustion engine. Therefore, the optimization
Because a hybrid-electric propulsion system is made up of an problem during the initial sizing for hybrid-electric aircraft must be
electric branch and a combustion engine branch, the total loss of stated as follows: minimize the MTOM by varying P∕W, H P , and
thrust does not necessarily occur if one of these branches fails. W∕S while satisfying performance and mission constraints.
Moreover, each of these branches can be sized such that enough An important advantage of the conventional two-parameter initial
propulsive power is provided to continue safe flight to the nearest sizing optimization is that the design space and the constraints can
airfield even if the other power branch fails. Therefore, one engine be visualized by using a constraint diagram (see Sec. III.B). This
inoperative (OEI) constraints, which are typically applied to graphical representation allows the visualization of the optimization
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conventional multiengine aircraft, can be applied to hybrid-electric task and gives important insight into the design process.
aircraft with a single propeller. This paper will answer the question For that reason, the same approach was chosen for the initial sizing
of how the design space changes as OEI constraints are introduced. of hybrid-electric aircraft: in this paper, a novel methodology is
An overview of the classical initial sizing and a discussion on presented that can be used to select the best parameter combination to
the associated challenges for hybrid-electric propulsion systems are minimize or maximize a certain measure of merit and, at the same
provided in Sec. II, followed by the presentation of the new time, allows us to visualize the design space of hybrid-electric
methodology in Sec. III. Finally, Sec. IV includes a discussion and aircraft. Thereby, the advantages of the traditional approach are
conclusions. retained, whereas the capabilities are expanded.

II. Initial Sizing Process A. Propulsion Architectures for Hybrid-Electric Aircraft

Before the new methodology of hybrid-electric aircraft is dis-
Aircraft design is an optimization task. To find the best aircraft for a
cussed, a brief overview of the four most significant propulsion
set of requirements, different design parameters must be varied in
systems for light propeller aircraft is presented in the following.
such a way that a minimum of a particular cost function is attained.
For example, design trades can be carried out for the P∕W and W∕S, More detailed information on hybrid-electric propulsion architec-
the aspect ratio and the taper ratio, wing sweep, the airfoil thickness, tures was provided in Ref. [12].
propulsion parameters, the fuselage fineness ratio, even configura- 1) For the conventional powertrain, an internal combustion engine
tion trades, and many other parameters [8]. (ICE) drives a propeller: sometimes with a gearbox in between.
To investigate the aircraft design space, the following design 2) For the fully electric powertrain, an electric motor (EM) with a
optimization problem can be formulated: power supply from batteries drives the propeller.
Between those two types of powertrains, which represent the
1: Minimize Fi x; p [e.g., maximum takeoff mass (MTOM), extrema of the powertrain spectrum, there are partially electrified
cost, E, mfuel , : : : ] hybrid powertrains (see Fig. 1).
2: with x: design [e.g., Sref , AR, sweep, lengthfuselage , : : : , 3) For the parallel hybrid, where the ICE and EM work in con-
regard to variables number of propulsion devices (NODs), junction, either the ICE and the EM are coupled to the same propeller
PICE , PEM , : : : ] by a gearbox (variant 1) or both systems work independently along-
p: fixed (e.g., mpayload , vC ) side each other (variant 2).
variables 4) For the serial hybrid, the ICE is used to generate electricity for
3: subject to gx; p: design (e.g., performance, aerodynamics, the electric system. In a serial-hybrid system, the propeller(s) are
constraints stability, and control, : : : ) driven by the EM(s) only. Sometimes, the unit of the ICE and the
generator is referred to as a range extender.
Consequently, a large number of variables must be chosen such that In the parallel-hybrid powertrain, an electric motor and an ICE are
an objective function is minimized while satisfying performance and mechanically connected to a propeller shaft, often via a gearbox,
mission constraints. Such “everything optimization” would require when both are connected to one propeller shaft (variant 1). An
an extremely large number of data points and is not reasonable, implementation where an electric motor drives one propeller and an
especially in the early stages of design. ICE drives another propeller is also considered a parallel hybrid
To make the optimization applicable to the aircraft conceptual
(variant 2). Just as for the serial-hybrid case, the design with multiple
design process and limit computational time, the optimization task is
propulsion units for one aircraft is possible.
carried out with a significantly reduced set of variables. Only variables
In the serial-hybrid powertrain, the propeller is solely driven by
that have high interdependency are selected for the optimization
an EM, which is sized according to all performance requirements. A
multiple propeller layout, where each propeller has a dedicated EM,
Initial sizing is usually the first step in the conceptual design
is also possible. The electric power for an EM is delivered either
process, but it is also an optimization task. As it is the very first step, it
by batteries or a fuel-burning ICE driving an electric generator.
is typically carried out with the lowest number of design variables and
If a serial-hybrid powertrain is designed without a battery, and all
design constraints. This reduces accuracy but increases efficiency.
power to the EM is provided by the engine/generator, it is often
This is crucial because a large number of different designs must be
evaluated. referred to as a turboelectric propulsion architecture.
Traditionally, the optimization problem during the initial sizing
can be stated as follows: minimize the MTOM by varying the P∕W B. Initial Sizing of Conventional Aircraft
and W∕S while satisfying performance and mission constraints. The conventional aircraft sizing process is split into two major
These parameters are selected because the installed power and wing parts: the point performance, and the mission performance. When
reference area are the main design drivers of conventional aircraft. optimizing the point performance, the required power-to-weight
Hence, P∕W and W∕S are chosen such that the optimization ratio (P∕W) is selected for a certain wing loading (W∕S) by using
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Fig. 1 Hybrid-electric powertrains.

the constraint diagram. The aim of assessing mission performance and 3) the selection of the optimum design point (P∕W and W∕S) and
is to estimate the maximum takeoff mass; whereas the T∕W the corresponding H P for a given metric.
(respectively, P∕W and W∕S) is derived from the point performance Although the method is developed for hybrid-electric aircraft,
optimization. Using the resulting MTOM, the maximum required it is applicable to aircraft with conventional propulsors or fully
thrust or maximum required power and wing area can be calculated. electric propulsion systems as well. Therefore, the algorithm can be
Subsequently, a more detailed sizing process is started, which leads integrated into existing design or analysis tools. As an analog to the
to a refined design. conventional methods, this methodology is separated into two major
The MTOM is the sum of the empty mass, the fuel mass, and the parts: point performance, and mission performance.
payload mass [Eq. (1)]: For both parts, certain input parameters are necessary, representing
the top-level performance requirements. These requirements specify
MTOM  mempty  mfuel  mpayload (1) the flight mission, the aerodynamics, and the propulsion system
(number of engines, conventional, serial-hybrid, or parallel-hybrid,
The payload mass is known, but the empty mass (including the etc.) and their corresponding efficiencies.
aircraft’s structure, engines, landing gear, fixed equipment, avionics, An overview of this process is presented in Fig. 2 and will be
and other systems) as well as the fuel mass have to be calculated. As further explained in the following sections (Secs. III.A–III.E).
they are dependent on the MTOM, this is an iterative process, which
starts with an educated guess for the MTOM. A. Point Performance: Constraint Diagram
The empty mass is usually derived from statistical data. To The constraint diagram (compare to Ref. [14]) is generated first to
determine the fuel burn during taxi, takeoff, climb, descend, and analyze the design space with regard to the power-to-weight ratio
landing, typical fuel fractions are used. The fuel mass fraction for the (P∕W) and wing loading (W∕S). Here, constraints like the required
cruise and loiter is often calculated using Breguet’s range and rate of climb (ROC), the required takeoff distance (TOD), the
endurance equations (see Ref. [13] or Ref. [14]). required cruise airspeed, and the required stall are considered to
The aforementioned approach for the calculation of the fuel mass determine the minimum power loading required for a given wing
fraction is not applicable for unconventional propulsion aircraft loading. Other constraints, like the turn rate, a service ceiling
because energy sources like batteries do not reduce aircraft mass requirement, or specific excess power can be added as required. For
during flight. For certain battery types (e.g., lithium air), it is possible
brevity, only the basic four design constraints will be considered in
that the mass of the battery grows as it is discharged [15]. Therefore,
this paper. In Sec. III.C, the constraint diagram is amended with one
a new approach is also needed for the mass estimation of hybrid-
engine or one motor inoperative constraints, which are an extension
electric aircraft.
of the basic climb constraints.
The constraint lines separate the diagram into a feasible region and
an infeasible region. The design points in the infeasible region do
III. New Initial Sizing Methodology not meet one or more of the performance constraints. The feasible
The new sizing methodology was developed to deal with aircraft region (called the conventional design space in Fig. 3) contains all
that employ hybrid-electric propulsion systems. Its goals are 1) the combinations of the thrust-to-weight ratio and wing loading, which
sizing of an aircraft’s mass, wing area, and propulsion system for a meet all the performance requirements.
given set of top-level requirements; 2) the visual analysis of the For a given W∕S, there is a corresponding minimum P∕W where
available design space with respect to performance constraints; all constraints are met. This is the boundary that gives the lowest
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Fig. 2 Hybrid-electric sizing methodology.

P∕W and the lowest aircraft mass for a specific W∕S. It is referred to a. Takeoff Distance Constraint. This constraint is used to determine
as the “design line” (compare Fig. 3). the T∕W needed to achieve a desired ground run distance during
Classical methods would use the constraint diagram to typically takeoff. Therefore, constraint Eq. (5) is simplified to the constraint
select the lowest T∕W or P∕W in combination with the highest given in Eq. (7), taking into account that the liftoff speed is a function
possible W∕S for the lowest mass solution [14]. This design point of the W∕S, the lift coefficient cL during takeoff, and the elevation of
usually results in the minimum required power and a smaller, the start airfield [see Eq. (6)]:
lighter powerplant with lower fuel consumption. As will be shown    
in Sec. III.E, these assumptions do not apply for hybrid-electric T v2TO q ⋅ cD;TO q ⋅ cL;TO
  μ⋅ 1− (5)
aircraft. W TOD 2 ⋅ g ⋅ sG W∕S W∕S

1. Constraint Functions with

Although the minimum performance requirements are either s
specified by the customer or certification authorities, the W∕S and 2 ⋅ W∕S
P∕W are design parameters that can be optimized. With all the con- vTO  1.1 ⋅ (6)
ρ ⋅ cL;TO
straints presented in a diagram, the design point and its correspond-
ing propulsion system can be determined based on the design
simplified to
In the following, the most important constraint functions are  
T W∕S c
briefly presented. These are based on the equations by Gudmundsson  1.21 ⋅  1.21 ⋅ D;TO − 0.21 ⋅ μ (7)
[14] but extended by the usage of an advanced drag model [Eqs. (2) W TOD g ⋅ sG ⋅ ρ ⋅ cL;TO cL;TO
and (3)]:
b. Cruise Speed Constraint. The cruise airspeed constraint gives the
cD  cD;min  k ⋅ cL − cL;0 2 (2) required T∕W for a desired airspeed at a defined cruising altitude. It
gives the T∕W that is needed to remain a specific energy level of zero:
1     2 
π ⋅ AR ⋅ e
(3) T q W∕S
 ⋅ cD;min  k ⋅ − cL;0 (8)
W cruise W∕S q
The introduction of the advanced drag model improves the
accuracy of the results, especially for aircraft cruising at high lift c. Rate of Climb Constraint. The rate of climb (ROC) constraint
coefficients. High lift coefficients are often found for distributed delivers the T∕W necessary for a desired value for the ROC in
propulsion designs, like NASA’s X-57 Maxwell [16]. dependence on the W∕S. The basic equation [Eq. (9)] is an extension
In the following, the constraint functions are presented in their of the basic cruise speed constraint.
simplest forms for clarity, and therefore relate T∕W to W∕S. The extension on the advanced drag model requires the calculation
However, because piston engines and electric motors are rated of the best ROC velocity using Eqs. (12) and (13) while assuming a
in power rather than thrust, it is necessary to convert the results of lift-to-drag ratio (L∕D) that is 86.6% of the maximum L∕D for
the constraint equations from a thrust-to-weight ratio to a power- propeller-driven aircraft. To receive the maximum L∕D, a calculation
to-weight ratio. This is done by assuming a propeller efficiency (as a of the velocity at this ratio is essential [see Eq. (10)] before it can be
function of airspeed) and using Eq. (4) [14]: determined using the basic lift and drag polar formulas [see Eq. (9)]:
T⋅v T ROC q W∕S
P (4)   ⋅ cD;min  k ⋅ − cL;0 (9)
ηP v W ROC vy W∕S q

m⋅g Note that, for serial-hybrid-electric powertrains, H P;PH as defined

cL  (10)
ρ∕2 ⋅ v2 ⋅ S in Eq. (16) is always equal to one because; only the EM delivers the
total installed power. To differentiate between the all-electric
 2 1∕4 powertrain and to size the range extender, H P;SH is introduced by
m⋅g k
vL∕D;max  ⋅ (11) Eq. (17). Using this definition, the inverse of the split point is
ρ∕2 ⋅ S cD;min  k ⋅ c2L;0  calculated (see Fig. 4):

m ⋅ g ⋅ 2 ⋅ k ⋅ L∕D ⋅ cL;0  1 PEM;max

H (12) H P;SH  (17)
L∕D ⋅ ρ ⋅ S ⋅ cD;min  k ⋅ c2L;0  PICE;max

v2  H − H2 − v4L∕D;max (13)
2. Level of Hybridization of Energy
Another helpful parameter is the level of hybridization of energy
The rate of climb constraint can be modified to give the necessary H E . This parameter is specified as the ratio of the required transport
T∕W for a service ceiling. For OEI conditions of multiengine or energy delivered by batteries (nonconsumablenc ) to the total required
multimotor aircraft, the T∕W must be adjusted as shown in Eq. (14): transport energy E [Eq. (18)]. It is defined for every flight phase of a
    mission and determines the power demand from the EM and ICE in
T NOD T each phase. For initial sizing, the different values of H E for every
 ⋅ (14)
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W OEI NOD − 1 W ROC flight phase are determined by the ratio between the power
requirement of the electric motor, which is defined by the split point
d. Stall Speed Constraint. The stall speed is the only constraint that is (see next subsection), and the power demand, which is represented by
not a function of the T∕W but has a value for the W∕S as an outcome. its appropriate constraint (see Figs. 3 and 4):
This is due to the fact that it represents the upper limit of the W∕S that
has to be complied with to achieve the desired stall speed. In the ΔEnc
HE;i  (18)
constraint diagram, it can be observed as a vertical line at the right ΔE
edge of the design space:
H E can also be calculated for the entire flight. This is helpful because,
  for an aircraft with a high HP , electric boost might only be used for
W ρ
 ⋅ v2 ⋅ c (15) takeoff or takeoff and climb; therefore, the corresponding H E might
S stall 2 stall L;max
still be very low. Thus, H E indicates how much of the propulsion
system’s electric part is used.
2. Power Normalization
Aircraft engines are expected to work at different ambient 3. Constraint Diagram for Hybrid-Electric Aircraft
conditions. The temperature, pressure, and density changes strongly For the three-parameter optimization (P∕W, W∕S, and H P ) of
affect naturally aspirated internal combustion engines. As the hybrid-electric aircraft, the constraint diagram is used in a novel way:
pressure and density decrease, the engine’s power decreases as well The area below the design line, representing the infeasible region for
because the power an engine produces is proportional to the mass aircraft with conventional propulsion systems because at least one
flow of air into the intake manifold. To cover this effect, the performance constraint is not met, will now be used to indicate HP . In
normalization method of Gagg and Ferrar [17] is used. the following, the space below the design line will be referred to as the
Electric motors do not suffer this disadvantage and can produce hybrid-electric design space.
their rated power at any altitude. Although this is favorable from a This methodology is the core of the new method. It will first be
sizing perspective, it also creates cooling problems for air-cooled explained with the help of the constraint diagram for parallel-hybrid
motors because the cooling mass flow reduces as the density of air aircraft, and it will then be extended to serial-hybrid aircraft.
decreases, Thus, the climb power at altitude is likely to size the
motor’s cooling system. This effect is usually not covered within a. Parallel-Hybrid Aircraft. A graphical representation of a
initial sizing, but it must be addressed in detail design. The same constraint diagram and the hybrid-electric design space is shown in
problem affects the design of the battery system. Batteries have a Fig. 3 for parallel-hybrid propulsion configurations.
narrow band of operational temperatures, which must be closely Assuming that, for a given W∕S, the lowest design mass
monitored [18]. However, these issues are beyond the scope of the corresponds to the lowest P∕W that satisfies all constraints, an
early stages of conceptual design. arbitrary design point “i” on the design line can be selected. An
aircraft designed with this P∕W and W∕S combination fulfills all
B. Point Performance: Adaption of Hybrid-Electric Technology constraints with the lowest MTOM.
We now introduce a new parameter, called the “split point,” which
Hybrid-electric propulsion systems have additional degrees of
indicates the degree of hybridization of power HP, or rather the power
freedom in design: one of which is the level of hybridization. For the
split between the ICE and EM. Each split point corresponds to a
design optimization process, the proposed method derives a starting
certain combination of HP , P∕W, and W∕S. For parallel-hybrid
point for this factor from the constraint diagram.
aircraft, the split point indicates how much P∕W the ICE supplies to
the total P∕W.
1. Level of Hybridization of Power
In Fig. 3, four split points are indicated, corresponding to the same
HP is the level of hybridization of power, which is the ratio of the design point on the design line as described in the following:
installed propulsion power of all electric motors to the total installed Circle. The circle is on the design line, and hence corresponds with
propulsion power at the propeller shaft [see Eq. (16)]. It is defined and the design point. Therefore, 100% of the P∕W is supplied by the ICE
fixed for any aircraft and propulsion system configuration. (H P;PH  0). This point represents a conventional aircraft.
For parallel-hybrid aircraft, H P;PH defines the split point between Triangle. The triangle indicates a one-third by two-thirds split.
the ICE and the EM, relative to the overall power demand arising Sixty-seven percent of the design point’s P∕W is supplied by the ICE,
from the design point (see Fig. 3): and 33% is supplied by the EM (HP;PH  0.33). This aircraft
satisfies the cruise performance constraint on the ICE alone; but, to
H P;PH  (16) achieve the climb performance and the takeoff distance, an additional
Pmax boost of the EM is needed.

Fig. 3 Design space of parallel-hybrid aircraft.

Diamond. The diamond indicates a two-thirds by one-third split. This aircraft cannot satisfy any constraint on only ICE power.
Thirty-three percent of the design point’s P∕W is supplied by the A larger battery is needed as compared to the triangle split point.
ICE, and 67% is supplied by the EM (HP;PH  0.67). This aircraft Square. The square indicates a P∕W of the ICE of zero. This
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cannot satisfy any constraint on only the ICE. However, it is also not represents a fully electric aircraft (HP;SH  ∞). This aircraft needs
able to satisfy climb or takeoff performance on the EM alone. the largest battery and is the heaviest.
Therefore a larger battery, as compared to the triangle split point, is
needed. C. Engine Failure Constraints for Hybrid-Electric Aircraft
Square. The square corresponds to H P;PH  1 and represents a 1. Methodology for Evaluating Hybrid-Electric Power System Failures
fully electric aircraft. No ICE is needed to achieve any performance According to 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 23
constraint. regulations, any multiengine aircraft above a 2721 kg (6000 lb)
MTOM must perform basic maneuvers (takeoff, climb, and landing),
b. Serial-Hybrid Aircraft. For serial-hybrid aircraft, just as for even if one engine fails. Certain performance criteria must be met by
parallel-hybrid aircraft, the split point indicates how much P∕W the the aircraft for it to be certified. These criteria are known as one
ICE supplies to the total P∕W. However, serial hybrids are engine inoperative criteria. The condition where one of the engines
fundamentally different because the EM will always provide the total has failed is called the OEI condition. The typical sizing criteria is a
P∕W. The ICE is just a generator and has no mechanical connection minimum climb rate or gradient (see Sec. III.A.1 for the constraint
between the crankshaft and the propeller. definition).
In Fig. 4, four split points are indicated, all corresponding to Hybrid-electric aircraft can be considered as multiengine designs,
the same design point on the design line as described in the even if one of the engines is technically an electric motor. To keep the
following: terminology familiar, the distinction between “engine inoperative”
Circle. The circle is directly on the design line, and hence and “motor inoperative” is not made in this paper. Also, only the
corresponds with the design point. Therefore, the EM is supported by simplest multiengine hybrid designs with a single propulsor, as
an ICE that can deliver 100% of the required P∕W (H P;SH  1). shown in Fig. 1, are assessed here: a fuel-based system and an electric
Consequently, the ICE’s P∕W is equal to the P/W of the EM. The system, joined to drive a single propeller. If multipropulsor
aircraft does not need a battery to complete its mission because any arrangements are required, the new ways of using the OEI constraints
power requirements of the EM can be supplied by the ICE. that are presented in the following can be easily extended using
Triangle. The triangle indicates a one-third reduction of the ICE’s traditional methods [e.g., Ref. [19], as shown in Eq. (14)].
P∕W as compared to the EM. Sixty-seven percent of the design If OEI is considered for parallel-hybrid designs, this could be the
point’s P∕W can be supplied by the ICE (H P;PH  1.49). Like the failure of the combustion engine and/or its fuel system, or it could be
parallel-hybrid equivalent, this aircraft still satisfies the cruise the failure of the electric motor and/or its battery. Only the propeller
performance constraint on ICE power; but, to achieve the climb and gearbox are single points of failure.
performance and the takeoff distance, an additional boost of power Serial-hybrid designs cannot allow a failure of the electric motor.
must be supplied by a battery. However, the OEI nomenclature can be extended to a battery failure, a
Diamond. The diamond indicates a two-thirds reduction of the generator failure, and a combustion engine/fuel system failure.
ICE’s P∕W as compared to the EM. Thirty-three percent of the The OEI condition for hybrid-electric aircraft can be thought of as
design point’s P∕W can be supplied by the ICE (HP;SH  3.03). a failure of one of the energy supply branches. In the following

Fig. 4 Design space of serial-hybrid aircraft.


Fig. 5 Serial-hybrid design space: OEI climb constraint. Fig. 7 Parallel-hybrid design space: extended OEI climb constraints.

Further restrictions might apply. Exemplarily, it is considered most

subsections, the methodology of integrating these failure cases into efficient to fly the cruise part of the mission only on the power of the
the hybrid-electric design space of the constraint diagram (see ICE. This would make the cruise line the lower boundary of the
Sec. III.C) is explained. design space, reducing the design space to the small area in the right
third of the constraint diagram, as indicated by the green area
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2. Serial-Hybrid OEI Constraints in Fig. 8.

Serial-hybrid aircraft require only a slight modification of the The impact of the OEI constraints on aircraft size was discussed
constraint diagram, which is shown in Fig. 5. The OEI climb in Ref. [20].
constraint is a very shallow climb, and the required constraint line is
added to the diagram. It indicates the minimum power that either D. Mission Performance: Mass Estimation
branch of the hybrid propulsion system must provide. Thus, it The mission performance analysis is based on an iterative process.
indicates the bottom boundary for the design space. The electric
However, to cover the mix of consumable (carbon-based fuels) and
motor is still sized by the total power requirement given by the design
nonconsumable (batteries) energy sources, absolute mass values are
line, but no combustion engine smaller than indicated by the OEI
used rather than mass fractions.
climb constraint must be used.
Also, the Breguet endurance and range equations [21] are not used.
Thus, the main components can be sized with this reduced design
Instead, the mission is broken into short segments and simulated
space, and the battery system is sized during the mission analysis part
using an energy-based approach. The fuel mass and battery mass are
of the sizing.
determined by estimating the necessary energy for each flight phase.
After each phase, the consumed fuel is subtracted from the current
3. Parallel-Hybrid OEI Constraints
mass of the aircraft.
The constraint diagram is more restricted for parallel-hybrid During the mass estimation process, based on a first estimate for
aircraft. The new design space is shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Again, the the MTOM, the masses that make up the gross mass are calculated.
OEI climb constraint marks the bottom of the design space. Using the results of the point performance analysis, the propulsion
Figure 6 shows a simplified design space if the design is only system is sized because its engine, motor, and integration mass are
driven by OEI requirements. Because the OEI constraint is valid for estimated.
both the ICE and EM, both lines need to be added. The ICE and EM
need to be of the same size. The addition gives the new design line. 1. Propulsion System Mass Estimation and Wing Sizing
However, the design space is reduced to a line, and therefore only a
single H P value (H P  50%) is possible. For a given MTOM and P∕W, the maximum power is calculated
Figure 7 shows a more typical and complex representation of the with Eq. (19):
design space for parallel-hybrid aircraft. In this example, the upper
boundary is not set by the OEI climb constraint. Instead, a mix of Pmax  ⋅ MTOM (19)
requirements defines the design line, including an all engines W
operating (AEO) climb constraint. In this case, the OEI climb
Using this maximum power, the propulsion system is sized,
constraint must be subtracted from the design line. This new
including all powertrain components, according to the selected
constraint is the upper boundary of the design space.
propulsion system layout. The powertrain includes the engines,
The lower boundary ensures that the ICE is large enough for the
aircraft to fly on its power alone, whereas the upper boundary ensures motors, motor controllers, gearboxes, generators, power distribution
that the ICE does not get too large, thereby downsizing the EM too systems, and cooling systems, as well as cables, linkages, and other
much for the aircraft to fly on the EM alone. The result is a significant conduits.
reduction in the available design space if OEI constraints are Because a wide variety of different mass estimation methods can
observed. be used for this step, no models will be presented in this paper

Fig. 6 Parallel-hybrid design space: OEI climb constraints. Fig. 8 Parallel-hybrid design space: OEI and cruise power constraint.

because they are described in detail in the literature. It is possible to In Fig. 9, the efficiency chains for every power specific propulsion
add specific methodologies for the sizing of the propulsion system’s system type are illustrated (where BMS denotes battery management
components based on empirical and physical modeling. The simplest system and ESC denotes electronic speed controller). Of course, these
model could be based on the mass specific powers of the propulsion are easily adaptable for differing propulsion system requirements. As
system components. Based on regression analysis or technological for the mass estimation methods, a wide variety of efficiency models
projections, assumptions on the mass per unit power (P in can be used in this step, and specific models are not presented in this
kilograms per kilowatt) could be made. Higher-order methods can be paper. The simplest model could be using fixed efficiencies for the
implemented as well. components, regardless of the changing operating conditions.
Also, in this first step, the wings are sized by their reference area, Higher-order models will give more accurate results, but they will
using the W∕S, as shown in Eq. (20): also increase the calculation time.
In this methodology, specific consumption is used to define the
MTOM ⋅ g efficiency of combustion engines. Although this introduces an
S (20)
W∕S additional parameter, the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC;
used fuel per unit power and time) is much easier to compare than
efficiency values. For this reason, different models are required; and
2. Mass Estimation of the Energy Carrier the calculation of the fuel mass and the battery mass differs slightly.
To calculate the energy carrier masses, the required powers, and The required fuel and the additional allowance for trapped fuel in a
thus the required transport energy during the whole mission, must be time step of a flight phase can be calculated by Eq. (24):
identified. This is done by determining the required energy in every
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time step of a flight phase, considering all energy demands: for ΔmFuel;ICE  1  tf ⋅ PICE ⋅ NOD ⋅ BSFC ⋅ Δt (24)
example, from aerodynamic drag, acceleration (kinetic energy), and
altitude change (potential energy).
The equation for the calculation of the total transport energy in The required battery mass, resulting from the required battery
every time step during flight is given by Eq. (21). For cruise, the only capacity to store the battery energy, is given by Eq. (25). There, a
energy demand arises from aerodynamic drag. During acceleration, margin called the deep discharge protection (DDP) is added to avoid
the change in kinetic energy is added. For climb or descend, the damaging the battery by depleting its charge completely:
corresponding potential energy is added or subtracted, respectively.
The energy during takeoff is calculated under the assumption that the ΔEnc
ΔmBattery  1  DDP ⋅ (25)
engine is operating at maximum power for a specified time. Taxi ηBtT ⋅ EBattery
energy is calculated based on rolling resistance (not shown here):
Although the efficiencies of the shaft to thrust are necessary to
m⋅g⋅v m ⋅ Δv2
ΔE  ⋅ Δt   m ⋅ g ⋅ ROC ⋅ Δt (21) compute the required power of the ICE and EM from the transport
L∕D 2 |{z}
|{z} |{z} ΔEPotential
energy in a mission segment, the efficiency of the battery to thrust
ΔEAero:Drag ΔEKinetic (Fig. 10) is used for the determination of the battery energy and
battery mass.
The transport energy is divided into energy from consumable The effect of mass reduction due to fuel burn and the consequences
sources (fuel) and nonconsumable sources (battery) for a given H E on the overall transport energy demand are included in the energy
[given in Eq. (18)]. calculations. The mass of burned fuel per unit time is subtracted from
After the energy split, the required power in a time step of a mission the current mass of the aircraft in every time step, and the masses of
phase is computed for each ICE and EM using Eqs. (22) and (23). In the energy carriers are subsequently summed up and used for the final
this context, it is essential to include the efficiency η and the losses mass buildup.
from the ICE or EM shaft through to the thrust force:
3. Estimation of the Empty Aircraft Mass and Mass Buildup
ΔEc In this step, the empty mass is determined. The empty mass, as it is
PICE  (22)
ηSTT;ICE ⋅ Δt ⋅ NOD defined within the scope of this sizing approach [Eq. (26)], is the
mass that remains when the energy carrier masses, the propulsion
system mass, and the specified payload mass are subtracted from the
PEM  (23) MTOM. It includes the structural mass and the system and avionics
ηSTT;EM ⋅ Δt ⋅ NOD mass.

Fig. 9 Efficiency chains: ICE/EM shaft → thrust.


Fig. 10 Efficiency chain: battery → thrust.

MTOM  mempty w∕o engine  mproplsion system  mfuel combustion engines. This allows electric motors to be run at very
low-power settings: levels which would be uneconomical for
 mbattery  mpayload (26) combustion engines [23]. Consequently, there is an incentive to shift
the design point to higher wing loadings and higher power loadings
Because the empty mass cannot be calculated in the early design for fully electric aircraft designs.
stage, it has to be estimated (compare to Ref. [8]). This estimation The situation is similar for hybrid-electric aircraft. Electric motors
makes use of a regression analysis that establishes a relation between can boost the total available power significantly for a comparatively
the MTOM of an aircraft and its empty mass fraction without an small mass increase, as long as they are used for a small fraction of
engine, which is defined as the empty mass without an engine and the the total flight time because today’s batteries are still prohibitively
integration mass divided by the MTOM. As the focus of this research heavy. Because of the complex interaction of mission performance
is light general aviation aircraft, only the regression analysis for this and point performance, a prediction of the best design point is very
aircraft class has been performed [Eq. (27)]. However, the basic difficult.
methodology remains the same for all kinds of aircraft. To determine the combination of P∕W, W∕S, and HP , which leads
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mempty;without engine to an optimum for a defined objective function for a specific flight
 0.743 ⋅ MTOM−0.06 (27) mission, the hybrid-electric design space, limited by performance
constraints, must be analyzed. This requires that, for combinations
As complete mass build-up is available (mempty  mpropulsion  of P∕W, W∕S, and HP , the value of the objective function has to be
menergy  mpayload ), the new MTOM is calculated. Based on this new determined. This is done by applying a mission performance analysis
MTOM, the next iteration step is started. The iteration stops when a to compute parameters that are relevant to calculate the value of the
certain mass convergence, defined by the stopping criteria ε, is objective function (e.g., MTOM, fuel mass, battery mass, energy,
reached (compare to Fig. 2). etc.) using the fast initial sizing analysis, as well as using the result
for the following more detailed design work.
E. Determination of Optimal Parameter Combinations The design optimization can be performed using numerical tools,
or by populating the entire design space and plotting the result. The
When the initial sizing of a conventional combustion-engine-
former method gives a fast result, and the latter allows the user to gain
driven aircraft is performed, one initial sizing run is sufficient.
further understanding of the design space.
Typically, the conventional design point is chosen; and this makes it
unnecessary to analyze more than one parameter combination. Once
1. Thumbprint Plots for Visualization
the geometry of the new aircraft is defined using the initial sizing
result as a baseline, higher-order methods for the refined sizing of To gain this visual insight, the whole design space must be
components can be used, and more advanced analysis methods are analyzed for varying values of P∕W and W∕S, as well as for different
used. Typically, sizing matrix plots or carpet plots are drawn by values of HP and H E . The resulting MTOMs are then plotted and
varying certain parameters of the baseline aircraft, and the aircraft is superimposed with the performance constraints. Such a figure is
then resized [8]. Usually, using these analysis data, some form of shown in Fig. 11 as a hybrid-electric initial sizing example. Figure 11
multidisciplinary optimization is carried out. links all performance constraints to the MTOMs of differently sized
Unfortunately, the conventional design point is merely the right aircraft: each with a different parameter combination.
design point for conventional aircraft. Because electric motors offer Such a plot also exists for classical designs and is sometimes called
three to five times higher specific power than combustion engines, the a “performance thumbprint” [24].
propulsion system mass (neglecting the energy source) is reduced For aircraft without hybrid-electric propulsion, such a thumbprint
[22]. Additionally, the efficiency of electric motors is very high, plot would be the result of unconstrained optimization. Then, the
and much less dependent on the power setting, as compared to designs below the design line would not meet one or more of the

Fig. 11 Thumbprint plot: design space exploration.


performance constraints. As an example, such plots could be used for of OEI constraints on the MTOM is evaluated. In these publications,
requirement trades. the authors assessed in what manner different mission factors (e.g.
In the context of this new methodology, the thumbprint plot payload, range, speed), or how technology factors (e.g. battery
is used differently: Every design on such a plot fulfills all constraints energy density, efficiencies or specific power of combustion engines)
because each P∕W is sized up to the design line. Basically, any influence the gross mass, and total energy consumption of an aircraft.
point on the plot indicates how much of the P∕W is provided by These trade studies are performed to identify key technologies that
the combustion engine: W∕S  1324 N∕m2 ; P∕W  163 W∕kg; can lead to a future with more efficient aircraft.
HP;SH  2; 45 → P=WEM  163 W∕kg; P∕W ICE  66.5 W∕kg;
and corresponding MTOM  1574 kg.
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